Saturday, April 16, 2011

Conservative Homophobes: Stop calling gay people "gay!" Apparently they LIKE it!

"He who defines the terms, controls the debate, and by extension public opinion."  That is something that ALL of us should know about how the conservatives think about the issues.

The evidence, or reality, are unimportant.  It is how they can use language to shape the perspective of people who are unwilling to do any research of their own.  Those people are waiting to have the information shoveled into their brains in the most easily digestible form imaginable, and it is even MORE palatable if it reflects their own fears, prejudices, and inherent racism.

Imagine how much harder it would be for the gay community if their cause was referred to as the "Sodomite Agenda?"  Or the "Rainbow Sexual Deviants Coalition?"

They are right now working to change the "Democratic Party" into the "Democrat Party," just like they changed the "Estate Tax" into the "Death Tax," and refer to "Pro-Choice" as "Pro-Abortion."

Words have power, and it behooves all of us to pay close attention to that and to resist the urge to allow the conservatives to choose the language of our debates.

(H/T to Alternet.)


  1. Anonymous7:00 AM

    Yes, and when Presidential candidates refer to the Democratic Party as the Democrat Party they should automatically be dismissed for the illiterate louts that they are. George Bush used to refer to the Democratic Party this way over and over again, the guffawing buffoon.

    Additionally, we should not let them get away with calling Paul Ryan's plan a "budget" plan. It's a repeal of Medicare, period.

  2. majii7:06 AM

    Why are these people so concerned about what others do? It doesn't make sense to me since no one is trying to force their lifestyle onto them! IMO, this is more fear mongering and authoritarianism parading as a part of "c"hristian identity. I haven't read anywhere in the New Testament where Jesus told Christians to force Christianity or Christian values onto anyone, but I have read that only God is able to judge. These people's minds are seriously screwed up.

  3. Anonymous7:22 AM

    The funniest part is that a room full of seniors is what they call "young conservatives" lol! These "young conservatives are all old enough to be collecting Socila security...I wonder how many hover rounds are parked outside of that meeting room. It's getting tough to be an old racist bigot these days I guess.

  4. Olivia7:50 AM

    100 years of research by whom? Biblical scholars? Bullshit!
    These assholes have always used slurs when referring to gay people so what's new?

  5. Anonymous7:59 AM

    This is SOOO important. I've emailed Rachel THREE times to stop saying "pro-life." We are ALL pro-life; Some of us are ALSO pro-choice.
    ALSO as the "Democrat Party." At FIRST the Teabaggers CALLED themselves teabaggers until they were made fun of in their ignorance, then they changed it. Progressives went dutifully along and dropped the Teabagger name. Language DEFINITELY frames the debate, and we are CONSTANTLY conceding to them. Soon we'll be calling ourselves the Democrat Party. Just as we dropped "Liberal" when they derided it. We need to be MEANER. Or at LEAST stop being so passive.

    Really, really they're vicious and
    manipulative and WE are enabling.

  6. Anonymous8:07 AM

    One of the comments in the YouTube thread is exactly where it's at:

    Yes we should stop using the word conservative, because the term is a complete lie. What do they conserve? The rivers? the oceans?the forests? clean water? the wet lands? The air?The arts? Music in schools? National Parks?

    Do they preserve educational programs?Do they conserve or preserve the rights of others? Hell no they are only interested in two things protecting their fortunes and not paying their fare share of taxes, and depriving others of their rights to life and freedom

    Yep. Just about it.

  7. Anonymous8:09 AM

    How much would you care to bet that this jackass was part of the 8% that experimented with same-sex intercourse, and liked it. But he feels guilty and conflicted because of what he thinks is in some dusty old book.

    1. WTF? "Anonymous", you are totally batshit insane. Thank you for letting us know, so that we can avoid you. Have a "blessed" day! :)

  8. I like how the guy next to him is doing an impression of a car rear window bobble head, through this rant.

    Anyone THAT much in agreement with another man, must be having GAY THOUGHTS! (Being why he is leaning AWAY from him, the whole keep from spontaneously hugging and kissing him.)

    Any time you hear a "George Patton" sounding speech coming from someone disguising their paranoia and racism for "christian" concern, you can tell there is something seriously wrong with what is being said.

    Some church folk may picture Jesus on the Mount, wearing jodhpurs and wielding a stick, as He spoke of the weak inheriting the earth...but that is so wrong, on so many levels.

  9. Anonymous8:19 AM

    We should change GOP to Gay Old Pedophiles. Or Gay Old Pharts.

  10. laprofesora8:32 AM

    So his premise is, don't allow a group to determine how they want to be identified, but you can go ahead and call them "sodomites", or whatever YOU are comfortable with. Okay, let's go with that. So instead of calling them "conservatives" or "patriots" or even "Republicans", I'm going to refer to this group as "idiots", "morons" or "brain dead inbred hypocritical assholes". Yeah, I'm comfortable with that.

  11. The comments posted on YouTube for this video are insightful. The ones with the most "thumbs-up" make good points about what Jesus would do, as well as some speculation about the speaker's own possible repressed feelings.

    Thanks for posting this.

  12. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Words, names and simple images have extraordinary power over people who refuse/cannot/are too lazy to think critically.

    Comments like ¨My friend saw Sarah and Bristol praying in the dwts parking lot¨ are an attempt to neutralize an entire thread of truth. How can an image so heart-warming and good and pure possibly be bad? Of course it is not bad. It is also a lie, but it provides instant comfort and validates sarah´s myth.

    ¨My friend saw Sarah and Bristol pretending to pray in the dwts parking lot and saw Sarah giving Bristol some ¨pep¨ pills¨ is a lie. It is also ugly but more likely to be believed than a page of facts.

  13. Anonymous8:52 AM

    Republican Party = Coporate Christian Party of Biggoted Bedroom Spies

  14. FloridaDem10:24 AM

    It’s funny actually, and strangely comforting, to see this pathetic group of religious conservatives wringing their hands over what to do about the Gays. Here is this young guy at the table, obviously not a leader himself but a freshly washed graduate of the school of Ralph Reed, using recycled Rovian strategies to lecture an audience of gray people. These are the brave troops who will be sent out to destroy gay rights? It reminds me of the Japanese at the end of WWII, lining up the Kamikaze pilots and telling them to go win the war, when they know it’s a last ditch effort before defeat. Or Hitler, smiling at 14 year old nazi soldiers and telling them the Reich depends on their bravery.

    Did you see the young woman at the table take a big swig of her water when he gets to the part about how people ARE their body and should be used as designed? Because some tiny part of her bible-thumping mind knows that for her gender, that translates into a woman being a receptor for a man’s outer organ, and her job is to stay in the marriage and be that receptor (and reproducer) for the next 60 years, no matter what. Forget about love, just close your eyes and think of God.

    And as far as the renaming thing, good luck with that. If you call us sodomites everyone will laugh in your face. Frankly, the word "gay" has enough of a stigma. If you want to insult something, you call him gay or a homo, not "same sex attraction person." It just doesn't have the same ring to it, you know?

  15. Rick Hill10:29 AM

    Abortion rights are anti government intrusion health policies.

  16. Anonymous10:46 AM

    Regressive Party

  17. wakeUpAmerica11:28 AM

    So if gays are "sodomists," are heterosexuals "vaginists?" Obviously, it is all from a male perspective, but I guess there could be "penists" as well. Maybe a neighborhood of heterosexuals would be a penal colony. Just wondering. I want to be politically correct.

  18. Ryan's "budget" plan is not just destroying Medicare. It is another scheme to move money from the have-nots to the haves. The reason the budget isn't balanced even with the draconian cuts: there are MORE tax cuts for the rich and corporations to be paid for. I think we need to start reminding everyone (over and over and over) that Bill Clinton's budget had SURPLUSES without cutting all the social services these Republicans think are so necessary. Cut out two wars and a bunch of the DOD, adjust the taxes for the upper incomes to their fair share and Voila!! no huge deficits.

  19. wakeUpAmerica11:29 AM

    @7:59 nailed it.

  20. Anonymous12:07 PM

    There is truth to the statement that "whoever defines the terms controls the debate and thus public opinion." So from now on I'm going to refer to these folks as the "Anti-Human Rights Party." Because that's what really they are. They seek every possible occasion to deny someone a basic human right, whether it be a person's right to "own" their own sexuality, a woman's right to have control over her own body, or a worker's right to bargain for fair wages and working conditions.

  21. Anonymous1:26 PM

    If they insist on calling it the Democrat party, how about we call them the Repubes?

  22. FloridaDem2:51 PM

    12:07, yes of course there is truth to that statement and the repubs have been doing it for decades. It's very effective. For some reason, the Democratic Party has never competed. And I think they've paid for it. It was all over after Dukakis. Once they discredited the word liberal, it was easy, all they had to do then was call every opposing candidate a liberal and it was like calling him a horse thief.

    The abortion rights advocates had the right idea when they renamed themselves pro-choice. But they didn't fight back when the other side stole pro-life, they should never have let the MSM run with that, because WE are also pro life. At that point our argument should have been re-framed into what it truly was about anyway, the health and life of the mother. WE were about the health and life of the mother, and the other side felt the mother was expendable, and the fetus was more valuable.

  23. Anonymous3:52 PM

    I like mouth breathing, knuckle dragging neanderthal.

    FloridaDem @1024,
    I think you nailed it.

  24. Randall6:22 PM

    The Republic Party is prideful of their forced-pregnancy stand. They hold an exclusionist view of America and believe in several specific parts of the Constitution.

    The Republic Party likes them some: dead-parent lottery.
    ...rules-free banking.
    ...regulation-free industry.
    ...tort-restrictions on settlements to poor people.

    While the Democratic Party believes people have a legal and just claim to Social Security because they've paid for it their entire lives.
    And Medicare because payment has been taken out of their checks their entire lives.
    And unemployment that the payment for is considered part of their fair compensation; their benefit package.

    Social Security and Medicare are not entitlement programs.
    They're investments.
    Unemployment insurance is paid for by the employer in lieu of higher wages THAT'S THE DEAL.

    INHERITANCE on the other hand, is an entitlement. The recipient didn't earn it and it should be taxed the same as if the recipient hit the lottery.

    "Legacy" enrollments to Universities are entitlements - not earned. Talk about "affirmative action" programs... rich kids get into good schools simply because their daddies went there. (And donate lots of money) Cases in point: John McCain, George W. Bush, Neil Bush, Jeb Bush...

    Stock Dividends are "entitlement programs." The recipient did ZERO work. They have enough money to invest, so they think they're "entitled" to tax-free dividends. They do zero work - they produce nothing - to earn them. Dividends should be taxed at least as much as income that is earned through hard work.

    So EVERY time we hear Social Security or Medicare referred to as "entitlement programs" on our TV or read it in our newspapers - we need to write to those organization and correct them.

    EVERY time we hear someone use the term "Democrat Party" we need to call or otherwise contact them and correct them - and tell them to stop being douchebags.


  25. Anonymous7:46 PM

    What a warped individual! I wonder if science found a way to test a fetus for sexual identity vs the actual sex of the fetus, would he suddenly be for abortion in these cases?

    Just wondering out loud.

  26. Anonymous11:54 PM

    Hard to believe she went from the Women of Joy, with this as their mission statement:

    on 4/15 and then continued to spread her biblical truth and integrity in Wisconsin speech the next day.

    Why does no one call her out on this? Will they have her back next year?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.