Sunday, April 10, 2011

Professor Scharlott brings the Palin birth hoax discussion to the Alaska media.

Bill McAllister
Here is a portion of what Professor Scharlott submitted to the Alaska Dispatch. I of course urge you to read his entire commentary.

To make the case in my paper that the media should have paid more attention to the Trig hoax rumor, I pointed out that when the rumor first appeared in nationally prominent blog sites Palin offered no documentary evidence, such as a birth certificate, to prove her maternity.

Instead, she revealed to the world that Bristol was then pregnant, which was supposed to prove that Sarah must be Trig’s mother, given when Trig was reportedly born. But of course, if there had been a hoax, then Trig’s actual birth date is unknown.

One thing that greatly helped the McCain campaign squelch the hoax rumor was the mysterious appearance on the internet, right after the hoax rumor broke nationally, of two photos showing Palin looking very pregnant, much more so than in any other publicly available photos. (The poster of the photos was never identified.)

Indeed, during the previous spring, reporters for the Anchorage Daily News variously wrote that Palin “simply does not look pregnant” (at seven months) and that she “did not get big with this pregnancy” (after she reportedly gave birth). Published pictures from the spring support the reporters' observations.

One of those two mystery photos, taken on April 13, shows Palin being interviewed by a TV reporter. The other picture shows her standing next to TV newsman Bill McAllister, who, I wrote in my paper, “coincidentally would become her director of communications three months later.” (In early April, a Daily News columnist wrote that McAllister was preparing to leave KTUU, and bloggers later wondered if he had been negotiating a job with the Palin administration while still covering it.)

The fact that I italicized “coincidentally” is what sparked McAllister’s seeming outrage.

He wrote: “The italicized word ‘coincidentally’ … makes you a scoundrel …”

And he continued: “I can tell you that I never even heard of the fake pregnancy rumor until the VP selection. Let me repeat that: As the most connected politics reporter in the state for years, I NEVER EVEN HEARD OF IT!!!!”

The Dispatch was also able to get a response from Bill McAllister. (Apparently he was not satisfied with it, and will add more later.)

Associate professor Scharlott -- whose name aptly combines “charlatan” and “harlot,” both phonetically and symbolically -- compares himself to an investigative reporter but demonstrates none of the tenets of responsible journalism.

For example, he “buried the lead.” You have to read several paragraphs into his diatribe before you discover that the reason for my response to him was not the seemingly ludicrous premise of his “paper” -- that Trig Palin is not really his mother’s child -- but his cavalier attempt to draw me into a controversy that doesn’t concern me except in the most tangential way.

On Saturday morning, Sept. 12, 2009, I narrowly escaped death due to complications from a cancer that had been diagnosed 11 months previously. I have an incurable condition that, thankfully, is at the moment under control. But I do not know if I will get to live a normal lifespan for an American man of my generation.

It is in this context that I have adopted a “zero tolerance” policy for lies about my character. The charlatan associate professor suggests that I should have responded to his completely unsubstantiated innuendo with some helpful comment or diplomatic riposte.

While I am truly sympathetic concerning Mr. McAllister's health issues, I have to ask, does everybody associated with Sarah Palin take a class in "how to play the victim?"

Personally I am thrilled that this issue is back in the Alaska media, and again being examined by Alaskans.  After all, in my opinion, there is a very small group of us who know exactly what happened on April 18, 2008, and if just one of them feels emboldened enough to weigh in, we might finally learn exactly how, and why, Sarah Palin perpetrated this hoax on the American people.

P.S. I spoke with Professor Scharlott by phone on Friday, the day his story hit the national media.  We had a very interesting conversation, and he revealed himself to be VERY cognizant of all of the various theories and explanations for Palin's fifth "pregnancy", and how much work the bloggers had put into digging up the facts and keeping the story alive.  Brad is absolutely going to pursue this in the hopes that the national media will pick it up and openly discuss the points he brought up in his  research paper.

Toward that end the professor would very much like your help. You can contact him by sending an e-mail to this address,  What Brad is looking for is more information that might help him to revamp his paper or write more on this topic. If you can help, please do not hesitate to contact him.

I don't know about all of you, but I am finding all of these developments to be very exciting.


  1. Anonymous6:12 AM

    People are missing the purpose of the paper. It wasn't trying to prove a hoax. It was about the response of the media. Let's contrast the coverage with that of the attention given to the faux Obama birth conspiracy, shall we? That's what the prof is saying. Not that the Trig story is false- rather than the msn has not done its job.

  2. Anonymous6:15 AM

    Oh, and I should add that McAllister seems to have totally lost it. What the hell is he ranting about? He is barely mentioned in the document.

  3. Anonymous6:29 AM

    Why has NOBODY mentioned the fact that during the trial of the young hacker of Palin's e-mails, Bristol said UNDER OATH, that "Photos of MY baby were sent out for everyone to see" HER BABY?? This happened before she supposedly gave birth to Tripp. We have poor excuses for "journalists" in this country. No wonder the country is so screwed up. By the way, PAIN is clearly visible in their name.

  4. Olivia6:30 AM

    Along with the victim class, Bill McAllister appears to have taken a class in a behavior Palin uses a lot. Outrage, outrage, outrage, humpfff! Focusing on and overreacting to a minor bit of something to deflect attention away from bigger and more relevant details.

    And give me a break, Prof. Scharlott “buried the lead”???? Looks like McAllister took one more lesson from Sarah Palin narcissist class..."this is all about me, me, me, boo hoo, whine,whine"

  5. Anonymous6:31 AM

    McAllister is so far up Sarah's ass he can not see the truth.

    Bill.. you were either duped or you are a willing participant in the birth hoax.

    Bill... ask Sarah for a copy of Trig's birth certificate.. and publish it for all to see.

    Bet he will never see it.. OR ASK TO SEE IT.

  6. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Wouldn't they have to provide something that proves his heritage to be covered by todds native American health coverage ? Otherwise they couldn't be covered by a personal policy because of preexisting conditions unless of course they are taking advantage of Obamacare.

  7. Anonymous6:34 AM

    Does Palin actively seek out screwballs to surround her? You would almost think that McAllister was being PAID to cover up any of Palin's lies. $carah wouldn't actually pay off people, would she?? Snicker.!!

  8. Definition of AD HOMINEM
    1: appealing to feelings or prejudices rather than intellect
    2: marked by or being an attack on an opponent's character rather than by an answer to the contentions made

    The above characterizes much of McAllister's rant.
    I agree with anon 6:12, the purpose of the paper had to do with the media's coverage of the two events (Obama's birth vs Palin's pregnancy hoax.)
    McAllister should have responded in a professional manner. Why is there a need to go on attack unless you are hiding something? Instead, he managed to shed light on an academic paper and possibly reopen the topic. Is this the reason for Palin's encouraging Trump to investigate the Obama's birth certificate? Projection, much?

  9. Anonymous6:38 AM

    I see McAssister has been to the Palin school of denial-

    Instead of stating the very simple "the idea that Sarah didn't GIVE BIRTH TO TRIG is ludicrous", he goes with the more obvious "The idea that TRIG IS NOT HIS MOTHER's CHILD is ludicrous"...

    Which allows us to read between the lines in a deliciously satisfying way. If he'd meant to say the idea that Sarah didn't BIRTH Trig...that's what he would have said.

    Instead, he joins Sarah in her they say Trig isn't my kid/they say I am not Trig's mom school of malarkey.

    Pssst...ALL you are doing is making it more obvious that you're covering ass for when the story DOES break!

  10. Virginia Voter6:38 AM

    Uh, oh Gryphen, I hope you schooled the professor in the finer points of Palinbot backlash. His email will be full by this afternoon with misspelled , poorly punctuated death threats against him and his family written in all caps.

    Eagerly awaiting the Palin fairy tale trolls arrival as I need a good laugh this morning.

  11. Virginia Voter, yes I did bring Professor Scharlott up to speed on exactly what he can expect to show up in his e-mail box.

    He is prepared. Well as prepared as anybody can be for that sort of thing.

  12. Anonymous6:42 AM

    Oh, and I also must add to my comment about McAssister's CYA phraseology-

    Mr. Scharlott is an American hero, as much so as any soldier on the front lines. He has decided to raise and fly the flag of truth despite every negative consequence...and I personally believe he will be richly blessed and rewarded for his stewardship of humanity.

  13. Anonymous6:44 AM

    Bill McAllister is in full desperation mode to protect his reputation. If Palin is exposed, he will be forever tainted.

  14. Anonymous6:45 AM

    6:12 exactly.

    Look at how Trump is getting covered and being allowed to advance his theories of birtherism. Not only is he a birther, btw, but he has also taken up the most racist, imo, anti-Obama conspiracy, the one that says that Barack Obama didn't write Dreams from my Father. His explanation is so fucking racist. You can tell Ayers -- ie, someone white -- wrote the book because it was brilliant. Yeah, it's a little cynical and racist to assume that a white man can write a book about the experience of being black in America. More than a little racist, actually. Why not say Jeremiah White wrote the book, or Michelle? No, it has to be a white person, right?

    Trump gets even more racist.

    According to Trump, a man who can't pronounce the word huge and who somehow manages to LOSE money on casinos, which must take an all-time new level of stupidity and poor business skills, "you can tell" that Barack Obama wrote The Audacity of Hope because it seems like it was written by someone of "average intelligence and a high school education."

    Now Barack Obama has the intelligence of someone with a high school education?


    Personally, I say bring it on, keep saying these racist things and talking about the president being born outside the US, my friends. I'm sure it won't at all backfire on you. I'm sure.

  15. Anonymous6:46 AM

    From writing his obituary to repeating his credentials to actually saying nothing to disprove the hoax in any way, that is the oddest response I could imagine from him.

  16. Anonymous6:47 AM

    I always felt that even a "fleeting association with Governor Palin" brings out the worst in all of us, whether we are critics or supporters.

    Even mild mannered civil servants that served under numerous previous Administrations turned vile and immature in the face of public efforts to check and balance the Rogue Governor. Folks like Mike Nizich who called for a very public backlash by Alaskans against Alaskans who filed grievances.

    Or that Citizen Board that determines ethics complaints against the Executive, who told reporters that they didn't have to answer questions outside the public testimony portion of the hearing.

    This is what happens when you have unqualified people leading unqualified people. BFF's from High School don't deserve political appointments across the board, Joe-Six-Packs in over their heads and know nothing about decorum or adhering to policies.

    Bill McAllister seems to think that his mortal life exempts him from proper conduct. Not to say he was anymore professional under the Palin Administration when he was her spokesman, he is worse in this infantile and profane response to a curious examination of an excellent example of a formative moment in election history.

    Even if you don't believe the Trig maternity story, it is a fascinating examination of a double-standard that pits racism against misogyny. Though as a woman, I fail to see the sex card.

    As usual, Palin's hatchet-men does her no service, which is good, considering she chose them for a reason. She's not a good judge of character. Detractors do the least damage, she is her own worst enemy.

  17. Anonymous6:48 AM

    This man goes ballistic when anyone talks badly of Sarah. Is she holding one of his family members hostage until after the presidential run, to keep the TRUTH from being revealed?

  18. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Are we to believe that just because Bill almost died (I'm sorry for his illness) that he's chastened and humbled to the point that he wouldn't lie? That his responses are above polite society and reproach?

    Emoting much Bill? Where is your professionalism?

    Bill, you are a hack and a lamestream journalist if there ever is one. Why don't you apply to work for a news gossip organization like Fox News or TMZ?

  19. Anonymous6:50 AM

    What kind of journalist is McAllister? Doesn't he mean "buried the lede"?

  20. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Agree w/ Anon 6:12 -- the point is that the media completely ignored the story of a possible hoax. We had to hear about the whole balloon boy story/potential hoax/confirmed hoax non-stop, and that was completely unimportant in the whole scheme of things.

    And Gryphen, you say you know the specific events of April 18, 2008. Isn't it time to finally fill us in? Or is this something that will be spilled in one of the upcoming books?? I think we've waited long enough.

  21. Anonymous6:57 AM

    Since the beginning, Presidents and other national leaders have had affairs, and probalby more love children than we know about (think STrom Thurmond, & Thomas Jefferson). The country seemed to operate just fine (more or less, but having little to do with their private behavior and love children).

    If everyone wants to declare sexual behavior as private behavior I'm all for it. We'll ignore all the antics of Kennedy, Johnson, Bushes, Clinton, Edwards, McCain, etc. We'll ignore the "immoral" (by FAmly Value standards) mistakes of Reagan, Edwards, etc.
    And we'll protect the innocent children from the national spotlight. We'll leave alone stories that involve, and hurt, children.

    But if the birth of Edward's children is fair game, so is birth of Palin's children. Why pursue one and not the other. And while they didn't raise it, the MSM eventually accepted the Edwards story as legitimate news.

    If "FAmily Values" is so important, so is the family values behavior of those who shout about "family values."

    And mental health is ALWAYS an issue. And red flgs, such as
    passing off two or three different babies as Trig
    telling implausible stories about the birth of a child - why lie about the birth of a child - one purportedly coming out of your own body, fathered by your husband.

    taking retribution against those that cross you (I wonder if the story of the underside of Palin's bus is another scandal that the media seems to ignore. And perhpas one of the most important stories about Palin. Who wants that kind of personality with the access to armies, bombs, etc.)

  22. Anonymous6:58 AM

    From the Alaska Dispatch article:

    ¨...a Daily News reporter had asked McAllister if Bristol was pregnant. He replied: “I don't know. I have no evidence that Bristol's pregnant.” Two days later, the McCain campaign said Bristol was five months pregnant.¨

    That, Bill McAllister, is called a ¨beat down,¨ ¨bitch slap,¨ ¨total ownage,¨ etc....

    You have zero credibility now. In fact, you come across as an absolute dumbass.

    Next time think before you fuck with a scholar.


    Favstocks has all the pictures of Palin's pregnancy as compared to other celebrities. The site came up with a suggestion that Palin should make a video showing how flats abs could make a pregnancy unnoticeable. Now, that would be a money maker.

  24. Lynne6:59 AM

    I wrote him and thanked him for doing it. (I also mentioned that other ignorant faction who would be mailing him.) He sent me a very nice response. Maybe he'll find the topic for his next research paper in all of this.

  25. My "amen to the above" comment was meant in reference to the first two posts - McAllister is a very tangential part of the paper, and the paper is really above press performance. I never say the case for a hoax is proven - in fact, I say the opposite.

  26. Anonymous7:00 AM

    "The idea that TRIG IS NOT HIS MOTHER's CHILD is ludicrous"...

    That's so funny. OF COURSE Trig's mother is his mother!
    Question is.....who's the mother???

  27. Anonymous7:01 AM

    The professor is a true American hero and I for one am grateful for the careful academic language.
    Sometimes the crudities evidenced by the anti Palin bloggers is a tad repellant.

  28. Anonymous7:14 AM

    McAllister doth protest to much, I think.

  29. Anonymous7:16 AM

    Hard to know if Bill McAllister is just another unhinged third-rate hack ( as an aside: is this the only kind Sarah attracts, or the only one who will stay on with her after they see her for the incompetent, vindictive, mentally ill and lying grifter that she is?) or a weak and frightened former kool-aid drinker who's too frightened to think he can make it over the compound fence before getting shot in the back

    True Blue Girl

  30. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I applaud the professor. It seems to me this is just the beginning. Why does the media ignore:
    the sexist language of SP.
    saing she wouldn't leave her husband because he's so good-looking
    imagine a man calling a colleague "frigid," or "lacking a uterus" to allude to a lack of compassion.
    the pile of bodies under Palin's buss
    the numerous gates for which the initial research is all done.

    a house that looks like a sports center, built down the street, in the same time frame, with no known builder.
    misuse of PAC funds (I haven't even seen an article defending it as a legal use of such fundraising).

    Palin makes Reagan (the Teflon president) look like velcro.

    What is going on that Palin has not been pursued by the media. It's one thing for the spiral of silence related to Trig's birth. But that can't explain all the scandals surrounding Palin.

  31. Anonymous7:19 AM

    The excerpts you posted from Bailey's e- mails regarding the blogger who was promoting SP for vpee, they were feeding him info to ratch up the noise, could he be the one who was given the preggers photos to post?

  32. Anonymous7:20 AM

    Scharlott is so right about "the spiral of silence." I never talk about this to anyone anymore because I get the fisheye and I see in people's eyes that I must have a tinfoil hat on.

  33. Anonymous7:28 AM

    McAllister is creepy and hinky! Not someone I'll care to watch on his new station job.

  34. Anonymous7:29 AM

    I honestly believe McAllister is ill, facing his eventual death and knows in his heart of hearts that he has done something to be ashamed of. He is scared.

    Also, anyone who has ever worked with children/teenagers knows that the more of a scene made when accused of something, the more likely it is they did the deed. Palin and her ilk are all stuck in high school and McAllister is no exception. He is making too much of a big deal about this. He is ashamed....

    Many thanks to Scharlott for having the guts to take this on!

  35. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Here's another thing to piss off Plain. HUGE crowds in NYC for Tina Fey's new book signing (added bonus, REAL baby bump!)

  36. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Does anyone know how to contact the woman Morgan Kaiser who did the great photo shop analysis of the "pregnant" picture? If so she needs to weigh in.

  37. Anonymous7:34 AM

    @7:01 - I TOTALLY agree. I hate it when their side does it, but I hate it more when my side does it. I want to cringe.

  38. Anonymous7:42 AM

    I have a journalism degree and worked in newspapers for more than 30 years (reporter, editor, even publisher) and here's what I think happened:

    Sarah Palin's instinct for self-serving opportunity allowed her to exploit the timing of three trends in American media: the fear of being painted with the brush of demonized liberalism, the cult of celebrity overtaking the tradition of qualification, and the internal chaos brought on by fundamental changes within news gathering organizations. Even better (for her purposes) she capitalized on traditional journalists' aversion to the appearance of gender based criticism. This played out within a broader context that included of the rise of Fox as a partisan network with only the weakest pretense of factual accuracy, the cowardice of false equivalence on the part of media analysts, and the cultural stew of class resentment, racism and populist demagoguery.

    We're just lucky that her mental health issues have resulted in such aggressively poor judgment that she has botched most of what she's attempted.

    True Blue Girl

  39. Anonymous7:44 AM

    Thank you, Mr. Scharlott.

    In examining the question of potential negligence by the Fourth Estate regarding this particular story, you have allowed us to shine a light on a hugely important mystery.

    Whatever your intentions in your work, this is all we need to know.

    We can certainly all agree that if this issue had been hanging over Mr. Obama's campaign, even just as far as the press is/was concerned, it would have been looked into quite thoroughly.

    The truth will out. I am a firm believer in this.

  40. Anonymous7:45 AM

    There are two more things he could add to the paper:
    1) The fact that Sarah cannot remember the city where Trig was born and says two different cities in her speeches.
    2) The e-mail to Sarah Palin in the MSNBC e-mails where the supporter was talking to the Palins in the Seattle Airport during their layover when she was supposedly in labor -- he didn't notice anything unusual, she was just quietly reading a book.

    I remember the city where my kids were born, and no, I could not sit still when I was in labor. I had to walk around because I was extremely uncomfortable. That was just too weird.

    McAllister seems to be scared of something. If it were not true, a simple e-mail to that fact in a professional manner would suffice. Why the rant? It really wasn't personal.

  41. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Is he the most connected political journalist?

  42. Anonymous7:46 AM

    to 6:29 am, if you read the transcript. Bristol did not say "her baby". That was an error on the writer's behalf. She referred to Trig as her brother, as she always has.

    Would anyone like to weigh in on why Bristol has a slightly bigger belly sitting down in Sept 07 then in Oct 07 in NY? I'm not fighting the rumors, I'm just asking questions. It's also suspicious to me that initially Mercede was adamant that Bristol was not pregnant before Tripp. I know she has changed her story and has lied in the past, but there's a reason she was adamant.

  43. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Know why I believe Sarah has surrendered to the truth? Because I think Trig is a sincerely adopted baby and that leaves very little room for justified sympathy amongst her supporters. People understand/accept a mother adopted her child's baby (though I don't believe Bristol was pregnant in 07). But adopting a baby that gives you evangelical credence? hmmm

  44. Anonymous7:50 AM

    Know why I believe Sarah has surrendered to the truth? Because I think Trig is a sincerely adopted baby and that leaves very little room for justified sympathy amongst her supporters. People understand/accept a mother adopted her child's baby (though I don't believe Bristol was pregnant in 07). But adopting a baby that gives you evangelical credence? hmmm

  45. Anonymous7:51 AM

    B. McAllister is making certain he isn't viewed as complicit in a hoax. That's fair.

    But thankfully the light has been shed again on this story. It questions media complacency, it re-opens the most inconsistent birth story of a politician ever, and it may prevent a nation from being duped by a charismatic pretty, hot nominee who clearly was not vetted properly.

    Notice how anything or anyone who works with Sarah Palin has to eventually explain themselves, or defend their reputation, or get sucked into a negative vortex. Notice how she NEVER comes to their defense. Nothing positive or good comes out of anything Palin. She's like a vampire bat that sucks all the good out of someone and then kicks them to the curb.

    I'd give Mr. M the benefit of the doubt and believe that he doesn't lie. Imagine though how difficult it would be for someone with morals to not see the conniving of a con artist.

  46. Anonymous7:51 AM

    I agree that babygate is only one of many gates the media seems to ignore about Sarah Palin, yet any other politician is raked over the coals -- especially Hillary Clinton.

  47. Sarah Palin was interviewed live today on Fox News’ Justice with Judge Jeanine, and was asked to weigh in on the rather sudden addition of Donald Trump’s voice to the “Birther movement“, as well as the money “The Donald” is devoting to researching the existence of the president’s birth certificate. Palin’s answer? She noted it wasn’t that unthinkable for Trump to be curious about Obama’s birth certificate, as it was an issue that has transfixed a sizable segment of the body politic.

    A confluence of clowns. Anything to take the focus off real issues or the quest for the truth about Trig.

  48. Anonymous7:57 AM

    If McAllister's health is that fragile, and he almost died, then he shouldn't be upsetting himself by making those emotional outbursts. It will only raise his blood pressure and lower his immunity. People who face a near-death moment usually embrace life and make every moment as meaningful and stress-free as possible. I'm sorry if he really has health issues, but lashing out in an emotional way won't make things better.

    His response, as seen in the emails to Scharlott, are unprofessional. He wants to fight a duel or slap Scharlott. How immature!

    The media does deserve criticism. I remember what happened to John Kerry and the Swift Boaters. They spent very little money, but got lots of publicity by repeating a lie that dishonored Kerry's military service.

    Now, Donald Trump is using the Big Lie to hype ratings for his TV show and his own ego. Orly Taitz's law suits regarding Obama's birth have been regularly thrown out of court, and she has been admonished for wasting the court's time. That doesn't stop Donald in his pursuit of publicity.

    Sarah is very good at making The Big Lie, too. The Branchflower report stated that she abused her office as governor trying to get Trooper Wooten fired. She claimed that she was exonerated. Either she doesn't know what that big word means, or she is another one who manipulates the media. Sarah claimed to have already shown a birth certificate and her medical records, and she has shown neither. At least we can say that she and Trump are masters of the Big Lie, and they are very good at getting publicity by an uncritical media.

  49. WOW - look what Pro-Choice Grandma wrote under McAllister's column at AlaskaDispatch:

    On Sarah Palin’s Monday April 7, 2008 calendar, she had an interview with Bill McAllister KTUU in the Governor’s office in Juneau from 2:35 – 3:00 p.m.!

    Bill McAllister must have been SHOCKED when he saw Palin again on April 13, 2008 at the Gusty interview. We have pictures of Palin from the Elan Frank interview of 4/8 & 4/9 2008 with her scarves hanging straight down. In 4 days, she suddenly looks like an orca whale?!?!

    Mr. McAllister, you ARE a liar. You became one of her deaf, dumb and “Blind Allegiance” cult followers. Whatever distinguished reputation you had before, it was destroyed with your association with Sarah Palin.


    Dang, I wish my research was as good as hers! Go Grandma! I need to incorporate some of that in my paper.

  50. Anonymous8:00 AM

    For Trig to be Bristol's and for her to be hidden for 2.5 months, we have to assume the baby was going to be adopted out. If not, and Sarah DIDNT fake a pregnancy, how were they going to explain the child?

    I've never seen this thought commented on so I thought I'd state it.

    We need to find out why Bristol went to NY and the real reason for not attending Wasilla High. Levi was playing hockey fulltime through Feb 08 (I dont know the season. does it end then?) Lanesia's friends were threatening Bristol in fall 07.
    And why was Sadie, a popular teen who was friends with a wide variety of people, NOT hear the same rumors AK govt officials were hearing? Was she THAT much into drinking and partying that she kept herself oblivious. I mean, Bristol did come over to her home most of the fall.

    My guess is, Trig is an extended family member's or a truly adopted baby

    But again, the real mother doesn't have to be stated ever. Sarah needs to come clean, if not for personal cleansing. She was still pretty set in her story at the irondog start. Something more serious than a pregnant daughter must be at the center.

  51. Anonymous8:02 AM

    Why does B. McAllister make fun of Mr. Scharlott's name? A professional is going to use his training and talent in getting a point through, without middle school bully talk. Sounds to me like he's trying to keep the "fight" ongoing. He wants this subject to stay relevant. By using silliness in his replies (to Alaska Dispatch), it grabs more attention and keeps readers compelled to watch a (kids in the school yard) fight.

    Could B. McAllister really want this subject to be investigated? If he truly was a loyal Sarah Palin trusted friend, he wouldn't engage unprofessionally and send responses in the Alaska media. Hmmm.......

  52. Anonymous8:23 AM

    The reason the birther lie has taken hold and the Trig hoax has not is as simple as black and white, literally. In our society, a white woman's word is always right until proven otherwise. Sarah knows that. It's one of the perks of white privilege. She isn't challenged on anything, which is what she expects in a world that places her on a pedestal. Sarah is safe. Sarah's secret will always be safe until the days she dies.

  53. Anonymous8:40 AM

    7:01 and 7:34:

    Emily Post on the Internet? It won´t happen. The most blistering comments I have ever read were in heavily moderated academic forums.

    Bill McAllister set the tone with his use of words like ¨slap,¨ ¨duel,¨ ¨charlatan,¨ and ¨harlot.¨

    He will not be treated politely by me. After all, politics is a blood sport.

  54. JaneAK8:41 AM

    Is he prepared to get a ton of sick death threat emails from the Palinbots? I mean with his email posted here? I'm sure you told him!!!
    Bill McAllister has lost all credibility. The way he handled it was extremely defensive, and he sounds guilty. He probably learned the victim ploy from Sarah or was that her advice when he sent the article.
    I hope the Alaska media does something. That guy Pat Doherty was very dismissive to people who wrote in. He said the idea of a hoax was nonsense. Maybe he was still trying to stay in Sarahs good graces, who knows, but the ADN should have gotten to the bottom of this.

  55. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Is it even remotely possible that McAllister is much more ill than we or the world realize/s, and that the Palin camp offered to write his response FOR HIM????

    Before responding too loudly against McAllister, that possibly should be thoroughly explored.

  56. JaneAK8:45 AM

    Oops sorry G, I didn't see Virginia Voters comment and your response!

  57. Anonymous8:46 AM

    I'm wondering why McAllister is protesting so much....seems weird...

    We all know how Palin operates here in Alaska. Is she trying to create havoc AGAIN (via McAllister) prior to more information coming out about her soon? (In the form of two books that have been researched well here in Alaska - one written by Dunn and the other by McGinniss.)

    McAllister has horribly discredited himself in this matter.

    And, it seems that his 'reach' was 'way' more than needed or required based on the professor's publication.

    McAllister - get a grip!!!!

    What has Palin got on him?

  58. Anonymous9:04 AM

    Based on prochoicegrandma's careful research and the incontrovertible photos supporting same, I conclude that there is no way McAllister did NOT see, recognize, understand, remember, or know the difference between 'flat' Sarah and 'extremely preggers' Sarah, each appearing only a very few days apart from the another.

    Is his extreme, obviously 'unglued' over-reaction based on: 1.) an extremely deteriorated mental state on his part, due to the serious personal issues he is now facing; 2.) a strong inner desire to loudly 'shout fire' and thus direct the world's attention to this matter, thereby exposing this fraud once and for all; or 3) a survival-instinct wish to clearly protect himself from the wrath of the Palin clan and cronies, whose responses he fears may put his life in even greater peril?

  59. honeybabe9:14 AM

    keep shining that spotlight in dark corners! the truth always comes out.

  60. Anonymous said...
    "The reason the birther lie has taken hold and the Trig hoax has not is as simple as black and white, literally. In our society, a white woman's word is always right until proven otherwise."

    Bullpucky. Tell that to Hillary Clinton.

  61. WalterNeff9:29 AM

    I've come to the conclusion that your state needs to change it's name to North Alaska High. Gryph - you can be the principal.

  62. Maybe McAllister wants to write--and sell--his own book and saw an opportunity to get his name back out in the press and to justify his book as needing to clear his name.

  63. Ripley in CT9:36 AM

    I not only thank Prof. Scharlott for his work in helping to expose the greatest hoax ever perpetrated on the American public, but I would also like to encourage him to tie this media malfunction to the suspicious fires in AK around the time of Trig's presentation. There is a connection. I'm sure of it. These events (church fire, in particular) never made it to the mainstream, even though it was Palin's church. After all, Mr. Obama's church was a staple of the news cycles for a good long time. Why not Palin's? Why not Muthee? Why not a LOT of things? Trig, and the fraud related to him, is only one small peg in the Lite-Brite picture.

    The ruse is over, Mrs. Palin. The cover-up by the media will be traded in for cold hard cash.

  64. Anonymous9:48 AM

    An old friend of mine used to say 'what doesn't come out in the wash will come out in the rinse.' This is a perfect example. The rinse is coming from multiple angles and is sure to become a flood!

    I'm all but jumping up and down and squealing in delight at that possibility.

    Just think of all the people who will go down besides Sarah. I would bet you there are some pretty freaked out people behind closed doors about now. Bring it on, Mr. Educator Man, bring. it. on.

  65. Anonymous9:49 AM

    Professor Scharlott thank you.

    Please keep up the search for the truth.

    and remember... all Sarah has to do to prove you and the rest of us are buffoons is to produce a birth certificate or medical records...

    too bad she can't.

    Ask your BFF McAllister if he can get her to show it...

  66. Anonymous9:52 AM

    What I find fascinating is that Billy claims Scharlott said Palin hired him to keep him quiet because he found out about the pregnancy hoax, whereas Scharlott actually said no such thing. After all, McAllister could already have negotiated the job and simply lent his presence to the hoax photo for that reason.

    But this little slip tells us that Gusty was interviewing Palin late that day in the hall, with Palin rigged up in her empathy belly, when McAllister came along and saw what was going and leaned on Palin for a job. Thanks for the tip, McAllister!

  67. Anonymous9:54 AM

    Pftttt! Catty, isn't he? (He being Bill McA.)

    Just as the first poster stated, it's about the media's response to SP's strange story. No one really thinks that the media whore would cover any thing up like a pregnancy, but it is quite possible with how she was playing fast and loose with the state that she would lie about a pregnancy. No mother would take the risks that she took, and no doctor would allow her to take said risks. The media didn't delve into it when it was so obvious that she was making something up.

    Press members should be held accountable like lawyers are held accountable, and for covering up so much like it appears McA has, he should not be allowed to work in media lest he have influence over anyone covering SP.

  68. Anonymous9:58 AM

    Anon @9:04: "Is his extreme, obviously 'unglued' over-reaction based on: 1.) an extremely deteriorated mental state on his part, due to the serious personal issues he is now facing; 2.) a strong inner desire to loudly 'shout fire' and thus direct the world's attention to this matter, thereby exposing this fraud once and for all; or 3) a survival-instinct wish to clearly protect himself from the wrath of the Palin clan and cronies, whose responses he fears may put his life in even greater peril?"

    I would add alcohol to the list. He sound like a drunk.

  69. Anonymous10:12 AM

    Is it possible that the child was born to a very young or otherwise vulnerable niece/cousin of the palin/heath family. The circumstances of the pregnancy may be tragic and therefore it has been easy to get all the players involved to keep the secret because they are protecting the birth mother/family not necessarily Palin.

    We wonder why so many people would remain silent to protect Palin, but what if the birth mom is the one being protected. Could she be very old, young, disabled, imprisoned,hospitalized, etc.

    Someone will turn over the right stone.

  70. Anonymous10:19 AM

    I have to say that McAllister's over the top outrage and defensiveness sure make him seem guilty of "something".

    Now he's trying to say it's because of a new outlook on life? reallllly.......why? does he need a zero tolerance defensive attitude? Has he been so maligned and picked on in his lifetime? Has he been a whimpy pushover who will no longer be pushed over?

    Why is he leaving his job with the state? Is there something to do with his job that has him ticked off? Now that he's perhaps had the guts to walk away from what he began with Palin, and get back to where he'd rather be, is he ticked off that this demon from the past is following him?

    I think so.

    He's afraid the truth will come out, he's afraid it will ruin his credibility and job opportunities.

    Well it too bad, but that's what happens when you lie down with dogs. He should have known better, but I suspect much like Frank Bailey, Bill was was in her con spell. Which is also another reason he's pissed now that the fog has lifted.

    Hey Bill, get together with Frank and write a book! I don't think confidentially agreements were meant to cover illegal activities, and I'm sure you know of plenty.

    Come clean and tell the truth, you'll feel much better.

  71. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Regardless of his health the statements he made were just ridiculous and beyond weird. All he had to say was "no comment", etc.

    Then he explains his bizarre response on his health? Kind of sounds like he took a page out of Palin's book. Yes, I do feel sorry for him if he is going through some health problems but to use it as an excuse?

    All he has to do if he is worried about his honor & reputation is to be a good person and do the right things. You don't need to say that you would punch someone or challenge them to a duel because honestly it makes him look stupid. Not one of the males I have the pleasure of knowing would ever respond in this way.

    Honestly, this whole thing is just so bizarre - just like everything that surrounds the Palins.

  72. Sharon10:32 AM

    Re: True Blue Girl @ 7:42 AM

    Wonderful inside insight on this subject.

    So true that timing is everything. She really is the embodiment of all that is awful in our current society. I only wish that Shakespeare was around to write about this because she is a powerful metaphor - and most journalists lack the writing skills to accurately capture that.

  73. Anonymous10:36 AM

    "Associate professor Scharlott -- whose name aptly combines “charlatan” and “harlot,” both phonetically and symbolically --"

    I'm sorry Mr. McAllister, but you could have stopped typing right there. Anyone who begins writing with that kind of juvenile name-calling has already lost credibility before the sentence is even finished.

  74. Anonymous10:41 AM

    I'm truly glad the Prof went straight to the newspaper to make his case, and that they happily allowed McAllister his entire flaming response. Honestly, he could give RAM lessons in melodrama.

    Hopefully, this will flush some of those who had taken Palin at her word but still noticed something amiss. And how about those Wasilla Carpool Moms who know about the little surgery????

    Note to Bill: Imminent Death is not an excuse to suddenly turn into a tired old Queen. Unless that's how you REALLY want your obit to read.

  75. Anonymous10:48 AM

    Thanks Brad. You are a national hero.

    There are many "gates" that became obvious when palin was gov. They are listed on this blog and on Palingates. NONE were ever covered properly by the local or national media. Why use just the 'babygate' example? Though that has the most pictorial documentation, doesn't it?

    On McAlister - seems both palin's psychosis and sense of victimization are contagious to anyone getting too close to her. So many supposed adults who are found to be stuck at the middle school level... targeting the 'haters' and throwing tantrums. Tsk, tsk.

    About the expected bot threats - I suggest the prof immediately get them to the FBI, with full headers. They didn't defund the FBI did they? Of course not, silly me.

  76. Anonymous10:57 AM

    Yes--Pro Choice Grandma rocks! I don't have an account with AK Dispatch, but can someone who does post a message on that forum for McAllister asking him to respond to her comments? How is it possible McAllister didn't notice Sarah Palin had turned into an Orca whale in a week's time? Aren't journalists supposed to be observant?

    Also, McAllister's own comments to the press don't wash with his not having heard babygate rumors. Here is a quote from another article online:

    "[McAllister] said Palin once approached him - before people knew she was pregnant - assuming he'd been hearing rumors.

    'She said it's not true about Bristol,' McAllister said."

    So, unless McAllister had his head buried in the sand, that conversation alone should have aroused some suspicions that would have made him less inclined to fail to notice the odd progression of Palin's pregnancy.

    Also, McAllister is quoted as saying that he knows the babygate rumors aren't true because "the governor doesn't lie." Oh please---after working for Palin for about a week, he had to have figured out that that wasn't the case. The woman constantly contradicts herself. He was covering for her when he said that, which, of course, was his job.

    Here's my theory: McAllister was enamored with the glitter of Sarah Palin, the rising political star. She was going places, and he wanted to jump on the bandwagon, which he did. Consequently, he looked the other way re the faked pregnancy---which is precisely what Prof. Scharlott is saying in his paper! Well, apparently the paper has hit a nerve with McAllister. What other reason could there be for such an over- the-top response on his part?

    Scharlott outed McAllister, who is now busy trying to rewrite history, so his "legacy" as a journalist isn't forever tarnished once the truth comes out about babygate.

    (So what do you think of that theory? Have I nailed it?)

    P.S. Don't take McAllister's comments too personally Professor Scharlott. You were just closer to the truth than you perhaps knew.

  77. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Now is a good time for everyone to revisit Jane Mayer's excellent piece in The New Yorker -- "The Insiders: How John McCain Came to Pick Sarah Palin." (October 27, 2008).

    Mayer describes visits to Alaska, in the summer 2007, of Republican pundits and operatives from The Weekly Standard and the National Review, including William Kristol, Fred Barnes, Michael Gerson, Rich Lowry, John Bolton, Victor Davis Hanson, and Dick Morris.

    At one of the meetings, Dick Morris took Sarah aside for a "very long" private meeting to discuss "strategy" for up-coming national elections (how to get "outsider cred," etc.)

    Wonder if they also discussed how to maximize "pro-life" cred?

    Imagine, if you will, an Annunciation scene in which Palin is told that she has been chosen to be on a "Mission from GOD and/or GOP" to be a "Special Mom" to a DS Baby.

    The idea that Bristol (or another relative) was able to provide such a convenient election prop as Trig seems really like a stretch, although Bristol may well have been pregnant during this time, conveniently providing a "cover" rumor, just in case.

    And what ever happened to that ruffled-ear baby, anyhow?

    Could Trig have been another baby delivered from a Fundie foundling service?

    Sarah was being groomed and pushed forward by Fundies for higher office since, at least, February 2007. The GOP was also looking at her very early and often as a way to keep the "base" happy in the event of a McCain nomination (or a Romney nomination).

    This plot has deep roots. Time to get the whole thing exposed.

  78. Anonymous11:09 AM

    That's a strange picture of the man who is caught up in this strange story. His hair is SO black! Wasn't there a rumor that McAllister has an African American in his family tree?

    His reaction is so immature and emotional that it does not sound like the measured writing of someone with 30 years of journalism experience. Either he is on medication which affects his performance, or there is something else going on. Can you imagine what the response would have been if Joe McGinniss wrote on his blog that he wanted to go next door and slap Todd!

  79. Anonymous11:16 AM

    During the campaign, very early on, a male reporter asked one of the female Palin staffers about whether she was actually the mother of Trig - I don't recall exactly how the question was worded. The woman staffer came at him with a shocked and rapid response - Are you really asking me what came out of the Governor's vagina.

    I have been looking for this encounter, I have seen it twice and it was a brilliant response to shut the male reporter down. He will never ask such a question again and it would have had to make an impression on any other male reporter who saw or heard of the encounter.

    Now if I can only find the clip. I think the staffer was Nicole Wallace. This would serve the Professor well if we can locate the material.

  80. Anonymous11:57 AM

    What's also odd to me is that he states he has Never spoken to Palin since she quit the governor's office. Never. I am leaning toward him trying to get people to take notice.

  81. Anonymous12:02 PM

    o/t, a short note to you gryphen:

    i appreciate all the long,hard hours you put into your blog, all the thought,humour and yes, simmering snark and succulent schadenfreude. iow, you have become to me like a favourite dessert, best enjoyed when all the other broccoli blogs and chewy meaty bits are done with. i then top the evening off with your site. delicious!!

  82. Anonymous12:11 PM

    This is a good example of why $paylin calls the media lame. She is right about that. She knows she got away with the lie, and continues to lie daily, and is never called out on her lies.

  83. Anonymous12:29 PM

    What surprises me about McAllister's response is how quickly he resorted to the juvenile name-calling. His belligerent tone throughout endorses Professor Scharlott's thesis about the spiral of silence. And it proves to me that he's deeply freaked out about being associated with Palin at all anymore.

    Someone already observed that this effect happens to anyone who wants to discuss this puzzle. I'm a former Alaskan journalist, and I don't even mention it around my journalist friends because they just assume the whole idea is nuts, and that I am, too, for being interested in it.

    There is a powerful element of snobbiness (and perhaps unrecognized fear) about blogging vs. journalism. Journalists are watching their profession circle the drain, and naturally they don't like how it seems that anybody can say anything on the web and get away with it.

    Unfortunately, they're often missing the very real digging that takes place, too, at places like this site, Palingates, and more professionally oriented sites like Talking Points Memo. They overlook how often the MSM got it wrong with things like weapons of mass destruction (Judy Miller, anyone?) or the O'Keefe/ACORN nonsense.

    I predict that if the Palin hoax theory breaks into the MSM, and there is any discovery at all of her lying and manipulation, there will be the usual round of breast-beating "how could we have missed this?" stories that follows every such incident. Exhibit A: John Edwards.

  84. CC ...12:29 PM

    To anon @ 11:04

    Bingo!!!! I agree with everything you wrote.

  85. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I think McA's over the top, asinine response is due to his apparently serious health issues.* He knows perfectly well that if babygate busts wide open, his legacy, what would REALLY be on his tombstone...would be "helped Sarah Palin fake a pregnancy. Aided in the foundation building of an operation which did and continues to exploit a disabled toddler".

    He knows his name "would be mud", as the saying goes.

    *and also he's an ass.

  86. Anonymous12:51 PM

    The TV Channel in Anchorage that is hiring McAllister, should think twice. The guy left Channel 2 (in Anchorage)with a lie...proven too...hoped on board w/Palin.

    I think McAllister's response to all of this is idiotic....

    Know that I have no desire to see his creepy face on my TV.

  87. Anonymous12:51 PM

    That Newsweek interview from a day or two before her pregnancy announcement, the one where she sits cross-legged and leaning over--quite far--as she makes her nonsensical points, is what cinched it for me that she was not pregnant. I had a family with a couple oby/gyn doctors in it look too and they could not believe it either, and they like SP.

  88. Anonymous12:52 PM

    Gryphen, what ever happened with the picture at the Lady's Luncheon that the MSM was very interested in?

  89. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Maybe you need to get in touch with Andrea Gusty to find out where Morgan
    Kaiser is.
    That's just my opinion of the Morgan Kaiser blog.


  90. Anonymous1:37 PM

    To 9:27 a.m.,

    What does Hillary have to do with this argument? Oh, you mean, one white woman doesn't get her way, as in get elected president, and the whole theory of white privilege is refuted? Naw. Doesn't work that way. Hillary is a HUGE beneficiary of white female privilege. Does one even believe that Michelle Obama could run for president if an intern had been fooling around under Obama's desk? Doubtful.

    Hillary got a mega-pass. Most white women do. Why fight against it? It must be nice to have that kind of edge. It works for Michele Bachmann and Sarah Palin. They can run for president with one brain cell between them and it's absolutely acceptable. My argument stands.

  91. Ratfish2:00 PM

    This is what Palin just said about Donald Trump's efforts regarding Obama's birth certificate.

    Palin says: "Well, you know, I think that he was born in Hawaii because there was a birth announcement put in the newspaper," she said. "But obviously there's something there that the president doesn't want people to see on that birth certificate...he's going to great lengths to make sure it isn't shown. And that's kind of perplexing for a lot of people."

    So why hasn't she shown Trig's birth certificate when asked, and why wasn't there a birth announcement in the Mat-Su hospital where he was born?

    Oh, I forgot. Palin's a hypocrite and is intellectually celibate.

  92. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Ripley in CT is on to something. The church fire that occurred around the time Trig was presented to the public destroyed some adoption records. I also read that a nurse that worked for Sarah's Dr. (the Dr. who wrote the letter for the McCain campaign) was killed in a house fire in her own home around the same time of the church fire. Apparently the smoke detectors malfunctioned.Could this nurse have been witness to the hoax? Were the fires set to cover it all up?

  93. Anonymous2:33 PM

    McAllister does look as though he could have black blood or even blood from south of our border. Not that it makes any difference to me, but I'm surprised Palin brought him into her fold due to her racist views.

  94. Anonymous3:04 PM

    PRIOR: And what ever happened to that ruffled-ear baby, anyhow?

    RESPONSE: I thought he had been identified as the baby (Samuel?) of some politicos in Arkansas? If I were a journalist on this story, I might start digging around there and see how they fit in to the plot.

  95. Anonymous3:15 PM


    McAllister has admitted to being partially of Negro heritage. He didn't seem to have an issue with it. Not sure what percentage, but he brought that forth in an interview. He didn't seem ashamed but more just forthright regarding the mixing of races in his history. Many of those "lily white" Teabaggers might be surprised at what is lurking in their woodpile, genetically. Friend of mine in Virginia, his grandma was a proud "Daughter of the Confederacy", well, she found out a few months before she passed that her Father was 1/4 black...suffice it say, it didn't give that old racist bitch much solace on her deathbed :-)

  96. Palin may be going on about Obama right now in the hope that the story about her birther rant will squeeze out the McAllister story.

  97. Anonymous3:27 PM

    @11:16, you're correct, it was Nichole Wallace:

    “’I will never forget the first phone call I got from a real reporter, from a real newsroom, about the maternity of the infant,’ Nicolle Wallace said. ‘He started asking me about amniotic fluid, and whether or not it had leaked … I said, ‘Are you asking me to respond, on the record, to a charge that amniotic fluid came out of her [body]?’ He was so mortified, he hung up.’”

    She is one who I hope feels REALLY ashamed when the truth comes out. And it will.

  98. Anonymous3:42 PM

    I see that McAllister's response at the Alaska Dispatch is not yet complete. Maybe he can use the title
    "Director of Communications/Press Secretary, Office of the Governor
    State of Alaska"
    to spell something to prove that he is all he apparently thinks he is. Lots of juvenile phrases can be spelled with that collection of letters.

    On the topic of journalism credentials and expertise in the field, I wonder if Bill McAllister would know an investigative reporter if one bit him in the ass? Which corrupt deals and politicians did McAllister reveal in all his years as an Alaskan reporter? He really ought to claim credit if any is due him. Goodness knows there was corruption and wrongdoing to find had anyone been interested in looking.

    In fact, many have stated that the press was either generally clueless, or actively ignoring many obvious clues for many years. These reports seldom appear on the TV stations or in the traditional print media; and so must be dismissed as a hoax too. Also, on the topic of journalism expertise and criticism, one might consider the phrase "A legend in his own mind". When all is finally said and done with respect to the Palin administration, this will either apply to the bloggers or to the traditional media and their handlers in the Palin administration.

    A dumb ass that thinks he is smarter than anyone.....but screws up everything they touch or attempt...a person who acts like they know what there doing, even though they do not....this includes dumb ass people , morons, and guys who where jackets with tassels hanging off them....
    Hey check out that guy in the tassel jacket and moccasin boots, hes a Legend in his own mind !!!!

    That guy is such a tool , he's a Legend in his own mind, telling me how to do my job !!!

    Girl , he's a Legend in his own mind, cause that 4 min of sorry sex was nothing like what he said he was gona do to me !!!

    Also too, consider the phrase "A legend in one's own mind".

    It is a person that exaggerates their self importance. These people like to boast or brag about their achievements, positions and accomplishments. Often seen as drama queens, blowhards and egomaniacs. These people like to inflate their credentials, but in reality they're not that important.
    The people who like to inflate their claim to fame are a legend in one's own mind.

    Coincidentally (I love this word even more now) the synonyms for the phrase " A legend in one's own mind" are: drama queen, blow hard, egomaniac, braggadocio, attention whore, poseur, troll, and pretentious.

    Bill McAllister has proven his qualifications by matching wits with the likes of Eddie Burke on this very topic.

  99. Anonymous4:33 PM

    "Palin may be going on about Obama right now in the hope that the story about her birther rant will squeeze out the McAllister story."

    I wholeheartedly agree Professor, for if Palin in nothing else, she IS indeed masterful at deflection, projection and deception.


  100. Anonymous4:46 PM

    is McAllister Trig's dad???
    umeee moment :)

  101. Anonymous4:58 PM

    For 3:04 - the Loudon boy is around 5 years old. There is no link to Ruffles. Sorry.

  102. Anonymous5:11 PM

    Way too defensive response from McAllister. His feigned outrage barely covers his complicity in the fraud. Using his cancer as the preface to his outrage is also curious. These are the rants of a man who wants to cover his azz. People looking at the end of their lives don't hold onto grudges.

  103. Anonymous6:07 PM

    Regarding the Morgan who was looking into whether the Gusty photos were photoshopped: the most interesting thing is that she was apparently intimidated into pulling her blog. (Just a short while before Audrey was also intimidated into discontinuing her palindeception blog.)

    However, I followed Morgan's posts and looked for photoshopping tracks on those photos myself, and no one ever showed anything at all suspicious in terms of the photos being faked. I can tell you about 8 things we looked at, but they all fizzled when reviewed more closely.

    No, the photos are fine. The Gusty interview video that was made at that time and aired is also not a fake, it seems. It's the strapped-on pregnancy belly (so much larger than on any other photo, and much larger than a few days before and a few days after). And my guess is that the strapped-on belly, even if suspicious-looking, allowed everyone present deniability of the hoax: "I didn't notice."

    The number in the name of the person who put those photos on Flickr (who was never identified) was the same number as the zipcode of Gusty's home town, someone said.

    Dar, the former NICU nurse, was not employed at CBJ's office as far as I knew. Her NICU professional network would surely have included her in the loop of any stories about who was or was not born in local hospitals, esp in the Palin case. HIPAA or no HIPAA, professionals do talk among themselves. The circumstances of the fire were very suspicious (smoking was suggested as the cause, but Dar did not smoke, and AK has "no burn" cigarettes), and there was no follow up info available to the public.

    The church fire circumstances were also suspicious and also no real follow up.

    Arson comes to mind so very easily re both fires.

  104. Anonymous6:21 PM

    The thing about all the attacks on Scharlott is that they are irrelevant to what his paper presents.

    McAllister's cancer has nothing to do with Palin's hoax. Nor do his career credentials, or even whether McA knew about it or not. Whether Scharlott has a name one can make fun of is also entirely irrelevant to Palin's non-pregnancy hoax.

    Whether Scharlott is a fine academic (as I believe) or a sleazoid fraud, the points he makes in his paper stand for themselves. They are either valid points or they are not. I see them as valid no matter what the irrelevant personal characteristics of MxA or S are.

    If Scharlott had a reputation for lying (as Sarah Palin does, from almost every recent write-up about her -- Vanity Fair, The New Yorker, The New York Times, Game Change), I would look more closely at each of his points. But actually I already have, and he has no reputation for lying. The points seem valid.

    The biggest curiosity re McA's response is that he did not respond to any of the points in the paper. What does that tell us?

  105. Anonymous said...
    "What does Hillary have to do with this argument? Oh, you mean, one white woman doesn't get her way, as in get elected president, and the whole theory of white privilege is refuted?"

    Not what I mean. Was talking about before her run for the Presidency. Whitewater, Vince Foster, Travelgate, health insurance reform, Ken Starr,Rose Law Firm. She is a white woman and the press and Republicans disputed whatever she said was true.

  106. Anonymous6:53 PM

    The interesting info to glean from the picture of Samuel Loudon's ear is that it is ruffled at 5 years old. This goes to support the info that gryphen got from the dr he spoke to who said that young children do not have corrective plastic surgery for the condition that samuel seems to display and that "Ruffles" had but the "Trig" who was presented at the RNC and elsewhere since did NOT.

  107. Anonymous9:19 PM

    Excellent article Gryph, and excellent comments, especially Anon. @ 6:47 am and True Blue Girl @ 7:42 am. If you haven't read them, go back and do so. Very insightful.

    Prof. Sharlott, thank you for taking on this task of calling the media on their neglect of vetting Palin. The Babygate story is the most obvious, and most comparable to the Obama BC one, but as others have mentioned, there are many more "gates" where this came from. I'm crossing my fingers that your paper is accepted for presentation at the conference so it gets wider notice and distribution.

    BTW, the comments at Alaska Dispatch are a mix of brilliant and hilarious. Check them out too.

  108. Anonymous5:06 AM

    To 6:48 p.m.,

    You kind of made my point. Her career didn't buckle, if you ask me. She was a Goldwater Republican, for crying out loud, so it didn't surprise me when she went racial during the campaign. Privilege erases all ills for white women. And besides, we don't know the half of the sordidness she and Bill were involved in during their 40-year political climb.

  109. I appreciate corrections and suggestions. I've reworked the final sentence:

    "If events ultimately show that Palin did indeed perpetrate a hoax, and that Obama in fact meets all constitutional requirements to be president, then the results of my survey will reveal a topsy-turvy world where more people believe Palin’s lie about Trig’s birth than believe the manifest truth about Obama's birth – a testament to the power of clever media manipulation and perhaps also the efficacy of the spiral of silence phenomenon."

  110. Anonymous3:58 PM

    Is it possible that the child was born to a very young or otherwise vulnerable niece/cousin of the palin/heath family. The circumstances of the pregnancy may be tragic and therefore it has been easy to get all the players involved to keep the secret because they are protecting the birth mother/family not necessarily Palin.

    We wonder why so many people would remain silent to protect Palin, but what if the birth mom is the one being protected. Could she be very old, young, disabled, imprisoned,hospitalized, etc.

    Someone will turn over the right stone.

    10:12 AM

    My theory, and I've emailed the professor with it, is that Trig is actually a sibling of Todd's cousin Matthew (&/or "E"), who also, too, has/have Down syndrome (check out Palingates &/or Sarah Palin's Alaska for more info). I think that Todd & Sarah adopted this baby & are passing him off as their own.

  111. Sounds like a good theory to me. Gryphen - check it out.

  112. Anonymous6:06 PM

    I know that this is pure speculation...but I just can't stop thinking about the picture of Levi holding baby Tri-g in the hospital with his sister standing by. I mean I can't imagine my 20 year old daughter's boyfriend cuddling my newborn that way. No matter how close knit they might in Alaska, I just don' t see a teenage young man taking that much interest in his girlfriends middle aged Mom's new baby nor his sister mugging it up while he holds the babe. I think I can safely say that your daughters teenage boyfrind might bring a plant or a baloon to the hospital but to tenderly hold (his girlfriends mothers baby) for a picture with his sister--at the hospital??? Either he's the father or its just creepy.

  113. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Another very odd response from McAllister.
    Dissecting the professor's name into " harlot " sounds like something an angry woman would write.

    BTW-Wouldn't Palin's obstetrician..oh wait,
    she didn't have one..wouldn't her family practice doctor have become alarmed that Palin
    was not putting on weight ?
    Nor was her her girth expanding ?
    Wouldn't a family practice physician have referred a high risk patient to an obstetrician ?
    Did the family practice doctor have ultrasound available in her office ?
    Was she conversant in reading obstetrical ultrasounds ?


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.