Sunday, April 10, 2011

Huge crowds greet Tina Fey at book signing.

From Mail Online:

It's a rare thing to be able to infiltrate the hearts of sharp, discerning New Yorkers in vast numbers, but actress and writer Tina Fey has done just that.

A 500-hundred strong crowd, the kind more usually associated with a rock star, turned out for a Q&A to promote her book Bossypants at Barnes and Noble in Union Square.

Some eager fans had even camped outside the book shop from the early hours of the morning to ensure a spot at yesterday evening's event.

Hmm, let's examine this.

A bestselling book.

Huge adoring crowds, that are willing to camp out for hours for the opportunity to meet her.

And look! She even has an actual honest to goodness baby bump! NOT a fake one.

Gee I wonder who might feel pangs of jealousy over all of that?

Update: Apparently Bill Maher noticed the irony of all of this as well:

Tina Fey, 5 months pregnant at 40 not showing and no one knew - boy, when she does a Sarah Palin impression, she really commits!
8 Apr via OpenBeak

Update 2: I just bought "Bossypants" for my Nook.  How could I NOT support Tina Fey?  After all she did so much to help us with the Grizzled Mama.


  1. Anonymous3:36 PM

    God Bless Tina Fey!

  2. Anonymous3:40 PM

    I love how in one of her late show interviews they asked her about her interaction with Sarah Palin.

    She said Sarah offered Bristol to babysit [Tina's] daughter and Tina said, "Yeah sure, I'm sure that's exactly what a teenager wants to do in New York when we are goofing on her mom."

  3. Anonymous3:47 PM

    I'll bet the grizzled has-been is absolutely green with envy and muttering to herself, "You're not the center of the universe Tina! Just try and stay out of my way. Just try! I'll get you, my pretty, and your little dog, too!"

    I like this:

    Scarecrow Palin: I haven't got a brain... only straw.
    Dorothy: How can you talk if you haven't got a brain?
    Scarecrow Palin: I don't know... But some people without brains do an awful lot of talking... don't they?
    Dorothy: Yes, I guess you're right.

    Here come the flying monkeys in 3...2...1


  4. Anonymous3:47 PM

    Tina Fey, I am a happily married woman & I love you!!!

  5. Anonymous3:55 PM

    I was totally there and by 4pm that 4-story barnes and noble was crazy. The signing was at 7

  6. Anonymous3:57 PM

    It's a good book. The last time that store was packed like that was when Stevie Nicks was there. The Morning Joe crew only drew like 100 people.

  7. Anonymous4:27 PM

    "Tina Fey, 5 months pregnant at 40 not showing"

    Except, that pic shows that Tina IS showing and she is only 5 months along with a SECOND baby. Sarah claimed to be not showing at 7 months with her FIFTH. Maybe Tina needs to work on her abs.

  8. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Tina Fey is successful, smart, talented, pretty, and a National Treasure. Sarah is a loser, dumb, worthless, ugly, and a National Embarrassment.

  9. Anonymous4:55 PM

    It's definitely a visible baby bump - 2nd picture down.

    Speaking of bumps, how did Bristol manage to make her DWTS baby bump go away but still stay chubby? Any recent pics?

  10. Anonymous4:56 PM

    We all know that the grizzly grifter could NEVER attract that kind of a crowd in New York! scarah can only attract the rednecks in the "rill America."
    Take THAT quittypants!

  11. Anonymous5:11 PM

    FYI Gryphen:

    Pebble Mine, Bristol Bay

    "Recently, retired Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O'Connor hosted an after-hours reception at the court that was billed as a celebration of Bristol Bay in Alaska. But the featured speakers, other than O'Connor, were opponents of a proposed Alaskan copper and gold mine. They were in Washington to lobby lawmakers and regulators against the proposed Pebble Mine"

    How wonderful to have what I consider a high profile person like this involved. I understand why she left the bench, but I miss her.


  12. Anonymous5:12 PM

    She is so adorable, but I won't forgive her those shoes!

  13. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Yahoo!! Tina Fey hosts SNL on May 7th!!!

    No word yet whether she will reprise her role as Sarah Palin.

    I think she will as that is SNL Gold!!!

  14. "Tina Fey, 5 months pregnant at 40 not showing"

    It's called sarcasm.

  15. Anonymous6:17 PM

    On the last post in the comment section someone said there is a birth announcement for Trig in the Frontiersman news...

    It's there!

    Published on Monday, May 5, 2008 10:37 PM AKDT

    Mat-Su Regional Medical Center welcomed ...

    TRIG PAXSON VAN PALIN, born to Sarah Louise and Todd Mitchell Palin of Wasilla on April 18. He weighed 6 pounds, 2 ounces

    Has anyone else seen this? Gryphen?

  16. Anonymous6:18 PM

    Tina Fey rocks!

    Yes, she is 40 & preggers with a second child ...

    AND she looks it!

    Oh, yeah, she isn't trying to hide it either. :)

  17. Anonymous6:20 PM

  18. Anonymous7:09 PM

    If she were a REAL mom she would've scheduled the book tour for the middle of winter and she'd be toting a hatless, shoeless toddler with her.

  19. Anonymous8:02 PM

    OT for this thread but Anon@4:16 pm
    on the New York Times thread wanted me to post this.
    Spring is the season for Babies.

    I really don't like being called a liar.

  20. Anonymous8:25 PM


    those Brit tabloids are much more hardcore than their American counterparts. I can't but help but think if the Brit tabs had been set upon Palin and her unusual birth story we'd have had truth by now. Long live the Queen and her tawdry tabs that aren't afraid to pursue truth, even by hacking phones!

  21. Lynne8:40 PM

    Those are comfortable, sensible mother-to-be shoes. You were expecting "naughty monkeys" maybe?

  22. Anonymous8:48 PM

    "On the last post in the comment section someone said there is a birth announcement for Trig in the Frontiersman news.."

    Yes. I think I archived it, which would date when I saw it. It was months ago I am sure.

    What's the excitement about this?
    The birth announcement matches this story in the ADN.

    Gov. Sarah Palin gave birth to her fifth child at 6:30 this morning at Mat-Su Regional Medical Center, her spokeswoman said today.
    The boy's name is Trig Paxson Van Palin. He's 6 pounds, 2 ounces.

    "The governor's labor began while she was in Texas, and I do know that she got on a plane and landed in Anchorage late last night," said Palin spokeswoman Sharon Leighow.

    Leighow said the governor and her son are healthy and resting comfortably today.

    Somethings slightly inaccurate with either that statement or other statements about newborn Trig's health.

    The baby wasn't due until May 18. "It was quite a surprise," Leighow said.

    OK. Quite a surprise or something else. The full story

    It's the first version of the wild ride.

  23. Gasman9:02 PM

    Tina Fey should be given the Presidential Medal of Freedom for her work in exposing Palin as the ignorant buffoon that she is. The funny thing is, the most damning bits of Fey's Palin impression were when she was quoting Palin verbatim. Palin's own words were the ones that sounded most absurd! Palin IS a parody of reality all on her own!

    Maybe Tina Fey should name her child Trapdoor, Speedbump, Oilrig or some other Palinesque moniker. Do I smell some sort of contest to christen Fey's child à la nom de Palin?

  24. Anonymous10:26 PM

    View the "must see" caption for your wayward child.

  25. Anonymous11:26 PM

    Dearest sarah:

    Look at the photo of Tina.

    Lose 40lbs and you, too, will look that attractive.

    People will line up, again, at your book signings.

    I promise.

  26. Anonymous3:08 AM

    Bill Maher obviously doesn't believe Sarah's fake pregnancy story either.

  27. Anonymous3:45 AM

    What is the significance of the announcement in the Frontiersmen? The birth was announced in many papers. That is not the same as a hospital announcement. When my kids were born, the hospital listed them in the city paper with kids born in a range of dates. They listed DOB and full name (no parents). Our town paper published an announcement THAT WE GAVE THEM, name parents, grandparents, etc. whatever WE wanted them to publish. No wonder Sarah is pushing for "if it was in the paper, it must be so" (which is different from her usual LSM shpeel). But she did say that it is worth investigating birth certificates. Not that what she says matters. I think that she is just trying to appeal to the birthers without thinking how it could come back to her own situation.

  28. Anonymous5:56 AM

    She has a cute bump going on not the flat or square baby Ms.Liar was sporting.

  29. Anonymous 3:45 - "What is the significance of the announcement in the Frontiersmen? The birth was announced in many papers. That is not the same as a hospital announcement."

    But there is a hospital announcement.

    The major significance (in my opinion) is that there are a number of people questioning Sarah's story who keep insisting there isn't a hospital announcement when, in fact, there is. (Gryphen edited his post, so he isn't one of them.) The announcement doesn't have any significance in verifying Sarah's story ( my opinion) as she had considerable influence over the hospital. The newspaper announcement has additional significance in that the list of babies doesn't jive with the online nursery, showing that Trig's absence from the website should not be used as evidence to question Trig's birth story.

    I do wish someone could investigate the Frontiersman list to see how it was compiled and how it compares to actual hospital birth records. I believe it's possible that the baby photographed with the Heaths on April 18 could have been a newborn. My 2-week old granddaughter had the same fat cheeks 3 days after her birth when she weighed 6lb 3oz.

  30. have you ever taken a look at it shows hundreds of pictures of women at various stages of pregnancy (goes by weeks). The majority of these women are pregnant with thir *first*, not their *fifth*, and they're showing SO MUCH MORE than Palin ever did before the one existing picture of her with a baby bump....


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