Monday, February 07, 2011

"You cannot be confrontational with the President of the United States. You can be direct, but you cannot be disrespectful." Bill O'Reilly about interviewing George W. Bush.

Watch how Billo waits patiently for Bush to respond, and how carefully he chooses his questions so as not to upset his subject, even though Bush is repeatedly lying to him and to his audience.

O'Reilly asked questions that may have seemed confrontational to the lay person, but compared to how he talked down to President Obama it was nothing but one softball after another.

I understand that President Obama wants to speak to the Fox News audience and give them a chance to get to know him in order to provide contrast so he is not simply defined by the constant attacks leveled at him by the propagandists they have on the air running him down all of the time, but watching him sit across from this insufferable egomaniac made my blood boil. 

However the President demonstrated great patience, and charm, and intelligence, and I am sure that the majority of people who watched the interview came away with great respect for the President and a sense of loathing for the disrespectful angry idiot who kept interrupting and insulting him.


  1. Anonymous5:05 AM

    Perfect description of O'Reilly "insufferable egomaniac" I think that is one of the requirements to work at Fox news. There seems to be a large concentration of this type working there. I can not watch O'Reilly, even though he has the President on. My blood just boils when I even see his ugly "Mr Magoo" face.

  2. Anonymous5:18 AM

    just realialized the comment I just left on sp preparing her bast for all the "lies" coming out about her, I had the wrong name for the interviewer. Here is the link:
    The interviewer is David Brody.

  3. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Thanks for the BOR quotation, Gryphen. I sent an e-mail to BOR with that quotation, asking him if he forgot his own rule of conduct, when he was interviewing President Obama. I also included some other personal comments to the "small and unprofessional" BOR.

    Sure appreciate how you keep us up-to-date on a variety of issues, especially on the Psychotic Palins.

  4. Anonymous5:38 AM

    Obama, relaxed and tieless, danced out of danger whenever O’Reilly tried to charge past the line of scrimmage. In the closing seconds, in fact, the Fox News host made a bid for presidential approval: “I hope you think I’m fair to you.”

    Considering that his administration had once declared war on Fox News and boycotted the nation’s top-rated cable news outfit, the session’s final score added up to a big win for Obama—with a huge audience virtually guaranteed.

  5. Anonymous5:40 AM

    Regardless of how disrespectful O'Reilly was, President Obama was magnificent! It was a win situation for our President. Might I dare add, because O'Rielly was an "insufferable egomaniac" and did not show President Obama the same respect as he did Bush, there will be no snide remarks from conservatives and Tea people how O'Reilly was too soft on Obama. O'Reilly was rude, but our President showed what a great leader he is.

  6. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Bill tried to corner our president on his knowledge of!

  7. Anonymous5:45 AM

    How President Obama plays media like a fiddle

  8. Anonymous6:02 AM

    I've never seen such an unprofessional, disrespectful interview of any President ever.

    He constantly cut-off the President.

    He constantly interjected his own opinions.


    President Obama was poised and answered O'Reilly's questions intelligently and thoughtfully. I don't know how he was able to do it given the juvenile, completely unprofessional nature of O'Reilly's questions and demeanor but he represented himself very well.

    I can only assume the reaction to O'Reilly's behavior will be one of scorn and derision. It deserves nothing more.

  9. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Confrontational is thy name. Why do you think the likes of Palin and O'Reilly exist on FOX? Because their followers, the mighty "Christian" right, love confrontation. After all they have God on their side and they speak for GOD! After all this is a Christian nation. A Christian nation that has 15 million CHILDREN living in poverty. Hey Christ, are these u.s. Christians following in your footsteps? You know, those teachings about feeding the poor?

  10. Anonymous6:52 AM

    White man got to show the black man that he does not deserve respect. This type of disrespect on national tv and to the President of the United States, no doubt, simply highlights the claims by many that racism is alive an well in America. If a white man does this to a black sitting president, imagine what happens when he is in authority (think police, employer, etc) and no one is watching.

  11. Anonymous6:56 AM

    While it's great to vent here, it would do more good for us to comment on Faux and let them know their interviewer was rude and disrespectful.

  12. Gasman6:56 AM

    That Billow would be imperious and condescending to President Obama - someone who is CLEARLY Billow's intellectual superior - suggests an incipient touch of racism in O'Reilly. O'Reilly likes to pretend that he is a deep thinker. However, as arrogant as Billow is he cannot possibly think that his "intellectual" credentials compare favorably with those of our president. Thus, O'Reilly's sense of racial superiority would explain much.

    Even though the president owned Billow, nothing was gained. Those who already know that O'Reilly is an asshole merely had that confirmed. Those deluded souls that view Billow as some sort of oracle saw O'Reilly standing up to the liberal black satan. I maintain to grant ANY press access to FauxNews is to legitimize them. They should be castigated, mocked, and shunned.

    Does anybody think that ANY FauxNews viewers were swayed by President Obama's performance? Remember, if they already were FauxNews devotees it is a given that they are shitheads. How do you reason with shitheads?

  13. Anonymous10:42 AM

    ButtHolRilley proved he is uncouth and not very bright. He tried to defeat Obama and he lost.

    He asked questions and when he didn't like the way the answer went, interrupted and interjected the answer he had.

    I am not a big Obama fan but his capacity to take each interruption and each attempt by Butt Hole Riley to force Butt Hole's words out of Obama's mouth was turned, without a flicker, into another moment of Obama gracefully and patiently addressing the new issue that O Holier than Thou had interjected with his interruption.

    Bet if you cut out all the interruptions, Obama's answers would appear as a fairly seamless point by point presentation, not one in which O REally but I'm God, constantly chopped a Q&A into little bits and pieces to try to show off his own brilliance.

    Hopefully some conservatives will begin to see these right wing interviews will all their interruptions and snarky cracks, as the disrespect for the office of the President which they are.

  14. Annie Goolihy4:10 PM

    "I got my questions in. I was suitably confrontational," [Fuck Face] said about his own performance. Doesn't he know you can't be confrontational with the President of the United States?

    Despite the President saying in the interview that "to get here you have to have had a pretty thick skin," [Fuck Face] said that he thinks the President "still has a thin skin." Ya, Obama hasn't stopped whining about the "gotcha" questions.

    "If Obama has a weak point, it's that he doesn't have enough dissent around him." Does Fuck Face ever watch Fox News?

  15. Anonymous7:41 PM

    Why is it that I can't stand listening to this president? He is just full of Texas fluff. And I don't mean it in a bad way to all Texans.

    Barack Obama is just so much more intelligent compared to the Bush Regime.

    On Bill, he is just a used up old media whore trying to get an audience. He proved how washed up he was last night with Obama. He has such a dry mouth, yet can't stfu. A very insecure old fox news media whore. Plain and simple he can't articulate an honest word or question if it smacked him in the face. When is he going to retire already? I feel so sorry for his wife and children.


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