Friday, April 08, 2011

Last minute deal avoids government shutdown. Planned Parenthood remains untouched.

From ABC News:

"Behind me through the window you can see the Washington Monument," President Obama said. "Tomorrow, I'm pleased to announce the Washington Monument as well as the entire federal government will be open for business."

The agreement to keep the government funded calls for $38.5 billion in budget cuts, with no reduction in funding to Planned Parenthood, sources from both parties told ABC News.

So the Republicans finally blinked huh?  Pussies!

Just wait until the Teabaggers learn that the GOP did not let our soldiers go without pay, our parks to be closed, and our government to come to a grinding halt just so they could deny medical care to poor women.

I hope that the Democrats learned their lesson and during future negotiations don't give up so much, so damn early.


  1. Anonymous7:25 PM

    So much drama, so much idiocy... The whole damned bunch of illiterate tea party R's are into nothing but drama. Kinda gives an idea of what $nowbank $nookie would be like in the WH, eh?

    When are they gonna balance the budget by taxing the ultra-rich their fair share? That was a rhetorical question, we all know the answer.

  2. Anonymous7:31 PM

    Wonder how many GOPers will be voted out in 2012 now?

  3. "I hope that the Democrats learned their lesson and during future negotiations don't give up so much, so damn early."

    I was thinking the same thing. I don't really think they will, but we can hope!

  4. Anonymous7:37 PM

    Please sign a petition for planned Parenthood and stand up for women!

  5. Anonymous7:51 PM

    You disappoint me - using the word pussy as an insult, especially considering the subject of the story...

  6. $38.5 million? That's more than the original $33 million the Republicans wanted, right?

    So Planned Parenthood is saved.

    I'd like to know what the Democrats gave away in order to keep those tax breaks for the über wealthy.

    This is what I'm talking about:

  7. Anonymous8:21 PM

    So much drama indeed......and to what end? That is what we shall see. And that is what we should hold both parties to. Both of the parties!

  8. Anonymous8:26 PM

    The Dems caved again, just like they did when the Bush tax cuts came up.

  9. Anonymous8:40 PM

    Ignorant Palin (who didn't abstain before marriage) and other white teabaggers would rather grow non-white minorities they fear so much by wiping out planned parenthood. The non-white generations would then be growing faster than they exponentially already are. Especially the Latinos who are having babies faster than she can blink, wink or think. What a stupid plan.

  10. honeybabe8:41 PM

    now it's time to renew the taxes on the wealthiest and the corporations that pay NOTHING in taxes now.

  11. Anonymous8:53 PM

    According to the census bureau statistics "the Hispanic-origin population would contribute 32 percent of the Nation's population growth from 1990 to 2000, 39 percent from 2000 to 2010, 45 percent from 2010 to 2030, and 60 percent from 2030 to 2050." Go to their website and check out the latest data...very interesting.

    There is a Hispanic birthrate boom happening while whites birthrates have declined by half.

    Latinos/Hispanics (and surely illegals) are having babies faster than Sarah can blink, wink or think. Yes, THAT Sarah who didn't abstain and was pregnant before marriage.

    The popes called it a sin to use birth control. Why? To grow more catholics. Sarah & the GOP/teabaggers don't want federally funded birth control or sex education. Why? To grow more Hispanics? Will they get rid of PP and then replace it with free sterilization programs only for people of color?

    Something for Palin's flying monkeys to ponder if it's such a wise idea in the long run.


  12. Lynne9:02 PM

    To whom should I write the thank you note?

    And that reminds me. Planned Parenthood should be sending lots of thank you notes to Sarah for all the money these slimy tricks of theirs inspired us to send. I'd like to be a fly on the wall when she gets them...not the wall of her refrigerator though.

  13. Anonymous9:09 PM

    Listen, we live in a democracy. Our country is pretty much divided down the middle. Just because a Democrat is in the White House does not mean we are going to reign supreme in all government negotiations. Basic 5th grade civics education, right?

    We progressives are not going to get everything we want.

    This worked out for us, at this moment, this time. Let's see what happens around Thursday...

    Let's not make this about what we gave up, but rather what we saved, under the circumstances.

    If we want to avert this kind of hostage situation again, we need to be damn sure we vote in every single election. Those nuts got in because people decided they could stay home, erroneously believing it wasn't a critical election, or more probably because the Dems were supposedly such a disappointment they decided to stay away and show their disgust.

    Thank you to those people. This has really been pleasant. I like wondering if women's health care is going to be freely available. I love wondering if my niece and nephew, with one young child and another one on the way, are going to be able to go into work and collect their paychecks.

    Rich people are going to find a way to keep their money whether a Democrat or a Republican is in the White House. The sooner we all face that reality the sooner we can focus on what we CAN do.

    Better yet, why don't disgruntled progressives start running for office and actually winning seats?

  14. Anonymous9:27 PM

    @9:09 - Thank you! Count me + 1.

  15. Anonymous9:35 PM

    America is NOT broke!

    In the United States, wealth is highly concentrated in a relatively few hands. As of 2007, the top 1% of households (the upper class) owned 34.6% of all privately held wealth, and the next 19% (the managerial, professional, and small business stratum) had 50.5%, which means that just 20% of the people owned a remarkable 85%, leaving only 15% of the wealth for the bottom 80% (wage and salary workers). In terms of financial wealth (total net worth minus the value of one's home), the top 1% of households had an even greater share: 42.7%.

    The VERY FIRST THING orange bonehea did was to protect the top few wealthiest & corporations so they can keep all the $$ for themselves. He STILL HAS NOT ADDRESSED creating more jobs. Oh that's at the bottom of the ladder...after the GOP/Tparty get done raping the middle & lower class who are the worker bees and MADE SURE to get tax cuts for the rich FIRST thing on the agenda.

    Corporate Welfare first above all!

    So what happens to all the money we Americans have paid in for years & years being taken out of our paychecks for S.S. Medicaid, Medicare? They want to steal that too! The gun-totin' bible thumping lying-to-the-people robbers could actually give a shit less about American families who struggle every single day to pay rent, medical expenses, have a half way decent life while the Koch-Sucking GOP/teabaggers give themselves and their lobbyists golden parachutes so they are set for life.

    I am also mad at the progressives, dems, etc. who sat on their fat asses at mid-terms because they hesitated and doubted Obama and let the GOP take over! If you are one of them you need to put forth twice the effort at next election to make up for being frickin' lazy!

    - Colleen!

  16. Anonymous9:35 PM

    It goes deeper then we see. Get rid of the Unions, there goes the democrats, get rid of Planned Parenthood, there goes the democrats get rid of all that have some power to elect a democrat and the republicans take over the country. Socialism or maybe communism, for the big co operations. It's right here in front of us, you have to look it in the face and fight back like hell.

  17. Anonymous9:43 PM

    7:37 - thanks for the link. I signed it!

  18. Anonymous9:50 PM

    9:09 - you are right. Progressives and moderates have to haul their asses to the polls or advance vote (if you trust it).

    I cannot stand to hear someone complain and then say that's why they don't vote. Idiots.

    If you don't vote, you are part of the problem - a rather significant part.

    No election is too small to ignore, and with the internet so widely available, there is not reason for anyone to be uninformed.

    BTW - everyone had better get busy trying to save the Net. The GOP/TP want to give it away to the big money folks and then lots of us will be SOL. We really need to pay attention to how our senators and reps vote and make a lot of noise. No politician can be ignored.

  19. Anonymous9:50 PM

    Democrats need a stiffer spine. I can't believe how neanderthal the Right is.

  20. Anonymous9:55 PM

    I couldn't agree with you more anonymous @9:35. That IS the GOP agenda (look at Scott Walker) to castrate votes of anyone who even slightly leans left. Yes, that is their ultimate goal.


  21. The fact that the government will not undergo a shutdown is no big surprise at all. I'm betting that the Dems and Repubs both agreed to let this "negotiating" go on until the last minute and then produce A Magic Resolution (which BTW isn't even going to be voted on until next week). This way, the Repubs get to tell their constituencies that they forced the Dems to commit Spending Cuts, and the Dems get to tell their constituencies that they Saved Women's Health.

    The fix was in, folks. And it was a win for both parties, as both will claim victory and use this to get the only thing they really want - endless re-election.

  22. Enjay in E MT11:47 PM

    Guess I will take a page from the RW playbook -

    The Religious Right Wingers have declared war on our "freedom" It isn't being waged on the streets with weapons - it is being waged by politicians: bought & paid for by corporations. They want anything that could prevent the rise of the Theocracy/Corpocracy eliminated or reduced to ruins.

    What started 30+ years ago with Ronald Reagan - is reaching a point of no return. Public education, banking-wall street, regulations de-funded, unions dismantled, undisclosed campaign finance, etc.

    It is a war - on women, working class, educated thinking citizens and the only weapon we have is our vote.

  23. Anonymous1:50 AM


  24. FloridaDem4:08 AM

    What "deal?" Why does the media portray a refusal to enact an extreme right wing agenda as a compromise of some sort? It should be a no-brainer. Just as if the reverse was true, if democrats hijacked every republican budget proposal with a rider with methods to destroy the NRA, or the non-taxable status of religious organizations. Did Reid do that during Bush's budget talks? No. We would never do that. Because number one, it has nothing to do with the budget, and number two, the repubs would have fought back with accusations of a godless left wing agenda. So why do the democrats have to put up with it?

    I'm not at all surprised the Democrats rebuffed orange-man and his crew. Because frankly, this administration already threw women under the bus with Stupack. Obama said he had to do it for the sake of health care. The GOP was simply hoping for Part Deux. If the Democratic Party caved THIS time, it would have been over, and they knew that.

    First Wisconsin, then this...the GOP is on the march. They don't care about winning the WH, they're doing just fine without it. The Democratic Party must stand up loud and clear and voice opposition to the right wing agenda which is destroying this country chunk by chunk. They must be the vehicle for democracy, otherwise people will seek another vehicle.

    I feel that Obama's election was a turning point because it represented our desire for change, and America's rejection of the Bush doctrines. But this election is almost more important, because it will define us as a party. It's not time for Mr. Obama to wave his bipartisan flag and show his compromising spirit. It's time to define yourself, define your party and your values, and fight for us.

  25. Anonymous4:56 AM

    I wonder what "we" gave into last night.

    The Republicans want to HURT the little guys.

  26. Democrats never learn their lesson. But I did hear that the FEMALE Dems stepped up and got in the face of this total bullshit. People like Anthony Weiner and a few of the lady dems,and a handful of others, those I'm proud of. The rest? Not so much. They did not yell loud enough, they did not go public enough, they did not stand up for ME. Fuck em.

  27. Anonymous5:14 AM

    The Dems gave up 38.5 billion to the Repug thugs.

    How much will they give up next week when the CR expires?

  28. Anonymous7:33 AM


  29. Anonymous8:29 AM

    I'm don't feel good about any of this. They just don't stand up for us, and give more and more to the rich, the ones who line their pockets. Republican, tea bagger or dem. The lenders are at it again making bad loans, the scores have changed in the last few weeks, those were failures they now are are adverages. They refused to make a fund for this, so guess who will have to bail them out again! I'm sorry I voted for Obama, he's turned out too much like the republicians. He's failed me terribly, he has no backbone.( that's my opinion) The sad thing is there is no one else, I wish I could have another choice of a Dem, because I don't want to have to pick the lesser of 2 evils.

  30. Anne In DC10:54 AM

    The only thing worth celebrating in my book is that Planned Parenthood was not touched after all. There is nothing to celebrate about billions of budget cuts that affect the poor and the middle-class, and this should be the impetus for voting in more progressive politicians who care about actual people. The bloated defense budget and the exorbitant tax breaks for the ultra-rich actually dwarf the funds cut from these programs, and a responsible government would put those items on the table as well.

    As for the neanderthal bottom feeders in the Tea Party, it's increasingly obvious that they are about serving their corporate masters instead of Americans. This nonsense about defunding PP takes the cake, because it would produce even more of the results they don't like, such as increases in the number of minority and poor kids along with an increase in illegal abortions that kill women and children, certain cancers, and untreated STD's.

    Just like you, Gryphen, I hope the Democrats learned their lesson about not being so accommodating.
    These GOP neanderthals have proven that if you give an inch, they'll demand a mile.

  31. FloridaDem1:10 PM

    Well, I just read that the dems threw D.C. women under the bus in this deal. D.C. Democrats were lobbying the national party and warning them not to do it, but apparently they did, they killed funding for abortions in the district. It was some red meat for the GOP to get them to agree to leave Planned Parenthood alone.

    And you know, it sucks. I don't know why we have to give in to their social agenda. Why does anti-abortion always come into EVERY negotiation? First Healthcare, now the Budget. Why can't the dems just say no and let the government shut down? Call orange-man's bluff. They would have backed down, trust me.

    And it's not even a fair negotiation. A negotiation is when both sides win something. How can you win something you already had? (funding for PP). It's not like we got something new and they got something new. We lost something, they gained something. Where's the "win" in that? It's like if a rapist breaks in your house and you "negotiate" whether or not he'll rape your wife. It's ridiculous!

    The way the GOP makes inroads, is like Hitler annexing the Rhineland. What seems like negotiating is just really capitulating.


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