Saturday, April 09, 2011

Governor Parnell's controversial Judicial Council nominee decides to cut his losses.

From Alaska Dispatch:

A controversial nominee for the Alaska Judicial Council has withdrawn his name, one day before he was scheduled to be confirmed by the Legislature.

Don Haase, an electrical designer from Valdez, had raised concerns among legislators because of his staunchly conservative views and ties to a political website with right-wing leanings.

The Senate Judiciary Committee declined to support his nomination by Gov. Sean Parnell after he told the committee that he believed extramarital affairs and pre-marital sex ought to be against the law. The committee also was concerned that Haase did not list his participation in the Eagle Forum Alaska, a conservative political organization, on his resume.

In a letter Thursday to Parnell withdrawing his name, Haase said he was concerned that he had been "mischaracterized as an extremist" but that he did not want his appointment to the council to be second-guessed.

"Just as I would not wish to see someone serve who is perceived as an extreme liberal, I can understand why those who do not know me might be concerned by the caricature of me as painted in the press," he said.

He said the question about extramarital and pre-marital sex caught him off guard and that he answered without giving it much thought. "I do not make a habit of worrying about what my neighbors are doing behind closed doors," he wrote.

"The question about extramarital and premarital sex caught him off guard."  That is just a fancy way of saying that he wasn't ready and accidentally told the truth.

I think we may have dodged an evangelical bullet this time, but the people of Alaska need to pay very close attention to the nominees that Parnell puts forward in the future.  I believe we have identified a certain pattern here.

Remember Parnell shares the same ideological and religious background as Sarah Palin, he is just far more subtle.  And therefore possibly far more troubling.


  1. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Wow! The entire Palin/Heath clan would end up behind bars once the "morals police" showed up at their door. By the way, I refuse to believe that $carah is truly religious. A real Christian does not do the despicable things this bitch does. Yes, the people of Alaska had better pay attention after this guy and Palin got through into power.

  2. yukonark6:43 AM

    Parnell is the epitome of a wolf in sheep's clothing.

  3. Anonymous6:54 AM

    The Queen of Quit is a Churchian, not a Christian, just like her heir and guys like Hasse and the other appointees.

  4. Anonymous6:59 AM

    I do hear around different parts of AK all the time that they wish Sarah was back and Sean was gone

    to 6:31, why single out the Palin clan? EVERYONE would be in jail. You're just being hateful.

  5. Anonymous7:06 AM

    He's a liar, of course. He said he would vote to make premarital sex illegal yet he doesn't "make a habit of worrying about what my neighbors are doing behind closed doors."

    If something is illegal, by definition, it becomes the government's "habit" to be concerned about what other people are doing.

    Or maybe Haase is only concerned if people are engaging in premarital sex out in the streets or in other public places or if their doors are open and the neighbors are aware of it. But, Don, there are already laws against those things for all kinds of sex, not just the premarital variety.

    As I said, he's a liar who DOES care about what his neighbors are doing behind closed doors. I feel sorry for his neighbors.

  6. Anonymous7:16 AM

    AMAZING! You gotta look at this picture. What a difference 5 days make. Look at the picture dated April 8th and April 13th:

    Either Tawd's sperms are very late bloomers, slow swimmers or somebody is a Liar Liar Pants On Fire!

  7. A J BIllings7:20 AM

    This is what it's coming to in America: The Christian supremacists would enshrine their own biblical viewpoint into law, and the rest of us can just knuckle under and submit.

    Exactly like the Taliban and all religious extremists, they are beyond logic or reasoning with.

    Imagine what the outcry would be if a Muslim, Buddhist, Jew, or Hindu wanted a bill introduced into Alaska law based on their own "sacred texts".

    Haase exemplifies the idea that Christians are called to take complete control over every aspect of human life in order to bring about the return of Christ.

    There is something called "7 Mountains" theology that sets out seven specific aspects of the national culture that Christians are supposed to retake. Chief among those, is the area of government where their precepts based on misinterpreted bible verses could become enshrined in law.

    Most critical for the rest of us to be aware of is that Sarah Palin is their best hope to drive this insane and prejudicial movement to fruition. She's not educated enough to really understand this threat, which would suit these people better, as she could be their ultimate puppet.

    My greatest fear for America is that these Taliban Christians become so powerful that Palin becomes president and they take both the house and senate in 2012.

    Their fist objective would be to support Israel, and attack Iran, which would play into their "end times" theology with a nuclear war in the mideast.

  8. Anonymous7:20 AM

    He's probably got major skeletons in the closet. These types always do.

  9. Anonymous7:34 AM

    The word on the street in Valdez is that Don was asked (told) by Parnell to withdraw his name, so that everyone involved with this fiasco could save face. I'm sure he was offered some future appointment by the Parnell administration for doing this favor and I expect we will see his name pop up again for some other seat soon. That's the way these liars for Jesus, I mean ummm politicians roll up here

  10. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Creepy.Close your shades after dark.

  11. Anonymous8:00 AM

    If Don Haase believes extramarital affairs and pre-marital sex ought to be against the law, what does he think about crooked liars who conned the Alaskan people? Should Palin have to reimburse the Alaskan taxpayers for the con job that got Trig Palin free medical insurance on behalf of the working people of Alaska? Sarah got caught lying about her cabin property tax and had to pay us back, she should have to pay us back for the free medical care Trig received from her governor’s medical benefits since she did not give birth to Trig as you can see from these pictures!

    Somebody does not look like the others!

    It aint going away Sarah, pay us back!

  12. Anonymous8:05 AM

    I thought that after Mrs. Todd Palin quit, Alaska would at least have an acting governor that would show up to scheduled meetings and not be completely consumed with petty feuds with his children's boyfriends - that is, any change would be an improvement.

    Now I am not so sure. Palin, Parnell & Company ALL have their own little christo-fascist agenda going.

    16 more months and Parnell is out on his ass, right? I hope Alaskans are organizing NOW to support a sane, intelligent candidate and make sure the votes can not be rigged.

  13. Anonymous8:12 AM

    6:59 Not EVERYONE, speak for yourself. I singled out the Palins because they are such "moral" people, good Christians, always helping people - whoops - scratch that. Britles would sever a LONG stretch in jail if each and every one of her "boyfriends" came forward. What was it, most of the hockey team, including a teacher?

  14. Virginia Voter8:37 AM

    7:20- just what I was going to say...dude's probably a closet freak. Who cares what consenting adults of any gender do together behind closed doors?

  15. Yes, people caught off guard do often accidentally give more away than they intend.

  16. I just thought I would note that in addition to Gryphen, Ryan at The Back Porch, Mel Green at Henkimaa, and Linda Kellen Biegel at The Mudflats (with a letter from Leah Burton-God's Own Party?) also put up posts about this within the last month. For those of us who are paying attention to the Dominionist push (and we all should, they are nothing less than the American Taliban), they are must reads, especially if you are in Alaska (I am not). Thank you Alaskan progressive bloggers!

  17. majii8:57 AM

    The public didn't get the impression that he was an extremist because of the media. They got it because they were listening to/read about the words that came out of his own mouth. He needs to understand that a member of any judicial body is supposed to be impartial, and that their decisions should be based on existing law, not their personal ideology. Blaming his problems with this appointment on the media is the usual fallback position for someone who has stuck his/her foot in his/her mouth in public, receives what they determine to be undue scrutiny for their extremism, and then, cries foul and blames it on anyone/thing else except themselves.

    @ AJ,

    Yes, those who follow 7 Mountains "principles" have definite plans to turn America into a theocracy in which they're the only ones who have rights. Many of the 2012 GOP presidential candidates are already bowing at the altars of the leaders of the movement instead of bowing at the altar of God. Huckabee, Santorum, Gingrich, Barbour, and other rw presidential candidates have strong connections to these rw extremist "ministers." If one of them were to win the presidential race in 2012, they'd be following the marching orders of people like Fisher, La Barbera, Schafly, Robertson, and others. Following the Constitution and laws of America would become optional as long as they could implement their 7 Mountains ideology.

  18. Randall10:03 AM

    Always be wary of those who believe they know what God wants...

    for they're insane - they are sick in the head - and thus, very very dangerous.

  19. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Has anyone considered that this overtly unqualified dominionist may have been a distraction so $P2 could sneak by another bunch of unqualified jerks as commissioners?

  20. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If Don Haase believes extramarital affairs and pre-marital sex ought to be against the law, what does he think about crooked liars who conned the Alaskan people? Should Palin have to reimburse the Alaskan taxpayers for the con job that got Trig Palin free medical insurance on behalf of the working people of Alaska? Sarah got caught lying about her cabin property tax and had to pay us back, she should have to pay us back for the free medical care Trig received from her governor’s medical benefits since she did not give birth to Trig as you can see from these pictures!

    Somebody does not look like the others!

    It aint going away Sarah, pay us back!

    8:00 AM

    How come the Alaskan government, Parnell or the Dept of Law does not look into this insurance scam? The evidence is looking them right in the eye.

  21. Anonymous10:54 AM

    How did the HR dept of the Alaskan government approve Trigg Palin's birth certificate with white out on it? Or did Palin tell the HR dept, "Trust me, I have his birth certificate at home."

  22. Anonymous12:20 PM

    "He said the question about extramarital and pre-marital sex caught him off guard and that he answered without giving it much thought. "

    LOL But he wants to be a JUDGE? What is in the water up there anyways? You people are crazy!

    I'm sorry; I try not to hold Palin against Alaskans, but then again you guys did elect Parnell! After Sarah's mess I just don't get that at all, and I hate to say it but now you kind of deserve what you get with him.

  23. Guess Haase feels it's better to be only thought of as a crazed loser than to face having it confirmed. Dropping out was his only option.

  24. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Yes, but we did not get the word out fast enough and get action on the appointment of Kenneth Kirk to APOC. He is another extreme right religious fanatic and he did get approved. We've got to get more informed.


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