Saturday, February 05, 2011

Sarah Palin's public display of necrophilia with the memory of Ronald Reagan from last night.

Just when you thought you had heard the worst Palin speech EVER. here she comes to read yet another clunker written in bright red crayon by her angry internet elf RAM.

Transcript: Ronald Reagan was a great man.  Rode me a damn horse.  Bristol did too, had some trouble, horse's fault.  I rode horses on the trails that Reaganj cleared all by his lonesome here on his ranch with his two big strong ultra conservative hands, so I now know him. Oh Ronnie! XXOOXXOO! Here are a few "Palin-ized" Reagan quotes.  Reagan fixed the nation, defeated Communism, bitchslapped the liberals.  He was an amazing man, whose great achievements have been wee-wee'd on by the "Left." Obamacare sucks and is destroying the country.

Transcript part two: Green jobs destroying this country. Big government and big business behind desire to clean up the planet, must be bad! Smart people are the problem, don't let them use their big brains to ruin our country. Today is JUST like 1964 (That is when Reagan gave his famous "Time For Choosing" speech), only you know completely different. We need to build our country just like Reagan built his sturdy wooden fences. Time for a God reference. Should embrace the virtues of our grandparents (You mean like homophobia, sexism, racism, and isolationism?). Time for a military reference.  Ronald Reagan was one of a kind (I knew Ronald Reagan, Ronald Reagan was a bedtime fantasy of mine, YOU are no Ronald Reagan President Obama!) More poorly delivered Reagan quotes. Ronnie would be so proud of the conservative movement today. (No he wouldn't, They would scare the jellybeans out of him!) To wrap this bad boy up let me just throw out a bunch of phrases and talking points like, "Time tested truths", "shining city on a hill", "shine his grace on thee," throw in  pro-life reference, give a big shout out to Israel, and that about wraps it up. Good night ladies and Gentleman, God bless, and don't forget to try the veal.

Another bad speech.  Horribly written, horribly delivered, just horrible.

But don't just take my word for it, here is the New York Times take on the speech:

For Ms. Palin, a speech on Friday evening to a conservative group that gathered to pay tribute to President Reagan offered an opportunity to connect herself to the most iconic figure of the Republican Party. Yet she did not use the appearance — one of the highest-profile Republican platforms in months — to move beyond familiar criticism or attempt to prescribe a new or specific remedy for what she sees as missteps in the Obama administration.

BTW this seems to have pissed off "the RAM" who took to Twitter to launch a vicious attack using ONLY her thumbs.

But I shouldn't expect the self-proclaimed newspaper of record to record the facts correctly. That would be objective and honest. Silly me!

"But in her case, Ms. Palin entered the room only for her speech and left immediately after." No, she didn't. Correct your story, NYT!

Boy if reading what the NYT wrote pissed RAM off this much, I can only imagine that reading what Politicususa had to say about it would make her damn head explode. Here's just the headline:

On His Birthday Sarah Palin Sodomizes The Legacy of Ronald Reagan

And for any of you history buffs who might want to know what Ronald Reagan's legacy to this country REALLY was, you might want to read Jane White's great Huffington Post article.  Quite an eye opener.


  1. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Aw, G, you are really Palin speech writer.

    who knew?

  2. Anonymous7:02 AM

    RAM aka AnninCa on Huff Post while ago creaming her pants while describing standing ovations, kisses thrown, media not reporting the story right, slamming Huff Posters for objecting to Palin saying that has brought the democrat party down before and will again.

    RAM is all aflutter while imagining life without the Grifter's checks. Sarah made another fool of herself yet again and RAM just continues to write stupidity for the queen of grifters.

    Bekkka will soon be crunched by those wheels on the flying monkey machine.

    Sarah Palin is an idiot!!!!!

  3. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I want to know why a tax-raising, amnesty-giving, cut-and-running, negotiating-with-terrorists guy is a hero to the conservative movement.

  4. Anonymous7:05 AM

    I'm waiting for Nancy to come out with this strong statement:

    "I knew Ronald Reagan. Ronald Reagan was my the love of my life. You, little slut, are NO Ronald Reagan."

  5. Anonymous7:08 AM

    "Tear Down This Myth: The Right-Wing Distortion of the Reagan Legacy."

    Today, with Reagan dead for nearly seven years after a decade out of view due to Alzheimer's disease, the Republican Party has sold a huge chunk of the electorate -- many too young to remember Reagan's presidency -- on a man who did not exist: A man who only cut taxes (he raised them almost every year of his presidency); who shrank the size of government (he increased it); who caused an American economy revival (while turning the nation from a creditor nation into a debtor nation); and who single-handed won the Cold War (although in a 1989 USA Today poll, before all the myth-making, 43 percent of Americans credited Mikhail Gorbachev for the collapse of the Berlin Wall and just 14 percent credited Reagan). Simply put, a myth.,-help-me-tear-down-the-Reagan-myth

  6. Janet Carter7:09 AM

    Palin appears to be aging at very accelerted pace here lately. And that hair !! If she thinks that stringy mess makes her look younger she is sadly mistaken. She needs to go back to plopping that mess up with her many Bumpits.

    Her "speech" was a total farce. The woman does not have a clue what she is talking about.

    Oh and that was the "Young" Americans?? I saw two men and no women under the age of 75 in the entire audience. Old farts getting their rocks off to Sarah Palin. UGH !

  7. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Wonder if RAM - Bekkka has been invited to visit the Palins in the big mansion with the big pool in Arizona?

  8. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Reagan's True Legacy: Terminating the American Dream

    ...The inconvenient truth about how Reagan won his first term had nothing to do with his superior game plan but the fact that you had to be crazy to re-elect Jimmy Carter. Carter's reaction to the repressive Iranian regime that took Americans hostage for 444 days was simultaneously wimpy and self-righteous, implying that our gas-guzzling greed had led to the crisis along with finger-wagging us to turn down our thermostats and drive smaller cars.

    On the other hand, while Reagan intolerance for repression apparently scared Iran's leadership enough to release the hostages shortly after he was elected, his subsequent deregulatory legacy has left our country in economic ruin.

    You can thank The Gipper for the birth of the current mortgage crisis. As William Kleinknecht, author of The Man Who Sold the World, put it, Reagan pushed for the elimination of all ceilings on interest rates and restrictions on loans, with his goal to "allow all depository institutions to make the same type of loans in whatever amount they see fit." The subsequent Garn-St. Germain Depository Institutions Act of 1982 enabled lenders to issue adjustable rate and interest-only mortgages, the drivers of the current mortgage meltdown.

    As I pointed out in my book, America, Welcome to the Poorhouse, the blame for runaway home prices also falls on Reagan since he slashed subsidies for low-income housing, making home ownership the only option for low-income families. In 1988 Reagan cut the housing budget to less than $8 billion compared to $32 billion under Carter, resulting in a 90% decrease in construction of new units in one year alone.

    Wonder why we've got record federal deficits? Much of the cause stems from Reagan's corporate tax breaks; by 1983 the portion of tax receipts derived from corporate income taxes dropped to an all-time low of 6.2%, down from 12.5% in 1980 and 32.1% in 1952.

    Finally, Reagan was also responsible for the spiraling cost of college, since he continued his vendetta against the government subsidy of "intellectual curiosity" launched while governor of California once he occupied the Oval Office. Although he didn't manage to abolish the Department of Education, he halved the portion of the federal budget spent on education from 12% of the budget to 6% of it. Given that more Americans believe that making college affordable is more important than reducing the deficit or cutting taxes, according to a survey cited in the Huffington Post, this measure directly defied the will of the people.

    more @

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Palin spent over an hour posing with all the dinner attendees. NYT should have known that. Kate Obenshain announced it after Palin's speech.
    4 minutes ago via TweetDeck

    RAM's use of the word *posing* is curious.
    Palin spent over an hour posing with all "her fans."

  10. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Becky sure is earning her keep today by slamming everyone left & right in her quest to save the Diva Queen of Grifters. Poor ole RAM's computer is smoking as she posts words of love for her sweetheart Sarah. Those two make such a lovey dovey couple.

    Wonder if they have told Todd yet? Is Todd still hiding out in the compound in Alaska?

  11. Anonymous7:16 AM

    But she looks real thin and pretty; isn't that enough?

    Sarah's problem is that she is cheap. She wants to stuff all that money away rather than spend it on good speech writers. The ironic thing is, what the NYT basically reported is that Sarah is still Sarah--all snark, no substance. Earth to Bekka: there is no there there.

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I tried listening to the speech this morning. It was really awful. My question is "How the hell does she know so much about Reagan-since she was only 16 when he was sworn into office"?


  13. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Wow, now that was one lame-brain speech from Sarah and her writer, Rebecca Man-sour......

    Those two girls are mean as striped snakes, no offense to snakes.

    One is a bag of wind and the other a bag of gas.

  14. Anonymous7:24 AM

    I watched the "speech" and there was at best a tepid response - no wildly cheering crowds, no prolonged standing ovations....just more of the same victimhood/isn't my daughter Bristol grand...riding a horse...outside her comfort zone....the speech fell flat, and she looked like a deer in headlights a couple different points. Oh, and Sarah, do something about those wigs will ya?

  15. Anonymous7:24 AM

    So Why do the Righties Love Reagan - the tax raising, cut and running, terrorist appeaser - Again?

    Yeah, why is it that a President who blew a Mount Rushmore Size hole in the budget, grew the Federal Government, delt with terrorists, cut and ran in Beirut, gave Amnesty to Illegals is a Hero to Conservatives?,-cut-and-running,-terrorist-appeaserAgain

  16. Anonymous7:32 AM

    Sarah was bopping her head quite a bit, too much meds or red bull?

  17. Anonymous7:33 AM

    I was born in 1972, and I absolutely despise(d)
    Ronald Reagan. Even at age 8, 9, 10, 12, I
    thought he was a bad president, and a bad
    person. When I saw Nancy wearing fur coats
    that sealed the deal that these were hateful
    people. My cousin went to DC for a job (mid-80s),
    he is a carpenter, and when he came back he
    said there were homeless people sleeping in
    front of the White House, I was aghast. I miss
    being un-jaded.

  18. i watched some of it last night..hey sarah,your neck looks real bad,kinda like a turkey neck.i'm thinking you need to do some thing about it..oh and when they panned the crowd,it was fULL of old white haired and balding people.about 80 people maybe,boy you sure know how to draw a crowd..hahhahhaha

  19. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Becky seems to forget that the speech was available live.Dull,boring,disconnected.The 80 or so people there seemed more interested in the rubber chicken than in Sarah.

  20. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Another anti-government rant from the woman who owes her fortune to working for the government.

  21. Anonymous7:36 AM

    I love this part at the end of the NYT article:

    From his seat near the front of the room, Roy Billings, a Reagan admirer and a longtime contributor to the foundation, said he liked Ms. Palin a great deal, but he hoped that she would not run for president in 2012.

    “I think she’s a good person,” Mr. Billings said. “Maybe she’s got potential to be the president someday, but not now. There’s too many people who don’t relate to her.”

  22. Anonymous7:37 AM

    Sarah flubs a speech again as the folks there keep grabbing their wine glasses and hoping she will just shut the F--- up.

    Sarah down and out in class and social skills.

  23. Anonymous7:38 AM

    A girl in my college history class named RR
    as her most favorite pressinent, because he was
    "just so compassionate" and I remember thinking,
    the hell? Are they remembering another
    Ronald Reagan who was president?

  24. Anonymous7:38 AM

    Alaskawtf link is down? Anyone?

  25. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Reagan´s record is not quite as perfect as conservative nostalgia suggests. His failure to cut public spending while cutting taxes increased the national debt by $1.5 trillion - and put a question mark over conservative stewardship of the economy that remains to this day.

    The Reagans were an easygoing, astrology believing, couple who did little but pay lip service to the Christian Right. ¨I don´t give a damn about the right-to-lifers,¨ Nancy Reagan declared as she deleted a discussion of abortion from the 1987 State of the Union message.

    Also, too, even with a busy Presidential schedule, Reagan made time to speak at the annual CPAC conference in 1983, something he had done eight times in the previous ten years - something sarah will skip four years in a row.

    Lazy bitch.

  26. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Sarah really knows she's a nobody soon to be relegated to the dustbin of history, so the only way she can keep her head above water is to grab on to the coattails of someone who did something with their life.

    So she tries to co-opt others accomplishments, trying to steal the mantle of Reagan, Thatcher, MLK, Lincoln, but since she's a do nothing, know nothing loser, she can't hold onto that slippery grip for long, since intelligent people read, know their history and find her to be a lying fool.

  27. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Reagan raised taxes 11 times when he was president.

    Interest rates were sky high (I had a mortgage with an interest rate of 22% (twenty two percent)at the time because of his policies.

    And yes, he did use a teleprompter:

  28. Anonymous7:43 AM

    So she thinks green jobs are preposterous. Well, I think relying on potato donut shop jobs is preposterous.

    And I think her entire speech was preposterous, especially the notion that this leech who never met a handout she didn't take should lecture the rest of us on "self-reliance." We are talking about a person who charged the taxpayers of Alaska for staying in her own home. Who's family has enjoyed free government health care because Todd Palin is a quarter native Alaskan. Who begged her followers to pay her legal bills with a sham defense fund.

    Those old people clapping to her speech last night must be as senile as Reagan was.

  29. Anonymous7:43 AM

    rode a horse my ass. she's way too much idiot for any horse to let her even sit in the saddle.

    what a tool.

  30. Anonymous7:44 AM

    If the Republicans actually had any winners in their party, they wouldn't have to desperately try to glom onto a dead President. I'm almost embarrassed for them.

  31. Anonymous7:44 AM


    Correct your employer!

    Snatch that wig off her head!

  32. Anonymous7:45 AM

    '...angry internet elf RAM.' Not 'elf,' Gryph, imp. Elfs are cute little guys who do good stuff in
    fairytales, imps on the other hand, are evil little stinkers. RAM needs to read the comments on the ADN
    whenever there's an article about
    the screech owl - she'd have to take to her bed for a month.

    Sharon TN

  33. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Whoever paid for that speech last night got ripped off. Can you imagine spending money to fly Palin and her family out first class, more for her luxury accommadations and meals, and then tens of thousands of dollars for her speech...only to mostly see the top of her head throughout twenty minutes of lines she's mostly already said before? (And she still sounded as if she'd just glanced at the speech for the first time! Did RAM scribble this out on the flight there??)

    Well, what can you expect from someone who had to read notes from her hand once.

    These people are so deluded if they actually think they claim the mantle of ideas and ingenuity. They're just lazy mockers from the sidelines. Useless.

  34. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Goodness gracious, Bekka.

    Eat something.

  35. Did they pay her $100,000 for that speech? Where was Todd, at home with a black eye from one of the flying cans?

  36. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Scarah the uneducated living in fantasyland, the idiot has finally landed in a mansion in Arizona living off contributions from people on welfare and social security.

    She says, "Gimme some more money, I need lots to maintain my lifestyle and life of stardom".

  37. The only thing that I gleaned from the screech was that Bristol supposedly rode a horse. If - and that's a big if - that is true, then the Dancing Baby has appeared - or was whited out. But, the time line is pretty good. Knocked up in May by the boyfriend-of-the-month; tried to drag Levi into it in June/early July; gets the call from DWTS in August and figures she can make some fast money and fame before she starts to show. Except mommie's fans thought they were doing them a favor and kept Bristol in the running. Not to worry, they thought. We fooled the people numerous times already. We can do it again.

  38. What happened to Alaska WTF again? It is removed.

  39. Anonymous8:00 AM

    RAM is just like Sarah. She doesn't learn from her mistakes and ALWAYS plays the victim and sounds defensive and very hostile. What will ManSour do once Sarah is finished politically? Will she stick by her? Jump to another politician/celebrity? Or be jaded for life?

  40. Anonymous8:05 AM

    Sarah Palin that Wascally Wabbit!
    What’s going on, especially in the part two video?
    She is using her Elmer Fudd speech impediment lisp again. LOL

    It's Wabbit season.
    No it's duck season.

  41. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Hey Todd is just like Ronald Reagan. Palin said Reagan built fences, but I betcha he never built a 14 ft fence like Tawd did.

  42. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Every fool in America is deep in mourning for this worthless man, who had no conscience, no intellect and no shame. He had all the faults and none of the virtues of the fascist: malice without frankness; cruelty without courage; pomp without dignity. And if all 285 million of you suckers are willing to sit there and let the jerks lie about him to your face, then you deserve him. He really was your kind of man.

    No one but a sucker would stand for the crap they’re saying about Reagan. The claims they’re making for Reagan aren’t just false — they’re comic.

  43. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Sarah brought Bristol with her. Must felt bad for her since she got her ass slapped and kicked by the college students who told her to take her dumb ass, non-college going, barely got her GED back to Arizona.

    "Come with momma Bristol. I wanna show you how a real grifter gives speeches".

  44. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Terrible speech. Sounds like she did not want to pay big bucks on a real speech writer.

  45. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Her voice sounds weird in the second video.

  46. I watched part of it, with the sound off of course. Why does she think it's a good idea to keep her head down reading while she gives a speech? It's like she's in high school.

  47. Anonymous8:15 AM

    Isn't this a gathering for Ronald Reagan? Why is she talking about President Obama? Get over it, he beat you! Let it go, get a life. You really should be at home watching Todd.

  48. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Gah! Her speeches and especially this one, remind me so much of my high school book reports that I slapped together the night before while watching tv.

    The delivery is just as bad too.

    R in NC

  49. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Reagan raised taxes 11 times when he was president.

    Interest rates were sky high (I had a mortgage with an interest rate of 22% (twenty two percent)at the time because of his policies.

    And yes, he did use a teleprompter:

    7:42 AM

    Yep.I was a new college graduate and did not buy a house or condo as did some of my peers as interst rates on mortgages were running about 18%. I remember that clearly.Young People today couldn't even fathom 18% could they??

  50. Anonymous8:28 AM

    rode a horse my ass. she's way too much idiot for any horse to let her even sit in the saddle.

    what a tool.

    7:43 AM

    Not to mention no one gives a shit. Lots of people ride horses Sarah, and they hunt and fish and do things outside of their comfort zone.
    She is an idiot.
    Seems like she is even losing her appeal to the octegenarian set from he response she got on this speech. Too bad. So sad.

  51. Anonymous8:33 AM


    Palin trademark application refused -- for now

    The comments are priceless. ;O)

    The Pissy Palins are done, but her teabagger cult of groupies still pay $$$ to hang arround for their share of Quitter Queen Palin's GOLDEN SHOWERS!

  52. Anonymous8:36 AM

    Poll Results

    Do you think, as Palin says, America is on the 'road to ruin'?

    Yes. We need to limit government and reduce spending. 29%

    No. She is just trying to invoke fear. 69%

    I'm not sure. 2%

  53. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Sarah's shelf life is getting closer day by day, she is soon to be hurled to the trash dumpsters of no-man's land.

  54. Anonymous8:40 AM

    Someone mentioned alaskawtf, I have had no trouble pulling it up. I have been there several times today, no problem.

  55. Anonymous8:41 AM

    WTF, what a dumb ass speech, she is going to fire Bekka cause Bekka just loves making a fool of Scarah.

  56. Anonymous8:43 AM

    In the lead up to the visit the local TV channel had made a big deal about security for the WGE. Last night they had a report. The police had barricades at the ready.

    Well, not only did no bots show up to support the Queen of Screech, but only about 5 college age protesters with signs were outside.

  57. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Anyone catch the part of the speech where the multimillionaire said she and the other multimillionaires in the room were the "little guys"?

    Twisted world view. The poor picked on rich.

  58. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Hey SAAAAARRRAAAAHHHH, it is 9:48 in the morning. Do you KNOW where your philandering hubby is? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

  59. Anonymous8:57 AM

    A roomful of millionaires applaud the grifter when she slams LBJ's Great Society - which aimed to eradicate poverty.

    Well, as the Bible tells us, it will be easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than it will be for the rich to enter the gates of Heaven. Enjoy your luxury dinners on Earth while you can, you sick and warped rightwingers.

  60. Anonymous8:59 AM

    omg, I'm watching the Reagan videos on CBS...the man bought his ranch a year before running for President...just like George Bush bought his ranch a year before running! It's that easy to get the rightwinger vote: pretend to be a cowboy! (or cowgirl who has to have her daddy reload her gun for her)

  61. Anonymous9:00 AM

    How can you blow that much smoke up your own ass and not levitate?

  62. Anonymous9:00 AM

    Speaking of Tawd, are we sure he's still with us? I mean, he hasn't been seen in awhile and I wouldn't put it past this lady to make him "disappear".

  63. Anonymous9:07 AM

    How much time did they spend "cutting and pasting" a speech together? Did they do it over coffee on their way to hang out by the pool? Obviously, hiring good help with speeches is not a priority.

  64. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Ya'lls, give $arah a break. She just came in from ridin' those horses and mending those fences. While she was out there she probably schooled those Californians on shootin' and politickin'. She cleans up real purdy don't she?

  65. Anonymous9:17 AM

    Sarah and her posse were meant for each other.

    So Bristol's "leave of absence" is over. How many babies can one family hide?

  66. "For Ms. Palin, a speech on Friday evening to a conservative group that gathered to pay tribute to President Reagan offered an opportunity to connect herself to the most iconic figure of the Republican Party. "

    UMMM I thought the most iconic figurehead of the Republican party would have actually been Abraham Lincoln... BUT wait he is the guy that freed the slaves and made the whole Obama thing possible... silly me for thinking...

  67. Anonymous9:44 AM

    Palin thinks she's "the little guy"? Wow, the little guys have it good in this country then! Leisurely horseback rides on a Santa Barbara ranch, then wrap up the day giving a speech at a fancy dinner for $100K. That's some David, y'all!

  68. Mansewer Twittered .."objective and honest.." REALLY?! So funny since all that ever comes out of HER mouth are lies!

    Anon@7:02: RAM and Annfrom CA are one in the same? Ann; while being as bad a panty sniffer as Mansewer, can actually be civil. I don't think that Mansewer knows how to be to be civil.

  69. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Tell me again why we get our panties bunched up when she bans the *lamestream media*. I'm so sure that real journalists in MSM are ready to slit their wrists when they draw the short straw to cover the biatch's word salad events. Sorry, I could only stomach two minutes of her fumbling bumbling crapfest. Reagan must be violently turning over in his grave. RIP Ronnie.

  70. Anonymous10:04 AM

    Where's Tawd???????????

    I thought for sure she'd drag him out to prove all the rumors false. instead we get Bristol looking like she just jumped off that horse she rode on the trails.

    She always tries to head rumors off. She threw Bristol into DWTS to prove she wasn't pregnant again. Where are the pics of Tawd by her side? Where's the awkward kiss photo sent to TMZ? Where are the pics of her and Tawd leaving some Chi-chi restaurant in Cali looking sooooooo in love?

    Inquiring minds want to know.

    She tried something with that bizarre snow mobile photo on Twitter but it backfired. I wonder if she'll make it to the Iron Dog and if she'll wear some more free promotional gear.

    Run Tawd, run! Write a book, make a ton of money and save your kids from the crazy woman. Tell her you want half in the divorce since you were the shadow gov. Double payout!!

  71. Flop sweat is what they call it on Broadway. The end is near and it shows. She looked bad and sounded worse. Should we start singing "Ding Dong the Witch is dead yet?"

  72. Anonymous10:13 AM

    It astounds me how some people eat up that red meat she throws out. But it's rotten, stale, old, putrid to my ears. There's nothing new, just a lot of hate, fear, pining for the past, resistance to the future.

    What an ENORMOUS bullet this country dodged in 2008. Thank God.

  73. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Poor old Sarah and RAM, neither can get over the fact that they lost and that our winner is President Obama. They both are so filled with jealousy and hate.

  74. M Baker10:54 AM

    LOL. Politicusa's comment just gave me a good laugh! That really should have them both going nuts, but somehow I don't believe either one of them has heard of, or read Politicusa. It seems that Sarah is being cheap on who she hires to write her speeches like this one, or in guiding her politically. This is just more evidence she does't plan to run for President. She knows she can't win and the Republicans will never nominate her. She just has to streech the time between now and when she has to state she is not running, in order to make as much money as posible. This is also the reason I believe she is also trying to trademark her name. She wants to make sure she can still earn money afterwards by using her name on various products.

  75. Persephone11:04 AM

    Idiot. She makes a big deal about the farmers suffering because the lefties are protecting a 2 inch fish.

    Yep, Sarah. It's called smelt and it's a primary source of food for the salmon upon which many CA fisheries rely.

  76. Anonymous11:09 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    omg, I'm watching the Reagan videos on CBS...the man bought his ranch a year before running for President...just like George Bush bought his ranch a year before running! It's that easy to get the rightwinger vote: pretend to be a cowboy! (or cowgirl who has to have her daddy reload her gun for her)

    8:59 AM"

    What does it say about right wing men that
    they all LOVE their cowboys? It is all cowboys,
    and soldiers, and cops, and biker toughs, oh,
    wait. that is the Village People! Oopsy!

  77. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I blame Reagan for opening up all of the mental institutions and cutting spending to help treat mental illness. No, sorry people, we don't have enough money to treat people who should be treated for their illness. Let's just let them on their own. 30 years later we have him to thank for all of the shootings by mentally ill people. Columbine and all of the other school shootings in the late 90s were the result of not recognizing and not treating people with mental illnesses. Ronald Reagan was one of the WORST Presidents this country has had in the last 60 years with George W a close 2nd.

  78. Anonymous11:53 AM

    ok. made it three minutes into it. quite proud i got that far!!!

    man, she cannot speak worth shit without a teleprompter. in the first three minutes she kept looking down and reapeating the same things over and over again...

    'big open spaces' 'hand carved trails' -or some bull like that...

    horrible horrible horrible!!!

    nobody cares anymore sarah. you have nothing new to say. your not charming. your not attractive.

    and youve been over for about two weeks now. the carcass that begs for our attention right now is pathetic.

    please, stick around.

    the dems need you badly for the next election!!!!

  79. Anonymous11:57 AM

    She has the ugliest neck I've ever seen on a woman under 65.

  80. Kittykat5212:09 PM

    Did Sarah do her own hair for this appearance or does her hairstylist just really hate her?

  81. Anonymous12:41 PM

    Gryph...that pretty much sums up the speech! Thanks for the laugh this morning :)

    Mark Sumpter@9:24 am
    Spot on!

    Seriously though; this had to be one of SP's worst speeches. She trotted out the usual talking points, used her time to bash Obama when she should have devoted the speech to honor the prez she allegedly admires, and then kept her head down to read the note cards, looking like the total goober she is. Boring and inappropriate for the occasion. As someone had mentioned earlier, the audience was likely checking their email or surfing the net on their iphones during it! But, hey 'It's all about me folks!' Makes me wonder why Nancy allowed her to speak in the first place. At least she didn't do the unspeakable and announce her candidacy. That would have been the ultimate in complete boorishness.


  82. Anonymous12:49 PM

    She has the ugliest neck I've ever seen on a woman under 65.

    11:57 AM

    Oh, that was a result of her turkey neck transplant. The turkey Sarah pardoned on Thanksgiving was accidentally done in, so in spirit of the pardon its neck was transplanted to Sarah.

  83. Gryphen - This post is hilarious!

    Sarah's belief that God inspires her ideas and strategy is leading her to the abyss. And 'the angry internet elf' seems to be doing her all to speed up the destruction.

    Do you think your posts yesterday contributed to the bad mood? Sarah was missing her spark.

    Cheney's keynote speech at the Ranch tonight will also be covered by C-SPAN. It should make for an interesting comparison.

  84. Anonymous1:16 PM

    It's a club and they talk in code. For example, any mention of "fence" means "deport the evil aliens". To a club member with a decoder ring implant the entire speech is perfectly intelligible. For their fix of hate, the club members will pay big dollars.

  85. jadez1:26 PM

    reagan was an evil stupid man who cared nothing about anyone but the rich and powerfull.
    he was protected by the media the entire time he was president and has become the blueprint of the republicans.
    everything for the rich and tell lies to the dummies and have the media support the lies and have the dummies at the throats of their neighbor.
    that what reagan was only about.
    that is what the media is all about.
    thats what this country is all about.................

  86. Anonymous2:31 PM

    " Kittykat52 said...
    Did Sarah do her own hair for this appearance or does her hairstylist just really hate her?

    12:09 PM"

    She is channeling Monica Lewinsky, circa 1997.

  87. Anonymous4:29 PM

    That woman is an idiot. She needs to stay away from my state. It has been ruined from years of Republicans giving tax breaks to the rich while slashing funds to education and programs for the poor. Reagan wasn't anti-choice as our governor in fact he had signed an abortion bill that has resulted in more than a million abortions. As a liberal I am still amazed to hear the right call us tax an spend liberals.
    While the right over looks their "god" Reagan tax and spend policies. He increased spending as CA Governor by an 177% in just eight years. In his first year of Governor he raised taxes by 30% of our general fund a feat not yet match or beaten. He could even be seen as an environmentalist by the rabid right of today. He actually saved John Muir Trail in the Sierra from highway builders and even helped save Lake Tahoe. I hate Reagan but they should at least get their facts right. I also believe he would have hated the Mad Hater Tea Pee'ers.

  88. Anonymous6:00 PM

    You know, I love my kids dearly, but it's always my spouse that goes with me to special events. And the same goes with the people at these events. Really, where is Todd?

    And whoever in the McCain camp told Sarah to mention Reagan at every opportunity and gave her a cheat sheet to work from, she has latched onto that like a leech, riding his coat-tails for all it's worth.

  89. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Reagan is the godfather to the party of shameless greed, unabashed bigotry, proud ignorance, shrieking hypocrisy, and brazen disregard for truth and law that the Republicans have become. Wherever you look, he was there first.

  90. Pursang6:27 PM

    Ronnie Raygun's legacy? Death of the middle class.

  91. Anonymous7:43 PM

    A bullshit speech given by a bullshit person.I can't believe I sat through that pile of steaming crap.Yech,I feel like I need a shower.I hope this iceberg comes along soon and torpedoes her to the depths of public opinion.


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