Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Conservative think tank in Michigan targets University professor's e-mails that mention the word "Maddow." WTF?

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Clearly these conservatives are terrified that people will listen to what Rachel has to say.

Which in my opinion makes listening to her an absolute necessity.


  1. Olivia4:05 AM

    I agree, Rachel is the best! They should be terrified of her, she tells the truth and exposes their idiocy.

  2. Anonymous5:14 AM

    I'd be more concerned about my Governor taking calls from non-constituents and acting on anonymously faxed complaints than troll a professor's emails.

    This is pathetic.

  3. Pathetic and terrifying. Shall we now do a request for e-mails containing Beck or O'Reilly? Disgusting. Freedom of Speech - only if you're a conservative...

  4. Anonymous6:00 AM

    When Ph.D.'s correspond, the rightwing trembles & must shut them down, because the Koch Bros. are anti-education--& educated folks can see through the propaganda. Maddow has a Ph.D. Walker doesn't even have a B.A.

  5. DebinWI6:03 AM

    It's as if they are competing with Palin on the Worst Governor Ever.

  6. Anonymous6:20 AM

    Go Rachel!

    She is the anti-Fox "News"; informed, factual and even when she has people on her show she disagrees with, is always respectful and gives them time and space to answer her questions.

    One of the few news shows that assumes their audience are intelligent adults.

  7. rachel is one of the few professionals i go to for news anymore. she not only has great regular experts and reporters on the show (eugene robinson, i love you!), but she also gets conservatives as well because she is trustworthy. ron paul didn't like the sunshine she directed at his pre-civil rights era-sounding statements, but other conservatives go on because rachel is respectful and not out to one up anyone. others don't go on because she is incredibly intelligent and asks pointed, relevant questions. from the first time i saw rachel during the 2008 presi election coverage, i loved her style and her civility (she sat on panels with pat buchanen!) and most of all her compassion and smarts. no one reports a story as in depth, understandably, and relevantly as rachel does. and she's funny, too.

    now as far as rick scott and his administration is concerned, the people of michigan ought to be demanding their emails. this huge gop overreach gets more arrogant and bizarre and transparent every day. lets hope people are paying attention. here in maine we feel like we have a looong 4 years ahead of us, but are looking forward to getting to the polls again...

  8. Anonymous6:51 AM

    When communists take over a country or an area, the first thing they do is purge the intellectuals.

    This happened in northern Thailand (though the invaded territories were regained) in the seventies, and during the Mao reign in China.

    Fascist governments also purge intellectuals or educated people and try to control the school systems so only the "party" line is allowed.

    That this think tank is backed by the Koch brothers and the Walton family (Walmart) tells you a lot about how close to fascism we are.

    People need to understand that a fascist government is one where right-wingers organize a nation according to corporatist perspectives, values, and systems, including the political system and the economy.

    We are being taken over by corporate interests, and we need to stand up against them now or we will no longer have an America.

    The Tea Party and GOP are combining to destroy America as we've known it and reconfigure it as a fascist nation. Be forewarned. This email "trolling" is one of the first steps.

  9. It was fun to watch Rachel narrow and narrow until the only thing left was that the nutasses were going after only people who watch her show. Hey Sarah, Rachel won't sit down and shut up either, but SHE has a brain!!! Rachel is a strong, educated, articulate, very intelligent woman. Sarah is, well...uh, a woman.

  10. JenniferinVA7:03 AM

    These rightwing assholes only hate government unless they can use the power of it to invade your uterus, your bedroom and now your computer.

    This is unbelievable. The Kochs and the Waltons don't have enough already? These fuckers think their taxes should be lower and their corporations should be able to operate free from regulation? What percentage of the wealth in this country is enough for them?

    They are the worst kind of "patriot" - they think government should be used to stifle the dissent. That government is there to serve THEM. Liberals have the unmitigated gall to think that government should be there for the good of all its citizens.

  11. Anonymous7:09 AM

    I hope Rachel takes it as a compliment, it means she is doing her job exposing the neocons and they are scared shitless of her. Rachel rocks!

  12. Anonymous7:16 AM

    I love Rachel. Have watched her since she started on MSNBC. Very courageous, bright, respectful of her guests - no matter who they may be. What are those fools afraid of that they would follow e-mails with her name?

  13. Molly7:25 AM

    This is actually funny.

    Hysterical, if you think about it.

    Rachel is a lesbian, too, which I'm guessing makes the righties extreeemely nervous.

    Oh, and she's really really really smart, too. College degree and everything, plus she can get the most facts crammed into a minute of anybody I've seen on the tube.

    Search for "Maddow" in emails? Priceless.

    Hey maybe they can search blog posts for Maddow too, in which case:


  14. There are usually a few trolls on any HP story but the Rachel Maddow story brought them out in droves this morning. I think someone beind the con-curtain quickly rallied the troll crew to try to do some damage control. Very lame damage control I might add, most of them are just ad hominen attacks on Rachel or alleging that she was trying to boost her show's ratings.

    So it's now a crime for a college professor to have a political opinion or is it only when they have a liberal opinion for they didn't ask for their emails mentioning the Koch boyz or any of the Faux puppets.

  15. AOh,if I were only a lesbian, and Rachel was unattached...!

  16. Anonymous11:57 AM

    They'd have a hayday with my emails. I send out a lot of her clips. She is brilliant.

  17. Gasman12:50 PM

    If this isn't concrete evidence that conservatives don't hate the Constitution, I don't know what is. This is so fucking Orwellian that it should focus everyone's attention on just how much these assholes want to control our lives. So much for small government. Their version of government looks WAY TOO damn big for me.

  18. Anonymous5:31 PM

    Anonymous @ 6:51 am
    You are absolutely correct. As frightening as this is, what is more terrifying is that most people cannot see incipient fascism for what it is. It will be too late before we know what hit us.

    Uneducated and anti-education people are unable to learn the lessons of history and we have an abundance of those people in this country. If you can keep the people stupid and scared, you own them. See Koch Brothers, Fox "News", Rush, Palin, Bachman, et al and see the number of followers they have.

    Hilary was mocked for her comment several years ago about "a vast right wing conspiracy". I doubt it gives her any satisfaction to see how correct she was.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.