Wednesday, April 06, 2011

Let's start the morning with a very satisfying e-mail.

 I received this just last night.

Hi, Gryphen. I've been a steady reader of your blog since 2008, and may have posted a bit under my id "Crabbypatty" at some point. Just wanted to share a funny moment with you about "America By Heart."

The Borders bookstore by me (I live in a suburb of Minneapolis) is closing down and the entire store - plus all furnishings - has been on sale for the past month or so. I stopped in one Saturday a few weeks ago when the discounts were 30-50%, and the checkout line was about 30-40 people deep. After getting an email that books are now 60-80% off, I decided to stop by this afternoon and see what was left.

The first thing I saw as I walked in ........ a big table FULL of Palin's "America By Heart" marked at 70% off. As I walked around the store, I noticed - while the shelves were generally pretty bare - that Palin's "book" was all over the place! The big table out front, a big quantity in the Politics section, another big batch over in Biography - there were HUNDREDS of them left.

When I got to the cashiers, I mentioned to them it did my heart good to see that Palin's latest piece of crap was still in the store, and apparently NOT selling well. The two clerks - a guy in his early 20's and a woman perhaps 45-50 - laughed and started telling me that they almost couldn't GIVE the books away!

They had tried to trade a few boxes of Palin books with other Borders stores in the area, but the other stores didn't want it. Because they had so many left, they had to display the books all over the store in various sections, and now they were reduced to doing these "Book Grab-Bag" boxes where, for $5, you could buy the box of books - unseen. They said they were putting 4-5 books of "America By Heart" in those grab-boxes - along with an assortment of other books - because it was the only way they could give rid of them.

I walked out of the store with a BIG smile on my face, feeling proud of my fellow Minnesotans that they hadn't lined Palin's pocket with any of their hard-earned money.

As it so happens I also received this e-mail on Monday from another visitor who noticed something odd in HER neighborhood bookstore.

At first I thought it was simple vandalism, but then it occurred to me that it was in fact an ingenious last ditch marketing strategy. After all the Palin-bots DO see the world all upside down and ass-backwards.

You never know, it just might work.


  1. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:18 AM

    Guess the Palin Payout Team didn't buy container loads of the second volume of the 'Bot Bible before it came out. Imagine the recipients of the book grab bags when they open it and find the Grifter's smirking mug--over and over? Save 'em for next winter--you may not need heating oil for awhile! Thanks, Crabbypatty and Gryph, for making my morning! (big evil grin)

  2. ManxMamma2:23 AM

    I love this!

  3. FloridaDem2:42 AM

    In my grocery store, they drew curly mustaches on the cover.

  4. Anonymous3:15 AM

    But - but - isn't she a "best selling author"?? Poor Uncle Rupert invested a whole hell of a lot of money in a sinking ship. Bristol's publisher should see this, and read the story also, too. Well, at least the Palins get their money, so humiation is nothing new to them it just rolls off their backs. Too bad this is not front page news everywhere.

  5. Anonymous3:21 AM

    Ha hahhaaaaa!!

  6. Olivia3:22 AM

    Thanks to Crabbypatty for the heads up! I was almost tempted to pick up a couple of those grab bag boxes(I live in the same area). I don't want to waste a $5 bill or two on even one of those stupid waste of resources.

  7. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Oh- Now I have a Big Smile too! No one wants to read SP's book, much less have her face in their house!!

  8. Anonymous3:32 AM

    Love it!

  9. Gryphen ~ LOVE your blog! This is my first time posting here. Same thing happened at my local library. They had a display of biographies of prominent women on display in the front. When I saw "America by Heart" and another book about her I wanted to gag and roll my eyes like a teenager. Well, I went in 2 weeks later - the books were in EXACTLY the same place - no one, clearly, had any desire to look at them or even touch them. I still hated to have to see them in a library I love but VERY happy that most people are so sick of her at this point that they want her to just go back to her hole and stay there...

    Thanks so much for the blog!

  10. HA-ha! Now if we can just get the "author" into the discount bin of life.

  11. Anonymous4:27 AM

    Love it!! I bet that Bristol's book coming out in June does just as poorly. I wonder if she plans to go on tour of the Costco stores, too. Will her signings be in the baby aisle or near the condoms? Or maybe right next to the discount books bin.

  12. Anonymous4:38 AM

    I have brown eyes, so I've nothing against this pretty eye color. . .but Sarah's ultra-white effort to gray her eyes on the cover for this super patriotic ode to R'il Mericans didn't work?

    Her brown eyes are that color not because of biology, but for all the shit she is filled to the brim with.

  13. Anonymous4:55 AM

    The only pity in this is all the trees they killed to print this crap.Palin is a damn fool,she could have used her celebrity for doing some good in this world instead she has people hating her.

  14. Anonymous5:14 AM

    ok i really should go offer borders a buck for one and use it to futher research what a retardant she is for this country.

  15. Anonymous5:17 AM

    Anonymous said...
    The only pity in this is all the trees they killed to print this crap.Palin is a damn fool,she could have used her celebrity for doing some good in this world instead she has people hating her.

    4:55 AM

    True dat! (about the trees).

  16. Anonymous5:32 AM

    I can't believe that they have "West with the Night" on the same shelf as that turd pile of a book.

  17. angela5:34 AM

    A few of my friends and I went on a bookstore raid when Palin's second piece of crap was released. We re-shelved her books among the self-help, fantasy and horror books. Chose not put her in travel--because she hadn't. Kept her away from the children's books because she's a bad example for them. Most of the books were put in the psychology section . . . . of course.

  18. Anonymous5:40 AM

    The same thing happened at my Borders. I was there on Saturday and the store is about 70-80% empty at this point but they still have many many copies of Palin's book left. They were displayed in at least 4 places throughout the store, and considering the majority of the store is empty at this point, that basically means it was displayed wherever they still had a table or shelf with books on it.

  19. Anonymous5:50 AM

    "America By Heart"
    Should be showing up a the 99 cents store soon.

  20. padoreva5:52 AM

    I'm eager for the day when her "political career" is remaindered just like her books.

  21. Chenagrrl5:54 AM

    Excellent. On a trip to a Costco out east, I found many stacks.

    Can you say, "Garden mulch!"

    The first book was understandable. Most pols do it. The second was an embarrassing overreach.

  22. Anonymous5:54 AM

    The Dollar Store in my neighborhood has a sad little stack of unknown literary schlock - usually religious in nature, no-name biographies and whatnot.

    There was this book called Sarah Palin, A New Kind of Leadership. Even a dollar was too much to ask for the pathetic measure of leadership the WGE offers. She can't even lead her household, can't handle a job she's appointed or elected to and can't form a sentence or write a paragraph without exposing how useless she is.

    You can sell instant gratification to low hanging fruit. And as long as you project all your hopes, dreams and fantasy on a celluloid figure, they can be anything you want them to be, including leadership material. That has been Sarah's gift in all her '20' years of public service.

  23. Anonymous5:59 AM

    This explains why both her books were available at my local Dollar Store for ...wait for it....a dollar!

    Even for a buck, they had quite a few of them left. This was in the Midwest a.k.a. "rill 'merica" just this past weekend.

    Stick a fork in her Gracie, she's done.

  24. Anonymous6:11 AM

    Do booksellers such as Borders purchase the books they sell? It appears so as returning the books to the publisher isn't mentioned as an option.

    It appears they own the books as their only recourse is to hide them in boxes in an attempt to give them away. Says a LOT about Palin's book, huh?

    Perhaps Sarah Palin is what killed Borders.

    If only Borders could sue the MSM for their actions to pump up Sarah Palin as a ragingly popular figure, when in reality, America just isn't that into her.

  25. Anonymous6:12 AM

    When it comes to the day that they decide to throw Lou Sarah's books into the trash, they should pass them out to homeless so that they could use them for toilet paper. There's a chance they might be able to write them off?

  26. Same exact thing at my Borders on Monday. I took a photo but it didn't save on my phone. The entire store was pretty much wiped out with small sections for each genre. In every section were several of the Palin books. Then upstairs was an entire table display filled with them. Must have been 75 or more Palin books. The general price for everything was 80% off. I don't think they could have given them away if they tried with every purchase. People here in WA state would have said "No thank you" or just laughed and walked away. My 11 year old son thought it was hilarious. I had to laugh as well.

  27. Anonymous6:22 AM

    I doubt Satah Palin will come out with another book.

    No reputable book store would buy her books or want to get stuck with that garbage on their shelves. You can't even give that shit away.

  28. Anonymous6:23 AM

    Sarah Palin, bad for business.

  29. Anonymous6:27 AM

    Saw pretty much the same thing at the Anchorage, Alaska, location. In a nearly-empty store, I counted over 30 copies of this screed on one shelf. Snapped a few pictures with my cell phone, just for laughs.

  30. Anonymous6:28 AM


  31. Anonymous6:34 AM

    In general, bookstores pay publishers only when books sell. It's a really screwy system. However, many publishers stopped extending credit to Borders last year, when it was clear that the company was in trouble, so these may have been paid for.

  32. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Bhahaha! The Kroger grocery store near my house has a aisle for magazines and books and I have turned "America by Heart" upside down at every opportunity.

    They have finally removed that book from their line-up.. so nice to not see her smug, fake face.

    Of course, she and her family will continue to make regular appearances in the National Enquirer, where she belongs.

  33. Anne In DC6:44 AM

    This is just too funny!! It tells me that Palin's slide toward eventual irrelevance is irreversible. Lately, she has tried to slow down that process by weighing in against Planned Parenthood or endorsing Judge Prosser in Wisconsin. The expiration date of her political run has already passed, in spite of her efforts to remain relevant.

  34. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Next stop, the dumpster, although hopefully they can recycle the paper, instead. Or use them for a good old-fashioned book burning. Shred it for cat litter?

    I still can't believe that someone wanted to publish Bristol's story after this bomb. Either I'm missing something or there are some bad investments being made.

  35. Anonymous6:46 AM

    This book bombed, Sarah also didn't buy shitloads of them like she did with her first book.

    Bristol's ghostwritten book will bomb even worse, she will be even more of a laughing stock than Sarah.

  36. Anonymous6:47 AM

    There's enough of that crap on the bookstore shelves maybe somebody could collect them and use Sarah's books for bricks and build a house for the homeless, maybe even build an apartment complex.

  37. Anonymous6:51 AM

    She can't make book!!!!!

  38. Olivia6:53 AM

    @Anonymous 6:03
    It is only one section of Minnesota who needs to take care of batshit crazy Bachmann. The rest of us would love to help but voting out of your district is frowned upon.

  39. Anonymous7:01 AM

    If they want, they can give them to me. I will shred them and use them as mulch for my lawn areas, but not my garden as would not want anything of Palin's to be digested by my family...

  40. The picture gave me my first laugh of the day! Good start.

  41. Anonymous7:13 AM

    At my local Wal-Mart America by Heart was down to $5.95.

  42. Well if I was from Minnesota I wouldn't be that proud - Bachmann / Pawlenty.

  43. Anyone who is already weary of the platitudes and drivel of America by Heart can read Paradigm Shift to shake the cobwebs of stupid word salad out of his or her brain. Preceding by four months Geoffrey Dunn's biography of Sarah, The Palin Matrix covers America's economic history and Babygate in a detailed manner that might surprise you. Thank you for your support.

  44. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Haven't every touched the book to see what the actual cover looks like - I'm assuming it's simply some plain color. She could be a true building block of America if the books were donated to local early education centers where NON-READING kids could stack them, count them, practice cutting and pasting with them, build forts or roads/paths with them. The possibilities are actual endless as play materials !

  45. Those who are already weary of the platitudes and drivel of word salad in America by Heart can clear the cobwebs from their synapses by reading PARADIGM SHIFT, available four months prior to Geoffrey Dunn's biography of Palin. The Palin Matrix covers details of America's economic history and The Great Babygate Hoax that has led our nation into madness.

  46. Anonymous7:56 AM

    I've got a pic on my phone from our local grocery store - a huge display of that book, with the sign above it " America: BS By Heart". Somehow I doubt that it was a typo. Makes me laugh every time I see it.

  47. Anonymous7:58 AM

    A disgraceful waste of trees.

  48. Anonymous9:38 AM

    The Palin family has fallen to the gossip pages of National Enquirer....nice presidential material you 'aren't' sister Sarah!

    What a joke Sarah, Toad and family have become and they did it all to themselves by trying to be folks and a family they have proven not to be!

  49. the photo reminds me of scenes from The Exorcist. luckily sarah is not spew2ing green puke... at least not literally, only verbally. i wouldn't doubt that the same supernatural forces that have kept her around this log also spun her around on the shelves. is there anything in the book of revelations about this?
    speaking about book of revelations, i can't wait for dunn's and mcguinness' gifts to the world, coming soon to a bookstore near everyone....

  50. Anonymous11:28 AM

    It is bewildering, people who don't read, writing books. ???!

    I'm going to protest by visiting an Anchorage bookstore, and setting those worthless bricks side-ways and cock-eyed, also too. Anything but upright.

    Thanks for keeping us informed, Gryph.

  51. Anonymous11:35 AM

    There are lots of cultures that have many useful ways to use dung. Probably all of them could be used to ensure the books aren't complete wastes.

  52. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I noticed the same thing at the Borders store closing in Oklahoma City recently. The shelves were nearly picked clean except for stacks and stacks of Palin's book scattered all throughout the store. My daughters and I laughed our heads off. If she can't sell her tripe in Oklahoma, there's not much hope for selling it anywhere.

  53. Anonymous2:06 PM

    It will never cease to amaze me how this ass clown got a book deal, fucking dolt that she is.

  54. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Have you forwarded this post to K.O.?
    Has anyone sent a pic of all those piles of unwanted books to SP's facebook page?
    M. from MD

  55. Anonymous3:30 PM

    LMAO! I flip her books too whenever I see them at Wal mart or Publix. Or bury them behind other authors.

    Then I go scrub and disinfect my hands. ;)

  56. SusieQ4:08 PM

    Almost the same with the Borders closing in our neighborhood except it was Glen Beck's books still sitting there on the shelves. Didn't pay attention if there were any Palin books as I have learned to ignore anything with her face on it--except for this blog.

  57. Anonymous4:27 PM

    It's almost worth it just to get the Beryl Markham bio.

  58. Anonymous4:49 PM

    I've made it a habit a flipping a few of $Palin's when I was at TitleWave. I was actually surprised they carried it.

    She can't name a newspaper she's read but she can "write" a book. Why don't the bots see the irony.

  59. Anonymous6:23 PM

    nationwide book burning of palin books, ya think

  60. Anonymous6:46 PM

    Just imagine all those Palin books the stores are trying to get rid of. The publisher must have pallets of that shit.

  61. onething7:30 PM

    If anyone wants to send me a box of her books, I'll put them to good use, now that spring is here. We love to have bonfires and cook outside over a natural fire.

  62. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Excellent e-mail, Crabbypatty!!!

  63. Anonymous8:45 PM

    Too bad all her unsold books couldn't be shipped back to Sarah Palin's house...wouldn't that be funny to see truck loads of her book dumped on her property.

  64. Anonymous1:49 AM

    I think the fact that she was exclusive to borders stores, the Palin team would have forced the stores to PURCHASE X amount of books regardless of need for such a huge quantity. This would explain the overage of Palin books at these stores despite large turnouts to sign her books.

    Bristol's book? Straight to the fiction section and dollar bin.

  65. Anonymous5:39 AM

    OMG! I was at that very store (Richfield, MN?) with my son and he dragged me away from the mysteries to show me a 'heartwarming' scene--an entire wall of remaindered Palin books with not one person even looking at them! Made our night, for sure.

  66. Same scene at the Yorba Linda, CA Borders store.
    Final days, 70-80% off, and a table FULL of this crap.
    Remember, YL is the birthplace of Nixon, home to the Nixon Library, AND a ReThugLican strong hold that has sent a (R) Congressman to DC forever!
    Looks like she's finally toast!


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