Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Okay Anchorage, you have but ONE extremely important task today, GO VOTE!!!

There are a number of bonds to vote on and two school board seats, which you can read about here (By the way Service High School REALLY needs that 37 million dollar upgrade.), but the main battle lines are drawn over Mayor Sullivan's attempt to oust three of the Anchorage Assembly members that refuse to let him fake a financial crisis so he can use it to cut city services. (I know, how dare they?)

They are Harriet Drummond, (My fiery Assemblywoman) Elvi Grey-Jackson, and Mike Gutierrez.  These three have held the line against Sullivan's careless fiscal policies and called him out on his lies repeatedly, and he wants to get them out of his way.

Personally I really like that they are in his way.  It makes me feel much better about my city and our future.

Now the opponents that Sullivan has hand picked to challenge these three are simply lapdogs and sycophants that will jump through whatever hoop he holds up, in exchange for a little tummy rub, or promises of working for him when he attains the office that he REALLY covets, which is Mark Begich's Senate seat. (Yes Danny-boy we know all about your secret backroom deals and shenanigans.)

In fact THAT is really the driving force behind Sullivan's attempts to paint himself as a fiscal conservative willing to take on the unions and kiss the ass of big business, rather than a bumbling moron using his father's famous name to get himself elected to a cushy, and influential, political position.

You can learn more about these candidates, and Sullivan's agenda, by visiting Mudflats, Alaska Commons, and Bent Alaska.

However for me the choice of who to vote for when it comes to the Anchorage Assembly could not be any more simple. If this fraudulent, morally bankrupt, sorry excuse for a public servant is FOR somebody, than in all good conscience I have no choice but to be against them.

In other words, would you accept a political endorsement from THIS GUY?

Nope!  Not me either!

As for the candidates for School Board, I admit I have no been paying as close attention as I should but I really hear good things about Pat Higgins, and here is a pretty sweet ad that my friend Dennis Zaki made for him.

Look the bottom line is. get out and vote. Your neighbors, your children, and your community are counting on you.

Namaste my friends.


  1. Anonymous8:01 AM

    For those of you who know mrsgunka: AFTER you vote (or schedule yourself to vote), come over to wish her a happy birthday today (April 5) if you feel like it. --Amy1

  2. Anonymous8:13 AM

    I have seen the picture of this man and the three nwomen before on your blog. Each time, I've thought the same thing, what a bunch of hookers.

  3. My goodness, Mayor Dan Sullivan has more hors than a d'oeuvres.

  4. And please vote YES for the school bonds. Many of our schools desperately need some upgrading, and Service High is a mess. Even if you don't have children in public school, these kids are our future, and they need to be able to learn in safe environments. They deserve it. Vote YES!

    Anonymous @813, I know one of the young women in the photo of which you speak, she is NOT a hooker. I cannot vouch for the others.

  5. Anonymous10:10 AM

    I fear that Anchorage, like the valley, is becoming infested with more than it's share of rednecks; rednecks who stupidly listen to the political spin (lies) and then vote against their own interests.

    If you are a moderate or progressive, get out there and vote no matter the weather.

  6. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Please vote. Don't let uninformed, dogmatic followers of extremists decide what kind of community you live in - take charge.

    If you want a better life, vote for candidates who will respect your community, not tear it apart with divisive policies.

    We all want to live in stable, clean, safe communities with strong schools and dependable fire and police protection.

    Pay attention to which candidates support those.

    These things require money and cutting taxes means cutting services. None of us pay so much in taxes that we have to strip every service away from the community.

    Please vote. If you trust a blogger, vote their recommendations (unless of course they are an extreme cuckoo bird).

  7. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Listen to Gryphen. Vote.

    Vote for candidates who will build, not destroy your community. Who have a positive agenda and care about you, your kids and your neighbors.

    Stay away from folks who support cutting programs you use or need. Vote against them and their draconian policies. Vote in your best interest, not some corporation or fat cat politician who only cares about their own power and cushy job.

    Vote for real public servants - people who care about you.

  8. Anonymous4:36 PM

    *** Stay away from folks who support cutting programs you use or need. ***

    Spoken like a true non-taxpayer...

  9. Anonymous10:30 PM

    Whatever happened to party planner?

  10. So, what happened?

    Wisconsin slapped Walker upside the head. Put a Democrat in his old job by 60% and then elected Kloppenburg to replace Prosser. (There will be a recount but she won.)


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