Saturday, April 09, 2011

Greta Van Susteren fed up with people only pretending to like her because of her "hot" friend.

From Gretawire:

OK...I am not going to out the people/media groups a about whom I blog...but here is some more media silliness:

In the last 2 months, I have been called by two very prominent media groups asking if I wanted to play a very prominent role in one of their events. I was mildly interested but always suspicious...why me? Is it because I am now the longest on air cable news host since Larry King left (I think) or the longest on air woman cable news host ? Read on...

During both conversations in which I was told how much they would like to have me, I was told they had a good idea for my presentation. I said, what is that? The reply, "why don't you get Governor Sarah Palin and interview her in front of the group?" could not get Governor Sarah Palin themselves so they went to "plan B" -- call Greta and get her to do it. I don't think so.

Both organizations wanted to fill their auditorium with Palin as their calling card (and yes, making it all the sillier...the invitees and their membership have been routinely critical of Palin but now want to use her...go figure!)

First, and this will surprise many, I don't have that relationship with Governor Palin. When I am able to talk to her, I book her on ON THE RECORD at 10pm. So they can stop calling, I am just not that stupid. (Says the lady who seems to believe every single thing that falls out of Palin's lipstick covered orifice.)

Second, it is silly. The whole thing is silly.

(And PS - contrary to what everyone in the media thinks, my husband never worked for her and doesn't. He is simply friends with her. )

Boo Hoo, is somebody's girl crush finally coming to an end?

Let's face it, NOBODY really wants to talk to Greta.  They talk to her because she has a cable show that old people like, and because they think she has Snowdrift Snooki on speed dial.

Now that she has told everybody she can't help them get access to the batshit crazy lady, she will find herself sitting at home staring at a phone that never rings.

"Doesn't anybody like me for me?" 

In a word, no!


  1. Anonymous3:26 AM

    Greta can boost her career by doing a one-on-one interview with Piper..

    An interview with Piper, where she (Piper) announces her upcoming book and speaking tour.

    This interview would truly enhance Greta's position as the biggest Palin ass kisser on the planet.

  2. Anonymous3:34 AM

    Greta says "I am not that stupid"?? This from a woman who STILL calls Palin "governor". By the way, ALL those groups who are critical of Palin are correct, there is a lot to be critical about. Greta, if you were smart, you would have figured out this fraud a long time ago, after all I think even Beck eventually caught on and how smart is he? I think Greta has a crush on "Jethro" (that is what McCain aides called Toad)so she likes to be in close contact with the family.

  3. Also too. Mrs. Palin quit. She does not deserve the honorific of Governor.

  4. HA! lol..

    I think this is exactly what I said the last time I posted a comment on IM! I don't see Greta's appeal at all. Now, Lawrence O'Donnell (her previous competitor on the 10pm slot) on the other hand...the Planned Parenthood moment just makes me love him even more.

  5. Anonymous3:54 AM

    LOL, While I give Greta credit for realizing she was only bait, I think Greta missed the point (I thought she was smarter than that!). If any media groups are itching to have Sarah Palin on a stage, it's because there is always an audience for "crazy." No, dear Greta, they aren't interested in Palin because she has anything important to say. They are interested in the huge entertainment value. Palin is comedy gold.

  6. Anonymous4:00 AM

    Way to throw your husband under the bus, Greta. Mad at him? Did he spend a tad too much attention on his enchanting friend, Sarah?

  7. FloridaDem4:34 AM

    "Boo Hoo, is somebody's girl crush finally coming to an end?"

    lol....uh, no. If it came to an end, she wouldn't talk about her. You talk about people you like, and you ignore those you dislike or are "over." Poor Greta.

    It's also funny she writes that she doesn't have "that" kind of relationship with Sarah, (meaning she can't book her to places she wouldn't ordinarily go), instead of simply saying, I don't have a relationship with Sarah Palin, I've interviewed her for the show before and that's all. But the phrase "I don't have a relationship with Sarah Palin" simply cannot come out of her mouth, she can't muster up the words, because in her heart it's not true.

  8. Merry5:05 AM

    I commented with this at the GretaWire story and thought maybe you would let me put it up here, too, for its history refresher.

    "Good grief, don't you realize yet that the reason Palin lets you interview her is that you are the best softball player in town. You never asked hard questions. You would lose access to her if you did.

    "I remember when you interviewed Bristol, who had "Tripp" with her. I put his name in quotes because he looked and acted like a doll. It was the strangest show. Bristol said that abstinence was not realistic, probably the truest thing she has ever said as an adult.

    "Then Sarah herself showed up, maybe unexpectedly, maybe not, and went on about abstinence. I think the Candies campaign sort of started there, not by Bristol but by Palin.

    "I am sorry that you have let Palin use you, and I can imagine your awakening is quite unpleasant."

  9. Anonymous5:11 AM

    People may have wanted to talk to Greta until allowed Palin to make her look like a fool. It's hard for someone to take you seriously while you sit there and not correct or challenge the inanities and inaccuracies that spout from Palin.

  10. Anonymous5:19 AM

    Poor Greta, she used to be intelligent until she hooked up with Dipshit Crazy unethical Sarah, the Bitch from hell, and Fox Snooze.

  11. Randall5:50 AM

    I used to really like Greta. (I've been watching Greta since before she got the plastic surgery around her eyes. Looks great, by the way...)

    But the more she slobbered all over Palin the less I cared for her. (Governor? She quit that job, thus, relinquishing that title.)

    Now I take EVERYTHING said on Greta's show with a grain of salt.

    Greta has lost all credibility as far as I'm concerned.

    (And PS; yes, Greta, your husband DID TOO work for Sarah's campaign. He absolutely did - you're lying. Or splitting hairs, since he may not have worked directly for Sarah - Sarah may not have signed the checks - but he absolutely did too consult for her campaign.)

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    "Lipstick covered orifice." Ha-ha!!

    Got some toast spewed onto my monitor from that one. Thanks Gryphen. :-D

  13. Anonymous5:53 AM

    This is hilarious.

    I kinda wonder, though, if she has some reason for publicly stating she doesn't have "that kind of relationship" with Sarah Palin, even if it appears to be at her own expense.

    Trying to distance ourselves, perhaps?

    Makes you go hmmmmm.

  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Greta isn't stupid and if you watch her closely, you see her doubt most of what Sarah says. I think she extends invite to Sarah to give her a platform to voice another opinion because the country needs to hear all sides of arguments. Greta's pretty popular in her own right.

  15. Olivia6:01 AM

    Gee Greta, maybe they are just not into watching you slur all your words while talking too fast out of your failed facelifted lopsided mouth on your lovely(not!)face and instead want to see some has-been, whiney-ass, baby fakin' walleyed, botoxed, face altered, lying former politician from Alaska.

  16. Anonymous6:21 AM

    Perhaps she should pull up her big girl panties, stop wringing her poor little hands and just realize that she is NOT all that (and I don't think she ever was). I personally can't even believe that she would admit that people only want her if she comes with the queen.

    As my dad always says, don't open up your mouth & remove all doubt that you are stupid (or something like that). How does she think that will help her with contract negotiations. Gee, we see that people only want you if you come with SP. Doesn't make her very relevant.

    I hope in never comes to the point in my life that people only want me if I come with someone else.

  17. Anonymous6:31 AM

    Greta did you forget your hubby helped set up SarahPAC and the failed legal slush fund for Sarah?

    You forget about all the meetings you and hubby had with Sarah in Alaska... remember flying around with Sarah and Todd (Alaska and Haiti) and your hubby staring at Sarah's ass at the Iron Dog?

    What next Greta? you going to claim you never met Sarah?

    Greta enjoy your money... you are a FRAUD just like your BFF Sarah.

  18. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Greta has a "hot" friend? Surely not her "insane" friend, or her "psychotic" friend ?? Palin's looks are fading fast, too much Botox and surgery. Plus having a hateful inside eventually shows on the outside and she is approaching 50. They say once you reach 50 you have the face you have EARNED.

  19. Anonymous6:40 AM

    OT, but even the Washington Post states that Palin passed her tipping point!! Poke her with a fork; I think she's done!

  20. FloridaDem7:08 AM

    Anon 6:31, lol.

  21. Anonymous7:12 AM

    Sounds like the plain girl who only gets asked out because the boys are trying to get to her more attractive friend. Poor Greta, all that plastic surgery and she's still over shadowed by the prom queen.

    Of course, we all know that Greta hangs on Sarah like nerd hangs on a popular kid. So, I hardly think this comes as a surprise.

  22. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Yes, the whole thing is silly.

  23. Anonymous7:15 AM

    Says the lady who seems to believe every single thing that falls out of Palin's lipstick covered orifice

    It's called "acting." She's clearly taking the direction from Ailes that no matter what you might personally believe, keep catapulting the propaganda.

  24. Anonymous7:30 AM

    So Greta, being the news person you say you are, how do you explain these pictures? Is their an investigative bone in your body that says, "Hmmm, something is wrong here. How come one does not look like the others?"

    May be Greta is not the investigative reporter she claims to be.

  25. Anonymous7:48 AM

    Greta is not a 'true' friend of Sarah - She's just 'surface friendly' with her.

    The truth is - Greta wants to 'DO' Todd!!!

  26. Anonymous8:13 AM

    Greta's husband has been said to have given Sarah legal advice and set up her LDF, no? "working for her" implies he received a paycheck. I believe Greta when she says her husband has never worked for her. They are friends, like Jan Brewer is a friend of the Palins, like that Belmont couple are friends, like several repubs in other states including OK are friends with them. I remember reading a comment somewhere where a woman asked Sarah if she and Todd are ever in a certain area, an undisclosed person would love to meet for lunch again. the Palins know a lot of people around the country and have a quite some time now.

  27. Anonymous8:29 AM

    She needs to get together with Elizabeth H. from "The View".

    Some time back Elizabeth was saying that when she met Quitty, she thought they "clicked" and would be best friends. It surprised her very much when Scara would not return her calls.

    I personally think Greta & John were assigned to be "friends" with the Palin's by their Scientology cult.

    Like nearly everyone else, at first they were charmed. The years have passed, and I think their assignment has become more and more irksome. Hopefully Greta will soon be able to go to her Scientology buddies and say "The Palin's are toxic, let's drop these losers."

  28. I enjoyed Greta's show when she focused on legal issues/crime, and had a nightly panel of smart and witty attorneys. But as soon as I heard her gush that Palin was "really smart," I knew Greta was lost.

    Like some other commenters, I seem to recall John Coale being described as a consultant to Palin, and I also thought he helped set up the disastrous Alaska Fund Trust. Maybe Greta and her husband are both so busy, neither one knows exactly what the other does.

    I feel a little sorry for Greta. Her husband used to be a big Hillary supporter. Maybe the Van Susteren/Coale husband and wife team just want to be queen makers. If that's the case, I pity both of them because they're backing a loser. Surely even Greta now realizes Palin is emphatically not "very smart."

  29. emrysa8:51 AM

    call the whaaaaambulance! who cares greta, you're a joke.

  30. Anonymous9:04 AM

    I liked Greta especially when she worked on Court TV, and as a criminologist analyst on CNN, that to me is her specialty.

    But, Greta's confession about 2 very prominent media groups trying to use her to get to Sarah Palin demonstrates that bots and lovers of Sarah will insult even a cable news host's sensibilities.

    True that Greta falls all over herself to make Sarah look good on Fox. So if she wants people to like her for "her", maybe she should start asking for some accountability from dear Sarah.

  31. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Dear Greta: while your pique is amusing to read, it doesn't begin to make up for you helping to dumb down America by giving Sarah Palin a platform to spew her scripted incoherence!

    Kind of ironic. You caught your big break covering a crime, and you've forever lost your credibility by criminally (morally, anyway)trying to legitimize this idiot. For shame, for shame, for shame.

  32. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Perhaps your peers don't consider you a legitimate journalist because you let your guest read off a script, as was painfully obvious in your recent interview with Sarah Palin. Sorry, Greta, them's the breaks when you lie down with Fox News and rightwing nincompoops!

  33. Anonymous9:12 AM

    Well, Greta, do you consider your VIEWERS stupid? Too stupid to notice that your guest is reading her lines straight off the teleprompter - and then when that goes out, off some notes?

  34. Anonymous9:23 AM

    So why couldn't some of these media groups get Sarah themselves? That doesn't make much sense. They could contact the Speaking Bureau agency or whatever it's called, and arrange a Sarah meeting with them.

    Looks to me like maybe Sarah's team refused to speak for them because the fee was too low, or she just snubbed them. We're finding out now folks that organizations are using Sarah now for filling their auditoriums. Not because she's relevant but because she's a comedy to watch. Users finally get their just desserts and end up being used.

  35. Anonymous10:02 AM

    Was this the first interview where Greta got on board? She interviewed Bill McAllister Sept 4 2008. Watch it before it disappears.

    VAN SUSTEREN: Does she have problems? When I went to change planes in Alaska about a month ago, there was some sort of trooper thing that was going on in the front page in an Anchorage paper. I really couldn't figure out because picking up in the middle of the story but is there something going on there?

    McAllister needs a retrospective fact check on his responses.

    McAllister made a non prediction prediction about Palin's debate performance in this interview too.

  36. Anonymous1:59 PM

    I don't know whose penis is longer--Todd's, Sarah's, or Greta's.

  37. Olivia6:48 PM

    Greta definitely looks man enough for Todd to want to 'do' her.

  38. DetroitSam9:15 AM

    What are the name of these two very prominent media groups who want slant mouth to interview the slag hag?

    I want to let them know what I think of them.


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