Saturday, April 30, 2011

It looks like Superman might have started a trend.

You know the way that some of the "Christians" in this country have been behaving themselves, I would have expected this to have happened a long time ago.


  1. Anonymous3:38 AM

    My late husband wanted to return his Purple Heart to Washington. He said (after being truly disgusted at politicians) "I would not fight for this country EVER again. These greedy bastards do nothing for the rest of us, just themselves."

  2. G, did you see Sarah with her big ugly necklace and part blue top on Fox? Did you notice the licking, tongue, eyes closing movements?

    Was Sarah tanked to the gills? Strangest thing ever, I just can't believe Fox continues to let this lush idiot broadcast from Arizona. Of course, I am not sure that Fox might just be letting her cook her own goose, eh Sarah.

  3. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Don't the Tea Baggers just think of Superman as the ultimate illegal alien anyhow?

  4. Anonymous7:11 AM

    Off topic, but fun...

    A Draft Trump campaign has started. Read the blatant racism here.

  5. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Let me tell you that during the Bush years I had no desire to travel abroad, I felt the U.S. had sunk to such a low level the scorn of other nation's was deserved.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.