Thursday, March 17, 2011

Now that Sarah Palin's political career is critically wounded and hemorrhaging supporters, pundits are lining up to give their two cents.

The Daily Beast's John Avlon starts off his political autopsy thusly:

Call off the coronation—the media’s caught on to the slow motion implosion of Sarah Palin’s popularity, and with it her prospective presidential campaign.

Avlon then goes on to dig through the decaying corpse of Palin's failed career to bring to light her various missteps and politically fatal addiction to celebrity.

The American Conservative however takes the point of view that Palin is both the product, and the victim, of the conservative movement itself:

It’s true that Palin relies on shallow talking points, but where do these come from? They come from the institutions and leaders of the movement that is supposedly so concerned with ideas. Palin is uninterested in ideas, and she has flourished in the conservative media for years. She does rely on shallow talking points, and legions of conservative pundits have repeatedly defended her against charges that she is ignorant and incurious. Everything about her public persona since she received the VP nomination has been built up around tapping into resentment, grievance, and identity politics, all of which are in one way or another antithetical to critical thinking and substantive discussion of policy, and for a while most of her new detractors said nothing or gushed about how wonderful she was.

Over at Fox News, Bill O'Reilly (Who must be taking some glee in watching Palin's plummet.) entertains two differing opinions, one from Kellyanne Conway who correctly claims that overexposure killed the beast, and one from RAM twit-buddy Tammy Bruce who claims (No surprise here.) that it is all due to the media "filter". (Haven't we ALL seen Palin speaking in her own words enough times to drive a stake through that "media filter" moose-poop?)

However there is no mincing of words from former George Bush aide Ari Fleischer who seems to relish the insertion of his fork:

"I cannot see any way, shape or form that she can win the Republican primary,"

Now my personal take on all of this is that it was a forgone conclusion.  There was NEVER any real possibility that Palin would win the GOP nomination, much less actually get a chance to sit her skinny ass behind the desk in the Oval Office.  It was just never going to happen.

However what had to be pointed out repeatedly, and still does in my opinion, is how close such an incredibly incompetent person came to occupying the role of VP, and what that says about our politics, our media, and our fellow Americans.

And before we forget, Palin has had an incredibly damaging effect on the politics of this country.  Her fingerprints can be found all over the Tea Party, the resurgence of racism, the Birther movement, and even the religious intolerance and Islamophobia that is spreading through our nation like a hate inspired Black Plague. No I am not suggesting that she is wholly responsible for their inception, but she has clearly helped to promote them and to provide them with credibility to those who take her words at face value.

I truly hope that political scientists have taken careful notes to determine how a creature like Sarah Palin came to be, and what can be done in the future from ever letting it happen again.  There should be reams of documentation available for future students to study in order to fully understand the susceptibility of the American electorate, and how easily they can have their common sense hijacked and replaced with an emotional response to an attractive package with a combustible personality.

Because I don't know about all of you, but I hope to NEVER see the likes of Sarah Palin again. Never!


  1. emrysa9:05 AM

    lol gryphen more independents would vote for charlie sheen for prez than they would palin:


  2. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It will happen again with another figurehead.

    We humans never learn, do we.

  3. Anonymous9:14 AM

    John McCain and his advisors. The general populations should realize that the GOP are interested in being in the power seat, no matter who it is. Sure, Dems, may have a similar inclination to some degree, but at the very least, their candidates have passed third grade geography.

  4. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Sarah and the Republicans and Tea Party are a disgrace to the U.S. They are trying to start a dictatorship by taking everything away from the middle class and poor.

  5. deebee9:16 AM

    "Black Plague" is a good analogy for her.
    Our local high school history teacher reminds us of what that was here:

    "ooh ooh fleas on rats"

  6. Anonymous9:18 AM

    Purim, the Jewish holiday celebrating Queen Esther, is observed this year on Sunday, the 20th of March and will continue until Monday, the 21st of March. How conveniently timed this Israel trip is for the self-professed queen of Wasilla! I wish the Israelis would wise up and realize the Evangelicals "love" for their nation is NOT good, in the end, for the Jewish people.

  7. Anonymous9:18 AM

    well, we elected an incompetent, unaccomplished man to be our first black president. Anything can happen

  8. Many of the media outlets now are just as shallow as Palin.

    I'm afraid the conclusion from Palin's demise will not be that substance is important, but rather that major parties should avoid nominating women with children, or attractive women, or just women.
    Thanks a lot, "feminist" Sarah.

  9. Anonymous9:23 AM

    Great, now she's going to show Israel a thing or two about dumb Americans.

  10. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Let's just hope that in spite of all the "tea party" craze and other nutcases, cooler heads prevail when it's time to nominate whatever Koch candidate the Repubs thrust forward for PRez in 2010
    I think nearly all but the most cretinous Palin Panty sniffers know that she can't win the white house.
    I bet secretly, even R.A.Mabsurd, Meg Staplemouth, and Van Flea wonder if she's not too flawed to aspire to such lofty heights.
    They must remember how dismayed McCain's staff were once they really started prepping her Highness for the debates and national exposure.
    "Come up to AHHHHHHLAhhhska and PIK ON ME KATHY"
    a classic 7th grade girl line complete with sharpened fingernails and pounds of slathered on makeup

  11. honeybabe9:28 AM

    palin is a cautionary tale for years to come. power hungry and advocating hate, fear and anger in her followers. her increasing isolation, self inflicted, has pretty much neutered her. i think it's great because she has not advocated for anything useful or practical for america.

  12. Anonymous9:28 AM

    How can Tammy Bruce say with a straight face that the half term governor ownes energy as an issue? For a commentator to say something that absurd causes her to lose all credability. The half term governor understands no issues at all.


  13. KatieAnnieOakley9:31 AM

    The only way to stop it is to learn about it. We study history so we don't make the same mistakes twice.

  14. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anonymous 9:18 tells me that RAM does indeed read this blog! She just can't help herself.

  15. Anonymous9:36 AM

    Palin scared the shit outta me when she was tapped as VP - and I live in Europe. I just couldn't fathom how McCain could do that to the world. I'm loving her decline.

  16. imnofred9:36 AM

    Sarah has got to be steaming over the fact that Billo isn't saying nice things about her. She probably assumed that she would get nothing but praise and adulation over there at Fox. I guess she will have to do more slurp sessions with Hannity.

    Although her political career may be waning, I have to accept the reality that she is not going away any time soon and that we are going to have to listen to her bullshit for several more years because the media fawns over her every utterance.

  17. Anonymous9:39 AM

    Sarah always gives that impression that she gives more thought to her appearance than to in-depth analysis and understanding of a wide range of issues. She sold herself as the average guy who believes thinking is a frivolous novelty for people who value education. Well, she underestimated the American people. We actually like our leaders to know what they're talking about, esp. on all important issues including energy issues. She seems to have one focus, drill, baby, drill. The rest of us know that things are not that simple. I'm with you, never again should we have to entertain the likes of Sarah Palin, an American embarrassment.

  18. Never ever ... but I don't want her to go away with some truths being exposed: babygate (yes, it is important ... it either says a great deal about the extent to which she wanted to get that skinny ass as you put it near or in the White House plus I think others were implicated in that ruse and I want to know who); housegate: their are just too many similarities between the rec center and that house and I think the IRS and other branches of the LAW would be interested, etc., etc. She has done too much, said too much, and damaged too much to not have all the truth about who she is and who has been programming her.

  19. P.S. Haven't read all the comments, but glancing I saw a reference to McCain: YES, I want him to go down with this sinking ship! He deserves it.

  20. majii9:50 AM

    Anon@ 9:18

    How about those jobs numbers and the stock market soaring at news of the improvement in the jobs situation?

    Yes, our first black president is soooo incompetent!!


    Suck it!!

  21. Anne In DC10:03 AM

    I love it when someone tries to compare this peawit with President Obama. Apparently, his career as a professor of Constitutional Law, his work as a community organizer, his years as an Illinois state senator, and then U.S. senator don't count. In any case, Palin's plunging popularity, along with a rapidly increasing number of conservatives who see her as unelectable, will render such comparisons even more ludicrous.

  22. Totally OT....but stumbled upon this very disturbing photo of Bristol's faux chin. Looks like it's floating all around in there. SO sad.

    I'd be happy to see the ex villiage idiot move to Arizona.....but then again, that thang is a plague on our country ANYWHERE she lurks. We don't need her shit in the senate...hope she goes down there, too, also, as well.

  23. I would submit that Dan Quayle was cut from the same cloth in terms of competence, though he certainly lacks the divisiveness, pettiness and harmful rhetoric of Ms. Palin.

  24. Pat in MA10:09 AM

    anon @9:18 - We should all aspire to be so incompetent and unaccomplished. Ask anyone who works in the auto industry if they think the President is incompetent. I would go on, but like Barney Frank said, it would be like arguing with a dining room table. Run along now back to your little troll cave and let the grown-ups discuss things.

  25. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn10:13 AM

    People are sick, tired and wising up to Snowdrift Snooki at last. **sigh of relief** Besides the damage done by her own flapping yap and RAM's creative writing, a lot is due to the 'Net and blogs such as yours, Gryphen. Here's hoping that even the endless corporate cash behind her can't revive SP's "political" career now. The only ones who will stick to S.D. Snooki like glue are her mentally-stunted followers (until they find another "Esther" sock puppet to hang their neuroses on, that is).

  26. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Betty White summed it up nicely .

    Sarah Palin is a "Crazy Bitch !!!!"

    Is she dead yet?

  27. Anonymous10:34 AM

    I'm very happy Palin is imploding but I still want ALL THE FACTS to be revealed on her faked pregnancy and criminal acts as governor.

  28. Anonymous10:36 AM

    She has Way to much baggage..needs mental help and counseling.. Plain and simple. and I pray they move away.

  29. Anonymous @ 9:18 said:
    "well, we elected an incompetent, unaccomplished man to be our first black president. Anything can happen"

    While I disagree with your views on President Obama's competency and accomplishments, that doesn't negate the fact that you yourself just called Ms. Palin incompetent and unaccomplished (provided you truly believe what you are saying about President Obama).

    Basically what you are saying is "Well, you guys elected an incompetent, unaccomplished person president, so it's OK that Ms, Palin is incompetent and unaccomplished".

    I submit that President Obama is indeed a competent and accomplished man, and that no, it is not OK that Ms. Palin feels she should be president or almost was Vice-President with her dearth of competence and accomplishment.

  30. That quote from American Conservative was kind of weird. So conservatives are souring on Palin because she is ignorant and incurious. Really? So why did they support George W Bush for so long? He was ignorant and incurious too.

    Palin is just GW Bush with a rack and less tact.

    I suppose we are all ignorant about a lot of things. But being incurious is not good for a president. (I think it is bad in general.)

  31. Anonymous10:46 AM

    " ... is how close such an incredibly incompetent person came to occupying the role of VP, and what that says about our politics, our media, and our fellow Americans."

    Um, how about pointing the blame at Republicans where the blame belongs. Is it because you're too busy taking their money and putting your ads on your site. Gryphen the grifter once again decides that Rand Paul's union-busting ads are just fine for his site as long as the money is right.

  32. Martha10:54 AM

    Yikes about Bristol's chin, Runnin!

    Yikes also about her People-shoot nightclub attire. A cheaply-made bigshirt, some cheap-looking pants that she doesn't even roll up carefully.

    And don't you hate to see especially young people pancake their faces up? Notice the line between her face and neck? Ick.

    Maybe she's really into the abstinence thing after all.

    Or maybe she just wishes she was twelve again.

  33. Anonymous10:56 AM

    Soapydog, about 12% of the population are emotional infants that will always reach for the stupid, shiny object.

    But our world IS becoming more informed. Cameras, microphones and the internet are now bringing more light into the darkness.

    In the near future it is my hope that candidates for important positions will submit brain scans as a routine part of their medical screening. Yes, I do think SP is "wired differently".

    I am very curious about SP's REAL medical records; that one page, last minute letter was a big red flag to me that something is very wrong with this woman.

    She was saying that it would confirm her to be, in her words "happy and healthy". Now what kind of medical report would provide information on her emotional status??? Why would she even go there?

    We have all seen that up is down in PalinLand, and I would bet wild mood swings and sudden bursts of tears and rage are not uncommon.

    But I digress. Like Gryphen I think the nomination of SP as VP on the presidential ticket will be referenced in generations to come on the importance of a very, very close look at possible personality dysfunctions of people who aspire to power over others.

    Palin is a lesson writ large. I expect MANY more books to be written about her, and her dysfunction. It may be 20 or 30 more years before her kids understand that she is not a healthy, normal mom and are willing to share their knowledge. Of course, it will be painful and embarrassing.

    (If Bristol or Willow are reading this, please visit "Narcissists Suck" and see if you recognize your mom. It is a blog written by "Anna" who was raised by a very beautiful, charming N mom.)

    And how many years will it be before the citizens of Wasilla wake up and take ownership of their collusion in propping up her career?

    Did no one wonder why she had to hire a city administrator to do her job, or have the rec center build on land a few streets over from her own private property?

    God bless the few who were willing to step forward during 2008; their words of caution have been completely validated.

    God bless Frank Bailey for coming forward. I know it was not easy for him to admit that this woman played him like a violin.

  34. Anonymous11:12 AM

    From John Avlon: "It’s tempting to say that if Sarah Palin planned to side-step a 2012 presidential campaign all along, she has played her hand well."

    Yes, tempting it is!

  35. Anonymous11:18 AM

    The best description that I heard about Sarah is that she sounds like the kid who was just called on to give his book report, but he hadn't read the book.

    People have been wondering which of Sarah's scandals would sink her, Trig's parents, the house that Todd built on the weekend with his buddies, a hammer and some nail? Troopergate? Travelgate? Quitting her job as governor?

    It seems that all Sarah had to do was occupy the media on a non-stop basis last year, issuing another ghost written book and one of the worst reality series that TLC ever lost money on, and she takes care of the problem herself. Sarah is her own worst enemy.

    With all of that just typed out, what the Hell is she doing in Israel and India? Polishing her drive-by foreign policy credentials? She doesn't know any more about China now than she did the day before she arrive in Hong Kong to give her speech and get out of town. Both India and Israel have thousands of years of history, different cultures and languages, and Sarah doesn't even know why there are two Koreas. What an image of America they will have when she is done with her visit.

  36. Anonymous11:21 AM

    John McCain absolutely deserves to never be forgotten as the horny old fool who unleashed this "rogue" on the country. He can never claim to be a "patriot" as she has set this country back many years. I will never forgive him.

    I agree...after she came along and was allowed to screech those horrible lies over and over again...and he did nothing to stop her or tell her to stfu...the civility and honesty went out the window in american politics.
    I am not naive..I know there have always been stupid nasty people in politics..but I can not remember such a crude, nasty person in my lifetime.

    I also agree that I don't want her gone until many of her "gates" are proven to be right and she is made to pay for them. WHY has she been allowed to slip and slide through crime after crime for so many years?

    If I lived in Alaska and I discovered that she doesn't have to live by the same laws I do, I would pissed as hell. And I would tell the world all the "secrets" I knew.

    9:18....your post made me laugh out loud. Including "black" in your post tells it all. I live in an area full of people just like you...every single thing bad they say about him always comes back to one thing...he is black..period. Must be hell to be so blind that you can't see a person's worth other than skin color. do know that if Jesus really existed, he wouldn't look like that light haired, blue eyed, white picture we all grew up with don't you? And...further PS..he was Jewish.

  37. Anonymous11:24 AM

    It's really no big secret why this idiot came to be. The repub party was going down the sewer because of their incompetence especially their leader's proven failed policies.

    The repubs are fearful to use chimpy's as a role model out of the tons of references the dems would use against them. So they got the next best stupidass, ignorant, immature, self-grandiose, uneducated, silly, racist, pretend-maverick, violent, warmonger, etc. sarah palin.

    The End

  38. Anonymous11:27 AM

    Now, my friend, it is time to focus on one of the probable 2012 Republican nominees, Newt Gingrich. This man is central to Citizens United (check out, the case which eliminated the distinction between real humans and corporations, the case which resulted in Target contributing to gay-bashers and the probable end of any remnant of democracy in the U.S. He is busy recanting any "heretic" ideas he might have had so as to get the religious right's support. While you're at it, see what his second wife has to say ( - he has now "converted" to Catholicism and is busy making America ready for God with his third wife.

  39. Anonymous11:33 AM

    well, we elected an incompetent, unaccomplished man to be our first black president. Anything can happen
    9:18 AM

    That lie, bustol tells a lot about how ignorant and uneducated you are. you can't see it because President Obama is too dark.

    Also too palin can't even scratch the surface of President Obama's anything.

    Tell it like it is and start comparing your hillbilly to ted nugent which is closer to her behavior.

  40. Anonymous11:37 AM

    We've endured her long enough. I'm sick of her and her teabagger friends.

  41. Gasman11:44 AM

    I can save Palin's newfound conservative critics a whole bunch of time and effort:

    Palin is a narcissistic, lying, vindictive simpering moron.

    There, isn't that much simpler?

  42. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Look, we had Dan Quayle for four years under Bush 41. We got lucky with never having had to endure him driving the bus had Pappy Bush gone tits up. Sarah would have been worse of course, but there is a precedent, and it's why I think we should never take the VP choice lightly, like it's some sort of consolation prize or unimportant.

  43. Anonymous11:48 AM

    Hahaha 9:18

    President Obama studies the Constitution.

    palin misinterprets the Constitution.

    I never heard of President Obama using his body to garner acceptance.

    she is a first ranked joke.


  44. The big news is this:
    Scientist have found an African tribe that worships Sarah Palin as a Goddess!!

  45. Anonymous12:04 PM

    a little OT but the 6 or 8, maybe a dozen, freaks that inhabit the sea-0-pee are really busy today giving each other virtual reach arounds. They're spazzin' out about their bewildered grifter queens trip to India with a stop in Israel on the way back to the US

  46. EX Cat12:10 PM

    Richard Nixon said,well you won't have tricky dick to kick around anymore, and we all know how that turned out. I for one will not relax until the indictments are handed out.

  47. Anonymous12:11 PM

    I think she is pissed at the numbers and the peaceful manner the dems showed up to defend their rights in Wisconsin not to mention the other states also too. she is definitely on the wrong side (as usual.)

    I bet the numbers scared the shit out of her hypocritical blind ass. HAHAHAHA

  48. Anonymous12:13 PM

    Agree with you here that it seems no way possible that she could win, let alone be taken seriously by her fellow republicans, but this trip to Israel raises a question about why she still wants to "officially" travel and meet Benjamin Netanyahu. It's like she's operating as a diplomat, or official US representative.

    If she personally wanted to visit there, why not just go with Todd and take a private vacation? Why do her puppet-masters want her there? She must be still thinking about impressing her base with foreign travel experience. (gag)

    Am expecting lots of foot in mouth gaffes from Sarah this weekend.

  49. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Wow Anon. 9:18 - good observation! Is the Purim celebration on this date a coincidence or is Sarah manipulating the timing of these trips on the March 20th, 2lst date. Also, isn't the Persian King Ahaerus(?), Esther's husband, from today's India or Iran? Wonder if Queen Sarah thinks this trip is a personal prophetic event that ushers her into her divine mission.

  50. Anonymous12:26 PM

    McCain and everyone in the GOP who supported her VP nom and enabled her after, should be persecuted for treason.

    Women everywhere (and men of any sense) should desert the GOP in droves. The GOP leaders have shown what they think of women and people of color, in the persons of Sarah Palin and Michael Steele. Let it be the party of sad old white men who need Viagra, and good riddance to them all.

  51. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Not yet. Pant Snifer and Snooki drill baby drill are heading to India and Isreal this weekend.

    I mean Todd and Sarah have no shame at all. Their Egos are too big. Shailey posted one of the e-mail from Todd to her, and Snooki think it is going to die away? Great.

  52. Anonymous12:40 PM

    well of course it's all the media's fault....Michele Bachmann was spouting that line too yesterday.

    She repeatedly stated that the battle of Bunker Hill took place in NH. Her handlers never corrected her, so she said it three times in 3 days. Now it's the media's fault that she is so ignorant and can not comprehend 5th grade history.

  53. Anonymous12:41 PM

    You are very, very correct in your statement that Palin has done horrendous damage to this great country with her hate speech, her racism, her phony Christian crap, her phony flag pin baloney. It will be refreshing to have her out of the picture one of these days. We need to get back to intelligent discourse in the United States.

  54. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Unfortunately, Grypyen I think you will see many Sarah's for many years.

    A common phrase (I believe it was in "Fall of the House of Bush") used by Bill Kristol to describe Duhbya and later Saray was "tabula rasa," or "blank slate".

    In Kristol's view their empty heads were a positive attribute.
    If you look aroundd the Republican party these days there are lots of wooden headed Republican puppets who will do or say anything they are told to do or say, even if it means harming their communities, their grand children, and their country and or making total public fools of themselves.

  55. emrysa1:16 PM

    that pic someone posted earlier of bristol is pre-chin job.

    I doubt that netanyahoo is going to meet with palin. really, who the hell is she to him? notice that all reports of her trip say that the meeting cannot be confirmed. I say there is no meeting. I think this is more made-up shit.

  56. Anonymous1:20 PM

    Don't forget that she also had influence in Tucson - w/the gunsight document she published. She has incited hate since on the campaign trail w/McCain (the asshole).

    Palin has a place in hell awaiting her!

  57. And before we forget, Palin has had an incredibly damaging effect on the politics of this country. Her fingerprints can be found all over the Tea Party, the resurgence of racism, the Birther movement, and even the religious intolerance and Islamophobia that is spreading through our nation like a hate inspired Black Plague.

    She's also help set in motion women's progress back a few decades.

  58. Anonymous1:37 PM

    Anon 9:18

    Assuming for the sake of discussion that Obama is indeed incompetent, unaccomplished, and honoring your opinions as sincere, why then does it matter that he is black, considering that his race, is half Caucasian and his culture and education are 100% Caucasian American?

    Are you implying that the first two issues are tied to the third issue you raise? And again assuming for the sake of discussion that they are, then being genetically Negroid must overwhelm Obama's genetic Caucasian heritage and White American ethnicity.

    And isn't that being racist against Caucasians by accusing them of being genetically inferior to Blacks?

  59. Anonymous2:05 PM

    RunninL8 said...
    Totally OT....but stumbled upon this very disturbing photo of Bristol's faux chin. Looks like it's floating all around in there. SO sad.

    I'd be happy to see the ex villiage idiot move to Arizona.....but then again, that thang is a plague on our country ANYWHERE she lurks. We don't need her shit in the senate...hope she goes down there, too, also, as well.

    10:04 AM

    Wow, looks like the fat is regathering and pushing that implanted sucker out. She also has another chin had gone away for awhile. Alas, you can't just keep suckin out fat without making some dietary and lifestyle changes.

    Also, is today her feastday?? Brisket?? Brisket Palin. Happy St. Patty's Day. Don't get pregnant tongiht after all that green beer.

  60. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Sarah should be afraid to travel to foreign countries cause they might just keep her or lock her up.

  61. Anonymous2:25 PM

    As far as running for POTUS, Sarah's political career looks like road kill. Somebody needs to call the city to drag her political carcASS off the road.

  62. Anonymous2:29 PM

    Anon 22:27

    I wonder if Newt is electable. True Christians are not going to forget that he is an adulterer at least twice over.

    True Catholics are not going to forget that he is a adulterer and that neither he nor his wife would be allowed communion (aren't truly Catholic) is a truly Catholic church.

    I can't see moderates voting for him if they are aware of his past and present behaviors and politics and how divisive he has been throughout his career.

    By the way I haven't seen anywhere that he as sought forgiveness from his first wives (neither has McCain) nor attempted to recompense them for his mistreatment of them. So much for the Christian thing.

    Asking God for forgiveness or pretending to, is easy, you are not looking into his eyes when you do it. That comes later though.

  63. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Somebody needs to tell Sarah Palin the good new that when she travels through the different states in the US of A, all the Seven Eleven convenient stores will stamp her US passport for her and after every 100 stamps they will give her a free slurpy.

  64. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I was watching that Old video of Palin talking to Bill O'Reilly about the oil leak. Does she always talk like that--I mean like she has slipping dentures? Bill seemed, well reasonable...

    I will be happy when I see her being trotted off to jail. You know Sarah will lie to a grand jury given the opportunity. This website has made me very happy.

  65. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I think she will be heading for the Christian side of time...

  66. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Also, is today her feastday?? Brisket?? Brisket Palin. Happy St. Patty's Day. Don't get pregnant tongiht after all that green beer.
    2:05 PM

    What? Don't get pregnant tonight after all that green beer?

    What are you talking about? You don’t have to buy Brisket beer to get into bed with her. Just offer her some fries or a milk shake and it’s a done deal. Just ask Levi, Ben, Gino, Mark, etc etc. . .

    I was going to say offer her a protein milk shake, but I did not want to go there. She's allergic to that stuff, it makes her chin grow.

  67. DebinWI2:55 PM

    I'm glad Sarah is sinking politically. But it isn't over yet. It's like the beast stopped possessing Palin and jumped right into Scott Walker's soul (or lack thereof).

    Just got back from a local protest -- they are springing up everywhere there are WI 14 recalls. Even our tiny, tiny town. Most everyone honked in support. The ones that used their 1st to display their middle finger are the type that will also be hurt by Walker. Clearly going against their own interest, sigh.

  68. Anonymous2:59 PM

    What is wrong with Bristol? I guess losing weight means via tube instead of eat-less-exercise-more standard routine. That chin...Who talked her into that? I have a sad feeling that RAM is not really getting paid for her efforts. And, guess what, if Sarah did make it somewhere, she would dump Ram like the little tuber that she is. For that I am really sorry. It sounds that all along, nice people have gotten involved with Sarah and been hurt eventually.

    Oh BTW, the doctor's report said that she was the healthy mother of 5 kids. Being a mom and birthing a child are two different acts. Her doctor understood what to write to protect herself.

  69. honeybabe3:20 PM

    palin's connection with miller who is firmly connected with the that is a tasty morsel. how long before huff po gets the info?

  70. Anonymous3:21 PM

    Would you please do a post about all her foreign travel?

    Has she even been out of the US for a total of 7 days before this trip to India? How can she know how exceptional America is if she has never been anywhere else? And American bases abroad don't count.

  71. Anonymous3:24 PM

    9:18 #2 -- said: "well, we elected an incompetent, unaccomplished man to be our first black president. Anything can happen"

    Explain just what you mean by 'incompetent' and 'unaccomplished' - if you can???

    If you really knew what he has been, and is doing EVERY DAY, you would be aware that he has done and accomplished more in less than his first 2 years, than any other president in the last 50 years!!!

    I am sending one statement (there are many), with facts to let you see/know what is actually happening -- since you apparently do not bother to 'keep up':
    1st from Daily Kos -- 08-08-10:

    Following is an excerpt from article:
    President Obama Stands As The Only President With Huge Domestic And International Achievements.

    The President has the highest legislative success rate than any president ever in more than 50 years.

    This is a President with such a substantial record of legislations, in my mind there will never be another President as competent as this unique President Barack Obama.
    Read the entire article, and you will see listed ALL of his accomplishments in just the 1st 2 years -- ya know? 'Read it and weep', 'Anonymous Troll' !!!

    Then, have a good day.

  72. Anonymous3:49 PM

    And before we forget, Palin has had an incredibly damaging effect on the politics of this country. Her fingerprints can be found all over the Tea Party, the resurgence of racism, the Birther movement, and even the religious intolerance and Islamophobia that is spreading through our nation like a hate inspired Black Plague. No I am not suggesting that she is wholly responsible for their inception, but she has clearly helped to promote them and to provide them with credibility to those who take her words at face value.

    I get what you're saying, but I think you're giving Palin too much credit. She has ridden the wave of hatred but she isn't steering it. She's given it a likable face, and for that those who are directing it allow her to profit, but she doesn't control it, direct it, or call the shots.

  73. Anonymous4:02 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Would you please do a post about all her foreign travel?

    Has she even been out of the US for a total of 7 days before this trip to India? How can she know how exceptional America is if she has never been anywhere else? And American bases abroad don't count.

    3:21 PM

    How can she know how exceptional America is if she has never been anywhere else?

    What are you talking about? Sarah has traveled to other countries and has experienced other cultures.

    Sarah can see Russia from her house. As governor of Alaska before she quit, Sarah was the Commander In Chief of the Alaskan Armed Forces which kept the lower 48 safe. Russia never attacked the US of A on Sarah's watch.

    The Palins has been to Canada for free health care.

    Sarah has been to Senator McCain's home state of Mexico.

    Sarah has traveled abroad to Asia to go to college, but decided Hawaii was not the place for her, too many Asians.

    So I don't know what you are talking about, Sarah has the experience.

  74. Anonymous4:05 PM

    well, we elected an incompetent, unaccomplished man to be our first black president.

    Really? Read any unbiased source, look at this Administration's unsurpassed record of legislative accomplishments, look at the successful payback of most of the TARP funds (in the news today) and look at the GM deal. Repealing Don' Ask, Don't tell. Look at the record of capturing terrorist targets in Afghanistan. Although I don't care about this one particularly - Look at the number of illegal immigrants deported since January 2009 - at rates greater than Bush's.

    Here's a list to get you started:

    Oh, and enjoy your part of the largest tax cut in U.S. history.

    Then come back and talk about competency and accomplishments, fool.

  75. Anonymous4:20 PM

    Hey, isn't her trip to India right in the middle of the celebration of Holi?

    It's a spring celebration where people throw colored powder and colored water on one another, and playing pranks.

  76. Anonymous4:59 PM

    I think that Sarah's visit to Israel coincides with Purim. While Sarah might be expecting to be crowned as Queen Esther, it's really like Halloween, with costumes, treats, noise makers and parties. Good timing, Sarah.

  77. Anonymous5:07 PM

    Palin will blame the media filter despite the fact she was the producer of her faux reality show, promoted media from her paid speeches, posted on FB and twitter . What is wrong with this picture? Palin is delusional it is who she is, what she writes and does that is responsible for her tanking numbers.

    When is Thatcher "going to pass the baton" to Palin? Gosh , the bots were convinced that would be proof of her specialness like Bristol being on DWTS would have the country on love with Bristol landing Palin in the oval office!

    Oh well, by the bot logic Joel Grey shall be the next POTUS!

  78. Anonymous5:07 PM

    @anon 4:05, sing it, sister or brother!

  79. Anonymous5:14 PM

    What's bad is, sarahs harmless compared to what's in DC currently

  80. Anonymous5:19 PM

    Sarah would not be perpetually angry if morons wouldn't continue to trash her family. They wouldn't feel the need to constantly defend themselves.

    No ones innocent here. But they certainly aren't wrong in what they do

    The world has always been corrupt. Cops in nyc getting busted for running a prostitution ring, police depts in cahoots with the feds, it'll probably never end. everyone gets fucked over by a powerful person who has connections. Its incredibly common in our culture. and world

  81. Techgnome5:42 PM

    We already know how to keep monsters like Palin from happening. It's called education. Unfortunately we can't get everyone to take their medicine.

  82. Anonymous5:53 PM

    Hey, Gryphen did you see the Quitter Queen's latest pronouncements about the NEA and "frivolous" arts support?

    Of course, she states this in the middle of March 2011, a month her successor has proclaimed "Alaska Arts Education Month."

    What's the Quitter Queen's record as governor with NEA grants?

    The amount of funding for the NEA is smaller than the amount of money spent on the Bridge to Nowhere she supported.

  83. Anonymous6:44 PM

    Why is this Idiot going to Israel?? Is Netanyahu really going to take time away from all his daily crises to actually meet with her?? What value is there in that???? She is a reality tv star who can't talk in complete sentences. Oh ... don't get me started. ...

  84. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Stick a fork in her - she's done. Tucson was her Waterloo.

  85. Anonymous7:07 PM

    Anon @ 9:18

    Spoken like a true racist.

  86. Anonymous7:10 PM

    @5:14 - no. Wrong. Palin is just like the teabagger nutjobs in D.C. They are paid by the same corporate masters.

  87. onething7:54 PM

    It's not just that she came close to being VP. After all, most people had never heard of her. No, the problem for me is that she was taken so seriously by so many, and that could not have happened without the media. No matter what drek she was guilty of, the media never let it make a difference in her credibility.

  88. Anonymous8:26 PM

    5:19, if the palin family were not such corrupt, grifting jerks and arrogant bullies who insert themselves everywhere, nobody would criticize them.

  89. Anonymous8:35 PM

    I'm sick of you ignorant trolls trashing President Obama at every opportunity. I bet you know very little about him and what he has accomplished. You just can't see past the color of his skin, can you? All you listen to is the hate-speech spewed by the likes of sarah palin, a woman so consumed with jealousy and resentment that she can't ever acknowledge truth. Do some research and you'll see she was plain bad for Alaska.

  90. Anonymous11:21 PM

    How about Tammy Bruce insisting Palin is an energy expert? What a joke. I've thought that these people don't really believe what they report but if they believe all this bullshit and smoke Palin and RAM are blowing up their asses then they really are dumb.

  91. Anonymous11:39 PM

    "I truly hope that political scientists have taken careful notes to determine how a creature like Sarah Palin came to be, and what can be done in the future from ever letting it happen again."

    This what happens when an uneducated beauty pageant contestant cons her way into a position she knows nothing about and just winked her way to a position that was too much for her and she quit on the people of Alaska because she figured out she could make more money with less responsibilities. She either sold any dignity she had for money or she is too retarded to understand she was over her head in politics.

    Fukn Retard.

  92. Anonymous11:40 PM

    I'm still pumped that we elected a handsome, young, competent, US Senator with a very ethnic name as our first Black American president. I can't tell you how proud I was of our electorate at that moment. This is the country we are Anon @ 9:18. We are not the kind of country that would elect a phony ass poser like Palin.

  93. Anonymous11:42 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Stick a fork in her - she's done. Tucson was her Waterloo.

    7:04 PM

    Palin doesn't know what Waterloo is. She probably thinks it is another name for a trailer park toilet.

  94. Anonymous12:13 AM

    "Supporters and pundits are lining up to give their two cents?"

    Kinda hard for them to give their two cents to Sarah since the Wasilla Hill Billy took their last cent they had and gave it to Todd for his weekly allowance which he spent it on prostitutes. You know, it's all about jobs and Todd is doing his part to keep women employed.

  95. Anonymous3:13 AM

    Oh BTW, the doctor's report said that she was the healthy mother of 5 kids. Being a mom and birthing a child are two different acts. Her doctor understood what to write to protect herself.

    2:59 PM

    To anon:

    Yes and that docots note did not Mention the two previous miscarriages "Sarah wrote" about in Going Rogue.
    So, no doctor wrote that piece of sht letter. and the great mystery is why CBJ allows her name to be associated with that piece of shit medical letter that Sarah or someone in the campaign forged. CBJ, if she indeed wrote that letter, not only lied but shows herself to be a shitty doctor. Previous pregnancies and miscarriages are an essential feature of any woman's medical history. Whether she is "happy" ...or not, not so much..unless she has a histroy of depression or bipolar. (not listed...again bad medicine.)

  96. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What's bad is, sarahs harmless compared to what's in DC currently

    5:14 PM

    true! as it is the puppetmasters we should fear.

  97. Anonymous3:26 AM

    No ones innocent here. But they certainly aren't wrong in what they do

    The world has always been corrupt. Cops in nyc getting busted for running a prostitution ring, police depts in cahoots with the feds, it'll probably never end. everyone gets fucked over by a powerful person who has connections. Its incredibly common in our culture. and world

    5:19 PM

    The puncutation and grammar (or lack thereof) give you away.

    Anyway, sure all this crap goes on elsewhere. The issue most of us have is that Palin presents herself as someone who is rogue-y maverick-y and different. When in fact she is as devious, dishonest and fraudulent as any politician she states she despises. Her family life is a sick joke. Tri-G did not come from her uterus. She's nothing but smoke and mirrors and stupidity. Any thinking prson can see right through her.
    Can you see the disconnect from your house?

  98. Anonymous4:37 AM

    What continues to astonish me is that Sarah was selected as someone women can connect to. I have NEVER felt connected to that woman, starting with her 5 kids and ending with her poor example of how a professional woman can balance her life. Intending for her to be the GOP equivalent of the very accomplished and respected Hilary Clinton was, and continues to be, laughable. Sarah is a big national joke. Who wants to relate to that? What an insult she is to the women in the GOP.

  99. Anonymous5:49 AM

    was surprised CBJ never sued for forgery - but the letter was not signed. It was merely on a copy of her letterhead.

    It was an unprofessional letter and left out SP's history of nervous breakdowns and hospital stays in addition to the "wite-outs". Never mind that SP never gave birth to TriG - the letter does not say she did. It says "A Palin"....could be any one of 'em, all of 'em....

  100. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Anonymous said...
    What continues to astonish me is that Sarah was selected as someone women can connect to. I have NEVER felt connected to that woman, starting with her 5 kids and ending with her poor example of how a professional woman can balance her life. Intending for her to be the GOP equivalent of the very accomplished and respected Hilary Clinton was, and continues to be, laughable. Sarah is a big national joke. Who wants to relate to that? What an insult she is to the women in the GOP.

    4:37 AM

    Sarah is a wanna-be-never-was beauty pageant contestant whose only claim to fame was that she could con people. Maybe in her past life she was one of those town to town carnival workers who hollers at ya to play those impossible to win games. You know those grungy people who lives in trailers that always on the road and never at home to raise there kids.

    The thing is those carnival workers are a higher class people than Sarah. They at least work hard for their money.

  101. Anonymous6:25 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Oh BTW, the doctor's report said that she was the healthy mother of 5 kids. Being a mom and birthing a child are two different acts. Her doctor understood what to write to protect herself.

    2:59 PM

    Someone should ask CBJ did she write the letter?

  102. Anonymous7:20 AM

    I've only agreed with Sarah Palin on one thing - that the mainstream media is truly lame. But she only thinks it lame because it doesn't blindly worship her enough; I think it's lame because it blindly gives her a platform that she's never genuinely earned. Thankfully, it looks like this trend is finally (finally!) changing, save for the propaganda networks (ie, Fox).


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