Thursday, March 10, 2011

Starting the day by tying up some Sarah Palin loose ends.

Dan Mirvish, writing for the Huffington Post, reiterates that Palin's confusion about Africa being a country instead of a continent, is a FACT not fiction:

A Fox News spokeswoman tells me that the channel stands by Cameron's report that people associated with the McCain campaign told Fox News that Palin didn't know Africa was a continent. Cameron never said his source was the hoaxer in the Times story, she said. A journalist colleague has also told me he overheard Cameron say during the campaign that McCain campaign insiders were telling him that Palin wasn't as knowledgeable as one might expect, to put it politely. So, in other words, the hoax in question was on MSNBC, not Fox.

And like I also said in a recent post, Frank Bailey confirms that Palin did NOT know that Africa was a continent, and did not know a hell of a lot of others things you would expect a Vice Presidential candidate to know as well.

Switching gears it looks like the story that Palin might be getting ready to relocate her family to Arizona, something that has been discussed to death here at IM, seems to have gained increased credibility according to Politico:

The prospect of Sarah Palin running for president is, increasingly, dismissed by a political class that sees her facing weak poll numbers -- especially in key early states -- and doing nothing to correct them or to build the infrastructure for a run.

But I'm told Palin's camp is, at least, holding preliminary talks about how a campaign would look if she decides to run. One early decision, a source says: It would be based in Scottsdale, Arizona, where Bristol Palin recently bought a house in nearby Maricopa.

This, by the way, lends a little more credibility to the idea, most recently reported by the National Enquirer, that the Palin marriage is essentially over, because from what I have been told repeatedly Todd has absolutely no intention of leaving Alaska. If Palin does go, she will leave without her designated handbag carrier.

So does this mean for certain that Palin IS running in 2012? 

Well in Palin-land determining what is going to happen next is anyone's guess, especially since Palin seems completely uninterested in following the usual pathway toward a GOP nomination. Which includes scheduling a speech on the same day that the Republicans are to hold their first debate. However in my opinion the fact that she is skipping this debate does not mean she is not running, but it does indicate that she realizes that having an actual debate with the rest of the Republican hopefuls would trip her up right out of the gate.

No if Palin is going to run, she is going to stay far away from any opportunity for the American people to compare her side by side with her competition. And if she does throw her hat into the ring, and I am still not sure she still will, it will only be for the briefest of times, while she will tries to find some way to take herself out of contention BEFORE the opposition research already done by her GOP competition can be used against her.

And afterward she will simply write another book, rejoin the Fox News stable of airheads, and go back to being the celebrity that she always wanted to be in the first place.

And speaking of celebrity, the big news on the showbiz front is that the lovely and talented Julianne Moore will be playing Klondike Kardashian in the HBO version of the book "Game Change."

As those of you who read the book know, Palin was eviscerated by sources within the McCain campaign who revealed that she had wild mood swings, would not study for either her television interviews or even her VP debate, and overall was a nightmare to work with.

Add to that Moore's aggressive support for left wing political agenda items, and you have a combination that is sure to have little Palin-bot heads exploding all over the country.

In other words, to borrow from Martha Stewart, "It's a good thing."

If I have any real disagreement with this casting it is that other than the fact that both of them having two X chromosomes, what is it about Julianne Moore that conjures up the idea she would make a good Sarah Palin?

Because I just don't see it.

I mean seriously!


  1. Rural Juror2:58 AM

    Julianne Moore will do a fantastic job at portraying Palin.
    She's an amazing actress and instead of a comic portrayal (Tina Fey) she will be able to accurately convey just exactly how crazy (and dangerous) Palin is.

    It's time for it to come out of the comedy realm that is easy to dismiss, and into the reality that this woman is mentally uncapable to lead anything other than lemmings off a cliff.

    Great casting, IMO.

  2. She's going to run for Kyl's seat. That has been the plan all along. I don't know if she's serious about winning the seat, or if it's another maneuver to keep the cash coming in. But, only Arizona and South Carolina would take her seriously as a candidate for anything, and Kyl announced he was stepping down not long after Little BigHair bought herself a house (to be replaced later by a double-wide when she blows through the money her fleecing mama arranged for her to have.)

    Little BigHair's move to Arizona was not Little BigHair's choice. It was Mama Grifter's, and it was done for a reason.

  3. Anonymous4:00 AM

    What makeup artist could possibly "grizzle" Julianne Moore enough to fully resemble the Quitbull? Can cellulite and the turkey wattle be replicated? Can Ms. Moore dumb herself down sufficiently to be convincing? Will she undergo a frontal lobotomy to be able to adequately capture the role?

    Inquiring minds want to know!

  4. Anonymous4:05 AM

    Well, I think the AZ move is bad news because it means we will have to think about her for a while longer. Someone said not to underestimate Sarah. Well, I've got a strong hunch that she reeeally thinks it would be cool (and profitable) to be president and she has been working on a Plan B for a while, now. She's figured out that there's no way she could win 2012, frankly, no GOP that is out there now will. So getting some political clout and experience in DC by being a congresswoman would seem perfect to her (and an easier race to win), get her out of the house, and more time to strategize for 2016 (same as Hillary did for 2008). BIG SIGH..... I know that's a long time from now and a lot can happen between now and then, but the thought of thinking about this again in 4 years is disheartening. Boy, I hope she's finished before then.

  5. Anonymous4:05 AM

    They'll really have to uglify and cheapen up Julianne to accurately portray Twitler.

    A wig w/bumpit, tons of makeup troweled on, Julianne looking a bit crosseyed behind trick glasses--and padded in the right places--yeah, she'll spend a lot of time in makeup, hairdressing and wardrobe.

  6. Anonymous4:10 AM

    The only resemblance between Palin and Moore, IMO, is that Moore has a strong jaw. Not like Palin's manly strong jaw, but somewhat strong.

    Anyway, the idea that Sarah Palin could succeed in running a Presidential campaign based in AZ, where a mass shooting occurred that many people blame partly on the kind of ugly rhetoric that Palin uses, and specifically on her crosshairs map.... Crazy. Not gonna work if it even happens.

    And the idea that Little Miss Strong Family (ha) is going to run as a divorcee is even crazier.

    I wouldn't worry about Politico's speculation on this issue.

  7. Anonymous4:22 AM

    A lot of people stay married and live separate lives. Unless one of them meets someone and wants to get remarried, they may agree to leave things the way they are. It's not something outsiders can usually predict.

  8. Anonymous4:28 AM

    Throw a pair of glasses and a dark wig with a bumpit on her and add lots of severe makeup...

    I think the hard part will be getting the word salad right. That seems almost impossible to duplicate by a screenwriter. Picture Julianne Moore trying to memorize this gibberish.

  9. Julianne Moore will have to be "brittled up" considerably. And play someone very different (stupid) than herself. She's a wonderful actress--she can do it.

    Do you think SP is contemplating a bid for Kyl's Senate seat? Bless her heart...

  10. Anonymous4:44 AM

    Mitt, TPaw, even Newt, have been laying the groundwork for a campaign for a long time. The fact that Palin is doing this last minute is another indicator of how undisciplined and lazy she is; not a good trait for the most important job in the world. Also too, giving a speech on the day when others will be debating the issues facing this country as well as ignoring early primary states may be very Rogue, but not smart. She's banking on being the boutique candidate in the lot. Not only will she try and capitalize on her differentiated gender but also on her "style". She'll run alright but she's waiting for others to announce first so she can get in there with some bullshit declaration about how "competition is a good thing" blah de blah. That will be a good time for the uncut Couric interview to be "rebroadcast" in its entirety, again and again and again. And it will also be the best time for all the books about her to hit the shelves. She really is toast.

  11. If Sarah's marriage is on the brinks there is no way she is going to run. Unless she divorices Todd and remarries Graham or some rich influential man.

    But them that would be against her.
    I think she knows she is losing steam and power and her chances are of winning are nada!

    She is moving to AZ to set up camp for a public office seat in that state. It is no coincidence Bristol moved to the state the day of the Tucson killings.

    They are a violent and vicious family. But AZ is not going to welcome Sarah like a Queen after that either.

    The Red Star Porn Politican's star is fizzling and she might just end up being the Porn Star she really is and has been.

    Using her body and looks to attract men and the use and abused them for her personal agenda. What out guys she is ferocious! She will skin you like a caribou!

  12. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:08 AM

    1. It's good to know $arah adores her precious Alaska so much that she's moving in with Bristol in hopes of kick starting her floundering "political" career. What's next--"Sarah Palin's Arizona"? And, of course, the faithful Palin Sheep won't see the irony in any of this.

    2. Two radio hosts commented yesterday that casting Julienne Moore as SP was "being WAY, WAY too kind to Sarah." As much as I luv Tina Fey, there's too much of a comedy connotation there. I think Ms. Moore will go over the top to properly display Sarah's pathetic and self-absorbed 2008 campaign. Can't wait!!

  13. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Once it's obvious that the grifter has no future with the GOP-and will never hold any position of power- her blathering "field reports" will become increasingly irrelevant to Fox viewers.

  14. Anonymous5:18 AM

    I read that Liberty U, where Sarah will be giving a speech, has a very strict dress code. Woman are not allowed to wear skirts shorter than knee length.

    Wonder if she has anything besides the hooker outfits she usually wears.

  15. Anonymous5:21 AM

    This picture might help you visualize Moore as Palin.

  16. Anonymous5:22 AM

    Here's a closeup of the two...

  17. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Someone made a point yesterday how great Moore is with accents (like the one she uses on "30 Rock"...she sounds like a Boston native). Now, she may have picked up the nuance of that accent when she attended Boston University, so right now I imagine she's poring over tapes of Palin's speeches, to get that annoying patter down-pat. I think she's going to be magnificent in this role, and hopefully the film will do as much (OR MORE) damage to the perception of Palin that SOME still have as a "nice hockey mom" as Tina Fey's brilliant performances on Saturday Night Live.

  18. Anonymous5:31 AM

    Chris Matthews says that Newt has been "running" for president for 10 years. Running means offering opinions, raising money, staying in the public eye, raising money and getting attention for saying anything.

    That will be the model for Sarah's "campaign." She wants attention, money and staying in the public eye. She cannot debate smarter opponents. He style will be a megabroadcast of a religious speech given at some Christian school or organization. She will run by Facebook and twitter, no followup questions, please, she's Palin.

    How long will she last running this way? There is never enough money and never enough attention. It sort of makes that "I love Alaska" show a joke. It makes her marriage a joke. It's going to cost her plenty to either get rid of Todd or keep him quiet. Yes, Sarah will need lots of money, she best reason for running for president.

  19. lilly lily5:32 AM

    She will keep up with her creampuff interviews and speaking engagements till no one will pay her fee.

    Meanwhile she will do her best to keep up daily mention in the news and any presidential talk, then see if she can get her big nose under the tent, and crawl in and push everyone out.

    Palin will do it her way. A presidential run with twitters, loads of B.S. and lies, lies, lies.

  20. Anonymous5:33 AM

    I think SP won't be able to help herself...she;ll have a brief run but won't announce until the field of GOP contenders is set. I think she'll try for a Tea Party run because as we know now after her last Fox interview, these Tea Partiers are getting off message and off track. She stay in the mix just long enough to make a splash but not long enough for the opposition to do any serious digging. She'll bow out of the race when she's milked it enough, throw her support behind another candidate, and either go back to Fox (if they'll have her) or hook up with Franklin Graham.

    Would she ever run for Kyl's seat or McCains? Not sure but something tells me she's keeping that option open for now by moving to AZ.

    Is the marriage over? I think its been over for a long time but I would be hard pressed to see her and Todd divorce. He has his freedom to do what he wants already.


  21. julianne moore is a fine enough actress to do a good job with sarah, but i wonder, can anyone do that voice? would it be watchable though if she did?

  22. Anonymous5:49 AM

    Investigating, "how a campaign would look if she decides to run".....

    Like the Hindenburg. A big bag of gas that goes up in flames.

  23. Anonymous5:51 AM

    Little BigHair!!!!


    You made my day, Roger!

    Thanks, I needed that.

  24. Anonymous5:52 AM

    What's she going to run on in Arizona? The crosshairs ad?

    Give me a break.

  25. Anonymous5:53 AM

    Little BigHair -- I love that so much more than PigStool, my go to nickname of choice for America's favorite strugglin' single mammmmm.

  26. Anonymous6:04 AM

    Why would Palin want to go through the trouble of being a Senator? It's too much hard work for her.

    I think she's not going to run.

  27. Anonymous6:05 AM

    When is the next Senate Race in Arizona? Just askin...

  28. Anonymous6:10 AM

    Palin is only going to be a candidate long enough to suck SarahPac dry.

  29. Anonymous6:12 AM

    Moore is way too pretty to be the bobblehead. SP should be very flattered, but she isn't.

  30. Anonymous6:18 AM

    Wow- I think Julianna Moore is perfect! Of course, she is much more beautiful than SP, but she is an actress and Hollywood make-up artists will turn her into a good replica. Ms. Moore will have all the nuances of SP down pat, and portray the behind the scenes SP meltdowns perfectly. Can't wait!

  31. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Game change also depicted pretty bluntly sarah as a quick study. Those words were used multiple times. They also said sarah was eager to learn, even when everyone else thought a break was necessary. Her fault was getting schooled on national level issues in mere weeks as opposed to working at that level for a lifetime.

    I have it on good authority that the family is not permanently relocating down south, that any house purchases/rentals will be/has been acquired to make her work easier for her. Sarah said verbatim in a private video "because its easier for me to do my work". I'm not even sure the property containing the fox studio is even completed yet and they just renovated the red house. Piper is in school (same one as mckinley) and bristol treats her house like a vacatuon property.

    Too much connection to alaska. Too much to leave

    I did just reread some of your summer posts from last year and now strongly question your sources. Who told you details of bristols failed wedding? (Rhetorical) and who kept feeding you the bris pg rumors? Those people should never be trusted again

  32. Anonymous6:24 AM

    Maybe Palin's new 'squeeze' lives in AZ as well. we all know she's had her share of affairs as well as Toddy. Would not surprise me at all if even her and Frankie G were going at it after Sunday Services.

  33. Anonymous6:34 AM

    If you haven't read this one, more good news of Palin sinking:

  34. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Julianne moore is plain enough naturally to be a perfect sarah. Sarahs pretty bare featured without makeup. She doesn't trot herself out in public unless in a professional setting (when she has to look professional and glam as all female pols must look) I feel for women in business etc environments. They can't win.

    Itd be perfect if sound editing could superimpose megan mullaleys voice for the movie. Shed be perfect.

    I wonder if they'll be somewhat truthful and show palin as the "quick study" and voracious student she is or will this movie play completely into obamas reelection campaign.

    I wonder how truthful it will show obama and bidens relationship or how far they'll let hillarys portrayer go with the crazy.

    I smell soap opera. Isn't it a miniseries? There's just so much to that book and so much before sarah even entered the picture

  35. Perfect casting. She will take the seriousness of Sarah Palin's danger to this country to a whole new level.

  36. Anonymous6:43 AM

    @anon 6:21-- yes, SP is a quick study, but can you imagine what the McCain aides thought, when they realized SP only had 4th grade knowledge of basic civics, geography, and history!

  37. Anonymous6:49 AM

    The BIGGEST Loser

    Insiders: Buy Daniels, Pawlenty; Sell Palin

    But not a single Insider in either party thought Palin had improved her standing recently and a solid plurality of Republican Insiders along with a majority of Democrats thought she was the biggest loser in the GOP field.

    Both Democrats and Republicans were dismissive of the 2008 GOP vice presidential nominee's prospects in 2012. "Every day, fewer Republicans take her seriously and are unafraid to mock her," said one Democratic Insider.

    Indeed, Republican Insiders were brutal in their assessment of Palin. "Looking attractive, and being attacked by the news media are not sufficient qualifications for President," said one GOP Insider. "Her market niche is being filled by [GOP Minnesota Rep.] Michele Bachmann," said another GOP Insider. "When people say Bachmann is like Palin, only smarter, that's a problem."


  38. Anonymous6:51 AM

    I agree with ther posters about Julianne's acting ability. I hope she can do justice to the god awful nails on a chalkboard screechy voice of SP (Tina's voice is much too nice).

    But if she can dupicate it, will we want to see an entire movie featuring it? Well there's always the "mute" button, right?

  39. Anonymous7:04 AM

    It was not a mere lack of knowledge about Africa. It became increasingly apparent Palin lacked fundamental or minimal educational knowledge and it was necessary to not allow interviews to avoid revealing Palin was unfit for the job. Palin's dependence on charm accompanied byaking things up to con people she posesses qualities and experience she does not superficially appears as confidence. That is what sucks people in and they don't know they have been conned until it is too late.

    I have digressed. My point is it is the big picture of Palin, not a singular blank of knowledge. Palin will lie only concerned with her image of perfection and moral superiority she is delusional she controls habitually lying objectifying people with her character defects and behaviors of habitual lying. When caught in her lies she is predictable to tell another lie then project her lying onto her targets. Why bother to truly be or behave with moral decency if one can lie and claim credit or steal credit from others? It is a hell of a lot easier to shift blame, use words to self inflate, words to deceive then in real life do the hard work earning and deserving. The majority don't do what Palin does for the vast population does not have pathological make up. Palin is not only ignorant but despises people who study, learn and are competent. She has no conscience about anyone but her self obvious in her post Tuscon video....don't accuse me (of what I did...crosshairs) those were surveyors marks someone else did it. Pathalogical people have consistent behaviors including they did not do nor say what they did with a twist of a knife plunged someone is lying and making stuff up while the depraved spews lies.

  40. Anonymous7:07 AM

    Julianne Moore is a serious, disciplined actress and is much more fit and shapely than miss cottage-cheese thighs and push-up bra.

    If swwnbn can not wear a short skirt and leopard high heeled sandals for her next gig, I expect she will wear a pantsuit, over Crown-ette Padded Derriere panties that she is ordering to be sent overnight express from Amazon as we speak.

    There is nothing that woman won't pad. Bust, belly, butt and hair.. whatever is needed that day.

    Even if she finds some rich sugar daddy, I expect she and Toad will be "married" to the bitter end. He simply knows too many secrets.

  41. Anonymous7:46 AM

    @6:21 - there is no "good authority" on the Palins.

  42. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Sarah is learning from Newt...

    Todd had his affair only because he was busy and loves this country so damn much.

  43. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Bicyclist hit and killed by pick up truck in Maricopa AZ..

    Anyone check Bristol's truck for dents?

  44. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Whatever happened to that slick, Scottsdale house purported to be Palin's purchase and shown on several websites a few months ago? Evidently that was gossip, but I wonder where it came from. (realtors?)

    Anyway, the article about Sarah's move got it wrong in describing Scottsdale as neighboring Maricopa. Whole different world (though they are both, after all, very much ARIZONA).

  45. Anonymous9:02 AM

    6:21 and 6:34 are the same person. "Quick study". Ha ha ha.

    You would've been more believable if you'd not called Hillary "crazy" and Sarah a "quick study". LMAO.

  46. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Here's a reality check for the Palibot here who's obviously worried about this film from HBO. Sarah Palin's image and reputation was GOOD when Game Change came out compared to now. Believe me, you've got WAY more to be worried about now! You maroon.

  47. Anonymous9:14 AM

    Hope she & everyone participating in this film has a lot of Tylenol. Can you imagine listening to this screech for hours on end. We can't even take two minutes of it.

  48. Anonymous9:43 AM

    "..what is it about Julianne Moore that conjures up the idea she would make a good Sarah Palin?"

    There are some women who are good actresses? I don't attempt to keep up with the turnover of celebs in Hollywood. And most movies rely on sex and violence as their primary magnets, not acting.

    But there are good actors and actresses in this country.

    There is fact the Moore and Palin have had their faces sculpted almost identically, so that makes the illusion work better if acting falls short.

  49. Anonymous9:59 AM

    8:48....the house in Scottsdale is real. Word in Wasilla is that Track is living there while going to flight school. That photo was taken by one of Track's buddies.

  50. Anonymous10:06 AM

    About Sarah Palin being a "quick study."

    I've no doubt that Sarah Palin is indeed a "quick study," but what does that mean, exactly?

    Does she really learn?

    Think back on Sarah the "energy expert" and all her gobbledygook about molecules and inaccurate statistics on Alaska and US production. Her gaffes revealed an amateur who is faking it for a ready press.

    Remember the VP debate? Why would such a "quick study" run from the actual substance of a question? Because she had not learned anything. Sure, she had a few sound bites to fake it, but what Sarah came armed with was her winking charm and answers to unasked questions.

    Sarah develops only a superficial understanding that in no way translates into real learning and the ability to craft policy. Sarah can only latch onto the gist of a concept and regurgitate it in her word salad delivery well enough to fool susceptible people into believing she has learned something.

    I think Sarah's skill is in reading the emotional content of an idea. That's how she is able to fake it. She's good at linking a concept to emotional hot buttons. She gets people to play their own emotional DVD and they forget what the question was.

  51. Anonymous10:11 AM

    Steve Schmidt did tell the authors of Game Change that Palin was a "quick study" however the authors also wrote:

    Palin had "substantial deficiencies," and her "grasp of rudimentary facts and concepts was minimal."

    "Asked who attacked America on 9/11, she suggested several times that it was Saddam Hussein. Asked to identify the enemy that her son would be fighting in Iraq, she drew a blank. (Palin's horrified advisers provided her with scripted replies, which she memorized.) Later, on the plane, Palin said to her team, 'I wish I'd paid more attention to this stuff."

    She didn't know why there is a North and South Korea. She didn't know why there was a World War I. This is basic world history that you don't cram to learn at 47 years old when you decide you want to run for President. Running for President isn't like being on Jeopardy and memorizing a bunch of trivia. You have to not only know facts about world history, you have to understand what has happened and how it has led to the world we have today. For example, you have to know when we sit down with North Korea not just that there are 6 party talks, and who the 6 parties are, but why those 6 parties are important to the discussion, where each stands. And that's only one thing about the world a President is expected to know. It is too big of a hurdle to start at age 47 to learn Africa is a continent made up currently of 53 different countries, not just one country. Each with a history. Each with a set of issues. It's too much even for a quick study. And yet instead of spending the last 3 years continuing to study and learn and try to overcome the hurdle, Palin has sat back. She knows no more today than she did 3 years ago, by her own choice. She's lazy. She's arrogant. It's pathetic. But nice try bot.

  52. Rationalist11:02 AM

    Heaven! Julianne Moore is capable of doing for Palin what Laura Dern did for Katherine Harris.

  53. Julianna is a consummate actor. She doesn't have to look the part to play the character. I'm sure you realize this.

  54. Anonymous11:36 AM

    Track going to flight school??????

    Really, last I heard was he was holed up in the compound in Alaska.

    Guess he's going to flight school just like Bristol is going to college also too. Has Bristol lost any weight since this last pregnancy on dwts?

  55. Anonymous12:26 PM

    I don't know what Sarah Palin will do given her current well-protected status. BUT, when babygate hits MSM, Palin will throw a sociopathic fit that will rival the greats of the past.

  56. Gryphen,
    Thanks for posting and get ur popcorn ready ;)


    WTF she is NUTs

  58. Julianne Moore has it in her to be a GREAT Sarah Palin. She can do the still spine and chip on her shoulder, she can do the hysteria and mental illness.

    She is excellent in the film "Safe", where she plays a woman who deals obsessively with ever-worsening (real or imagined) environmental sensitivities.

    The biggest trap she could fall into is to play Palin as being near-normal. If the producers and the script allow her to go all out, though, she has the potential to be awesome.

  59. Anonymous3:04 PM

    Actually, I'd think she'd be great. She has Palin's square jaw line. And let's not forget the terrific job Anthony Hopkins did as Nixon (another bit of casting that had people scratching their heads.

  60. Chenagrrl2:04 AM

    JG. ...What is it about Julianne Moore that conjures up the idea she would make a good Sarah Palin?

    Physically, it is the squarish jaw and the ability to do the Palin schtick with her mouth.

    She is a wonderful actress. Get ready for a devastating performance.


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