Sunday, February 27, 2011

Tim Pawlenty is at it again, channeling action director Michael Bay while making advertisement in support of Wisconsin's Scott Walker.

As some of you may, or may not, remember Tim Pawlenty, 2012 Presidential hopeful and action movie geek, made a rather derivative commercial essentially hinting that America is doomed if it does not elect him in 2012.

Well apparently completely immune to the ridicule inspired by that choice Pawlenty is at it again, this time on union busting Wisconsin Governor Scott Walker's behalf.

Does that pounding music and fast paced editing seem a little familiar? Yeah it did to me as well.

Compare it to this trailer for "The Island" directed by Michael Bay.

At this point I believe it is safe to say that Pawlenty has himself a little "man-crush" on Michael Bay.  And perhaps he should realize that politics may not be his true calling.

Somewhere a young Shia LaBeouf is just waiting for future director Tim Pawlenty to tell him to look scared at something just off camera and to be prepared to run like he is being chased by giant robots as soon as he hears "Action."

Because I have to say that supporting a Governor who takes phone calls from a fake Koch brother, and seems to be trying to destroy the middle class, may NOT be the best choice for somebody looking for the GOP nomination in 2012.

Come on Tim, do it for movie lovers everywhere. Do it for the kids. Do it.....for America.


  1. Virginia Voter9:36 AM

    The milquetoast TPaw is having an identity crisis. His pathetic pandering to the tea partiers is going to bite him in the ass if he ever makes it out of the primaries.

    Out of all the 2012 GOP hopefuls , he is perhaps the most willing to do and say anything to get the nomination . Word here in VA is that he had dinner with our Gov McDonnell for a VP interview. Awesome, huh...a flip flopper and a fundie Pat Robertson protégée . McDonnell did tell a local radio station he would probably accept a VP nod from anyone EXCEPT Mittens and Sarah.

  2. Anonymous9:58 AM

    On her blog Positively Persistent Teach, this teacher's posting of a forwarded letter, "A Letter to Scott Walker from a Wisconsin Teacher," may be helpful & especially useful for talking points for friends and family.

  3. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The Republican presidential hopefuls are just falling over each other trying to get their own love letters to the Koch Bothers before the others beat them to it. A very sad skeptical, indeed. The best analogy may be the show, The Bachelor, as all the contestants vie for the attention of King Koch.

  4. Anonymous10:29 AM

    Former Minnesota Governor and potential 2012 Republican presidential candidate Tim Pawlenty appeared at a Tea Party summit in Arizona Saturday and repeated, word for word, a birther joke that he used just a few weeks ago.

    "Now, I'm not one who questions the existence of the president's birth certificate," he said, according to the New York Times. "But when you listen to his policies, don't you at least wonder what planet he's from?"

    During this year's annual Conservative Political Action Conference in Washington D.C. earlier this month, Pawlenty rolled out the joke for the first time, drawing some laughs from the crowd.

    Despite the comedic faux-pas, Pawlenty's material wasn't entirely stale in Arizona. In an effort to channel folk hero and aspiring national politician Jimmy McMillan of New York's "The Rent Is Too Damn High Party," Pawlenty pushed his smaller government message, telling the crowd, "The government's too damn big."

    Please read the article to get the active links.

  5. Pawlenty just might not make it for the presidential primaries. He thinks that the tea baggars have enough people to vote him in. He will find out he's mistaken. Some states may have many tea baggars, but nationally there just isn't enough of them collectively to vote him in. He should also get a clue from the number of people who are against what is happening in Wisconsin. These guys are nuts!

  6. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Didn't TPaw endorse Palin or the other way around?

    Either way, it's loser for loser. Supporting Gov. Walker is just another indication of loser-ness of TPaw.

    His commercials certainly tempt us to think of him as all flash and no substance or should I say just reinforce that impression.

    Why is he willing to sink all that money into slick ads instead of getting off his rumpus and getting out to meet the voters and take questions and give real answers? He must be more like Sarah than we thought.

  7. Anonymous11:03 AM

    Gryphen, check out the story about the Arizona Republican Senator who has immunity - he put his girlfriend out of the car on the road. I read it at CNN. You are not going to believe this story.

  8. Anonymous11:11 AM

    Tim and the Teabaggers plus the Republican Party are just fixated on stupid and trying to take away everything that is good about this country. They would send their Mother up the creek without a paddle if it earned them a dollar and a vote.

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Is there any doubt that the 2012 Republican primary is going to be a total freak show? Especially if Palin and Bachmann are involved.

    Look for debate questions such as: "how many guns do you own?"

  10. London Bridges12:53 PM

    Remember: Pawlenty pardoned a child rapist who, at the time was raping the daughter of his earlier rape victim. He did this so the rapist's first victim could open a child care center.

  11. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I think Gov. Pawlenty has a huge liability riding on his shoulders called the Pardoning a Child Molester So the Convicts Wife Could Open a Child Daycare Center in Their Home.

    That needs to get a lot more play before 2012.

    Democrats don't like to do ads like the dirty one the Wille Horton one, but this story is real and relevant.

    Pawlenty likes to through around that he's tough on crime and very pro-life, but obviously he doesn't give much thought to crimes against children. I guess only the fetus counts.

  12. Anonymous1:23 PM

    oops should be "throw around" in my comment about Pawlenty and crime against children.

  13. Anonymous2:01 PM

    Living in Minnesota, it is obvious to me that TPaw will say or do anything to be noticed. In addition to pardoning the rapist, it was on Tpaw's watch that the 35W bridge fell down. His jokes are not the least bit funny and his support of Gov Walker in Wisconsin is insane. I don't think I've ever seen a bigger bunch of losers among the lineup of GOP presidential hopefuls.

  14. Anonymous2:55 PM

    2012 is going to be nasty nasty nasty. I'm actually frightened by it. The right has so successfully demonized Obama that it has now become perfectly acceptable for them to portray him as something worse than a cancer. It is so sickening.

  15. Anonymous3:34 PM

    Editorially the two pieces are not at all alike aside from having fast cuts. The Michael Bay trailer is well done, if derivative of every other action movie trailer. But the Pawlenty spot is exceptionally cheesy and amateurish. Only an idiot (or a Republican) would fall for it, I hope.

  16. nswfm3:57 PM

    He didn't include the Palin cons.

  17. Did TPaw get permission from the composer to use his music for his ad? Repukes seem to have this problem a lot, I remember a lot of musicians telling McCain to stop using their music.


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