Thursday, April 28, 2011

Andrew Sullivan addresses Weigel's assertion that he called the Mat-Su Regional Medical Center.

From the Daily Beast:

The Dish did call Mat-Su Hospital in 2008 and were told that Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) privacy rules prevent them from talking about individual patients. But we confirmed, like Wiegel, that the list of newborns is voluntary.

I will confirm that I ALSO called the hospital, at least twice, and was told that because of HIPAA they simply could not answer any questions about their patients without the express permission of said patient. In fact I was quickly adding it up in my head and can confirm that over a dozen bloggers, journalists, and authors have made similar requests, and that ALL of them were told what Sullivan and I were told.

So the fact that Weigel received an actual answer is, to say the least, shocking. Either he has mad journalistic skills or......

Andrew also mentioned the amount of research he did concerning the "wild ride."

We also interviewed ten OB/GYNs to check whether the story Palin tells, of her water breaking in Texas and flying back to Alaska, was plausible. None would say it was impossible, but all of them agreed that Palin should have gone to the hospital in Texas and that a woman getting on a plane after her water breaks is extremely dangerous. Neither Dave nor Salon really want to touch the wild ride, for good reasons. Because any sane person would immediately ask questions.

I can also confirm that I have spoken to about four or five doctors specifically about this as well.  Hmm I wonder how many Weigel has interviewed on this topic? 

Let's face it Wiegel's incredibly lazy brand of "journalism" simply cannot measure up to the hours of research, number of interviews, and incredible dedication that many of us who have been focused on this story have dedicated to it in these last three plus years.

So for him to strut around as if he has miraculously repudiated the idea of Sarah Palin faking her last pregnancy with a mere phone call to Wasilla makes him look like a idiot and a phony.

BTW speaking of interviewing doctors, Laura Novak has her second interview with a pediatric specialist up on her blog.  Go take a look and see if it makes Sarah Palin's version of Trig' birth any more likely.


  1. Did anyone see Kate Hudson on Dave Letterman's show last night? When Dave asked her how far along she was, Kate said that she was quickly reaching the point where she wouldn't be able to fly any more.

    So, how pregnant was Kate? She looked very pregnant. In a January 12 interview, she said that she was 14 weeks along, so by now she must be at 28 weeks. Kate won't be flying, but Sarah Palin was too too important and so many places to go that she did fly when she claimed to be pregnant.

    The clerk was not allowed to give any information at all to Dave Weigel. The clerk had no business naming patients who used MatSu as their family hospital. And, I doubt seriously that the clerk was present when Trig was "born" or presented to Sarah or welcomed to the Palin Family, so that would not be first hand knowledge.

  2. quote: "So the fact that Weigel received an actual answer is, to say the least, shocking. Either he has mad journalistic skills or......"

    Or he got Sarah Palin's permission, which he did of course. Just ask Sarah. Just ask the hospital. or......

    just move on now girls, there's nothing to see here.

  3. Even though listing newborns on the website is voluntary, it doesn't make sense to me that--if Palin had really given birth to Trig at the time and in the way she claims--she would opt out of posting his birth on the hospital's website.

    After all, she was the governor. She had been talking about the pregnancy publicly, and her office would soon issue a press release about the birth. So she wouldn't choose to also list Trig's name--and hers--on the hospital website? I find that implausible. Add in her insatiable need for attention and free publicity, and it becomes inconceivable that she would have turned down that opportunity.

  4. Why would Weigel tell a lie that is so easily proven false? Where's the gain for Weigel?

    I think he was promised journalistic access to Sarah Palin.

  5. I'm sorry but how is it you can tell so easily what people are like by the look in their eyes?

  6. He must be thinking of a change in profession since he isn't concerned about his reputation as a journalist.
    Do you reckon SP emailed him the script for that post in the middle of the night after she had caught up on the latest comments here at I.M.?

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Weigel is doing the duck walk, quack, quack and quack.

  9. No one at the hospital ever said, "Yes, Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig Palin on April 18, 2008 at Matsu Regional Medical Center. He was born at 35 weeks, 6 lbs, 2 oz.", did they? And can I just say that 6 pounds + is huge for a preemie? Had Sarah gone full term, Trig could have easily been between 9 and 10 pounds at birth? You ever see a woman who gave birth to a big baby like that ? I have, and it ain't pretty....they usually have swollen feet, swollen, hands, face, etc....Sarah had none of that.

    I guess Dave Weigel is not a father who has gone through a 9 month pregnancy, labor, and delivery with his wife. If he had, just like anyone else who has, he would at least ask simple follow up questions. Isn't that his job? Sorry, Dave, epic fail.

  10. How about barraging Mat-Su Regional with enough phone calls that they have to make a statement?

  11. Weigel has a credibility problem, he is mooching up to the queen of mean. Whose payroll is he on now?

  12. Sigmundson: "just move on now girls, there's nothing to see here." 3:11 PM

    Sig, I'm still waiting for that narrative of events surrounding Trig's birth. Remember? The one you were going to provide to prove your claimed presence at Trig's birth? (Though I noticed that even you never did actually state that it was Sarah who gave birth to him.)

    So what it is going to be? Compelling narrative or permanent identification as a lying Palinbot.

  13. Sounds like Rebecca Mansour has been in touch with Weigel. They are determined to shut this story done but it ain't going to happen.

  14. O/T When my water broke, it was such an uncomfortable deal. It leaks all over. There is nothing a woman can do to contain it. A woman could not hide that on a long flight.

  15. Weigel: "Oh, that's not even a question," she said. (If my reception was better I could have heard her eyes rolling at this point.)"

    Loy: "... her eyes seemed to twinkle with anticipation."

    Does anyone else notice a certain similarity in the overwriting of these supposed events? Hey, all you pajama-clad bloggers, pay no attention to that RAM behind the curtain!

  16. Weigel is lying because NO employee of the hospital, from the CEO on down to the aides and janitorial staff are allowed to discuss ANY patient for ANY reason whatsoever. They are not able to confirm nor deny. They have a stock answer they are to give in such circumstances. And this isn't about keeping a job but rather not going to jail. It would be illegal to discuss such things. So my question to the Weasel is this: Whom did you speak to and what was their answer, verbatim. That person is about to get into a lot of legal trouble.

  17. I find it odd that the receptionist with whom David Weigel spoke did not say, "Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig at Mat-Su." Instead, she/he confirmed that Trig had been born at the hospital and that the Palins use the hospital for care. Given that the hospital employee is almost certainly aware of the controversy and the purpose for Weigel's call, it seems surprising that the employee did not specifically state that Sarah Palin had given birth to Trig at the hospital.

    And given that Weigel was ostensibly calling to resolve the question of whether Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig Palin, it seems like an astonishing lack of journalistic skill not to ask a follow-up question to clarify the receptionist's statement and get a definitive answer to the question.

    I'm not sure why Weigel is crowing about his phone call as though it is some amazing journalistic feat when he failed to get a response that answers the question of whether Sarah gave birth to Trig Palin.

    It would be a bit like Barack Obama releasing his birth certificate with everything on it except the name of the baby born that day in Hawaii.

  18. Weigel: "If my reception was better I could have heard her eyes rolling at this point."

    "If my reception WERE better." Condition contrary to fact.

    Or maybe the reception WAS fine but he couldn't hear the eyeroll over the rattle of rocks and preconceived notions in his head.

  19. First LEVi was there.

    Then Creepy Chuck said he was there when Tri-G "popped out".

    Now "Sigmundsun" claims to have been there, too?

    Mighty crowded for 6am.. Was Sarah selling tickets, or was this a freebie, perhaps with a two-drink minimum?

  20. The "eyes rolling" are very novelest (if I may coin a word here) in a very precious fashion.

  21. Anonymous10:08 PM

    Weigel reminds me of a warmed-over Charlie Sheen.

  22. Time for a real journalist to call the hospital and ask the clerk if Weigel actually called there and what he asked and what she answered.

    Gryphen, up to one more call?

    Are you going to let this no talent hack get away with his so called journalism?

    Inquiring minds want/need to know.

  23. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:17 AM

    I couldn't comment yesterday due to the Google snafu, however, I call sheninigans. I highly doubt that Weigel spoke to anyone at all at Mat-Su and I noticed that others feel this way as well. What hospital employee would cheerfully give out ANY info about ANY patient, especially over the phone? How would they know that it wasn't--gasp--some evil stalker out to do $arah and Crew in? And if one wants to argue that he has a reputation as a "DC reporter," I doubt the receptionist would even know who Weigel is. Let's face it, he ain't exactly Walter Cronkite.

    IMO, when the backer$ start spinning dreck like an F-5 tornado, you know there must be something big coming down the pike.

  24. does bri$tol have a receptionist job at Mat-Su now?

  25. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Think of the situation if you are to believe palin - the woman is hours away from giving birth, water broke in Tx - nobody notices, she goes through the actions of going through a terminal and getting on a plane, nobody notices, she's on the plane, nobody notices, she changes to another plane, nobody notices, she's on the second plane, nobody notices, she gets off the plane, nobody notices, she walks through another terminal, nobody notices and then drives an hour to the hospital and deliveries a baby, nobody notices - the answer, she wasn't pregnant so nobody noticed. There is absolutely no way a sitting gov who loves the limelight would keep quiet about her bragging rights of being in labor so that she would have a kid born in Alaska instead of Tx and nobody noticed. She did not want anyone to notice because anyone seeing her would know she was lying.

  26. Wiggle's announcement may as well have been a breathless proclamation that Trig, indeed, was born.

    For that is the extent of its relevance to the actual issue: whether he was born of Sarah Palin on 4/18/2008.

  27. Dinty7:05 AM

    Gryphen, interesting comments on Phil Munger's post from yesterday concerning this:

  28. Anonymous7:25 AM

    The reason the Media is staying away from this is because Palin's hoax has been framed as a protective measure on behalf of Bristol. Poor Sarah Palin, she was only trying to be a good mother! Why should we care about this?

    Of course, the obvious tossing of Bristol onto the bonfire to draw attention away from herself is completely overlooked. It's as if the Media has difficulty processing the varied conflicting pieces of the story.

    Then again, I suspect they see the same conflicts we do (obvious non-pregnant Palin, changing story etc), but ignore them because of their adherence to the over-arching narrative of Sarah the Good Mother.

    Until Bristol is separated from the story and Palin's true deceit is exposed---the deliberate faking of a special needs pregnancy for political gain---I don't believe this story will be resolved.

    I would love the truth to be exposed for truth's sake, but I don't think it will have anything to do with Palin's eventual complete downfall. As Nicole Wallace promised, Sarah Palin's deficiencies are becoming painfully obvious.

  29. Anonymous8:07 AM

    Anyone can file HIPAA violation complaint.

    All the info is here:

  30. Gasman8:54 AM

    I used to like Weigel, but he comes off sounding like a snotty teenager in this exchange. He isn't giving us journalism, he's giving us a pissing contest between him and Sullivan. It is obvious that he has some major beef with Sullivan and is using his forum to effectively shout "yo' mama!" at Sullivan.

    Sullivan effectively smacked down Weigel by responding with professional journalism. When I read Weigel's piece and he said that he gotten someone at the Mat-Su hospital to confirm that Palin had given birth there, it broke the needle on my bullshitometer. My first reaction was "there is no way in hell ANYBODY at that hospital would so cavalierly violate HIPAA regulations," especially concerning a question that they have been asked many times and they must be very sensitive toward.

    Gryphen and Sullivan confirmed my suspicions regarding Weigel's obvious self serving bullshit.

    Does Weigel believe he can get away with such blatant lying? I'd actually be surprised if Mat-Su didn't sue him over this. If Weigel's claims are true, Mat-Su could be looking at some big-ass federal fines.

    I think Weigel just stepped in a big pile of shit simply because his pride was wounded and he responded by lashing out at Sullivan.

    Maybe Weigel was jilted by Sullivan? It would kind of explain Weigel's inexplicably unprofessional behavior.


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