Friday, April 15, 2011

President slams Republican dirty tricks, as well as Rep. Paul Ryan and his ridiculous budget in open mike "gaffe."

Audio courtesy of ABC News:

Transcript from Fox News:

"I remember at one point in the negotiations," Obama shared, with what he thought was a small audience, "One of Boehner's staff people pipes up and says, 'You don't understand Mr. President, you know, we've lost on you know, healthcare, we've lost on the EPA we've given that up, we've got to have something for our--to sell to our caucus.' And I said to them, I said let me tell you something - I spent a year and a half getting healthcare passed. I had to take that issue across the country and I paid significant political costs to get it done. The notion that I'm going to let you guys undo that in a 6 months spending bill, you want to repeal healthcare, go at it, we'll have that debate. But you won't be able to do that by nickel and dimming me in the budget. You think we're stupid?"

"When Paul Ryan says his priority is to make sure, you know, he's just being America's accountant, and you know trying to be responsible," the president pondered with his allegedly private audience, "This is the same guy who voted for two wars that were unpaid for, voted for the Bush tax cuts that were unpaid for, voted for the prescription drug bill that cost as much as my healthcare bill, but wasn't paid for."

You know I would not be at all surprised to learn that the President knew full well that his mike was on. And knowing that he still he said the above because he knew it would fire up his base, which it did, and piss off the Republicans, which no doubt it will, while still giving him the excuse of saying that he did not mean for that to be released to the media.  Which I bet, he actually did.



  1. Anonymous3:50 PM

    President Obama is not stupid, he is very intelligent and savvy. He knew the mike was on and he said what he had to say and the truth.

  2. Anonymous3:51 PM

    I love Obama and I am so thankful that he is the president and not that other candidate and his side show fraud.
    Whether Obama knew or didn't, I'm glad he said what he did 'cause we all know it is the truth and the Republicans just can not stand that. As Andrew always says, meep, meep.

  3. I have already told him how great I thought his comments were on I suggest that all members of the "excited base" do the same! Go get em President Obama!

  4. Laura Novak3:57 PM

    Sarah Palin and the Professor: A Conversation, Part 2 is now up:

    Many thanks, Laura

  5. Anonymous4:01 PM

    It doesn't strike me that the president would be disingenous like that.

    I think that he is simply saying how it is, whether in front of or behind closed doors.

    It's the truth, he is accurate and he is stating the case. The after effect is what the media will spin.

    It DOES strike me as an approach that Sarah Palin might take, though. She's sneaky that way.

    The prez, not so much.

  6. wakeUpAmerica4:11 PM

    I played it twice and didn't hear a "gaffe." sounded like one of his weekly addresses to the nation.

  7. Off topic, but...Mansour just posted this at the Cee of Pee.

    "Rebecca A. Mansour 28 minutes ago
    Hey, everyone in the area, hop in your car and head for Madison tomorrow. You won't want to miss it. Trust me!"

    Is she planning to announce that she is running tomorrow?

  8. Olivia4:15 PM

    The President should only have more "gaffes" like this one.

  9. laprofesora4:19 PM

    Halle-frickin'-lujah! The President said EXACTLY what needed to be said and don't tell me for a minute he didn't know that mic was on. The Rethugs make rookie mistakes like that, not President Obama. The Rethugs are WAY out of their league with this guy. Show 'em how it's done, Mr. President!

  10. This is no gaffe! This is TRUTH. Obama should be speaking the truth like this in every speech he gives!

  11. honeybabe4:24 PM

    it seems that president obama has finally found his voice and saying what i have wanted to hear from the first. and i'm gonna call and leave a message saying so!

  12. mark In Everett WA4:24 PM

    Smart man - I love him. So glad he's our president. No one is perfect, including Pres Obama, but I love this guy.

  13. Anonymous4:31 PM

    Fired Up Ready to Go!!

  14. Anonymous4:37 PM

    I had the same thought grif - he knew the mic was on. Good for him!

    That's more like the man I voted for!

  15. That was my thought exactly.

  16. "Fired up and ready to go!" Bring it on :)

    Our president is a very smart, thoughtful man - even if he didn't "know" the mike was on - I am sure he doesn't mind this got out - a glimpse of campaign mode I think

  17. Anonymous5:05 PM

    I think if a time were to come when obama truly thinks he's not connected to a hot mic, he will reveal his true intentions, which are not what his base believe him to be.

    He is a true chameleon and dangerous as hell

  18. Anonymous5:14 PM

    I hope he continues to run the campaign that he should. The man won Illinois by running like a Chicago Democrat. He knows how, he needs to do it.

    The Rethugs are an absolute disgrace. I'm ashamed that people around the world believe that they are the type of people that we believe in and support!

  19. Anonymous5:23 PM

    Remember this is the man who called Mitch M Mike even after seconds of thinking.

  20. laprofesora5:28 PM

    "He is a true chameleon and dangerous as hell"

    Oh, you mean because he's a big, scary black man with a foreign middle name, blah, blah, blah. It must be tiring going through life ignorant and hateful.

  21. Anonymous6:18 PM

    That's the guy I voted for, the one with the balls and spine.

  22. Bigtoe7:14 PM

    Gaffe? What gaffe?

  23. Anonymous7:25 PM

    Bigtoe said...

    Gaffe? What gaffe? Truth is all I heard.

  24. Anonymous7:27 PM

    Way to go President Obama!!! Your comments were candid and succinct. Looking forward to more of the same...the importance and truth of the matter should not be minimized to "gaffe" status.

  25. KatieAnnieOakley7:38 PM

    Obama is NOT STOOPID. He knew that mic was on. And he made his point, by point, by point.

  26. Anonymous8:14 PM

    President Obama is a stealth politican, he has a brilliant mind, a good heart and a work ethic and determination that few can match.

    Those that perpetuate memes of weakness and caving are either willfully ignorant, banaly simplistic, or opportunistic (PAC and political fund raising).

    This is no gaffe, President Obama is simply speaking the truth. Republicans can't handle that publically their agenda was laid bare. Which exposes not only their agenda, but the dishonest, and manipulative way they treat the public.

  27. Punkinbugg9:21 PM

    I thought the EXACT SAME THING when I heard those clips. That was no accident.

    Biden falling asleep? Ummm maybe.

    But "this guy" Obama can run rings around that whole bunch.

    A fundie friend of mine has already posted the link on FB, as thought it's a BAD thing. Ha ha -- TOOL!

    ALSO -- It's no coincidence that Obama's sister is doing a book tour these days. Of course she's being asked to respond to Trump, and out comes this calm, rational, alto voice saying, "He was born in Hah-vuh-ee.", pronounced like only a native can.

    Certainly not Huh WY Yee, or High-War-Yar, like my daddy used to say. :)


  28. Anonymous9:25 PM

    I heart President Obama!

  29. Anonymous9:53 PM

    More, please! Obama 2012!

  30. Anonymous10:28 PM

    Damn, am I glad we have President Obama and I'm proud as hell I voted for him.

    The majority of the Repubs in Congress are a pain in the ass to the nation and I hope when they come up for election again, the majority will not be reinstated.

  31. Gasman11:33 PM

    I'm with you Gryphen. When I heard this I thought, "that's no accident." He didn't use any profanity, he didn't say anything truly controversial, and he certainly didn't say anything that liberals haven't been saying MUCH more forcefully.

    It was a calculated move to instill courage in his party and stick his thumb in the collective GOP eye.

    It worked on both counts.

  32. that was music to my ears! thank you mr. president! please keep telling it like it is and drawing that line in the sand. and we need to keep backing him up on this.
    i must confess, i don't agree with all his decisions, especially the ones pertaining to war and combat, but i love this man. i am so proud of him.

  33. Anonymous3:22 AM

    No gaffe. Just something that needed to be said.


  34. Anne In DC5:47 AM

    I LOVE it, and I am quite sure it was no "gaffe." He wanted the sorry GOP to hear it, and they reacted predictably. Of course, we all know they can dish it out, but they can't take it. Every day the Republicans say or do something that increases my level of disgust and disdain for them. Since they really don't have anything else, they keep focusing on this asinine "birther" issue. Of course, as bad as they are, we can't afford the kind of complacency that caused some of us to sit out the 2010 elections and end up with a bunch of ignorant Teabaggers.

  35. Honestly? The whole thing pisses me off. I hate that he may use the "I didn't know the mike was on" gambit the same way he didn't know anyone overheard, "clinging to guns and religion." What I really want is for him to stand up at the bully pulpit and say those things intentionally and out loud to the whole country. I want him to speak for the people who elected him and to say what we're really thinking. I want him to be brave, not just savvy.

  36. Anonymous8:24 AM

    Anon 5:14:

    Actually, this is a pretty common misconception. Barack Obama is NOT the typical Chicago Democrat. He is NOT a Daley-ite -- which I know seems weird considering that his Chief of Staff is now the mayor-elect. Barack Obama was inspired by Harold Washington. Read up on him. He was an amazing man, mayor in between the Daleys. He died in office of a heart attack. He was the first African-American mayor of Chicago and took some guff for not giving positions to cronies.

    What Barack did when he ran for senate was brilliant, he got in there and got an endorsement from the senate president, pre-empting an endorsement from Daley or Blago (who was popular at that point) for politics. But he is NOT a typical Chicago Democrat, which says to me, DALEY.

    And he comes from a University of Chicago/Hyde Park tradition, a pretty diverse neighborhood, full of liberals, which btw, gave the US two of its very, very few post-Reconstruction, black senators. (Not that the other one is so great -- Carol Mosely Braun.) Hyde Parkers are VERY anti-Daley and VERY liberal. Some of these people soured on Barack Obama when he ran for president, not when he ran for senate.

  37. Anonymous11:15 AM

    1. If he didn't know it was on, then to me he has proven, once again, that he's a decent person, of great character, who tells the truth (compared to McCain's little "Bomb-bomb-bomb, bomb-bomb Iran ..." number.
    2. If he did know it was on, see #1.

    Meep meep, for sure.


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