Friday, April 08, 2011

Palin uses American troops currently in harms way to provide cover as she betrays her sex.

Klondike Kardashian dares to tweet the following:

Appalling Commander in Chief action: Announce veto of troop funding in time of war. Troops sacrificing life & limb & he plays politics at...
1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

And because her rant cannot be contained by 140 characters she has a follow up tweet:

....their expense. UNBELIVEABLE. Memo to the President: Insurgents won't stop & wait for govt shutdown to end before resuming actions.
1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

That is absolute bullshit and she knows it!  The President and the Democrats have given up almost EVERYTHING to get this budget agreement through.  The ONLY thing stopping this deal from being made is the GOP's desire to take funding away from Planned Parenthood, which they defend by making the false charge that the funds are used for abortion, WHICH THEY ARE NOT! (Except in cases of rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother. Which I assume in Palin's world are completely unreasonable excuses to terminate a pregnancy.)

The Teabaggges are trying to defund a program that has been critical in protecting women's health in this country, and without which we will soon see a dramatic rise in abortions, the very thing they claim to be fighting against.  If the Republicans are successful in eliminating support for this program, how many poor and disadvantaged women will be made to suffer?

And here we have Sarah Palin pretending to support the troops, while betraying the very women who once looked to her with admiration and pride when she was chosen to run as John McCain's VP choice in 2008.  What kind of selfish, hateful excuse for a woman would throw her own gender under the bus for political gain?

I constantly find myself disgusted with this vile individual, but today she has reached an even lower low.


  1. Anonymous10:03 AM

    Thank you for this post. I'm convinced that Sarah Palin is a man, and that is the deep dark secret of her marriage to Todd. How else to explain her disdain for women?

  2. Anonymous10:07 AM

    Too bad people listen to this total idiot. I hope she is found out and locked away for all the things she has done.

  3. Anonymous10:11 AM

    PP relies on a specific number of abortions to keep afloat or have you not seen the former employee's testimony against her former employer?

    While I am grateful PP exists, their actions are not purely good.

  4. Anonymous10:13 AM

    Palin is so desperately screaming for attention. If anyone could care less about troops, it's her.

  5. dear $arah,

    Sit down.
    Shut up.


  6. Anonymous10:17 AM

    The republicans are the ones withholding pay from the troops. They have a bill, HR1297, the Ensuring Pay for Our Military Act, which the House has been sitting on. They are deliberately not bringing it to a vote in order to try and make Obama look bad. The Republicans are the ones who don't want to pay the military during a government shutdown. You can read more about it over at Mother Jones. Oh, and let's not forget that those Congressmen and Senators will still get paid during a shutdown.

  7. And let us not forget the TROOPS WILL BE PAID. That had been made perfectly clear. In fact, the public employee in the mess hall feeding the troops in Afghanistan will be paid too. He is considered essential personnel. The only public employees who will NOT be paid are the little people. The ones at the DMV. The ones that process your passport and your paper IRS forms. If you file your taxes electronically, you'll get your refund on time.

    Yes, the Democrats need to scream loud and clear that Planned Parenthood PREVENTS abortions by providing birth control so taht women don't get pregnant in the first place.

    But you have to realize that Republicans, 'baggers and the right wing nutjob talibangelicals hate birth control. They want everyone pregnant and to have the babies. They believe in the quiverfull.

    Now the Democrats also need to scream that the birth control that Planned Parenthood provides prevents WELFARE BABIES. That's right. No Welfare babies and no abortions.

    Scream it loud Dems. Grow a pair and a spine and tell the public exactly what these extortionists are stealing from the public in order to give fistfulls, barrel fulls, truck fulls of money to the wealthy and corporations in this country who DON'T PAY TAXES.

    You're in pain so they can have a free ride on the taxpayer's dime.

    Scream that loud.

  8. Anonymous10:24 AM

    "I constantly find myself disgusted with this vile individual, but today she has reached an even lower low."

    So...when are you going to do something about her?

  9. Wolfbiitch10:24 AM

    Anonymous @10:11am: Please provide me with one non-religious item of proof, with citations, to demonstrate that abortion is evil.

  10. TNbluedot10:25 AM

    Anon @10:11 - Simply put, you're full of it!

    You should get some facts. Many sources, try this one:

  11. Anonymous10:27 AM

    Annon 10:03: LOL but a great explanation.

    WHy do the republicans - inlcuding the tea party - hate women?

  12. Anonymous10:29 AM

    10:11 - PP relies on abortions to keep afloat? WTF?

    WHat planet do you live on?

  13. Anonymous10:29 AM

    10:11 _ Why do you hate women?

  14. Virginia Voter10:33 AM

    Ooh, goody the Planned Parenthood abortion quota fairy tale troll is back.

    I'm only going to say this once...Planned Parentood exists because we have an otherwise abysmal healthcare system which routinely discriminates against women.

    So say the wing nuts got their way, and defund Planned Parenthood. Who's going to pay for the fallout and consequences of unplanned and unwanted pregnancies? Who will take care of the abandoned, unwanted, possibly deformed babies? The welfare system, nope , all that has been cut too. Who's going to pay for these kids public school? Who is going to pay for the physically handicapped, mentally deficient babies that will be born as a result of improper prenatal care and screening? Our foster care system is abysmal in this country, and especially cruel to minority babies and the handicapped. If all can't get access to birth control and medical care, the end result will be a million times worse...lives will be lost

  15. Anonymous10:36 AM

    This doesn't surprise in the least. Palin has long hijacked the honor of the military for her own selfish purposes. She's a cheap harlot, and nothing more.

  16. Anonymous10:39 AM

    10:11- Troll spreading lies about Planned Parenthood.

    Congressional Republicans are seeking to defund the organization because it provides abortions, although it exclusively uses private funds — not taxpayer dollars — to do so, as required by law.

    from the same link

    KYL: Everybody goes to clinics, to doctors, to hospitals, so on. Some people go to Planned parenthood. But you don’t have to go to Planned Parenthood to get your cholesterol or your blood pressure checked. You go to Planned Parenthood to get an abortion, and that’s well over 90 percent of what Planned Parenthood does.

    The actual services provided by planned Parenthood can be seen at that link and other places. Abortion services are less than 5% of what is done.


    Republican tactic tell a lie , be sure it's a BIG lie.

  17. Anonymous10:43 AM

    "PP relies on a specific number of abortions to keep afloat or have you not seen the former employee's testimony against her former employer?"

    Huh? Citation, please. Or are you referring to an already discredited Liela Rose/James O'Keefe baldy and heavily edited film collage?

  18. Rationalist10:45 AM

    Anon at 10:07 - "purely good?" In case you are not aware, abortion is a legal medical procedure in this country. In-office x-rays can be profitable. Should doctors be prevented from providing them on that basis?

  19. Anonymous10:47 AM

    Remember during the election, Cindy Lou
    got her mink panties in a twist because
    Obama DEFUNDED teh TWOOPS! when
    her son was serving? But she'd totally
    forgotten the times her hubby voted to
    "defund the troops"? Republican ain't
    nothing but another word for hypocrite.

  20. Gasman10:48 AM

    The teabaggers want to drag us back to the 19th century socially. Guaranteed, if they succeed in subjugating women, they will not stop there. They will target blacks, LGBTs, unions, and anyone else that doesn't genuflect in their general direction or pass their test of ideological purity.

    Fascism is on the march with the 'baggers and the GOP seems quite content to go right along if the teabaggers can help them win elections.

    Anybody that gives a damn about women's rights - hell, about rights in general - needs to oppose these dictatorial clowns at every turn. They need to have their asses handed to them in the next election or our liberties will begin slipping away.

    Remember the words of Martin Niemöller:

    When the Nazis came for the communists,

    I remained silent;
    I was not a communist.

    When they locked up the social democrats,
    I remained silent;
    I was not a social democrat.

    When they came for the trade unionists,
    I did not speak out;
    I was not a trade unionist.

    When they came for the Jews,
    I remained silent;
    I wasn't a Jew.

    When they came for me,
    there was no one left to speak out.

    These latter-day fascists have now come for the women. Let’s not remain silent.

  21. Anonymous10:50 AM

    The Republicans make me pysically ill. They aren't fooling anyone who has half a brain.

  22. Anonymous10:50 AM

    What kind of selfish, hateful excuse for a woman would throw her own gender under the bus for political gain?

    In the question, there is the answer: a selfish hateful EXCUSE for a woman. It is why she has been called some of the most prurient, obscene names ever--she's earned them all, particularly the "cee-word" name. This latest rot is to keep attention on her while smearing Obama and spouting right-wing lies/talking points.

  23. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Dear Mrs. Todd Palin,

    How is that dictionary thing working for you?


    A Genuine College Graduate

  24. Anonymous10:51 AM

    Argh.. Please keep the stupid trolls out at least! Offensive, disagreeable, troll-y OK - but the idiocy is just too much!

  25. Anonymous10:53 AM

    Republicans are looking for cover because they are causing a government shutdown over abortion.

    Every day I can feel Sarah Palin become more insignificant. I expect her to create a new blood libel video any time now just to get noticed. She hates to be ignored.

  26. Anonymous10:54 AM

    Sarah even lied about Track. She pretended that he was a combat vet and he was never in combat. He drove officers around and was in less than a year and has been at home doing nothing since then.

    She made her own son look less deserving and made a complete fool of him by lying about him.

    She was not even proud of Track and just lied and lied. She is a bitch and has no love for anyone but herself. She is the most jealous and unhappy person that I know.

    Bekka probably wrote the tweets cause she loves Sarah.

  27. Anonymous10:54 AM

    hey 10:11

    Do you like watching James "Dildo Boat" O'Keefe videos to find out the 'true facts'?

    Do you get your 'real history' from the Glenn Beck show?

  28. Anonymous10:54 AM

    I think that she is basically an unhinged indivdual who still hasn't been able to come to terms with her 2008 defeat. The tranquilizers were probably beginning to wear out and so she decided to tweet.

  29. Anonymous10:54 AM

    This is all so bogus. There WAS a stand alone bill, not tied to the budget, that would have insured the troops were paid timely, but it was only supported by ONE Republican and did not pass.

    The Republicans are holding the troops hostage, not the Democrats. Read what TeaBagger Allen West has to say about it. . .


  30. Anonymous10:56 AM

    10:11 am -

    You are a lying troll. You have no idea what you are trying to write. Stupidity is your code word. Is your whole family as retarded as you are?

  31. Anonymous11:00 AM

    Looks like the cousins of retarded Sarah are on their computers in Sarah'a compound pounding away today.

    Does she provide them with red bull, taco bell and meth to do her biding?

  32. laprofesora11:01 AM

    The hates just oozes from her. She must be the most miserable, unhappy, hateful person on the public scene today. And the 'bots love to say what a happy family the Paylins are...ha! I've said it about Rush, Beck, and Paylin: you CANNOT spend your day spewing bile and hate and be a happy person, it just does not work. So collect your big paychecks, you lunatics, maybe all that money will be comforting when you're lying on the floor in the fetal position wondering why no one loves you.

  33. Anonymous11:01 AM

    They wany child slave labor. That is why they want no birth control, no abortions. They have said women need to be at home. they want wages to go low and old and grown up won't be able to get a job.Maine already is thinking or has lowered the wages of teenagers wants them to work 24 to 36 hrs a week while going to school. No benefits for 6 months and they will just fire them and hire new teenagers They don't want public schools, It is getting very clear what they are after. SLAVES

  34. Anonymous11:05 AM

    You can have my Birth Control when you can pry it from my cold dead hand..

  35. Spill it already. You are just giving her more opportunity to fuck up the country even more. Wasn't it enough with her fucking death panels?

  36. Anonymous11:17 AM

    I went to Planned Parenthood this morning. I have a condition requiring me to stay on birth control, and I don't have health insurance. If there were no PP, where would I get birth control? If I wasn't on bc, my condition would become so severe that I would a) probably be unable to work, and thus would have to apply for disability and not be able to pay taxes on my earnings; and b) require at least one and possibly more major surgeries. Who would pay for those? Medicaid? The hospital? No one, ergo I file bankruptcy and the doctor doesn't get paid? None of those seems like a solution that would help the economy.

    I need Planned Parenthood.

    PP had some bumper stickers on display. My favorites:
    If you don't trust me with a choice, how can you trust me with a child?
    Every child should be a wanted child.

  37. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Presumedly the only people reading her tweets now are the holdout cult members.

    Her ugly nonsense matters not at all anymore, although it is some of the best entertainment ever.

    Any thinking person knows she's a sham; probably quite a few non-thinkers are slowly beginning to realize it.

  38. wakeUpAmerica11:25 AM

    Alaskans need to go picket her house. What a jackass.

  39. Anonymous11:25 AM

    I love the "memo to the President" part.

    Memo to Mrs. Todd Palin: President Barack Obama doesn't give you a thought... ever. You aren't even on his radar, and never will be.

  40. Anonymous11:27 AM

    regarding veto of defense funding ... the GOP voted down HR 1363 yesterday. Obama can't veto what doesn't pass the House.

  41. Anonymous11:28 AM


    So you are anti abortion and ALL abortions are bad? It's the only choice for many women and I don't know a one who WANTED to have one, but at times it is the only practical choice. Unwanted pregnancies happen for various reasons, rape, incest, birth control failure, to name a few. Women who have received disturbing news after fetal testing also may choose to terminate pregnancy. People I know who have made this choice were not thrilled to do so, but knew it was their only option.

    It needs to remain an option through planned parenthood and other private practices.

  42. Gryphen did u read this crap:

  43. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Dear Sarah,
    Please check in with Murkowski's staff for a full briefing and better understanding of this issue and advice on the impact on Alaskans and others - the troops, women, Natives, babies, the government, corporations, abortions, etc. etc.
    Our congressional delegation can be very very helpful this way.

  44. Anonymous11:32 AM

    Let's remind the troll that Bristol's latest message is to be careful and use a condom, as per her PSA filmed with The Situation. Those were condoms that he was holding! Planned Parenthood exists to help people with no other resources to get protection, which stops an unwanted pregnancy and prevents spread of AIDS. Bristol is advocating the use of condoms, and her mother wants to cut off the source that information.

  45. wakeUpAmerica11:34 AM

    dumbass@10:11, do some research instead of spreading your nuclear waste. We are too well-informed here to buy ANY of your fecal material. BTW, get a job and get a life.

  46. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Mlaiuppa, may I ask where did you hear the troops will be paid?

    That is not what the military is saying to the troops. But they do have to show up for work.

    And isn't the local DMV worker a state employee?

    The sad truth is that everyone suffers except those inflicting the pain. I was eating lunch in a little restaurant in my little military town yesterday. I'm guessing they won't be very busy next week if there aren't any paychecks.

  47. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Well, it sure looks like she is JUST not getting enough attention. I wonder if she can make her head spin while spewing green vomit in case she gets really, really desperate? It is amazing how little coverage she is getting these days, probably because The Chump is stealing her thunder and we all know the repugs can't deal with two things at the same time.

  48. Eunice11:36 AM

    Limpballs was spewing this crap all morning. He said Obama is denying US soldiers their paychecks, then asserted that picking cotton as a slave would be preferable to being a US soldier under Obama.

    He then went on to point out the irony of "the left" refusing to pay US soldiers because they're "baby killers" while fighting to keep "the real baby killers" at planned parenthood in business. His solution is to make the military a branch of planned parenthood, thus insuring that democrats will continue to pay them.

    I rarely listen to this crap, I'm never in the car that long. When I do I'm always surprised at how ridiculous it is. I mean it's like a parody of propaganda. At first I'm shocked, then I laugh, then I go back to being shocked when I realize that there are legions of ditto-heads out there who take this horseshit for gospel.

  49. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Thank goodness not too many people are taking Palin serious.

    Hey Scarah, the jig is up!! So, give up the tweets and the FB rants, 80% of the country doesn’t like you!!

  50. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Shut it down
    Go Tea Party

  51. imnofred11:39 AM

    Again, Sarah is twisting the facts to suit her own agenda. The President is not vetoing funding to the troops, he has threatened to veto a SPENDING bill that has a rider attached to it that will de-fund Planned Parenthood. Her bullshit on this doesn't fly with anyone that has half a brain.

  52. Anonymous11:39 AM

    With an, alleged, degree in journalism, wouldn't one expect her to, at the least, spell all the words in her tweets correctly...especially when she bolds and caps one of them? "UNBELIVEABLE" I believe my dog is more qualified to be Commander-in-Chief than this ill-informed, no-nothing, intellectual lightweight!

  53. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Pander baby Pander! Fucking bitch uses whatever prop she can to spew her vitriol. Hope this causes her "approvals" to tick downward again.

  54. emrysa11:41 AM

    you know what the real problem screecher has with this, don't you?

    track's not going to get a paycheck which means he's going to come to her for money. the grifter is pissed that she might have to financially assist her combat experienced son!

  55. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Sarah Palin you lie!

  56. Beside the whole PP and NPR de-funding, which I find unconsionable, the troops are not being "defunded" during the shut-down. Sheesh! Enough with the lies.

  57. Anonymous11:57 AM

    If men could be raped and made pregnant, if men had to carry a baby for nine months, then devote the next 18 years to making sure said baby could use the bathroom, eat properly, get his homework done, dress in clean clothes, make good decisions...if a man was responsible for all that, there would be PP on every other corner. Kyl hates women. The GOP hates women. Every Sarah should be bright enough to see that. This is not about abortion...this is about fear of powerful women and hatred of the rest of us. Pitiful.

  58. Anonymous11:59 AM

    10:11 SO WHAT!!! Abortion is NOT NOT NOT federally funded!! So what if what you say is true. ABORTION IS LEGAL.

  59. Ex Cat12:05 PM

    Why does sarah paylin hate America?

  60. Anonymous12:17 PM


    Is this a new word in the rich American language (meaning "not being able to live with"), an idiot spelling something wrong or a new Palinism ?

  61. Anonymous12:29 PM

    Miaiuppa, well said!

    I agree with your sentiments, and I also hope the Democrats get off their arses and start doing some active PR to set their record straight.

    Democrats have a lot to be proud of in the past two years. Yes, we regret Gitmo and still being in Afghanistan, but those commitments are on the way out.

    What Democrats care most about is the health, safety and education of the American people. We still believe everyone - not just the rich - deserve a shot at the American dream --- good schools, safe neighborhoods, home ownership, access to affordable health care, a liveable wage, a decent and dignified retirement, safe consumer goods, safe food, air and water. Gosh, you'd think all those things are Evil by the way the GOP and TP are slashing protections and regulations governing them.

    Planned Parenthood is about empowering women to plan for a healthy life and healthy children if they chose to have them. As you said - but doesn't hurt repeating - Planned Parenthood does NOT use taxpayer money for illegal abortions. Legal abortions are a small part of their overall health care anyway.

    The GOP/TP refuses to research, learn and think. They certainly do not know how to discuss and engage in good faith negotiation. The GOP/TP is now the party of cretins, morons, misfits, and extremists. How very sad for our country.

  62. Anonymous12:31 PM

    $ahara's days of wanting/needing a "wite out" are past. If she can make abortion illegal, then her daughters will not have the choice to get a "wite out".

    I'm thinking that's what Brisket did to lose all that weight AFTER DWTS.

    We have to remember, EVERYTHING she does and says is all about $ahara and her klan of Wasillabillies. Using the US troops fighting wars of agression are just a means to an end for her.

  63. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Appalling Former Half-Term Quitting Governor action: Announce veto of troop funding in time of war [who's war was it again?] Troops sacrificing life & limb for Sarah Palin's First Amendment Rights & Teabaggers plays politics at...
    1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®

    ....their expense. UNBELIVEABLE. RAM, hammer out an ill-advised, unprofessional and out-of-depth Memo to the President: Insurgents won't stop & wait for Baggers Pro-Life "victory" before resuming actions.
    1 hour ago via Twitter for BlackBerry®


  64. Anonymous12:33 PM

    Everyone should read The Hand Maid's Tale by Margaret Atwood to get a sense of the terrifying direction the GOP is heading.

    Women are only valued as sexual objects and baby machines in that society. Sure sounds like what the right-wing conservatives want our country to be.

    Why do the GOP and the Tea Party hate women?

  65. Anonymous12:35 PM

    Gasman, I love you for posting that poem!

    I hope it gets repeated in emails and other blogs until it's message becomes second nature to progressives and moderates. I do not believe the right-wing will even understand its dire warning.

  66. Anonymous12:36 PM

    She is just a first class shit. She will stoop at nothing.

  67. Anonymous12:42 PM

    Would someone ask Mrs. Palin why the GOP voted three times yesterday against the Democrats' stop gap measure to fund the troops?

  68. Virginia Voter12:47 PM

    Gryphen, have you seen this?

    A paper done by a professor on the Trig pregnancy hoax

  69. Randall12:48 PM

    ...and Sarah Palin's supporters grow fewer and fewer...

  70. Anonymous12:49 PM

    Nebraska's infant mortality has increased, thanks to the Republican war on women. These people are despicable.

    "Four infants died in utero at the Columbus health center, she said. In the previous seven years, the clinic had never had an in utero death."

  71. Anonymous12:49 PM

    11:41 am

    Track was NEVER in combat, he did a year driving the brass around. This was so he wouldn't have to go to prison for damages to school buses.

    He has been home on the couch since, would he get a paycheck for being a homeboy?

  72. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Just when I thought it wasn't possible for me to disrespect her more.....

  73. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Boycott Koch bros paper products

  74. Anonymous1:01 PM

    If Brisket had gone to Planned Parenthood before she started having sex, then she wouldn't have had those kids and been miserable as she says she is.

  75. Anonymous1:02 PM

    I only read about the bitch on Alaskan blogs so she doesn't get hits on corporate ones like politico and huffington post

  76. Anonymous1:02 PM

    Sara is so pathetic and jealous, she is an old woman spewing her venom. There is nothing attractive about her, just plain ugly.

  77. Anonymous1:05 PM

    I find Palin, a house wife from Wasilla/celeb issuing memos via twitter to be bizarre. Her tweeting 'mandations' and lies prompts me to think of the wizard of Oz.

  78. Anonymous1:06 PM

    Sarah, people just can't believe your lying eyes, mouth, tweet, facebook post, your lying tied tubes vagina.

    You are a true bitch!!!

  79. majii1:10 PM


    PP does not perform abortions. If a request for an abortion is made, the organization will REFER the petitioner to a doctor who does perform abortions. PP does the same thing with mammograms. They REFER women to facilities that provide mammograms.

    Please get your facts straight. The Hyde Amendment states the same thing that Gryphen states regarding abortion in this post. No government money for abortions, except in special cases like rape, incest, or to protect the life of the mother.

    I hate that so many Americans don't know things about our government before they open their mouths!

  80. Anonymous1:11 PM

    Wow! I did not know Track was in a fire fight. You learn something everyday. How many medals did Track earn?


  81. Anonymous1:12 PM

    Hey Gryphen, I have an interesting question for you. The other day someone on the news said (unfortunately I didn't catch who) that Bristol had gone to PP before telling Sarah that she was pregnant.

    That PP is the one who told Bristol she was pregnant originally, and then she knew she had to tell Sarah. Do you know if this is true?

    I don't remember ever hearing about how Bristol figured it out in the first place. Interesting no?

    Too bad bristol hadn't gone to PP BEFORE; they would have done what Sarah refused to do and told her where babies come from!

  82. Anonymous1:14 PM

    If you're gonna misspell something, be sure to put it in all caps, like this: UNBELIVEABLE.

  83. Anonymous1:14 PM

    10:50.....I feel your pain. The republicants make me physically ill too :(. As far as those with half a brain? There are many.........ugh

  84. Ratfish1:21 PM

    Palin is intellectually celibate.

  85. Anonymous1:26 PM

    Don't know if anyone else had noticed, but did she really misspell unbelievable? UNBELIVEABLE What an unbelievable idiot!

  86. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Sarah has to live with her own abortion, little baby Tad, which she spoke so fondly of in Going Rogue. Little baby Tad that was lovingly conceived thru a union of her and Todd and then was found to be, gasp, missing in the womb, then her having to have that D&C that the paperwork from her doctor listed as first "abortion" then whited out to be replaced with a non medical term "miscarriage".

    Sarah scraped that baby for some reason but is pandering to her base in her book with a nonsensical medical scenario.

    Was Tad another Menard child that was conceived when Todd was away at fish camp in Bristol Bay?

    She could have counted on Todd to marry her and raise one child from her boyfriend but two was probably one too many.

  87. Anonymous1:31 PM

    This is the same idiot that has declared numerous times that her son, Track, was in combat. Another lie - easily proven.

  88. Anonymous1:39 PM

    She is desperate. No one gives a flying monkeys ass what she has to say. There are much more iimportant things to worry about these days.
    God, I wish she would drop off the face of the earth and take her fuckin kids with her.

  89. Anonymous1:40 PM

    "What Makes a Person Ugly?"

  90. emrysa1:41 PM

    @ 12:49 pm:

    yes I am fully aware that track did not see combat. sometimes sarcasm doesn't come through in the written word. I'll work on it.

  91. Anonymous1:46 PM

    Why I don't agree that PP relies on abortions to stay afloat, the institution is independently wealthy. There's a lot of misconceptions, most support the republicans goal of defunding.

  92. Anonymous1:51 PM

    "If you're gonna misspell something, be sure to put it in all caps, like this: UNBELIVEABLE."

    OMG LMAO!! You guys are cracking me up.

    That woman is an idiot - Keith Olbermann

  93. Anonymous1:52 PM

    People on CNN talking about how stupid Sarah has become and how she wants attention. Pathetic.

  94. moderate democrat Alaskan1:55 PM

    If you don't like what she says, why read/listen? I can assure you that the world and most people don't revolve around Sarah. Why do you make her your world? She's a housewife with an opinion like your own, she loves her family like you do, she visits friends like you do, she keeps informed as you do. The difference between you and Sarah is she doesn't spend hours on the computer endlessly speculating things no one will ever know about a person, things that are no ones business. She doesn't spread rumors and lies about your daughter being pregnant. She doesn't discuss publicly your son's paternity.

    Ever wonder why far lefties and righties are seen as crazy, delusional idiots? Read you next comment before hitting send. Think about what you send to the internet. Be mature. Act your age.

  95. Anonymous2:00 PM

    1:11 pm

    Who said Track was in a firefight?

    He was not, not in combat, no combat medals. Sarah lied because she was ashamed to tell the truth that he was a driver for the brass and never in any combat.

    Sarah said no one could take that away from her, well how can you take away something that isn't something?
    Sarah is such a disgrace and a whopping story teller. She is a mental case.

  96. Anonymous2:05 PM

    @1:55 - You're no "moderate Democrat." You should have written "moderate Democratic Alaskan." Your use of "Democrat" instead of "Democratic" was your first giveaway. The rest, your ridiculous diatribe in defense of your queen, was laughable. You don't know what Sarah Palin does all day. She's in AZ, dumb-dumb.

  97. Anonymous2:07 PM

    W.A.B!!! (What-A-Bitch)

    This is about all I can say without going too far over-board , then needing to wash my mouth out with soap - or something stronger.

    (S)he is really one SICK person!!!

  98. Anonymous2:09 PM

    Virginia Voter, how curious that McCallister denies being connected to the hoax, but does not deny the hoax.

  99. Anonymous2:10 PM

    The books that are coming out in the next couple of months and the Alaska government emails that are coming out next month are going to take care of SP for once and for all. She is shouting her last hurrah.

  100. Anonymous2:14 PM

    On her facebook she addressed the President in a bullying tone and ended with Sir! This woman has no respect for her leader, her President, or the law. Who does she submit to? Wonder if she realizes that at the very least she does need to submit to God? Can she? Or does she think God submits to her?

    The woman is so full of herself and full of venom I would wager if she gave blood it would be green.

  101. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I think the screaming for attention today is the result of seeing Bristol's name all over the internet and not her own. She's jealous!!!

  102. Anonymous2:19 PM

    Well, well, well if the bitch hasn't just cooked her own arse again.

    People who were for her are now slamming her like crazy. She is being called every name and idiot one could imagine. She did herself no favors with this ignorant tweeting.

    This tweeting has brought back memories of fat pregnant Bristol and tongues are wagging like dog tails. She just shot herself in the arse again and put Bristol in front.

    Reading comments everywhere on news blogs and 99% hate Sarah now. They say she has no clue about anything except grifting. Her numbers are in the toilet.

    Bristol's name is being brought up because of her pregnancies and no marriage yet. Sarah just made it much harder on Bristol by fanning the flames again.

  103. Anonymous2:22 PM

    1:55, you may be alaskan, but you damn sure are not moderate nor a Democrat. You aren't even particularly well informed. Do you think ANYONE would give Sarah Palin a passing thought were she not hinting at a POTUS run? Here's a clue: NO. And until she truly does become that "housewife," all her lies are open for dissection. Stop your disingenuous bullshit.

  104. Anonymous2:23 PM

    BristleButt had the availability to attend to get birth control through her 'free' Native healthcare, but chose to screw with no protection. MotherSlut figures everyone else in the country should make that same choice and therefore wants PP to go away. Let the women get pregnant and return to the time of using coathangers.

  105. Anonymous2:25 PM

    Gryph...Bill Maher just tweeted. You gotta love it.

    @billmaher Bill Maher
    Tina Fey, 5 months pregnant at 40 not showing and no one knew - boy, when she does a Sarah Palin impression, she really commits!
    6 minutes ago

  106. Anonymous2:26 PM

    1:46 pm

    Not true.

    1:55 pm

    Sarah is no housewife, she spends all her time telling whoppers and trying to be noticed but she has no skills. Her family is a mess.

    Tell her to act her age, quit dressing like a teenage whore and tell her to be mature and quit acting like a 10 yr old.

  107. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Moderate Democrat Alaskan, the fact that you can reduce Sarah Palin to being merely a non-threatening "housewife" - I am sure at-home moms would be offended by that one, you must be a man - shows you don't really understand what blogs such as IM and others are about.

    This woman almost made it into the White House. Have you no idea how horrifying that scenario might have been?

    Those of us who have made a determined effort to scrutinize everything about her, whether public or private, feel it has been our patriotic duty to do so.

    You're a Democrat? Really?

    Btw, Sarah Palin herself spends hours on her Blackberry, tweeting and posting and commenting, all publicly. Where have you been?

    Who are you?

  108. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Anon 10:11

    Your quote of the 'abortion quota' is total Bullshit. The person who said that was a total bullshiter.

  109. Anonymous2:36 PM

    ANON 10:47
    Remember during the election, Cindy Lou got her mink panties in a twist because Obama DEFUNDED teh TWOOPS! when her son was serving? But she'd totally forgotten the times her hubby voted to "defund the troops"? Republican ain't nothing but another word for hypocrite

    I remember watching that on one of the whistle stops. Cindy Lou with her honking big diamond support the troops pin and spewing more shit. Shows you how she truly has no idea what her disgraceful 'not a hero' husband does for his overpaid job.

    Guess Cindy Lou was again too busy between the sheets with her 'boytoy'

  110. FJ DANDY2:36 PM

    12:33 re Handmaid's 16 year old son read it last semester. He is so much more aware of what is happening to women in the U.S. and in other repressive countries.
    Attwood's book is similar to Orwell's '1984' in many respects. Both books are 'must reads' in my opinion.

  111. Anonymous2:38 PM

    sarah did, that's who. Don't think we will let her forget either.

    Now, sarah, you claimed you raised a combat veteran and no one can take that away from you. Track, by God, is a war hero.

    F. U. for diminishing the sacrifices made by real combat veterans.

    Now, Track, time to step up and set the record straight.

    We are watching.

  112. Anonymous2:39 PM

    m d Alaskan @1:55PM,

    Who do you think you are fooling?
    What type of alternate universe do you live in? We know what Sarah Palin is about and none of it is good. Her despicable actions and lying words have revealed a dark empty soul. Grow up and pay attention to the real world. Your comment is nonsense as is your pseudonym.

  113. Anonymous2:40 PM

    This whole bullshit issue of all the riders sounds like the Baggers didn't get the memo that Bagger Walker & his little Bagger Pee-ons have been losing the Wisconsin 'all in' issue.

  114. Anonymous2:43 PM

    We have simple solutions to avert the shutdown - The Congress Baggers in the crosshairs -- You know, those surveyor marks according to Palin!!!!!

  115. Anonymous2:45 PM

    "She doesn't spread rumors and lies about your daughter being pregnant. She doesn't discuss publicly your son's paternity."

    Yes, but I am also not busily trying to lie my way into the highest office in the nation, either. I am not desperate to be inserted into every national or world event whether I am involved or not.

  116. Anonymous2:45 PM

    When I was in college my friends and I and relied on PP, not only for birth control, but also for our annual exams and our other women's health needs. For many of my friends, the only way they could afford these things was through PP and their generous sliding scale. Without that, they wouldn't have gotten any health care at all (our university did not have quality health services).

    There are many, many, many women who rely on PP for their reproductive health needs. Many women are alerted early to serious health conditions, like breast cancer, because of PP's affordable services. Planned Parenthood has provided valuable service to millions of women their families throughout the years.

    For the repubs, this fight is about more than planned parenthood. They are looking to tightly control the kind of health care women are allowed to receive (this is the same party screaming that government needs to get out of lives).

    It's absolutely disgusting that Sarah Palin, whose own daughters are guaranteed government-funded health care, would use PP to further her own sick, twisted agenda. Meanwhile, Harry Reid gave testimony that he will not put the health of his wife and daughters and nine granddaughters at risk.

    Shame on you, Sarah. You are a traitor to your gender.

  117. Track may have a CIB. does he? At least he hasnt made any tabloids. good for him. Now $arah, kindly GFY.

  118. Anonymous2:49 PM

    I'm sick and tired of hearing about how Sarah is good as gold and how we need to leave her alone. I'd gladly leave her alone if she didn't stick her nose in national (and international, for cripes sake!) politics. If she was a man, she'd have been discredited and laughed at long ago. She is sexism embodied and her sad little minions (including the deluded wannabe Palin best buddy who keeps posting here) lap it up.

  119. Anonymous2:53 PM

    The Trig Hoax, coming soon. Stay tuned.

  120. Anonymous2:54 PM

    A journalism professor at Northern Kentucky University has written a research paper titled, “Palin, the Press, and the Fake Pregnancy Rumor.”

    The professor, Brad Scharlott, asserts that there was enough evidence of a possible hoax to have warranted closer scrutiny by mainstream media during the 2008 presidential campaign.
    Sarah’s former spokesman, Bill McAllister, has gone ballistic in response, threatening to commit assault and battery on the professor and writing that he’d like to challenge him to a duel. Calling Scharlott “despicable” and “a scoundrel,” McAllister forwarded his response to faculty colleagues, saying, “he should be fired.”

    Rest assured, the question of whether Sarah is really Trig’s mother, or whether she faked the pregnancy and lied about the birth is not an issue I ignore in The Rogue.

  121. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Anon 10:11 you are a moron.

    Perhaps you should check your facts before you post. You must be a man, probably bitter and socially backward as most of the talibanevangilicals. But I sure think you get your viagra and penis pump.

  122. Anonymous3:00 PM

    Sarah is no friend to women's issues, she let her own daughters get pregnant and never helped them. She just used Bristol as a stepping stone to try to get elected.

    Sarah has no love for any women, she is a user and abuser.

    Watch out RAM, she doesn't like you either.

  123. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Can anyone imagine being Sarah Palin? One who most likely pretends to have a BA from 5 colleges with no proof of graduation. One who says that motherhood is one of her greatest achievements, yet has one son with questionable paternity and another son who has both questionable paternity and maternity. She also has a teen mom that she is "proud of" and another teen that is never talked about unless she misbehaves. She has the little pre-teen mini me that seems very sullen every time we see her.

    Motherhood is the one thing that Palin should just keep her trap shut regarding, as that seems to be the weakest point of her argument.

  124. Anonymous3:09 PM

    Poor Greta doesn't like being 'used'...!5790282/fox-news-anchor-is-sick-of-people-using-her-to-get-to-sarah-palin

  125. Anonymous3:11 PM


    Why are you here?

  126. Anonymous3:11 PM

    Sarah just made a laughing stock out of herself and her family. Huckabee and many republicans are now saying, forget about trying to defund NPR and Planned Parenthood.

    Huckabee said if the government shuts down, it will be the fault of republicans and the media will say it is the republicans fault.

    Mrs Todd Palin is not in the main loop and knows not what she tweets. People are giving CNN a fit for even giving her any print space on their web page. She has now been taken off the ticker after an enormous amount of folks complained.

    Sarah is yesterdays news, she is the toilet paper that has been flushed with her turds.

  127. Anonymous3:13 PM

    @2:22, I was going to respond to that person but after reading your comment, no need. Well said!

  128. Pursang3:22 PM

    Short and sweet reaction to this:

    Sarah Palin is a poor excuse for a human being.

  129. Anonymous3:33 PM

    It's amazing that the Baggers seriously think they can bring PP down -- PP has been in existence for almost a century.

    The Baggers are so fucking delusional.

  130. Anonymous3:45 PM

    You want to know something? I don't think many Repubs would be so concerned about this topic if it didn't guarantee them a certain voting bloc in upcoming elections.

    The thing is, that voting bloc is most definitely a finite one, whereas the vast majority of women prize their right to choose and their right to get their healthcare anywhere they see fit. In other words, this will completely backfire on the GOP.

    I don't really think many in office are interested in controlling women and their bodies. Truly.

    This is about votes.

  131. Anonymous3:47 PM

    What Alan Grayson said on the floor during the healthcare debate and he got called so many names and receipt of death threats by the Baggers has shown how truthful Grayson's statement was -- the ReThuglicans idea of healthcare is they want you to 'hurry up and die'

  132. Anonymous3:52 PM

    This shows how stunned and stupid the Rethuglicans are in that they are playing to the Bagger Base and have lost the Middle which is so much bigger than the Bagger Base.

    SS Rethuglicans!!
    aka SS Minnow -- It sunk!!

    Stunned & Stupid!!!

  133. Anonymous4:36 PM

    @SarahPalinUSA Unbelieva...bull! Making the running of our country seem so trivial that it can be addressed in illiterate tweets.

  134. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Why hasn't Sarah defended her combat veteran son since she was called out on her lie that she raised a combat vet? No combat badge on his military record? Why Sarah?

    While we are on the subject, why did Track serve a very short term in the military? Did he do what mom did and called it quits before his obligation to America and to the Army was over? Did Track do what momma did and say I hate this damn job and just jumped on a flight and went home? What is Track's story lame stream media?

  135. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    1:11 pm

    Who said Track was in a firefight?

    He was not, not in combat, no combat medals. Sarah lied because she was ashamed to tell the truth that he was a driver for the brass and never in any combat.

    Sarah said no one could take that away from her, well how can you take away something that isn't something?
    Sarah is such a disgrace and a whopping story teller. She is a mental case.

    2:00 PM

    The only firefight Track was in was when he tried to keep his doobie lit on a windy day in Wasilla.

  136. majii5:38 PM

    The republicans have lied and lied about PP and the budget the entire time. Kyl lied by saying that 90% of PP's funding goes to abortion services. Don Lemon at CNN called his office, and Kyl is now saying that his statement was NOT meant to be taken as "truthful" because his point was that PP's main service is providing abortions. He lied on PURPOSE. These lying republicans have made LIARS of their own supporters. They don't Google anything. They just repeat the lies, questioning nothing.

  137. Anonymous6:45 PM

    Planned Parenthood is trying to get
    a million people to sign their petition:

    Pass it around!

  138. Anne In DC7:55 PM

    I am so glad that the plan to defund PP got thwarted. That said, this is yet another instance of Simple Sarah being on the wrong side of an issue. It was yet another one of her clumsy, ham-handed attempts to discredit our president without knowing what she is talking about. I have to laugh when I hear people calling her a victim of sexism, when I have yet to see a more sexist woman than she is. This is a woman who tells men to man up or that they lack cojones. In addition, she is always espousing policies that are inimical to women's interests. I am only glad that she is becoming more and more irrelevant, which is why she says increasingly ignorant things. It's obvious that more and more people have had their fill of this middle-school mean girl in an age-inappropriately dressed middle-aged woman's body.

  139. Ex Cat8:49 PM

    I wish she would just get raptured up already and stay the hell out of things that she has absolutely no understanding of.Oh, and take her idiot choir with her.

  140. Anonymous10:54 PM


  141. to Anon. 10:11 AM
    What you say is patently not true. There is no profit in anything PP does, and abortions are not a necessary part of the economy. They ARE a necessary part of responding to the needs of the community. No federal money pays for the abortions. The Hyde Amendment took care of that many years ago. People like me and other donors, community grants, and private pay or insurance pay for abortions. Please don't post what you don't know about.

  142. Anonymous11:40 AM


    Pathetic Palin should go fuck herself and keep her racist ass out of the state of Ohio.

    Just exercising my first amendment right. ;-)


  143. emrysa1:03 PM

    anon @ 5:17 pm sez:

    "The only firefight Track was in was when he tried to keep his doobie lit on a windy day in Wasilla."

    rofl just had to say thanks for that good laff ((wiping tears from eyes))


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