Tuesday, March 15, 2011

When is an earthquake not just an earthquake? When one of those "Rapture ready" morons gets caught in his hotel room by one.

From WorldNetDaily:

Tim LaHaye, the best-selling author of the "Left Behind" series of Bible prophecy novels, was one of many visiting the island of Maui who had to be evacuated to upper floors of the Marriott Hotel today.

He said being caught in the crossfire of the fourth largest earthquake in modern history helped prepare him for two prophecy conferences he was scheduled to address in Hawaii.

"The Bible tells us in Matthew 24 that one of the signs of the last days – one of the birth pangs to occur – is an increase in earthquake activity and intensity," LaHaye told WND. "We're seeing that happen here. It's not just earthquakes, but hurricanes and all kinds of natural disasters."

Now do you see why I have so much disdain for organized religions?

Seriously, people actually buy this dimbulb's books and alter their  lives because of the insane crap he writes in them.  That should be a criminal offense, don't you think?

Besides this so-called "expert" on the end times cannot even identify a real sign of the coming Armageddon. Earthquakes, tornadoes, and hurricanes are child's play.

But if Sarah Palin were actually to be elected the President in 2012?  Now THAT would be a sure sign of the end of the world as we know it.



  1. You know, I sprained my ankle last week. That MUST be a sign of the apocalypse!

  2. grammy972:51 AM

    Gryphen, this is one Bible believer who says that you are right, and Tim LaHaye is wrong. One of my sons-in-law got a copy of the film made from "Left Behind" and insisted that everyone in the family watch it. That film showed the return of the Lord as an absolutely silent event. ?? Here's what the Bible actually says: "For the Lord Himself shall descend from heaven with a SHOUT, with the VOICE of the archangel, and with the TRUMP of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first:" This is the event the christianists call the Rapture. It won't be silent. Apparently Mr. LaHaye never read this passage. He is ignorant of how the event will happen. And none of his followers have read the Bible either! The blind are leading the blind.

  3. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn3:06 AM

    Yup, because if she ever were appointed, er, "elected," her Fundie masters would demand that her finger hover over the nuke button 24/7. The Rapturites would be running around in a state of self-righteous bliss (fallout would never touch them--they believe they'd already be on their little escalator to the stars with Sistah), while the rest of us unwashed heathens would be living in fear thanks to a hair-trigger, know-nothing sock puppet in the WH. So much easier to control the masses that way. And leave it to SNL to express this all brilliantly, as usual!

  4. AKaurora3:06 AM

    I recall religious kooks here giving the same dire warnings of final days after the '64 AK earthquake...47 years ago. I'm still here...and unfortunately so are they.

  5. Anonymous3:06 AM

    I commented yesterday that these assholes are in a nearly orgasmic frenzy over the natural disasters. They think it puts them one step closer to the rapture tube ride.
    I actually wish a big old mothership would come take either these crazies or the rest of us sane people away from this nonsense!!

  6. Anonymous3:45 AM

    Off topic, but just spent a glorious few minutes reading the comments for this article on Yahoo:


    Overwhelmingly, unhesitatingly, scathingly negative comments. Seems the iceberg has been one of those slow, sneaky, below the water line sort of ones.

    By all appearances and in public opinion, she's DONE herself in, no scandal needed. Get a big fork.

  7. That guy has been making money off of stupid people for most of my life. Karma has a special treat for these kinds of guys. Religion has always been full of snake oil salesmen.
    And if Tim LaHaye gets one more facelift, his eyebrows will be up in his hairline.

  8. Here's my rule: if they are on TV they aren't a minister; they are just a con man using religion to fleece their followers.

  9. Anonymous4:29 AM

    Holding a nut like this out as a reason to hate organized religion is ludicrous.

    There is nothing more to say.

  10. Randal4:47 AM

    I think that if the people using Bible to make money knew what was in store for them when the rapture DOES come...

    they wouldn't be so anxious for it to get here.

  11. Olivia5:08 AM

    What is it with these "Rapture ready" morons and really bad facelifts? Isn't God gonna be pissed when he sees that they've been messing with the stuff he gave 'em?

  12. Anonymous5:17 AM

    "Rapture" is a theory developed by John Darby Nelson, a Dispensationalist preacher in the 1800s and we've been cursed with it ever since. It's all part and parcel for the current Dominionist nutjobs. This is like people who never read the Bible and believe the *story* that Noah brought the animals in two by two. He didn't--go look for yourself.

    An astute theologian I know points out that Jesus actually indicated "the end" would take place in his apostles life times. And life as they knew it DID come to a screeching halt when the Jerusalem temple was again destroyed and the people scattered in 70 AD--less than 40 years after the crucifixion and well within the lifetimes of His followers.

    It was his followers that gave us all the rest of the Tribulation nonsense. Most of what is accepted as doctrine today was created by Paul and NEVER said by Jesus. In reality, current Christians should refer to themselves as Paulists, because that's whose words they live by, and Paul had a whole lotta baggage himself.

    All these guys today are after a quick buck. Hagee keeps changing who the AntiChrist is to keep up with living dictators. It used to be Saddam Hussein until he was captured and executed. Aren't you glad Jesus showed us exactly what HE thought of hypocrites?

  13. Anonymous5:27 AM


    would be if Sarah was directing the work at the Japanese nuclear plant since she is such a energy expert.

  14. Anonymous5:33 AM

    How is this crap any different then Beckys quote that the tsunami is Gods punishment?These assholes always think God speaks to them and they make money by selling their hallucinations to ignorance incorporated.Enough already.

  15. Wow. That is one seriously badly done face lift on that guy. Almost monstrous.

  16. Anonymous6:02 AM

    He's kind of right though in the larger sense. Humans and technology may be polluting the earth but in the grand scheme of things, mother nature wins. She's the only one who has full control over weather, climate, extinction. Too many anomalies happen to give humans as much credit as they get. I believe another ice age could happen sooner than people want or believe.

    We live on an unstable planet. People should live day to day as freely as they wish. And having disdain for one lone reigious "nut" is not having disdain for all religious types. Why generalize? There are sooo many acts of good Christian work out in the world and you negate all of them by attacking all Christians through a couple people.

    But I bet you still admire Bill Maher, who says things like "the Qur'an is a dangerous text" with no backlash.

  17. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "God doesn't endorse televangelists" savage garden

  18. Anonymous6:27 AM

    When is Todd going to plastic surgeon that extended Bristol's chin?

    His 4 inches could go to 6.

  19. Anonymous6:48 AM

    Anonymous said...
    When is Todd going to plastic surgeon that extended Bristol's chin?

    His 4 inches could go to 6.

    lol is that you Shailey???

  20. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Tim LaHaye said "...an increase in earthquake activity and intensity,"

    The Bible says:

    Matthew 24:7 says "....There will be famines and earthquakes in various places." (NIV)


    "...and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes, in divers places." (KJV)

    It doesn't say anything about an increase in activity or intensity.

    Evangelists make the Bible say what THEY want it to say and no one in their flock calls them on the errors.

    Besides, Bart D. Ehrman, one of the leading New Testament scholars in the world, has two books that really help to put the Bible in historical perspective.

    I recommend "Misquoting Jesus" and "Jesus Interrupted." Both are very readable for the layman and you will learn stuff you'll never hear from preachers.

  21. Anonymous7:01 AM

    When xstians are so opposed to fortune tellers as satanic, why is it they spread fear mongering "future events" information as gospel, from stories told by humans written in "The Book."

    My very religious ex-father-in-law always, always warned, "The Old Testament is the filthiest book ever written, so make sure the children don't read it."

  22. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Most all of these so called religious people and the ones on TV are motivational speakers. Really not much different than Jim Jones. They tell the people at these mega churches it's okay to be materialistic , God doesn't want us broke. It's just become another big business that doesn't have to pay tax. They use the tax exempt for everything,personal whatever.

  23. Several commenters have made good points about the fabrication of the "rapture" by protestant evangelicals. And the excellent Prof. Ehrman was an evangelical long ago, before he studied the Bible. Various sects have been predicting the end of the world for ages, and when it doesn't come about, they just recalculate the date and their sheeple keep following.

    Catholic theology teaches that the events described in Revelation occurred in the past, with Nero being the Anti-Christ, etc. Not trying to convert anybody, but just noting that people shouldn't lump all faiths together.

    If this charlatan is so convinced the end is near, why has he bothered to get so much (really bad) work done on his face. His eyes have that little tight, stretched look from too many procedures.

  24. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Christians/Mayans/Chicken Little, what's the diff? Just kills me that so many Christians subscribe to the same superstitious mythology as their pagan brethren or fictional characters but are totally oblivious to it.

  25. Anonymous8:10 AM

    He looks like he's visited Palin's plastic surgeon too many times.

  26. Anonymous8:20 AM

    I heard Tim LaHaye speak once (my job sent me). I think he is truly an evil person, and I don't say that lightly--I've known satanists and all kinds of people who wanted to give off an evil vibe, and none of them creeped me out the way LaHaye did. He has Charles Manson eyes.

    Also, "biblical prophecy" is the only field I know of in which being consistently wrong qualifies one as an expert. See LaHaye's track record. He's been predicting immanent Armageddon for years.

  27. Anonymous8:23 AM

    If Tim Lahaye REALLY believed Jesus was coming back soon, why bother getting the facelifts?

  28. Anonymous8:54 AM

    Let's all get eyebrow lifts so we look hot with the rapture comes!

    Come the rapture, can I have Tim's car?

  29. Gasman9:28 AM

    Tim LaHaye is a loathsome prick who prays upon the gullible and deluded fools that believe his "THE SKY IS FALLING! BE VERY AFRAID! Now buy my books and attend my seminars" schtick. He is naught but a garden variety snake oil salesman.

    There is nothing that could happen, good or bad, that LeHaye would not see as a sign from God confirming his Chicken Little bullshit apoplexy. It's amazing that with 6 billion people on the planet, God has chosen only LeHaye to be the voice crying out, "buy my books, attend my seminars, make me rich!"

    If there is a hell, LeHaye has a special seat reserved just for him, undoubtedly very near where the flames are at their hottest.

  30. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Anon @ 7:48, I kinda wonder what access to ultimate reality you have, that the rest of us don't.

    Your being so sure about your non-belief is just as arbitrary as my belief in God.

    Non-belief may just possibly equal a belief in Chicken Little or Kuculcan, not the other way around.

    Don't call me oblivious. Perhaps it is you who is oblivious. The fact of the matter is you truly don't know.

    That said, this guy is an idiot.

  31. Anonymous11:12 AM

    It's really bad when you are employed by the government and you are forced to attend events and seminars by these motivational preachers. It happened to me.

    Total asshattery. Worse than worthless.

    Knowing your own tax dollars are being stolen to support the charlatans makes it even worse.

  32. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Does this man have any sense of proportion? There are more people on the planet who commonly (and to their advantage) occupy areas known for earthquake activity. It is as simple as that. There has always been earthquake activity.

    I am so sick of these scientifically illiterate a-holes who benefit from the anxiety of the idiots who listen to them.

  33. Anonymous3:29 PM

    I'm just surprised that Pat Robertson or that bunch of wacko Southern Baptists isn't blaming everything that has (is still) happening Japan on homosexuals.

  34. Anonymous3:37 PM

    Jerry Prevo is spouting similar stuff too..I watched him on TV last night just to see what his commentary is like. He got into government issues, homosexuals, the Hate Law, disasters on the increase worldwide, reading from the Bible translating passages so his congregation could understand them as to his interpretations. He also talked about other religions not providing the same information as was he ...

    Seems to preach 'fear' as far as I was concerned. It should be noted that I am not a christian! .

  35. Anonymous5:59 PM

    Did Mr. LaHaye have Bristol's plastic surgeon work on his face? That guy's face is more plastic looking than my old Ken doll!

  36. Anonymous6:13 PM

    Hey Gasman @9:28! Do you mean "preys" on them? Either way, what's the dif?


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