Friday, March 04, 2011

Jon Stewart gives the best description of Westboro Baptist Church EVER!

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
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Oh, he also makes a little fun of the Mormons as well.


  1. this was glorious to behold. his comparison of the way fox rags on teachers vs. the way they sympathized with the poor wall street brokers is wonderful and glaring brightly with sweet sweet irony. i'm so glad he's giving a lot of time and attention to it. it seems part of his sympathy for teachers lies in the fact his mother is one. i find that very sweet. as much as he tries to seem like he isn't, jon stewart is a very sweet, good-hearted man.

  2. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Loved it!

    The Westboro Baptist Church has long been an embarrassment to our country, Kansas in particular.

    Fred, the patriarch and main "preacher," has used the church, in my opinion, for tax dodging, a shield against charges of spousal and child abuse, and an excuse to spew his own special brand of hatred.

  3. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Here is your blog statement: This blog is dedicated to finding the truth, exposing the lies, and holding our politicians and leaders accountable when they fall far short of the promises that they have made to both my fellow Alaskans and the American people.

    When are you going to treat all politicians as fair game and not just attack republicans?

  4. Anonymous7:49 AM

    Can we send Jon Stewart's mom a giant bouquet of flowers, or if that is too stalkerish, make a donation to our face charity in her name, on Jon's birthday?

    Humor with facts is irrefutable!

  5. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Hey, sarah, get back in here and tell us again what an inspiration you are to America.

    That was funny!

  6. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Hey Anon at 7:36, start your own blog if you have a problem with this one. Lazy shit, go do your own homework and quite expecting someone else to do it for you.

  7. O/T, I took this test this morning and thought the readers here might be interested. It supposedly shows you what your political leanings are. Don't let the page number scare you it took me about 10 minutes to do the test.

  8. Anonymous8:48 AM

    To Anon @7:36: I ask you, who is doing the damage to our country right now? Who is taking away the rights of workers, the rights of women, and virtually raping the middle class? Who has more skeletons in their closet than the GOP? Who precipitated the protests in Wisconsin? Which party decided to have sonograms on the floor of their House in Ohio to prove that a BABY was in that uterus in front of them, and that they had to vote to protect all babies (the hell with women and children, but protect that fetus by putting the mom in jail)
    Hint: it's not the Democrats.

  9. angela8:48 AM

    Anon 7:36

    I can't speak for Gryphen--but Republicans make it so easy these days to be the objects of mockery. Have you been paying attention lately? Even if a Dem did something heinous there are twenty-five republicans standing in line ahead of them who have done the same or worse.

    Its a numbers thing, I believe.

  10. Anonymous9:25 AM

    7:36...meh, repubs/democrats they're really all the same anymore, lapdogs/shills for their corporate handlers. My guess on why repubs get called on their bullshit is their holier than thou, hypocritical pedigree, there's really nothing like it

  11. Anonymous9:40 AM

    7:36 - the GOP just has too many easy targets - hypocritical asshats who are intent upon telling everyone else how to live their lives when they are continually falling short in their own.

    Honestly, there have not been the same number of Democrats as corrupt and vile-humored as the GOP/TP folks. Both sides have their fools and corruption, but the GOP/TP wins that contest hands-down.

  12. That was great.

    I can only hope karma will accomplish three things.

    That when Fred finally gets called home to God, God will keep him 1000 ft outside the pearly gates until the shuttle to hell arrives.

    Westboro Political Action Committee loses their tax free status due to their church being legally declared a shame.

    The remaining family members fight and squabble and dissolve into the muck. I suspect once Fred is gone, few of the non-family will stay, most are probably old and will be called home to that great bus stop in the sky to take the shuttle to their new toasty warm chapel.

    Time will cure this pustule.

  13. Great vid on the basketball player.

    Maybe that's why, the world over it's known as "Bring'em Young!"



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