Thursday, March 17, 2011

RAM responds to attacks on her looks by using Twitter avatar to spin the visual information.

For the first time Becky has used a picture on her Twitter account.

This is essentially the only mention made for this decision.

@RuBegonia figured it made no difference now.
7 hours ago via web

I know that RAM has probably had her feelings hurt somewhat by the reaction to her physical appearance. But hey, at least nobody threatened to sue her, or threatened to shoot her in front of children at the school where she worked.

Sometimes having your anonymity stripped away can be a painful process.  Welcome to the club Becky.

Now that this part is over everybody can just focus on what is on the inside, instead of how it is packaged.  Good luck with that.


  1. In the other comments, someone said it was a pre-Palin pic. I'll repeat what I said a couple of times there. If that's the case, then RAM's association with Palin has made her old and ugly. In this pic, she looks closer to 36, she's relaxed and looks happy.

  2. Anonymous5:41 AM

    Rebecca needs to understand it is the vitriolic thoughts and words within her that makes her ugly.

  3. Jeanabella5:44 AM

    Maybe gay, but definitely taken with sp and the 8 grand a month helps. gotta be the answer since you don't go from a decent human being with intelligence who wanted to work for the democratic ticket and before that wanted to write for Hollywood, to a rabid right wing fan of pa$lin for nothing baby. She is in lust! and people will do crazy things for love and money! I don't think she really cares about politics. As for her looks, who cares.

  4. Anonymous5:47 AM

    I agree with 5:41. People hated RAM before they knew what she looked like and that was based on RAM's own words.

  5. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Rebecca's hate full words make her ugly. You can be unattractive and have a great personality and people will think you are a beautiful person. Or like Sarah you can be attractive and be hate full, mean, stupid and that makes you very ugly.

  6. Nan (aka roswellborn)5:52 AM

    I'm with Sunshine1970; that's not a bad picture at all.

    Many have long said that "whatever Palin touches turns to poison."


  7. Anonymous5:56 AM

    So, there she is. The devil behind the devil. @Jeanabella.. I agree wholeheartedly.

  8. Anonymous5:57 AM

    What goes around, comes around.

    When you spend that much effort in making identities public, you miss out on keeping your own identity private.

  9. That picture is her damage control? *That* picture?
    Well, to her credit the shades and jacket make her look more masculine than Todd. Guess that's why he gets to hold her purse...

  10. Anonymous5:59 AM

    Let's not forget that RAM's comments - their tone and word choice - were some of the most vicious, nasty, and hateful ever seen in any public thread. She served her master like a demon straight from hell, and with a sickening kind of gusto that made my stomach turn.

    I prefer the explanation that "love" and her-worship made her this way. It's just too scary and sad otherwise that there are people who walk among us have this kind of nastiness inside, waiting to spew all over the rest of us.

    And her master is even sicker for using her in this way. Yuk

  11. Anonymous6:00 AM

    From RAM's Twitter feed:

    RT @SamaritansPurse In #Japan, food, water & fuel are scarce. #Pray for the people desperate for necessities.

    Will Sarah Palin be showing up with some of her infamous 'disaster' cookies?

  12. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Judging from that photo, instinct tells me that she's in love with Palin.

  13. Anonymous6:02 AM

    There's a moral to this story somewhere, but I highly doubt she will discover it.

  14. Kimosabe6:03 AM

    Rebecca Mansour is the portrait to Sarah Palin's Dorian Gray.

  15. Anonymous6:04 AM

    There is a picture of her in the LA Times, and she has grown fatter and ugly. She looks like Danny Davito as the Penguin in Superman? Was it Superman or one of the other comic strips? She looks like a comic strip villain.

    This is a picture of her pre-Palin.

  16. Anonymous6:05 AM

    I'm not sure why we have a shred of compassion for Palin and her hired hands. They represent a new extreme politics of boldface lies & violent rhetoric. Surely they don't think they can spew mean and hateful words and then somehow not get the same meanness back. Not even the LSM buys the victim ploy any more.

    It's too bad Ms Rebecca didn't decide to use her talents on a more worthy pursuit. Sometimes people who are blessed with great intellect are severely lacking in good judgment and common sense.

  17. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Becky appears to be using an old photo of herself now that she's been unmasked.

    I've never been a lookist; I've known too many heavy, unattractive women who were wonderful people. But Becky isn't one of them. She's a vile, nasty, deeply unhappy person who strikes out venomously at anyone and everyone. Since Sarah's mystique is based on Sarah's looks, this picture tells us all we need to know about Becky. The woman needs mental help.

  18. Anonymous6:22 AM

    RAM looks like any of hundreds of women. I admit I am not surprised with her looks. She is an intelligent woman who seems to have hitched her cart to a woman who has a similar nasty personality to her own. Palin and RAM are both beneficial to each other. If I may play amateur psychologist for a moment, it seems to me that RAM is living vicariously through Palin. She is Palin's "voice". I wonder if in some twisted way, she also thought if she stayed hidden, she could also pretend she looked like Palin, too.... at least in her own mind. I say this, because why else would she never allow pictures of her be shown? It's not like she was ever anonymous. We have always known there was a RAM who wrote all of Sarah's posts and twitters. Why did she feel the need to hide her looks? This seems very twisted to me.

  19. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Hmmm...are you sure that's not a photo of John Lennon?

  20. Anonymous6:33 AM

    How did the LA Times get the earlier photos?

  21. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Look, I've known people just as unattractive on the outside, no offense, who felt good about themselves and became more attractive as you got to know them. The fact that she is so insecure that she has been cowering in the shadows says so much about why she's obsessed with Palin. She's the troll hiding in the dark, whispering the lines to the pretty princess on stage. She's vile, but lacks the confidence to be a success on her own, and Palin's vile, but too lazy and stupid to do her own work. They are made for each other.

  22. C'mon, about half of her appearance is due to the fact she CHOOSES to look that way. The vast majority of us are not blessed with super model looks, we have to work with what God gave us. But Mansour looks like she's completely given up. I bet if she changed her hairstyle, plucked those caterpillar eyebrows, ditched the glasses and threw on a little mascara and lip gloss she'd look quite presentable.

  23. Anonymous6:38 AM

    RAM... you words and actions are UGLY.

  24. Anonymous6:40 AM

    Is Sarah only paying RAM 8K a month?

    Sarah is a cheapskate..

    Bet Piper, Willow and Bristle are being paid more than that out of SarahPAC money.

    RAM.. your hero collects millions in speaking and she only gives you bread crumbs .. SUCKER!

  25. Anonymous6:41 AM

    Becka should consider herself lucky that nobody is complaining she doesn't look particularly like a "real-American" from Wyoming!

  26. Cyrano De RAM,
    Paylin is her ultimate performance piece, hell I might be able to channel Scaruh Du Ville for 8 grand a month

  27. London Bridges6:43 AM

    The end is near: Palin heading to Israel this weekend for "private" meeting.

  28. laprofesora6:44 AM

    Those two pictures in the LA Times explain a lot. This is certainly one case where a picture IS worth a thousand words. There's a lot of pathology going on between RAM and $P. Wow.

  29. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Gryphen: "But hey, at least nobody threatened to sue her, or threatened to shoot her in front of children at the school where she worked. Sometimes having your anonymity stripped away can be a painful process. Welcome to the club Becky."

    Sometimes I forget what Palin and her pathetic little army tried to put you through, Gryph. Thanks for the reminder.I DON'T always agree with everything you write, but I always respect that you continue to expose Sarah Palin and her minions for the spiteful and criminally-minded creatures they are.

    I do have some sympathy for RAM if people are indeed criticizing her looks...I don't see anything wrong with her looks, myself...but I doubt there will be a lesson in retroactive empathy here for her. I'm sure she follows the rightwing credo where it's always ok for them to sling mud, but never ever ever for anyone else to return the volley.

  30. Anonymous6:46 AM

    They are all aflutter over at C4P about India's love affair with Sarah and her upcoming trip there. This fellow also is a great admirer of Mansour, as well.

    Perfect trip, perfect timing.

    I remember people here saying "She's gotta go to Israel!"--Well, here she goes at EXACTLY the right time coming off EXACTLY the right event in Ind-Ya. India addresses the economy and Israel addresses national defense, our standing in the world, how we treat (or mistreat) our greatest allies, etc--all while Barry's doing the Mambo on some lame South American trip where he'll talk us down and sell us and our allies down there out again (watch how he mistreats or disses Colombia somehow btw).

    This is called Cuda Timing!...wonder if she's bringing her "silent but high impact" advisor Rebecca (the Duke) Mansour with her? That Piper kid will be keeping an eye on her.

    I still say go to Poland next! They'll build a statue of her...RAM! Tell her to go to Poland!

  31. Anonymous6:47 AM

    She comes across as just a sad, sad person, inside and out.

    I think one of the other posters is right. She has invested so much of herself in Sarah Palin that it's going to be psychologically devastating when the end come. And it will. Palin has proven that time and again.

  32. laprofesora6:50 AM

    The Times article presents RAM as a rather intelligent person. How much self-loathing do you have to have to ignore your intellect and defend the blatherings of Scarah Paylin? Surely RAM must understand that what $P says is drivel, but she is so blinded by hero worship that she attacks anyone who dares question her queen. Really, really sad. There's a whole semester's worth of psychology in the relationship between these two.

  33. Anonymous6:53 AM

    I think I have read that RAM was a former Hillary supporter who grew vey embittered after the rough campaign Hillary had gone through, only to lose to a man. This explains why RAM suddenly lost her mind and flew to Palin's defense: A reenactment of Hillary's campaign, only this time RAM would rescue the heroine.

    Also, it has been commented on in the blogs that RAM and AnnfromCA of Huffpo are one and the same. Similar profiles: smart women, former Hillary supporters, Obama-haters, and rabid Palin defenders who ignore all facts showing Palin to be a fraud.

    Any credence to these "rumors?"

    Hmmmm, after her hissy fit when someone called her interview of an anon actor "boring," now I'm starting to wonder if Media Insider may be another face of this Eve. But that would be crazy! LOL!

  34. Anonymous6:53 AM

    At least no one put a crosshair over her picture!

  35. Now I understand why Rebecca Mansour penned those poisonous screeds against Michelle Obama's Let's Move campaign.

    I've just returned home from the St. Patrick's Day parade here in Dublin, Ireland and none of the scary floats and costumes were as scary as those gargoyle-like photos of RAM that you posted earlier.

  36. Makes me angry that men think that they have the right to'rate',criticize and comment on woman's looks.
    What does that have to do with anything?

    My only question is why did she choose palin? What a waste of a mind.
    What makes her nasty is her choice of words and her defense of palin.

  37. Anonymous7:01 AM

    Until the Los Angeles Times photos, all that we knew about Rebecca is that she hid behind face book posts or let Sarah issue her written statements. Those statements were filled with hatred, distortions of the truth and had the power to incite real violence in Sarah's followers. We judged Rebecca by her writing.

    In the LA Times interview, along with other previous interviews, Rebecca has told the same story that seems defines her life. When she was ten years old, her father was shot in a robbery. Her father, a religious man who went to mass every day, ask for forgiveness for those who shot him. He was returning to the university where he was a professor, and he didn't want the university to be blamed for lax security. He also asked that race not be a factor.

    Forgiveness! The problem is that while Rebecca talked about forgiveness, her writing is filled with the spirit of settling old scores, getting even, using nasty language. She doesn't mind injecting race, gender, or cultural differences into the argument. She is still a ten year old girl, scared and frightened at the attack on her father, and she is relentless in her attacks on everyone else.

    Rebecca went to LA to be a screen writer. She wrote one 24 minute short film while she was a student. Today, she is writing words for an actress to deliver in fantastic settings. However, it's not the movies. It's real life politics, and Rebecca lacks the maturity, insight and skill to be a good speech writer or spokesperson. She and Sarah Palin are a perfect match.

    It is hard to decide who has the thinner skin, Rebecca or Sarah. Right now, Rebecca has show us that she hasn't learned her father's lesson of forgiveness. Instead, she responded to the comments about her appearance by posting an old photo. "I'll show you, I'll get even." Rebecca lashes out and hurts others before they can hurt her. She responds to every criticism. It is hard to tell her and Sarah Palin apart.

  38. awake in alberta7:08 AM

    John Avlon @ The MSM Daily Beast has a killer article today about the SnowGrifter w/lots of links to other critical MSM pieces. Bend over, mean girls & kiss it bye-bye! LOL.

  39. As people have pointed out, we have known RAM for a long time, clear back to when she was sending her C4P flying monkeys after people like Gryphen. She has only gotten more nasty on the inside. The outside is irrelevant. But it is nice to see her dragged out of the shadows, given that she deliberately exposed anonymous bloggers, etc., just so her monkeys could harass them. I'm tired of trying to guess why supposedly.intelligent people turn into stupid assholes (in the female department I think of people like Gretchen Carlson and RAM). I don't care why. I just want them to go away. They are dickwads.

  40. Anonymous7:12 AM

    No wonder RAM never made it as a screenwriter. No way in Hollywood if you look like that (unless you're a man.) What better way to wreak your personal revenge on the universe than to puppet SP-- The Dark and Evil Cyrano indeed!

  41. Anonymous7:12 AM

    I feel sorry for RAM. Clearly, she has not had it easy. We live in a very superficial world and it can be very unkind to those who are not considered attractive. It is downright punishing to those considered "ugly."

    I see a woman who was smart and funny, eager to please, but who just couldn't succeed in Hollywood. I suspect sexism played a part there too, in addition to the barrier presented by her physical appearance.

    I can see RAM excited about a woman president. Then to watch Hillary be humiliated, with much of the spiteful criticism focused on her personal appearance.

    I think Sarah Palin became RAM's personal quest. She was going to show everybody.

    So, RAM rewrote the screenplay of Palin's bullshit narrative, wearing blinders to help her ignore facts didn't fit the narrative. There was never any attack on Palin by the Media. That was Hillary's fate, but RAM made it Sarah's. On the contrary, the Media was very kind to Palin, either ignoring any negative news or spinning it in Palin's favor. All of Palin's wounds were self-inflicted, starting with the Gibson and Couric interviews. A sitting Governor should have sailed through those soft-ball interviews, but the ignorant Palin failed, and failed miserably.

    All the slings and arrows suffered by RAM and other "unattractive," smart women would be avenged. And Sarah Palin was RAM's Trojan Horse. Sarah Palin, the outwardly beautiful candidate who was actually the antithesis of RAM and Hillary: ignorant and unprepared.

    I can see how the irony would make RAM chuckle inside.

  42. Ever see a picture of a person before they were in a cult? That's what the latest pic of Becky looks like to me. Normal. And the "later" picture? Just plain scary. I think she has been totally brainwashed (but in her case, a light rinse would have sufficed) and does not realize that she has been a vessel of hate for Sarah Palin. When the fall comes, as it surely will, she'll be gobsmacked that her idol could turn on her.

  43. Anonymous7:18 AM

    Results are showing that Sarah is proving to be bad at running her operation. She appears to enjoy being in charge: multitasking, controlling the spotlight, making decisions and making money but isn't making any headway except for the money making and has, in fact, drastically managed to lose ground politically. The bottom-line is, lots of people don't like her, esp. in politics. So any aspirations to hold public office now are probably futile.

  44. Anonymous7:19 AM

    I really don't give a crap what she looks like. It is her character that makes her ugly to me. It is the same with Palin. Some people think she is really good looking for her age but to me she is still ugly.

  45. laprofesora7:22 AM

    Actually the first thing that struck me about RAM was that she looks very much like someone I was friends with when I was younger. We met when we were working at a summer camp for handicapped kids. She was a wonderful, caring person with a quick laugh and fun to be around. I would NEVER have described her as unattractive; it's who you are inside and who RAM is inside is not very pretty.

  46. Anonymous7:23 AM

    She looks like Geddy Lee (my sincerest apologies to Geddy Lee).

  47. Anonymous7:25 AM

    Playln will blame RAM for those tweets and that she had no knowledge . She trusted RAM to say positive Tweets . It's all RAM's fault . You can't trust anyone . What did she do ? She just wants good for everyone . There is a conspiracy to make me look bad .

    Is the witch dead yet?

  48. Anonymous7:27 AM

    The name she gave the jpg:


  49. I don't care what RAM looks like- what I want to know is why Palin insists on shrouding herself with secrecy.
    Secrets and lies are the basis of any toxic relationship, and it seems as if Palin indulges more than most in intrigue and drama.
    Have the courage of your convictions, Sarah, and stop hiding!
    Also, running a presidential campaign in such a fashion as Palin's paranoia demands will be interesting to witness.

  50. One day - in the very near future - RAM will be thrown under the bus by Sarah Palin. Happens to everyone who has ever worked for Palin.

    Then the truth will come out. It's clear RAM is in love/lust with Sarah - you can see it in her eyes in the LA Times photo, full of passionate admiration for her idol.

    When the inevitable crash to reality comes - Palin better hope she has a damn good lawyer. RAM will be Palin's downfall - count on it.

    P.S. RAM - we know you read the comments here. No one cares what you look like - but working with Sarah Palin has made you into a nasty person - that no one likes. Think about it.

  51. Anonymous7:40 AM

    Here's RAM's statement for Palin. Sarah doesn't talk like this so it's obvious that they're someone else's words.

    “I'm thankful to be able to travel to Israel on my way back to the U.S.,” Palin said in a statement obtained by CNN. “As the world confronts sweeping changes and new realities, I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the key issues facing his country, our ally Israel.”

  52. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Does any one else find it odd that RAM picked now to go public? Sarah is thousands of miles away in India. RAM poses for pictures AND a story. Hmm

  53. Anonymous7:54 AM

    Look, what comes around goes around. Mansour talking shit about Michelle and Barrack Obama along with every other liberal on the globe is going to have a negative impact on her life. If this is a case of a low self esteem, this woman should not be ashamed of how she looks as she should about how she acts. She is an unpatriotic, uncaring snake. If she is indeed friends with Tammy Bruce then that says it all. I agree she need help.

  54. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Is Sarah only paying RAM 8K a month?

    Sarah is a cheapskate..

    Bet Piper, Willow and Bristle are being paid more than that out of SarahPAC money.

    RAM.. your hero collects millions in speaking and she only gives you bread crumbs .. SUCKER!

    6:40 AM

    It more then she would get any where else.

  55. Anonymous7:59 AM

    I am not one to put someone down for their looks (any more than I am likely to think some one is great if they are good looking -- got that, Sarah?).

    However, knowing that this is the woman that is putting the words into Sarah's mouth online.... well, on can't help but notice that it is almost like a modern day Cyrano. Except that the teabaggers are the Roxanne in the story. And we all know they would not show up to see RAM at a rally.

  56. Randall8:01 AM

    "...boldface lies & violent rhetoric..."

    Politicians have used this tactic throughout history - all the way back to the Roman Empire.

    And it always works...

    For a while.

    Then comes the backlash and those evil, nasty purveyors of hate speech are despised by history.

    Twas ever thus.

  57. Anonymous8:03 AM

    If she had shown herself to be a compassionate individual who recognized her own faults (physical and personality wise) and resolved to change herself for the better, then I'd have no problem overlooking her unfortunate physical attributes (over which she has no control over, but she does have control over the ugliness inside!) and the irony of the whole situation. But instead, it appears that she has devolved (or deteriorated) since beginning her crusade as head henchman for SP, which is a entirely different irony all together. No pity for people who put themselves in vicarious situations full knowing the risks involved.

  58. Anonymous8:07 AM

    I know that everybody that has been thrown under the bus by the palins thought it would happen to them. I doubt whether granny quitters adoring fans will think much of the ethnic looking person. They want beauty queens.

  59. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Her last name says it all: man sour...

    Man sour = boner shrinker

  60. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Even if she looked like a playboy bunny she'd be ugly. Anyone who loves Sarah that much is surely ugly on the inside. And a mean, ugly heart outdoes anything outward. So, yeah, I am sure the woman is butt ugly, I didn't need to see a picture to guess that.

  61. Focus on the inside?

    Why is the Picture of Dorian Gray just pops into my head?

    I don't think her insides are that pretty either.

  62. 10catsinMD8:19 AM

    Completely agree with Anon @7:01.

    Can't forgive, nasty, vile words. Also think she has a "thing" for Sarah.

    I read some of other McCain and the other's guys posting about Gryphen. We are not even half way into what they said and did.

    I am not as slender as I used to be and have many friends who are not the prettiest, but inside shines out. RAM is getting what she has given and it's not going to stop.

  63. Anonymous8:19 AM

    This can't be a healthy relationship at all. It seems to me that RAM may be more than just a little bit mental and certainly obsessed with her boss.

    For some reason the tragic case of Selena comes to mind. She was shot to death by the president of her fan club after being dismissed.

    I would be very wary if I were SP. Nothing about this seems normal to me.

  64. Lynne8:27 AM

    It might have been nice to know her back when that photo was taken. She does look like a happy person there. I think Sarah has just sucked the life out of her regardless of what her psychological problems are now. And if she's in love with Sarah, she's in for a world of hurt and has my sympathy. God knows what she'll be like after Sarah tosses her.

  65. Anonymous8:29 AM

    RAM is not smart. Having a vocabulary is not a sign of intelligence, nor is it necessarily a sign of a good writer. It's what you write (thematically) and how you write it that matters. She's not bright and a terrible writer. "Blood libel," anyone? RAM hitched her post to a racist, anti-American dimwit who quit her key elected job--not a sign of intelligence, considering all the others who tried to make Palin legit, and who gave up. If RAM is so smart, why is the Palin brand in freefall, and damaged beyond fixability?

    RAM seems smart to the Palin cult, and to Palin. That sums it up for me.

    No, RAM is not smart.

  66. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Rebecca was one of my favorites at Team Sarah before she was banned. Back then there were a lot of moderate Republicans on the site. The younger members and college students adored her. That is a no shitter. They loved her. TS lost a lot of very active members when they banned RAM.

    ¨...figured it made no difference now.¨

    It never did make a difference, and it never will.

  67. Anonymous8:31 AM

    She's her number one fan!


    Be careful, Scarah.

  68. Anonymous8:32 AM

    So weird. The current pic of her where she is obviously older than this pic from her coed days looks a lot like Shailey Tripp to me. Sarah had better watch out because Todd at some point could be asking RAM for a little "help," if you know what I mean.

  69. Anonymous8:39 AM

    Poor Israel. Must they meet with every never-was, has-been, quitter private citizen who wants the PR?

  70. Anonymous8:43 AM

    I don't care what she looks like, she was already an ugly person. She and the Peebots use to make ugly, hateful remarks about Gryph, Celtic Diva, Jay R. and everyone one else Sarah's flying monkeys went after. Too bad her hateful remarks came back to bite her on her ugly Palin loving ass.

  71. Anonymous8:46 AM

    “I'm thankful to be able to travel to Israel on my way back to the U.S.,” Palin said in a statement obtained by CNN. “As the world confronts sweeping changes and new realities, I look forward to meeting with Prime Minister Netanyahu to discuss the key issues facing his country, our ally Israel.”
    Whenever their goddess is criticized, Palin worshipers resort to the tired old excuse that she is just a 'private citizen' and shouldn't be held to the same standard as a politician.

    How many 'private citizens' get to sit down with a Prime Minister to discuss key issue that face his country? Hilarious!

  72. Anonymous8:48 AM

    take all news re: Scarah with a grain of salt.

    Prime Minister Netanyahu is NOT meeting with the bimbo. She wishes...

  73. Anonymous8:49 AM

    the picture of RAM is from her college days.

  74. Anonymous8:50 AM

    I'm more interested in Palin's itinerary than what RAM looks like. Here it is Thursday and she's on a jet to India for a speech tomorrow night...which means she'll go from jet to limo to hotel. Then instead of seeing India and the poor people there (she again can't get her manicured hands dirty,can she?) she's back in the limo, on the jet and going to Israel, where I'm not even sure she knows WTF is happening there. Someone better tell her Netanyahu is Jewish. And she's visiting the Christian sites of again, no attempt to really understand the culture or the needs of the Palestinians. She is the biggest fraud ever foisted on this democracy.

  75. Anonymous8:53 AM

    I wouldn't be surprised if Palin gets rid of her now. First, she has to let "inexperienced" RAM be revealed. Then she can replace her with someone experienced and not take full credit for all of her FB and Twitter. The it wasn't my fault defense.

  76. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Seriously, who doesn't think it's ironic that $P chose a screenwriter to write for her? It's perfect since her persona is a completely fictional character.

    $P needs to be careful because it seems like RAM is starting to think she's $P. She seems to have gotten nastier and nastier as she's continued to work for her. Will she be able to separate herself from $P once she's thrown under the bus? It will happen eventually and the outcome won't be pretty.

    Her quick reaction to the Gabby Giffords shooting/map debacle shows she thought it was her turn to go under the bus. She was scared shitless and ran to Tammy Bruce to try and fix it. To impress SP she throws in the the whole "blood libel" thing.

    I'm not even sure if she believes everything $P spews, but she seems to get pleasure from protecting her. She's a person who was powerless in her real life and now feels powerful as she send out Twits and FB notes. She feels even more powerful when she uses "big" words and "clever" (to her and SP) insults.

    The whole relationship is sick in my opinion. It is destined to end badly. I think RAM will ultimately be her downfall. The person who "loves" her most will be her undoing.

  77. Anonymous8:59 AM

    A real leader has people around them who don't always agree with them. People who can tell you you're wrong and who can bring your ego back down to Earth. $P can't handle any criticism so she surrounds herself with boot-lickers like RAM.

    I personally don't care what she looks like, but I believe she's called other people fat and ugly and told them they were jealous of $P. Seems she can dish it out but can't take it.

    I'd love to see a post showing a compilation of the nasty things RAM has "typed" to people who disagree with her or $P. I know she said some real nasty things when she was with C4P. Especially when she blocked people. Anyone have any screenshots or e-mails to share?

    I do believe Man-sour is the perfect name for her.

  78. Olivia8:59 AM

    That is a really OLD picture.

  79. Anonymous9:15 AM

    somebody wants a little spotlight for themselves!!!

    sarah isnt going to be too pleased.

    im loving it.

    oh yeah, that pic is old, blurry, and a nice try.

    but FAIL.

  80. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Is it me or does she look like Shailey Tripp? Todd what do you think?

  81. Anonymous9:16 AM

    OT: babygate

    A little food for thought. Check out this pick of Rachel Zoe. She's about 1 month from delivery. About the same as SP when she supposedly gave birth to Trig. Rachel was extremely tiny, almost anorexic looking prior to her pregnancy. There's no way she could hide it and there's no way Granny Palin could have either.

  82. Anonymous10:12 AM

    I can just imagine the names Granny Palin and her daughters have for RAM. Belittling people and name calling is sport for them, so you know they make fun of her behind her back.

    RAM - They're laughing at you!

    Anybody seen the movie trailer for "Hall Pass" where they show that the pretty girl actually isn't pretty if you block out her ugly friends. Apparently RAM fills this purpose too. She's not just a ghostwriter after all.

    Also, anybody who has a dictionary and thesaurus can have a large vocabulary. Sounds more like she's trying to sound smarter than she actually is. Tells us where Bristol got "canard". Did she actually go to Harvard or just work for them? Again trying to sound smarter and appear more important than she actually is.

    Obviously she feels bad about her appearance if she tried so long to keep it a secret, and she posts a more flattering old photo on her twitter.

    What comes around goes around RAM! Karma's a bitch!

  83. Anonymous10:21 AM

    Seeing her now, some of her earlier comments (especially when she was moderating at C4P) make sense now. She is a piece of work.

  84. Anonymous10:22 AM

    So sad for RAM that that is the best picture she could produce.
    RAM, honey. Give it up. Sarah will never sleep with you. NEVER.
    So , go ahead and write that babygate book.
    You will be famous and renowned beyond your wildest dreams.
    All the makeovers you want.
    Smart people will want you.
    Go ahead.
    Do it.

  85. Anonymous10:25 AM

    RAM alright. looks like somebody rammed her with a MAC truck...ha ha ha.

    My first and last thought was she looked like ''throw mama from the train'' heh heh heh who remembers that movie?

    There'll be no swan song for this ugly duckling.

    ...i'm just saying...

  86. Anonymous10:27 AM

    "Both parents were first-generation Americans of Lebanese descent."

    Hmmm, I've always thought the "newbies"
    were the most more Amerikan than thou,
    more patriotic, more conservative, more better.
    I knew a guy, a Repube, he was German/Irish
    and his grannies still had accents, and he was
    the Biggest Amerikan Evah!!! My family has
    been here since the 1600s, the last import was
    from Wales in the 1840s, and we've been
    liberals forever. Not especially patriotic, but
    willing to fight when the country needed it.
    These newbies, you know, people like Lee
    Greenwood, are so hyper about America, it
    reminds me of preachers & senators who
    hate teh gayz! but are always caught eating
    some other dude's butt.

  87. Anonymous10:28 AM

    A little less crunch wraps, and a few more sit ups might land her a paying job and perhaps even a husband.

  88. Anonymous10:41 AM

    @7:27 what more proof do you need that RAM reads these comments? She has changed her pic description from "me reasonably small" to the following after your post:

    It must be an awful life to follow and act on each and every critique!

  89. dancingthroughlife10:51 AM

    When I saw the first picture, I was a little taken aback. This pic is more what I was expecting. Looks aside, though, what struck me from the article mentioned in the previous RAM post was how intelligent she's supposed to be. I don't doubt she's intelligent, the question is why she got involved with Palin after her personal and work/volunteer history. How does someone go from Hillary Clinton to Barack Obama to Sarah Palin? The only thing Clinton and Palin have in common is lady parts, and Palin has nothing in common with the other two. Had I not read some of her most hateful writing, I would begin to wonder if she was a plant in the Palin camp. I don't understand how someone who is intelligent can spend that much time around the Palins and not want to kill herself. Of course, there's a significant difference in weight in the pictures of her- perhaps that's how she deal with dealing with Palin? I know if I had to deal with them, it'd take me about an hour before I started "self-medicating"- whether with food or something else! (Maybe that was Bristol's issue, too- although I still think there was something else to it)

  90. Anonymous11:03 AM

    "RAM - They're laughing at you!"

    Yup--this is why there are no photos of
    $P & Ram. I bet Sayruh won't allow
    herself to be photographed beside her.

  91. Anonymous11:08 AM

    8:59--I would love a post listing all the nasty remarks Miss ManSour called everyone who disagreed with her or Sarah. She was one nasty, mean, ugly person in PeeLand back then.

  92. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Pic of RAM during her hot college days before she lost her looks...

  93. Gasman11:10 AM

    Hey, I feel no sympathy for Jabba the Slut. She sold her soul to Beelzebub when she signed on as Palin's brain. She has made a career out of lying, character assassination, and every crime that doesn't actually require any amount of courage. I could give a fat rat's ass about her sensitivity toward her size or her appearance. Given that her gig is to attack, smear, belittle, and disparage others, all with the most venomous lies imaginable, who fucking cares if her feelings have been hurt? I hope they are. Maybe she'll gain some insight into how the victims of HER attacks feel.

    She is a caustic merchant of pus filled hate. She slings her festering buckets of dung over transoms anonymously then runs back to the shadows. She is a fetid, odious, putrescent little turd. Fuck her and the ignorant bitch she rode in on.

  94. Anonymous11:18 AM

    " Anonymous said...
    RAM is not smart. Having a vocabulary is not a sign of intelligence, nor is it necessarily a sign of a good writer. It's what you write (thematically) and how you write it that matters.

    8:29 AM"

    I agree. She even *brags* about using big words.
    Ha! What a dumb ass. Like a little kid & their
    first cuss word. Look @ meh! Me speaky Big!
    Me sit home on Saturday nights to learn to
    speaky big! Me gots nuttin but werdz, but
    me gottum! Me fucky my deeploma! Werdz gud!

  95. Anonymous11:49 AM

    Ugly is as ugly does. And speaks, also too.

    Wanna bet she is dropped by SP like a hot potato now?

  96. Anonymous11:57 AM

    If $arah had a lick of sense (which she does not), she'd fire RAM. Palin's numbers have plummeted and it's largely due to RAM. But, $arah will keep her because RAM is obviously in love with her, and that's exactly what $arah wants: blind allegiance.

  97. Anonymous12:01 PM

    I second Jeanabella.. "people do crazy things for love and money!" Becky will not go quietly away when Palin's political career hits a brick wall, and it is her turn under the bus. That "blood libel" video was a near miss.

    I hope RM is indeed saving her pennies. It may be a year or two before she recovers from the emotional shock of being tossed away by the woman she "loves".

    Yes, right now SP is saying you two will be best friends forever, and how she needs you. She has the ability to say that with 110% sincerity now, and the minute you leave the room, she and the girls will have a good laugh about how Sarah can always "sell" that line to the people who are useful to her at that moment.

    Look in Sarah's "past friends she needed" closet Becky! See the many bodies she has left behind. Realize that you are "Bluebeard's" latest "wife".

    And then it will be your turn to write your own book. Keep a journal Becky! Make sure it is in a place and format that someone can't hit a "delete" button and erase it all.

  98. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Why would ANY world leader worth his/her grain of salt spend valuable time meeting with Sarah. Seriously? What would be the point?

    I'll have to see it to believe it.

  99. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Something is seriously wrong with that woman to change so much. Seems like the ugly words she has been producing have transformed her body into the personification of those words. I really didn't think she would look so bad. There is a picture I've seen beyond this one she just used as an avatar and the scary LATimes photo where she looked thinner. It was from the side. Wow, just wow.

  100. Sooner or later she will wind up under that bus.

    Best case scenario when that happens: She returns to her roots and writes a kick ass screenplay!

  101. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Now I know what a Man-Woman Hybrid looks like. I thought it's something you can only create with a really good Special Effects-studio, but as they say: 'It's alive!'.

  102. Ripley12:57 PM

    @5:44- "May be gay"??? Why the hell would you say that? Because you can't imagine a beautiful gay woman? I am one. While there are some less attractive gay women out there, it doesn't mean that just because you find someone ugly means they are gay. That is beyond offensive. Why not try to be a little more progressive while you are Palin-bashing. There's enough of Palin to go around. RAM is a symptom of Palinoia. That she is not what you find attractive does not mean you should make broad assumptions about her sexuality. Walk the walk.

    And no, I would NOT do her ;)

  103. Anonymous1:17 PM

    I am not convinced she is actually meeting with Netanyahu. . .if you read the articles carefully, no where has Netanyahu confirmed the meeting, all the cites come from "a Palin aide" or some story in the Israeli newspaper Yedioth. . .but I can find no such story posted. The only confirmation comes from some "Danon" who is a pro-settler guy.



  104. laprofesora1:24 PM

    No trolls defending RAM? Hmmm.

  105. Anonymous1:25 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    A little less crunch wraps, and a few more sit ups might land her a paying job and perhaps even a husband.

    10:28 AM"

    She can diet/exercise/wax/bleach all she wants,
    it won't make her more attractive. Beauty is in
    the eye of the beholder. She'll always seem looney,
    Sarah Palin's troll, her message board flying
    monkey. She has pegged herself as nothing less
    than a weirdo.

  106. Anonymous1:29 PM

    in response to RuBegonia's tweet:

    @RAMansour avatar - WOOFthat!

  107. Anonymous2:04 PM

    Anyone want a cookie?

  108. Anonymous2:39 PM

    Am sure that the $8,000/month paid to RAM goes towards her overhead costs of her business, so what's left over might be a few thousand/month at best. Not much pay to an individual who keeps the seawall of Palin criticisms at bay every day. Not much pay for a 100% yes-man who takes the verbal arrows for victim Sarah every day. Not much pay for the whipping post sidekick who gets blamed for every gaffe Sarah mouths. She's Sarah's paid verbal goon and for all the effort, one would think she'd at least get paid a salary that a former Vice-Presidential/former Governor personal aide would get.

    She might want to join a Union.

  109. Anonymous2:48 PM

    Wild guess- Palin hired her for she knew Todd would not fool around with RAM. LOL

  110. Anonymous3:02 PM

    Reminds me of a recent lesson I learned. I know a woman, a very well regarded, married, well connected and award-winning executive director of a domestic violence shelter program - who drank that third glass of wine one evening and bragged that she always flirted with whoever needed flirting with in order to get the donation or the support for her funding - didn't matter, straight or gay or male or female - but laughingly claimed she always had the best results from the ugly, overweight lesbians. I lost all respect for her that night, never recovered. Reminds me of Scarah - she'll exploit anyone's weakness and enjoy every minute!

  111. Anonymous3:36 PM

    I doubt if she is meeting with Netanyahu. The same way her PR folks started a rumor about her meeting with Mrs. Thatcher, and nothing came of it, because it wa the first Mrs. Thatcher folks had heard of it.

  112. Anonymous3:50 PM

    Speaking of looks, anyone see the giant ass on Michelle O lately? Looks like she is bulking up to play LT for the Bears.

  113. Anonymous4:17 PM

    Anyone involved w/Sarah (or Toad for that matter) has a taint on them forever. Look at Staplemouth - she has not recovered in Anchorage and probably never will - there are too many available videos of her spreading the hate of Sarah Palin.(The worst one showing her in a horrid confrontation with Legislator Les Gara.) RAM could end up having the same difficulties in returning to 'real' life.

    But, if they wrote books about their experiences with Palin (suspect Megamouth was paid by sister Sarah not to write a book OR she signed something saying she wouldn't?!)they could become quite wealthy - at least, at this particular time. Don't know how long Sarah has (in the spotlight) especially after the books of Bailey, McGinniss and Dunn are published.

  114. Anonymous4:25 PM

    @3:50 - racist troll much? RAM much?

  115. Anonymous4:29 PM

    I'll bet bucks that Palin has no meeting opportunities with the big guy in India. Why would he waste his time? Besides, what could she lend to a conversation except being anti American government, President Obama and Mrs. Obama and pro wars!

    She'll show herself only as THE UGLY AMERICAN if she really goes on this trip!

  116. Olivia4:40 PM

    @3:50 WOW! Not even a defense of RAM. Just a completely off topic slam of the First Lady.

  117. Anonymous4:41 PM

    " Anonymous said...
    Speaking of looks, anyone see the giant ass on Michelle O lately? Looks like she is bulking up to play LT for the Bears.

    3:50 PM"

    I'd rather have Michelle's butt than Ram's butt.
    I'm sure Sarah Palin prefers the sweaty Ram's,
    which probably smells like goat cheese.

  118. Anonymous5:00 PM

    is it just me, she has too much facial hair?.
    it makes sense why her photo's were not made available, the lens will burn LOL

  119. Anonymous5:01 PM

    Covering Palin Ass, RAM has aged and turned into a witch like appearance.

  120. Anonymous5:02 PM

    She is Gay! She hangs around with Tammy in her free time.

  121. Anonymous5:07 PM

    RAM is not smart. Just because she can carry on a conversation only proves that she went to school and her classes on a regular basis. Her writings are so off the mark and show her lack of research and analytical skills. But I guess in Palinland, the fact that you can speak coherently is enough.

    As a minority and a woman myself, I find Palin offensive. That RAM who clearly was once a woman who believed in lifting up other women and women's rights, how does she sleep at night?

    Girls like Sarah (because lets face it, Sarah still acts like a teenage girl) most definitely talk about women like RAM behind her back. To Sarah, looks and popularity mean EVERYTHING. Do Greta, Adrienne Ross and RAM actually believe Sarah wants to spend any time with them? Hell no. Women like them repulse her! I am 10000% positive that she makes fun of them behind their back.

  122. Anonymous5:09 PM

    She's going to kill Sarah, isn't she daddy?

  123. Anonymous5:15 PM

    Seeing this picture, which is certainly several years older than the ones of her in the prior post, I think this is the same person as the sharp-nosed younger lady wearing the blue shirt and greenish sari thing and the older heavy woman. This is the intermediate picture - some time between when she was a pretty young lady and much harder unattractive person. Time and life have been very unkind to RAM's looks. Cautionary tale for all of us about what your life choices can do to you.

  124. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Anonymous @3:50 RAM is that you? Boo hoo. No bots showed up to defendant you, so you insult the first lady. I'd take her ass over yours or granny Palins any day. Michele has more class and intelligence in her pinky finger than you and granny grifter combined. She's in the whitehouse while you're in the doghouse. Neither you or SP will ever get there. Your fantasy is coming to an end! Buh-bye

  125. Anonymous5:41 PM

    She's Palin's Karl Rove. I'll call her Karla Rove.

  126. Olivia5:43 PM

    Where is Ivy Frye?

  127. Anonymous5:56 PM

    Thanks, Ripley. I was just about to say something along those lines.
    I am astonished at the so-called liberals on here with all the insensitive looks jokes. Adding 'must be gay' just pisses me off even more. And feeling better about yourselves by saying RAM is a mean ass anyway, isn't good enough. These comments on this remind me of c4p, only the names names are changed. This topic is about as low as I've seen us go.

  128. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Maybe Paylin's alleged "Chief of Staff" suggested she hire a "real" speech writer to try and change her nasty image?

    But RAMster, you done good! Just look at the poll #'s...

  129. Anonymous6:28 PM

    No way the same person. Just look at the hair.

  130. Anonymous8:01 PM

    With all due respect, someone making $8,000 a month, man or woman, can at least get a decent haircut and some nice clothes for a reasonable amount of money.

    Still would make someone with her personality fugly on the inside.

  131. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Mr. Gryphen,

    Do you find it odd that RAM's picture was released the moment Palin left the country? Was this photo release planned?

  132. Anonymous8:49 PM

    Gasman, I was feeling a bit remorseful, but you have clarified the situation for me.

  133. Anonymous9:16 PM

    Well said Gryphen! Her mental reasonings are like watching Scarey Movie 3, trying to be The Omen but just make you giggle. MANsour is laughable for her actions and her beliefs. Hitching her wagon to a loser has nothing to do with looks.

  134. Anonymous10:03 PM

    Why would anyone in Israel want to meet with Sarah Palin? The only reason Palin supports Israel is that according to her religious beliefs, the end times can't come until all the Jews of the world have returned to Israel.

  135. Anonymous3:44 AM

    Anonymous said...
    "RAM - They're laughing at you!"

    OK, so now I have that scene from the movie Carrie in my head. You know, the one where the pigs' blood spills on Carrie, and the loop of Carrie's mom screaming "They're all gonna laugh at you..They're all gonna laugh at you...they're all gonna laugh at you" is going through Carrie's head, right before she uses her powers to torch all the kids!!!

  136. Anonymous3:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Speaking of looks, anyone see the giant ass on Michelle O lately? Looks like she is bulking up to play LT for the Bears.

    3:50 PM

    RAM honey, pay attention to your own booty, k??

  137. Anonymous4:14 AM

    Ripley said...
    @5:44- "May be gay"??? Why the hell would you say that? Because you can't imagine a beautiful gay woman? I am one. While there are some less attractive gay women out there, it doesn't mean that just because you find someone ugly means they are gay. That is beyond offensive. Why not try to be a little more progressive while you are Palin-bashing. There's enough of Palin to go around. RAM is a symptom of Palinoia. That she is not what you find attractive does not mean you should make broad assumptions about her sexuality. Walk the walk.

    And no, I would NOT do her ;)

    12:57 PM

    With all due respect Ripley, you need to appreciate other people's experiences,even if they are limited experiences. I am quite sure there are beautiful lovely looking gay women. In my experience (and i am not the eoriginal commenter) all the lesbians I know look like RAM. Four are Heavyset women who do not care for routine maintenence like waxing, and a little lipstick. Two are thin athletes but really look like men in their faces and they way they move.Not feminine at all. That is just one woman's experience (mine) in an urban city workplace. Seriously, in my 47 years I have not personally met a traditonally physically beautiful lesbian friend or coworker. Now I have seen many bisexual traditionally beautiful woman for sure. And yes, of course I have heavyset coworkers who are not gay who also don't do regular beauty maintenance... Now,.my gay male friends are beautiful with higher beauty maintenance regimens than many women I know combined!!! All are thin beautiful men. No big guys or hairy guys.
    I hope RAM has her shit togethr and really is not in love with Palin...nothing good comes from loving a Palin.

  138. After this revelation of RAM's true aspect, the pictures revealed in the LA Times article, some commenters have remarked that Sarah Palin seems to gravitate toward having paid (not her previous state employees) aides who are less attractive than she is, male or female.

    No kidding.

    Jason Recher, for example:

    And there's this anonymous aide during the 2010 book signing tour (she also accompanied SP in 2009): and

    Interestingly enough, the woman in the black dress has hair texture and style resembling the LA Times RAM's appearance. A relative? Younger, slimmer sister, perhaps?

  139. And to Anon @4:14 AM:
    Rachel Maddow is the epitome of the "beautiful gay woman".

    I think the combination of a terrific intelligence and her clean healthy little-artifice appearance even with TV makeup (or without, revealing all her freckles, etc.) is "gay beauty" personified.

    And yes, I realize she's like Ellen Degeneres, adapting the more "masculine" role. They're both beautiful women. It amuses me that Ellen can also appear in an ad for Cover Girl makeup...breaking another stereotype. :-)

  140. Anonymous8:52 AM

    7:51 AM

    KaJo said...
    And to Anon @4:14 AM:
    Rachel Maddow is the epitome of the "beautiful gay woman".

    Yes, except I dont KNOW her. I was speaking about gay women I KNOW.
    I like RacheL . I have a girl crush on her..for her mind. She is very pretty also ,too.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.