Tuesday, April 05, 2011

Florida Democrat suggest that perhaps his wife should "incorporate her uterus" to keep Republicans from regulating it. Idea goes viral.

From the Miami Herald:

During last week's discussion about a bill that would prohibit governments from deducting union dues from a worker's paycheck, state Rep. Scott Randolph, D-Orlando, used his time during floor debate to argue that Republicans are against regulations -- except when it comes to the little guys, or serves their specific interests.

At one point Randolph suggested that his wife "incorporate her uterus" to stop Republicans from pushing measures that would restrict abortions. Republicans, after all, wouldn't want to further regulate a Florida business.

Apparently the GOP leadership of the House didn't like the one-liner.

They told Democrats that Randolph is not to discuss body parts on the House floor.

"The point was that Republicans are always talking about deregulation and big government," Randolph said Thursday. "And I always say their philosophy is small government for the big guy and big government for the little guy. And so, if my wife's uterus was incorporated or my friend's bedroom was incorporated, maybe they (Republicans) would be talking about deregulating.

"It's not like I used slang," said Randolph, who actually got the line from his wife. He said Republicans voiced concern about young pages hearing the word uterus.

"I think it's a sad commentary about what we think about sex education in the state," he said.

Let me get this straight. The Florida Republicans have no problem telling women what they can, and cannot do with their own reproductive organs, but they get their panties in a twist at the word "uterus?"

That's what I thought, the GOP really ARE intimidated by women's control over their sexuality and power to create life.  That explains a lot.

By the way Rep. Randolph's offhand comment inspired the local ACLU to launch an Incorporate my Uterus website:

Coast to coast, conservatives get elected by promising smaller government and less business regulation but as soon as they get elected, they rush to put big government regulations on the personal freedom and privacy of your body.

It’s a clear double standard. To them, there are too many regulations on pharmacies and fruit stands but not nearly enough government rules about your uterus.

Since they seem to agree that government has no business in business, it’s time to make your uterus into a business.

Maybe then your uterus can get the same treatment corporations get – fewer rules, fewer government searches and more personal freedoms.

Even though it won’t be a legal corporation, it’s no joke. Incorporate your uterus now to send them a clear message to keep their big government restrictions off your body and give you the same respect they give to every business.

Okay I am going to fight the urge to make the obvious pun here, but I am going to say that I LOVE this idea!


  1. Anonymous7:23 PM

    OT: Found this on Think Progress.

    The Hillbillies from Wasilla are bunch of crooks!!!

    Bristol Palin’s Nonprofit Paid Her Seven Times What It Spent On Actual Teen Pregnancy Prevention


  2. Anonymous7:28 PM

    Absolutely brilliant.

  3. Enjay in E MT7:29 PM

    I love it!

    Especially like the Republicans getting "sqirmish" about the word uterus.

  4. Anonymous7:39 PM

    Love it! I'm going to incorporate my daughter's too, just in case ;)

  5. Ex Cat7:41 PM

    Years ago ,while playing scrabble with my mom who was a catholic. (misguided of course) my letters produced labia. Although I was a little hesitant to use it, I did and it was no problem. My mom was a RN for 30 yrs or so and had a common sense strain. Unlike a lot of the jokers we are exposing on this page.

  6. Anonymous7:50 PM

    WTF? The young pages? Are they serious? Last I checked you had to be a certain age to work legally. Even if that is 16, by then a kid knows where babies come from, so this feigned outrage of discussing 'body parts' is just that, fraudulent. The old 'protect the children' malarky just won't fly here. And using the clinical term 'uterus' is completely appropriate for any person in any company. Fools.

  7. Anonymous7:55 PM

    I am thankful that I am past childbearing age, but my grand daughter is going to have to fight the battles of the 50's all over again. The GOP should be ashamed and should crawl back under their rocks until they evolve enough to think.

  8. Anonymous8:07 PM

    It's just getting too ridiculous for words now. The dialogue is retreating back to it's most basic elements and no one side can actually win this battle of "stupidity". All of the adults seem to have left the room. Until my politicians grow up, both R and D, I'm not going to vote for a single one of them. I'm stepping away from the voting booth until things simmer down.

  9. Anonymous8:35 PM

    Inside the Conservative Self-Pity That Feeds Belief in Sarah Palin 2012

    ...Palin’s epic failure in 2008 had nothing to do with her lack of knowledge or the fact that she used sex to get where she was, in sort of a Porn Star Fundy Barbie way that far right Christians find so appealing these days. If it’s not masturbating for phone videos beauty queen Carrie Prejean talking about how Christ only loves the beautiful who self-love but hates the gays, it’s Sarah Palin talkin’ about family and how women can do it all while she sells a version of Christianity that demands submission for women.

    Submission is good for you, not so good for her. After all, she can’t sell you submission if she is being submissive. Yes, it’s not her fault you don’t love her. It’s the lefty media’s fault. Well, the Palin fans are holdin’ on their seats, because after E! airs their documentary on Palin, new women will be recruited to vote for her.


  10. Anonymous8:44 PM

    When will people have to go to court to get the same treatment as corporations?

  11. Anne In DC8:49 PM

    This is a weird combination of prurience and prudishness. The prurience is what prompts these voyeuristic idiots to concern themselves with what goes on in people's bedrooms and the prudishness is what prompts them to object to terms like uterus which accurately name body parts. They are a bunch of filthy-minded, emotionally arrested cretins.

  12. Anonymous8:53 PM

    Anticipating corporate law to have a new "trickle down" provision.

  13. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Holy crap. Quick stop teaching those kindergartners in Catholic School the "Hail Mary -
    "Blessed art thou and the fruit of they WOMB, Jesus."

    Last time I checked, a womb was defined as a uterus, you know icky ladyparts.

  14. Anonymous10:02 PM

    'Republican' is just another way to say F*cking Hypocrite.

  15. Anonymous10:08 PM

    If I still had a uterus I would immediately file the papers.

  16. Heh… anon@9:50. In Italy, they can't bring themselves to say that, so they changed it to "seno", which means "bosom"!!

    The original Latin prayer uses the word "ventris" which is more like belly or stomach, which is still being delicate. The Latin for uterus is, unsurprisingly, "uterus".

  17. Anonymous1:51 AM

    Funny how the freaks are not concerned about abortion as long as the POTUS is a repug. Any thing goes then. Good for the Fl. Democrat, and his wife.

  18. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:26 AM

    I'm past my childbearing era, and my husband and I chose not to have children. However, if I was still in the reproductive cycle, I would definitely consider doing this, even as a symbolic gesture. Don't mess with my "business," if you catch my drift. Brilliant!

  19. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn2:40 AM

    Anon @ 8:35pm --

    I think only a small faction of Amurikans will swoon over the fairytale version of Sistah Screech's exalted life (chorus of angel voices, please). The rest of us who'll watch for shits and giggles will be throwing food at the screen.

  20. FloridaDem2:40 AM

    So the Pages are old enough to service republicans and suck the dicks of old men, but not old enough to hear the word uterus?

    I think the idea that the Florida Dem has is fantastic. And speaking of Florida Democrats, can we get a shout-out for my girl Debbie Wasserman-Schultz who was just selected as chairwomen of the DNC?

    The trolls on the chat boards were as usual falling all over themselves to attack a democratic woman for her looks, calling her a lying pig, that she has kinky hair, etc. These baggers have no problem attacking women and yet they want their snow queen left alone.

  21. My mother ship is gone. Can I incorporate my ghost uterus?

  22. Anonymous5:05 AM

    I'll be incorporating my uterus today!

  23. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Do these Republican idiots refer to their private parts with those wacko baby words prudish parents used to use: "wee wee" and "tee tee"? Can we say "womb," or is that naughty too?

    What a great idea though? If I still had my "unmentionable," I'd file the incorporation paperwork this afternoon.

  24. i might just incorporate my and my three sisters' uteri (sp?), and throw in my niece's to boot. it could be a family business. okay, i think that might be a little too much and i am definitely setting myself up for some puns here. safety in numbers though? we could call it "wombs 'r' us". sounds amurikan!
    seriously, though, the fl gop just didn't like it that the democrat got in a one liner that showed that none of those page-obsessed, corporate whoring bastards (please excuse my language, i get really annoyed at any misogyny, and the gop excels at it, even the women)wears any clothes. (ehhhh, trying to keep from visualizing this!)

  25. The incorporate my uterus website isn't working...could that mean it's overwhelmed with traffic?

    I think so.

  26. Incorporated.

    "Ignia's Firepit"

    Government Regulation should ONLY be done to protect Employees (me) and Consumers (my husband).

    Products are not regulated.

  27. Done.

    "Men You Pause or else, LLC".

    In my comments I said many things, including that I wasn't afraid to say the word testicle.

  28. I finally decided to incorporated the old love-muffin-baby-carriage. Chimney Sweep, Inc. is now open for business...Any takers? Stocks are incredibly low right now and we plan on going public, trading on the NASDAQ, by the end of the year....


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.