Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Sarah Palin times her visit to Israel during the Holiday of Purim. Now why does THAT seem significant?

Let me get this straight.

Netanyahu had to explain all about the Book of  Esther, and the traditions of Purim, to SARAH PALIN?

I think somebody needs to watch a certain video made by Max Blumenthal during his visit to Alaska in 2008.

Yeah trust me, it was NO coincidence that Palin went to Israel at this particular time, and undoubtedly it sent a subliminal message to her supporters that most of the media did not pick up on, as evidenced by this comment over at the Sea O'Pee: GOD HAS CHOSEN OUR NEXT LEADER.....AND MAY GOD CONTINUE TO GUIDE HER!

And as for Prime Minister Netanyahu, can you say "sucker?"


  1. Anonymous6:13 AM

    Amazing how God is already on top of choosing the next president, but he had nothing to do with choosing our current one. So God picked Bush, went on a brief vacation in 2008, and was horrified to see that a black man was elected while he was away.

  2. Anonymous6:19 AM

    Pathetic Palin......Esther? lol. Now if the Palinbots said she was the Antichrist I might believe it.


  3. Anonymous6:20 AM

    If US politicians have to make a big show of traveling to a foreign country to ensure campaign funds from a "lobbying firm" (AIPAC) it's not obvious that it's Netanyahu who's the sucker.

  4. Anonymous6:23 AM

    i can't see the video (slow dial-up)but i can tell you this...the news world of Sarah P. is bored with her. I tried to search for differing opinions around the net, but everyone is printing the same three articles.
    SP is old news, even when she's doing something fresh. she is not big news any more. she is trying to keep her paycheck coming.
    On another note..if her p=bots are starting her running for Pres with their Organize4Palin, does that mean she can't be a Foxie any more?

  5. Anonymous6:26 AM

    OT - is Jeremy Morlock actually Tripp's father?

    look at his picture....

    I've seen those eyes before.

  6. Anonymous6:29 AM

    He's not a sucker, he is a politician. Sorry that is a ridiculous comment. Is he supposed to be rude and just blow her off? Can you imagine the stink she would make. He's a smart man and I'm sure he can see what a moron she is. Why is he a sucker? Because he was polite? A lot of evangelicals are tourists to Iseael=money and he isn't about to blow that off.

  7. Yes, she saved the Jewish people by revealing her identity but people don't realize that her own life was threatened, since she too was Jewish. Esther was a deceptive bitch too! And manipulative. She made sure her husband had a wonderful dinner and plenty to drink BEFORE she revealed who she was.

  8. Well, Netanyahu just became a laughing stock in intelligent circles. I just cannot believe it. Why would he invite her to dinner? He must know about the "end times" and that she expects him to burn in hell if he doesn't accept Christ. What is wrong with these people??

  9. Anonymous6:55 AM

    These delusional sheeple would never believe it if you asked them to accept that Sarah *WAS* the chosen one to do God's will, but God's will was for her to make sure that McCain didn't get elected and Obama did!

    These fundie kooks will never understand this concept: Sometimes God's Will isn't what you want. If you can accept that fact you *might* actually be onto something good.

    Basic Sunday School Lesson Peebots: Sometimes God's answer is "NO".

  10. Olivia7:00 AM

    Oh man, she needs to start wearing purple robes and a tiara when she goes on these trips. No one will take her seriously in her trailer trash ripstop nylon vest.

  11. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Palin's visit to Israel has been completely overshadowed by the crisis in Japan and the airstrikes in Libya. Palin's attempts to time a visit to get attention are getting the attention of only her already faithful fans other than the u turn at the check point whihc has made her even more of a joke. She didn't turn around and flee, she and her entourage got turned away for not making the proper arrangements.

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn7:02 AM

    Sara...uh, Esther, Your Highness--God has been trying to tell you that you're SO 2008 for the past few months. Please listen and pass this info along to your $ponsor$ and your slack-jawed followers.

  13. Anonymous7:03 AM

    It is baffling that NE quit their follow-up of the Shailey/Todd connection. It would be great, if they followed up with the Palin/Morlock connection!

  14. A J Billings7:03 AM

    Words fail me completely in trying to even comment on the ignorance and prejudice of Ms Palin, and all the hard core Christian dominionists.


    I purposely call them prejudiced because they see the great unsaved masses as human flotsam, because we actively oppose their campaign to force a theocracy on the rest of us.

    Sarah will never discuss publicly, as it would cause a firestorm against her. She can't reveal the entire structure of so called "apostles, and prophets" and prayer warriors that are working feverishly to see her in the public eye.

    If dominionists had their way, they would get christian people elected to every office in the land, and turn our Constituti­on on its head. Falwell & Dobson & Roberston were really hoping
    that's how the moral "majority" movement would turn out.

    They see Obama as a victory for the forces of darkness. His type of Christiani­ty isn't their type, so he is anathema.

    Having escaped from being on the inside of the Dominonist movement long ago, I can tell you that they want to subvert American democracy and the Constitution , and replace it with their world view.

    There is a book and a movie that outlines one person's vision of what a Domioninist America would be like: "The Handmaid's Tale"

  15. Anonymous7:07 AM

    anon@6:29, he's a sucker for agreeing to see her. Why would he invite trailer trash to his house?

  16. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I agree with 6:29. Netanyahu is a politician and he will act accordingly. He is in with the GOP Establishment and fully understands their problem with Palin. He can afford to be gracious to Palin, even while he is aware that she is forcing herself upon his generosity.

  17. Anonymous7:10 AM

    It's hard to decide which politician has had more scandals in their past, Netanyahu or Palin. Netanyahu's wife has her own scandal for abusing their servants, too.

  18. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Someone needs to send the second video to Mr. and Mrs. Netanyahu!

    Isn't in interesting that a fire destroyed the office of the Wasilla church after she was selected to be a VP candidate? Coincidence?

  19. WTF!! The second Alaskan in tape:

    "Alaska is shaped like a crown and we have a destiny to lead the nation"....

    Well, my dog just peed in a circle...kinda like this.."O" so I see the karmic destiny there, too, also.

  20. Anonymous7:19 AM

    Frankly, I'm sure Netanyahu is fully aware that Sarah Palin is a snake, is using him, and isn't fooled by her.

  21. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Wow. Any American who puts their religious beliefs (delusions!) before their allegiance to the US and our Constitution, as Sarah Palin and the Dominionists have, are treasonous. Scary, scary shit going down with these nuts!

  22. Molly7:30 AM

    Well, why at Purim? Because she didn't want to stay in India and risk getting all that color on her during Holi in India?

  23. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Netanyahu was just following that old adage, "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." I'm sure he knows that the Dominionist view for Israel does not bode well for the Jews.

  24. Sarah Palin is absolutely NOTHING like Queen Esther of the Bible.

    Why would a leader of any country be interested in entertaining SP? If Romney or one of the other potential contenders for the Republican ticket of '12 traveled to a foreign country, would they also be asked to dinner, or even asked to speak? What is SP's appeal to ANYONE at this point?

    I'm seriously starting to be a little frightened here. From most of what I've read, SP doesn't have a chance of being nominated, let alone winning the presidency, ever. But, when people of other nations seem to be taking her seriously, it's a bit disconcerting.

    Can someone send all the leaders of the world a memo, letting them all know what a joke this woman is and asking them to please not encourage her? Please?

  25. Anonymous7:46 AM

    "Anonymous said...
    OT - is Jeremy Morlock actually Tripp's father?

    look at his picture....

    I've seen those eyes before.

    6:26 AM"

    Good call. Trig looks just like Levi, but
    Tripp doesn't.

  26. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Hey, Gatto, this did not work in Wisconsin, WHat makes you think you can slip it by the people of ALaska...they ain't all as stupid as certain Valley TRash.


  27. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Of course Paylin knows the story of Esther, she is hitting on the guy! How do you think she has gotten through life so far? By doing the yuk-yuk-duh act and batting her eyes.

  28. Anonymous7:49 AM

    It is baffling that NE quit their follow-up of the Shailey/Todd connection. It would be great, if they followed up with the Palin/Morlock connection!

    7:03 AM

    I just can't understand why Shailey's revelations re Todd & Sarah have been forgotten. Why happened anyway; why did this story die?

  29. Anonymous7:53 AM

    @6:26, Wow! I agree! I've been wondering where Tripp's eyes came from. I've seen the pictures of Levi as a young boy and agree that Tripp looks like him as a boy, but the eyes have always stood out.

    Hmmm, very interesting! Is this why Levi's ridiculous amount of child support was never questioned? It wasn't real?

  30. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Mrs. Todd Palin- We really should start using this name, so we can give less credence to her wannabee registered trademark name- Sarah - and drop the Governor or former Governor title that the media continues to use.

  31. Anonymous7:55 AM

    Netanyahu proved his little head is in charge. Hope the sexiest ex-gov turned out to be a great big disappointment when she's up close and personal.

    Note well that the press photos do NOT show the men's lower torso regions.

  32. Anonymous7:56 AM

    This trip was to play into her delusions of grandeur and excite the P-bots.

    I was raised in a fundie environment, and seeing these beliefs and behavior today, as an independent adult, makes me squirm to see how manipulated I was as a trusting kid.

  33. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Did Alaska gov wimp out on the e-mail disclosures yet again?

  34. Anonymous8:09 AM

    There were discussions of how it is possible for parents with brown eyes to have a kid with blue eyes, so this was noticed in the past.

    Morlock's eyes are very blue, not so usual for someone not blonde.

    The families are very close. Just sayin.

  35. There's really no downside to Netanyahu's dinner with Palin, for him, aside from some boredom. He was planning to eat dinner anyway.

    I would suspect, from his POV, Sarah Palin is pretty much a lost cause- unlikely to go further in the political arena. She may, however, remain a public figure- she seems to have a gift for publicizing herself.

    Whatever her future, what benefit would it provide Netenyahu to insult her?

    She might actually become a famous politician- unlikely as it seems- or more likely, a famous televangelist. Her popularity is declining in numbers, but increasing in fervor: her remaining followers are the ones most divorced from reality and most committed to her... AND THEY VOTE.

    This might be important to Netenyahu, in future. Or maybe not. Either way, it's a dinner. It's not a long-term commitment. Effective politicians know that you don't piss people off unnecessarily because either you need them in future, or you don't want their opposition in future.

    To me there's no reason for Netenyahu NOT to have dinner with Sarah Palin.

    Now, Lady Thatcher, that's different. Sarah can't possibly be of interest to her, and she has no future in politics, and she's in poor health. There's NO reason for that meeting to take place from the Thatcherites' POV... that was purely to benefit Palin. If Lady Thatcher was mentally sound, though, it might have happened. Because politicians keep their bets open.

  36. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Relax, BrownStoneFarm at 7;35. The leaders of the world know full well what Palin is. Clever with her facade, but low on substance. No need to worry. That memo has already been sent. It came straight from Sarah's big mouth.

  37. emrysa8:20 AM

    imo the only reason she went to israel at this time was as a stopover from the PAID SPEECH in india. yeah, it just so happened to be purim, but I do believe that she figured she may as well try to get to israel at this time because she won't be going to that side of the world again.

    the footage of her in india & israel - she looks terrified to me. how is it that in america she sits on tv with her know-it-all smugness and then outside of the country she looks terrified? she can't handle it. amateur.

    and whothehell goes to india for the first time in their lives and stays for only 2 days? it's not like she has a JOB to get back to. the fact that she wouldn't stay any longer to see one of the major countries in the world really says alot. she's not interested in anything outside of her small-town small-minded world.

  38. Anonymous8:25 AM

    Sad to see . These other countries are being smug . They know very well, that the Palins are a Joke . Yet we continue to give them life .The really sad part are the number of people that actually support the Grifters .I feel sorry for them , sort of .

    However it's also very scary that we have that much ignorance and hate in this country. We are becomeing a less admired country by parading the likes of the imbeciles (palins)around the world.

    People that continue to engage in the "palin orgy" are doing it for personal(Gratification) gain ,Just the same as the Palin grifters are doing for their personal self serving bombastic desires .
    Hopefully they will self destruct (sooner then later) and have only themselves to blame .

  39. Anonymous8:27 AM

    re: 7:46 - Morlock

    I wonder if Der Spiegel gets the Morlock/Palin connection?

    You can leave a comment.

  40. Anonymous8:29 AM

    As smart as BB may be, he's probably kicking himself for ever having met with a sycophant like Palin.

  41. Anonymous8:32 AM

    Good Dog! As if the bling around her neck, lookin' like Wasilla's version of Mr T, the enormous star of david AND key of david weren't enough, the Esther thing takes the cake. Pander pander pander and a little more pander with some evangelical porn thrown in for good measure. She is somethin' else sister $arah is!

  42. Anonymous8:32 AM

    A Jew sets Twitler straight:


  43. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Ivyfree, thanks for the sound analysis. Hopefully it will ease the panic here.

    This dinner means NOTHING, people. Palin inserted herself there as she inserts herself here. It's all for attention.

    Netanyahu isn't going to bother himself by getting into a spat with the silliest woman on the planet. Especially when he isn't so sure Americans wouldn't be so dumb as to actually elect her. Options open, that's the way a professional politician rolls.

  44. Anonymous8:37 AM


    A reader writes:

    I don't know if there rules about this, but as a Jew, I find it offensive that Sarah Palin is out wearing a Star of David. I have given jewelry with the Star of David or a Chai to nieces and nephews and friends' kids who have become Bar or Bat Mitzvah to signify and celebrate their commitment to the Jewish people. Judaism is not an adjunct to Christianity, part of some nonsense category called Judeo-Christian. We have our own history and traditions, most of which are rooted in teachings and events which occurred after Jesus' life.

    Moreover, I would never, ever wear a cross.

    It means something important to Christians and denotes that faith and identity. To me, a Christian wearing a Star of David reminds me of Jews for Jesus - people who somehow want to claim an affinity with Judaism while not being Jewish. (Here's a well-known joke in the Jewish community: What is another name for a Jew for Jesus? Answer: A Christian.)

    So, please, Sarah Palin, keep your hands off my religion.

    Good luck with that.

  45. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Anon @ 7:56

    I too was raised in a fundie environment and have no doubt that is why Sarah has scared the shit out of me ever since she came on the national scene. They are ruthless!

  46. Anon 6:55 Sometimes we make God in our own image. I fear a lot of "Christians" these days are doing exactly that.

  47. Anonymous8:44 AM

    Anon at 6:26 am:

    Wasn't he about the right age to be in the circle of guys she screwed in HS? I mean, they all slept w/each other, didn't they?

    And yeah, Trig has got to be Levi and Bristle's...

    Easy enough to get pregnant quite soon after another pregnancy, esp when the dates are made up to fit a scheme.

  48. Anonymous8:59 AM

    Netanyahu was smart inviting Palin to dinner. Just small talk no discussion of policy. He was probably like "whatever".

  49. Anonymous9:01 AM

    I truly believe Sarah has been chosen. From what I can see, she has been chosen to wear an orange jumpsuit and appear behind bars for treason.

  50. Gasman9:07 AM

    Yet, God can't guide Sarah and her shithead posse into Bethlehem? If she is using this visit to burnish her bona fides with Biblical prophesy, her NOT getting into Bethlehem will be a big problem for the fundagelicals. To get so close and NOT go to the birthplace of Jesus in going to be difficult to explain away.

    Back in '08, Palin said, "God, if there is an open door for me somewhere, this is what I always pray, I'm like, don't let me miss the open door. Show me where the open door is..."

    But what if all the doors are closed?

    Maybe this was God's way of slamming this particular door right in Palin's face. I take this as a sign from the Almighty Hisownself that He does NOT want Sarah Palin to be POTUS.

    Palin is an arrogant ignorant buffoon. She thinks this trip legitimizes both her foreign policy credentials and her aligning with Biblical prophesy.

    She most definitely is running.

    Fuck John McCain now and for eternity for unleashing this ignorant moron on our nation and the world.

  51. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Wonder what Bibi said when she told him she *always* fills her hamentaschen with moose meat. Schicksa, and I don't mean that in a good way either.

  52. Anonymous9:19 AM

    She's a lot less Esther and a lot more Vashti.

  53. Bibi's a well-known ladies' man. Been married two or three times and his affection for the ladies is well known in Israel and the Jewish community in the States. Probably wanted an up-close and personal look at the super shiksa.

  54. To be fair, Gryphen, it's not as if Taco Bell sells hamantaschen.

  55. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "The families are very close. Just sayin."

    So, the Palins and Morlocks pal around together? Jeremy and Bristol, too? Some things surprise me, this... not so much.

    What a sad story.

  56. Anonymous9:26 AM

    Benjamin Netanyahu is a scary creep. His having dinner with Mrs. Palin is no surprise at all. One extremist recognizes another, simple as that.

    He knows exactly what he is doing, he is one who is as happy to use the Fundie Christians as they are to use the Fundie Jews.

    As long as they support his desire to bomb Iran, he's fine with them.

    These fanatics are happy to further their alliances of convenience.

    Sarah is a joke. He probably knows it, but he is making someone happy by meeting with her - someone he needs more, I don't know who.

  57. Anonymous9:28 AM

    BrownStoneFam at 7:35am:

    Romney did go to Israel in Jan. of this year and he also met with Netanyahu:


    Huckabee went a month later in February. He too met with the Prime Minister:


  58. Anonymous9:45 AM

    Sarah is nothing like Esther... I see Jezebel in Sarah... Jezebel attack anybody who do not agree with her and worship Baal. She had hundreds of God's Prophets killed and thousands hiding from her. Jezebel didn't actual do the killing herself, she had her fellows & servants to do it... People feared Jezebel and Ahad (Todd)... Ahad was worst than Jezebel, but he would sit back and let Jezebel do all the evil work.

    I agree with Anon 6:29... and
    7:11am I was wondering about the fire at the church. They know too much, Sarah and Todd probably was counselled there and wanted something destoryed...

  59. London Bridges10:11 AM

    Man goes on shooting spree after the price of Taco Bell Crunchy Burritos is jacked up.


  60. Anonymous10:17 AM

    I believe that God did choose Sarah to run for President. He wants to put the Republican Party into further disarray. He wants President Obama to serve another term. He, also-too, wants to punish Sarah and her family for their wicked ways.

  61. Oh yeah -- It is soooo easy for Sarah Palin to sit in her homemade Alaska studio and "pundit" her head off, babbling on and on about what Obama ought to "do" about these people -- Arabs, Jews, Indians, Chinese, etc.

    Now that she is there, going or NOT going through checkpoints, I hope the sights, smells, sounds and tastes of this very volatile part of the world are scaring the living daylights out of her.


  62. OT: Don't forget that Sherri Johnston has big blue headlights for eyes, too. Just sayin'... she could be Tripp's grandmother.


  63. imnofred10:21 AM

    I agree with Gasman. I think she is definitely running. I truly believe that Sarah believes that she has been chosen by God to be the next President and that the hype by the bots about it only adds more fuel to the fire.

    I also think the timing of the trip was planned so that Sarah can feed her delusions about her biblical destiny.

  64. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Not surprising that Netanyahu would entertain her. They are both hard-liner extremists. Both seem to see issues as black or white, and neither seem to put much store in compromise.

  65. I pity the bots who believe that $arah is their "way". $he is the False Prophet that the Bible has warned us about.
    $he IS evil. I'm sure that Satan is proud of his little pawn $arah.

  66. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Where was Palin's wig when she really could have used one??

    Did you notice in the pictures Sarah’s not wearing a shytel? It would have made her fit in perfectly.

    Sheitel is the Yiddish word for a wig or half-wig worn by Orthodox Jewish married women in order to conform with the requirement of Jewish Law to cover their hair. This practice is part of the modesty-related dress standard called tzniut.

  67. Anonymous10:44 AM

    How come my mother, who has 15 years on Mrs. Todd Palin, and no platic surgery, looks TONS better than Sarah?

    Oh yeah, clean living.

  68. Anonymous10:48 AM

    "...and whothehell goes to india for the first time in their lives and stays for only 2 days? it's not like she has a JOB to get back to. the fact that she wouldn't stay any longer to see one of the major countries in the world really says alot."

    I agree. What an insult to India. I realize it was a business trip but why not go a few days early, spend a little of your own dime and see some culture other than your own? Obviously, it wasn't of value or interest to her. Very telling.

  69. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Sarah Palin: Anti-Muslim Comments Obvious to Reporters


  70. Well how come God couldn't get her in to Palestine to see Bethlehem? Not much of a god there also too...

  71. Anonymous10:57 AM

    OMG you people give SP way more credit than she deserves. Do you honestly think that woman even knows what the Holiday of Purim is? Now people may have told her about it and when it was but do you really think she paid any attention.

    The only reason she is there at this time is because she was paid for her speech in India & while she was on SarahPAC's dime threw in the Israel trip. I honestly wonder if they are aware that the only reason some Christians are embracing them now is because of the rapture?

    Olivia @ 7:00am I thought her trailer trash ripstop vest was very attractive;) Todd's shirt was also horrifying. I wouldn't have let my kids or husband out of the house with that shirt!

  72. To Anon @6:26 a.m. OMG!!

  73. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Seems that Sarah is in love with illusion, fantasy. Her image of herself is some poor Cinderella who becomes a lovely Princess and usurps the King of the Kingdom, while she finally becomes Queen. Maybe she fantasizes that she's the hero of the world, saving everyone complete with her wigs, make-up and FM pumps, short skirts, winks and tongue teases for that special thank you with pageant wave on the palace balcony that faces her millions of adoring fans.

    Did I wake up yet?

  74. Anonymous11:14 AM

    I think she was flying by the seat of her pants. Probably just decided to go into West Bank that morning. She knows nothing about geography. I imagine she was surprised at proximity.
    I would put money on Franklin Graham/Samaritan's Purse making her travel arrangements.

    Private American citizens with passports don't make "arrangements" ahead of time to go through a checkpoint. You either can or you can't. You pay an exit fee when you leave. That's about it.
    However, Israelis cannot. Maybe it's about who was in the car, although certainly the "Israeli guides" would know, wouldn't they?

    A stretch - perhaps Mr. and Mrs. Todd Palin are traveling on some kind of diplomatic passport provided by the U.S.? This wouldn't get you through a PA checkpoint. They shouldn't be,as she is not any kind of "official."

    Maybe she wasn't dressed appropriately? Worried about being back late for dinner since it was a holy day?

    From the State Department:
    "In Jerusalem, travelers should exercise caution at religious sites on holy days, Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays, and dress appropriately when visiting the Old City and ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhoods. Most roads into ultra-orthodox Jewish neighborhoods are blocked off on Friday nights, Saturdays, and Jewish holidays. Assaults on secular visitors, either for being in cars or for being "immodestly dressed," have occurred in these neighborhoods. Visitors are urged to exercise caution and be aware of their surroundings at all times. This is especially true when entering or exiting the Old City at times when the volume of pedestrian traffic could create difficulties."


    Shailey Tripp. I think she's missing the moment. This would be the time for her to recreate herself as a national hero and gain some attention.
    Back-burner the Todd-n-Shailey thing and say, loudly and clearly and firmly with no ambiguity, that Sarah wasn't pregnant in February 2008. That her coworkers know it too.
    But the moment will pass...attention span is short...the story will get stale...again...(sigh).

  75. We all know SP likes to think of herself as Queen Esther, but not everyone may be aware that Purim is celebrated with more than reading the Scroll of Esther. Purim is the Jewish equivalent of Carnival or the Roman Saturnalia. It is the one day in which Jews are religiously obligated to drink to the point of inebriation. It is customary to dress up in costumes (often cross-dressing, which is otherwise strictly forbidden), make merry, poke fun at authority figures, offer outrageous mishmashes of misquotations from sacred texts as "Purim Torah," and generally turn things upside down. So if you balk at imagining SP in the biblical story, there is an alternative ....

  76. Anonymous11:16 AM

    Sarah's foreign diplomacy skills only go as deep as selecting a piece of jewelry, the Star of David....and she got that wrong too.

  77. Anonymous11:20 AM

    I have said it before and I'll say it again. She can't really run. Schmidt has the complete goods on her. He's working for Romney. Rove has let the dogs loose, too. Her supporters are minor, minor, minor; everyone else has backed away but the crazies. The mentally unstable RAM is her key aide & speech writer (enough said).

    Look, the woman can't even plan ahead to go to Bethlehem. How can anyone think she can plan ahead to run? She only wants $$$.

  78. Anonymous11:29 AM

    Madonna refers to herself as "Esther" too.

    Interesting headline from The Telegraph (UK) about SP's trip: "Sarah Palin Aborts Vist to Bethlehem"



  79. KatieAnnieOakley11:35 AM

    Dominionism calls for the takeover of local governments and to instill those who would run those offices in a Biblical way. The second video confirmed that. It also demonstrates WHY people in the Valley are afraid to come forward.

    That $arah chose to wear BOTH the Star of David and the KEY of David - during PURIM - on a trip to ISRAEL! - is significant, given her Esther fantasies.

    She's certainly NOT playing with a full deck: She thinks she's a descendant of King David, and should ascend to "her throne."

    She just went from right-wing wackadoodle to obviously dangerous in my mind.

    She's fulfilling the book of Revelations if you were to ask me: "It will come as a savior, but in fact be the bringer of end times."

  80. Anonymous11:37 AM

    There is that little bitch Staplemouth. Would imagine she won't be happy seeing this video up again. Hey, Meg - you can never run away from the relationship you had w/the Palins. It will never happen in Alaska.

  81. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Gasman, it's hysterically funny, for real. True irony at its best! That key around her neck bumping against the Jewish symbol is the Christian symbol, representing God opening doors, Christian authority and power.
    Apparently God didn't open that door to Bethlehem.
    Her assistant in the pink shirt has one on, too. I wonder if they have a secret handshake...Power Rangers!

    Maybe they didn't want to take off the Mr. T jewelery at the checkpoint?
    Naw, I really think it's because she insulted Palestinians the day before. In print. I'd have a little healthy fear myself.

  82. Anonymous11:58 AM

    So, where is that 'PalinTV' actually being broadcast???

    Palin missed going into Bethlehem, because she did not know Bethlehem lies in PALESTINE, not ISRAEL!

  83. Anonymous12:05 PM

    I just went to Huffington Post and happily found that Palin doesn't have one bit of coverage regarding her visit to Israel. Hopefully, the UGLY AMERICAN is more and more losing her voice!

  84. Anonymous12:44 PM

    drop kick me jeebus through the goalposts of life.... just forced my way through Max's video, and holy crap there's a shitload of freakin' religious fundie weirdos runnin' around loose here in AK

  85. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Sarah ain't running. Or, if she does, she will quit within months.

    She's delusional.

  86. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Just so we're clear: Esther was Jewish.

    Purim = up is down, backwards is forwards. Everything in reverse and out of order. Chaos, revelry, excess.
    Perfect time to represent Sarah as the American president! You betcha! It looks crazy, it sounds crazy, it IS crazy! Woohoo! You betcha!

    The word "Purim" means "lots" and refers to the lottery that Haman (advisor to the king of Persia) used to choose the date to massacre Jews.
    Part of Purim tradition is to use noisemakers, boo, hiss, and stamp feet to "blot out the name of Haman."
    That could apply to Sarah? :)

    The Talmud says it is one's duty levasumei, to make oneself fragrant [with wine] on Purim until one cannot tell the difference between 'arur Haman' (cursed be Haman) and 'barukh Mordekhai' (blessed be Mordecai)" (Babylonian Talmud, Megillah 7b).

    I wonder if Netanyahu told her that part.

  87. Anonymous1:15 PM

    What I find troubling is that Sarah Palin and her foolish followers think they can make prophesy happen.

    That is something that happens only on God's timeline.

    Just because the Palin mob has "connected" the dots doesn't mean those are dots God will feel inclined to observe.

    What sad, desperate people. The Tower of Babel comes to mind. God will smite them for their hubris.

  88. Anonymous1:17 PM

    Okay, which part didn't you like, Gryphen?
    The part that said Americans don't need special arrangements to get through checkpoints?
    Franklin Graham is probably responsible for Sarah's travel arrangements?
    The cut and paste stuff from the State Department about traveling around Israel?
    Or the bit about this being the moment for Shailey Tripp to act?

    [How was any of that offensive, scratching head...]

  89. Anonymous1:57 PM

    At a guess the story of Esther as it has been passed down by Christian PR is probably some what different that the the original version as passed down through Jewish PR.

  90. Anonymous1:57 PM

    Couldn't agree more, Anon 11:37 AM. That disgraceful Meg Stapleton will be forever be a persona non grata here in Alaska. If she's ever seated close to me in a restaurant, I'll move to another table. If I pass her on the street, I'll look away and hold my breath.

    RAM, this is your future also, too.

  91. Anonymous2:16 PM

    Sarah, God closed the door to Bethlehem to you.

  92. What the heck is "Palin TV"? Does she have her own production company now?

  93. AKRNC2:44 AM

    "PalinTV" is the name the 'bots gave to the video they show that contains their idol. They are freakin' delusional!

    They also believe $arah being in Israel for Purin is a "sign" from God that it is all for $arah. These people will need to be medicated heavily when she goes down for good.

  94. Anonymous1:22 PM

    I find the image of Sarah wearing the Star of David and the key so offensive! I cannot believe that more people are not up in arms about this.

    My husband pays a lot of attention to politics but unlike me, he is like the general public and only pays attention to the famewhore when she makes a bleep on the MSM. He told me that he does catch some of the "bleep" regarding her gaffs and Facebook and Twitter feeds but has noticed that she has become less than foolish, she is inconsequential now. He said that that is worse than being stupid on the national stage. Now not only is she viewed as stupid and dumb, now no one even cares that when she acts stupid or dumb.

    By the way, I live in California and drive a lot throughout Southern California (the Red part of the state) for work. I heard no horn beeps for Palin on March 13, 2011. Did anyone else hear anything?

  95. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Maybe it was on purpose and meant to show her contempt for the Palestinians, since the Day of Purim has something to do with victory of Israels enemies...and she certainly would agree. Also, when did the Iraq war begin? According to wikileaks it was: Let's see: Day of Purim, Iraq Invasion (began) was: The 2003 invasion of Iraq (March 19–May 1, 2003).
    When did Libya bombing begin?
    Day of Purim - March 19-20, 2011.



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