Tuesday, February 08, 2011

Lawrence O'Donnell points out that Bill O'Reilly has no business interviewing the President of the United States.

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If watching this does not make you want to punch Bill O'Reilly in the throat then you are a better person than I.


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Sorry Gryph, I know this doesn't belong on this thread, but I just woke up here on the east coast, and it was one of the first things that caught my eye in the morning paper. It's only 2AM in Alaska now; so when you get up, I'm sure you will want to start a separate thread for this story, and you can move this post there if you like.


    Bristol Palin to write memoir due out in June, according to Amazon listing; but what will she say?

    Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/gossip/2011/02/08/2011-02-08_bristol_palin_to_write_memoir_due_out_in_june_according_to_amazon_listing_but_wh.html#ixzz1DMi9FIbj

  2. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Thanks for posting this Gryph. I couldn't get through the original because Billo is so rude and disrespectful, and it was making me way too upset to watch it.

    This was great to see the number of times he did interrupt. I loved how Howard Fineman said that independents are watching this and may be turned off by Billo's treatment of the President.

    Let's hope so. That would be one good thing to come out of this.

    R in NC

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM

    Just got finished reading a British novel
    Bill O what a rotter!

    What an obnoxious, nasty vindictive rotter!!!

  4. Anonymous3:43 AM


    You probably thought you were being civil.

  5. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Seeing the two of them in the same room only makes the difference clearer. One is refined, articulate, well mannered, well read, highly intelligent, a loving respected family man. The other is - well O'Really.

  6. Anonymous3:51 AM

    He's a jerk; he interrupts everybody. It is what it is. At least he didn't pull his "cut the mike" trick out of his bag. Imagine if it had been the Manatee interviewing him? I wonder why it wasn't Greta?

    Does Dirk know that something is screwy with his site that prevents many of us from viewing it?

  7. Pat in MA3:52 AM

    Saw this last night on Lawrence's show. Bill O thinks he's such a hard hitting journalist, but he's just an arrogant, rude prick. The President handled the "interview" (if you can call it that) very well, refusing to take the bait.

  8. Anonymous3:53 AM

    Billo is an asshat and confirmed it with his fake hate interview. I honestly don't know how Fox people live with themselves after daily showing their ignorance and hate.

    Fox daily makes idiots of themselves by lying and manipulating everything. Guess it is all about the money but they cash those paychecks by doing the devil's work.

  9. Anonymous4:27 AM

    I agree with you, Gryphen, but we're under attack again, for not being 'civil' to Her Heinius. But O'Reilly is definitely an ass.

  10. Anonymous4:45 AM

    Howard said it perfectly. It was not about the Pres, it was about billO. And for the Pres to allow time out of his busy day to spend the time with billO so that he can brag and fluff his feathers, all the while the Pres laughs at him right to his face, was brilliant. It was like watching a mommy dealing with a two year old's tantrum. Obama has an uncanny ability to stand in the face of adversity, make the enemy feel victorious and at the same time defeat the enemy without them knowing they have been whopped. As usual, billO was made a fool and it just flew right over his head. I can't believe my in-laws LOVE this guy--pray for me----please.

  11. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Pompous mother fucker. If Lawrence OD interviewed W and he was that disrespectful I'd say the same thing about him.

    Like him or not, he's still the president of our country you fucking douche bag.

    I just don't know how Prez remains so calm.

  12. Anonymous5:00 AM

    i agree, he did try his best to corner obama and get him to say something they could use against him.
    instead all they have to say is how he had to interrupt him because he was just repeating talking points,, or some shit.

    prez won that round!
    oriely looked like an arrogant dipshit.

    bill in belize

  13. TNbluedot5:30 AM

    Watched this on The Last Word and totally agree, Billo has no business interviewing the President. But then, I think no one on the faux channel should be given that honor. Can you even begin to imagine the blow-back if anyone had treated W with this amount of disrespect? Major kudos to our wonderful President for the professional way he handled himself - something the talentless people on faux could/should learn from.

  14. Rude, crude and lewd. That's our Billo. Reports are coming in that honchos are worried that Beck has completely lost his mind (is there any doubt?) Sister Sarah is a no-show and Greta Van Suck-up's weird face has more personality than she does. Maybe the Fox Spell is finally starting to lift. Perhaps someone should use Billo to interrogate prisoners. He'd probably break them in record time. However, it might be considered "cruel and unusual punishment."

  15. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Who needs to watch a video clip to punch Bill O'Reilly? Seems like SOP to me.

  16. Anonymous6:52 AM

    All you need to say to Bill is the word falfel and the name Andrea Mackris. http://www.spike.com/video/oreilly-tapes/2654742

  17. Bill O's fans were probably delighted that he was rude to the Pres. they hate.

    I was frustrated by Pres. Obama's response on the healthcare issue. It was a perfect opportunity to review the polls -- a large majority wanted reform until the Repub. misinformation campaign and corporate propaganda got in the mix -- and to remind everyone it was INSURANCE reform regulating insurance companies and not taking over healthcare. Instead, he validated the 'debate'.

  18. Couldn't make it through the whole thing - that kind of rudeness drives me crazy! I don't know how people watch that station when nobody is allowed to speak in full sentences! ugh.

  19. Hannah7:52 AM

    Bill O'Reilly was WAY out of line here. Was he trying to get an explosion out of President Obama? Our president is AWESOME! What a class act.

  20. Hannah7:56 AM

    O/T Tim Pawlenty from MN is running for the republican nomination. Tim was our useless governor for 8 years, NEVER elected by a majority, and has driven our state into the ground. His office has played dirty politics all along, and he has many not-so-nice associates. Here is a link to his old Campaign manager, and current Minnesota GOP Chairman, Tony Sutton, and the kind of ads he is now using. Pretty shocking considering we just had the shooting in Arizona, and all those please to tone down the rhetoric.


    Not sure if anyone could do a story on it, blog-wise, but it scares me to death that we focus on Palin so much, who is unelectable, while we have snakes like Mr. Pawlenty plying the right-wing waters.

  21. Anonymous7:59 AM

    The point is, no matter the subject or guest, O'Reilly is not interested in someone else talking. He is one ginormous ego, no matter he gets huffy even with Sarah, he can't stand to give airtime to anyone else's voice.

    He's like George Costanza when he realized that all he had to do was look angry and impatient at the office and no one would bother him because he gave off the impression that he was working so hard.

    The Right Wing talking heads to puff themselves up and seem intelligent and righteous as long as they exude anger and condescension and that gives them credibility to sit at the table. It's such bullshit. What a joke.

  22. Anonymous8:03 AM

    Kill your enemies with kindness. It will drive them crazy.

  23. honeybabe10:54 AM

    that interview made o'reilly look like and ass.

  24. Anonymous8:25 PM

    I've always wanted to punch Bill O'Reilly in the throat, so this isn't a good test for me.

  25. The population in 1999 was... 272,690,81­3 , 2009....30­7,006,550.

    Barbra Walters had.......­25.6700983­9088345 % of the population tune in.

    O'Reilly had.......­5.53734114­14186435 % of the population­.

    O'Reilly's interview is like flatulence in a windstorm, compared to Barbra Walters.

    Lawrence O'Donnell'­s staff completed the amount of interrupti­ons from Billo in the interview and the number of times o'Reilly allowed the POTUS to complete an answer any question .

    O'Reilly interrupte­d the POTUS~~~74­~~times~~~­~and not even once allowed him to completely answer a question~~­~~0~~~~tim­es!!

    It worked out to an average of O'Reilly interrupti­ng the POTUS ~~~every 19 SEOCNDS!!

    THAT was no "interview­", just an attempt to harass the POTUS on national TV.

    You can't get more "unAmerica­n" than Bill O'Reilly!

  26. Anonymous7:52 AM

    It says "this video is no longer available".



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