Thursday, April 28, 2011

How Teabaggers see President Obama's long form birth certificate.


  1. That mean old Sarah Palin is making bloggers throw shit over the fence at each other because she got pregnant with Trig.

    BTW, Weigel has a bigger audience than all the Alaska bloggers combined.

    It sucks to be you.

  2. The "birther" thing is so funny to me. It just shows how some people only see what's inside their own heads.

  3. Hey Roger Dumbjet, we are laughing, she is ripping out her hair extensions. Sucks to be you and her.

  4. @Roger Ramjet:

    No. That mean old Barack Obama has got the birthers throwing shit over the fence at each other, because he is a black man that got elected President. I guess you missed Oily Taint's meltdown, last night. Hahahahahahaha!

    BTW, most people don't even know who Dave Weigel is, and most of the country hates $arah Palin. Sucks to be you, asshole.

    Scared we're getting closer to the truth, $arah?

  5. This kind of damage control over the fake birth certificate is not working. There are other more legitimate questions to be answered. Obama should have never tried to take this to another level. And Lawrence O'Donnell made it even worse last night with his rude treatment of Taitz.

    Backlash Lawrence!

  6. Ramjet...

    Prove it! Prove Palin gave birth to Trig. Show us Trig's BC.

    If Weigel has such a big audience, then why are YOU here?

    It must suck to be so miserable.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. for those of us who are not black, here is a deeper point of view from Baratunde about Obama's birth certificate in the context of the U.S.'s racist history

  9. What fake certificate damage control? Did Palin present Trig's recently?

    Taitz???? So that is what amounts to credibility in Palin Panty Sniffer world? You guys are doomed.

    In the 235+ year history of the Presidency, name one other sitting President that has had to present two copies of his birth certificate.

    Face it, he beat your queen and if she comes back for more, he'll beat her even worse.

  10. 1:09 pm Roger Ramjet

    No it sucks to be you, Ram.

  11. 3:15 pm Sigmundson

    Well Sig, Ram, Bristol or whomever you pretend to be. Looks like you just declared that you was a member of the lame brain foot patrol of birther teabagger Scarah Paylin. Damn, it sucks to be in your little pointy shoes.

  12. That spoof isn't the worst of what the Birthers are saying about the birth certificate.

    They're claiming now that it was Photoshopped by the CIA or ???. They think they found "layers" when they opened the PDF in Adobe Illustrator.

    Some fellow conservatives who are experts on such things but who are not Birthers had to tell them that they were mistaken; that such digital software opens any and every PDF the same way; there's no dark secret or conspiracy.

    Naturally, the Birthers told them they are idiots...

    Link below is only ONE site where the discussion descends into "teh stoopid"

  13. Anonymous11:34 PM

    Americans have a lot to be ashamed about, over this birth certificate fiasco.

    The foreign press is having a field day, talking about how it looks as if the white man is shooting at the feet of the black guy, telling him to "dance."

    Yep, Americans have progressed a long way since the days of the frontier, and unbridled racism.


  14. Anne In DC3:25 PM

    Teabaggers have shown that they are impervious to logic or facts that don't suit their mindset. I watched goofy Orly Taitz avoid Lawrence O'Donnell's inquiries whether she acknowledged that Obama's birth certificate is valide or whether she would subsequently apologize to the president. Needless to say, she did neither and tried to show some so-called Selective Service document. He finally got fed up and kicked her off the show. The next time she says anything, someone needs to ask her where she gets off asking about the president's place of birth when she was born in Russia.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.