Friday, February 04, 2011

I believe that every father can relate with our President on this topic.

I am not a religious man but I have certainly wished, or sent positive thoughts toward my daughter on numerous occasions, and tried to be patient when she requested my support for endeavors that I was leery of or wished that she had avoided.  But hey that is what being Dad is all about.

You can read more at Politico.


  1. Anonymous5:45 AM

    You have photos.

    Sarah has a birth certificate, DNA, and Van Flein.

    Do the math.

  2. Virginia Voter5:50 AM

    OMG, did you see this comment on the politico article posted by a self described Tea Partier:

    Tea Party
    Feb. 3, 2011 - 3:02 PM EST
    kelso: Feb. 3, 2011 - 11:36 AM EST
    he is a disgusting pathetic liar as usual ! what a disgrace for a president!

    who cares about his dumb kid-she'll be getting an affirmative action degree pretty soon also to prove the ignorance of his race!

    Here's another one:

    Feb. 3, 2011 - 11:54 AM EST
    I am amazed at the shallowness of this man's "spiritual" depth. He knows NOTHING about faith in Jesus Christ other than a few words of Christianeze he's picked up from some of his black brothers who believe in" black liberation theology". He certainly doesn't fool Christians. It will be enough to satisfy the spiritual depth of the libs he courts on a daily basis but is woefully short to us Christians who know what this man really is. His actions shout out what he stands for so loudly we can't hear a word he says."

    Now, trolls please tell me again how the tea party isn't full of ignorant KKK' ers??

    So here's the really bad news if you're a racist tea partier in Virginia....the "brown", Asian, and mixed race population in our state have doubled and tripled in suburban counties in the last ten years. Whites now make up less than half of the population in the sane, Northern counties closest to Washington, DC. Good news for President Obama, as these populations vote heavily democratic. Read it and weep teabaggers.

  3. Anonymous5:59 AM

    @5:45 - Wow, the Palin Fairy Tale Troll Patrol is really working overtime. Where is the birth certificate? Show us! Where is the DNA? Show us! Where is Van Flein? (FYI - He left Alaska) CRICKETS.

  4. Anonymous6:26 AM

    And tell, tea partiers, how does Newt, the thrice divorced, and Palin, the wonder one who hates the majority of Americans who do not worship at her altar of crazy, exhibit anything more that the Christianity they SAY they have? Show me, don't tell me, as my senior English teacher used to say. What they have shown is far more telling than anything these fakes (or you trolls) have to say about our President and his intelligent girls. You appear to hate education in any form, why is that?

  5. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I have always believed Obama is a Christian and if he isn't it is no ones business but his owns. And Gods.

  6. Anonymous9:50 AM

    I very much like our President even though I don't agree with him on some major issues. I'm disheartened that so many Americans disrespect him and the office of the President.

  7. Good work, Gryph!!!

    Obama is a member of the United Church of Christ which is a pretty mainstream protestent sect. God help us all if he was Catholic!!

    I remember when JFK was elected and the idiots said that the Pope was going to take over our country. Right. This is no different but infinitely worse.

    If we let the Religious Right take over, I guaran-damn-tee that there will be an attempt put in place state religion. And that, my friends, is a direct slap at the Founding Fathers who, the Reckless Right purport, are just like them.
    The Founding Fathers were mostly deists or atheists and I find it interesting (and hysterical) that Glen Beck likes to dress up like Thomas Paine -- probably the biggest aetheist of all!!!!

  8. I am shocked and horrified time and again at the hate that is directed at our president!

    What has he done to deserve this vitriol - other than be black and a democrat?

    That's some kind of Christianity you've got there teapartiers.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.