Tuesday, March 22, 2011

CNN correspondent goes ballistic over Fox News allegations that he was used as human shield in Libya.

From TPM:

"[T]his allegation is outrageous and it's absolutely hypocritical. When you come to somewhere like Libya, you expect lies and deceit from a dictatorship here," Robertson told Wolf Blitzer. "You don't expect it from the other journalists."

Fox claims their own correspondent, Steve Harrigan, declined to accept the invitation from the Libyans for fear of being used as a propaganda tool, and perhaps a human shield. But Robertson claims Fox did indeed send an employee on the trip -- not a regular news guy -- and that Harrigan has been asleep on the job since hostilities began.

"I see him more times at breakfast than out on trips with government officials here," Robertson said. "So for them to say and call this -- to say they didn't go and for them to call this and say this was government propaganda to hold us there as human shields when they didn't even leave the hotel ... is ridiculous."

You know it must literally drive the REAL reporters crazy to have to pretend that Fox News actually employs journalists instead of propagandists for their corporate overlords. 

I love watching Nic Roberston call them on their bullshit on the air.


  1. Anonymous4:33 AM

    You know, this is the sort of stuff that needs to come out daily about Fox and their bullshit coverage of everything. Talk about propoganda!

    It's time for respected journalists, thinking voters, and legitimate leaders to start calling out the lies with not just Fox, but all those that align themselves with Murdoch's vision.

    Nice to hear Robertson speak the truth.

  2. Not that any of us are surprised. I love the image his words left, of a lazy Fox correspondent, sitting around the hotel drinking coffee and reading the paper while real journalists go out and do their jobs. lol.

  3. Anonymous5:22 AM

    So maddening because otherwise intelligent people with whom I am obligated to interface watch F Noise exclusively, vote for $P, and will again, I'm sure.

    I leave the room when they insist on having F Noise on, after I list the litany of transgressions, illegalities etc. It changes nothing! How can ignorance and sway be so pervasive with what appear to otherwise be "normal, rational" people?

    It is like an incurable sickness and they find fault with me and my assessment even after $P's outrageous behavior and string of lies. Even after B O'R pays 2 million $ to stop the woman from suing him for his filthy mouth used on her. To say nothing of them glued to Geraldo after his made up story in the past about being in the war zone.

    No way to understand the hypnotic ignorance cast from these idiots holding forth their catholic upbringing and xtian tenets as the basis for their "solid" believable platform???????????

  4. Why doesn't Faux Nooze broadcast in Canada? Canada prosecutes news organizations who broadcast lies.

  5. Randall6:37 AM

    Fox News lies.

    All day long.

    I know quite a few people around here (South Dakota) that watch Fox News all day long.

    They parrot the Fox News talking points as though it were gospel.

    When you confront them with the truth they deny deny deny and regurgitate the FN talking points.

    Propaganda works.

    And it will continue to work until more and more REAL news organizations - and politicians - call them out on it.

    I'm frankly puzzled as to why they don't.

  6. angela7:35 AM

    Reporting from the lines in the lobby of a hotel--huh?
    Thats pretty much what FAUX is. They make it all up anyway so I guess their "reporters" don't feel a need to actually leave the building to report their lies.

    The only person at FAUX who I respected on the front line was Shep Smith when he was in New Orleans in Katrina--yelling at Hannity back in the FAUX studios
    about the nightmare that the people were in down there. Of course Hannity was making light of it.

  7. Anonymous8:38 AM

    Finally! A journalist described how these FAUX News reporters "work."

  8. BP in OR1:06 PM

    If nothing else woulds done it, this made it worth getting up this morning.

    And CNN throws the Bullshit flag on Faux Noise. Priceless....

  9. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I agree Gryphen, it must drive MSM journalists to count Fox personalities as their contemporaries when they put zero to minimal effort into their reporting as dictated by their corporate overlords.

    Much like it chapped the asses of real Governor's to have an idiot like Sarah Palin overshadow the integrity of the National Governor's Association conference in 2009.

  10. Anonymous5:08 AM

    Well, at least Fox News correspondents will never be in danger of being physically and/or sexually assaulted in the field. The only danger they face is having heartburn from all the hotel coffee they ingest. Workers comp ever filed for that?


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