Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Bristol earns more than a quarter of a million dollars talking about a subject she does not even understand. Update!

From the Daily Mail Reporter:

Bristol Palin earned more than $262,500 for her role in helping to raise awareness of preventing teen pregnancies.

Tax documents show the 20-year-old daughter of former vice-Presidential candidate Sarah Palin made the vast sum when she was 18 in 2009.

The figure was revealed when the most recent data for The Candie's Foundation was posted online by research firm GuideStar.

Look I don't want to be mean, but is THIS a person whose expertise on abstinence is worth $262,300?

And no boys and girls, I DON'T think her suspicious weight gain while appearing on DWTS had anything to do with a love for fast food.

Bristol is paid this obscene amount of money for no other reason than the fact that her mother is a controversial "politicalebrity" (pat pending.), and her name recognition, and famous lack of knowledge about birth control, made her irresistible to the Candie's foundation. An organization by the way who ALSO do not know anything about keeping teens from having sex. (As evidenced by their steamy ads for clothing featuring attractive female models, and celebrities, in provocative poses.)

Oh yeah. Nothing sexual about that imagery, is there?

From that jumping  off point Bristol was sent around the country speaking in that halting, uncomfortable voice of hers to audiences usually made up of people who believe that you get pregnant because God wanted you to, and that the ONLY way to sabotage God's plan, is to keep your mind focused on memorizing bible passages and your naughty bits locked up tight.

Which is especially bizarre considering that Bristol became famous for NOT keeping her naughty bits locked up tight, a pattern of behavior which all evidence suggests has not changed one little bit.

"Bristol is dead serious about having another baby -- and she hopes it will happen within the year ... She wants to be married before giving birth again, and she is convinced Gino is the guy for her."

That relationship, by the way. is one that the National Enquirer is reporting just ended because, you guessed it, Bristol left her naughty bits unlocked again. Apparently Bristol hooked up with an old boyfriend, which pissed her boyfriend "Gino" Paoletti off, and now Sister Sarah is trying desperately to get him to sign a confidentiality agreement before he starts blabbing even MORE Palin family secrets. (Such as HOW Bristol managed to gain all of that weight on DWTS perhaps?)

Look nobody cares how many boy toys Bristol goes through in a year, nor how many babies she pops out as long as she can afford to pay for them.  The only thing that makes this worth reporting is that while all of this is going on, she is being paid $262,500 to lecture teenagers on how NOT to have premarital sex.  This essentially sends a message to impressionable kids that you can do whatever you want, tell others that they CAN'T do what they want, and then get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for your hypocrisy.

And that my friends, just ain't right.

Update:  Think Progress reveals that Bristol was paid SEVEN TIMES what Candies actually paid to help fight teen pregnancy.

But a closer examination of the tax form by ThinkProgress shows that the group disbursed only $35,000 in grants to actual teen pregnancy health and counseling clinics: $25,000 to the Mt. Sinai Adolescent Health Center and $10,000 to the National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy.

And here I thought there was no way I could be any more outraged. Wrong again, Gryph!


  1. Anonymous12:37 PM

    The Palin women are paid for what they DON'T know. And the buyers seem perfectly happy with the lack of intellectual curiosity and personal growth.

    Why oh why did I bother with college?

  2. When Brisket is 50, she'll be a bitter Wassilla hillbilly, with 6 kids all from different fathers, the same goes for her many grandkids.

    She'll be flat ass broke, hitting the local bars cruising for anyone who will listen about her glory days, and maybe buy her a drink or 2.

  3. Anonymous12:42 PM

    What happened to the new baby that Brisket recently delivered? Did she give it away or is another Palin member taking care of it?

    Wasn't Willow sent away from home while her bun is still baking?

  4. Anonymous12:45 PM

    They are dangerous hypocrites, through and through, trying to damage the young people of America. Bristol is doing the work of the Kochs--dumbing down America as much as possible. Can Bristol even read?

  5. Anonymous12:46 PM

    The rest of the world laughs at the ignorance displayed in the US media!
    Everyone with a grain of gray matter knows it is folly to say, "Don't do as I do, do as I say." However, as far a I can tell this is the first time anyone has been paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for this idiocy.

  6. Virginia Voter12:48 PM

    Shit, all that money, and the girl still wears all those hideous clothes. Must get that fabulous sense of style from her mother, he, he.

    I swear to God I thought those black leggings were going to get up and walk home to Wasilla after Bristols DWTS run... she wore those non stop for 2 months, ewwww.

    Now that Bristol's no longer a teenager, maybe the Candies foundation will find a new okesperson, you know, someone who is actually abstinent.

  7. TNbluedot12:48 PM

    Gryph - you need to get in touch with that boy and advise him of all the $$ he can make by NOT signing any agreement with Snowdrift Snooki!!

  8. Anonymous12:49 PM

    How does Sarah get everyone to sign confidentialy agreements. Heck he could get a lot of money writing an article, book. Seems like they go unscathed. Notice everyone on DWS is loosing weight.I can't beleive that everyone on DWS had to sign one when Bristol was on. I think the girl has no morals, how many boys has she dragged into and through her sons life?

  9. Anonymous12:54 PM

    This was in 2009; wonder how much she made in 2010??

  10. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Bristol Palin never met a penis she didn't like. And she's getting paid to lie about it. Such a Christian!

  11. Anonymous12:58 PM

    bristol showed no signs of pregnancy. pregnancy is a distinct look. Bristol displayed abdom fat that really never changed/progressed. and no the NE article about the breakup is not true in the least. remember, teens in wasilla love giving bs stories for cash. didnt sadie say someone posed as her and didnt tell her?

    point made. man, you're gullible. bristol does not want another kid. she regrets having the one she has and yes her nanny is with her all the time for a reason.

    i can give you screen shots from her fb page, as im her friend and have been since this summer.

    Not pregnant, hasn't been pregnant since tripp. shes been the same size essentially since mid may. look at pictures. no change. spanx is amazing and yes she was wearing tan spanx in the USmag shoot.

  12. Virginia Voter12:59 PM

    Oops, forgotnto mention that I eagerly await the Palin fairy tale trolls' arrival who will tell us that Bristol was BFFs with everyone backstage, she just wanted to leave the drama with Levi and have fun, she is saving all her money, Gino cheated first, and her weight gain was due to stress.

    Oh and we're all jealous, Tripp loved LA, and the Palins are all shiny, happy , people holding hands.

  13. Anonymous12:59 PM

    This just speaks of what horrible parents Bristol has in Sarah and Todd.

    What other parent would introduce their non-married, pregnant daughter on a national campaign - would encourage her to speech make about not having sex - work for a company that flaunted sex (as the photo shows on this blog) - and, who appeared pregnant on DWTS (increased in weight vs shedding pounds as most of the people do on that show), etc.

    The Palin kids are going to be interesting to follow in another ten years. I feel very sorry for them.

  14. nswfm1:00 PM

    Why don't you finish this family off, once and for all? You are just letting them get stronger by not exposing them for who they really are. Those tough people up there are such scardy cats is all I can conclude.

  15. Anonymous1:18 PM

    "This essentially sends a message to impressionable kids that you can do whatever you want, tell others that they CAN'T do what they want, and then get paid hundreds of thousands of dollars for your hypocrisy."

    Isn't that exactly what her mother gets paid to do? It's a family tradition!

  16. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Let's be real. What other person her age or any age for that matter, would preach abstinence? Even Bristol said, it's just not practical. You're not going to find a celebrity single mom out there who can tolerate that level of hypocrisy. Palins are experts at hypocrisy. And there aren't that many childless teen celebrities who don't see the P.R. pitfall awaiting them if they preach one thing and do another. So, I'd say the talent pool for a Candies' abstinence spokesperson is pretty shallow. Besides, Candies' doesn't care if she's effective. The only reason they hired her was to counter-balance their sexy ads. Whenever there's a complaint, they can point to Bristol. A quarter million is cheap for that purpose.

  17. Anonymous1:33 PM

    Virginia Voter, thank you for predicting the exact arrival of the Palin Fairy Tale Trolls on this thread. You nailed it!

  18. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Bristol would not havechosen on her own will to go on dwts pregnant. She would have politely declined.

    How do you explain the fact that Bristol was the same size from Mayish through DWTS and even now?


    I don't understand why people readily accept what the NE prints. You're just giving Sarah EVEN MORE reason to hold her grudge against you.

    oh and one more thing. Because I am Bristol's fb friend, I will can/will say that the one thing that continually ticks her off is that she is under her mother's influence. That has never been true. Her mother's name may have helped her get engaegments and Candies, but it was her desire to work for them and give speeches. She supports her mother wholehearted but she has never felt any pressure from her. and that really is crazy to think. She did not cheat on Gino either. She hasn't really had time to date. She's been hanging wit friends and family. She is also a very positive, happy person, constantly engaging friends and saying cutesy things about their babies.

    I suggest you look to the source for facts Gryphen, as your sources tend to be wrong a lot.

  19. Anonymous1:37 PM

    to TNbluedot

    You just proved that liberals are hateful, spiteful people with your comment. Also, incredibly immature.

    Most teens find Levi distasteful and a loser. Why would any others want to go down that path?

  20. Anonymous1:39 PM

    Bristol happens to love her life. So much for honest blogging. Don't even think for a minute that EVERY single oen of you wouldnt make the same decisions regarding "easy money"
    The price for Bristol is putting herself through scrutiny. But she's strong and content so it rolls off her.

  21. Anonymous1:39 PM

    I wonder why there have been no tweets on her "fake" twitter account since Sarah's trip last month. There had been a lot right up until then. Did someone switch the account to keep "congratulations" from being posted? Just a coincidence, I guess!

  22. Sadly, the Daily Mail Reporter's narrative omitted a salient fact that the Associated Press–admiringly–did not.

    The details of Bristol's compensation originated at Palingates and should be credited as such. That the extraordinary work done by Regina, Gryphen et al routinely drives national and internal media coverage must be recognized and celebrated at each and every turn.

  23. Anonymous1:43 PM

    Bristol is a twat: and by many accounts, a well-used one at that.

  24. Anonymous1:47 PM

    Anon 12:58

    Unless this is Brisket herself, why aren't you other palin offspring in school. This is so poorly written that it might even be from the youngest $palin daughter.

    And since you are so tight with the $paylins (coincidental word, not so coincidental), where is Willow, and what is she doing?

  25. Anonymous1:51 PM

    how do you think Bristol was pregnant when she essentially did a back bend in one of the dances? That shit would not have worked.

    Bristol knew she was going to be on DWTS in early July. TO be on that type of show, one has to pass a medical test that cannot be faked.

    Oh and she didnt look pregnant nor did her look chang ein the appropriate way. Why are you so hateful that youll believe anything you hear?

  26. Anonymous1:54 PM

    "pregnancy is a distinct look"

    I agree and Bristol had it.

    "spanx is amazing"

    I guess so. It may have even fooled you.

    "and yes she was wearing tan spanx in the USmag shoot."

    I don't doubt it. I do doubt that if someone was hiding a pregnancy that she would be sharing it with friends she's had since LAST summer and posting revealing photos on face book? You may need to rethink who is gullible.

  27. Anonymous1:58 PM

    Well, she's been quiet lately and thankfully one would expect she's maturing and concentrating on a lifetime career choice.

    Unfortunately, the kind of guys that hook up with her might all be be golddiggers, making promises of love and marriage, but just hanging on to feed off her celebrity and money.

    Real love for Bristol? Her mother has made it very difficult for this young woman to find her way without the celebrity curse that comes with it; lack of privacy, fear of users, negative peers who love to party, groupees pretending to be best friends who hang on to party, drug, abuse alcohol, and burn out. Not to mention it's hard to find a nice guy who'll embrace her son as his own.

    Her fake earning power might turn bitter and she may some day wish she could turn back the clock.

  28. Anonymous2:02 PM

    Maybe instead of Bristol giving speeches on abstinence, she should teach other young girls how to get knocked up and really make the big bucks like she did. She could have hour long info-mercials on tv and sell a step by step guide on how to make your illegitimate pregnancy and baby pay your way for life. Sure beats working hard and going to school.....snark

  29. Anonymous2:07 PM

    "bristol does not want another kid. she regrets having the one she has and yes her nanny is with her all the time for a reason.....im her friend"

    What kind of friend says things like that? A troll-y friend.

  30. Anonymous2:12 PM

    "She wants to be married before giving birth again, and she is convinced Gino is the guy for her."

    What a fascinating statement. She doesn't want to marry Gino, get pregnant, then give birth. She wants to be married before giving birth again. My guess is unless they've kept the marriage to Gino a secret, she didn't accomplish that and gave birth again unmarried. I agree with Gryphen that the DWTS weight gain was not too much food. She looked pregnant in Haiti. When was the last time we saw her? I think she's either given birth or very close.

  31. Anonymous2:14 PM

    One angry Palin Fairy Tale Troll repeating himself over and over and over and over and over and over and

  32. Anonymous2:16 PM

    anon at 1:51
    first of all, pregnancy is not an illness and would not preclude anyone from dancing. And yes the fat short dumpy cunt looked knocked up again.

  33. Anonymous2:17 PM

    This is America. No talent is required to make money if you have marketability. Unless she's going to live off of Sarah's millions for the rest of her life, she'll face a hard reality at some point if she doesn't ever learn how to do real work. She's not as marketable as Sarah, so she'll never make as much. Sooner or latter, her fame will dry up real fast. Then what? Her choice is to either actually learn about real work or hope that a resurgent Sarah can elevate her name again as well. Otherwise, in five years or so, she's fucked. She could marry into a situation where she can be a housewife, I suppose. Something tells me she won't have successful relationships in life though, so I doubt that.

  34. Anonymous2:18 PM

    "how do you think Bristol was pregnant when she essentially did a back bend in one of the dances? That shit would not have worked. "

    How dumb. You're pregnant in the front. Pregnancy wouldn't prevent bending back. What we didn't see her ever do was bend forward. She couldn't, she was pregnant in the front so she couldn't bend forward. Nice try at distracting us Bristol.

  35. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Anon @ 1:39, you know, Bristol's Facebook BFF?

    But Bristol is strong and content and (the man of the month) just rolls off her. - fixed.

  36. Anonymous2:22 PM

    You're just giving Sarah EVEN MORE reason to hold her grudge against you.


    Like we've been trying to get her approval all these years? : )

  37. Anonymous2:22 PM

    Gryphen, do you know what happened to Bristol's last baby? I'm assuming she gave it up for adoption - she wouldn't want to be saddled with anymore children. Hard enought being a single mom to Tripp. Any infor you can share?

  38. Anonymous2:26 PM

    It's so nice of the candies foundation to educate kids about the space program. Iddn't it?

  39. Anonymous2:32 PM

    Sure it is right Gryph - at least in the TEaTHUGlican universe. The reason you don't see that is a translation problem - TeaTHUGlican to American English. You just need a good translation dictionary. LaRousse doesn't have one published, but I understand a minor linguist by the name of Orwell wrote an adequate one - 1984.

  40. Anonymous2:36 PM

    "one has to pass a medical test that cannot be faked"

    All depends what they're testing.

  41. Anonymous2:42 PM

    WHo needs Planed Parenthood when you have Bristol. they are all one big joke.

  42. Anonymous2:46 PM

    The Palin Fairy Tale Troll is very worried by Gino having his own book deal...without a confidentiality agreement in place. Hmmm....

  43. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Bristol is the child of a sociopath which is a nearly insurmountable pyschological disaster.

  44. Bristols Facebook Stalker/BFF2:51 PM

    Bristol is a beautiful, happy girl who loves to socialize with family and friends, enjoys giving hypercritical speeches about how hard her life as a single mother with a full time live in nanny is, who pays cash for houses she doesn't live in, and wants to give the big middle finger to all the hatersnon this blog.

  45. Anonymous2:55 PM

    It's a trollfest! Brisket trolls are even dumber than wge trolls - who knew that was possible?

  46. Anonymous2:58 PM

    $262,000! So that's what whoring paid back in 2009. Not bad for being the 18 year old daughter of the Governor of the State of Alaska with no other skills or education except just enjoy doing the nasty with the boys in town.

    Not so fast you horney Alaskan boys, before you pork the town whore you must sign a confidentiality agreement with her mother and then and only then can you have your way with Sarah's daughter.

  47. Anonymous3:02 PM

    "WHo needs Planed Parenthood when you have Bristol. they are all one big joke."

    I agree @2:42 -- Defund PP and give all the money to Skankstol Palin to tell women and teen girls what not to do! Yep, don't get raped, don't ever have a need for a cancer screening, don't ever use birth control, just do as Skank says and you'll always be just fine!

    If the whole situation about paying a know-nothing wasn't so astonishingly sad, it would be laughable.

  48. Anonymous3:03 PM

    Candies probably chomping at the bit for the other unmarried Palin girls to get pregnant so that they can get them on the payroll too.

  49. "Look nobody cares how many boy toys Bristol goes through in a year, nor how many babies she pops out as long as she can afford to pay for them."

    Well, I'm somebody who cares about the second part, which proves this statement false. I care for two reasons. First, the probability is high that her children will be neglected, exploited, or both. Second, whether it's nature or (mal)nurture, narcissism and dishonesty seem to be passed down the generations in that family.

  50. Anonymous3:06 PM

    Bristol's Troll Bowl Thread - but it's only one lazy, repetitive, illiterate tea-bagging troll, sadly.

  51. Anonymous3:10 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The Palin Fairy Tale Troll is very worried by Gino having his own book deal...without a confidentiality agreement in place. Hmmm....

    Jesus Christ these people are given book deals like they are Halloween candie. Anyone can get some. That's messed up.

  52. Anonymous3:12 PM

    What has the world come to? There was a time when it took cajones to ask someone to sign a prenup. Now in Alaska there is no need for prenups, they just require you to sign confidentiality agreements before "You Do" the ex governor's daughter.

    Sally Heath, what kind of family legacy, history and tradition are you leaving behind?

  53. Anonymous3:16 PM

    Why oh why doesn't she take some of that money and get a degree? She has a full-time nanny, why not put some of that money to good use. Soon she'll be out of money with a bunch of kids and no future. If she's such a hard worker why doesn't she do some hard work?

    I also call BS on the job in the dermatologists office. Why would she work a low paying job while getting paid that much money by Candies? She wouldn't.

    I wonder if that money was disclosed in the custody fight with Levi. It sounds like she made more money than him in 2009 & 2010, yet she gets $1700 more from him each month?

    SP better encourage her to go to college or when she runs out of cash she'll go looking for a tell all book deal.

    I though it was interesting that the NE raised the question of a love child, but also included a story about Bristol. Maybe they were confused about Bristol's new baby or sending out a clue.

  54. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Boys this too could be you. Just sign your name on the dotted line.


  55. Anonymous3:19 PM

    Watching Kirstie Allie on DWTS, proves that the costumers are good at hiding problem areas. She's not small, but her tight dress on the first show looked great. Probably all the practice they had with Bristol and girdles.

  56. Anonymous3:20 PM

    When you consider that Candies would have had to pay millions of dollars for ads and publicity to get this kind of attention, then Bristol is cheap tat the price. She is used to attract attention for Candies. It's not the message; it's her pathetic celebrity.

    Unfortunately, Tripp is going to be able to read what his mother has been saying about him, and that's not going to be a nice set of memories for him.

  57. Where have the Palin children been lately? We haven't seen any of them. Has Sarah finally learned that children are better off out of the cameras' range?

  58. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I love how the Wannabe insider trolls are always talking like they know Bristol and the teens in Wasilla because of what's on their Facebook pages. I guess they think no one ever lies on their Facebook pages. People put all photos of themselves on Facebook, not just the good ones. Yeah right. Like she would announce something she's trying to hide on Facebook.

  59. Anonymous3:26 PM

    My goodness, all of the trolls have come to defend Bristol. I've seen her act. She can't act. I've heard her talk. She is monosyllabic and boring. (That big word means that she uses small words). I still remember Bristol wanting to give America the middle finger by winning on DWTS. That's classy. I've seen Bristol dance, and she can't dance. She can shake it but that ain't dancing. I watched to tape of Bristol giving one of moralizing speeches, and she read the thing with her head bowed over her papers.

    If Bristol really wants to be a good mother to her child, she should stop using him as her verbal prop, as the reason why other kids should not have sex. Bristol only appears to have one talent, and we've seen the evidence of it.

  60. What makes this even worse it is because she is an evangelical christian(I assume).

    She should not be rewarded for her "sins".

  61. I find it hilarious that this trolly BFF comes here and tries to convince us that Gryphen is BAD and Bristle is GOOD. We certainly engage in swapping rumors here, which I suspect is not the norm for most of us in regular life. We have all been brought together by our horror of this family of dumb twats. There are plenty of crazy, money-grubbing celebrity whores out there, but this family has struck a chord in our collective celebritwat oversaturation. We will not rest until the Palintwats are distant memories that we don't need to relive. Consign them to the history heap of uselessness and drama queen entitlement twatwhores.

  62. Anonymous3:39 PM

    Every article I've read about this today - showing responses - reflect not one positive statement regarding Bristol or her family.

    She is absolutely NO example for teenagers having children out of wedlock. She is a liar just like her mother.

    Her income on the next income tax return will probably be even higher because of her DWTS income, etc.

    As has been posted in many previous writings, this family is NOT a good example for anyone to follow. And, they assuredly do not practice the 'christian' religion that I was raised to understand, even though they have flaunted going to church in Wasilla, etc. They are known NOT to attend church!!!

  63. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Willow, are you paying attention?
    Apparently promiscuity pays...but only if your last name is Palin. What a gross society we live in.

  64. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Well, guess Brisket and Mrs Toad Palin ate at Red Robin today and had a lovely time taking photos of each other and texting each other and looking like two used up whores.

  65. Anonymous3:41 PM

    1:35 - Relax, sweetie. Once you get through puberty, things will seem easier. We all go through the pimple-faced, celebrity adoring phase. Growing up is hard on all of us. You will find your addiction to Bristol kind of funny once you are an adult. Things will seem so much clearer to you later.

  66. Anonymous3:42 PM

    Piper: Momma, I just got a phone call from Bristol and she said Candies wants me to wear their clothes.

    Sarah: No way Piper, you aint wearin' them skanky clothes. Not until you are at least 11 years old. I don't want another pregnant daughter around here.

    Piper: But momma, Candies said they will pay me $262,000 if I wear them to school!

    Sarah: Piper, what did I say? Wait a minute Piper, what did you say?
    $262,000? Piper I think you wear a size 7 and go get your school books, there in the garbage and on your way to school stop and pick up a box of condoms.

  67. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I don't know if she was pregnant during DWTS, but I do know she was fatter than she was clearly gaining a lot of weight while everyone else was shedding pounds.

    I also know she comes across as personality-less, ignorant, poorly spoken, and rude and her grammar is atrocious (hmm...who does that remind me of?)

    I love her alleged Facebook friends rushing here to her defense. It's just another way she resembles her mommy.

    I'm sure Bristol is too simple-minded to care that the only reason she has any money is because her loudmouthed mother managed to fool a lot of dimwits (and still does) and she got knocked up when she was in high school.

    Congratulations, Bristol! Way to go!

    I believe Bristol is abstinent about as much as I believe Sarah Palin is going to be president.

  68. Anonymous3:43 PM

    I saw just a few minutes of the opening night of DWTS. Noticed that there were many of last season's alumni in the audience. Because I only saw a short bit, I can't say whether or not Bristol was in the audience. Did anyone watch who can report back? All the other finalists were there. Just didn't see Bristol.

    She certainly appeared to be around 3 mos pregnant at the end of Aug 2010, when she was announced as a DWTS contestant. To my eye, she progressed nicely during DWTS and was cleverly bound up and costumed to conceal the obvious.

    She certainly seemed quite heavy with child in December on the Haiti tour.

    She may have been pretty freshly post-partum at the gig earlier this year, when we speculated that a double was there as pics of the speaker and photoshots with audience showed "Bristol" in different dresses.

    Was she maybe nursing a newborn and had an untimely leak with a need to change clothes?

  69. Anonymous3:43 PM

    1:37 - most of us don't paint all conservatives as nutsy. Why do you persist in painting liberals as one group? I mean, after all, some conservatives are rational and sane - but those are the ones who don't follow Palin, Huckabee, Beck and the rest.

  70. Anonymous3:47 PM

    1:30 - why wouldn't Bristol be happy with her life? After all, she doesn't actually have to do much real work to earn big bucks. She obviously doesn't have any moral obstacles to live with regarding premarital sex, lying or taking money she doesn't deserve.

    Bristol seems to lack a conscience. That makes life as a grifter much easier. It's called being amoral - often a trait learned from family.

  71. Anon @2:32PM, Orwell was certainly a brilliant "linguist." He foresaw Faux Newspeak.

  72. Anonymous3:59 PM

    Anonymous said...
    how do you think Bristol was pregnant when she essentially did a back bend in one of the dances? That shit would not have worked.

    1:51 PM

    Bristol has been sexually active and doing back bends since early junior high. No problem for Bristol to do back bends pregnant. Bristol can do those in her sleep, that's what got her in trouble.

  73. Anonymous4:01 PM

    Damn it! That could have been me. Shucks, I missed a golden opportunity. I didn't get any awards or money, just condemnation and stuck with a kid.

  74. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Getting paid for teen sex.

    What a deal. What a whore.

  75. Anonymous4:22 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I saw just a few minutes of the opening night of DWTS. Noticed that there were many of last season's alumni in the audience. Because I only saw a short bit, I can't say whether or not Bristol was in the audience. Did anyone watch who can report back? All the other finalists were there. Just didn't see Bristol.

    Pick your reason why Bristol was not at the 2011 DWTS opening:

    1) Bristol was at the DWTS set on opening night, but had to fly home. She was leaking fluid and you know the Palin saying, "You can't have a fish picker from California".

    2) Bristol was in Los Angeles, but once she started on her first Cheesecake Factory cheesecake, she could not roll away from the table.

    3) No way Bristol was going to be seen at DWTS. Bristol is 4 times larger than Mark's new partner and it is kind of embarrassing.

    4) DWTS would not let Bristol into the show. They only allow one seat per person and Bristol required three seats. Two seats for her and one seat for her chin.

    5) Bristol feared that she would be arrested. DWTS Security has an "ALL Points Bulletin” for Bristol Palin. She was last seen leaving DWTS last year with several black bags full of her dance costumes. It has been reported that Bristol said the black bags of costumes are in the belly of the plane, but nobody could find them.


  76. Anonymous4:23 PM

    Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention


  77. Anonymous4:28 PM

    And further, while they paid her that, the Candie's Foundation paid only $35,000 to support actual pregnancy prevention programs.

  78. Anonymous4:34 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    I saw just a few minutes of the opening night of DWTS. Noticed that there were many of last season's alumni in the audience. Because I only saw a short bit, I can't say whether or not Bristol was in the audience. Did anyone watch who can report back? All the other finalists were there. Just didn't see Bristol.

    > Bristol was there, but nobody recognized her with her new big chin implant. When Bristol approached the door, the guard told Bristol, "I'm sorry Mr. Jay Leno, there are no more seats available. We are full".

  79. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Piper: Momma, I just got a phone call from Bristol and she said Candies wants me to wear their clothes.

    Sarah: No way Piper, you aint wearin' them skanky clothes. Not until you are at least 11 years old. I don't want another pregnant daughter around here.

    Piper: But momma, Candies said they will pay me $262,000 if I wear them to school!

    Sarah: Piper, what did I say? Wait a minute Piper, what did you say?
    $262,000 just for wearing their clothes?
    Piper I think you wear a size 7 and go get your school books, there in the garbage and on your way to school stop and pick up a box of balloons.

  80. Anonymous4:37 PM

    It looks like the guy with the tattoo in the Candies advert is just about ready to push the "Enter" key for his rocket action.

    Yep. Nothing says "abstinence" and "preventing teen pregnancies" more than a phallic symbol blowing its after-burners in the direction of an accommodating uterus.

    Stupidest sh*t I've never seen. No wonder Bristol Palin was selected as their abstinence spokesmodel.

  81. Anonymous4:43 PM

    I'll wager the reason for Bristol not being in the audience on the first show this year is because she was not invited.

    Want to bet that handling the entire Palin drama last year was more than they could think of doing again this year and only for one show!

  82. Anonymous4:43 PM

    Two years ago while standing in line to get into one of the Alaska Aces playoff games at the Sullivan arena, I had to turn around to see who was bumping into me. And who would it be but the Bri$ket her$elf. She was just leering at me with a come and get it look, and even though I love women she totally creeped me out. BTW, that same evening I got to BOOOO her mom long and loud as that was the night she dropped the ceremonial puck as well as betting the governor from the state that the other team was from king crab if they beat us. They did windup beating us and I seriously doubt $carah made good on her bet

  83. onething4:48 PM

    I see that you, Gryphen, and others, still think that Bristol was pregnant on DWTS. But it makes no sense to me, if you are going to have an abortion, to put it off while dancing hard and being in the public eye. If you're going to have an abortion, she should have done it a few days before going on the show. And, her arms were fat, too, which doesn't necessarily go along with pregnancy.

  84. Anonymous4:57 PM

    Very glad you posted that last fact.

    I used to manage grantmaking foundations; the Candies' Foundation will not be in good standing, with these facts being made public.

    There is the possibility the IRS could get involved, if they have mis-represented themselves as tax-exempt.


  85. Anonymous5:03 PM

    I think a lot of folks here are going off the rails with regard to slamming Bristol. So what if she weighs more than you think she should or than she did before? That doesn't mean she was pregnant. Maybe she has a thyroid problem; that can cause a weight gain.

    The part of it that upsets me is how overpaid she was by Candies for such a little bit of work, and how she decided to cash in on her dubious "celebrity" by doing their stupid and useless little video ads. As if that's going to work. Reminds me of Nancy Reagan's useless "Just say no to drugs" campaign in the 80s.

    All I'm saying is to stick to the point. It's disgusting that she is any kind of poster girl for abstinence, and it's disgusting that Candies pretends they even care about abstinence, given the kind of sexed up stuff they sell. It's also disgusting that Bristol doesn't take this time in her life to go to school and build a future, instead of chasing after fame the way she seems to be doing now.

    Those are the things that are worth commenting on, rather than just indulging in endless insults and speculations about her weight.

  86. Anonymous5:05 PM

    It's strange that the "friends" posting are face-book friends. Maybe when you leave school and rarely go out in public, that's mostly all you have left.

  87. onething5:08 PM

    "Bristol is the child of a sociopath which is a nearly insurmountable pyschological disaster."

    Bristol is the child of two sociopaths.

  88. Anonymous5:13 PM

    I could not imagine any of my family nor my children associating with the Palins or Bristol. We believe in education and prudent behavior; those are two elements that the Palins are incapable of understanding. Pretty girls are a dime a dozen. We do not understand why Bristol preferred plastic surgery over education. Both mother and daughter do not look like they change their underwear often enough.

  89. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Bristol, sleep with whomever you want, as long as it isnt mine child! Maybe Gino's family finds a few hundred thousand attractive but real conservative Americans find you unhealthy.

  90. Anonymous5:32 PM

    What's the theory on what happened to the DWTS baby? Is anyone talking?
    She was either pregnant or trying to look pregnant.

  91. $262,300? That's about $65,525 per.

  92. Anonymous5:42 PM

    " Martha said...
    When Brisket is 50, she'll be a bitter Wassilla hillbilly, with 6 kids all from different fathers, the same goes for her many grandkids.

    She'll be flat ass broke, hitting the local bars cruising for anyone who will listen about her glory days, and maybe buy her a drink or 2.

    12:40 PM"

    I see bustol and snooki making stops at hicky jackass shows. Maybe even a fight or two with tanya harding.

  93. Anonymous5:49 PM

    "Bristol is dead serious about having another baby -- and she hopes it will happen within the year ... She wants to be married before giving birth again, and she is convinced Gino is the guy for her."

    You're quoting a four-month-old tabloid fabrication (in which the strongest attribution was "word has it") as if it were real and it were news? And after nine months, you're still saying she's pregnant? Charlie Sheen's got a stronger grip on reality.

  94. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Sadly, the 262k was in 2009; 2010 income must have been triple that. Unbelievable. Why is it always the talentless self-promoters who get ahead?

  95. icstraights6:06 PM

    If brisket is just large due to genetic or emotional issues, she can afford getting some professional help.

    Otherwise, if she is/was preggers, Candies should ask for their money back! Probably would have to file in a court of law to get $ back from any of the Palin Clan...

    Was this another "White-Out" Gryph?! I mean, Abortion?!!

  96. Anonymous6:17 PM

    Bristol, why did you name your baby "Tripp"?

  97. Three cheers for Trigmund Freud who unearthed this information and sent it to Palingate/Regina who was the first to report it! America is all riled up, rightfully so.

  98. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "So what if she weighs more than you think she should or than she did before?"

    Okay. Pay attention. That's NOT what it's about. It's NOT about Bristol Palin's appearance; it's NOT a judgement on how she looks; it's NOT about what other people think she should look like.
    It IS about the distinct appearance of a very rounded firm belly, prominent in her costumes on a television show, and in her clothing. She LOOKED pregnant. Her belly button was protruding, for chrissake.
    The issue is whether it's appropriate (at a minimum), deceitful, and a potentially damaging role model to teenage girls, to present one's self as a good "Christian" girl saving herself for marriage and to be paid for it.
    THAT'S why people are wondering if she is/was pregnant. Got it?

    I couldn't care less, either way - if it's not this hypocrisy, it's something else when it comes to pregnancies and women.
    My opinion - she looked pregnant. All the way through to the Haiti trip. She didn't look fat at all. In fact, she looked great. If she WAS pregnant, she was a lovely pregnant woman in terrific shape.

    A "backbend?" She didn't do a backbend! Her partner dipped her. There's nothing difficult there and any of you could do the same thing. She threw her head back for dramatic angle. It looked nice. In dance terms, it was nothing at all. Certainly a pregnant woman, especially a young healthy sporty one.

    Now leave the poor girl alone. Her ride is over. Either stupid ridiculous churches are going to continue to pay her to make an ass of herself in the presence of their daughters, or they'll stop.

    And up in Wasilla, there's 3 more cute sporty Christian teenagers from good homes with adoring parents, pregnant before school is out for the year.
    But that's okay; we all love babies. We'll all pitch in and help out. Gotta live with the consequences, right?
    And no, girls, sorry, you won't be paid like Bristol. There's no television show and romantic costumes in your future. They used it up with Bristol.

  99. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Bristol I’ve noticed that you do not date or bed guys that are not white. Is it true you and Willow do not date African Americans because of the saying, “Once You Go Black”? You know the one, "Once you go black, Sarah and Todd will disown you".

    We already know that Sarah has issues with Asians.

  100. Anonymous6:39 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Sadly, the 262k was in 2009; 2010 income must have been triple that. Unbelievable. Why is it always the talentless self-promoters who get ahead?

    5:58 PM

    Oooohh you are nasty. Just because Bristol did Levi, Ben, Gino and countless of others does not means she gives he_d all the time.

  101. Anonymous6:40 PM

    As the mother of a 18 year old daughter, I find it repulsive that the message Bristol conveys is "unwed pregnancy pays great!"

    There was a time when a teen girl in the family way without benefit of marriage went away quietly to have her child. They certainly didn't flaunt loose morals all over the television and magazines. Shame on Candies for sending the WRONG message to young girls.

    Candies won't be seeing any of my family's hard earned money ever again.

  102. Anonymous7:34 PM

    Bristol is just the fat dumb girl that we all made fun of in High School.

  103. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Is BP wearing the old square pillow her ma wore when she faked her last pregnancy?

  104. Anonymous7:42 PM

    She is a classless example of what pulls in $ these days. Her plastic surgery, as has her mother's.....has ruined her looks. I would be happy to give you the name of the anesthesiologist for both of the grifters.

  105. Anonymous7:43 PM

    I think the msm media will be on this. It's already many places now,and it will be a story tomorrow. It's really easy to understand. Grift is grift and people know it when they see it.

    It will be hard for the Palin's to not do or say something they will regret. This will crank up Sarah's persecution delusions, and she'll see it as attacking her sainted daughter too.

    This last little detail will just add to the fury. The Associated Press story ends with a credit to the blog Palingates for first reporting the Bristol compensation number. LOL. Not to mention a few new visitors for all the various blogs.

  106. Anonymous8:19 PM

    Levi should get a cut of what Bristol made, after all he was the sperm donor (or was he?)


  107. Anonymous8:21 PM

    I understand the impulse for some here to defend B if they think she is being treated unfairly.

    But what is unfair and what is part of the price one pays when they seek to profit from celebrity? How is criticism unfair when a person preaches abstinence yet profits from not practicing abstinence?

    Does she really think she is entitled to some special praise because she made what she apparently claims was the (only) difficult choice to raise her child? Millions of women make that choice. Far too many of them do not have the support of their families not to mention most do not have well-off families.

    These defenders seem incapable of critical thinking about the Palins. This family has chosen a very public life. In fact, being celebrities is the main source of income for them.

    The only accomplishment that Bristol has is a teen pregnancy. Being an unmarried teen mom is
    her area of expertise as a paid speaker and celebrity spokesperson.

  108. Anonymous9:02 PM

    Hey, Anon 6:26,

    <<<"So what if she weighs more than you think she should or than she did before?"

    Okay. Pay attention. That's NOT what it's about. It's NOT about Bristol Palin's appearance; it's NOT a judgement on how she looks; it's NOT about what other people think she should look like.
    It IS about the distinct appearance of a very rounded firm belly, prominent in her costumes on a television show, and in her clothing. She LOOKED pregnant. Her belly button was protruding, for chrissake. >>>

    I AM paying attention and that IS what it's about for many (not all!) of the commenters here. They are ragging on her weight.

    I watched Bristol's performances and did NOT notice a protruding belly button. And in a pregnancy, the abdomen has to become quite distended -- which means the woman pretty far along -- for that to happen. If she was *that* pregnant it would have been undeniable.

  109. Anonymous11:50 PM

    Looks like ADN shut down the comments on the Bristol $262K story. The comments were likely getting a little too close to the truth.

  110. Anonymous12:01 AM

    The other and BIG story about her Candies income is Bristol consistently lied intentionally to portray herself as a 9 to 5 receptionist struggling single mom. Then people were in awe how she bought a condo, furnished it complete with a big screen tv and a truck. People are idiots to be so impressed to buy into her BS she did it all on an entry level salary. Truth is the opposite of what she lied lied and told bigger lies like "office manager".

    Bristol wants to lie to con people she tends to her son 24/7 also without any help or support including financial. I call bull shit she has no time to date. Not possible given at least one engagement.

    People need to know how the 'poor' Bristol received child support and her additional income from Candies, magazine spreads, E etc. I can't believe so many people got sucked onto the Pathalogical lying. I suspect the Palin's believe there O's nothing wrong with Pathalogical behavior.

    Narcissists lie about everything painting false impressions seeking envy and admiration.

  111. Anonymous12:18 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Bristol, why did you name your baby "Tripp"?

    6:17 PM

    So I can drive Shailey's cool truck, the one that has TRIPP on the license plate.

  112. Anonymous12:24 AM

    9:02, no, people are not judging her weight or her appearance. You've convinced yourself of that, so keep your erroneous opinion if you need to.
    It has nothing to do with weight. It has everything to do with the question of pregnancy. That's all.

  113. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Seems Brisdull has incorporated her uterus for financial gain.

  114. Anonymous1:02 AM

    It seems apparent to me that Bristle has already made her first million by now since this amount is from 2009.

    It only goes to prove that the US is a very shallow country.

    Meanwhile, most single mothers with the same education and lack of talent as Bristle strive to bring in a paycheck from the Dollar store or try going back to school--whatever they're trying to do--and see their child doing without, don't get $1750/mo child support (which you could survive on in most places) or, in their ignorance, continue to look for that guy that will "take care" of them. Bristle is still looking for "that guy", too, but she has money with which to lure them.

    But what young man is going to sign a "confidentiality agreement" in order to have a relationship with this poseur?

    Meanwhile, the majority of single mothers out there could give a much better example of what not to do when you're a teenager and the travails of single motherhood without the money or opportunities to feather their own nest because they don't have rich grifter parents. They really ARE on their own.

  115. Anonymous2:40 AM

    This story is mainstream...was on my local Washington DC NBC affiliate morning news. The anchors were laughing...

  116. Anonymous3:50 AM

    Okay everybody, sit down and listen carefully.

    Bristol was preggers on dwts, has already had the baby, gave it away or other Palins are being paid to take care of it. She has been hidden for months, with just some photos posted that were old photos.

    She has been missing for months, with various stories being put out by RAM or other trolls saying this and that. I imagine she is trying to lose all that baby fat and try to come back in the public again and grift for dollars again.

    She is very involved with the Morlock family, strange some would say.

    Bristol is paid by Candies to promote porn, check out all their ads. Her background of being pregnant and having multiple sex partners qualified her to be promoting porn for young girls.

    Bristol is no role model for young girls, her family should be embarassed about her but they are all grifters and take money for anything. Bristol is Sarah, a carbon copy. Both are uneducated and advertise sex.

  117. Anonymous4:15 AM

    Your update was a very frustrating addition.

    All the more reason to voice criticism of these programs, especially if they have advocates that MAY not be practicing what they preach. People don't like to be fooled and when you are an advocate for abstinence, there is scrutiny that goes with that. People are going to watch to see if you look pregnant, will discuss it, speculate and hold you to the standard that you have set. Especially those of us who believe that you are sending the wrong message to OUR children. I don't care if Bristol has a whole litter of kids without getting married. I would like her to say that preaching abstinence-only is wrong and encourage parents to take the time and make the effort to open lines of communication, have discussions and provide their kids access to birth control. She has a chance to help break the cycle of getting pregnant before marriage. I hope that she will do it for her children, sisters and all the young people that she sends her message to.

  118. Anon@9:02, you HAVEN'T been paying attention or you would notice that Bristle and Sarah are so incredibly lacking in any kind of substance that the only thing to talk about with them is their grifting, their lying, their sense of entitlement, their plastic surgery (Bristle's chin liposuction, on a 20 year old, is utterly, horrifyingly stupid to me), their need to be in the spotlight, and yes, Bristle's incredible growing and shrinking stomach. And as a woman who has had a baby, the weight gain I saw on DWTS is best explained by pregnancy. That's exactly how I gained weight during my pregnancy in my early twenties. Oh, and dear, Bristle IS a TWAT. Being her BFF and all, why don't you tell her to get a fucking job and get out of public life. THEN we will stop trashing her fake looks and her fake life and her fake everything.

  119. Anonymous5:53 AM


    If you are her "friend", you must be the only one.

    Beware, her friends have a way of becoming her enemies really quickly.

  120. Anonymous5:59 AM


    ..."who appeared pregnant on DWTS (increased in weight vs shedding pounds as most of the people do on that show), etc...."

    As most? As ALL people.

    She is the ONLY one who has EVER gained weight.

  121. Anonymous6:01 AM


    "She hasn't really had time to date. She's been hanging wit friends and family."

    No time to "date", but time to screw around, huh?

  122. Anonymous6:03 AM

    This was on Good Morning America on the bottom ticker today. It's hit the MSM.

  123. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Where is she now, anyway? Totally absent from the public eye. There were those photos that showed her greatly-altered face, but that's it.

    I think Bristol had a baby sometime after that Haiti trip, and before the speech in Colorado, was it? Smallish window, but about 6-8 weeks perhaps.

    Now she is missing. What is she doing in AZ?

  124. Anonymous6:28 AM

    How does she "hang out with family" if she is living in AZ? Who else is down there?

    Btw, what about the other Palin children? Are they in school in AK?

    Gryphen, you obviously freaked a lot of Palinistas out by bring up the pregnancy possibility again. I think they thought they were home free on that one, that they had actually pulled it off.

    They have greatly underestimated us ;-).

  125. Anonymous6:31 AM

    People keep asking where is the retards daughter?

    Betcha Brisket will resurface with a mail order college degree from the Wimosada Islands.

  126. Anonymous6:35 AM

    Everybody everywhere is talking about the whore that sells porn for Candies.

    Wouldn't want to have that on my resume.

  127. Anonymous9:27 AM

    In my opinion there are probably two more mystery babies now being hidden from public view - and Bristol and Willow will suddenly be seen with "friends", or staff who work with them, who, surprise, have newborns.

    In my opinion, Trigg belongs to Bristol and Levi and was born much earlier than reported - hence a 6 plus lbs 7.5 month "preemie" birthed by Sarah. In my opinion, despite the enormous fake pregnancy charade - Bristol managed to become pregnant again - and the VP candidate just could not "spin" that pregnancy away.

    Plan B also didn't work out - you know, young teens in love, pregnant out of wedlock - but has Sarah's blessing because - they're getting MARRIED! That should mitigate the damage of an illegitimate grandbaby, right?.

    Trigg looks just like Levi. In my opinion, Levi has not spoken to this issue, nor has Mercede - for their own reasons. In my opinion, those two kids must have to walk a very fine line in order to forestall any more retribution that might be taken against their mother - it seems pretty apparent that the Palins' supporters in AK, both private and public/government sectors can do a lot of damage, still.

    In my opinion, Sarah Palin got a massage to check out Ms. Tripp/her latest "competition" and mistakenly believed turning her in for prostitution would go down as just that - and Todd's involvement would be overlooked or dealt with if needed by friends in high places, another big fail.

    I believe the Palins' do not have the intellect to foresee the consequences of their own behaviors causing the very controversies they wish to cover up. In my opinion, they truly believe they operate in a vacuum and believe their own myths.

    Bottom line - nobody cares about babies out of wedlock, or husbands whoring and pimping, or personal far right extremism - except when their platform purports strong, squeaky clean family values, Christianity, Jesus, the Bible, and being a "patriot" - while they actively pursue taking away our civil rights, foment violence, forcing their fundamentalism, sexism, racism, et al, on the rest of this country.

    They eschew education and intelligence because they have none, charity for the needy because they give none, self-determination, and equal rights for all unless it applies only to them. They debase the Bible and our Constitution daily.

    I feel for those children - truly, what kind of mother puts their unwed, pregnant child on a national stage? Or puts them through what these kids are going through - when she knows she has no chance for the Presidency. It is obscene the amount of money Bristol is paid for unwed motherhood and pretending to be abstinent, but grossly obscene the lessons she and the other children are being taught by the adult Palins.

    Tremendous psychological damage to the children in exchange for AIP's and Mama and Papa Grifters fantasies.

  128. honeybabe11:34 AM

    and the candies foundation paid only a small amount to actually promote their agenda of "don't do it!" doesn't make sense.

  129. meena1:20 PM


    Non-Profit Pays Bristol Palin $262,500, Donates Only $35,000 to Charity


  130. What was Levi's earnings?

    And why isn't he going to court to revisit the child support?

  131. AKRNC4:41 PM

    The FB "friends" of Bristol think they know so much about her based on what she posts on her FB page! They really are dim-witted, ignorant and delusional about the Palin's. What the hell? Do you think for one minute that anyone who has seen $arah and Bristol in action believe their nonsense about their happy family? If Sarah was happy, she'd be home WITH HER FAMILY, but she's not. She's gallivanting around the country, spreading hate, ignorance and divisive rhetoric while sucking the money out of the pockets of the ignorant.

    Keep your fantasies about the Palin family to yourselves because the rest of us can see through them. It doesn't take much to see the division in that family. It was quite evident on the reality show. In fact, the show did $arah far more harm than good.

  132. AKRNC5:20 PM

    As the mother of a daughter who is only a year older than Bristol, I would NEVER let her be a spokesperson affiliated with Candies after seeing their ads. They are disgusting. I'm not a prude by any means, but you have one couple ready to have sex on a sink and another one with Jenny McCarthy naked on a toilet with her underwear around her ankles.

    If this doesn't speak volumes about $arah's lack of credibility and concern as a Mother, all of you Palinbots are deaf, dumb and blind.

  133. Once again, everybody but me misses the point. Look, Bristol Palin fits the bill perfectly for an “anti-teenage pregnancy” organization; she’s no longer either a teen, or pregnant.

  134. meena7:35 PM


    "Cole says Bristol Palin is no longer on the payroll."


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It just goes directly to their thighs.