Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Klondike Kardashian's latest Facebook fail is so stupid even Fox News cannot support her.

I was not going to address this at all because Palin's most recent Facebook attack on President Obama over gas prices is so completely bereft of factual information that it should be beneath the notice of anybody with half of a brain. However since so many media outlets seem determine to address this mooseshit I figured I should weigh in as well.

Palin's Facebook ghostwriters have apparently decided that Obama's so-called "anti-oil policies" have somehow contributed to the recent prices that we are all paying at the pump.

That is of course a specious argument and one easily cleared up by experts who actually know what they are talking about.  Like the ones Media Matters contacted to punch holes in Palin's ridiculous ghostwritten rant:

I recently asked several economists and energy experts if there was any truth to the claim that the Obama administration's drilling policies are responsible for the recent surge in gas prices. Not a single expert I consulted said that the claim is valid, including those aligned with the oil industry. Here's a sample of the responses I received:

  • "Absolutely No Merit To This Viewpoint Whatsoever." Chris Lafakis, economist at Moody's Analytics and expert in energy markets, said: "I received your question about whether or not federal drilling policies are responsible for the current rise in gas prices. There is absolutely no merit to this viewpoint whatsoever. Near-term fluctuations in gasoline prices are determined by two primary factors: crude oil prices and seasonality. Since the deepwater drilling delay applies only to exploration and production, it would take years, maybe a decade to get any amount of crude oil out of the ground and into our gas tanks. In the meantime, global crude oil supply is exactly the same as it would have been if the government were giving away permits like candy."
  • "It's Not Credible To Blame The Obama Administration's Drilling Policies For Today's High Prices." Michael Canes, research fellow at the Logistics Management Institute and former chief economist of the American Petroleum Institute disagrees with Obama's drilling policies. Still, he said: "It's not credible to blame the Obama Administration's drilling policies for today's high prices because of the relative scales involved." He further stated that "world oil prices are determined in a market of around 85 million barrels per day of production and consumption, while the consequences of domestic drilling, particularly in the Gulf, likely would be more in the range of several hundred thousand to one million barrels per day, and most of that production would not occur for a number of years."
  • "Gasoline Prices At The Pump Would Be Higher Either Way." Lou Crandall, chief economist of Wrightson ICAP LLC said: "Higher oil prices today are a global phenomenon, and the additional supply from increased drilling by the U.S. would not alter the global balance of supply and demand greatly. Gasoline prices at the pump would be higher either way. The only difference is that a somewhat larger share of the revenue would accrue to domestic interests (governmental and private) rather than to foreign suppliers."
There we go.  Now isn't it better to hear from people who ACTUALLY KNOW WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT on this subject?

In fact the argument was so...what's the right word here...oh yeah...retarded, that even Fox News simply could not go along with it.

(By the way Fox News is also incorrect with their assessment that if we reversed our domestic oil producing policies this minute, that it would have a real impact on gas prices in this country in the long term. It would not.)

Now here is my personal pet peeve.  One of the reasons that people keep responding to Palin when it comes to issues of energy or gas and oil issues is because they continue to buy into the myth that she is an "energy expert."  No, Goddammit she is not!

When Palin was tapped by Governor Murkowski to sit on the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission it was just one of a number of jobs he offered her to get her to stop pouting about not getting his vacated Senate seat. (Something, by the way, that she is STILL pissed off about.)

However one of the very enlightening things that Frank Bailey pointed out in his manuscript is that on that commission there was a slot made available to one person who had no fucking idea what they were talking about, just to give the Alaska people the idea that even the dumbest among them were being represented.  That was the slot given to Palin.

The other so-called jewel in Palin's "energy expert" crown is the gas line project. The contract for which she promised TransCanada $500 million to bribe them into accepting, and which we now know is essentially doomed.

The facts are that Palin is about as much of an expert on energy as she is on telling the truth, which is not one damn bit.  Has everybody got that now?


  1. Anonymous2:55 PM

    No mention of the biggest suppliers in Arabia who, if the prices go down too much, turn off the spigot and create a shortage until the prices go back up.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    I was raised in the oil industry. I am a woman. I could tell from August 2008 that Palin knew NOTHING about the oil industry or energy. I can't even imagine what authentic energy experts make of her foolhardy stupidity. Her obvious lack of knowledge about the oil industry, her so-called area of "expertise," was a real tip-off to me in 2008 about what a terrible choice she was for VP nominee.

  3. Anonymous2:59 PM

    The oil being drilled in the gulf is our oil but we do not have a claim on it. The oil companies sell our oil to the world. We get some of it- when we pay enough. And this is after we pay these oil companies billions in subsidies to "Please drill for our oil". What a disaster! The Dems tried to cut off these subsidies last month--no go- the GOP killed that amendment real fast. Palin KNOWS NOTHING about what is going on. What does she do all day besides put on makeup?

  4. Anonymous3:03 PM

    I noticed they just had to slip in that crap about China drilling of the America Coast.

    I wonder if Fox has discovered the lying gene and DNA maps their puppets to make sure they are genetically predisposed to lie.

  5. Virginia Voter3:05 PM

    I am so sick of this oil meme...there is absolutely no increase in demand for oil now as compared to this same time last year. The Saudis are swimming in oil...more than they know what to do with.

    According to the American Petroleum Institute, if actual demand and supply determined the price of crude oil, prices would be about stagnant at $67 per barrel. But oil prices don't work that way. Speculators and investors (i.e. Wall Street, and international exchanges) determine the price of oil...not supply vs. demand, not producers or consumers, or even the POTUS. Speculators are "using" the crises in the Middle East to drive up the price of oil, while the oil industry just sits back and counts the millions in their bonuses.

    The US gets the majority of our imported oil from Canada and Mexico (about 60%) and the rest from the Middle East. Libya only produces about 2% of the world's oil...if they went offline completely, no one would be worse off. It is all a game, and unfortunately we pay the price.

  6. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Media Matters link:

  7. Anonymous3:10 PM

    It’s almost as if Republican working-class people finally figured out the only person profiting from Sarah Palin’s shitty act was … Sarah Palin.

    Today, we are all tired of Sarah Palin's shitty act.

  8. SME1313:19 PM

    Palin has always been proof positive that a little knowledge is more dangerous than none at all.

    She reminds me of those people that take one law class and suddenly think they're an attorney, or a medical terminology class and think they're a doctor.

    Palin only help that position for a hot minute and didn't learn a damn thing while she was there.

  9. Hi Gryphen great post as always. I posted an article on my blog about an ADN aricle writen in Nov 2008 when Sarah was Gov. of the state and how she dissed the high prices of gas then.

    I also posted the prices of gas the summer of 2008 when George Bush was President they were the same as they are now.

  10. AKRNC3:28 PM

    C4P has a story up about the success of ACES and how "employment rose due to ACES, along with an increase in drilling". It pretty much says the opposite of what the industry experts say about ACES. C4P takes every one of Palin's failures and pretends they were all greatest hits.

    Of course, the delusional groupies at C4P think the oil experts agree with Palin regarding the price of gas going up due to Obama's moratorium on drilling and his overall energy policies. The lack of reality in every story they tell is evident on a daily basis at that crazy site. They refuse to allow ANY criticism of their quitter-in-chief.

    Palin is still pretending to be an energy expert based on McCain's calling her that to boost her lack of qualifications. However, ten months as the chairman of the AO&GC does not make an expert, especially when upon accepting the position she stated that she hoped by the time she left it she would be able to understand some of what Todd talked to her about on the slope.

    The media never calls her out on her pretense that if they were able to increase drilling in Alaska tomorrow, we wouldn't benefit for years and we would not be assured that the oil or gas that is drilled on U.S. soil will remain here. Yet, Palin tries to sell this lie every time she speaks. It is so far past time for her to be long gone. She should be an answer to a trivia question by this time, however, she has been promoted by the media in order to increase website hits and revenue from advertising. I wish the media would please find someone else worth paying attention to!

  11. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Sarah is no expert on oil, gas, or energy. In fact, she is a freaking idiot and has chit for brains and I am being kind at this moment to the twatless whore.

    Rebecca ManSEWER is more than likely the other brainless idiot behind this facebook idiotic rambling.

    The more these two imbeciles screech, the more Americans are turned off and more people are finding out how totally uninformed and ignorant these two snakes are about any subject.

  12. Anonymous3:32 PM

    2:55pm..fer reals, absolutely amazing how many bought "$he's an energy expert" bullshit. The old Leon Russell ditty Nothin' for Nothin' Means Nothin" 'splains $carah to a T

  13. Palin is spewing her fiction in her habitual divisiveness painting her self good and Obama bad against all oil. Her pattern is the same whether she is using a cookie, foreign policy experience. She spins herself in glorification and demonizes her targets are the opposite. Same song, another verse!

  14. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Don't forget that McCain put it out there that she was an energy expert during the campaign.

    Thank God, those of us who live in Alaska know better. She is an idiot and is not an expert on anything other than fabricating who and what she is and isn't!

  15. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Sarah is so STUPID.She needs to go away and take care of those wild kids. Every time she opens her mouth she just shows how really dumb she is. How did this woman ever get elected too any office?

  16. Anonymous3:48 PM

    The President of the US is not an expert on any one policy topic or subject matter. He/She is the figurehead who's job is to surround himself with extremely knowledgeable people and make intelligent, unbiased, objective decisions. We've strayed from this. There are way too many bribes occurring and way too much say from individual entities. The leadership from the top is sorely lacking and has been for the last decade.

    While it showed his lack of leadership and ineptitude for high office, Obama's use of Bill Clinton shows he at least knows what his job entails.

  17. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Here's a GREAT article on her slipping poll numbers. It included the following:

    In addition, several well-known conservatives criticized Palin in an article published Monday on the website Politico. Weekly Standard magazine writer Matt Labash told the website that Palin is "becoming Al Sharpton, Alaska edition" due to her "appeals to victimhood and group grievance." The same article quoted veteran conservative columnist George Will on Palin’s potential effect on an idea-driven conservative movement. Could the GOP remain the party of ideas if Palin were the presidential nominee? “The answer is emphatically no,” Mr. Will told Politico.

    And Peter Wehner, former director of the Office of Strategic Initiatives in the White House of George W. Bush, added: “She seems at best disinterested in ideas or lacks the ability to articulate any philosophical justification for them. She relies instead on shallow talking points.”

  18. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Today Norah O'Donnell actually said that SP had some expertise in the area. I almost wrecked my car. Do these reporters research anything?

  19. Anonymous4:00 PM

    My Dad worked in the oil field for most of his career. As a kid, I sometimes went with him to check on wells. Shoot, I even know what H2S smells like! Surely that's enough for me to claim the title of "energy expert", right?!?

  20. Anonymous4:03 PM

    @3:48 - I have no idea what your point is. This thread is about Sarah Palin's abominable misunderstanding of oil and energy.

  21. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Sarah Palin is “playing house” on a national stage, while the rest of us have moved on to the real deal. Every time she opens her mouth, projectile vomit splatters somebody, some where. Sane people know she is Alaska’s village idiot, and wonder “where is her mama”?

    Her facebook ghost writers have less intelligence than she does, and should be exposed so that their future only holds indenture ship to this idiot. God forbid they jump ship and become employed else where. Their only hope is village idiot, if the position becomes vacant.

    Expose the ghost writers and fair warn the world.

  22. Anonymous4:12 PM

    Yeah we know bots, Palin had a great day and went out to eat at Red Robin or Taco Bell and they took family pictures. So Bristol or Bots, I just posted for you so go on back to your next project of trying to pimp out Bristol with a new face and less body fat after her latest "delivery".

  23. Anonymous4:16 PM

    3:48 pm -

    Well, well, well if it ain't the Quitter Queen's ass kisser RAM visiting us to mention former President Clinton's name.

    RAM, get the hell out of here and go play with yourself cause we are also tired of your SHITNESS!!!!

  24. Anonymous4:34 PM

    the only thing $carah can even remotely relate to oil is that toad used to conveniently go away for 2weeks at a time,26 times a year, the possibility that she had an idea that had something to do with oil is probably debatable too...."energy expert" ?!? $carah's a delusional fraud

  25. Anonymous4:44 PM

    $p did not last one year on the oil and gas commission. Quit. Like she quit her position as Gov. Hard working women do not forget quitters.

  26. Anonymous4:46 PM

    4:03 - what 3:48 is really saying is "I can't defend my queen so I'll change the subject."

  27. Anonymous4:53 PM

    I know right @SME131!

    She's just like that bumbling, doltish cartoon character Peggy Hill who wrote a few doofy articles for some crummy weekly and suddenly she's a big-time journalist.

    At least Peggy had a few redeeming qualities though.

  28. Anonymous4:56 PM

    So, is it okay now with Ms Devon and Messrs Morris and Bailey to tangentially refer to the manuscript?

    Just wondering if you get the evil eye or if your unquoted leaks of content in the manuscript is ignored or even approved.. :)

  29. nswfm5:06 PM

    what does it take for you to bring this to an end. She's toxic, but still spreads it around. Make it stop already. Spill it!

  30. Anonymous5:06 PM

    Although this blog compares McCarthy to Gov. Walker, I thought it also fit Palin.

    See "The New McCarthyism" post.

  31. Anonymous5:07 PM

    A few days ago, Sarah was in deep doo doo because of a story that Roger Ailes told her to keep a low profile following the Arizona shootings, and Sarah Palin doesn't obey anyone, and certainly doesn't keep a low profile.

    This oil manifesto may be a command performance to please the Koch Brothers (whose money may be part of Sarah's backing). It is also an attempt to undo that crazy lady image that the Roger Ailes article brought to mind. We know that it was ghost written for Sarah; she doesn't speak like the face book sounds.

    Using the nuclear disaster in Japan as an excuse to Drill Baby Drill is lame. If anything, the nuclear melt down should be the wake up call for alternative forms of energy. Gas and oil burn and explode. Remember that the problem in the Gulf started with an explosion. Exxon-Valdez ruined Alaska's coastline, even 20 years later, and Sarah still can't remember that it's part of a Supreme Court decision she disagrees with.

    As long as Sarah is running for President by Facebook and Twitter, she is a frightened candidate who cannot face a real press conference and real, unscripted questions and followup. That should be the bottom line. Sarah is no Mama Grizzly; she's chicken. And, someone else wrote that stuff for her.

  32. Anonymous5:08 PM

    Check it: LA Times on RAM,0,3456316,full.story

  33. Anonymous5:12 PM

    Yep, summer of 2008 John McCain and Sarah Palin stood on the stage at the Rethug convention with all the television cameras on them and lied "We're building that pipeline!"

    Now it is 2011. Anybody see a pipeline under construction? Anybody?

  34. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Picture of RAM on LA Times:,0,3456316,full.story

  35. Anonymous5:25 PM

    OMG - I cannot believe that photo of RAM.

  36. laprofesora5:32 PM

    O.M.G. I went to the LA Times story on RAM. I am speechless, I can't even come up with anything snarky. You HAVE to see the picture. The woman (?) must have a gigantic crush on Paylin.

  37. Anonymous5:36 PM


    ALERT:Rebecca Mansour photo, (she is UGLY),0,5892620.story

  38. Anonymous5:37 PM

    I emailed Nora odonnell on msnbc and told her how lame her segment was on this subject she had a guy from politico on who actually said palin was an expert on energy too bad these morons do no research

  39. Anonymous5:51 PM

    Wow! I just read the RAM story in the LA Times. My first thought was she's taking the fall and creating a chance for Sarah to be able to try and reinvent herself again. The article makes it sound like RAM was totally responsible for so much of the divisiveness Sarah has put out there via social media.

  40. Anonymous5:58 PM


    That's RAM?! Holy smokes!

    Since I don't have anything nice to say I'm not going to say a thing. wow, just wow...

  41. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Sarah knows doesn't know a damn thing about anything.

  42. Anonymous6:15 PM

    I just love the Palin names you and others come up with (LOL)...Klondike Kardashian, Grizzled Mama, Snowdrift Snookie, Princess Dumbass,Thriller from Wasilla, Caribou Barbie and my favorite Mooselini.

  43. Anonymous6:27 PM doesn't matter $carah's $carah and RAM's RAM, it's way late in the game for do overs. Besides that they both just need to go away, far far away, as they benefit absolutely nobody, all negatives with zilch positives, nada, none

  44. Anonymous6:31 PM

    5:25.. IT'S A MAN !! well maybe with a strap on it thinks it's a man. $carah'd probably hit that too... if she hasn't already 8)

  45. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Anon 3:48
    "While it showed his lack of leadership and ineptitude for high office, Obama's use of Bill Clinton shows he at least knows what his job entails."

    Let me point out to you Barack Hussein Obama is a transformational leader who happened to, in two years accomplished more than any other President. I wouldn't call that lack of leadership or inept.

    That's Leadership We Believe In!!

    Palin, on the other hand is a Quitter with big mouth

  46. aj weishar8:54 PM

    It's already been established that prices are the result of oil speculation and the casino games the stock market uses, not supply and demand.

  47. I remember RAM yelling at someone on Twitter or Facebook about racism, forget what it was related to but she was telling them that she "is one of those brown people" that they were talking about. RAM obviously has no problem with lying, whether it is for $arah or for herself. How can she possibly compare herself to what anyone who is black in regards to racism? There is no way she can relate no matter how she might try to push that agenda. As far as the last name goes, with a first name like Rebecca, she's not getting hassled by all that many people, if at all, despite the nonsense she's spewing.

    Hey $arah, you found someone to lie for you who has no problem with it. In fact, it comes awfully easy to them. Maybe you should be wondering what RAM may have lied about to you, $arah?? Is that a girl crush she's got on you? It looks that way to the majority of us. Her defense of you is so over-the-top, that it makes me wonder just how emotionally invested she is in you. I wouldn't be too quick to throw her under the bus as I don't think she'll take it very well at all. You best be careful with this one, $arah. I don't think she'll take rejection too well.

  48. Anonymous7:28 AM

    Every single day, someone needs to be asking John McCain, "So - you still say this fool knows more about energy than anyone else in the country?"

    My contempt for him grows with each facebook post released by the dimwit he unleashed on this country. He who put "country first" was actually going to make this know-nothing a heartbeat away from the presidency!


  49. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Less we forget, here is the energy expert's "Nonsensical Answer On Domestic Energy" in 2008:

    Love it when Wolf Blitzer asks, "On what does John McCain base his claim that Sarah Palin is one of the world's leading experts on energy?"

  50. It's because Palin doesn't know the difference between Libya and Liberals.


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