Tuesday, February 01, 2011

Teabagger recruitment song.

Kinda catchy, dont'cha think?


  1. Anonymous3:05 AM

    A real come t' meetin' song for morans.

  2. AKinPA3:32 AM

    Catchy tune but so unrealistic! The vocalists actually pronounced government as gov-ern-ment! They're definitely so not ready for teabagger prime time. Clearly, the singers are not rill amurkins who hate the gummint. Nice try though :)
    PS: I have no ear for music so it may have been only one singer. I just couldn't tell.

  3. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Ahhh, brings back memories of the music of the 60's.

  4. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Woo, woo, now that was some kind of funny. Thanks for the laughs.

  5. Anonymous9:28 AM

    : )

  6. Anonymous10:55 AM

    well done!

  7. Anonymous11:50 AM

    I don't know. I'm a dyed in the wool lefty, but that was more than just a little offensive. While I admit that the Tea Party is racist, harkening back to owning slaves takes it too far. I know protest music has much latitude, and I loved Phil Ochs and Pete Seeger, etc. I guess these guys don't have the finesse that the old tub-thumpers used to. Just MHO.

  8. Lidia174:45 PM

    Not available in my country.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.