Sunday, April 03, 2011

Governor Parnell's puritanical appointee to the Alaska Judicial Council gets a "no" vote from the judiciary committee.

From ADN:

A Senate committee Friday took the rare step of urging the Legislature to vote down Gov. Sean Parnell's appointee to the Alaska Judicial Council because, among other issues, he believes that sex outside of marriage should be a crime.

Members of the judiciary committee said they were opposing Haase because of his constitutional views rather than his political leanings. Fairbanks Democratic Sen. Joe Paskvan said Alaska's Constitution's guarantee of the right to privacy is perhaps the strongest in the nation.

"Mr. Haase's views when it comes to premarital or extramarital sex are views that I think directly infringe and challenge whether there is a constitutional right of privacy in Alaska," Paskvan said. "It's deeply troubling to me that he wants government to enter into those areas, and not just enter into them but make criminal that activity." There was no roll-call vote on the motion to give Haase a thumbs-down, but all five members of the panel signed a document recommending a "no" vote when his nomination reaches the full Legislature.

Well it is good to see a little backbone among the politicians in Alaska.

This guy is bad news and just another in a long line of Christo-fascists that Parnell, and Sarah Palin before him, has been putting in positions of influence around the state.

Apparently Parnell thinks along the same lines as the late Jerry Falwell:

The idea that religion and politics don't mix was invented by the Devil to keep Christians from running their own country.
-- Rev Jerry Falwell, Sermon, July 4, 1976

Haase's nomination still has to go before the entire House and Senate for a vote next Friday, let's hope they are as committed to keeping Alaska in the 21st Century as the judiciary committee was.

(If you have not read my earlier post about Don Haase, you can find it here.)


  1. deebee3:03 AM

    Christians are welcome to run their own country,,,,,,,,,,,,,when they get one.
    BTW this one isn't for sale.

  2. Anonymous3:30 AM

    Too bad, I was hoping their first example would be to prosecute Brisdull for her TWO babies out of wedlock,damn it janet!

  3. Anonymous3:39 AM

    So, let me get this straight. If this guy was appointed, and his policies became the law of the land, Bristol would be in prison now?

  4. angela3:49 AM

    Even though there has been some severe creeps coming out of Alaska, there seems to be a wonderful line of sanity still there.

    I thought my own state was a hotbed of crazy--we belched out Joe the Plumber and a wannabe congressman who was into nazi role playing and of course our slime ball gov. Kasich. There is no sanity here in Ohio.

    Bravo to the Alaska Judicial Council.

  5. A J. BIllings5:05 AM

    Mr Haase has some great company in the USA with Jim DeMint, who wanted to keep unmarried mothers out of the classroom!!! What kind of prejudice does this asshole Demint conjure up each day you ask? What if the teacher is a WIDOW WHOSE HUSBAND DIED IN IRAQ? "Oh, sorry Ms Widow, you are not worthy of teaching, because Jim Demint said so. So just suck it up, quit your teacher job, and pine away for your husband in poverty" "You are not worthy to teach my kids because a mother without a husband is immoral."

    Maybe even part of an IMMORAL MINORITY. Or so the christians like this would have us believe.

    Notice that Jim (invader of your underwear drawer) Demint never talked about unmarried men!
    Why not? What diff does it make?

    Same with the brain-dead nutcase with a twitching brain stem called Bobby Franklin from Georgia.
    "What? You had a miscarriage? I want the home security tapes from your bathroom so I can find out if you introduced slippery elm tablets into your vagina" "It's MY RIGHT as a state legislator to know what's going on in your body, since I'm the Georgia church and state inspector for your vaginal area"

    IF you think I'm making this up, just do a quick google and you can find thousands of MEN who want to poke their nose into your bidness.

    And these men are invariably far right, prejudiced, so called "Christians" who feel their particular interpretation of biblical matters trump your rights,
    your freedom, your privacy, and god dammit, they ARE GOING TO ENSHRINE THESE precepts into US LAW if they possibly can.
    That's right, their RELIGIOUS PREJUDICE will become the LAWS!

    Like the law in Michigan, making adultery a CRIME, if it happens in the context of a felony commission?
    When I read this, I could not believe any legislature or government would enforce such stupid law in modern times, but yuppers, they just get'r dun up in Michigan.

    Yes, my friends, if you happen to commit a felony that somehow involves adultery in Michigan, it could carry a life sentence.

    I am about fed up with fighting and being an activist for freedom in this country. These Neandertal hypocrites like Hasse, Demint, and
    Franklin are motivated by the most dangerous and volatile aspect of human culture: RELIGION.

    Their particular brand of vicious and invasive sentiment trumps logic, family, tribe, culture, or patriotism. No amount of dynamite
    can destroy such hateful and invasive sentiment.

    Their ultimate goal is to force these "precepts" on all the rest of us and enshrine them into law. So much for freedom in the USA.

  6. Anonymous7:10 AM

    Damn! Too bad he wasn't appointed for a short period of time - would have pretty much cleaned out most of the judges currently sitting on the bench.

    Palin in Pants seems to travel in Caribou Barbie's circle of nut cases.

  7. Randall7:29 AM

    No sex outside of marriage?
    No abortions?
    Not allowed to build a place of worship in a community that holds a different religious belief?
    Legislating morality based on a religious text?

    ...sounds like Sharia Law to me.

  8. Anonymous8:20 AM

    These religious freaks we are seeing in Alaska scare the hell out of me when we see them in government.

    Parnell is one and needs to be dumped when up for re election.

    I'm very, very happy Haase received this 'no' vote and I hope it continues as he moves along in the process.

    Just like WAR, vote him down boys and girls in Juneau!

  9. Anonymous9:03 AM

    The Palin's are getting the majority of our attention for valid reasons. Their brand of freak show is extremely entertaining on one hand but very dangerous on the other. Don't let that smoke screen allow the same genetic clones to set policy in our state government.
    As voters and citizens of Alaska we need to remain ever vigilant as the same brand of religious fanatics are injecting their beliefs into Alaska. PAY ATTENTION!
    We may have just dodged one bullet.

  10. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Haase always has been an ass and a fool. In step with true hypocritical teabagger logic, of course his wife was an unwed teenage mother. She decided to spout off about it in a letter to the editor of the paper here in Valdez when Prop 2 was on the ballot.

    When questioned about that situation now after Don shot his mouth off, she steps right up to the plate and says "I'm just going to remain totally quiet for now."

    Just goes to show there's an ass for every teabagger seat

  11. Anonymous10:00 AM

    So sex outside of marriage is a crime and sex within a marriage is fleeting (at best).

    What the hell does a human being do for their lives from the day they are born until they marry and their 5 year anniversary until they die?

  12. Anonymous10:04 AM

    The problem with having a state religion be it Christianity, Judaism, Islam or just about any other large religious group, is that there is not a single version of that groups faith, and each of the above has fought numerous murderous wars over the intracellular differences.

    It been over 20years since the school prayer wars began and Christians still have not come up with a prayer that satisfies all Christian groups.

    So to say that the US is a Christian nation is not inaccurate based on % population, but on the other hand it really is a secular country where people can choose their version of their faith, or choose to not choose a faith.

    Kudos to the writers of the Constitution. Once again they were right on.

  13. Anonymous10:36 AM

    Couldn't $arah, herself, be prosecuted? Didn't Track arrive less than 9 months after her marriage to Tawd?

    Maybe $arah & Barstool could be cell mates.

  14. Anonymous11:07 AM

    From A.J. Billings in this comments section:
    "...These Neandertal hypocrites like Hasse, Demint, and
    Franklin are motivated by the most dangerous and volatile aspect of human culture: RELIGION..."

    Oh my gosh, I've been saying this for years. Religion is the source of more wars, more spilled blood and more human misery than anything else in the history of mankind. And the attempt by the extreme right wing tea baggers to "govern" based on religion is shocking.

    I will never fault anyone his/her faith. But I will not stand for being told that I, too, must follow it, in the form of religion-inspired laws.

    It's definitely time to take a firm stand.

  15. Kimosabe12:25 PM

    Jesus was right when He said "Render unto Caesar that which is Caesar's, and onto God that which is God's". Too bad the teabaggers haven't listened.

  16. Anonymous1:07 PM

    This is not over. The legislature must vote him down. Everyone that cares about this must contact their legislators and ask them to vote no for Haase. While you're at it, ask them to vote no on Kenneth Kirk for APOC because he's the same sort of extremist that no one is noticing.


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