Tuesday, April 05, 2011

DC Douglas kindly creates a video to promote the Sarah Palin/Michele Bachmann Ticket. You know "kindly" may not be the exact right word for it.

This video is AWESOME!

Did you see the end?

Palin/Bachmann 2012.  Because America needs a good laugh.


  1. Hahaha! Bachmann the female Ann Coulter. That was some funny, funny shit.

  2. Anonymous3:33 PM

    Now that is what I call clever, satirical humor. Just brilliant! I'll bet the bots are confused as hell. They think that this is 'honoring' their Queen. Ha!

  3. Lynne3:40 PM

    That is just too funny! Thanks, Gryphen.

  4. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Funny vid... but waaay tooo
    looong for any regressive to watch!

  5. Anonymous4:03 PM

    You can't imagine how many people commenting on various blogs today were taking the seriously and smacking down DC Douglas! Somehow a lot of those with PDS have lost their "snark bone". Guess they don't read enough Wonkette or Immoral...

  6. That was a masterpiece. It must go viral.

  7. Anonymous4:03 PM

    We are becoming the laughing stock of the rest of the political world. Check out this link to see what the UK thinks of the two intellectually vacant twins.


  8. mark In Everett WA4:08 PM

    Brilliance! Thank you so much, Gryphen and DC Douglas & Co.!

  9. Anonymous4:10 PM

    Enough! It is not fair to tie in Michele Bachmann with the palins.

    Say what you will. Sling the mud. But...

    Bristol's ankles will always and forever be fatter than Michele's ankles!

    Deal with it!

  10. ManxMamma4:10 PM


  11. Anonymous4:21 PM

    question: wasn't the story during fall 07 that levi AND bristol had chosen to be home schooled?

    Why are there hockey stats for Levi during that time (through Feb)? when did he begin working on the slope?


  12. Anonymous4:42 PM


  13. Anonymous4:51 PM

    SO awesome!

  14. Anonymous4:53 PM

    OT interesting tidbit: http://www.jsonline.com/news/statepolitics/119283094.html

    Madison — Gov. Scott Walker abruptly reversed course today and demoted the son of a large campaign contributor to his former job with the state Department of Regulation and Licensing.

    The move comes one day after the Journal Sentinel reported that Brian Deschane, 27, had landed an $81,500-a-year job in Walker's administration overseeing environmental and regulatory matters and dozens of employees at the Department of Commerce. The promotion amounted to a raise of 26%.

    The younger Deschane has no college degree, little management experience and two drunken driving convictions.

  15. wakeUpAmerica5:15 PM

    Palin, Bachmann Overdrive. I can hear the music now, except it sounds a lot like whining and screeching.

  16. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Very funny! If Bachmann is the female Ann Coulter, what is Palin? Nightmarish images come to mind... something from 'Tales from the Darkside' perhaps.

  17. Anonymous5:30 PM

    Is it possible to post the written lyrics? Had a hard time understanding some of the words as they were drowned out by the music.

  18. Anonymous5:35 PM

    O/T - Has anyone read the new NE article about Todd's love child? WHO had his baby? Does Sarah know? Thanks in advance for your help.

  19. Anonymous5:45 PM

    to anon. at 4:21 - In most States, home schooled children ARE allowed to participate in sports at the local public schools.

  20. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:48 PM

    I'm jealous of all the very detailed and beautiful art! :-) You have to watch it a few times to catch it all. Brilliant and very funny. Most PeeBlots have the attention span for less than a minute of satire like this, which is why they they probably think the Founding Fathers are singing the praises of Saint Noodnick of the North and her batshit crazy handmaiden.

    Thanks, Gryphen!

  21. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Hey I know you dont really cover Canadian politics but this article is worth reading.

    It talks about current prime minister doing background checks via Facebook on people coming to his election rally. Sounds very Sarah Palinish

  22. Anonymous6:49 PM

    A List of Sarah Palin’s Feuds

    Palin has monetized micro-blog bomb-throwing. She attacks people via her one-way Internet communication -- the "lamestream" media reports it and she stays topical. It's catnip. It's a Real Housewives level of guilty pleasure voyeurism. She's tapped into our love of shamelessness. The more we reward her with attention, the more she keeps giving ... and giving.

    To quantify this point, I've assembled a list of her media feuds since she was tapped to be veep. Call it a supplemental: A hyperlink to her hyper-sensitivity.

    The list is made up of people and groups she has personally, by name, gone after in the press. Left out are people who criticize her and she ignores, like Meghan McCain. Those are rare. Also excluded are people who've only been harassed on her behalf, but not actually by her, like California State Senator Leland Yee. Plus, no dead people who can't defend themselves. Sorry, Shakespeare. What's left are people who have participated in a back and forth with Sarah Palin.

    Some have observed the flames died down in the wake of Gabriele Giffords's attempted assassination; the national tragedy Palin strangely made about herself.

    According to the (crowd sourced and obviously unscientific) list, even with a slow January her overall numbers are steady.



  23. Anonymous2:53 AM

    the really funny thing is my husband has a bumpersticker he bought in 2009. At the time I suggested he not put on the car, as people would think he was obsessed.
    The bumpersticker:
    "Palin/Bachmann 2012
    Bat-shit crazy with an order of fries"
    I think it's going on the car today. I'm pretty sure he bought it at either evolvefish or Cafe Press, if anybody else wants one.

  24. Anonymous4:35 AM

    Wow, that was brilliant. I which I was that creative; however, not to take anything from the producer, they did have a lot to work with. They probably had a hard time deciding what to leave in a take out. I am sure the video could have been twice as long with material left over.

  25. Anne In DC11:45 AM

    I am going to watch this when I get home. Then I can laugh freely at the sideshow that anything concerning Moron Michele and Simple Sarah invariably provides for the rest of us, either separately or together.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.