Saturday, March 26, 2011

The Huffington Post finally comes to its senses and kicks Andrew Breitbart off of their front page.

From the Plum line:

After standing by Andrew Breitbart yesterday, the Huffington Post has made the decision to yank him from their highly-trafficked front page, in the wake of some vicious comments Breitbart has since made about former White House adviser Van Jones, a HuffPo spokesman confirms to me.

HuffPo had come under increasing criticism for giving Breitbart a major platform from groups like Color of Change, which argued that he has a history of racially-charged and factually-challenged political activism that has no place on a reputable news and opinion site. While Breitbart will still be allowed to post at HuffPo, the decision to yank him from the front page and downgrade his visibility effectively gives the critics what they’d asked for.

Last night, HuffPo was still sticking by Breitbart, arguing that the site was committed to airing a range of voices and maintaining that Breitbart’s posts on HuffPo had remained civil. But this morning, the Daily Caller published an interview with Breitbart in which he railed at Van Jones as a “commie punk” and a “cop killer-supporting, racist, demagogic freak.” This put HuffPo in a particularly awkward spot, and now HuffPo has had enough.

Here is a little fun fact for all of you.  I have been told that the reason that I was never asked to submit an article to Huffington Post, is because of my refusal to drop the "Sarah Palin s not Trig's birth mother" story. 

In fact, as many of you probably remember, for a long time nobody could even leave links to my blog over at the Huff-Post comments section. I  assume this was out of fear of being overrun with Palin-bots demanding that they kick me off and calling into question their journalistic integrity for allowing somebody like me, who refused to drop the subject and scamper away  like the rest of the MSM, on their highly profitable website.

So apparently I am too controversial to submit an article for the Huffington Post, but that racist, lying piece of Teabagging excrement Andrew Breitbart is NOT considered too controversial?

And here we thought that the Huffington Post was pandering to the liberal left, when all along they were only interested in protecting their bottom line and staying in lockstep with the other MSM cowards who were afraid of being called conspiracy theorists for asking reasonable questions about a bizarre pregnancy that has confounded health professionals all over this country.

Getting Breitbart off of the front page is a good start, but if the Huffington Post has even a shred of decency they will kick his lily white swastika covered ass off of their website for good.


  1. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I used to be a daily reader of Huffington Post. For many reasons, including those you mentioned in this article, I no longer visit that site. IMHO, it's tainted.

  2. Anonymous5:15 AM

    Yep. Arianna is allegedly part of a cult and she received a lot of start up funding from her beaus in the GOP.

    I wish I still had the link to the info media insider shared before she closed her blog, but if you google huffington cult you can probably find stories about it.

  3. Anonymous5:28 AM

    I quit visiting HP quite a while ago after I saw her on Rachel and heartily disliked her. I know this is petty to some, but I can't stand when someone has lived in the US for many many years, yet still is unable to speak without such a deep accent. My own grandparents immigrated (he/Switzerland she/Sweden) and they worked very hard to not speak with accents. It is an the Gabor sisters...and it totally turned me off on her.

    Frankly..I think she just jumped on the "liberal" bandwagon when she saw which way the election was going to go and now her true feelings are coming out. If she really didn't agree with him, she would have kicked him completely off her blog (and from what it sounds, out of her bed?), not just off the front page.

    What is with this country that jerks like this man are given such a platform to expound on their lies and half truths? Like Sarah Palin, he wouldn't recognize the truth if it bit him in the butt! At least he makes no attempt to pretend he is anything but a racist which is better than dear Sarah and her many lies and pretenses.

  4. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Gryphen, don't feel too badly about HuffPo, as soon as they started positioning themselves for a buy-in/buy-out by AOL, you could tell their integrity was slipping.

    Now we see a sleaze factor creeping in to the extent that many of us are rarely visiting HuffPo.

    Where once we could count on news stories, we are seeing increasing coverage of celebrities, sensationalist stories, et cetera.

    Your style may sometimes be straightforward and perhaps a bit gruff, but it has always been honest. You've uncovered truth that others took credit for and have asked questions no one else dared in an effort to ferret-out the facts. That's why we come back.

    You've always been honest and have always apologized when you've gone over the top (which is rare) and when you've made a mistake (also rare). Very few mainstream outlets do either.

    Thank you for being the direct, honest source for valuable information and questions. You've been responsible for taking the luster off the Tundra T*rd, for unmasking much of her BS.

    We appreciate you. HuffPo is on a decline in many ways. You are still a consistent, reputable source which makes you very valuable indeed. Thanks for all that you do.

  5. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Breitbart and his sidekick O'Keefe are hideously ugly. Not pleasant to look at. Repulsive and repugnant, really.

    Just an observation.

  6. Anonymous5:36 AM

    i rarely go to huff-po anymore. all photos - strange headlines -- good blogs hidden amongst the dribble.

  7. Anonymous5:39 AM

    This infuriates me. The only reason racism still exists is because it's easier to continue believing a long standing tradition that ones "neighborhood" is accustomed than open yourself up to a new way of thinking. I grew up in the deep south and felt like a huge freak (still do in parts) because I don't understand why there are people who discriminate based on color or sex or whatever.

    So for this idiot comedian to accuse birthers of being racist is absurd. People question things of mystery. Obama is mot definitely a thing of mystery. The few people who follow palin religiously understand the questions concerning babygate (and yes that number of peole is incredibly small, as most people couldnt care less)

    People question Obama for the EXACT SAME REASONS. There's so much contradictory info out there regarding his birth. There are tons of people who don't know or believe he submitted his BC which actually leads me to believe that certificate is faked. What's the source? What media outlet attained it?

    Now I am not one to doubt him on his American birth. However, when one only mentions something in lightheartedness and joking, somethings probably up.

    My point: Both Palin and Obama lead mysterious, deceitful lives and their staunch supporters refuse to see the case objectively due to emotional responses. It doesn't make them bad people. It makes them human who see light in their favored politicians.

    To criticize Sarah for hypocrisy and lying but not the President is hypocrisy in and of itself. Both are equally deceptive and both possess the same charisma (despite both losing much of that said charisma) to retain a passionate base of support. Obama's jusr very good at keeping himself in check. He knows exactly what he can get away with so he doesn't have to visibly fret over gaffes. Sarah can't get away with the same gaffes but she knows it won't hurt her in the long run because of her appeal.

    Both politicians are equally dangerous for the same reasons. Both are horrible representations of the country.

    If you cannot see the similarity I suggest you do some soul searching.

  8. This is what I did a week ago:

    Your account with The Huffington Post was closed.

    Hi, Gyalist.
    You have successfully closed your account with The Huffington Post. We'll miss you!
    If you want to sign up again later, you may do so here.

    If more progressives did this they would quickly come to their senses. There are better sites out there for progressive views anyway.

    HuffPost is all about celebrity gossip are PR puff-pieces, and will be even more so as AOL tries to recoup the cost of their investment.

    Arianna Huffington is not to be trusted. She is a political chameleon and supreme self-publicist. I remember her as Arianna Stassinopoulos, writing for the right-wing UK Spectator during the years that Margaret Thatcher was PM, but I put my scepticism aside when I saw that she was behind HuffPost. Now I see that my doubts were justified.

  9. Anonymous5:50 AM

    Gryphen....just so you won't feel lonely, I want to remind you that I, too, firmly believe the "wild ride" is one of the greatest pieces of fiction we've heard in the 21st century! Every morning, when I turn on the computer, I hope to see the truth revealed about Palin. I know it seems the older Trig gets, and the further removed from the sequence of events leading up to his birth, the more hopeless it seems for the full, real story to ever come out. Hang tough...forget about've got MANY readers here who rely on your persistence. And, as they say, persistence pays off.

  10. Anonymous5:52 AM

    Like Anon @ 5:14 - I used to read HuffPo daily. Then it got overrun with vicious trolls who had to defend corporations and those with power over pathetic, pajama clad posters like me.

    If horrible, self-serving people like Sarah Palin, who have a voice, a well paid voice, gets to claim the mantle as a victim of MSM, then this world is topsy-turvey.

  11. Anonymous5:53 AM

    *shrugs* The HP is hack attempt at journalism. Often their headlines are so misleading as to be outright lies.

  12. Mark In Everett WA5:58 AM

    @5:39 Comparing Pres Obama and that half-wit half-term quitter former Gov from AK is ridiculous. There is no comparison.

    As for HuffPost been going there daily for many years now - after seeing what's here - and agree with the others. It's gone downhill of late. Hard to find anything truly worth reading.

  13. Anonymous5:58 AM

  14. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Anon @ 5:39 - You have a point in that hundreds of millions more support the President over that know-nothing Sarah Palin; however, giving birthers credence of rational and thoughtful examination is bullshit.

    If you are going to accuse the President of the level of deceit on the level with Sarah, Todd and Bristol Palin, you better come up with more definitive examples rather than Sarah's approach to broadstroke refudiations to every single finding and rumor against her.

  15. Mark In Everett WA6:05 AM

    @5:39 Oh, forgot to say, the whole BC thing is ridiculous too. Seriously, you guys need to let that go. It's old and stupid. Thank you.

  16. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Huffington Post has really gone downhill. I check it for headlines and breaking news sometimes, but rarely read much. THe Immoral Minority I come to every day, and check on multiple times. I also love Andrew Sullivan and the Daily Dish. If I had to limit myself to just two political blogs, I'd pick those two. Keep up the great work, Gryphen!

    Oh, and anon at 5:39, those drugs you are on must be really good to have so disabled your mind! Many media outlets obtained the President's birth certificate, and I remember one news anchor even holding it up to the camera. The people in charge of birth certificates in Hawaii have been interviewed ad nauseaum about his certificate, and over and over again have sworn he was born in Hawaii. And the people in charge of the birth certificates were Republicans! If you are going to be this idiotic, you might as well be a Palinbot.

  17. OverMountainMan6:11 AM

    Every single post I've made about Palin whether it be S or B has been pulled by the HP Mods, I believe they have bots on the inside !

  18. angela6:14 AM

    Anon 5:39
    Jeezus . . . . So by saying mean things about Sarah and talking about how you hate racists we're supposed to believe you aren't a racist birther? Vileness . . . and a waste of time.

  19. wakeUpAmerica6:14 AM

    The Huffington Post lost all credibility - if it ever had any - quite some time ago. It is as blatantly biased as it gets. Jeanne Devon's posts were the only things worth reading.

  20. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Anon5:29am +1. Thank you, Gryphen!

    I used to go the the Huffington Post everyday, but no more. Maybe glance at the headline, but their integrity has been compromised for some time.

    My "account" with Huffington Post was unexpectedly closed when I suggested that the pope might have same-sex attractions; in a civil way, not using any derogatory terms.

    I would think the HufPo moderators could look over my comment history and see that an occasional "damn" was about as rough as I ever got - maybe Arianna now has ten year old catholic girls helping pick her stories and moderate. I am so not interested in Charlie Sheen or Justin Bieber.

  21. I've always felt like bloggers who traded silence on the Trig story for the "glory" of being published on HuffPo sold out their principles. HuffPo is no more independent than any other arm of the mainstream media in their reporting, and the AOL deal proves they never intended to be.

    This story could have gotten legs and brought Sarah Palin down long ago if enough prominent bloggers had done the kind of work that made it too big to ignore. But they were reined in. And where are they now? No offense to any of these Alaskan bloggers, but their bylines are still confined to HuffPo. Had they pursued and broken open this birth story they would already be best-selling authors.

    So don't fret, Gryphen. There are worse things than not being published by HuffPo. Selling your soul is one of them.

  22. Anonymous7:08 AM


    Doing the right thing; as you are in sticking to what you believe to be true, often leaves one in scarce company.

    The truth has a value, but only to those who value the truth.


  23. Anonymous7:17 AM

    Hey, anon@5:39:"To criticize Sarah for hypocrisy and lying but not the President is hypocrisy in and of itself. Both are equally deceptive and both possess the same charisma (despite both losing much of that said charisma) to retain a passionate base of support. Obama's jusr very good at keeping himself in check...etc"

    Fuck you. I got on this board to praise Griffin for his steadfastness in pursing Palin's bullshit lies, and now all I want to do is castigate him for letting jerks like you post here. There are no parallels in the moral character of Palin and Barack. You will never find any, tho you sure do try. Palin is a mud puddle across which Barack steps easily, today, tomorrow, and the rest of his presidency, which will no doubt continue to 2016.

  24. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Ahhh, the Breitfart grows dimmer.

  25. Anonymous7:24 AM

    "I quit visiting HP quite a while ago after I saw her on Rachel and heartily disliked her. I know this is petty to some, but I can't stand when someone has lived in the US for many many years, yet still is unable to speak without such a deep accent. My own grandparents immigrated (he/Switzerland she/Sweden) and they worked very hard to not speak with accents. It is an the Gabor sisters...and it totally turned me off on her. "

    Actually, it is beyond petty. It is xenophobic and pretty shitty on your part-not to mention it shows your ignorance of brain development and language- if one learns a language after a certain age, the synapsis that would allow unaccented language have pretty much been pruned - physically impossible to hear the nuances. . It isn't enough that someone learn to speak whatever "that language of their adopted country is, but you want it accent free, too?" Great, then tell your Alaskan bitch Palin and others to drop their accents, too. And then you can tell us what an "American" accent is - Texan, Deep South, Mid south, Midwestern, Northern, New England?

  26. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Good to see many have seen the light about HP. IM is the post I click on the most.

  27. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Another account has been successfully CLOSED at Huffpo. It's a beautiful morning . . .

  28. Anonymous7:32 AM

    sorry palin bot @ 5:28 - but Sarah Palin LIES every time she opens her mouth. Obama does not LIE.

    SP is as stupid and ignorant as one can possibly be. Obama may be one of the smartest presidents EVER.

    so go lay down with the fleas you support.

  29. Anonymous7:34 AM

    Arianna is nothing more than a media whore like Palin. I deleted her site from my favorites ages ago and NEVER go to one of her links even when I see it on your site, Gryphen. I won't give that pile of crap site one click. Their fake science and feel good crap was enough to drive me away a long time ago and the sell out to the wingers made it permanent.

  30. Anonymous7:37 AM

    The Huffington Post panders to anyone and everyone who will read something sensational, driving up their ratings (readership). They also have a page entirely devoted to Sarah Palin because "Some news is so big it needs its own page." The problem is that some of the stories are a week or two old, so the articles are not exactly new.

  31. 10catsinMD7:43 AM

    I noticed all the things you mention on HuffPO, censuring comments, etc. I was pretty miffed when I saw BB on the front page. Thought about getting news elsewhere and actually did start looking.

    Very disappointed in Arianna. It's all about the money and name now.

    I am expanding my news searches. Getting away from HuffPo.

  32. Denise7:45 AM

    Bill Maher had Breitbart on his show earlier this year and had the perfect opportunity to call him out...and didn't. I was really disappointed in Maher. I'm glad Huffpo finally 'got it' that he's not someone that 'legit' sites should be promoting. Breitbart is a POS.

  33. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Who is the biggest publicity seeking whore?

    Sarah or Arianna?

    Use to think it was Gloria Alred, but not any more.

  34. i had no idea that shit breitbart contributes to huffpo!!! i started reading huffpo in its early days and a whole lot has changed since then. i'm tired of the constant stream of negativity about the prez, and i think the quality of some of the writing has gone down since some bloggers have left. it's become wishy-washy, pandering to both sides like cnn, and in my opinion unreliable in its overall outlook. there are sometimes more stories about sarah palin than what prez obama is up to. i also don't trust this new merger that they have with aol. arianna rails about corporations and then goes corporate.
    i will write them complaining about breitbart, and will be sure not to frequent the site at all till he is no longer a blogger.

  35. Chenagrrl7:57 AM

    Huff Post has failed the test of a great news integrator. It was pandering with Breitfart and failed to invite others in to balance his BS.

    I, too, used to be a regular reader, but find it too shrill, especially that Second Coming headline that seems to be later than the latest news. Anyone see the similarity between the HuffPo hed and the deservedly dead Anchorage Times?

    The Times always had a 2ndcoming hed. In the days of typewriters, the count was always to WORLD TO END, MAYBE

  36. Chenagrrl8:03 AM

    Birther theories = racism. There is no other reason. For those of you with Alaska state and territorial (me included) birth certificates, you would have the same problem were you president and the theories were applied, unless of course you are all white without brown eyes.

    Obama is my homey, a happa like me!

  37. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Anonymous @ 5:39

    It's easy to understand how America remains a racist and bigoted culture..I need look no further than your own simplistic rationalizations, which demonstrate marginal skills of observation, perception and any critical thinking ability. Empathy doesn't seem to enter into your reasoning, but I might be missing something from your comments. My sympathies to you that your mental capacities are so stunted.

    Time to loose the less incendiary nomenclature of "birther", which is the soft sell of something much uglier and if we are honest, racist. Anyone who insists there is legitmacy to the issue is quite simply playing the race card. They should be openly acknowledged for engaging in race baiting. Additionally, those that use it with intention to manipulate the fears, and mental insufficiencies of those that are easily mislead, are liars, opportunistists and unsuitable to hold elected office, especially that of President.

    Obama is a man of mystery? Sarah Palin and Barack Obama are equally deceitful? The "birther" topic is good humor and a joke? The media
    is your source of authority?
    How do you get through the day relying on such limited cognitive reasoning?

    You admonish us to do some soul searching! My suggestion is you go in search of your brain and start exercising it, open your eyes to reality, expand your thought processes beyond your own assumptions and the pulp fiction perpetuated by our MSM. Put yourself into the shoes of others.
    At the very least acknowledge the complexities of the issues we face as members a diverse, and dynamic world, for which simple solutions are inadequate. Broaden your thinking to consider how decisions affect us collectively, not individually. Understand and accept reality, "You can attempt to bend and twist it, even misuse and abuse it, but even God can not change the truth."

    Sioux Sue

  38. Anne In DC8:28 AM

    Breitbart is a slimeball who doesn't deserve a place with any legitimate news source. He has repeatedly shown that he will lie and cheat in order to promote a hate-filled and racist agenda.
    There is nothing "fair and balanced" about anything he is associated with. I have also noticed that HuffPost has declined in quality, and it has more than its share of ignorant trolls who post to show just how thoroughly they have been brainwashed into consistently voting against their own interests.

  39. The direction HP has been going lately, I'd say congratulation!

  40. Lynne8:40 AM

    These comments are very enlightening. Thank you everyone who posted. I thought it was just me who felt that Huffpo had changed. When it merged with AOL, I really had to take a harder look. I used to read it daily (not as much as I read IM), but I've also gotten turned off over time by the attitude and content. If anything I quickly scroll down to see if there is anything I want to read. Sometimes I'll find one or two items on the entire site, but for the most part it's a waste of time. Andrew Breitbart, no matter what page he's on, clinches it.

  41. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I just chucked the HP app off of my iPhone. That felt good. They should kick AB off the site completely. In terms of Arianna's Christian "cult," it's not a secret. The New Yorker wrote about 3 years ago, for example:

    It's called the "Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness" or MSIA.

  42. Anonymous8:46 AM

    More on Arianna's MSIA:!5064930/ariannas-mandatory-cult-meetings

  43. Anonymous8:49 AM

    @ Anon 5:39:

    The problem isn't people questioning Obama; the problem is refusing to accept the proof. We've seen the birth certificate. We've seen the birth announcement in the Hawaiian newspaper. I mean, how much more can anyone do?

    Here's the deal about Obama's birth certificate. Forget that the state of Hawaii has released it. Forget that his birth announcement was in the Hawaiian paper. Just think about the freaking logistics of the lie:

    This conspiracy means that Obama was born in Kenya in the 1960s. And we're supposed to believe that his mother NEVER RELATED that birth story to anyone during his childhood? I've never met a woman whom wasn't happy to relate the story of giving birth to their child. Hell, Sarah Palin has told her stories multiple times (with plenty of discrepancies.) So your conspiracy means that Obama's mother never once over coffee or in the checkout line mentioned how she gave birth in Kenya, a fact that surely would have been remarkable and memorable in Hawaii in the 1960s, and this was all in some pre-meditated attempt to prepare the way for a future presidential bid?

    And no one at the school, the doctor's office, the dentist's office, the DMV---no one remember some person presenting a Certificate of (US Citizens) Birth Abroad citing the remarkable and exotic location of Kenya. I used to verify citizenship in my previous life as a financial aid administrator at the most diverse university in the country, never ONCE have I seen a Certificate of Birth Abroad and our population is a lot more mobile now than it was back then.

    The conspiracy simply collapses under its own weight. For the record, I think the Trig conspiracy does as well. In the end, I think there's too many loose ends, but that doesn't mean that the Wild Ride story isn't a lie. There's no way in Hell I'll believe that story.

  44. Anonymous8:59 AM

    But will HuffPo even keep Breitbart after he loses the slander lawsuit to Shirley Sherrod?

  45. Anonymous9:11 AM

    Im glad that jerk is off of there!! I don't know who told you the nonsense about " not being asked" to submit a story to HP. They do not ask regular bloggers to submit a story! That is ridiculous and if someone told you that they are full of it. Or perhaps you made this up. Hundreds of people write stories there. Do you think they asked them all too?
    Your links were not published because hardly ANY links are allowed. It takes people off the page.
    You certainly think you are important!

  46. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Anon@5:39, face it, President Obama is better at being an American, better in your own culture, than you. So is Condi Rice. sarah will never eat dinner with the Obama family or with Condi because she does not belong at their dinner tables.

    The palins believe they have arrived and belong. They don´t. They fancy themselves to be part of ¨the international sporting scene.¨ They are, in a way, for they are the ¨sport.¨ They are summoned to private booths because they are amusing - not because they belong. It is clear their whole purpose in India was to be a source of amusement for the ¨in¨ crowd.

    In other words, they are tolerated. Why? For the snicker factor, of course.

  47. emrysa9:16 AM

    gryphen, the huffington post sucks. when they instituted the censorship a few years ago that really was the end of that place. I don't know why anyone would consider it to be an honor to post there - it's a f-ing joke. doesn't surprise me at all that they had this jackass on there.

  48. Anonymous9:25 AM

    He reminds me of John Wayne Gacy.

    As for the HuffPo, it lost its way as soon as it became a Hollywood tabloid.

  49. Anonymous9:39 AM

    HuffPo is so ... yesterday - getting my news elsewhere

  50. Anonymous9:51 AM

    5:39 am -

    There is no fakery about President Obama's birth certificate. There were birth announcements in the papers when he was born, you certainly can's go back and fake those, so how about getting a clue that you sound incrediably ignorant. The reason there are so many stories out there is because of ignorant people just like you who make up lies. The repubs and teabaggers have made up multiple wild stories and changed their stories on him constantly.

    President Obama is no lier like Sarah. He is a good decent American man with a wonderful family, oh and he is black. Guess what, Sarah is not good enough to shine his shoes. She is a stupid lying bitch twat without an ounce of compassion.

    You are an ignorant asshat, get with the program and get a life.

  51. Anonymous9:55 AM

    Ive lost all interest in huffpo since 'the merger' which somehow brought forth rw'rs to the front page.

    They fouled their own nest.

  52. Gyalist nailed it. Arianna Huffington truly is a slick, facile chameleon. Moving Breitbart from the front page of HP is good, but I agree the blog has gone downhill, with self-help fluff and gossip.

    Gryphen, you are too good for HuffPo. Stay on the Trig story. The wild ride is an outrageous lie so keep it front and center. At Rightspeak, a video was posted which the poster thought would end rumors that SP faked her pregnancy with Trig. It showed her standing briefly, then sitting and thumping the flat, square shape under her top, as she bragged that her pregnancy didn't show because of her tight abs. (This myth is right up there with her boast that she could outrun President Obama--we've all seen pics of her untoned legs. When she visited WA state a couple of years ago, she started a short marathon, but then dropped out--surprise!) In the video, her belly did not look like it held a baby, and the way she slapped it was nothing like the way a pregnant woman touches the baby in her womb.

    There's a hard and fast rule when you're pregnant. If you even think your amniotic fluid might be leaking, you go to your doc or hospital immediately. No exceptions. You don't just phone your doctor, and your doc does not tell you that it's your call, if you feel like flying half-way across the country, and then driving to Wasilla where the hospital doesn't even handle twin births, sure, go ahead. Imagine the malpractice suit that could be filed if dire consequences ensued as a result of this breezy telephone consult. This scenario is totally implausible. A medical pro would tell a woman in these circumstances to go to the nearest medical facility for an examination, and no doubt admission to the hospital.

    Your labors generally get shorter with subsequent births. My fifth child was born about four hours after the first trickle of fluid. I wasn't having contractions, but I went straight to the hospital because I have common sense--a virtue Sarah Palin talks about, but lacks.

    Does it show common sense to leave Texas, where Baylor U Medical Center was nearby, and bypass hospitals with NICUs in Seattle and Anchorage, and then drive to Wasilla? Oh wait. Now she says Trig was born in Anchorage.

    The most rabid Palin-bot can't honestly defend the wild ride, because many of them are parents and they are familiar with pregnancy and childbirth.

    I care about this for one reason. Sarah Palin, the lazy, phony, ignorant, self-aggrandizing quitter, trashes our President at every opportunity. He has the hardest job in the world, and he's no quitter.He's well-educated and articulate, and Palin is functionally illiterate. His spouse is well-educated and dignified, and Todd is--well, you know. Obama is everything Palin would love to be, but never will be, so she spews venom at him everywhere she goes, including foreign soil.

    I don't care about her private life, but I want her out of the public eye because of her vicious attacks on Obama. So stay on her, Gryphen. You and a few other bloggers and journalists are the only ones exposing the truth about this destructive woman. She is going down, but she's not gone yet, so stay on it. I thank you.

  53. GrainneKathleen10:08 AM

    just left a politely scathing comment to huffpo as to why i am terminating my three year membership with them. been wanting to do it for a while but i enjoyed some of the other readers' conversation. this is the straw that broke the camel's back. i will never participate knowingly in a blog that features anyone like breitbart.

  54. I hardly go there any longer.Just a very big disappointment.

  55. Anony 5:39
    President Obama, mysterious? Are you truly delusional? Even his smile is open and full of love. I may not be happy with some things he has done, mostly not progressive enough for me, but I see such openness about him and his family. If you look for information about him and people in his life when he was young, you can easily find it.

  56. Anonymous10:21 AM

    To begin, I want to say that I read many blogs, and particularly love this one. You have remained dedicated to the pursuit of exposing this vain, egotistical, lying, hypocritic, obtuse, scandalous, con artist of a female. Keep the pressure on! You have done an outstanding job.

    In the past, I read HuffPo quite frequently, and made some comments there. I finally became sick and tired of the misleading sensationalistic headlines, the moderation and censure for unclear reasons--mild comments often scrubbed, and rude, antagonistic ones were left, and I quit going to the site. I could never figure out the comments rules. Also AH attacked the president every opportunity she could, and before the sell out to AOL, HP was starting to lean right and was becoming tabloidy. I also always wondered why a conservative like AH (with Gingrich ties) would run a liberal blog. I think she had an agenda--money, celebrity status and TV talking head pundit. I view her now as somewhat of a joke.

    Thank you for your wit, brains, time, energy, effot, and directness that is reflected consistently on this blog.

  57. Tata Ala11:09 AM

    I love you Gryphen. Thank you so much for continuing to show us the truth. Your passion, curiosity, and mission of social justice is what makes you a unique and intelligent messenger. So many people are better for having interacted with you - including your students.

    Thank goodness I found your site. It sustains me until I move back to Europe.

    Thank you and please don't stop.

    Tata Ala

  58. Tata Ala11:43 AM

    I love you Gryphen. Thank you so much for continuing to show us the truth. Your passion, curiosity, and mission of social justice is what makes you a unique and intelligent messenger. So many people are better for having interacted with you - including your students.

    Thank goodness I found your site. It sustains me until I move back to Europe.

    Thank you and please don't stop.

    Tata Ala

  59. Anonymous12:12 PM

    I'm not tuning into Huffing Post like I use to either. In fact, I'm pretty upset at the MSNBC group...they have been negative about President Obama for quite awhile now and almost compare to some of the crap that is on FOX Neews.

    At least, we are not seeing as much of idiot Palin in the news....are they finally going to stop talking about her? Bill Maher didn't even bring her up last night - not responding to her recent digs at him because of his having referred to her as a 'twat' the week before - which assuredly fits her. Letterman isn't mentioning her anymore either.

    She's talked about the 'lamestream' media for so long now, that I think 'as perhaps a group' they've dropped all mention of her.

    Should she run for national office though - watch out sister Sarah!! I suspect they will come after you from all sides proving all the lies, racist comments, unethical behaviors, motherhood, problem children etc. Remember, videos are out there - things are in print, etc. I can hardly wait!

  60. Anonymous12:14 PM

    I'd sent them an email already saying I will no longer be visiting their website. Didn't expect a response and didn't get one, but I at least wanted someone at that bloated blog to know why I had had enough:

    1. Their misleading story headlines designed to drive up clicks.
    2. Their throwing Obama under the bus at every opportunity almost immediately after he was elected contributing to a demoralized left that stayed home last Nov.
    3. Their putting profits ahead of integrity by hosting a column by Breitbart where everything he writes is guaranteed to be a lie.

    Little known fact: Breitbart and Huffington are friends. He helped her design the site.

  61. Anonymous12:40 PM

    Re: Huffington
    This cartoon hits the nail on the head!

  62. Anonymous1:05 PM

    5:39 You are full of shit! Palin doesn't even begin to compare to President Obama and thank God he holds the office, even though she ran for VP. But, to hear her, you'd think she ran for President vs McCain.

    Palin is a liar, unethical (proven so by Alaska's Legislature), does not represent Alaskan women, is not a true Alaskan woman even though she professes to be, didn't have a clue about shooting gusn, etc. I could go on and on and much is on video and in print. She is a farce. President Obama is not and has the respect of many - thank God!

  63. AKinPA1:19 PM

    I remember watching AH on the Sunday talk shows when she was spouting the conservative/GOP line. I found her annoying---like who is SHE to be commenting on issues of importance? What are her credentials?

    During the 08 election, a coworker suggested I visit HP. I did and was a fairly regular reader for awhile(though not as regular as I am on IM; you're the tops Gryphen). But I find the headlines on HP to be terribly misleading and I think they now alter the headlines every couple of days to make you think you're clicking on a new story.

    The point of this (is speaking word salad contagious?)is that after reading this post and all the comments here I realized that that I had the same reaction to AH back in the day that I have to SP. Who are these women and why are their opinions of any value?

    At least AH was never a candidate for anything.

  64. Anonymous1:44 PM

    To 5:39.

    Now Bush was shady. Ever read about his and his father's shenanigans? Now there is a duplicitous, corrupt family.

    What the birthers really don't like, and I wish they'd just fess up, is that President Obama is a self-possessed, confident black man. Nothing pisses off a racist more than a black man with a brain AND power. The curtain has been pulled off white America, for the first time. And it's not a pretty picture: Bachmann, Pawlenty, Angle, Breitbart,Romney, Paul, Bush, Barbour, Walker, Daniels, Palin, McVeigh, King, Loughner, Rove, Coulter, Limbaugh, Beck, Hannity, Kasich, Trump, Huckabee, Graham, Koch, Brewer... Is this the best that white America and produce?

    Maybe 5:39 should chew on that for a while.

  65. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Aol made a very bad deal, and Ariana made out like a bandit, again. One might think there were smart people in the position of CEO of these major corporations. Instead we find out that they are little brighter than our own Tundra Turd.

    Huffpo is a thing of the past, like aol (and $nowbank $nookie).

  66. dizipoo4:06 PM

    To anonymous 5:39 am: President Obama's live birth certificate was released and verified so let the 'moving on' begin. It's ok for you to despise our President but can't you find something more worthwhile to get stuck on??? Telling a lie over and over again apparently works well with low informatio­n folks but it paints them with the brush of Goebbels. There were many on-the-sce­ne witnesses including the press to Dr Fukino's public authentica­tion statement, are the birthers now willing to accuse her of being a liar as well? Just askin'. I believe she is a Republican so should we assume they are in on the 'con' now too??

    Obama Released Certificat­e Of Live Birth In June 2008; Experts Confirmed Validity.
    In June 2008, Obama's campaign made public a copy of Obama's certificat­e of live birth, which was published on the Internet by numerous media outlets. Many experts, including a team from FactCheck.­org, reviewed the document in person and determined it was authentic. On July 27, 2009, Dr. Chiyome Fukino, director of the Hawaii State Department of Health, certified that she had personally seen Obama's birth certificat­e in the original records maintained by the Hawaii government­. [Los Angeles Times, 6/16/08; FactCheck.­org, 8/21/08; USA Today, 7/28/09]”

  67. Anonymous5:08 PM

    HP occasionally does post articles from the enemy's camp.
    It makes good intellectual target practice for the HP readers, who are largely liberal.

    However there really is no excuse from giving space to a trashy publisher who relies of lies, and is a racist, foul mouthed troglodyte who enjoys destroying people with lie, simply because they do not agree with his disgusting attitudes.

    There are writers with non-liberal views who write well and present their points of view in a civil, intelligent, and respectful manner.

    Why not feature them as a stimulus to an intelligent respectful discussion in the comments?

  68. Anonymous5:19 PM

    I think we can see a distinct alignment between Ariana and $palin.

    Palin had de-witchings by her cult church (that obviously didn't work) and Ariana seems to either be enthralled with, or part of the upper echelons of, a cult.!5064930/ariannas-mandatory-cult-meetings

  69. Anonymous5:28 PM

    5:39 AM

    The source of Obama's released BC is the exact same source as any other American or even non American born in Hawaii (and therefore an American), the Hawaiian State Department of Health.
    It is the same legally recognized and legally binding BC that all of us have if we are born citizens.

    It was in all the news when it was released by the State of Hawaii.

  70. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Colleen in Seattle says:

    Breitbart Tells NewsBusters HuffPo Axing Part of Scheme to Make Tea Party Look RacistMarch

    26, 2011 | 15:11

  71. Gasman9:36 PM

    Andrew Not-So-Brightbart is an ignoramus racist piece of shit. I was damn near ready to boycott HuffPo in perpetuity. Why the fuck would they allow him to post anything at all on their site is beyond me.

    I just sent HuffPo a rather terse e-mail and informed them under no terms will I be visiting their site again if they continue to provide a forum for that contemptible, odious little turd. It may not amount to much but I'll be God-damned if I'm going to frequent any site that provides a haven for that asshole.

    I refuse to get cable or satellite TV because I will not have a single penny of my money going into the greedy little claws of Rupert Murdoch. I'll likewise not do anything that will help that fetid pile of shit Breitbart gain any greater sense of legitimacy in the media.

    If HuffPo wants Breitbart, then I say "fuck HuffPo."

  72. Gasman10:42 PM

    P.S. - Gryphen, I frequently have linked your site in my posts at HuffPo. I didn't realize I was being subversive for doing so. Good! I hope it pissed them off!

  73. Anonymous7:25 PM

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