Friday, April 08, 2011

Sarah Palin may have lost the confidence of many Republicans, but she can always count on the racists.

"Oh my God! She is so beautiful! And white!"
 Courtesy of Americablog:

Palin's net favorability with folks who think interracial marriage should be illegal (+55 at 74/19) is 17 points higher than it is with folks who think interracial marriage should be legal (+38 at 64/26.)

(You can see all of the poll numbers here at PPP.)

If THAT surprises you, then you my friend have not been paying attention.

Of course Palin is not the only one enjoying high approval numbers with this crowd.

Haley Barbour, who is currently the Governor of Mississippi where this poll was conducted, received 79% approval rating from those who think interracial marriage should be illegal, but he also received 87% approval from those were fine with it, which seems to demonstrate that the people of Mississippi simply love them some Haley Barbour. Whether they are racist or not.

Coming up a close second to Palin is Huckabee who received a 73% approval rating from the racists, but also 73% from those NOT living in the nineteenth century. Which kind of indicates that other factors are driving his popularity.

However with 74% of those who think interracial marriage should be illegal approving of Palin versus 65% who don't mind a little "race mixing" digging the Grizzled Mama, it appears that Palin is the ONLY one who receives a substantial boost among the racists over those who DON'T spent their weekends ironing their white hoods and burning crosses in ethnic neighborhoods.

Which if you think about it is a little odd.  After all Sarah is not married to a real white dude, sinceTodd is part Yupik. Doesn't THAT qualify as an "interracial marriage" in Mississippi?

So if she is a traitor to her race what is the attraction?

Is it just that Sarah is simply irresistible to the most uneducated people in the country, regardless of who she is married to?

Or that her constant Facebook and Twitter attacks directed at Obama send a little shiver up the leg of southern racists?

Or perhaps that, from a distant, Todd looks white enough to "pass" as a REAL AmericanAnd?

Could it be because her defense of Dr. Laura after she used the "N" word 11 times on the radio gave southern KKK sympathizers a "Boehner?" (Wait, did I spell that right?)

Or perhaps it is that during the McCain campaign she became the "Poster Girl for Racism."

Whatever the reason, it is very clear that the people who DON'T like black people, LOVE Sarah Palin.  And she knows it!

That is why she rarely misses the opportunity to attack the President and show her own personal disdain for the first black man to sit in the White House.

And in my opinion that is what still makes Sister Sarah so dangerous even today.  If anybody could get the hateful racists in this country riled up enough to do something terrible to our President, it would be Sarah Palin. Because believe me, even if the majority of America is over Sarah Louise Palin, those people are still hanging on her every word.

What are your thoughts?


  1. Anonymous7:35 AM

    Palin Poster Child for Victimhood

    In the first decade of the twenty-first century the Evangelical and conservative Roman Catholic (and Mormon) outsider victim "approach" to public policy was perfected on a heretofore undreamed of scale by Sarah Palin.

    She was the ultimate holier-than-thou Evangelical queen bee to millions of alienated angry white lower-middle-class men and women convinced that an educated "elite" was out to get them.

    Palin was first inflicted on the American public by Senator John McCain, who chose her as his running mate in the 2008 presidential election for only one reason: He needed to shore up flagging support from the Evangelical Republican antiabortion base. McCain wanted to prove that he was fully in line with the "social issues" agenda.

    Palin presented herself as called by God and thus cast in the Old Testament mold of Queen Esther, one chosen by God to save her people. Palin perfected the Jesus Victim "art" of Evangelical self banishment and then took victimhood to new levels of success by cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America's elites. She might as well have run under the slogan "I'm as dumb as you are!"


  2. Anonymous7:37 AM

    What are my thoughts? My thoughts are this:

    There have always been racists in the world. Sarah Palin is one.

  3. Anonymous7:37 AM

    I feel sorry for that baby Sarah is holding in the picture. The parents should be charged with child abuse (allowing a mentally unstable grifting presidential wannabe touch get anywhere near their child)

  4. Anonymous7:42 AM

    Proof that conservatives "still" believe in state sponsored racism:

  5. Lynne7:43 AM

    That's a pretty scary look she's giving that baby. Lunch?

  6. Anonymous7:46 AM


  7. Anonymous7:47 AM

    My thoughts are, yes, she is a racist. I guess she allowed herself to be around people of color when she went to Haiti, but then again they aren't living in her own country and she could leave them far behind when she got back on the Samaritan's Purse private jet.

    Other than that, I have never once seen her reach out to a diverse group.

    These people cannot stand that Barack Obama is in the White House. They hate it even more that Michelle is there, that's how f'ed up they are.

    Remember that lone African American woman who kept popping up at events when Sarah was running in '08? Poor misguided soul. I wonder if she has seen the error of her thinking.

    The Tea Party does not care about poor people, or people of color, and they certainly cannot accept the fact that we now are blessed with a class of affluent African Americans and Latinos, people who are highly educated and successful and contributing to our country in invaluable ways. The temerity!

    Get over it, people (with white skin). No one is stopping you from achieving what they have achieved.

    Your jealousy will get you nowhere.

  8. angela7:50 AM

    One of the reasons I know Palin isn't running for president is that her racism will come screaming back to bite her in the ass. And as Sarah is constantly whistling stupid and is ignorant as hell— her bite will be huge. Imagine MoveOn with Laura's eleven n*ggers emblazoned on a bill board--with Sarah's reload right underneath it. Good political copy indeed. I'm sure they can do the same with the shootings in Tucson. There goes that reloading again.

    Yep, Todd is white enough to walk into a Klan meeting with her but Yupik enough for Sarah to pimp out her "I sleep with a minority" button when she needs to. Of course I haven't noticed her doing that much lately. And I guess she knows by now NOBODY believes she sleeps with Todd.

    Heinous woman.

  9. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Palin was and is their Great White Hope!

    Besides coming across as an ignorant trailer park hill billy, Palin said negative things about an African American presidential nominee. That’s good enough for the red necks to back her.

    “So Sambo beat the bitch!”
    This is how Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin described Barack Obama’s win over Hillary Clinton to political colleagues in a restaurant a few days after Obama locked up the Democratic Party presidential nomination.

  10. Anonymous7:57 AM

    Many bitter and ignorant white Americans are racists. Many bitter and ignorant white Americans like the half term governor because they can relate to her. The bitterness and ignorance are the overriding factors and carry the racism along with them.


  11. Anonymous7:57 AM

    I'm imagining the look on that baby's face. The poor kid probably had nightmares for weeks afterward and will forever be creeped out by wigs.

  12. Anonymous7:58 AM

    Water seeks its own level.

  13. Anonymous8:00 AM

    She looks like she's about to devour that child...

  14. Doesn't it seem like the republicans want the government to be the morality police only?

    Why do they think the government should be the morality police?

    Why shouldn't the government protect us from corporations that wish to kill our waters and air and our bodies?

  15. Anonymous8:09 AM

    "What are your thoughts?"

    I'm thinking, hoping actually, that Kashawn L. Thomas reads your blog.

    Kashawn, you need to drive to a place where you can see the palin compound. When you get there remember this: You own that place. If you play your cards right, all of that is yours. One day you can walk up those steps, open that door, and tell the palins to get the hell out of your house. And watch sarah as leaves. Don't let her steal anything from the inside. That belongs to you as well.

    Kashawn, find yourself a good attorney. That is key. Ask Gryphen to help you in this matter.

    Get this clear, here and now, in your mind: You own Todd. You own him. You own him big time.

  16. Anonymous8:13 AM

    While I will agree that true racists will automatically attach themselves to he and other candidates who continuously call out the president on lies, most of her supporters are just average people who feel empathy for her. Like how black people initially showed emotion for Obama. You naturally like and appreciate one of your own. That may seem racist but people are tribal. Color rarely matters. It's who they are, where they come from, what they do... There's a reason michelle bachmann isn't obsessed over and Sarah is. People want to see the Palins stay strong and fight the immaturity in their haters.

  17. Anonymous8:17 AM

    If Sarah is so religious how come she never attends any services?
    A phoney christian.

  18. Chenagrrl8:21 AM

    Well, I guess I know where I would end up if Sarah and clowns seize power.

    As my dad used to say when he filled out the race cards the FBX school district required in the days of yore: "Thank God, we look white."

  19. Chenagrrl8:23 AM

    Anita Bryant with firepower!

    Has no clear idea of the power of hate. Wudda learned this in history class, if she had been paying attention.

  20. Anonymous8:27 AM

    @8:13 - racist alert.

  21. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Of course Sarah is racist. She attacks President Obama with glee that I have never seen before. But it just isn't an attack on the President, she is subliminally attacking people of color and her followers know this. In the history of America, no other president has been attacked or talked about so negatively on foreign soil. It is treason. But Palin and her ilk get away with it. A senator yells out to the President, no doubt, "You lie!" but nothing is done to him. At a Palin rally, he would have been wrestled to the ground and beaten to a pulp. I guess in America, patriotism and respect only come into play with the President is white. Because I can guarantee you that if a black senator had yelled out "you lie" to a white sitting president, he wouldn't be recognizable. If a black female or female of color went abroad and castigated a white sitting president, she would probably mysteriously disappear.

    Yes, Palin is the chosen one to be the racist attack dog. Make no mistake about it, most thinking Americans recognize the overt racism that is so apparent to anyone paying attention.

  22. Anonymous8:33 AM

    Sarah and Todd's marriage isn't interracial. It is interspecies! Todd is part Yupik Alaska Native, Sarah is .....
    The first thing that comes to my mind is Satan but I'm not sure that is interspecies.

  23. California Dreamin'8:33 AM

    I agree with Kathleen Parker in the video clip that it's mostly a cultural phenomenon. I, too, am from the south and can tell you that from my perspective it's a mix of religion, customs, and attitudes about people who are different from them. And that last part doesn't only include race.

    We are caucasian, but we are not church goers. So, we were viewed as *different*. We also have an Italian last name that got lots of comments, too. "Is that polish?" or "That's an *unusual* last name" (read *weird*).

    Growing up I not only heard the 'n' word quite a bit, but people from anywhere north of us were "yankees" and viewed as "weird". Californians are viewed as liberal, pot smoking, hippies.

    Remember, a lot of people who openly participated in racists activities are still alive and I tell you that their apples haven't fallen far from their trees. It's going to take several generations to wipe out the ignorance and hate.

  24. Anonymous8:34 AM

    Sorry, 8:31, Sarah Palin is not one of my own (even though we are the same race, sex, and generation). Perhaps you automatically gravitate toward white people over black people, but most of us out here have evolved beyond such things. The fact that, as you state, there are still people out there who like her better than Obama because she's white like them is just plain sad. And you call US immature.

    Nobody is color blind, but if we have any hope for the future we need realize that all people are "just like us." They are people.

  25. Anonymous8:41 AM

    I've knew the Psychotic Bitch from Wasilla is Racist.

    When she belted "Community Organizer" at the RNC as if she was having an orgasm, I knew she was Racist.

    With glee she then went on to say, Obama "pals around with a domestic terrorist", without McCain's permission sealed it for me. To top it off, someone in the audience yelled "Kill Him" and she smiled in agreement.

  26. Anon 8:09, I LOVE the way you think.

    Kashawn, honey? Pay attention!

  27. Anonymous8:44 AM

    You've seen how Sarah supporters defend her when you wrongly attack and nose around areas that aren't your business. You must see how petulant your followers, Gryphen, behave when someone makes a rational argument against President Obama. You cannot be so blind to think that all people who distrust Obama are racist. There are very very good arguments against him.

    Demeaning a person's personal life is wrong and vandictive. Getting the truth in the open about people's political record is not.

  28. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Todd doesn't factor into it because anyone can look at him and "tell" he's totally white. Remember, these are people who think global warming is a hoax because they stuck their hand out the window in January and said "hurr, feels pretty cold out to ME."

    It's the folksy "common sense"!

    I bet if they were asked, they'd say the story of Todd being part native is a "librul lie", even if they heard it directly from Palin herself. Remember, their love for Sarah has little to do with who Sarah really is, it's all about the glorified image she (and they) have constructed around her. (and Elvis never took drugs! He was on Nixon's anti-drug taskforce! He's also still alive!)

    Kind of like that 13 foot fence they built to keep Joe from peeping at them...

    But more likely, they'd embrace it because it lets them pretend they're not racist. "See, we think Tawd is awesome! We're not racist!"

    I mean, we're talking about people who think they're not racist because they like basketball.

  29. Anonymous8:56 AM

    Amen @7:58. That is one of my all-time favorite sayings.

  30. Anonymous9:05 AM

    It's been obvious that Sarah doesn't care for people whose skin is too brown. Like the idiotic fat white teabaggers and other racists who are anti-multiculturalists. What really perplexes me is why Sarah & teabaggers (who want to take THEIR country back) want to completely wipe Planned Parenthood off the map - it makes no sense to do that. I guess they haven't figured out that without sex education & birth control that the Latino community would grow even faster than the exponential growth rate than it already is. Yep, and include growing blacks, browns and all minority populations that they are so afraid of. What a twisted way to keep the nation all white - keep minority teens and women barefoot and pregnant. There is no logic in that. Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face!


  31. wakeUpAmerica9:13 AM

    My thoughts are that she is a disgusting excuse for a human being (on so many levels) and a waste of skin.

  32. OverMountainMan9:13 AM

    Uhhh ???? Didn't Sarah Marry a Native Alaskan aka an Eskimo ?? Can we say interracial marriage ?

  33. Anonymous9:28 AM

    Anon@8:30 AM, agree with every word you said.

  34. Anonymous9:35 AM

    I don't think Sarah Palin is a racist. If so, at least not hard core. I think she simply just doesn't know how to draw attention in a positive way. Seems the only strategy she knows is to try and bring down others in order to relatively lift herself up. That's not leadership, it's a practice among those with low self-esteem, like bullies. The racists may love her, but it's not nearly enough to win the white house...

  35. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Where I disagree with Kathleen is her statement that Sarah doesn't know what she's doing. Just because a lot of people in the South are racists doesn't mean there aren't a lot of racists in other places, too. And like racist Southerners, Sarah learned long ago to cloak her racism (in public) in politically correct, underhanded attacks. She's a nasty piece of work.

    As much as I loved Tina Fey's portrayal of Sarah, the fact that TIna played her as a lovable, harmless bumbling idiot I think contributed to the country's inability to see her for the evil snake she really is. A bumbling idiot in many ways, but dangerous and evil, not harmless, not lovable.

  36. Anonymous9:43 AM

    We tend to project our own thoughts onto leaders. We project positive attributes to people we admire and negative ones on people we dislike.

    The neocons who were sure that Bush would haul Bin Laden back to America chained up like King Kong; the woman who was interviewed at the 08 inaguration who thought that she wasn't going to have to worry about her mortgage or gas prices; and the people who are just sure that Palin is a racist. We all do it, regardless of our political leanings.

    I've seen pictures of her hanging out with her Yupik inlaws. I've seen pictures of her with people of various shades. None of that really proves anything.

    Other than the one unverified statement, I haven't seen much of anything on her racial views. If anything, she seems to be not terribly focused on racial issues. That may be disconcerting to some, but it is far short of racist.

  37. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Anonymous said...
    If Sarah is so religious how come she never attends any services?
    A phoney christian.

    8:17 AM

    My guess is that they refuse to pay her or her daughter Sperm Whale to attend church?

  38. London Bridges10:12 AM

    Sarah looks like Satan in The Omen or Rosematy's Baby. Coincidence? I think not!

  39. Anonymous10:15 AM

    OverMountainMan said...
    Uhhh ???? Didn't Sarah Marry a Native Alaskan aka an Eskimo ?? Can we say interracial marriage ?

    9:13 AM

    Can we say the hoe was pregnant?

  40. Anonymous10:16 AM

    Never mind Sarah Palin. Or the results.
    I can't believe I live in a world that would _conduct_ such a survey.
    I can't believe I live in world that people would actually answer and respond to it.

  41. Anonymous10:19 AM

    Sarah, Christian is not thy name,RACIST is thy name, and Racism your game.We all know you, and what you stand for, but good always triumph over evil and evil, you have to live with everyday.We pity you.

  42. Anonymous10:23 AM

    8:13 am - You are a stupid lying racist piece of shit, Brisket, Ram or whoever the hell you are pretending to be today.

  43. Anonymous10:31 AM

    8:44 am

    Fuck you, you stupid ignorant asshat. Too bad you are getting paid to write this chit on here cause you really should be trying to get an education.

    You just can't get enough of kissing Mrs. Todd Palin's ass, can you? Does Todd know that you are creaming your pants thinking of her? Sick is your name.

  44. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Gryphen, you sure got the racist pantysniffers of Sarah stirred up today. They will all just have heart attacks when she is taken away.

  45. Anonymous10:50 AM

    That poor tiny baby Sarah is grimacing at will grow up and develop Coulrophobia (fear of clowns) and never know why.


  46. Anonymous10:51 AM

    8:13, you make no sense. At all.

  47. Anonymous10:56 AM

    @8:41, actually she did have the permission of the McCain campaign to say that Barack Obama "palled around with terrorists". The only guideline was that she had to stick strictly to the scripted line. Which she did, because she loved it.

  48. Anonymous10:59 AM

    Palin is a first class asshole! She was 'racist' to the first people of Alaska during her short term as governor. If McCain had vetted her BEFORE he named her as his running mate, he never would have put her on the ticket.

    All they did was 'cover up' for her once on the ticket.

    Be sure and pick up the two new books that are coming out soon by two well-known investigative reporters about Sarah Palin. Rumors are she is going to be jumping all over the place trying to deny and put out fires.

  49. Anonymous11:00 AM

    8:44, I know, we can be so darn "vandictive" here. It's really a crying "shime". he he he.

  50. Ok, I am going to give the same answer I gave my own {previously} very Conservative Parents back in 1988 when I started dating a Native Canadian. {They too at that time followed the whole 'no-race mixing' crap - thankfully, they Grew The Hell Up :)

    When I first starting him at 18 and my parents had a hissy fit, I told them then that he was More Canadian than we could Ever Be. As I consider myself a Canadian First, it therefore followed that I was in fact dating within my 'race' {nationality was a semantic to me}. It shut them up, they left us alone, and all was well. Since 18 I have exclusively dated Native Canadians, and in fact, married one. So I do take umbrage with your smear at bringing up T's Native heritage.

    Also, too, I really, really, REALLY have a hard time with Americans {not all} continuing hard on's for all things 'racial'. I Just Don't Get It...

    A Baffled Canuck

  51. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I see Sarah's stupid daughters are posting on here today again.

  52. Wonder what this woman does with all her spare time. She has others write her 'official statements', has others fight the wars she loves to wage and leaves her child rearing responsibility to relatives. All that's left for her is the whining, shopping and pandering.

    I hope RAM is keeping her posted on recent polls and working on her own letter of resignation. She's going to need a real job soon when the kleig lights go out in Wasilly and all that remains is polishing Mrs P's shoes.

  53. I wonder if there is a picture of that baby's expression as it stares into the face of evil. Poor, helpless child is likely scarred for life.

  54. Anonymous3:15 PM

    Lou Sarah is a racist turd, she is trailer park trash. She has no moral compass and is an unfit mother.

    Is she still living in a mansion down in Arizona? Todd still hanging out with the other women?

  55. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Gryphen, I’m going to go all school marmish on you.
    In the over all I agree absolutely with the point of the article.

    That said you use images like interracial marriage, Todd not being white, and race then say: “Is it just that Sarah is simply irresistible to the most uneducated people in the country...”

    The aim jumps from racism that is unarguably inherent in being anti interracial marriage to people who are presumed racist because of their level of education, without connecting those two dots, racism and education.

    My point being that there are lots of extremely well educated very racist white Republicans and at least one racist well educated Black Republican, Herman Cain. (See next Grayphen article.) And it is the educated ones who are pushing all the red buttons on the not so educated ones, and it is the super rich educated ones who are paying the educated ones to do the button pushing.

    If we just focus our efforts in standing against the tea baggers self immolating politics, we are not putting our best efforts into trying to fend of the Kochites,and Bush Mafia etc., who are actually causing this upheaval.

    I do sincerely hope the SS never let Sarah within rifle range of Obama, she is motivated, she is a megalomaniac, she is plum crazed, and she believes her own BS.

  56. Anonymous5:14 PM

    Palin would be the LAST one I'd hand my baby to....God, what a frightening picture that is of her w/that poor child. Did the kid start screaming?

    Remember, Palin is a horrible mother and that speaks to women who would hand over their child to her - in public or privacy!

  57. FireHorse668:10 PM

    My visceral reaction to the photo far supercedes any content...ZOMG... who the hell would hand over her or his baby to this manic zealot? JFC.

    Well, it would seem that I have answered my own question. Now to commence reading the article.

  58. Anne In DC8:12 PM

    I am not surprised that Palin appeals to the grievances of some white folks, those who share her narrow, limited worldview. It's encouraging to know that a larger number of whites do NOT share that kind of ossified thinking. Back in 1984, when she ran for the Miss Alaska title, she lost out to a black woman named Maryline Blackburn. Along with being on the presidential team that lost to Obama-Biden, I'm quite sure that her sense of entitlement was offended by this loss as well. She is still seething from anger and disbelief that she and McCain lost in 2008, and it comes through in her endless verbal venom against the president. In any case, her chances at the presidency grow more and more remote each day, which is her own doing.


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