Sunday, April 10, 2011

New York Times columnist Gail Collins refutes Donald Trump's Birther claims one by one.

Apparently The Donald and Gail Collins have been having a back and forth which started on April 1, when Collins wrote an op-ed entitled "Donald Trump gets Weirder." (I CANNOT imagine why that upset The Donald so much.!)

This irritated Trump who fired off a rather nasty response:

Even before Gail Collins was with the New York Times, she has written nasty and derogatory articles about me. Actually, I have great respect for Ms. Collins in that she has survived so long with so little talent. Her storytelling ability and word usage (coming from me, who has written many bestsellers), is not at a very high level. More importantly, her facts are wrong!

As far as her comments on the so-called “birther” issue, I don't need Ms. Collins's advice. There is a very large segment of our society who believe that Barack Obama, indeed, was not born in the United States. His grandmother from Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth. His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don't know.

He has not been able to produce a “birth certificate” but merely a totally unsigned “certificate of live birth”-which is totally different and of very little significance. Unlike a birth certificate, a certificate of live birth is very easy to obtain. Equally of importance, there are no records in Hawaii that a Barack Hussein Obama was born there-no bills, no doctors names, no nurses names, no registrations, no payments, etc. As far as the two notices placed in newspapers, many things could have happened, but some feel the grandparents put an ad in order to show that he was a citizen of the U.S. with all of the benefits thereto. Everybody, after all, and especially then, wanted to be a United States citizen.

Wow!  And people claim that I am a conspiracy theorist!

Anyhow Collins decided to go ahead and refute the ridiculous assertions made by Trump one by one:

THE GRANDMOTHER STORY “His grandmother in Kenya stated, on tape, that he was born in Kenya and she was there to watch the birth,” Trump wrote. This goes back to a trans-Atlantic telephone call that was made in 2008 by Ron McRae, an Anabaptist bishop and birther, to Sarah Obama, the president’s 86-year-old stepgrandmother. He asked her, through an interpreter whether she was “present when he was born in Kenya.” The translator responded: “She says, yes, she was. She was present when Obama was born.”

It is at this point that some of the tapes floating around the Web stop, which means that the listener doesn’t get to hear the follow-up, which makes it very clear that Sarah Obama misunderstood. The full conversation ends with the interpreter saying, for the umpteenth time: “Hawaii. She says he was born in Hawaii. In the state of Hawaii, where his father, his father was learning there. The state of Hawaii.

THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE If only Hawaii made its birth records public, and charged people a thousand dollars a pop to look at them, the state’s budget problems would be solved by the conspiracy theorists. However, it doesn’t. If you were born in Hawaii and request a copy of your birth certificate, you get a certification of live birth, which the federal government accepts for passports. Barack Obama requested his in 2007, and his campaign posted it on the Internet.

“A certificate of live birth is not even signed by anybody. I saw his. I read it very carefully. It doesn’t have a serial number. It doesn’t have a signature,” said Trump on “Today.”

The document has the stamped signature of the state registrar. The University of Pennsylvania’s made a pilgrimage to the Obama campaign headquarters, examined the document, felt the seal, checked the serial number and reported that it looked fine.

THE EMPTY PHOTO ALBUM “Our current president came out of nowhere. Came out of nowhere,” Trump told the Conservative Political Action Conference to great applause. “In fact, I’ll go a step further. The people that went to school with him, they never saw him; they don’t know who he is. It’s crazy.”

This week on CNN, Suzanne Malveaux played Trump clips of Hawaiians reminiscing about the schoolchild Obama for a documentary the network had done on the president.

“Look, I didn’t say that ... If he was 3 years old or 2 years old or 1 year old and people remember him, that’s irrelevant,” Trump responded. “You have to be born in this country.”

There, done, everything refuted and explained so that there is NO confusion.

Now here is what I am thinking.  With all of this in the news, I wonder if we could get just one reporter from the mainstream media to address those same points of evidence when it comes to Sarah Palin's fifth pregnancy. And don't be concerned about receiving the "wrath of the Palin-bots" because just the other day Sarah herself expressed total support for digging into people's birth stories.

Here I will even provide some of the questions:
  • Perhaps start off by asking IF Cathy Baldwin-Johnson did in fact okay a plane trip back from Texas after the first female Governor of Alaska started leaking amniotic fluid, and having contractions, without insisting that she visit a Texas hospital first?
  • Then ask why there was no birth announcement on the newspaper  Mat-Su  Hospital website (Oops I originally wrote this incorrectly.  I meant to say it was not published with the birth announcements on the Mat-Su website, NOT the newspaper.) when the sitting governor's fifth child arrived? (Even though the Mat-Su hospital was known to do that automatically, unless requested to do otherwise by the parents.)
  • Another great question might be to ask WHY Cathy Baldwin-Johnson felt the need to bring her attorney with her while answering routine questions posed by the ADN about the Governor's delivery?
  • You could also ask why Palin refused to produce Trig's birth certificate when the "conspiracy" stories were at their zenith at the end of August in 2008, and instead "refuted" the rumors by putting her pregnant daughter on display for all the world to ogle?
  • Then you could ask why Palin is wearing a square pillow in this picture when she was supposed to be only 23 days away from giving birth to a six pound two ounce little boy?
There are dozens of other questions that are also worth asking, but if just one journalist would be willing to ask Sarah, or even Todd,  some of these questions, that would do quite a lot to finally refute the "crazy conspiracy talk" about the birth of her fifth child.

And wouldn't it be nice to finally put all of these questions behind us?

After all if people feel it is alright to question President Obama's GRANDMOTHER about his birth place, surely we could find at least one gutsy journalist willing to ask the hard questions of Sarah Palin and her family.  Don'tcha think?


  1. Anonymous11:55 AM

    If the birth certificate exists, how come Obama's old buddy Hawaii Gov Neil Abercrombie admitted he couldn't find it?

  2. Anonymous12:13 PM


  3. Anonymous12:15 PM

    He did no such thing.

    Privacy laws forbid even the Governor of the State of Hawaii from examining the original records.

    Further, there is an interview with the former director of Hawaii's Department of Health that was posted on the MSNBC website today that refutes what you've said:

    PS Where's Trigg's birth certificate? Where's the Wasilla Teabilly's college degree?

  4. angela12:16 PM

    Anon 11:55
    Do you think repeating a lie will sooner or later make it true? You have posted this many times on many threads on many blogs. Give it up . . . .

    And about a reporter asking Sarah . . . anything. One reporter following her from her car to a building asking her about her "pregnancy" would make her have a breakdown. Remember the reporter in Kentucky at the bottom of the stairs who, without saying a word to her, made her run back up the stairs? She's a coward who folds like a cheap suit. Grizzly my ass.

  5. Anonymous12:18 PM

    Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back, when I first started reading about La Sarah, there was a post which said a search for "Trig Palin" returned something like page not found?, something like that, which led the poster to conclude that there had to have been a page with Trig Palin's name on it, at some time, otherwise Google would have returned a 'no match try a different spelling' type of response. And that the page possibly had been removed because it contained something (like maybe a date? hmmm) the Palin machine wanted covered up. It was a long time ago, but I've always remembered it; the coverup/scrubbing began very quickly.

  6. Anonymous12:18 PM

    This article directly refutes the claim by anonymous @ 11:00:

    "There is no Barack Obama birth certificate in Hawaii," Evans claimed he was told by the governor's office. "Absolutely no proof that he was born in Hawaii... now [Abercrombie] admits, publicly, that there is no birth certificate."

    Evans now says it was all a big misunderstanding.

    "This I can you tell you is 100% fact,"

    he told Fox News

    . "Neil never told me there was no birth certificate... I never talked to him."

  7. Anonymous12:21 PM

    yep,, if the hunt for his is OK,, it's open season on sarah as well.

    bill in belize

  8. Anonymous12:23 PM

    Hey, birther at 11:55 - BECAUSE HE DOESN'T WORK IN THAT DEPT. Koch Bros. loves the stupid birthers, because they distract us (low-hanging fruits that they are) while the elite robs us blind. Birthers, you work for the Koch Brothers. From now on, any time you encounter a "birther" online, ask them how it feels to work for a corporation who is actively trying to ruin the middle class?

  9. Anonymous12:24 PM

    oyyyyy. SO now the sTRUMPET birther is a McCain birther too? After all, McCain wasn't born in the U.S.

  10. Anonymous12:25 PM

    Where is Sarah's Birth Certificate? On 2009 on this blog, there was a commenter who said Sarah was born in Canada, not far from Sandpoint, ID. I think that's why she didn't go to Bethlehem....Didn't want to show her passport.

  11. Anonymous12:25 PM

    If Donald Trump (original surname "Drumpf") is really serious, and I doubt that he is, then America would be far better served if he would spend his money following the money trail that leads to, then subsequently from, Sarah Palin and her SarahPAC.

    Never in my life have I seen such blatant fraud being perpetrated.

    But as I said, I don't believe he's serious about running for public office. He, like Sarah and Bristol Palin, is just a publicity hound. He thrives on seeing his name in lights.

    Unlike her, he knows he would not stand a prayer of being elected.

    Given all that, would someone, somewhere, please take up the chase and investigate all of Sarah and Bristol's income? Trace it back to its true origin and then expose it to the light of the day?

  12. Anonymous12:26 PM

    Donald will do anything for ratings, ANYTHING, even this. He's a racist pig. Look at his hair--a sign of his vanity, his "red crown." Hilarious.

  13. Anonymous12:31 PM

    LOL! That picture is too funny. I don't know where you found that, but thanks for a good laugh.

    Ok, now I'll read the article. Had to stop and say a big THANKS for showing the puffed up buffoon with flyaway hair.

  14. Ripley in CT12:37 PM

    T-Rump has lost his marbles.

  15. Anonymous12:41 PM

    I can't believe (sp? lol) that a sitting president would, given his/her priorities, worry about producing a birth certificate. I AM the PRESIDENT!! However, someone who would challenge his citizenship should be ready/aim (lol again)to produce anything that would be "here's mine, where's yours? Just sayin'.

  16. Anonymous12:44 PM

    "Do you think repeating a lie will sooner or later make it true? "

    That is the number one trick in the GOP's bag o'tricks these days. Sad.

  17. Anonymous12:46 PM

    Here's my Donald Trump takedown, which I worked on for several hours:

    It's a bit long, but I refute a lot of the absurdisms and point out how the same people making these claims against Obama sometimes ignore them about Sarah Palin (like the hospital not admitting he was born there). Sound familir?

  18. Anonymous12:47 PM

    Just about fell off my chair laughing at that picture of Trump! By the way, is there another link that refers to Baldwin showing up for the ADN interview with her lawyer? The link just took me to the article, but I didn't see anything in there about Baldwin's lawyer being with her.

  19. Anonymous12:49 PM

    "His family in Honolulu is fighting over which hospital in Hawaii he was born in-they just don't know."

    Just like Sarah, who has stated that Trig was born in hospitals in Wasilla and Anchorage. Truly a miracle baby.

  20. Anonymous12:51 PM

    Why doesn't he get a toupee, a good one?

  21. Kimosabe12:52 PM

    Anon 2:18. Yes I remember the scrubbing too. Pretty sure the scrubbing of the MatSu hospital website you refer to was discussed on the old PalinDeceptions blog. It was never explained. It remains good fodder for expert investigation.

  22. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Backpedal much? Now he's dialing back the rhetoric? What a dick.

    Trump Tells Candy Crowley ‘I Don’t Like to Talk About This (Birther) Issue Too Much’

  23. Anonymous12:59 PM

    Now is the time. Since the media is giving the birthers air time they must admit there are some pretty big gaps in Palins pregnancy story.

  24. Anonymous1:01 PM

    David Plouffe on ABC’s This Week

  25. Virginia Voter1:01 PM

    I really don't get what Trump's end game here is...he will never financially disclose his assets, so its highly doubtful he will actually run for president. If he does, he will go down just like his pal Rudy did. GOP primary voters don't like thrice married blowhard arrogant New Yorkers, period.

    In the meantime, I had my husband change our reservations in Atlantic City. We were going to stay at the Taj Mahal, but now will go to Ceasars or Harrahs.

    I'm still waiting for the Palin fairy tale trolls to come ut in force. Maybe Sarah and Becky haven't come up with some new talking points yet.

  26. The stuff Trump is saying about President Obama's Birth Certificate??
    He sounds like he is confused. He is listing the excuses $arah has used about baby Trigger.
    What an ass he is!!

  27. Anonymous1:23 PM

    I wish we could ship these racist pigs on a boat to Africa and sell them as slave Labor.

    I'm not kidding!! I'm sick of it.

    This birther nonsense is nothing more than KKK garbage because they can't stand the fact WE have a black man as our President.

    As far as the Psychotic Bitch of Wasilla.

    I want to know, what kind of mother, pregnant with a DS baby, would fly 10 hours while leaking anatomic fluid, passed several neonatal hospitals only to deliver at a community hospital? A Pyschotic person that's who!

    When I was pregnant with my third child who was breech, my Dr. said she will not turn around by the time to deliver. He said that I would need a Cesarean. He also said if my water broke to immediately go to the hospital and to lie down on my way there to avoid infection. Since I was looking out for the best interest of my unborn baby, like most loving mothers, I specifically followed his advise.

    Either psycho didn't give birth to Trig or she's a screwed up person who risked the life of her unborn baby!

  28. Anonymous1:24 PM

    And another interesting question: why did the Palin family release photographs of two different babies, each supposed to be "Trig" ??

  29. Anonymous1:35 PM

    Oh my Gryph, I'm over 50, I do not know who delivered me, I do not know what nurses helped with the delivery, I do not know what floor I was delivered on, I do not even know the name of the hospital I was delivered at, I do not think the doctor or nurses or the janitors or the hospital administration or anybody from the hospital remembers me from over 50 years ago.

    Don't tell Trump or Palin that my mother was not born in America, my dad said he was but I never asked to see his birth certificate. My dad retired after 25 years from the US military, I hope that means something. I do have a drivers license and I do have a Secret Clearance to work on government projects. I think I am an average American that has similar stories as other Americans.

    Okay, well I think I've said too much, I don't want the Donald to send investigators to look for me.

    Mums the word, okay?

  30. Anonymous1:36 PM

    I used to live in NYC and I can assure you most people in that city think he's an imbecile. He's a cartoon character. He's lost tons of money, bankrupted several companies, and most of his worth is leveraged. But his daddy is rich and the Donald figured out he could make money by telling a bunch of lies and getting lots of PR. He's as big a scam artist as $arah. They're perfect for each other.

  31. Anonymous1:37 PM

    By this time, few of us could produce the bill from the doctor, the insurance papers and the other things that Trump is requesting. For that matter, I doubt that he has the bills from his own delivery. That is not proof of anything.

    In fact, with today's photo shop and other computer tools, one can fabricate documents. Orly Taitz claimed to have found the original Kenya birth certificate of Obama, born in Mombasa, Kenya. When Keith Olbermann put it under the microscope, he showed that it wasn't real, because at that time of Obama's birth, Mombasa was still part of a British protectorate and should have been labeled as such. Mombasa became part of the newly independent Kenya December 12, 1963. Obama was born August 4, 1961.

    The only official record is the one that is kept by the government in charge. In our area, it is the county that keeps track of our records. Other places, it may be the city or the state. But, all of these places have something in common. They keep the original copy, and they issue photocopies that have to have an embossed seal to show its place of origin.

    We have to laugh at Trump who asked people at his office to produce his birth certificate, which turned out to be the souvenir copy issues by the hospital, not a legal document.

    Trump is grand standing, looking for attention, and while he says that he is sending detectives to Hawaii, he wouldn't waste that kind of money. He talks a good game, but deep down, he is as phony as the hair in the picture on this post. He is loud and bombastic, and he thinks that shouting it often enough makes it true. It only makes him look like a blow hard.

  32. Anonymous1:38 PM

    There's actually a theory going around that Trump is actually doing this to hand the victory to Obama.

    By coming out loudly with this birther stupidity, the wingnuts are flocking to him, even further dividing the Republican base from any candidate that *could* potentially beat him. TPaw has now come out on the "he's American" side, so he's toast with the 75% of Repubs who are birthers. Mittens is not saying a word, while the Huckster has some serious nuking-the-hard-drives problems, and Bachman is batshies anyway. Not to mention how FABULOUS she looks in the clothes her husband picks out. hmmm....

    Trump can bluster and blow and the world will pay a lot of attention as he's promoting his idiotic show and lord knows what else, and in the end, he can say, "Hey, I was wrong." No real damage will be done to Obama, but the Republican party will be left in tatters.

  33. wakeUpAmerica1:47 PM

    The Donald is about nut deep in manopause. What an ego!

  34. Anonymous1:49 PM

    The thing that drives me nuts about this whole Birther "he wasn't born in Hawaii" meme is that IT DOESN'T MATTER. Even if he was born in Kenya to a Kenyan father, having an American mother entitled him to American citizenship. She would have applied for, and received, a "certificate of the birth of an American citizen abroad." That is an American birth certificate, issued to a "natural born American." It makes the holder eligible to be president. End of story. Why don't the press acquaint themselves with these facts and spell them out every time these birther idiots start raving?

    The one who was not born in this country is McCain. He was born in Panama. Why does no one say he wasn't eligible? Because he's white?

    I'm wondering how the birthers think Obama obtained his American passport?

  35. Donald Trump is delusional. I live near one of his golf courses, and put pictures of it, benearth Mars, Whitman and Forbes estates, here:

    All the trees and grass are dying from pollution, but he's clueless.

  36. Anonymous1:59 PM

    President Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States, so get over it. If he wasn't eligible to run for president he would have been disqualified a long time ago.

    Trump knows this, but he's trying give his smug mug more camera time.

    If President Obama was born in Kenya as some folks claim, shouldn't there be a document of some kind that places President Obama's mother in Kenya?

  37. Anonymous2:06 PM

    Hmm, replace Michelle Obama with Sarah Palin telling Sarah's ridiculous birth story and I guarantee it would have gotten wall-to-wall coverage...

  38. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Maybe you need to remove this question.

    Then ask why there was no birth announcement in the newspaper when the sitting governor's fifth child arrived? (Even though the Mat-Su hospital was known to do that automatically, unless requested to do otherwise by the parents.)

    All you have to do is go to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman and in the archives place - Spring is the season for babies - up pops an article that gives Trigs name and also 5 other babies that were born on the 18th. It also gives their parents full names.

  39. Ratfish2:22 PM

    This is what Palin just said about Donald Trump's efforts regarding Obama's birth certificate.

    Palin says: "Well, you know, I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was a birth announcement put in the newspaper," she said. "But obviously there's something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate...he's going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And that's kind of perplexing for a lot of people."

    So why hasn't she shown Trig's birth certificate when asked, and why wasn't there a birth announcement in the Mat-Su hospital where he was born?

    Oh, I forgot- because she is a hypocrite and intellectually celibate.

  40. Anonymous2:22 PM

    He is such an asshole. Congrats....this is the best photo of Trump I've ever seen. I have fairly long hair & it would seem that some of his is longer than mine. I have to say the most interesting thing about Trump is the hair thing. I have yet to figure out just exactly what the fuck he is doing with his hair. It's not just a regular comb over. Also what's with the make up. Sorry I digress.

  41. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The Donald has put on weight!

  42. Anonymous2:30 PM

    The "Donald" is a dumb fuckass moron and is playing to Fox Snooze. He is the replacement for Sarah and Glenn Beck.

    With hair like the Donald, how could anybody sane believe anything he says? He is an idiot.

    Sarah is a birther also too and she was not pregnant with Trig.

  43. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Sarah and the Donald are running full birther while not paying taxes and screwing America.

    Sarah and Donald, two stinking rats swimming with turds in their own cesspool. They really stink!!!

  44. Anonymous2:44 PM

    What a great picture! I am amazed that a person with his record of shady dealings would even begin to think about running for president. His ego must be about as big as Mrs. Todd Palin's!
    What a totally classless response he makes about that reporter. It made me laugh..what a total dick of person he is!
    I remember back when that Maples woman was pregnant..I wondered how any woman could be so stupid. Imagine waking up with that head of hair on the pillow next to you. YUK!!

  45. Anonymous2:45 PM

    After the wild ride story, there should never have been a question that the whole birth story is a lie. Why would anyone consider Palin for Pres when she showed such ignorance and neglect.?

    We may never know the exact truth of Trig's birth but we do know the story of the wild ride. Unless Palin says she lied, then she, and Todd, appear to have put an unborn child in horrible danger.

    It is like there are 2 parts to the story--1. The Wild Ride 2. The Birth. As stand alone stories, they are equally bad. However, the first one made the second one/lie necessary. The Wild Ride could have killed the baby and Palin hasn't been challenged on that enough.

  46. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Trump is a turd. Where were wives #1 and #3 born Donald? Not here that's for sure.

    As for the hospital the President was born in, try looking it up on this website ya jerk. It's in there if you look.

    I never much cared for "The Donald" and I care even less for his pompous, gaudy ass now.

  47. Anonymous3:05 PM

    Well, well, well....two of Trump the turd's wives were born in what were once Communist countries. Ivana in the former Czech Republic and Melania in Slovenia.

    I hope someone makes an issue of it. When I was growing up in 60s and 70s, the communists were enemies of America. No wonder I disliked this guy from the get go.

  48. Anonymous3:14 PM

    All you have to do is go to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman and in the archives place - Spring is the season for babies - up pops an article that gives Trigs name and also 5 other babies that were born on the 18th. It also gives their parents full names.


    can't archive what was never there and Trig was not born at Mat Su on the 18th of April 2008.

  49. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Well now, that makes at least 5 things that Sarah Gump & Donald Trump have in common:

    1) They're both birthers.
    2) They're both media h o ' s.
    3) They're both reality show celebrities.
    4) They both defended that paragon of "christian" virtue Carrie Prejean who posed half nude and had a secret sex tape.
    5) They both have bad hair and will never be taken seriously in history, ne-vah.

    As for their birther followers they remind me of something Ron White said, "Let me tell you something folks- you can't fix stupid. There's not a pill you can take. There's not a class you can go to. Stupid is fo-evah."


  50. Anonymous3:31 PM

    You want to see Donald back down really quick? Boycott his casino in Atlantic City. Every Democrat who supports Obams just stay away. I can guarantee that he'll be backing off this birther crap in a matter of a day. Nothing is more important to the Donald than the Dollar. To be honest, I'm surprised that he's stirring up so much bad PR for himself. His people must be going nuts right now. Unless he thinks he'll just turn his casino into Teaparty Central.

  51. "They keep the original copy, and they issue photocopies that have to have an embossed seal to show its place of origin."

    If the agency in question has entered all the records into a database, it is not even a photocopy of the original. It is like the one the President (and my son born in Hawaii) have, a document with all the necessary information to prove citizenship; date and place of birth and parents' names and citizenship, pulled from the state or county database.

  52. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Because too-stupid-to-find-out-why @ 11:55:
    Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie is giving up on efforts to squash claims that President Barack Obama wasn't born in his state -- but it's not for lack of trying.

    State Attorney General David Louie told the governor that it's against state law to release private documents, including an individual's birth documentation without the person's consent

    "There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document," Abercrombie's spokeswoman Donalyn Dela Cruz said Friday. "Unfortunately, there are conspirators who will continue to question the citizenship of our president."

    Abercrombie said that even if there is ample evidence that proves he's a U.S. citizen, conspiracy theories will still exist.

    "You're not going to convince those people because they have a political agenda, or they have minds that go in that kind of direction," the governor said. "Conspiratorial theorists are never going to be satisfied."

    Trump's publicity stunt claiming that he's sent "investigators" to Hawaii, will find nothing either because that's the LAW in Hawaii.

    Even Obama himself cannot release the long form. He can go in person and view it but by LAW cannot copy it himself. You think Obama is going to go to Hawaii and break a state law? I'll bet you birthers are hoping.


  53. Anonymous3:41 PM

    "have to have an embossed seal to show its place of origin"

    Not even. The paper may have a watermark, the "seal" is a stamp with the current county clerk's signature. I showed my driver's license to get it. And had to give them both parent's names, dob, and mom's maiden name and the Fed said fine for a passport.

  54. Anonymous3:47 PM

    "Sarah Obama, the president’s 86-year-old stepgrandmother."

    Not just Obama's paternal grandmother.

    Figure the odds of Obama's dad's second wife's mother being present at the dad's first wife's delivery?

    There is no indication that Obama's mom was anywhere but the US and Indonesia.
    Obama was born apparently before his dad remarried but after his dad left Hawaii.
    So how did Obama's dad's second wife's mother manage to be present when Obama was born?

    CBJ had a lawyer with her at the ADN interview because of HIPAA. She cannot release medical or personal information about a patient, any patient, with out that patient's permission.
    She could lose her license if she lets one wrong word slip out.
    And you know Sarah would try to ruin her if she did.

    Please leave the lady out of the speculations. Unless she did something unethical,and that has not been suggested, then she is just another victim of Sarah's.

    She is in a very conflicted box and can't escape it.

  55. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Saw this when reading one of the links posted here: "Bill Clinton just weighed in on the Birther non-issue. He said one of the rules of combat is not to get in your opponent’s way when he’s shooting himself in the foot." LOL!

    I suppose we can thank Trump for being asinine enough to publicly state falsehoods with arrogant stupdity. In the last day or two, it has brought forth "irrefudiatable" proof of the validity of the President's already provided birth certificate.

  56. Anonymous3:53 PM

    Poor old coot needs a new dye job on his grey hair, it ain't red no mo. LOL And that HOWLER MONKEY impression he is doing with his mouth sure is NOT PRESIDENTIAL!

  57. Anonymous3:59 PM

    I just went to the Frontiersman newspaper and in the search box entered Trig Palin and an article from May 5, 2008 came up announcing all hospital births. His name was among them.

  58. Anonymous4:05 PM


    Yes, Barack Obama's dad was a polygamist. Haven't ever heard that? Me either. EFM reader James just pointed me to this article which says his father married three women (without divorcing) and sired eight children from four different women.

    In other words, Dreams from My Father does not tell the true story, according to family members. Here's the sad tale:

    Barack Obama Sr. married Kezia when he was 18 years old, but left her pregnant with their baby son four years later to go to Hawaii. Once he was enrolled in school there, he married an 18-year-old white student named Ann, to whome Barack Obama Jr. was born in August, 1961. Two years later, Barack Sr. left Ann and the baby when he was accepted to Harvard. While he claims the marriage was broken up by racism, it actually dissolved when Ann discovered the inconvenient little fact that he already had another wife. Barack Sr. returned to Kenya where he fathered two more children by Kezia, then married American-born teacher Ruth. (He met her at Harvard while still legally married to his first two wives.)

    Confused yet? This wouldn't even fit into a typical Jerry Springer episode--he still fathered two more children with Kezia during his marriage to Ruth.

    Tragically, his alcoholism caused him to lose both his legs during a drunk driving accident. But he still managed to sire another son--his eighth, if you've lost count--by another woman, whom he planned to marry. However, he never had a chance to walk down the aisle again, because he died in another drunken crash when Obama was 21.

    Barack's cousin had this to say about his dad:

    "You have to remember that his father was an African and in Africa, polygamy is part of life.

  59. Anonymous4:14 PM

    Anonymous said...
    You want to see Donald back down really quick? Boycott his casino in Atlantic City. Every Democrat who supports Obams just stay away. I can guarantee that he'll be backing off this birther crap in a matter of a day. Nothing is more important to the Donald than the Dollar. To be honest, I'm surprised that he's stirring up so much bad PR for himself. His people must be going nuts right now. Unless he thinks he'll just turn his casino into Teaparty Central.

    3:31 PM

    I don't watch or record The Apprentice or watch what ever beauty pageant he owns. Everybody should ignore his crap.

  60. Anonymous4:16 PM

    Anon at 2:11 said:

    All you have to do is go to the Mat-Su Valley Frontiersman and in the archives place - Spring is the season for babies - up pops an article that gives Trigs name and also 5 other babies that were born on the 18th. It also gives their parents full names.

    Nice try. However, I tried exactly as you said, using the date range of 4/18/08 through 4/28/08. No such article "pops up." I did see the official news release by the governor's office, stating Trig had been born, which is not from an official source. If you actually found such an article, please post the link. I highly doubt you can.

  61. Anonymous4:20 PM


    So Fucking What?

    Obama hadn't seen the man since he was 10 years old. What does that have to do with anything?

    Obama grandparents raised him END OF STORY Period!!

  62. Anonymous4:25 PM

    "There is nothing more that Gov. Abercrombie can do within the law to produce a document."

    Really? So how come Fukino could access records and see Obama's birth certificate and Abercrombie could not? And if it does exist, why didn't Obama give his old pal Neil permission to look at it?

    Obama's actual birth certificate is gone, records no longer exist. What Fukino can find are notations that a birth did occur on said day but the actual documents are no longer available.

    No big deal, you say, the President was born in Hawaii. Sure - except he knows the proof is missing and he has been covering it up for years. Just like Nixon, it ain't the crime that gets you, it is the lies and the coverups.

  63. Anonymous4:28 PM

    President Barack Hussein Obama was born in the United States, so get over it. If he wasn't eligible to run for president he would have been disqualified a long time ago. >>>

    Not true. The party certifies the candidate, not the Electoral College. Nancy Pelosi was chair of the DNC, she's the one who signed off.

  64. Anonymous4:30 PM

    I agree with the posters who say to boycott all Trump enterprises. He's an idiot who is making a mockery of our political system.

  65. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Yes, I'm sure "Evangelicals for Mitt" is probably the least biased source out there... and if it is true, who cares? Is his father president? Or even alive?

    Over on Gawker there is an article about Palin supporting Trump's birther BS and people are indeed wondering, in the comments, where Trig's birth certificate is!

  66. Anonymous4:44 PM

    I was always suspicious (and still am) about this:

    The timing of this, right after Tripp was born, seems like maybe someone didn't want Tripp's birth announced for some reason, someone with a vested interest and some pull like maybe, a governor?

  67. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Hmmm, looks like the trolls slept in today - and now that the sun is setting they come out.

    Anyway, 4:05 , except for the title and the snarky SPringer comment, it's exactly what's on Wiki.

    So, let me get this straight - a child is born to an American woman, in America, she then leaves her husband and takes child then returns to area, but divorces husband (and this is all occurring in the U.S.) HE doesn't see his son after what, the age of two? He hasn't told her he was married in his own country, which presumably allowed multiple wives either legally or culturally. He then marries a second time. He returns once to see son at the age of ten for a couple weeks visit.

    And the implication of daddy having multiple wives is?

  68. meena4:51 PM

    Fox News Hides Video of Sarah Palin Blasting John Boehner's Budget Deal:

  69. Anonymous4:54 PM

    President Obama's grandfather and uncle served in the war and darn well deserve everything this country has to offer... why does the MSM allow Trump to say things like they put the notice in the paper so they could get welfare etc..more to the point, Trump married Ivana so she could get citizenship and share in the benefits of this country that President Obama's family fought for. Oh yea he is Black that must be it for the whites of Trump.

  70. Anonymous5:01 PM

    If PRESIDENT Obama ever decided to validate the birthers and start down the road of the loonies where no matter what proof was provided they would not believe it anyway,he would be setting a new precedent for every President after him to be forced to defend ridiculous claims,lawsuits,and accusations.He will not do that.In any case,he has released his birth certificate.The same type of BC I have.If you have some "long form" please scan it and post it.

  71. Anonymous5:04 PM

    Gov Abercrombie, HNL Star-Advertiser, 1/18/11:

    Q: You stirred up quite a controversy with your comments regarding birthers and your plans to release more information regarding President Barack Obama's birth certificate. How is that coming?

    A: I got a letter from someone the other day who was genuinely concerned about it; it is not all just political agenda. They were talking on Olelo last night about this; it has a political implication for 2012 that we simply cannot have.

    (Abercrombie said there is a recording of the birth in the State Archives and he wants to use that.)

    It was actually written I am told, this is what our investigation is showing, it actually exists in the archives, written down ...

    ...What I can do, and all I have ever said, is that I am going to see to it as governor that I can verify to anyone who is honest about it that this is the case.

    If there is a political agenda then there is nothing I can do about that, nor can the president.

  72. Anonymous5:07 PM

    VirginiaVoter--DH says you should stay at the Borgata if you can.He works for the company,Boyd gaming,here in Louisiana.I used to work at Trumps Castle many moons ago when wicked witch Ivana ran the cocktail waitresses.She was a dictator without a country,the waitresses got demerits if they did not wear 4 inch heels,they got demerits for gaining weight,3 pounds could get you fired.The Donald not only went bankrupt numerous times,he caused the bankruptcies and failures of many companies in the Atlantic county area because he owed them enormous sums of money that he never paid.My dad was a foreman for one of those companies.

  73. Anonymous5:11 PM

    12:47:Just about fell off my chair laughing at that picture of Trump! By the way, is there another link that refers to Baldwin showing up for the ADN interview with her lawyer? The link just took me to the article, but I didn't see anything in there about Baldwin's lawyer being with her."

    Good question...I have never found the source of Johnson-showing-up-with-lawyer, and would like to find it.


  74. Anonymous5:15 PM


    1. Fuck you for judging other cultures. Mitt Romney's grandfather was a polygamist, but I bet you'd vote for him.

    2. This wouldn't be on the birth certificate so the idea that this is why Obama wouldn't release the certificate is a nonstarter.

    3. The fact that his father was married before he went to Hawaii WAS in the book. He meets his half-sibs when his dad dies and they're older than him. This isn't a surprise. It wasn't mentioned that his father was divorced, and, in 1962, it might not have been culturally acceptable for him -- or culturally necessary -- for him to divorce Wife #1. But, I repeat, Fuck you for judging Barack Obama Jr. or Barack Obama Sr. for this fact. This is typical evangelical fascism. Everyone has to be just like you, white, straight and Christian, otherwise their lives are unimportant. That's Fascism.

    4. You fucking racist...NO ONE ever said BHO Sr. and Ann Dunham divorced because of racism. He left her because he got a scholarship to go to Harvard. He had the option to go to The New School -- the New School even offered to give him a stipend that would support his family -- but he decided to go to Harvard, because it was the best school. IT'S IN THE BOOK. If you would have read it, instead of reading about what was in it, you racist ignoramus, you would know that. You just assume that they used racism as an excuse because you are such a racist you think black people use racism as an excuse for everything, but you're wrong. They DIVORCED -- because, yeah, you're wrong about that, too, fuck face -- because he got into HARVARD. Which he graduated from. And then went back to Kenya where he became a government official.

    Fucking racists, man! I am so sick of them.

  75. Does that guy realize that he looks like a moron, acts like a moron, and is a moron? Did anybody ever tell him the only reason women gave him the time of day was because he said he was rich? And just how true is that? Butt ugly dude with massive ego and just about the dumbest hair on the planet. He is SO gross.

  76. majii5:55 PM

    IMO, the whole birther obsession has to do with some whites not liking having a black man in the WH that they know couldn't have gotten there without other whites voting for him. They're not only upset with President Obama. They're also upset with the whites, blacks, and other people of color who voted for him in 2008.

    They can't understand HOW any white person could look beyond an individual's race at his/her other qualities because they either can't, or refuse to, do it. Most likely, in their minds, having a black president is a disgrace, not only to themselves but to America. I've seen all of this before because I grew up under segregation in this country, attended college, earned a degree, later earned multiple graduate level degrees, and taught school in the South for 33 years.

    Not once in all of the years that I was in a public high school classroom did I NOT have some people like the birthers come in and question my teaching credentials. Even when they discovered that I graduated from the University of GA and did graduate work at one of the best private colleges in the South and passed every teacher certification test the first time I sat for them. They still questioned my teaching credentials. It was too difficult for them to get their minds around the fact that I had attended these, and other, colleges, and that I had a student pass rate of @ 94% on the graduation test in the subjects that I taught.

    I shared a bit of my life story to demonstrate that, among a certain segment of individuals in this country, no matter what members of a certain group have accomplished, they will never consider them to be their equals. This, I believe, is the motivation for the continued rejection of the fact that President Obama was born in Hawaii, and the continued failure to give him credit for doing anything right. That they clothe themselves with the mantle of Christianity while doing it is particularly odious to me because I take Christianity seriously and hate no one, seek to bring down no one, and do not seek to place my personal desires above the teachings of Christ. I was just reading in my Bible today in the Book of Matthew where Jesus warns Christians that when they stand before judgment and say that they did "this" or "that" in his name, they will be told by him that he doesn't know them. If some Americans say that Christianity is the most important thing in their lives, they should act like it. In the NT, Jesus also states that what comes out of one's mouth is what is in his/her heart, so I don't believe those on the right who say that they don't hate ____ because their words and actions show the opposite.

  77. Anonymous5:58 PM

    Anon at 4:25, you need your meds adjusted.

    There is no conspiracy. You are seeing flying pink elephants. And even if Obama were born in Kenya--which he was not--he would still be eligible to be president for the same reason McCain, who was born in Panama, is: Obama's mother was American, so no matter where he was born, he is a natural born citizen. Got that?

  78. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Go to wikipedia and search for Donald Trump. His mother was born in Scotland, yet he is a US citizen. You would think he, of all people, would know that Obama is a citizen simply because one parent was a citizen. What a blow hard hypocrite.

  79. Anonymous6:21 PM

    11:55 - lol - GET A LIFE, BOT.

  80. Anonymous6:23 PM

    Hey, Sarah, show us YOUR birth certificate and Trig's.

  81. Anonymous6:26 PM

    The Donald has really lost it....

    Can't even afford enough hair product to keep the comb-over in place!

    The Donald needs hair and make-up advice from the Scarah! You never see her hair/wig move.

  82. Anonymous6:29 PM

    Anon 3:47pm - Why is CBJ in a "very
    conflicted box & can't get out of it?" If everything is on the up 'n up
    with Trig's birth where's the conflict? The woman doesn't need to violate any HIPPA laws, all she needs to do is say was NOT present when Trig was born or, that she WAS present. Really very simple.

    Sharon TN

  83. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Ironically, the Donald’s three children by Ivana are all Czech citizens. Anyone born to a Czech parent is automatically a citizen. Their children were born in 1977, 1981 and 1984. Ivana did not became a US citizen until 1988. Question for the press to ask: Would we want a president whose children are foreign nationals?

    Silliness aside, they had dual citizenship because they were 1) born on US soil and 2) born to an American parent. Just like Obama—except for one important item. Under Kenyan law, he automatically lost his dual citizenship (which was actually British at the time of his birth) because Kenya prohibits dual citizenship unless you swear an oath to Kenya when you turn 21. You actually have two years to do it. Since he never did, his dual citizenship automatically expired. I’m not sure if the Trump children have renounced their Czech citizenship.

  84. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Why doesn't Mr. Trump just "let it go" on the hair. It just don't look right. If it must look like Gollum's style, then so be it. I think mother nature is the winner in this gamble.

  85. Anonymous6:37 PM

    5:58, I'm sure Obama was born in Hawaii. I'm equally sure the records have been lost, he knows this and has been lying about it,

  86. Anonymous6:55 PM

    Trump is a strange looking man. Unless he made women believe he really is rich, he would not get to first base with any of them. Does the present Mrs. Trump speak English? I haven't heard her say anything, she just stands beside him looking bored.

  87. Anonymous7:38 PM

    @6: 37 - YOU LIE

  88. Trig is included in the Mat-Su hospital published birth announcements and the article is still available.

    Considering Sarah's hospital contacts and influence, the newspaper announcement of Trig's birth can't stand alone as sufficient evidence but it may give us insight into why she was impressed with Pres. Obama's newspaper birth announcement.

    Many of the Mat-Su births listed in the newspaper are missing from the online nursery so we can't make anything of the omission of Trig's name and photo on the website.

    On the other hand, Tripp was not included in the published Mat-Su birth announcements for Dec. '08.

    Adding to the intrigue, Mat-Su hospital stopped publishing birth listings on Jan 2 09.

  89. Anonymous8:25 PM

    6:37, it's amazing that you can be "equally sure the records have been lost, he knows this and has been lying about it" when the Hawaii state official has made several public statements (including one today) that she has verified the documents are there. The Governor has no authority to view anyone's private records. But Fukima had that authority, did view the records (twice), and verified they are there and valid.

  90. Anonymous8:39 PM

    Great picture.

  91. Anonymous8:57 PM

    This is hilarious.

    "From the Sheya blog post titled "Palin-Bachmann: The Catfight":

    By all accounts Michele Bachmann is running for president. Personally I have my doubts, I think she’s up to something and is eyeing something other than the oval office. From information I’m gathering on the ground, she’s running around with Romney operatives and apparently Romney’s people are approaching Palin supporters and telling them that Palin isn’t running and they should therefore support Bachmann."

    It gets better. There's a clip of Tammy Bruce attacking Bachmann.

  92. Anonymous8:57 PM

    This has bothered me for quite some time. I got an email on March 31st, 2008 from someone in Wasilla who is has worked w/ Sarah and whose child knows her kids. In this email, they said "Hey, did you know Sarah Palin is going to be a Grandmother?" This person said they were claiming Bristol was 5 months along, but that she was, in fact, nearly 7 months pregnant. This person also told me that Levi was the father. So if Bristol gave birth to Tripp on Dec 27, 2008 and he was full term, that means that I found out (at least 3rd hand) that Bristol was pregnant at what? A week gestation? That doesn't make sense. It sounds crazy even to me at times, but I have to wonder if maybe Tri-G, the baby that was born on April 18th, might have actually been the result of this pregnancy. The pictures showing Levi and Mercedes holding a baby that looks SO much like a tiny preemie make me wonder if perhaps this pregnancy resulted in that baby. Otherwise, it just doesn't make sense that word was out all around The Valley about Bristol's pregnancy SO early. I still can't put all the pieces together about all the other pregnancy claims and dates, but this has always seemed fishy to me.


  94. I really don't get what Trump's end game here is...he will never financially disclose his assets, so its highly doubtful he will actually run for president.

  95. Anonymous10:27 PM

    *~~~ sez...
    Deya lawd !
    You earn all the traffic with your photo finds alone !!

  96. Anonymous4:33 AM

    Adding to the intrigue, Mat-Su hospital stopped publishing birth listings on Jan 2 09.


    Linda Menard didn't want to announce the fake birth date of Tripp? She'd lied enough? who knows....

  97. Anonymous4:55 AM

    So Palin thinks it's ok to jump on the Trump bandwagon? Time for Babygate to go mainstream. Are these people so ignorant that they honestly think the OPM,FBI,CIA,NSA would have not cleared him to have the highest level of clearance? It's all about the color of his skin..

  98. Anonymous11:53 AM

    From what I've been reading in comments to IM posts, fires and accidents seem to follow in Sarah's wake.

  99. Beldar "The Beldar" Conehead4:44 PM

    We may not agree on The Donald's politics but Im sure we all acknowledge that he is one FREAKISHLY attractive man.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.