Thursday, April 07, 2011

Joe McGinniss weighs in on the National Enquirer story about Todd's love child.

This from Joe's new blog:

National Enquirer out with a story about Todd’s “love child.”

I heard the story from a number of people last summer. Basic version is that it’s a boy now in his late teens and that the mother is an old flame of Todd’s from his hometown of Dillingham. I haven’t yet been able to confirm this, but I won’t be delivering my final chapter until June.

Yes this is exactly what I have heard as well.

So no the baby could NOT be little Trig, this boy was born much earlier. In fact I was told that he is somewhere between Bristol and Willow in age, but that estimation came from a single source so take it with a grain of salt.

While I am on this subject let me clear up a few things.

I was NOT the main source for the NE article. In fact I don't believe I provide anything of real value except to confirm that I and others knew about it.

Shailey Tripp has NOTHING to do with this story.

And, if my sources are correct, Sarah is NOT just now hearing about this.  In fact rumor has it that money has been paid to keep this quiet, and it is very unlikely that Todd alone could have come up with enough to do the job.

Now are you all beginning to understand the kind of relationship the Palins "enjoy,"  and why the whole family seems so screwed up?


  1. Lynne7:24 AM

    So basically they've been cheating on each other for years. Nice. Sure sounds like a marriage we'd all like to have.

  2. Anonymous7:26 AM

    Very strange family dynamics with the Palin's. Though I doubt Todd ever paid any support and my reasoning is as follows:
    Todd and Sarah wee too cheap to buy a used car and pay for a cheap apartment for goodness all that money and they were not smart enough from a business perspective to pay just enough out to keep Shailey quiet. Think about it....millions of dollars and too cheap to spend 10 grand and then 500 a month to keep the prostitute/Tawd story out of the press. Let's face it, Shailey would like her most basic needs met and nothing more, but the Palin's were too retarded and cheap.

    PS to the troll with multiple names that will come a make comments about ol' Brisket being so special......
    Maybe you should apply to be a personal assistant to Brisket, you good help her hold up her new gigantic Jay Leno chin.

  3. Anonymous7:29 AM

    IF this is true, why didn't they own up to it a long time ago? It was so stupid to try to hide it, esp. if Sarah was trying to have a national political career. They really are a family of crazy AIP bunglers.

  4. Anonymous7:33 AM

    If I were a certain 17-18 year old boy in Dillingham, I'd see that my entire college education was paid for UP FRONT and at one of the finer out of state universities. Just sayin'...

  5. Anonymous7:37 AM

    "Love child. Never meant to be.
    Love child. Born in poverty."

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM

    trump is tied for 2nd place.
    palin isn't even on the list!

  7. Randall7:41 AM

    And here again: it would be no big deal if Sarah wasn't SO fucking snotty and sactimonious.

  8. Anonymous7:51 AM

    where does this kids live? ive never seen Todd with another kid or a kid who looks like him. or like Track. as far as i know, Track is the only son Todd has for certain

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    I don't think it's possible for them to hide something like this, esp if the kid is a teen. Wouldn't people see Todd with him or see a kid who looks like Todd?

    I think it's another hateful rumor

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    this makes me wonder how many Bill Clintons are running around.

    although i highly doubt this is true. back then the family wasnt strained or dysfunctional at all

  11. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Sarah would never bribe anyone. Shes cheap.

    And why should they financially help Shailey? 1. that is blackmail or could be used that way

  12. Anonymous8:00 AM

    7:41, which is why I dont think it's true.

  13. Anonymous8:03 AM

    What's good for the bubble-headed, nasty goose is good for stupid, machismo-laden gander.

  14. Anonymous8:04 AM

    Hope this lovechild becomes rich and famous. Pack your bags, Bitch Sarah, your time is up.

  15. Anonymous8:08 AM

    "Family values" repub. style. We almost got McCin/Palin family values in the WH.

  16. Anonymous8:12 AM

    Maybe the reason Todd hasn't been seen with the kid is because he doesn't want people to know he had a son with another woman. Duh!

  17. Anonymous8:21 AM

    @7:51 @7:53

    There are many fathers, other than Todd, who don't see their children. There are children not born of illicit affairs who are never with their fathers. They boy not being seen with Todd is not a good excuse.

    I know a child whose parents divorced and the boy hasn't seen his father for 12yrs. and he is now 25. So, mealy-mouthed Toadie doesn't have to be there. Just a sperm donor years ago.

  18. Anonymous8:23 AM

    Sarah claims to have been in public service for the last 20 years. When one runs for City Council, Mayor or higher office, it is usually a good idea to tell everyone in the family to be on their best behavior.

    Where I live, I do not read about the Mayor's kids, the Governor's kids or anyone else getting into trouble on a regular basis. There is the rare speeding ticket or under aged drinking. Even the wild party Bush twins were told to tone it down.

    At some point, when Sarah had her eye on being president, she should have had that little talk with everyone about not embarrassing her or spoiling her chances at the next political step. I don't see any examples of parental guidance in that house. Poor Track couldn't fake taking care of equipment for a TV reality show. Willow pushing Piper's face in the cake shows her real nature.

  19. Anonymous8:25 AM

    idk I still think Todd has 5 biological children and only 5. yes I did say 5, the 5 we know about.

    Aren't Wasillans and Alaskans known for vindictiveness? I mean, look at how govts always been since the beginning.

    Things like this don't remain secret, not for more than 10 years.

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    To the anonymous Palinbot who wrote: Wouldn't people see Todd with him or see a kid who looks like Todd?

    Why WOULD Todd want to be seen with his abandoned love-child? Todd has million$ of reasons in the world NOT to kill the goose that laid the golden egg.

    I wonder if this boy even knows who his biological father is - maybe he has no idea....

  21. Anonymous8:29 AM

    Old news. Unworthy.

  22. Anonymous8:31 AM

    As someone who has known the Palins since the mid 90s, I never got weird vibes from them. They were a happy family. The kids played with my kids. They regularly camped and spent time at lakes. Sarah was always a sunny person who invited people into the warmth. I haven't seen much change in the family dynamic. they still cut up, act fun/crazy, and never fail to support each other's endeavors.

    A lot of Wasillans see the media as the evil factor that has given an unhealthy and fictionalized perspective on them. But that's the media's job, to sway people and attract viewers (more emphasis on the latter). There's no longterm infighting, there's no huge brawls. They all laugh at outsiders looking in with drool dripping from their mouths. It really is fun to read some of the scenarios people construct. Ridiculous comes to mind

  23. Anonymous8:44 AM

    So much for "family values". It's too bad that during the 2008 campaign, they didn't have a pregnant, un-wed Bristol AND Todd's "love child" on stage with them so America could have had a more truthful idea of the conduct of this family.

    I'm sure all this will not stop Mrs. Todd Palin from becoming a "christian" minister once the political gravy train comes to a stop.

    As for bribery and the Palins...well, I think they rely more on threats and intimidation to keep people in line, because it's cheaper.

    With her supposed millions, it would have taken a rather modest amount to keep Shailey Tripp happy, and they were also too cheap to buy up the property Joe McGinniss rented for the summer.

    Scara was also too cheap to hire her own limo and security in India, and she could have had both very inexpensively.

    I think they are either hanging on to every penny, knowing her career as an author/speaker/Fox employee is swiftly coming to an end, OR they are spending the cash as fast as it comes in and are now in the process of tapping the SarahPac well to maintain the appearance of a solvent organization. How I would love to have a private chat with her accountant, if she has one.

  24. Anonymous8:44 AM

    let me put it this way. Anyone who is around Sarah who would see her "freak out" over a discovery like this is not someone who would run to the NE or a reporter.

  25. Carat8:45 AM

    For some reason, this post immediately reminded me of someone who Gryphen described as "a young adult male with Down syndrome" outside of the Anchorage book signing who stated, "I am Sarah's cousin, and I am the real thing!"

    I'm not sure why I thought of that; my brain makes funny connections sometimes.

  26. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Huckabee addressed absent biological fathers on The View today. He would not think highly of Todd. Or will he give another Palin family member a pass on the question of irresponsible recreational procreation.

  27. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Isn't Jeremy Murlock's mother Todd's old girlfriend?

  28. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Gryphen has known about this all along and kept the secret. But suddenly today, out of the blue, decides that the public has a need to know?

  29. Anonymous8:49 AM

    @7:26, I don't think we're talking "support" payments here. More like hush money...

  30. Anonymous8:51 AM

    The young boy you met at the Costco book signing had said something like he was the real thing or somthing to that effect.(your post). Also it was the first time that Piper etc. were meeting him in SPA show. Makes me think. Any thoughts here?

  31. Anonymous8:51 AM

    Family "values"! Gotta love em! Todd and Sarah and their entire lineage of spawn are the most screwed up fucking family in America. It is fitting that they belong to the fringes of society because everything about their "story" eeeks of fringe. Yuck yuck yuck. No wonder poor track wanted to escape in the ethers. Paylins both have children with other people.

  32. Anonymous8:51 AM

    @7:51, please try to use what brain matter you have. Nobody said that Todd is acting as a father in this kid's life, or that he's involved at all (other than paying off the mother, probably).

    But you probably gathered as much, you're just trying to spin. Well, unfortunately we're not as stupid here as your compadres over at C4P.

  33. Anonymous9:01 AM

    Wow, no wonder she hates the male anatomy/men so much. I almost feel sorry for her---NOT!

  34. Anonymous9:03 AM

    The same Pbot troll who can't think or punctuate is flooding the airwaves here and other sites. Any time there's an entry w/out a period, deflecting away from the Palins to mention a Democrat (like Pres. Obama or former Pres. Clinton), and something about what a happy family the Palins are, you know you've just READ SOMETHING BY THE PALIN FAIRY TALE TROLL (*TM).

  35. Anonymous9:03 AM

    @8:25, sorry, you can't have it both ways. Are the people of Wasilla absolutely in love with the Palins and would NEVER talk about them to reporters because the Palins are such gosh darned super people or is it that people in AK are "vindictive" and would have ratted Sarah out if this story were true?

    See, you just don't think things through!

  36. Anonymous9:06 AM

    @8:25, did you guys at C4P have a brainstorming session about how to spin this story? I thought your party line has always been that Wasillans think Sarah and the family are the most awesome people in the universe. Now they're known for being vindictive (and not just Wasillans, all Alaskans! Who knew?!). You guys fail on this one, sorry!

  37. todd looks like such a douche, and like 15 years younger than her...Why did she marry this douche? He doesn't look like her type at all. She belongs with a man with more money than God. Then she can retire and we won't have to hear her ear-piercing voice anymore. I envision her with...hmmm...Anna Nicole Smith's late husband would have be a perfect match...but she needs someone healthier so she can successfully drain their blood to control them...

  38. Anonymous9:16 AM

    Apostrophes are not used to make a word plural.

    They are used to indicate the possessive (Todd's lovechild) and when creating a contraction (do not = don't)

    Don't make fun of teabaggers if you can't follow a simple rule of grammar yourselves.

  39. Anonymous9:16 AM

    "Sarah was always a sunny person who invited people into the warmth."

    Thanks for the laugh, 8:31! You should consider writing crappy fiction, you have a flair for it!

  40. This alleged love child is not Trig. But this allegation, along with the fact Todd was later on seeing Shailey, makes me reexamine the theory that Todd fathered Trig with another woman.

  41. Anonymous9:22 AM

    yes Track is escaping, which is why his girl friend if friends with Bristol and close to the family. Oh, and the reason he lives at home.

  42. Anonymous9:23 AM

    All of the sudden people who have an intimate relationship with the Palins in Wasilla have flooded the place. I wonder if Sarah knows that her dear friends spend a lot of time at this blog? Seems her real friends would shun us. The problem is...we all know that the Palins don't have any close friends in Wasilla or anywhere else.

  43. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Did you know it wasn't Trig all along? Are you sure it isn't Trig. No, of course you're not, anymore than the rest of us.

    But the point I would like to determine is why do you call it a love child? It should be called a mistake in Todd's case. He runs around screwing prostitutes and/or other women not because he loves them, it's because he's horny and Sarah hates him. Maybe because he screwed other women and/or prostitutes or maybe vice versa. Did everyone guess by now that Todd doesn't get into Sarah's crusty panties?

    So a love child is the kind of child some other couple has perhaps. A child Todd ans a whore has is an unwanted mistake that they have sworn to their gods not to abort. Too bad that in so many cases the child doesn't become a loved child later in it's life.

  44. Anonymous9:30 AM

    What is with men associated with politics and sex addictions? Geez, Sanford, SPitzer, JFK, Bill, Todd, and pretty much all others. Seriously, I know people are sexual creatures who want to feel powerful but still. Makes one ask how many kids Bill Clinton has.

    This too shall pass, as all the stories in the past have about others.

  45. Anonymous9:30 AM

    The trolls are a RIOT! Yep, real hard to hide a kid out in the sticks of alaska. THAT'S never happened before. And then there's the one who claims the palins were not dysfunctional "back then." I guess he/she agrees the palins are indeed dysfunctional now. LOL!

  46. Anonymous9:30 AM

    re: anon @ 8:31

    ...and sunbeams shoot out of her ass

  47. Anonymous9:31 AM

    If I may get a little personal with the troll(s?) on the thread... Once upon a time, and not too far in the past, your comments probably would have got under my skin and I wouldn't have read them so as not to get upset. Now I LOVE reading them. You see, they're funny to me now. Highly entertaining.

    Why is this, you might wonder? Well, it's pretty simple and it actually has little to do with this NE story. It's because it's become crystal clear that Sarah Palin is going nowhere near the White House unless she's on a tour and isn't flagged by the Secret Service as President Obama's stalker. It's been clear for a couple of months now. Not sure if you've clued into this but I suspect that you are beginning to. It hurts, doesn't it?

  48. Anonymous9:33 AM

    To anonymous who said: "They all laugh at outsiders looking in with drool dripping from their mouths."

    Yep and the family gives America the big middle finger too, right? Not to mention calling other people names, ripping down signs on private property, trying to get people get fired from their jobs or ruining their lives. The list goes on...

  49. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Is this alleged to be a true "love child" and is is Todd alleged to be a "psychological father" and/or legal father, or is the allegation just a sperm donor.

    Boy I feel sorry for this kid if he exists. I feel guilty writing about it.

  50. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I'll bet that the first cheatin' dud and his cheatin' wife are relieved that Parnell's appointee (Don Haase) didn't make it on the panel that nominates state judges. Haase said that he would like to see people prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage…."I think it's very harmful to have extramarital affairs. It's harmful to children, it's harmful to the spouse who entered a legally binding agreement to marry the person that's cheating on them," said Haase.

  51. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Ah yes. I'm reminded of Strom Thurmond and the fact that he kept a love child he fathered with an African American servant at his parents' home (I believe that's right?) and how THAT was kept secret for a million years. Strom quietly paid the mother so she could take care of herself and the kid for decades.

    And this stuff is surprisingly - how? The "family values" camp has more of this going on that the other side, IMO.

  52. Anonymous9:56 AM

    There is an interesting troll who loves to defend Sarah and her family. I am beginning to think that the troll is a spoof troll because he/she uses a distinctive signature. There is no final period at the end of the last sentence. Even when we have pointed out the punctuation and grammar errors, the messages don't change. No period. I can't help but wonder if there is a secret message there. Who hasn't had her last period? Who doesn't have a period? No period, we luv ya cuz you don't use good grammar and punctuation. We recognize you, and your posts are a laugh riot. No period.

  53. Anonymous10:02 AM

    RU Kidding?? Todd being seen with this kid???? Scara would never allow it--NEVER. Doubt the kid knows who his father is and probably would not want to know if he knew it was a paylin.

  54. Even though I strongly believe that Trig is Bristols, it still does not rule out Todd. He could have a few Love Children....the palins have been cheating on each other for years it sounds like so God only knows who and what is out there!

  55. By the way, maybe a certain young "Love Child" should cash in on some of this fame himself! Sounds to me like they made a deal with the mother....not the son! Write a book kid, go on dancing with the a reality show...your a Palin...go for it!

  56. WakeUpAmerica10:12 AM

    I see the troll with the Palin thought herpes is back. You really should get treatment for your STD (social thought disorder) instead of trying to spread it like nuclear waste from a cracked reactor.

  57. Anonymous10:19 AM

    anon at 7:51
    Track is not Tawd's biological son, he looks like Curtis Menard and his really bio family.

  58. Anonymous10:37 AM

    The Palin Fairy Tale Troll (*TM) IS hilarious and periodless.

  59. Anonymous10:52 AM

    Randall @7:41 said... "And here again: it would be no big deal if Sarah wasn't SO fucking snotty and sactimonious."

    Exactly, literally insinuating to those with evangelical ears that she has been delivered by the creator of the universe to lead the world in a new direction.


  60. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Nice try 8:31pm, but I've lived here in Wasilla for 20 years and this is not the way the Palins are portrayed.

    Many Wasillans have regretted having the spotlight shown on our little town as there are elements that are less than perfect; the drugs and teen pregnancy and high illiteracy/drop out rate being just a few. Funny that the Palin family has at least one family member that is an example of each of those things that Wasilla strives hard to overcome. They are poster children for everything wrong or bad in our community; they are the people that others are working had to "fix".

    Ever since we were left shaking our heads during Palin's tenure as Mayor, after she had to hire a manager to do her job, Wasillans have seen Palin to be an intellectual lightweight. The rest of the State soon came to find this out as well after she was elected Governor; she played nice for a while then just stopped coming to work claiming to be working from home instead of in her appointed office in Juneau, where the Governor lives, where other Governors are proud to live. Instead, Sarah hid at home because the job was beyond her level of grasp.

    There are fabulous upstanding families here in Wasilla; families who possess great intellect and class and are active at the community and state level. The Palin's have never been one of those families. The Menards tried so hard to take the Palins under their wing and teach them to be this type of family but the Palins were always a little "too rough around the edges" to be groomed for proper society. Therefore the Palins take pride in "being Rogue" because they are too rough to be polished. I don't know if it is their rural upbringing in Alaska that left them this way; I certainly know people who grew up much more remote than the Palins that have been able to adjust and adapt to polite society.

    Not sure what it is but there are some problems both intellectually and behaviorally in that family. Seems like Todd and Sarah had a DNA combo that could produce no good. Genetics sure are a bitch when they don't work out in your favor!

  61. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Mrs. Todd Palin recently suggested that those with any questions about Todd and his relationship with hookers should simply ask him such.

    Therefore, Todd, have you been hanging around with hookers?

  62. Gasman11:02 AM

    Anon @ 8:31,
    So, you've known the Palins for years and they're just regular folk.

    Horseshit. The snotty, vain, greedy, vindictive, paranoid, and above all moronic behavior that we've seen oozing from the Palin tribe was NOT created by the press. They are responsible for their reputation all on their own. They are one fucked up tribe of sleazy, greasy mental pygmies. There ain't no way in hell you can spin that any other way.

    We've all got a pretty accurate picture of the Palin family dynamics and it doesn't speak well for either Sarah or Todd or their nonexistent parenting skills. That fish stinks from the head down.

    Regular folks my ass.

  63. Anonymous11:13 AM

    @8:49a.m."Gryphen has known about this all along and kept the secret. But suddenly today, out of the blue, decides that the public has a need to know?

    Gryphen didn't decide the public should know, the National Enquirer did the deciding.

  64. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I agree about the spoof troll possibility. I was going to write that on an earlier thread. Sarah Palin is so "pretty and petite", I think they claimed some Wasillans had said about Sarah. I believe they said something about "conservatives are just happier than liberals"? Goofy stuff, probably messing with people and expressly intended to tick people off. Or else it's a kid, I don't know.

    There had been one a ways back who ended up confessing to all of us - as if we really care - once it became perfectly obvious. It's sort of funny, but then again it's just annoying to realize we so easily fall for this kind of thing, we (myself included) have so little sense of humor when it comes to Sarah Palin! Can you blame us???

  65. Anonymous11:20 AM

    What kind of fantasy do you bots live in? People have affairs all the time and fake happy marriages. Even one of my all-time favorite people, Bill Cosby. Time to smell the coffee. I'm sure the Palins are VERY unhappy that their infidelities are being exposed.

  66. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thanks @9:16. O/T but "its" is possessive and "it's" means "it is". Now to check my blood pressure.

  67. Anonymous11:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    where does this kids live? ive never seen Todd with another kid or a kid who looks like him. or like Track. as far as i know, Track is the only son Todd has for certain

    7:51 AM

    LOL the other kid won't look like Track because Curtis Menard is Track's sperm donor, not Todd!

  68. Anonymous11:34 AM

    re: 8:31

  69. Anonymous11:35 AM

    A lot of Wasillans see the media as the evil factor that has given an unhealthy and fictionalized perspective on them. But that's the media's job, to sway people and attract viewers (more emphasis on the latter). There's no longterm infighting, there's no huge brawls. They all laugh at outsiders looking in with drool dripping from their mouths. It really is fun to read some of the scenarios people construct. Ridiculous comes to mind

    8:31 AM

    Proabably those same Wasillians who think the Palins are normal think Jeremy Morlock is a nice young man.

  70. Anonymous11:40 AM

    7 comments from "THE PALIN FAIRY TALE TROLL". Maybe it's Captain Palin from the book signings. Remember him?

  71. Anonymous11:40 AM


    Anonymous said...
    "Sarah was always a sunny person who invited people into the warmth."

    She just got distracted and forgot to finish her sentence:
    "Sarah was always a sunny person who invited people into the warmth of her vajayjay".

  72. Anonymous11:43 AM

    @11:17, I know who you're talking about - Dot. She did turn out to be a parody troll, but it was pretty obvious early on.

    I don't think that the Palin Fairy Tale Troll (*TM) is doing this for fun, though. Sad to say, for his or her sake. Whatever, though, the PFFT is a hoot.

  73. Anonymous11:47 AM

    Given the "new" possibilities revealed lately, re:Todd and his sexual antics, then $P's past sexual indiscretions and her slutty wardrobe on the podium, it should not be difficult to realize they are "wired" such that a trumped up Down Syndrome infant grown in $P's belly and birthed by her (in her too small cerebral supply) would be any falsity they would shy away from. That spin being necessary, especially if it served some purpose (which it did for a time) to promote $P's inflated political dreams. (Our nightmares!)

  74. Anonymous11:51 AM

    Did the Palins attempt to lie to the world about their involvement with the AIP? The answer seems well documented. The mistake they made was that they were secessionists before secessionists were back in fashion. The evidence of the AIP connections could not be cleaned up. The McCain campaign knew they were being lied to. The lie was doomed to fail. McCain declined to participate in this Palin lie.

    What else did the McCain campaign turn up? I don't believe that everything that was turned up has leaked yet. Perhaps because some of what they turned up might have been Thomas Eagleton deja vu. Christian Republican Joan of Arc has- an abstinent unmarried teen daughter knocked up, was involved herself in more than one chronologically challenged pregnancy, troopergate, highschools friends infest state governmentgate, and does hubby have a history too?

    I don't know if the hookergate allegations are true. If true it would be very unusual to be the first time this happened. The McCain camp had to know what John Edwards was doing on the side. All one had to do was check the campaign finance filings for the proof. They saved it for the possibility that Edwards was the Democratic nominee.

    They checked to see what was in the various closets all around the state, the mistake was they should have done this prior to the nomination.

  75. Anonymous11:55 AM

    7:51 - 8:00 am - Stupid troll alert, Brisket or Willow sniffer

    Dumb ass twats!

  76. Anonymous11:55 AM

    Its a troll!

    Hey troll- what is the hidden meaning in this from e!Online?

    But while Bristol can't possibly be too pleased about her financial info floating around for all the world to see, we hear that she's currently holed up in Alaska "really cranking" on her first book, which is due out in June from HarperCollins (which, incidentally, put out Mama Grizzly's Going Rogue, as well).

    "really cranking"?

  77. Anonymous11:56 AM the fuk do you know how "wasillans" feel about the pay_lins ? can you see 'em from your trailer down in the back water swamp wherever the fuk it is you reside, or is it just the voices in yer head ?

  78. Anonymous11:57 AM

    I guess 7:51 thinks that Todd and "Todd, Jr." would be walking around in custom t-shirts.

    Maybe something like these Big Dude, Little Dude ones?

    Yes, very likely!

  79. Anonymous11:59 AM

    8:25 am

    We have a winner, a dumbass fucked up uneducated grifting azzhat.

    Can't you dumb twats try to educate yourself instead of continually being such losers & trolls? Scat, get the hell out of here.

  80. Anonymous12:00 PM

    Boy, that Palin group is a huge farce as a family unit. Plus, I suspect the money is going to run out (w/sister Sarah going downhill!) with all they are supposedly paying to keep their mouths shut.

    Can see Toad needing to find a job - on the horizon. Doubt any oil company on Slope will take him back.

  81. Barney12:06 PM

    9:16 am

    We got the fucking grammer police trolls on board here. You guys never fail to give us a good laugh. Hello to ignorance, Taco Bell, redbull and brain-lite.

  82. FEDUP!!!12:13 PM

    Hmmm... I wonder if that 'love child' happened when he found out he was cuckoled into being Track's father?

  83. Anonymous12:15 PM

    You just look at Todd and know he's a piece of shit.

  84. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Gryphen, bring out the straight jackets, please.

    The mentally fucked up from la la palin zombie pee land have arrived. Take them away, ha ha.

  85. Anonymous12:21 PM

    When the emails are available, how many will be regarding kennel expenses?

  86. Anonymous12:21 PM

    Alaska isn't a very big place population-wise. It's shockingly small in some ways. It's a little tough to believe there's a teenage illegitimate kid running around and it hasn't come out before now.

    Although it dawned on me as I read the comments, it's possible this kid thinks some other man is his father, and the NE may have just blown his world to hell. In our rush to get rid of Sarah, let's not forget there are real people who may wind up as collateral damage.

  87. eclecticsandra12:23 PM

    Does anyone else have trouble with the term, "Love Child?" In this day of effective contraception, why would loving parents conceive outside of marriage? Does this mean that so many of us who were born to married parents weren't loved?

  88. Anonymous12:23 PM

    I should have added "for the puppies" to kennel expenses.

  89. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Palin troll message for today - the Splaylins are happy, no weird vibes, Todd doesn't walk around town with his "other" kids and the govt makes Alaskans gossip.

    LMAO, you dumb paylin paid trolls. What you afraid of?

  90. Anonymous12:24 PM

    Gosh FedUp the timing would be right!

    Tit for tat.
    Or maybe just another abstinence failure.

  91. Anonymous12:29 PM

    So, someone with the info documented should do a time line for all of us. If this child is an age between Bristol and Willow, what was going on back then in this family?

    Is this when Sarah found out? I'm assuming he's had to pay child support, that must tick Sarah off, and it must be the reason she demeans men, it's really a public side blow to Todd.

    Is this when Sarah had her (cough) "emotional affair" with Brad Hansen or did she go out on Todd before he went out on her, my bet is Sarah was the first to to have had an affair.

    It's tough to live a public life, but ya gotta expect people are gonna dig into your past and you can't expect all skeletons to stay in the closet. It just doesn't happen that way.

    It's too bad for this kid. And if it's true Todd dang well better have done his part financially.

    Huh, if he didn't, I wonder if the info is coming from this child's mamma or someone in the family.

    Goodness, things that make ya go hmmm.

  92. Anonymous12:30 PM

    off topic - but a good read concerning Transcanada and how they treat the 'locals' -

  93. Anonymous12:33 PM

    To Anonymous @7:51 a.m.

    "where does this kids live? ive never seen Todd with another kid or a kid who looks like him. or like Track. as far as i know, Track is the only son Todd has for certain"

    Is Track Todd's son...for certain?

  94. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Sarah's base.

    " Shock poll: 46% of Mississippi Republicans think interracial marriage should be illegal"

    Oh here is a surprise!

    Republicans who said they were in favor of banning interracial marriages were most frequently supporters of Fox News contributor Sarah Palin, the former Alaska governor (R) who quit half-way through her first term. Their least liked candidate was Mitt Romney, the former radio executive and Governor of Massachusetts (R).

    Are they getting this from their bibles, or their David Barton* history books. (*Glenn Beck 'history' expert).

    One more time- the teabaggers are not racist? BULLSHIT!

  95. Anonymous12:37 PM

    Does Jeremy Morlock have a younger brother? Anyone know? We know of the sis who is Bristols friend.

    Egads, this could be a real tangled mess.

    And if thus intertwined, I'm guessing Momma Morlock is in need of attorney money for evil civilian murdering son. Possibly selling "love child" info to NE? Especially if Palin's aren't standing by their long time friends.

  96. Anonymous12:54 PM

    @10:51 read your post and as a Wasilla Palmer resident for over 30 years I say DIDO! These folks are a humiliating.

  97. Anonymous12:58 PM

    between the ages of Willow and Bristol....things that make you go hmmm....

    Levi is the same age as Bristol. Jeremy Morlock is older, same age as Track.

    Todd dated Jeremy's aunt - his mother's twin sister.

    Could he have dated Levi's mom? Wouldn't that be something - no wonder nobody tells anything in this family. The genetics have got to be whacked with incest.

  98. Anonymous1:00 PM

    The Palins built their own hell.

  99. Anonymous1:10 PM

    mentions ^ that SP got Jeremy Morlock the gig in the army, the same way she pulled strings for Track's one year of service.

  100. Well, if $arah can have extra marital affairs, why not Todd?

  101. Just to give everybody an update.

    Anchorage is suffering a rather large power outage and I have been without access to my computer for over four hours now.

    When I get juice I will have more posts up.

    BTW I am managing the comments using my I-phone. Gotta love technology!

  102. What is really sad is that in American society, you can get insanely rich by being very good looking and with a 'personality' to boot. No intellect required.

    That's what is ALL comes down to, really. Good looks = money. Throw in social and political hierarchy and if you get to the top of these ladders, you're in.

    An example of how America HATES smart people but LOVES those with money - look at the University of Washington - now rejecting in-state applicants with 4.0 GPAs in favor of out-of-state applicants with lower GPA's because the out-of-staters have to pay as much as 3TIMES tuitition costs.

    I wish I had been born with copious amounts of beauty - I wouldn't have had to use my brain to make a living. One of the reasons I chose to leave Wasilla - No. 1 - to find a GOOD job, and No.2 - to get away from the hillbillies.

  103. Anonymous1:26 PM

    8:31, I see you answered that Craigslist ad for right wing blog responders. How much does that pay?

  104. Anonymous1:29 PM

    7:57 - Not sure where you went to school or if they offered accurate sex education classes. You're aware that what has been proven about Bill Clinton is that he got a blow job? No babies that way. Try again.

  105. Anonymous1:30 PM

    Funny how Samuel Loudon appears to have a ruffled ear in this photo.

  106. Anonymous1:33 PM

    PRIOR: Is Track Todd's son...for certain?

    RESPONSE: Todd is Track's legal father. Always has been. Whether he is the sperm donor is debated, but he is his legal father.

  107. Anonymous1:52 PM

    I'll weigh in with another perspective from a Valley resident.

    Here's what most people who follow IM don't understand: Aprox 95%-99% of Wasillians (and others in the Valley) are simply not paying attention to Sarah. For some, it's that they're tired of all the drama, but for the VAST majority, they either don't pay much attention to the news in the first place, or they don't pay attention to political news.

    Either way, most folks, if you were to poll those, say at the corner of Seward-Meridian and P-W Hwy what they thought the latest news about Sarah in the national press was - they would look at you with a blank stare.

    I think that's what is the most difficult aspect of this whole thing to believe - that the woman who, five months ago - looked like she might be able to actually mount a credible run for the presidency, lives among a population that by and large doesn't pay attention - and most simply because they're not inclined to.

    If you were to poll those of us out here who actually are paying attention (like the 1%-5%), the majority of us would say Sarah has been a disappointment and a disgrace to the State and to the Republican Party (and I speak as a Republican).

    There are so, so many really wonderful, hard-working folks who live in this Valley. Many choose to live here because of the beauty and all the fun we can have outdoors. The ones I have found who are decidedly more backwoods and seem to have very little interest in education, by and large were raised here. The transplants have fascinating lives and work hard to make contributions to the community - it's just that most of them are simply not remotely interested in politics - certainly not nationally.

    I hope this helps paint a bit of a picture of how people here think and act (ie. it's always so funny to hear pleas from posters on IM and other sites for Valley folks to step forward with "what they know.") You could probably count the people in the Valley who read this blog at less than 20.

    Most people just aren't interested - very sad but very true.

  108. Anonymous1:53 PM

    11:40 AM "Sarah was always a sunny person who invited people into the warmth of her vajayjay".

    LMAO!!! That was great!!

  109. icstraights2:06 PM

    So let's see if I have this whole SORDID FAMILY FU MESS straight.

    1. Track in a Menard
    2. Jeremy M. could be a Todd Palin
    3. There is a possible DS teen out there that is fathered by TP
    4.Brillo/Willow look like Diana P so I think that is pretty straight(?, the one whom was arrested for robbing a friend for drug money with her toodler in tow, almost getting them both shot
    5. Piper looks like Brad Hanson(yes,us Alaskans knew about this WAY before NE got a hold of it
    6. AND FINALLY, Trig (who is one of 2-3 babies that is NOT Scarah's from her Fallopian Tubes(tubes tied)... and...wait for it...
    7. Tripp- Whom is somehow named after Todd's ''massage therapist Shailey Tripp, who provided him happy endings for money


    GEEZUZ, No wonder the bots can't spin this. It's way to fucked up and complicated for their pea-brains...

    The Palin's deserve an award for how fucked up they are!

    "And the Grand Prize for most disfunctional family goes to...Todd & Scarah Palin..."

  110. Anonymous2:20 PM

    Attn: Anon 8:31

    Best post of the week. Would you please use a moniker, such as Sunbeam.

    That way i can look for you on future posts.

    In case you are unaware, the shit storm started with the violent end of 'surveyor marks'.

    Its all down hill now...a straight slide into a (more) living hell for the Paylins.

    More tragedies and scandals will be aired out in the coming weeks.

  111. Anonymous2:29 PM

    I nominate icstraights @2:06 for IM "Comment of the Year."

  112. Anonymous2:50 PM

    Anonymous said...
    @10:51 read your post and as a Wasilla Palmer resident for over 30 years I say DIDO! These folks are a humiliating.

    12:54 PM


    OOOOHH Ditto.

    a humiliating? A humiliation??

    Sorry, judt trying to understand Wasillaspeak.

  113. Anonymous2:51 PM

    IM readers, if you think this is a good idea please pass it around. I'm totally outraged over the Republican politics, the stonewalling and undermining our President who we OVERWHELMINGLY voted in. I am just sick of it!

    They've done everything they can to keep him from delivering on his campaign promises to those who voted for him, and now they're whining about the need to deliver to their constituents over the budget? Give me a brake!
    And while I'd love for him to be as arrogant and stubborn as they, I understand him taking the high road, but they are running all over him because of it.

    We have to voice our opinion, loud and clear to defend our president.

    Anyway, rant over, I know we all feel the same.

    What I did today was send the politifact "Lie of the Year" link to a bunch of media outlets along with my opinion and distain, lol. The Republican should not be proud of earning the "Lie of the Year" award and it should be news.

    If you have the time and think it important please do the same, it's easy to find local and major networks using google, I just used the "contact us" at the bottom of the home page. But if you sign up can post on political blogs and send it directly to a political reporter.

  114. Anonymous2:52 PM

    "where does this kids live? ive never seen Todd with another kid or a kid who looks like him. or like Track. as far as i know, Track is the only son Todd has for certain"

    I'd be looking at all those "cousins" up in D-ham - that way the family resemblance doesn't have to be explained.

  115. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Funny how Samuel Loudon appears to have a ruffled ear in this photo.

    1:30 PM

    I can't take anymore weirdness.

  116. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I'll weigh in with another perspective from a Valley resident.

    Here's what most people who follow IM don't understand: Aprox 95%-99% of Wasillians (and others in the Valley) are simply not paying attention to Sarah. For some, it's that they're tired of all the drama, but for the VAST majority, they either don't pay much attention to the news in the first place, or they don't pay attention to political news.

    Either way, most folks, if you were to poll those, say at the corner of Seward-Meridian and P-W Hwy what they thought the latest news about Sarah in the national press was - they would look at you with a blank stare.

    I think that's what is the most difficult aspect of this whole thing to believe - that the woman who, five months ago - looked like she might be able to actually mount a credible run for the presidency, lives among a population that by and large doesn't pay attention - and most simply because they're not inclined to.

    If you were to poll those of us out here who actually are paying attention (like the 1%-5%), the majority of us would say Sarah has been a disappointment and a disgrace to the State and to the Republican Party (and I speak as a Republican).

    There are so, so many really wonderful, hard-working folks who live in this Valley. Many choose to live here because of the beauty and all the fun we can have outdoors. The ones I have found who are decidedly more backwoods and seem to have very little interest in education, by and large were raised here. The transplants have fascinating lives and work hard to make contributions to the community - it's just that most of them are simply not remotely interested in politics - certainly not nationally.

    I hope this helps paint a bit of a picture of how people here think and act (ie. it's always so funny to hear pleas from posters on IM and other sites for Valley folks to step forward with "what they know.") You could probably count the people in the Valley who read this blog at less than 20.

    Most people just aren't interested - very sad but very true.

    1:52 PM

    You have posted this before and it still confuses me. Some people say that Wasillians are afraid of the Palin mafia and people who know things are afraid to talk. You say 99% of he population could care less about the Palins. WHICH IS IT?????? And those who know and don't care are doing a GREAT DISSERVICE to their fellow countrymen.

  117. Anonymous3:04 PM

    7:57 - Not sure where you went to school or if they offered accurate sex education classes. You're aware that what has been proven about Bill Clinton is that he got a blow job? No babies that way. Try again.

    1:29 PM

    Fer shure.

    Don't Swallow!

  118. Anonymous3:19 PM

    So are any of Sarah's children Todd's because if any of them are not and they are getting free health care and were not legally adopted by Todd then they are defrauding the state and/or of Federal Government for tens, of thousands of dollars.
    How many different daddies are there in that herd?

    There is nothing trashier than White Trash. No other demographic can surpass it.

    And if not who did Sarah betray marriage vows with.

    And no wonder she is so horny if she just gets laid to get pregnant.

    Is Todd's apparent affection for Trig, an affection apparently not shared by his wife, Trig's apparent mother, a kind of make up for the affection he has not shown his, apparently, only son.

    That's a lot of apparentlys but with the Palins, well, all they are is appearance, they have no substance but sleaze and selfishness.

    Thanks McCain, for foisting one of the most abhorrent, appalling families in America off on the American public where Sarah still has a remote chance of becoming the leader and international image of this country. That's your country's image John. Your Commander in Chief.

  119. Anonymous3:33 PM

    8:25am wrote: "Things like this don't remain secret, not for more than 10 years."

    Not true. I have a half-brother who has never been told that he is the result of an affair my Dad had with his Mother -- almost sixty years ago.

    His surviving relatives have worked extremely hard over the years to keep it a secret from him. Why? I have no idea, but I'm not going to go and meet him and cause problems for him. That would just be cruel.

  120. Anonymous3:36 PM

    Here we go again with the rude and tasteless comments. Todd has many faults like everyone else. But ignoring his children is not one of them. All of his children, those known to the general public and those unknown, are very fond of Todd. When he walks into their presence you can literally hear their love for him. In every pasture, from every flock, all Todd need do is walk among the sheep and all the little lambs cry "Daa Daa! Daaaaaaaaadeeee! Daaaaaaaaaaadeeeeeeee!"

  121. Anonymous3:38 PM

    yes that photo of Samuel Louden is interesting.

    I had to refresh myself as to who he is, but his mother is Gina Louden and I believe her adopted son Samuel was probably USED by Sarah to make it appear as if Trig was on the stage (in a stroller with Piper) during a speech Sarah gave last year. The child was described as Trig by the reporter who wrote the "hit" piece on Palin in Vanity Fair last October.

    Gina tried to discredit the author of the story by pointing out this "lie" of his, which seems more like he (and the audience) were being deceived by Sarah into believing that the child briefly seen on the stage was Trig.

    The ear looks very much like the one seen in a very early photo of Sarah's possibly latest offspring (taken at the baby shower).

  122. Anonymous3:41 PM

    Anyone actually notice lately how little news there has been about Sarah Palin .... especially on Huffington Post, which use to have numerous articles daily on her ....

    Just saying .....


  123. Anonymous3:45 PM

    Appears National Enquirer may still be working further on the story as you notice the date at the bottom of the pages is April 11 - next week

  124. Anonymous3:51 PM

    This might not be that difficult to investigate. Get a hold of all the yearbooks from every high school in Alaska and study the photos of every male student. If one of the photos looks like the spitting image of Todd-well there you have it! Just sayin'.

  125. Anon.BJF3:51 PM

    Anonymous@ 2:29 PM said...
    I nominate icstraights @2:06 for IM "Comment of the Year."
    And, I will sescond the nomination -- that was right to the point(s), and wonderfully fun!!!

    Thanks ICstraights @ 2:06 PM -- Loved that. :o)

  126. Anonymous4:05 PM

    Who is Samuel Loudan? And, yeah, he does have ruffled ears!

  127. Anonymous4:07 PM

    3:00 P.M.

    You have posted this before and it still confuses me. Some people say that Wasillians are afraid of the Palin mafia and people who know things are afraid to talk. You say 99% of he population could care less about the Palins. WHICH IS IT?????? And those who know and don't care are doing a GREAT DISSERVICE to their fellow countrymen.

    It's not an either-or it's both.

  128. Anonymous4:10 PM

    As long as troll 9:30 is enumerating unfaithful politicians,don't forget Duhbya.
    Drunks are rarely either chaste or careful,and he admits he was a drunk till he was 40years old.

    In 20 to 25 year a very rich drunk playboy can make a lot of illegitimate kids.

  129. Anonymous @ 12:214:27 PM

    "it's possible this kid thinks some other man is his father, and the NE may have just blown his world to hell. In our rush to get rid of Sarah, let's not forget there are real people who may wind up as collateral damage."

    I was thinking the same thing. The Palins are full of nonsense, Sarah has used Alaska and her show was pathetic, and I have a hard time believing this idea of Todd conceiving a child outside of his marriage. We'd all know and enough voters would have known years ago (and probably supported the breath of stale air anyway.) IF there is such a child between Todd and some other woman, leave him alone. He doesn't need the collective noses of so many people who don't like his dad's wife's celebri-politics barging into his life.

    I am bracing myself for wanna-be fame whore teenagers stepping forward as possible Toddlings and the real one (if there is one) cowering in some fishing village.

    People were brutal over Shaley Tripp's looks, and if the alleged lovechild's mother's looks are anything less than Greek, the kid will have to deal with those remarks, too. Leave him alone if there is any truth to this. ESPECIALLY if he wants the 30 minutes of glory and stint on DWTS.

  130. Anonymous4:36 PM

    Regarding the role of Samuel Louden at a St. Louis speaking event (by Palin) sometime last year.

    Since it sounds possible that Sarah Palin intended to mislead the audience in St. Louis, hoping that the audience would assume that Gina's child (being pushed in a stroller by Piper) was in fact it possible she used the Louden child to confuse identities in the past? Nothing can be put past her.

  131. Anonymous4:37 PM

    PRIOR: So are any of Sarah's children Todd's because if any of them are not and they are getting free health care and were not legally adopted by Todd then they are defrauding the state and/or of Federal Government for tens, of thousands of dollars.

    RESPONSE: Unless there is a provision that you have to share blood (which I doubt as that would eliminate all adopted children which is unlikely), Todd is their legal father - therefore no fraud.

    I cringe when I see people focusing on a losing point that hurts children, when there are soooooooooooo many meritorious points to be made.

  132. Anonymous4:38 PM

    somebody screen grab that flicker of sam loudon- fast.

  133. Anonymous4:59 PM

    The bad thing about this is not that Todd has a love child, the thing that is just unbelievable is that Todd and Sarah kept this child away from their immediate family because they did not want to ruin their Christian family image that they are trying to keep. We all know that Sarah, her mother Sally and Bristol were all pregnant when they were single so what is the big deal about hiding this child? They lost many years together that they cannot get back.

    Shameful, just shameful!

  134. Anonymous5:03 PM

    The good thing about separating the love child from the Palins is that this love child has hopefully grown up in a normal household. This love child may have had the joy of living in a household where there is true love for each other and not having to watch his parents throw cans at each other or sleep with the other spouse’s business partner or sleep with prostitutes. I truly hope this child lived a normal life.

  135. Anonymous5:05 PM

    What Sarah and Todd did was deprive the kids of the two families from bonding together, loving each other and sharing their experiences as brothers and sisters.

    May be the kid should consider himself blessed that he did not live with the Wasilla Hill Billies.

  136. Anonymous5:08 PM

    I bethcha there is panic in the Palin household tonight. They are all trying to figure out if Bristol slept with her half brother by accident.

  137. Anonymous5:09 PM

    Jesus Gryphen,

    Are you having a trollaromma today. they are coming out of the wood work which means we are getting very warm.

  138. Anonymous5:09 PM

    As we speak, Sarah has her lawyers at the love child's house trying to get him to sign a confidential agreement.

  139. Anonymous5:12 PM

    "Sarah was always a sunny person inviting people into the warmth".
    Bwahahahahahaha. Oh dear lord.

  140. Anonymous5:15 PM

    My my my, Sarah kept her love child with Curt Menard. Why didn't Todd keep his love child?

    Sarah why did you keep Track and hide the other child?

  141. Anonymous5:16 PM

    Anonymous @2:50PM: "Sorry, judt trying to understand Wasillaspeak."

    I think you mean "just" trying....

    What's that old adage about casting stones?

  142. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Anonymous said...
    I bethcha there is panic in the Palin household tonight. They are all trying to figure out if Bristol slept with her half brother by accident.

    5:08 PM

    According to friends, the Palins are going through Bristol's yearbook and are crossing out the pictures of the boys and girls Bristol did not sleep with and it does not look good for Bristol.

  143. Anonymous5:20 PM

    Does Bristol have her publisher on speed dial?

    Time to get the transcripts back, gotta add a few more chapters.

  144. Anonymous5:23 PM

    How many kids does Sally Heath, Sarah, Todd and Bristol Palin really have? They are so fucked up, do they even know?

  145. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Just imagine if the love child was chubby chaser and was drooling over his half sister Bristol on DWTS? He is going to need help.

  146. FEDUP!!!5:36 PM

    Anonymous 4:37 PM said...

    PRIOR: So are any of Sarah's children Todd's because if any of them are not and they are getting free health care and were not legally adopted by Todd then they are defrauding the state and/or of Federal Government for tens, of thousands of dollars.

    RESPONSE: Unless there is a provision that you have to share blood (which I doubt as that would eliminate all adopted children which is unlikely), Todd is their legal father - therefore no fraud.

    WRONG!!! That program is ONLY for NATIVE people, NOT for kids ADOPTED BY Native People! You LITERALLY have to have a certain % of Native blood in you to be eligible for the free health care and other benefits!

  147. Anonymous5:40 PM

    For all those saying we should leave the kid alone -- sorry. Not my responsibility for collateral damage when you have a Hick parading her family out under the 'family values' banner. That's when the Hick deserves everything thrown at her and boy if she thought it was bad before, she better go hide in a cave as it's only starting. She'll be in a mental hospital before we finish.

    So take your whining about leaving a bastard alone -- Not my responsibility when you have a Hick Cunt travelling making bullshit speeches and ad nauseam lies etc that play into policies and laws that change my life.

    So if you can't stand the heat when we drive that bitch into the ground -- get out of the fucking fire.

  148. Anonymous5:40 PM

    Some people say that the 'love child' supposedly has been kept away from the Palins.
    How do you know? How do you know they are not in contact with the kids' family? How do you know the kid does not do sleep-overs with the Palins?

  149. icstraights5:49 PM

    The Troll-Bots last line of defense when they have NOTHING:
    "What a bunch of meanies, think of the children..."

    Ya, our thoughts exactly.
    Epic FAIL on Toad & Scarah's part. They both are 100% at fault for using all of their children (and maybe other children) as Political Props. They turned them into tabloid fodder; no one else.

    No one EVER talks about Sasha and Malia because they have parents that PROTECT them from the spotlight.

    So piss-off Troll-bots! You smell...You too RAM...

  150. Anonymous5:49 PM

    I've not read the entire thread yet, but for those wondering where the kid is, he's likely still in Dillingham.

  151. Anonymous5:52 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    I bethcha there is panic in the Palin household tonight. They are all trying to figure out if Bristol slept with her half brother by accident.

    5:08 PM

    According to friends, the Palins are going through Bristol's yearbook and are crossing out the pictures of the boys and girls Bristol did not sleep with and it does not look good for Bristol.

    5:18 PM

    They finished going through all of Bristol's yearbooks and are starting to go through her junior high yearbooks. Good news is that her high school teachers are too old to be her brother, that's a relief.

  152. Anonymous6:03 PM

    Well, the love child is certainly better off if he was raised far, far away from the Palin Dysfunction Junction.
    Gryph - somebody was asking about Ruffles last night, and I directed them to your Tale of Two Babies. There was some awesomeness in that post, but I never quite figured out what the skinny was on the baby switch - did you?

  153. Anonymous6:03 PM

    To be on the safe side, I don't think Bristol should screw anymore boys from Alaska unless they submit to a blood test. Checking their DNA should eliminate the chances of Bristol having sex with her half brothers.

  154. Anonymous6:06 PM

    Anonymous said...
    Some people say that the 'love child' supposedly has been kept away from the Palins.
    How do you know? How do you know they are not in contact with the kids' family? How do you know the kid does not do sleep-overs with the Palins?

    5:40 PM

    Becareful of what you speak. If the love child spent the night at the Palin's, there could be a chance Bristol slept with him without knowing they are related.

  155. Anonymous6:14 PM

    8:25am wrote: "Things like this don't remain secret, not for more than 10 years."

    So not true, I have 2 close friends (not related) who found out in late 30's and early 40's that they had a secret half brothers. One one was a mom who had given up a child for adoption and the other who's father had a child while away at war. It is the lie and the cover up that ends up cause the most pain, not the fact that they had half siblings.... the lies and deceit is what my friends talk about was the worst part.

  156. Anonymous6:22 PM

    Does anyone other then the SCArah give a flying F-K how many kids the Toad has fathered?

    Not me. the entire family - ligitimate and not - are totally irrelevant.

    This is nothing but a distraction to to what is going on in the real world.

  157. Anonymous6:25 PM

    Did Sarah get a heads up that the NE was coming out with this story? Is this the reason why Sarah is eager to move to Arizona?

  158. Anonymous6:27 PM

    3:36, are you for real? If so, please seek professional help. ASAP.

  159. Anonymous6:30 PM

    Funny how Sarah was trying to tarnish the reputation of other men like David Letterman, Joe McGinniss and others by calling them perverts? Now look what happened to her, she married one.

    Remember Sarah when you point your finger at someone else, there are three fingers pointing right back at ya.

    Karma is a beotch!

  160. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Tawd could there be love children in India and in Israel as well?

    Maybe God knows something, that's why he would not let Tawd enter Bethlehem.

  161. Anonymous6:48 PM

    Speaking of infidelity, check with the crew members of a boat Todd worked on in the early 90's. He arrived and ranted and raved for 3 days about having found a video tape of Sarah and someone close to the family. He was so upset and it disrupted the boat to the point that the Captain kicked him off the boat and sent him home.

  162. Anonymous6:52 PM

    I guess this news about Todd's love child along with the news about his relationship with Shailey Tripp as well as pimping Shailey out to his friends puts an end to little Piper having her friends spend the night at the Palins. Better to be safe than sorry.

  163. Anonymous6:59 PM

    Could this be the reason why Todd never went back to work?

    Without a job he does not have to pay child support or does he?

    The love child's mom should go after Todd like Sarah and Todd made Bristol go after Levi.

    Paybacks a bitch.

  164. Anonymous7:01 PM

    Remember on PD when someone used to write about how we needed to look at the connection between the Palins and the Johnstons, in terms of Trig? Was that a red herring?

  165. Anonymous7:08 PM

    FedUp FYI
    Actually adopted children CAN receive benfits, my son does.
    After the legal adoption they have to be sdopted into the Band or tribe in question, at that point they may be refuesd or not from tribal adoption. But the child we adopted at age six, receives the same benfits as our blood child does.
    Granted, it was not an easy process and they do try and cull out any scams at that point.

  166. Anonymous7:10 PM

    This is just ridiculous, somebody explain to me why Candies would pay Bristol over $200,000 to lecture teens against sex or why anybody would hire Bristol for $20,000 to talk to their children about abstinence when Bristol and Sarah have problems keeping their panties on and Todd has problems keeping his free silk Republican campaign draws up as well?

  167. My mom grew up in Palmer. One of my aunts lives in Big Lake. I've got more cousins in the area than I can count.The Mat-Su Valley is made up of all sorts of folks. There are a lot of good, live-and-let-live people around there. Lots of dipshits too. Lots of right wing, evangelical assholes. Those are the ones who got bused into Anchorage last year to protest an ANCHORAGE ordinance proposal. Dickwads.

  168. Anonymous8:01 PM

    Oh oh...

    JUNEAU -- Gov. Sean Parnell's appointee for the panel that nominates state judges testified Wednesday that he would like to see Alaskans prosecuted for having sex outside of marriage.

    Read more:

    Sex outside marriage should be illegal, says Parnell nominee

  169. Fedup at 5:36 Said..............WRONG!!! That program is ONLY for NATIVE people, NOT for kids ADOPTED BY Native People! You LITERALLY have to have a certain % of Native blood in you to be eligible for the free health care and other benefits!

    Wrong!!!!!!!!! Google is your friend.

    Eligibility Criteria:

    Alaska Natives or American Indians who provide proof of membership in or descendancy from an Indian tribe recognized by the U.S. government are eligible for direct care
    If you have established eligibility for direct care and have resided in the Ketchikan Gateway Borough (KGB) for at least 180 days, you are also eligible for Contract Health Service (CHS)
    With an approved authorization for payment from KIC THC, CHS will pay for inpatient and specialty care and/or transportation for care.
    Non-Native women who are pregnant with the child of an eligible Alaska Native/American Indian are eligible for care at KICTHC through 6 weeks post-partum. A signed affidavit of paternity is required.
    Non-Native step/adopted children are eligible for direct and CHS services until the age of 19.
    Documents required as proof include a Certificate of Indian Blood from the Bureau of Indian Affairs or a membership card from a federally recognized tribe. Parents of non-native or adopted/step children will need to provide a copy of marriage certificate, birth certificate of both parents, and adoption certificate (if child is adopted).

  170. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Speaking of infidelity, check with the crew members of a boat Todd worked on in the early 90's. He arrived and ranted and raved for 3 days about having found a video tape of Sarah and someone close to the family. He was so upset and it disrupted the boat to the point that the Captain kicked him off the boat and sent him home.

    6:48 PM

    Are you talking about Sarah's "Who's Nailin' Palin" video?

  171. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Anonymous said...
    Anonymous @2:50PM: "Sorry, judt trying to understand Wasillaspeak."

    I think you mean "just" trying....

    What's that old adage about casting stones?

    5:16 PM

    typo vs bad english......
    i love skipping stones

  172. Anonymous11:28 AM

    @5:36 - I see nothing in the regs that require a blood test. If Todd was married to Sarah when she had a baby, he would be listed as the father on the birth certificate, and would be the legal father with the rights and responsibilities that go with that. He could produce the necessary birth certificate to establish entitlement to the program.

    I see I was wrong about adoption, the rules are different for adopted chilren. My error of assumption.

    I see nothing in the rules that would prevent a child born to SP while married to TP from presenting the necessary documentation to obtain the services. Nor do I see anything to suggest such would be a fraud. Maybe I missed something.


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It just goes directly to their thighs.