Saturday, April 23, 2011

Religious Right in a rage over "homosexual indoctrination" in public schools.

This from God Discussion:

The following video put together by Mass Resistance, a group in Massachusetts that is still fighting gay marriage and tolerance of the LGBT community, is an example of "the evil of this radical facet of the Leftist enemy" according to a forum poster at the You Know It's About Liberty forum. Showing that children of same sex parents have trouble with permission slips, that gays or lesbians are bullied, and that there are famous gay and lesbian people has enraged some of the people at It's About Liberty, one of whom had to "suppress the impulse to reach out and throttle anyone who would deliberately seek to pervert children." Anther wrote, "Suffice it to say anybody sending a kid to a public school like this is truly endangering their child!"

Look I am well aware that I am one of those "Godless, liberal, America hating, socialists." But having admitted that, I watched this supposedly shocking  video showing the "insidious indoctrination of school children," and was left feeling extremely impressed with the sensitivity and openness the educators involved demonstrated while teaching this topic of mutual respect and acceptance.

At a time when we are learning that school programs which support gay rights can dramatically decrease the number of teen suicides among their students, watching how the teachers in this video addressed this sensitive issue made me feel hopeful about the youth of tomorrow, not frightened for them.

In fact, in my opinion, the word "indoctrination" was completely misused as a description of what I saw.

Which got me to thinking about a movie I once watched that I felt DID feature aggressive indoctrination.  See if you can spot the difference.

(From the movie Jesus Camp.)

Where would you rather send YOUR children?

(H/T to the Daily Kos.)


  1. Anonymous3:43 PM

    G-man, did you mean to say Mass Resistance is fighting gay marriage and tolerance of the LGBT community. I thought it was the Liberty folks doing that.

  2. Anonymous3:49 PM

    Not a difficult choice - I'd send my kids to the school promoting tolerance.

    Those "Xhristians" are crazy people. They don't have a clue about the truths Jesus was supposedly sent to teach us. They are all about fear, hate, and intolerance --- the complete opposite of what the faith is supposed to be about. Way too Old Testament, fire and brimstone, and completely off-target when it comes to love, forgiveness and kindness.

    You'd think at this season, the Liberty folks would be embracing the "love thy neighbor" and be "reborn in kindness and trust" messages. I do think they may wind up going in the opposite direction from what they hope when they meet their Maker.

    If those folks are supposed to be what's in heaven, I am increasingly glad I am not a believer. I try to live my life with kindness and tolerance. I wish they could find in themselves to love themselves and others. That would be heaven on earth.

  3. Anonymous3:52 PM

    Unfortunately at leadt 15% of those young children will grow up to hate themselves from fundie indoctrination. What a sad statement about those so-called religious people. God made those that are gay, just like he made me straight. On judgement day those phoney, false christians will be shitting their own pants when they are judged.

  4. FrostyAK4:10 PM

    To all the frothing at the mouth Religilists who bash 'anyone who isn't just like me', I ask, "What would Jesus do?". I could have SWORN he preached love, not hate.

    I cringe when I see the hateful garbage so many Xtians spew.

  5. The indoctrination by religious groups is what scares me. Thinking is frowned upon.

  6. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Holy Shit.

    I realized the Nazi's had take over the the Republicans but the reality of that is very chilling.

    They have armed and totally brain washed about 30% of the population of this country. The Republican party cheats elections, and has taught intolerance and hatred not just of other's faiths or skin tone or culture but of anyone and everyone who does not share their ideology and is not Caucasian. They are murdering us already, and that drum beat will increase.

    We need a leader of the stature of the Great Emancipator, what we have is the Great Conciliator and now is not the time for conciliation.

  7. Anonymous4:36 PM

    OMG, I made my kids watch both "Jesus Camp" and "Saved!" and then we had a long discussion about what Jesus really was teaching and it sure isn't what these phony ass Christians are pushing.

    oh, and Gryphen, as an aside I just want to take this opportunity to thank you for all the hard work and time you put into this blog. You are doing the country a patriotic service, man.

  8. Anonymous4:47 PM

    Whoa. That evangelical session with the kids is scary.

  9. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Ugh. That movie Jesus camp depressed me so much. You know, they're not allowed to read Harry Potter. Too occult allegedly. I say it's because Harry challenges authority constantly and speaks truth to power. Personally, I can't think of a book that's more Christian than one that centers around the power of a mother's love.

  10. meena4:52 PM

    Breitbart-Palin Mob’s Next Target: Andrew Sullivan

  11. wakeUpAmerica5:12 PM

    A Quaker school? Well, what's the issue? It's a private school. What a bunch of hogwash. That was an amazing video, and yes, I am a Christian. We all have to stand together and resist the Christo-Nazi agenda.

  12. Love the little guy describing what it means to be open minded!

  13. Just one of the reasons I've always admired the Quakers. Gays and lesbians have been able to marry in Quaker churches for decades, if not longer. I'd send my child to a Quaker school in a heartbeat.

  14. Anonymous5:42 PM

    I think all school officials need to do is actually start cracking down on hate crimes, whether is orientation, race or gender based.

    I'm not a huge fan of these kinds of teaching, no matter what it is. Teachers need to be punished for using the word faggot and laughing at certain students etc. Students should be punished for bullying.

    Schools epically fail at all this. That's the deal.

  15. The tactics used by the "teachers" at Jesus Camp are, at the very least, emotionally abusive--working the children up to hysterical tears, taping over their mouths, having them hold tiny plastic images of fetuses while they rant about abortion, etc.

    The fallen evangelist there should try to teach them something positive about real Christianity, like the power of forgiveness and redemption for all who genuinely seek it.

  16. Anonymous6:35 PM

    Wilson 201- Try teaching a former home schooled fundie how to be a technical problem solver. It just doesn't happen. Step one- analyze the problem- is a totally foreign concept.


  17. Anonymous8:21 PM

    This is an amazing post, Gryph. Kudos to you for bringing us these videos. I've seen all of Jesus Camp. It's scary as hell and will make your blood run cold.

    I thought the video about the Quaker school was wonderful. And I'd like to recommend another.

    "For the Bible Tells Me So" is a documentary that introduces you to five families that learned their child was gay. The ups and downs and even a tragedy is all there to learn from. A very touching film. I wish every parent had to watch it.

  18. As posted earlier, who gives a flying fuck about the religious right.

  19. Who gives a flying fuck about the religious right.

  20. Anonymous11:36 PM

    "I watched this supposedly shocking video showing the "insidious indoctrination of school children," and was left feeling extremely impressed with the sensitivity and openness the educators involved demonstrated while teaching this topic of mutual respect and acceptance."

    Me too, Gryphen. Me too.

  21. Anonymous2:18 AM

    Love Quaker schools. Remember Chelsea Clinton went to and Obama's daughters go to Sidwell Friends.

  22. Randall5:09 AM

    Did you know that the words "liberty" and "liberal" come from the same root-word?

    "Liberty" derives from Latin libertas, from liber, "free."

    "Conservative" on the other hand, is bit different in that it contains both a prefix "con" and a suffix ive. Chop those off and we have "servat" which again, is Latin, and means "asshole."

  23. Anonymous3:31 PM

    The difference between the two schools is one is teaching the children in a positive tone and manner about the reality of the different types of people that form our society. The other is incorporating a negative message in a positive tone to influence the impressonable children that it's OK to pass judgement on others who don't conform to your religious or moral beliefs. Ending an unwanted pregnancy is not a simple black and white decision for most women, as they seem to believe. While the first school used possible situations where the subject could come up with children, the second school never gave even the slightist hint of how the subject could come up, at least in what was shown. By not mentioning any of the factors a women would be faced with gives the children an unrealistic view of abortion.

    It's no one's right, but the women's to decide what she should do with her body. Christian's seem to have lost the lessons they suspossibly learned in the Bible, and now appear through their words and action as if they're superior to others. Many show very little respect to other religions and appear to believe their God is the only true God. If they were as understanding, forgiving, and generous as they say their God is, there would probably be far fewer conflicts to be concerned with, particularly in our government.


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