Monday, March 14, 2011

John McCain added Sarah Palin to his VP "short list" simply because she had a vagina. Stay classy Republicans!

From Politico:

Aides to John McCain initially added Sarah Palin to his "short list" of potential running mates because McCain wanted a woman on the list, according to his campaign manager.

McCain entered the vice presidential selection process with a list of five possibilities: Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney, Michael Bloomberg, Charlie Crist, and Joe Lieberman, according to Washingtonian's profile (which isn't online) of Washington lawyer A.B. Culvahouse, who led the search.

"As the clock was running out, [campaign manager Rick] Davis say McCain asked to have at least one woman on the short list. His advisers went back to the long list and plucked out Palin's name," the magazine reported.

See?  And people said that Palin did not have the qualifications John McCain was looking for in a VP candidate when obviously she did.  Now go over to the Sea O'Pee and tell them you are sorry.

And now you know why Palin faked her last pregnancy.  She was trying to show McCain that her single qualification was still in good working order.

Couldn't John McCain have picked a female politician with both a vagina AND a brain? Oh wait, this is the Republican party, what was I thinking?

You know if you count Todd Paliin Sarah actually had TWO vagina's.  See? She was OVER qualified by McCain's standards.  Have you gone over to Sea O'Pee to apologize yet?

I would just like to remind everybody that we should not judge creepy old John McCain too harshly. After all I have it on good authority that President Obama chose Joe Biden to be his number two based solely on Biden's amazing man-boobs.

Okay all kidding aside, what John McCain almost put this country through, simply to pander to a a bunch of horny Republican men so that they would vote for his old wrinkled ass, is a fucking disgrace.  If he had a shred of decency he would retire from politics and spend his last days on this planet working with the poor and downtrodden in the hopes of making up for inflicting Sarah Palin on the country that he has so often professed to love.

P.S. For those who are still not yet completely convinced that Sarah Palin is perhaps one of the all time worst candidates in the history of Americna politics, perhaps you should take a moment to read the brilliant Politico piece called 'She's becoming Al Sharpton, Alaska edition.'


  1. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Malia nails it, "also too," in presenting McCain's much-more-well-qualified female options:

  2. nancy7:15 AM

    We would be a lot better off as a country if these horny old goppers let the viagra wear off before google vetting the next potential leader of their pack.

  3. This is OT, but did anybody see any sign of those roll-to-a-stop dimwits? I live in a liberal town and we were having downpours about then. Anybody?

  4. Gryphen,

    I enjoy your blog, but this post seems kind of mastubatory. This story refers to 2008, for crying out loud and says NOTHING NEW. $arah is not in public office. As you find out new and relevant stories, great, but this is just wallowing.

    Perhaps you could 1) expand to other corrupt AK officials or 2) expand to cover other dumb women officials (e.g. Michele Bachmann).

    I'm wondering who is actually taking care of Trig - is he getting qualified care to help with his disability?

  5. Anonymous7:19 AM

    What really got me was the blatant attempt to turn Hillary supporters to the Dark Side. I'm still incredulous that they thought we couldn't see thru that.

    But now, it seems *everything* the Repugs are doing flies in the face of logic if they ever want to be elected again. They are really that delusional that they think they're still pulling the wool over everyone's eyes.

    No wonder Caribou Barbie still thinks she's a viable candidate.

  6. Anonymous7:22 AM

    Every time I see this picture, I cringe at the stupidity of this woman. This was taken at that horse race where everyone else dresses up nicely..and she showed up with a see through top, black super padded bra and denim crops..with a really stupid looking cap. How could anyone think a person with so little regard to custom and properity could ever be in the white house, meeting foreign dignitaries.

    She is trailer trash of the worst kind. Don't take that wrong..I lived in a trailer for a while..but I would surely have made an effort to find out what was proper to wear to such an event.

    Who the hell invited her there anyway? Hope they where as mortified as everyone else seeing this picture.

    And...yes...horny old McCain deserves really bad things to happen to him for unleashing these people on the world.

    I remember an interview when she and Mchorny were being together and his eyes kept going down to her boobs and legs. It was totally obvious what he saw in her..and it wasn't her brain.

  7. Wow! The hits against Sarah seem to be coming fast and furious. First the NY Mag “Ailes vs. Sarah” article, then this one from Politico, and now one from a South Carolina right-winger – the same guy who swears he had an affair with Nikki Haley . Couple that with the info Shailey Tripp’s been releasing, and you know Sarah’s head has got to be exploding!!

  8. Gasman7:35 AM

    So, now we know. Palin's only qualification for selection as McCain's VP was her genitalia.

    "'She would have been a great vice president, ' said Washington power lawyer A.B. Culvahouse at an event at the National Press Club. 'And as I told John [McCain] she would have been ready on January 20. I don't think many people would....' "

    So, with a list that included former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, former Florida governor Charlie Crist, New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg, and Senator Joe Lieberman, this putz A.B. Culvahouse thinks that PALIN is THE MOST QUALIFIED and ready for office!? Seriously! ?

    I suspect his judgement was based more on Palin's T&A than anything she could have possibly said. She certainly hasn't said or done anything since the election that leads one to suspect that she would have been ready for becoming Vice President of the United States on January 20, 2009.

    I suspect that A.B. Culvahouse will never, EVER be given the opportunity to make such a decision again.

  9. Morgan had it right with her "McCain's Vagina" posts.

    We used to say we'd know we had equality when a female incompetent could rise as far as a male incompetent. Not sure what it means when a female can go further merely because she is female.

  10. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Affirmative action: IOKIYAR! Republican hypocrites hate affirmative action, except for when they try to use it to make some token gesture to women and minorities: $arah Palin and Michael Steele.

  11. Anonymous8:06 AM

    I don't know, this is actually a step up from what I have always thought (and still do), that she was picked because McCain personally had the hots for her. More specifically than her being chosed just for being female, I mean. (I've never forgotten hearing how he left his first wife because she wasn't attractive enough for him after suffering a car accident. What a great family guy.)

    Yes, I was just coming here to ask about the "Let's Roll to a Stop" dorks too! Oh my gosh, I still think about that when I need a laugh.

  12. Anonymous8:23 AM

    sarah loses supporters every time that photo is posted.

    The other people in the photo, sarah, are snickering at you.

    People will never tire of snickering over your Belmont Stakes spectacle.


  13. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Another point of her "qualifications" was that Dobson had been pushing her christian values for a couple of years. All repubs seek Dobson and Grahams advice including McCain. McCain was told over and over again that he needed to get the christian votes to win - he wasn't going to get them by choosing Mitt or his buddie Lieberman. So he killed two,three birds with one stone by choosing a female, supposided christian who would bring the base out to vote for him and someone who was supposidly had brought a special needs child to term. Well as people started to figure out that not only did Palin lack an intelligent thoughtful brain, she made terrible decisions about the fake birth of her fifth child with the wild ride story, and her kind of christian values were crap. She has looks - that's it. SO why bring this up again and again since 2008? Because there are always going to be old men like Dobson, Graham, McCain who think a pretty young thing is what's best for the country when it SO WRONG except for the older white males sitting in the back rooms of power. They have used her for their interests and she is too stupid to figure that out. She is a f***** idiot.

  14. Anonymous8:57 AM

    It wasn't just picking a chick to keep up appearances, the GOP also tried the not-so-real American Michael Steele for the RNC.

    However, the time for experiments is long over!

  15. TruthSeeker9:21 AM

    Wow. Where did those balloons come from? Palin's boobs and her belly inflat and deflate at her whimsey: somethimes round, sometimes flat, sometimes squarish.

    "If he (McCain) had a shred of decency he would retire from politics and spend his last days on this planet working with the poor and downtrodden in the hopes of making up for inflicting Sarah Palin on the country that he has so often professed to love."

    Strongly disagree with you Gryphen. If McCain had one shred of decency he would FIRST, starting immediately, begin campaigning to ensure that Palin is NEVER elected, nominated, appointed, to any kind of position, not even as dog-catcher.

    Only after McCain can ensure, promise and deliver that Palin is permanently and forever out of the lives of Americans and the world, THEN he can atone by working with the poor and downtrodden.

  16. Anonymous9:23 AM

    "Yes, I was just coming here to ask about the "Let's Roll to a Stop" dorks too! Oh my gosh, I still think about that when I need a laugh."

    I never found out what happened with the "Let's all pray for Trig to be cured of his Downs" crowd. One month and he was supposed to be cured, right? This was supposed to prove to us that the Christians are right?


  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Bill Maher's New Rule:

    "New rule: Image isn't everything. It takes more than some clean clothes and a pair of nerd glasses to take an unemployed ego-lunatic and turn them into ... " Maher proclaimed, as the background photo switched from Sheen wearing glasses to one of the always-bespectacled Sarah Palin. "Oh, never mind."

  18. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Sarah has her big sweater puppies on for that photo.

    maybe they are the ones she showed Johnny boy.

    McCain.. you should rot in hell for unleashing this moron on us.

  19. Anonymous9:42 AM

    Looking at Sarah's wrinkly old loose neck skin and hands, I don't think her vagina is not in good shape. Maybe that's why Tawd went after some younger stuff? I wonder if she had botox injected into her vajayjay so that when she wears her short skirts on stage she does not get the young guys sick?

  20. Anonymous9:58 AM

    I watched the "after-show" for the O.C. Housewives last night (Yes, I did), and one of the blondes--I can't tell 'em apart--was suspected by the host of having gotten a boob job.

    She denied, but gave a little shout out to Victoria Secret's "boob-job in a box". Her full bustline looked just like Palin's in that photo, so I expect that's how Sarah attained that physique.

    **note: While I admit to watching several crappy reality shows, I NEVER watched Palin's. From what I did see on internet clips, her show made all the other tawdry shows look fresh and believable.

  21. Beldar10:00 AM

    She had one, eh? Kinda makes ya wonder what happened to it, no?

  22. Anonymous10:11 AM

    I am a fan. I stumbled upon your blog about 1 year ago (I think from Andrew Sullivan). Anyway, I am totally hooked and check on your blog several times per day!! Keep doing what you do. I do think that you should write a book. You have an interesting background and I adore the stories about your daughter and fatherhood. Of course I looooove the funny nicknames i.e The Grizzled One or See O Pee. keepup the good work.

  23. Anonymous10:27 AM

    The photo of the half term governor at the Belmont Stakes is another example of how much she is out of it. She went to the race simply because a horse named First Dude was running. So she and the two legged First Dude flew to New York to see a horse race because it had the same name as Todd's nickname. It was probably the first race she had attended because people sitting in the club house dress very nicely, unlike she was dressed. It was also on the same day as Rush's wedding in Palm Beach. Probably much to her dismay she was not invited.

    Later during the election period she and Todd attended a New York Jets game as a guest of the owner Woody Johnson. She had promised Christine O'Donnell that she would campaign with her in Delaware, but by this time O'Donnell had become recognized as a disaster. Though she was next to Delaware at the Jets game she never campaigned for O'Donnell.

    In a short period of time the half term governor and the First Dude became members of the international sporting set. The Palins have moved on up.


  24. Anonymous10:39 AM

    This is a nice tie-in to your picture of Sister Sarah.

    Fox News reports on padded bras...

    The story quotes an anti-padded bra protester saying that "Padded bras are evil as they make the breasts look bigger and perky ... Only devil women show off private parts."

  25. Anonymous10:42 AM

    @7:15 AM

    Or "Google petting" as the case seems to be.

  26. Anonymous10:54 AM

    She has her mae west big chest, with shoulders back outfit down pat.

    All woman have the right to wear falsies. No problemo there.

    She also has an inflated ego that is pumped up beyond measureing amd someday her head just might explode.

    It's up to the Republicans to deflate that bag of hot air that also has a vagina attatched.

  27. Anonymous10:58 AM

    When's Sarah going to realize all of her instincts are wrong?

  28. Anonymous11:20 AM

    That's an insult to Rev Al, who is not stupid and does have a sense of humor, while Palin IS stupid and has NO sense of humor.

  29. Anonymous12:22 PM

    Al Sharpton is smart and has a brain and uses it. Palin couldn't even begin to compare!!!!!!!

  30. Tyroanee12:31 PM

    Palin had a vagina?

    Well, it's really more like a cold dark sponge of perpetuating yeast infections... that is all.

  31. Anonymous12:42 PM

    "The Higher The Climb, the Harder The Fall"

    In Palin's case it was a meteoric climb and she's now in free fall.

    Palin, who? Bachmann steps it up and slips up as 2012 decision nears

  32. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Albeit a horrible vagina!

  33. imnofred1:18 PM

    She certainly was not added to the list because of her brains.

  34. Anonymous2:31 PM

    Am I the only one not seeing Sea of Pee? I want to get their angry reactions to the books being published and the Politico article. The madder they get, the more I like it.

  35. Anonymous2:48 PM

    No comparison to Al Sharpton...the man is smart, selects his words carefully when answering questions and seems to be a loving man. Idiot Sarah has none of the above + a rotten vagina!

  36. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I think we should ALL contact McCain and ask him to publicly come out in non support of Palin should she actually run in the primary. He should also be told what a friggin idiot he was in selecting her to run w/him. He did a huge disservice to America and his having done so will be what he is remembered for after he dies. If he had accomplishments while serving in Congress, all will be underscored by his choice of the unethical Palin.

  37. Anonymous3:10 PM

    She was added to the ticket to excite the fundamentalist base of the Republican Party, which did not much like John McCain.

    She was being groomed for the spot since at least 2007, and probably before then.

    The main "fact of her life" that mattered, according to Republican pundits at the time she was nominated, was that she had chosen "life" by "giving birth to" Trig."

    Of course, she had to be female to accomplish such a task, but the idea that she would appeal to any significant number of disappointed Democratic women voters, was and is, silly.

    This sounds like another effort by her Fundie-GOP handlers to limit the damage that the fake-Trig-birth scandal (which they were part of carrying out) might cause any of them.

  38. Anonymous3:39 PM

    12:31.. exactly how I'd imagine "it" to be

  39. I have never doubted that this was McCain's sole reason for choosing Palin. As soon as Obama was THE nominee for the dems, McCain knew he has to have a non-traditional candidate on his ticket if he wanted to win. McCain was certain that women would vote for a woman and that Repubs would be satisfied with McCain because he selected a young VP candidate.

    One of the many lessons from the McCain campaign? One's VP selection is a POTUS' first major decision on behalf of the country. While McCain was likely to lose anyway because of the economy, had he run with an intelligent and respected VP selection, his loss wouldn't have been such the Epic Fail.

    We women are much, much smarter than McCain gave us credit for being. Sexism is sexism. By selecting an idiot with a vagina, McCain showed the world just how little he believed women were capable of being.

  40. Anon @ 8:38 is absolutely correct; the blessing of James Dobson is critical for Repub candidates. For a non-religious candidate like McCain, an evangelical, not just Christian but Christian on steroids was a must when selecting a running mate.

    I was shocked to learn about the influence James Dobson still holds over the Repub party. I highly recommend the book "Republican Gomorrah" by Max Blumenthal. It is a must read for anyone interested in politics, but esp for Dems.

  41. Janet Carter5:02 PM

    I just read on another website that Palin was no-show on the Lou Dobbs premiere show on Fox tonight. Also read that C4Pee has been down for 3 hours. Apparently C4Pee was advertising big time about Palin's appearance on Dobbs program tonight. Hummmmmmm? Anybody know where Sarah is ????

  42. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Gryphen if you have already seen this from the Daily Dish, ignore and no need to post if not relevant.

    The Hollow Men vs Palin
    14 Mar 2011 06:11 pm

    Larison notes the timing of the Republican anti-Palin message:

    As long as she was useful prior to the midterms, the institutions, magazines, and leaders of the movement not only tolerated her, but actively promoted her and gave her typically glowing coverage. Those that couldn’t bring themselves to praise her went out of their way not to criticize her. Now that Palin may represent a political threat to Republican chances of regaining the White House, they are suddenly very concerned about her impact on the quality of conservative argument. Their concern would be interesting if it weren’t so belated and narrowly focused on Palin.

    It almost makes one believe that John McCain and Bill Kristol actually hold their base in contempt, believing them to be "poor, undereducated and easily led." And now they have to steer their flock in another direction. In some ways, I have more sympathy with the Palinites and Palin than the cynics and hollow men of Washington's GOP establishment.

  43. Anonymous5:10 PM

    nonymous said...

    I think we should ALL contact McCain and ask him to publicly come out in non support of Palin should she actually run in the primary. He should also be told what a friggin idiot he was in selecting her to run w/him. He did a huge disservice to America and his having done so will be what he is remembered for after he dies. If he had accomplishments while serving in Congress, all will be underscored by his choice of the unethical Palin.

    3:03 PM

    Won't happen, McCain can't speak out against Palin and vice versa. They know to much negative stuff about each other which would assure mutual destruction. Plus McCain can't speak out against Palin because he would be admitting that he was a dumbass and was not thinking about the country and was only thinking of himself. That crooked bastard!

  44. Anonymous6:13 PM

    LMK, I wonder whether that is all McCain think women can be. I think he is shallow enough to only be able to stand being around pretty women. He couldn't bear to face or be seen with an older woman of intelligence... an Olympia Snowe or Liddy Dole.

  45. Anne In DC7:56 AM

    I read Politico's article as well as the posts in response to it. You should see how some of the respondents spew the same old, tired, and discredited defenses of Palin. She's being picked on by "libs" and the "liberal media: in spite of the fact that the article is about Republican intellectuals and pundits who are disenchanted with her. Apparently, they can't see how making a fool of oneself eventually wears thin with even one's staunchest allies.

    There's the one about how "libs fear this strong woman" and another about how she personifies truth and integrity. No kidding! But the one that tops all of them is that she has "more experience" than our president. He is at the beginning of his 3rd year into his presidency, and these knuckleheads are saying the same things about both of them as if it were still 2008. They are undoubtedly among the many "horny goppers" cited in an earlier post, Gryphen, and there is no reasoning with them. They are stuck on stupid, and only a major catastrophe would wake them up, if ever. A Palin presidency would be a major catastrophe.


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