Saturday, April 23, 2011

Apparently the memories of some reporters are a tricky thing. Especially when it comes to Sarah Palin's last "pregnancy."

I have to assume that all of you are just about as dizzy as I am from all of this new information being offered up by reporters suddenly coming out of the woodwork that they "knew" all along that Palin was pregnant.

First we had ADN reporter Julia O'Malley suddenly coming out with the information that. "Palin also ran all the time at the gym in Juneau. People I know saw her on the treadmill sweating in workout clothes. She had a belly. I repeat: she had a real pregnant belly. Are you going to tell me she was wearing a prosthetic abdomen on the treadmill?"  I am not calling anybody a liar, but I had NEVER heard a report of that kind of observation since I first started asking questions back in the fall of 2008. 

Since that rather interesting revelation Justin Elliot has shaken loose a few other reporters who had pregnancy confirming stories of their own, such as Steven Quinn, Erika Bolstad, and Wesley Loy. (There are other reporters named, but Elliott simply used old articles they wrote back in 2008.  Nothing new to address there.)

Now I have already addressed what I think of Steve Quinn's believability, and some of the other reporters named, but I want to return to Wesley Loy for a moment.

Wesley Loy, as many of you know, originally reported the response of Alaskans to the news the governor was pregnant as follows:

That the pregnancy is so advanced astonished all who heard the news. The governor, a runner who's always been trim, simply doesn't look pregnant.

Even close members of her staff said they only learned this week their boss was expecting.

Obviously it was reports like that one, as well as Michael Carey's casual reference to the "rumor" that Palin faked her pregnancy (And of course the troubling "pregnancy" pictures), that first piqued the interest of those of us who started to question the official birth story.

Now suddenly yesterday Wesley Loy comes out with the revelation, also published in Salon, that he eventually became convinced that Palin WAS pregnant.

The first question to ask is WHY did he wait so long to say anything.  The second is how did Salon get him to go on the record with this previously unreported information when others have failed to do so? (Myself included.) And the third question is did what he reported really take place the way he reported it, and if it did was it actually enough to convince him she that was telling the truth?

Now I am loathe to call anybody a liar. I do not know Mr. Loy, and up until last night had no reason to question his assertion that the story he told about Palin showing him her "(covered) baby bump" really DID assure him that she was pregnant.

But then I had a telephone conversation with Professor Scharlott.

I called him essentially to see how he was  faring with the fact that he now found himself in the eye of a media hurricane. (He is faring well, just so you know.) But then the conversation turned to Wesley Loy.

The Professor said that he had tried in vain to contact Mr. Loy for his research paper, after being directed to do so by reporter Gregg Erickson who was writing for the Alaska Budget Report down in Juneau. The Professor failed to receive a response from Mr. Loy, however he kindly agreed to let me share his conversation with Mr. Erickson here with you.

This is the e-mail that Professor Scharlott sent way back in September of 2008.


Is it true the Anchorage Daily News "debunked" the idea that Trig is not Sarah Palin's baby, as I read in a blog? I am mystified why Palin did not produce documentary evidence (e.g. birth certificate) to show her maternity instead of responding to rumors by revealing Bristol's (second?) pregnancy, which in itself does not prove anything if you simply stipulate that she may be less than five months pregnant. Also, I can find no confirmatory statements from attending medical personnel such as her doctor or anyone at the hospital that Sarah is the mother.

I am a journalism professor (so I am highly skeptical by training) and the whole thing sounds fishy. It's almost as if there is an agreement among our colleagues in journalism to let the Palins spread a false version of who Trig's mother is out of a desire to help protect the reputation of Bristol -- which arguably would have been a good thing to do before Palin outed her daughter's current pregnancy and started making political hay out of her "choice" to have a Down syndrome baby.

I am not trying, by the way, to break a news story here -- I stopped writing for newspapers a long time ago. But I am planning to investigate how reporters have reacted to the Palin phenomenon and probably report my findings at an academic conference down the road.

If I am on the wrong track here re Trig's maternity, just let me know. If there is more going on than meets the eye, maybe it would be possible for me to call you for (if need be) an off-the-record chat.

Brad Scharlott
Associate Professor
Northern Kentucky University

Here is Mr. Erickson's response:

Dear Brad:

Anchorage Daily News reporter Wesley Loy investigated the idea that Trig is not Sarah Palin's baby. I've worked with (and against Loy) for years. He's an astute, indefatigable and ruthless reporter.

During this summer's special legislative session Loy, I, and my wife occupied three adjoining offices near the Capitol. We frequently discussed stories we were reporting for Judy's newsletter, my columns, and the stories he was was working. We especially enjoyed Wesley's accounts of his pursuit the "Grandma Governor fakes birth" story.

As far as I know nothing was ever published on "Grandma," but he might have posted something on ADN's "Alaska Politics" blog or elsewhere that I didn't see.

I suggest you address your questions to him a

Good luck,
Gregg Erickson

Now here is my question.

If Wesley Loy had been convinced that Palin WAS in fact Trig's birth mother after his observation of her cloth covered "baby bump," in the spring, why did he not simply tell Erickson about what he had seen, and that in his mind the question had been resolved to his satisfaction? 

And if he HAD told Erickson this, why would Erickson refer to the story as the "Grandma Governor fakes birth" story? 

Not to mention the fact that it sounds like these reporters were discussing stories they were CURRENTLY working on that summer of 2008, NOT stories they had covered in the past.  So why would Loy bring them up unless this was still an ongoing investigation?

I am sorry, but rather than putting this story to rest, Loy's miraculously reconstructed memory actually raises many more questions.  Questions that I personally find very troubling. Very troubling indeed.


  1. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Palin faked a pregnancy in AK in 2008; retiring AK "reporters" who care about their pensions suddenly take Gingko Biloba and miraculously have Sarah Palin abdomen visions.

  2. Anonymous10:54 AM

    My first suspicion re all this push-back to Scharlott's points (without actually addressing any of them!) is that someone Rupert-like put the word out to a few of his trusted minions to do a favor or two to some selected reporters.


    --"No layoff for you next time we have one," or
    --"I sure would be mighty grateful (wink, wink) if you'd write on this subject," or
    --Some hard-to-track payoff of some kind.

    Maybe it's more subtle than that, or maybe it's less subtle. But it sure seems suspicious.

  3. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Here is something I have only said to my husband. As a woman, pro-choice, liberal Democrat living in a very, very Red state, I have to say that I find it distasteful that the mother of a newborn special needs child with a pregnant teenage daughter would pursue the path to the vice presidency at all. I can't imagine the doctor appointments, OT, PT, speech therapy, play groups; etc., required of the family to improve the infant's cognitive and behavioral capabilities as they grow older. It would be hard enough to hold a full-time job much less the second highest office in the country. If this is sexist then I'll own it. Imo, it's along the lines of "putting the needs of my family first," which I personally find laudable (given that you are the one who brought the family into being and are henceforth responsible for its growth, well being, etc.) I have to think that is part of the reason the palinbots are so defensive on the topic of Trig.

  4. Anonymous10:55 AM

    The way she is holding Trig in that photo makes me feel physically ill. I have a 2-yo nephew and a 2-week old niece, many friends with children, and extensive babysitting experience. I have NEVER seen a teenager or adult lug a baby or toddler around that way. I certainly have never done it myself. It looks awkward for her, profoundly uncomfortable for him, and completely unnatural--especially for a woman who has already had four babies and ought to know how to carry a child.

  5. Anonymous10:56 AM

    bought off or threatened with their jobs is what i figure.

  6. excellent sleuthing gryph. and great prescient work, prof sharlott. palin's tangled web keeps looking more and more tangles the more we bring it into focus. why would loy change his story? as a mainer, i don't have a sense of the adn, but has it had a history of corruption now ad then, or close relationships with public officials? fascinating stuff!

  7. Anonymous10:59 AM

    G, where do you stand on the issue? Out of everyone investigating, you've talked to the widest range of people.

    For me, The growth of Trig from April until now has been consistent. I think that child was born to someone in April. Who, no freaking clue. Diana? Random Palin relative? Random Heath relative? No one of any relation? Trig resembles a wide range of people, from Sarah to Todd to Palin cousins to Heath cousins to Juanita's son to Levi to Piper to Track to Willow.

    Hmmmmmmmmmm. I kind of want to scream right now.

  8. Wes is notorious for not writing back. He's never returned any of my e-mails, but others say the same. I've enjoyed sitting with him over a beer from time to time, however.

    That being said, Wes relies upon staying in the good graces of corporate entities for part of his income. His fisheries stories tend to be among the best in Alaska, but they are also corporate-friendly in major, sometimes flawed ways. As with O'Malley in the case at hand, Wes may be under some sort of subtle, as yet unidentified pressure. Or not....

  9. Anonymous11:05 AM

    I believe every word Mister Loy wrote. As that Linkin guy at Huffpo puts it, sarah had to ¨partially disrobe¨ because she was a woman. It´s pure sexism, you see? Forget that a real pit bull would have kicked his arse out of the governor´s mansion. Forget that if such a thing really offended sarah and she made it public, men and women from both the left and the right would have rallied to her. Forget that it is impossible for us to imagine women like Hillary, Condi, Lisa, Sandra Day O´Conner, Ruth Bader, Kathy, Katie, Kate, or your daughter would allow themselves to be ¨victimized¨ like this. Forget it all. Have faith. Faith in sarah.

    I find the idea of Mister Loy conducting a half-arse maternity examination on sarah delicious!

    Now, while sarah had her ¨fabric¨ up, and Mister Loy was investigating and examining her, was sarah´s legs opened or closed?

    Opened or closed?

    That´s what I want to know!

  10. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Loy is grandstanding when he says he asked everyone to leave the room so that he could talk to Palin alone. THAT in itself is the most ridiculous claim I've ever heard a reporter make. He's covering up for let's find out why.

  11. Anonymous11:19 AM

    I read on another blog today that one of the reporters is now "keeping company" with Ivy Frye...of babysitter, chief asskisser fame. Maybe she reminded him of his long buried memory?

    It seems like it would be fairly easy to find out if such a relationship exists.

  12. Anonymous11:20 AM

    Did the McCain camp destroy any evidence of Palin running at the gym, also too? How many pregnant women RUN with advanced bellies? Can anyone imagine how uncomfortable that would be, not to mention potentially dangerous? How much money is being spent to buy these people off, to have them blatently LIE? The latest devolpments just make most people more curious.

  13. Laura Novak11:22 AM

    What troubles me just as much is that a reporter asked the governor to not "be mad at me" for asking a question. I am appalled. I always considered my Master's Degree in journalism to be a "license to snoop." Not a reason to be afraid. Whatever the truth, she had him the moment he said that. Shame on him for even admitting this.

  14. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Murdoch is in a boat load of trouble with the wire tapping for the News Of The World newspaper in the UK. More people are coming forward, including people in the US. It is getting very serious. Maybe he feels paying off people to lie for him in Alaska will make this scandal with Palin go away. He really cannot afford any more trouble right now. Serves him right if the lid blows off the Quitter Queen scandals, he promoted her, spent tons of money on her now it is time to "pay the piper" Could not happen to a more deserving group of people.

  15. oh, and i just remembered something. julia o'malley said that palin was seen running and sweating on the treadmill during her "seventh month" of pregnancy. doesn't this statement in itself strike anyone as odd? all of my friends were told to give up running earlier than that in their pregnancies, and certainly working oneself into a sweaty run can't be a good idea for a mom carrying a child who might have heart problems.
    the rush by alaska reporters to defend your disgraced half-term governor is a very curious thing in itself. why now, after all this time? couldn't just be the paper of a prof. from ky. i see sarah and her influence all over this. and i wonder about inappropriate relationships between sarah and reporters (nothing sexual, just too friendly and compromised).

  16. anon10:55, i have long held the same opinion, and am also a progressive, a woman, and very open-minded. however, though i believe a woman can do just about anything, she certainly can't do EVERYTHING, and if she tries, then some things are going to suffer from lack of attention. perhaps sarah has alot of family help to give trig the best care possible, butas we see from the behavior of her teens, her family suffers from her and todd's careers and hobbies. we have to make choices and prioritize - we can't have it all.

  17. Anonymous11:33 AM

    I want DNA proof of Trig Paxson Van Palin. If the Powers-That-Be are paying off reporters to bring back their memories then I have no doubt that a birth certificate could be manufactured for a price.
    Come on Sarah, make us all look like fools and prove that you really did birth him. You, madam, are a liar and a fraud. Now sue me and let's see who's telling the truth.

  18. Anonymous11:37 AM

    And now that wonkette went beyond the pale they are all shaking in their boots that they might also lose advertisers. Did anybody catch the article in the newyorker from April twenty first

  19. Anonymous11:39 AM

    I find it so hard (and distastful) to think of a reporter being shown the governor's baby bump, even though i was so modestly covered by a cloth! And this is the gal that hates the press! (Although maybe she didn't back then. You know, she didn't before she did!)

  20. Anonymous11:43 AM


    i love ya...but i've said it before. those pictures are of a pregnant sarah palin...

    the only picture that raises ANY doubt in my mind is the square pillow picture..but that one, you readily admit, has been 'brightened' or altered...

    i love ya...but that is the face of a pregnant sarah palin. you can tell. she certainly isnt going to inject her face with fat. thats her money maker....

    let it go until you have proof...

    until then, you look insane and therefore your words and anyone that comes to this blog with discredit you immediately...

    you cant change the fact that her face is one of a pregnant woman. anyone can see that.

  21. Anonymous11:44 AM

    I was going to bring up the "running on a treadmill" story, too. I was much younger than S.P. in my first pregnancy, and what broke my daily run schedule was being pregnant; it was simply too uncomfortable by the end of the first trimester. There's no way she was running on a treadmill at seven months.

  22. Anonymous11:46 AM

    Does anybody think that we will ever see Sarah Palin's medical records? What year did she have her "tubes tied" and cauterized with no chance for reversal and no chance of getting pregnant a seventh time?

  23. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Talking about reckless behavior, running on a treadmill?
    I wonder if she has gotten her doctor's approval to even just walk on a treadmill.

  24. Anonymous11:53 AM

    The more I think about it the more how I think that it was downright dirty that Sarah "outed" Bristol in the most public way before all of America! Who does that to his/her daughter? This has been asked before but what would have happened to the Obamas if their teen-aged daughter was pregnant and unmarried.
    Weren't we promised that Bristol and the young man who got her pregnant would be married before the child arrived? Liar!

  25. Anonymous11:54 AM

    anon @ 10:55

    I agree wholeheartedly with you. It's become sexist to say that a mom should stay home with the kids. I say either parent should be there for them, if possible, but in this case, with her history and being pregnant, it should have been her first consideration. It's part of the bigger problem with our society. Kids running amok. There was another parent in the home that could have picked up the slack and gone to work. How could she put her own ambitions before the obvious needs of her troubled children and unborn DS baby?

  26. Every time I see a photo (there are many) of her carrying this child like this, I want to scream. NO mother carries a child like this. He is so obviously being "displayed" as a prop. Anyone, even the skeptics, should be able to see that. It was abusive and sickening. No matter who you think birthed this child, these photos speak volumes about his "mother" and her character.

  27. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Like anon at 10:55, I am also progressive, pro-choice and the mother of children. Like everything in the up is down evangelical world I don't know why conservatives believed Palin should be president with her family situation.

    The president has to be looking after the interests of my family and everyone else's family not dealing with the drama of her dysfunctional family. With no children or grown children then fine but Sarah has the next 25 years of her life booked to mothering, (theoretically.)

    She has also created a very pollyanna view of mothering a down syndrome child. Somehow I don't think the strategy of throw him on the pile and the older kids will raise him works like it does with typical children. I think one can have a nice life raising a down syndrome child but certainly it would limit one's career options.

    I wonder how parents of extreme special needs children feel about Ms. Palin's effortless experience mothing a special needs child.

  28. Anonymous12:07 PM

    The answer is the Palin-Heaths still control Alaska with fear.

    The next question is:

    What is so awful that these reporters will lie (and contradict their own previous words) to dodge what the Palin-Heath clan can do to them?

    Be careful, G.

  29. Anonymous12:07 PM

    Comparison of “Obama Not a Citizen” and “Palin Staged a Pregnancy Hoax”

    - Has been exhaustively and repeatedly discussed nationwide on thousands of media outlets? Obama: Yes, Palin: No

    - Rumors began at the local level, prior to nationwide attention? Obama: No- Citizenship wasn’t questioned until he was a presidential candidate, Palin: Yes- Rumors were circulating locally at the time of pregnancy announcement

    - People and organizations that would have to be fooled or part of conspiracy? Obama: Department of Homeland Security, Palin: Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Cathy Baldwin-Johnson

    - Has been debunked by U.S. Government Officials? Obama:Yes, Palin:No

    - Is off-limits by Huffington Post and other media? Obama:No, Palin:Yes

  30. Anonymous12:12 PM

    So... did Julia ever share this info with Pat Dougherty, the editor who tried to put an end to the 'nutty rumors'? Are we expected to believe that editors (generally the bosses) and reporters (the employees) don't talk at the ADN?

  31. Anonymous12:12 PM

    If I'd had 2 miscarriages, I would not be running/walking on a treadmill during a DS fetus & high risk pregnancy.

    A miscarriage makes an expectant mother extra cautious.

  32. Now even Roger Ebert on his Facebook page says the "case" is closed. These people are talking and they know nothing!

  33. Anonymous12:16 PM

    @11:43 AM

    Sorry sis. Gryph is the one that looks sane here.

    All you have to do is stuff your face with high salt, fat and carbs to get that 'bloated' looking 'pregnant' face...

    She knew exactly what she was doing.

    Now it's just: "Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock, Tick-Tock"...

    What IS insane is the mainstream media still covering the nutty "Birther's"!

  34. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Hey Gryph - I "love ya" too man - but I won't be telling you Sarah carried the baby in her cheeks.
    Lame-ass excuses for reporters - it reminds me of my college newspaper buddies going out on the beat. Add another thing - what is it about conservatives that they cannot get with modern technology? The world isn't he said-she said anymore, it's "here's a copy of the email you wrote last year, and the video is on You Tube". Funny, in a sad sort of way.

  35. Anonymous12:17 PM

    Anonymous @11:43 AM
    Hi Todd! Or is is Sarah? (it does seem a little too well written to be the Quitter Queen...)

  36. Anonymous12:18 PM

    anonymous 11:43 AM said:

    the only picture that raises ANY doubt in my mind is the square pillow picture..

    I hope you will take a look at the VIDEO of Sarah Palin in the Newsweek interview just 7 weeks before supposedly delivering a 6+lb baby. In the video Sarah Palin crosses her legs and leans forward. It's an astounding feat for that stage of pregnancy. In fact, it's IMPOSSIBLE.

    Yes, the various photos may be insufficient to convince a cautious person, but the video is PROOF.

  37. Check out the weight of that kid!

    Don't I recall that he was a sick, preemie? Does anyone know when this photo was taken?

  38. Anonymous12:19 PM

    When Sarah Palin first was picked, I looked her up on the internet and found out about the bridge, the plane, and Bristol. I found out about her high approval ratings, and how she had bought that support with oil and gas taxes. I read about her DS baby, and wondered how she was going to manage being a mother to him (and the rest of her brood) while running around the country in dresses and heels. I was prepared to like her, except that I knew I was voting Democratic. But still, I thought there must be something about her that was likable.
    Then she gave her speech. She began lying very quickly, with her claims about HER refusing the bridge money, which she had accepted and spent elsewhere. Then there was her story about 'selling the Governor's jet on EBAY' which she had not done either. Then she started getting really nasty about her opponents. My blood pressure must have been sky high when I had to leave the room or throw something.
    That was as far as I got with trying to like this woman. She is evil. Anyone who lies as much as she has, is sick. She gets that smirk and points those nails, and I want to scream.
    As far as Trig, if he is somehow hers, she is an abominable mother to him. He should be in some special preschool by now, learning the skills he will need in this world. Is he? Is he getting all the therapies DS children need to thrive, or is he stuck at the compound with Willow and Piper, Bristol and Tripp, not learning anything and not seeing his mother unless she needs him for a photo op. The whole situation is disgusting, and so is Sarah.

  39. Anonymous12:21 PM

    It looks like a pillow to me not a pregnant woman with tight abs

  40. And I totally agree with 10:55, as a mother of two: moms don't hold their babies like that.

  41. Anonymous12:23 PM

    While I won't quit reading Julia, I think she sucked up too late. Were there any truth to what she is saying, she would have said it long ago. And Wesley? He has to be getting paid off.

    Palin is an attention whore. This right here is enough of a fact to make her being Trig's mom impossible. Did she bypass as a sitting governor the chance to share such great news with everyone? And then to share when she realized that Trig had Tri-G? To put it in her words, "Nah!" What a great testimony she would have had...

    What will end up is that SP has no real ideas and ultimately, we will believe what we want. Those who think she is Tri-G's mom have to reconcile her wild ride-- no good mother would risk her child's life like that. No matter what people believe, she comes out as either a liar or a stupid risk taker who has no business telling others what to do or influencing laws.

  42. Anonymous12:30 PM

    These sudden, newly found "memories" only help to advance the hmmmm factor here folks. Something is more than 'fishy' but rather very, very, smelly. Reporters "remember" suddenly a "fact" that they previously did not. A "fact" that was never ever told to even the closest family members? She's a fucking liar and her minions are in full panic mode. We know how she operates and she has sent out an SOS to all of her male "friends" to give her cover. This is only getting worse for WGE, not better.

  43. Anonymous12:31 PM

    There needs to be a website baby or pillow where people can vote on pictures on ladies bellys, baby or pillow?

  44. Anonymous12:32 PM

    I'm just thankful this story is getting attention. For Dog's sake, nobody even discussed the recklessness of her official "story" before. So now that this is being discussed widely, and if all roads point to her NOT faking a pregnancy, then the only other conclusion people will draw is that she is totally irresponsible, impulsive, reckless and that she put that speech above the life of her own child, in order to secure the veep spot. You betcha!

  45. angela12:36 PM

    Plain and simple. Payoff---Palin style.

  46. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Sarah holds Trig like Kimba in "Lion King"

    Except Sarah is displaying her pro life badge of honor, not showing Trig his kingdom.

  47. Anonymous12:43 PM

    Prof Scharlotte, it appears that you read the comments. Is there a poli sci or govt. prof you can partner up w/ @ your university as you do have an interdisciplinary paper. There is the Political Communications journal and Tx A&M has a political communications dept. or group. I think the topic of what the media considers to be a politically salient topic could have a broader academic audience. Gryphen, you don't have to post this comment, if you could pass this along.

  48. "Loy is grandstanding when he says he asked everyone to leave the room so that he could talk to Palin alone. THAT in itself is the most ridiculous claim I've ever heard a reporter make."

    But it's so convenient to avoid any possible witnesses, isn't it?

  49. Yeah, the running on the treadmill bit is bullshit if she was considered a high risk pregnancy. I don't care how "fit" she was. She knew the baby was Downs, she was no doubt told the possible defects the baby could be born with, and there is no doctor who would advise her to continue running on a treadmill 7 months into the pregnancy, or even 5 or 6! This sudden out-pouring of 'evidence' is simply her spin to get ahead of the books coming out and the new media scrutiny of her scam.

    As long as this stays in the news, I think her POTUS bid will be kept at bay. She would be crazy to run knowing this would constantly be in her face the whole time.

  50. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Maybe I have a weird take on the sexist stuff. I don't think its sexist for someone to want to see my pregnant belly to "prove" I'm pregnant. After all, men can't bear children so how is that sexist? What's the equivalent?

    As a progressive woman, I would get upset over sexism if, say, my salary is less than a man's. Or, I couldn't even get a job that was traditionally held by males.

    People questioning Sarah's motives to run for POTUS when she has a family at home who needs her isn't sexist in my mind. It's a valid question given the role women have traditionally played in our country, in world's history for that matter. We give birth, we are the caretakers of our families. Is that dynamic changing? Sure. But to cry sexism? A cop out I'm sick of frankly.

  51. I don't get this, once there is proof her tubes were tied, all of these stories fall apart. Is someone destroying those records now? Any fires in doctor's offices up there lately?

    Didn't a massage person say they felt her stomach? Aren't there people at the massage parlor that can testify she was not pregnant?

  52. Anonymous12:58 PM

    Dear 11:43 Bot:

    I love are full of shit.

    I have looked at lots of the pictures and I absolutely do not agree that her face looks pregnant. What is a pregnant face anyway? Give it a break. Perhaps in a few her face looks fuller than it does today but that is explained by the hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of work that has been done to it, not delivering a baby.

    Did you happen to catch the video recently of a young tv guy who went to the Governor's mansion in Alaska and Sarah walked down the street with him. That video alone should convince any sane person that she was NOT pregnant.

    First of all..he handed her a cup of expensive coffee which she drank. That was the first red up caffeine is one of the first things the dr. says (that was how I knew when both of my (married) daughters was pregnant when they ordered water instead of soda at a restaurant).

    Then Sarah took him on a walk down an icy snowy sidewalk and street wearing high heels. That was NOT the walk of a pregnant woman. Pregnant women have a distinctive walk about all know that...and Sarah did not.

    When they got to her office, she gobbled chocolate with both hands...again, another thing that is off limits.

    I have no idea what they said during the video, as I watched it, like I do any video that has her in it, muted. I absolutely can not stand her voice.

    Did I mention..I love you too? Now go play with your friends at sea of pee. You have my permission to tell them I was not nice to you.

  53. Anonymous1:05 PM

    Just like Sarah, these reporters aren't addressing any of the inconsistencies in their stories -now there's the conspiracy.

  54. While hardly a smoking gun, I'm nonetheless surprised that few–if any–have used the following to indict O'Malley's species treadmill claim:

    Concealing her pregnancy with scarves and shawls, she worked a regular schedule and could only hope that those around her wouldn't notice when she substituted aerobics for her daily run.

    That Palin's ever diligent staff failed to note such visible indicators as morning sickness, time-consuming pre and perinatal appointments, not to mentioned increased girth, she clearly had little reason to fear the aforementioned stooges would have noticed a minor change in her fitness routine. Still, I'm curious how the intrepid Ms. O'Malley would address this seeming contradiction.

  55. nswfm1:07 PM

    From a link on Syrin's blog:

    Even AK people thought she was nuts and then Eddie Burke defends the nut.

  56. Anonymous1:07 PM

    Running anywhere at 7 months? I don't think so. I quit at 5 because it was too awkward. Then at 7 months, on a beautiful day coming home from shopping, I decided to jog a bit- just a few steps really. That large ball in front of me knocked me off balance and I fell and smashed my knee. Running on a treadmill? No way.

  57. Anon 10:55, I completely agree with you about the way she's holding him here. Why is she clutching his crotch? Seriously? If you want to show off the child, you hold him upright against the side of your chest, with his bottom sitting on your forearm taking his weight, and your opposite arm reaching to support his upper body and his head, and him leading his chest into you. Then you stand sideways or move your hand back a bit so it's still supporting his head but his body tilts backwards so people can see him.

    If you want to hold a baby facing completely outward- and that's awkward at best- you position him so he's sitting on your forearm and his back is leaning directly back against your chest, and your other hand is supporting the front of his chest. If his neck isn't strong enough to support his head- which in Down syndrome, it mightn't be- his head leans back against your chest.

    She's not holding him, she's squeezing him in that picture. There's no gentleness in that carry. Honestly, you wouldn't carry a puppy that way, let alone your own precious Gift From God.

  58. Anonymous1:13 PM

    I agree at 12:32! The media treated her as if she were some pioneering frontier person after hearing the ridiculous, implausible story of her last kid's alleged birth to her. I didn't find the story credible so I certinly didn't think she was some kind of tough hero.

    I'm sorry, but she didn't 'give birth' to Trig back in the 1700s where women didn't have access to nice, safe medical facilities to check on an amniotic fluid leak.

  59. Anonymous1:20 PM

    With the severe decline in newspapers, reporters are desperate to hang on to their jobs.

    Desperate people will do what they are told to do.

  60. Anonymous1:24 PM

    @11:43, first of all, please stop with the "I love ya gryph" crap. You're fooling no one.

    Secondly, please take a few minutes and peruse pictures of Palin pre-2008 campaign. She's always had a full face. I've heard it described as a moon face, I'd call it a pie face. In any event, it's a big face. Even now, as thin as she's become, her face is not thin - and it's not that there's fat on her face, it's just her bone structure. So, you need to let go of the "her face was fat so she was pregnant" excuse. It doesn't work that way. Are you trying to tell us that she was carrying the baby in her face?

    I'd like to add that some women's faces don't change AT ALL during pregnancy and some do, just as some pregnant women look like they've swallowed basketballs and some get big all over. Some waddle from the time the baby is conceived and some never do. Every pregnancy is different just as every woman is different.

  61. Anonymous1:24 PM

    Hate to say it Gryph, but I don't think we'll ever know what really happened, and this new MSM push that has now claimed to debunk this "conspiracy" theory is the nail in the coffin. I think Andrew is also receiving enormous pressure to cease and desist talking about it after what happened with Wonkette advertisers, many are trying to tie the Dish and Daily Beast to that by offering false analogies.

    Here's the way I see things. Just as the Birther issue is gonna end up hurting republicans, this so-called Trig Truther issue actually helps Palin continue to play the perceived victim and make "libruls" look bad cuz GOP and Sarah will play it that way. So these latest stories from reporters like Julia and Wes et al are, I think, the same type of thing we saw in the Journolist emails when this was being discussed.

    Yes, there was a spiral of silence, but only because people were aware of the backlash here and how it can hurt dems and help Sarah.

    Also, imo all along this was not played very well, all along what should have been pushed was the wild ride story and the recklessness of that, without tying it to some faked pregnancy. That's what the MSM should have kept asking about.

    What I think happened is that Chuck Heath flubbed, he was never supposed to tell anyone that Sarah's water broke. Likely that was a lie all along from Sarah, but when questioned about it and that it came from her dad, she had to continue with that lie. That's the problem with compulsive liars like Sarah, one lie always leads to another and you can't remember what lies you told (Hence saying she had Trig in Anchorage vs Wasilla)

    But, whether or not the wild ride was true or not, Sarah had to double down on it and put it in her book. The fact that hardly anyone in the MSM, or for that matter her supporters, didn't highly question such reckless behavior is simply sad.

    And now that aspect of all this is purposely being left out of nearly all these new articles claiming to debunk a fake pregnancy hoax. Though I have to give Julia credit because she did mention it.

  62. emrysa1:25 PM

    yeah, somethin ain't right gryphen! I agree that his statement raises more questions.

    great post, thanks!

  63. icstraights1:28 PM

    Dangerous irresponsible behavior to induce a 'natural' late-term abortion or
    FAKE a high profile pregnancy in a long-con for political gain?

    EITHER way: You are SCREWED Pay-lins!

    You're dammed either way.

  64. Anonymous1:29 PM

    Corpora-terrorist payoffs are widely known to open memories years later. I wonder what it cost for them to "remember"... probably small change to the corporations that back the GOP.

  65. Its only been a fews weeks since the Anchorage Police Department released a statement with false and misleading information, specifically to provide cover for the Palins by discrediting the National Enquirer story on Todd's very real sex scandal. This apparent corruption in the APD got zero MSM coverage and less than expected blog coverage.

    So, is there reason to believe a few journalists would be less than straight to cover for Sarah's pregnancy hoax? Absolutely!

    Would other journalists promote ridiculously idiotic 'evidence' and pretend the babygate controversy is resolved? Apparently so!

    Lots of new questions.

    Gryphen - Thanks for your persistence!

  66. Anonymous1:34 PM

    Run for President Psychotic Bitch from Wasilla... Run. Go and when you do, your lies will be fully exposed.

    Can't wait for your Evil Racist ass to be taken down.

  67. Anonymous1:48 PM

    If seeing somebody's big fat belly, covered by a thin shirt is proof of a pregnancy, then just take a look at a photo of some of those tea party people. Men and women alike, with fat protruding bellies rode around in their mobility machines and they must certainly be pregnant. I have seen a half a dozen fat kids who have eaten too many sugared doughnuts, and they must be pregnant, by Alaska journalistic standards.
    It is also interesting that this eye witness report has just surfaced, instead of a couple of years ago. I guess when the story of how the media failed to pay attention to Sarah's claim of giving birth to Trig after her Wild Ride is a story that people are paying attention to. And, if we need any more proof that Sarah is trying to direct the storyline, that "I saw her belly" story is unbelievable. Even Rebecca Ann Mansour, Hollywood's failed script writer wouldn't have a written a lame line like that.

  68. Anonymous1:49 PM

    This is Anon 10:55: I think the teabaggers make you paranoid by pretending that this all boils down to how sexist we liberals are, that up is down-- oh, and that we are supposedly advocating that children with down syndrome and other birth defects/congenital conditions should be aborted, like the imaginary "death panels." Their latest attempt to shut down discussion on the origin and care of Trig. It's really strange to be a progressive when they twist things so because you know there is really no arguing because there is no actual "listening" going on.

  69. A birth certificate means nothing. In adoption the birth parents' names are replaced by the adopted parents. In some states the original information is never available. Only Sarah's medical records will tell the truth and those will never be released.

  70. Anonymous1:52 PM

    Curiouser reminds me of another person that present "evidence" on behalf of Sarah. Somehow, she managed to get an FBI agent from the State of Washington to release an official statement on a Saturday that Sarah was not the subject of an FBI investigation.

    At the time, the issue that was written about was how much Casa Palin looked like the Sports Complex, almost the same windows and railings. Imagine! Todd and a couple of buddies built in their spare time on weekends. We've seen an example of Todd's carpentry skills. The fence that he tacked up when Joe McGinniss moved in blew over in a couple of months.

    If anyone were to investigate Sarah and her finances, I imagine that the IRS might be more interested than the FBI. Of course, if they stole the building materials and drove them over state lines, then it's the FBI, sure.

    Sarah manages to find a reporter or an expert who will speak or write on her behalf. They are less believable than the original story.

  71. Anonymous1:55 PM

    11:34: "i love ya...but that is the face of a pregnant sarah palin. you can tell. she certainly isnt going to inject her face with fat. thats her money maker...."

    OMG. It's an "i love ya" troll. Don't think I've seen this species before.

  72. It is truly a sad state of affairs when we have to wait for The National Enquirer to do the real reporting.

    Come on NE!

  73. Anonymous2:07 PM

    11:43 - "let it go until you have proof"? He should just wait until the proof drops in his lap? What are you afraid he'll find out if he doesn't let it go?

    12:16 - a night of heavy drinking will do it too. %)

  74. I wonder if someone promised Palin that they'd make babygate go away if she stayed away from running for political office. No presidency for her but she could still bring in big bucks telling her heroic tale of birthing a DS child.

    I don't understand how Salon or the Village Voice would fit into that scenario but still.....

    "Reverend Franklin Graham also told ABC television that he doubted former Republican vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin would join the field of candidates aiming to unseat President Barack Obama."

    "I think she likes speaking on the issues, and I agree with many of the issues that she brings up," Graham told ABC. "I don't see her as running for president."

  75. Anonymous2:16 PM

    I think the following is a reasonable thing to believe, and suspect it is what Roger Ebert believes although he didn't elaborate:
    1. SP has held Trig out as her son.
    2. He is incorporated into the family just as T, B, W & P have been.
    3. No one else is claiming him.
    4. Trig is an innocent who should not be part of the national dialogue.
    4. Therefore, I will treat her as SPs son and find discussion otherwise the same as whispering about the paternity/maternity of the neighbor down the street that looks like another neighbor.

    I think it is defensible to believe that the story behind Trig is
    1. irrelevant to liberals, they already don't like her;
    2. irrelevant to conservatives, they will find an excuse for her as they have for all things;
    3. will swing some independents to vote against her for the lying, and
    4. will engender some independents to vote for her out of sympathy and a feeling that it is the politics of personal destruction.
    And that given the above, the story of Trig is not worth pursuing.

    The above reasoning may or may not be accurate, I think they are defensible beliefs.

    What I don't think is defensible is saying the story is over because "I believe it." or because "I know."
    You can say you don't care about hte discrepancies in the story because of ethics, morals or political calculation. That is honest. But asserting you believe SP is Trig's bio mom without addressing the inconsistencies is not intellectually rigorous, and worse, only fuels the story you want to stop.

  76. icstraights2:16 PM

    Oh and BTW: The Teen Gabby did a better job at FAKING a pregnancy! That 'pillow' above on Scarah is ridiculous!

    You are all Ball-less FOOLS mainstream media!

  77. Anonymous2:24 PM

    Even though a new birth certificate would have been issued, with the adoptive parents' names as Mother and Father, it would be marked as Amended. The date and place of birth wouldn't change. So there would be 3 things to look for if Palin released a Trig birth certificate:
    - Does it say "Amended".
    - If the Date of Birth is or isn't4/18/2008
    - If the place is or isn't Palmer or MatSu Borough.
    Any of those 3 could tell us whether her story is true or not. I wondered if the reason she has started telling the birth place differently is the birth certificate might say Anchorage. If it does, who was that chubby cheek pink baby in MatSu with Sally and Chuckie?

  78. Anonymous2:31 PM

    @1:50, that's if she DID adopt Trig. I don't think she did. I think this whole scenario is even weirder than we imagine, if that's possible!

  79. Anonymous2:31 PM

    1:24 PM said "... Just as the Birther issue is gonna end up hurting republicans, this so-called Trig Truther issue actually helps Palin continue to play the perceived victim and make "libruls" look bad cuz GOP and Sarah will play it that way."

    Sarah Palin is a sociopath attempting to influence/control the political outcome in the USA. She is mentally unstable. It's not a "birth" issue, it's a "sanity" issue.

    Fortunately, nothing can help Sarah Palin prevent exposure. Her own pyschosis will force her into more and more focus on her past blunders. She'll spin more and more unlikely scenarios.

    And McCain's treason will come out as well.

  80. Anonymous2:33 PM

    I guess I'm wondering why she's running on a treadmill in Juneau. Hadn't she relo'd back to Wasilla?

  81. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Amazing that Sarah Palin was such a poor candidate for VP that she had to have a make over personal history.

    1. Sarah was so dumb that McCain had to claim she was an energy expert.

    2. Sarah was such a poor choice that they tried to claim she was an executive with experience.

    3. Sarah was such a poor choice that she had to fake a pregnancy in order to appeal to the religious right.

    4. Sarah was such a poor choice that others had to pretend that she was wonder woman.

    5. Sarah was so lacking that Levi was tagged as a possible son-in-law to make Sarah appear just like regular folk.

    6. Sarah was so lacking that she was given a resume of being a runner/jogger with a photo shoot.

    7. Sarah was so unsuitable that others were told to lie about her and Todd's AIP connection.

    8. Sarah was such a poor candidate that files were wiped from the internet with pictures removed too.

    9. Sarah was so pathetic as a candidate that some had to attack Katie Couric for her question about magazine choices.

    10. Sarah was so pathetic that she had to resort to winking and the RNC had to spend hundreds of thousands to pacify her and her family with clothes, make-overs and bling.

    11. Sarah was so pitiful that she had to resort to lies about Obama in order to try to make herself look good.

    12. Sarah was so terrible that HP, CNN and Fox had to cover for her and not report her blunders.

    And afterwards, Sarah was so desperate that she had to lie about her own son and pretend he was a combat vet even though he was just a driver for the Brass.

    And Sarah was so desperate that she lied about her daughter Bristol going to college in Alaska, being an office manager, having to work hard to take care of Tripp while Bristol was living with a guy in an apartment and not going to school.

    And even now, Sarah is so desperate and pathetic that some reporters who had affairs with her aide are willing to go on the record and say they saw a protruding stomach under thin fabric.

    Sarah is also so desperate that the police dept. issue press releases to NE saying there is no evidence of Todd being with hookers because Sarah whines.

    Maybe someone else can add to this and tell other instances of how Sarah was so lacking that she had to have a new resume.

  82. Anonymous2:33 PM

    That picture is unbelievable ! That's child abuse ! She has him in a choke hoild with one arm; and is crushing his nuts with her other hand. Where is Child Protection Services ?

  83. moose pucky2:34 PM

    anon @ 1:24 said:

    "Also, imo all along this was not played very well, all along what should have been pushed was the wild ride story and the recklessness of that, without tying it to some faked pregnancy. That's what the MSM should have kept asking about."

    I agree. Keep it simple. The RECKLESS RIDE is damning enough. MORE damaging than a faked pregnancy, IMO

  84. Anonymous2:42 PM

    These reporters are comfortable with stopping at the "I saw the belly" stage. Logic would compel a normal (not bought off liar) to continue with "and that horrible women risked the life in that belly with her irresponsible handling of an amniotic fluid leak".

    Palin (and her ilk) think the belly is their salvation. But Palin's real problem is her boasting of viciously endangering the life of her supposed baby.

    Poor, stupid, mentally unstable Sarah Palin does not even see the abyss before her.

  85. Anonymous2:49 PM

    Look at the video and pic of Palin, March 3, 2008. Legs are crossed at the news and she is leaning forward.

    Whatever belly Loy and other "saw", it was NOT there on March 3, 2008. Mere weeks before the supposed birth of Trig in April 2008.

  86. London Bridges2:53 PM

    Loy is grandstanding when he says he asked everyone to leave the room so that he could talk to Palin alone. THAT in itself is the most ridiculous claim I've ever heard a reporter make. He's covering up for let's find out why.

    11:10 AM

    Sarah, not being pregnant, probably thought Loy was going to ask her for a "quickie!"

  87. Anonymous2:54 PM

    11;43-sorry but she's always had a big head and had the fat face long before the fake belly came into the picture..look back at all the old photos of sarah..she has a pie face until she lost weight and had multiple surgery.

  88. I don't think someone like Julia O'Malley woluld lie for Palin. I also would ask the question would she really wear the fake pregnacy costume on the treadmill- I don't think so.

  89. Anonymous3:10 PM

    My face is pudgy this week...I must be pregnant. It's either that or all the salt I ate when I had popcorn at the movies....sheesh.

    If a pudgy face is all it takes to make people think this woman was pregnant, I'm screwed. I'm close to Palin's age and plump up a few days every month and I CAN'T get pregnant anymore.

  90. Anonymous3:14 PM

    So without a doubt now, Bristol Palin was pregnant on dwts. She had big boobs, protruding stomach, fat face and couldn't dance as she just waddled. Thanks for confirming that Bristol was pregnant more than one time. Maybe 3 times.

  91. Anonymous3:17 PM

    I find the most unbelievable part of the story of Trig is that Sarah claims to have considered aborting him without telling her husband when she found out he had DS. Amniocentesis is usually performed between weeks 15 and 20. Which means she was almost 4 or as much as 5 months pregnant. She was 4 or 5 months pregnant and hadn't told her husband! Then add that you didn't tell your parents or children until your 7 month?!

  92. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Let's speak the truth. Julia is a LIAR and I dont know how she lives with herself. Wes needed the money.
    Sarah and Todd too are extremely manipulative and sick people. They are also drunk on their own power.
    They should know that they can try to threaten and/or pay off whomever they want but the truth is coming out regardless. The truth is that Sarah did NOT carry or give birth to Trig AND just remember there is a good reason Sarah and Todd do not want the real truth coming out.
    Focus on THAT investigators and you may get to the bottom of this. Where did Trig come from??

    PS to the young and inexperienced Salon, HP and VV " writers": you do not deserve the title of reporter. Do any of you have a wife or child? No woman with 4 previos kids and a known at risk pregnancy would do what Sarah did! NEVER EVER! You are irresponsible and immature, and you have no idea how off the mark you are. You PROVE every word of Prof Scharlottes paper. Get off your lazy asses, get off your email and fly to Alaska and talk in person to people and you may be shocked what you find.
    Focus on the REASON for the cover up you fools.

  93. Anonymous3:31 PM

    Loy's story sounds as implausible as the Wild Ride and the Back Door Amnio stories.

    Why would Palin choose only one reporter to show a fully clothed tummy, but keep it hidden from all others?

    His story also sounds like the other stories in that it is as full of illogical claims and heavy streaks of childish sounding tales as the other two stories.
    In other words the same person probably made up all three.

    On another note. Nursing/lactating is a pretty effective contraceptive, in that the enzyme systems the predominate in the pregnant and lactating woman usually suppress the maturing of ova.

    So if Bristol had only recently given birth it would be unlikely, but not impossible for her to have again become pregnant withing just a few months.
    However if she had been PG, and had an abortion that might work out.

    And is it really necessary for the two pregnancies Bristol's and Sarah's to be interrelated?
    These people are a living soap opera on steroids anything is possible, the stupider the better.

  94. Anonymous3:34 PM

    1. Sarah isn't Trig's mother. If she were, she would have shown his birth certificate as proof 2 1/2 years ago. And she would have handled Bristol's pregnancy as a separate issue.

    2. Sarah's childbirth experience differs from every other woman's in the world. How is that possible? No other woman I know, even one's with premature babies, have such incredible birth stories to tell.

    3. Premature babies are usually found in incubators with tubes and heat lamps, not paraded around in hallways by creepy grandparents.

    4. Sarah is one lucky broad. The liberal, lamestream media are falling all over themselves to save her skin.

  95. Anonymous3:40 PM

    One more time, here's HuffPo on this whole thing:

    "That there is some BULLSHIT!"

  96. Anonymous3:46 PM

    Anonymous Anonymous said...
    10:55 AM

    I absolutely agree. There are lots of parents who take lesser jobs or no job because of family needs. There are lots of children who have to cut their career climb off because a family member needs special care.

    On the other hand do you think any of the Palin children were/are better off with Mommie Dearest on hand full time?
    They are a very screwed up family and Sarah seems to be the head of household and "driver" of all the screws.

  97. Anonymous3:46 PM

    does the reporter suddenly have a new car, boat, 4 wheeler, or sled ( snowmobile in the state that manufactures the most of them in the USA, Mn)? Seems like some $$$ have exchanged hands to me.

  98. Anonymous 2:33
    That is a brilliant list. Everyone in the country should see it.

  99. Anonymous4:04 PM

    Here's the latest:

  100. She carries that little boy like a grocery bag.

  101. Anonymous4:22 PM

    ak1953 2:54 said...
    I don't think someone like Julia O'Malley woluld lie for Palin. I also would ask the question would she really wear the fake pregnacy costume on the treadmill- I don't think so.

    So you think a women with 2 previous miscarriages pregnant with a DS baby WOULD be on a treadmill. AND you think Palin really did dodge NICUs and fly across the continent after an aminiotic fluid leak.

    Well, fine. You prefer an insane risk of an infant to an insane faked pregnancy. Either way, Sarah Palin is

    MENTALLY UNSTABLE (as the McCain staffers discussed).

  102. Anonymous4:24 PM

    ak1953 @2:54PM

    "I don't think someone like Julia O'Malley woluld lie for Palin. I also would ask the question would she really wear the fake pregnacy costume on the treadmill- I don't think so."

    So your argument is I don't think and I don't think. And, also, too, you know she was on a treadmill while appearing pregnant and it had to be real. You are hilarious. The question you really need to ask yourself is, do you have a brain?

  103. Anonymous4:55 PM

    OMG, I am totally convinced that the GOP knew about this and are working overtime to cover it up! With the debacle of the Tea Party, the knowledge that the GOP chose this nut job as VP shows that they are not fit to lead this country. If there is ANY way for them to get the information out by limiting the blame to Palin alone, trust me, they will do it. That woman is way more trouble than she is worth.

    How dare she even question the President's birth!!!

  104. Anonymous5:11 PM

    I can understand the position of other blogs that if SP said it happened this way, and Trig is her son, then it's none of our business.

    However, assuming that is true, isn't it our business that a President wannabe would risk her life, her unborn child's life, and the lives convenience, and perhaps business affairs, of the other people on the plane. Particularly if the motivation for such was that they didn't want a fish-picker.

    Isn't it our business that a Presidential wannabe thinks she is an exception to all the protocols and medical knowledge we have about how labor progresses.

    I remember an Alaskan blogger once saying that we should accept the story. I can understand that position. But then why do those same people believe that SPs version of event if acceptable and unnewsworthy.

    Suppose any prior presidential nominee (except Shirley Chisholm) ignored the warnings for cancer, or a heart attack, or melanoma. Suppose they flew on a public plane a few hours after experiencing the first symptoms of a heart attack. I realize pregnancy isn't a disease, but leaking amniotic fluid is a medical condition requiring monitoring and/or treatment.

  105. Anonymous5:21 PM

    Just wanted to share this great rebuttal I found in the comments on the latest Salon article, from a commenter named Rex Harrison. Wish I wrote as well as Rex:

    I see no reason to doubt the maternity of Trig Palin, and the question doesn't strike me as particularly important, one way or the other. However, the conspiracy investigation did, at least, do us the favor of highlighting Palin's own tale of her shocking recklessness in the hours before giving birth. If her version of events is true, she spent many hours endangering the life of her soon-to-be-born child for absolutely no good reason. Most women prudently avoid flying within a month or two of their due dates. Palin, by her own account, got on a long flight while in labor, and then pushed her luck further by driving all the way to Wasilla before going to a hospital.

    Since Palin is no longer a politician --having washed out of her small-state governorship without completing a single term-- none of that is particularly important to me. She's a full-time Twitterer and Fox News mannequin, with no serious professional responsibilities, so her disastrously poor judgment just isn't a national issue. But, if she ever decides to run for office again, let's remember just how easily she can be rattled into making a string of horrible decisions. Trig, fortunately, survived her potentially lethal string of mistakes, but I don't want to be relying on the judgment of such a person. That behavior shows an aspect of her character that is very much a relevant consideration if she ever again applies for a job where keeping a cool head in a crisis is a necessary qualification.

  106. So your argument is I don't think and I don't think. And, also, too, you know she was on a treadmill while appearing pregnant and it had to be real. You are hilarious. The question you really need to ask yourself is, do you have a brain?

    Oh here we go with the insults. I have lived in Alaska for 40 years and know the Palins personally along with many people in the valley. I have heard all the rumors and not once was this rumor of a faked pregnacy ever brought up with by reliable person. It is all here say. Don't you think with the amount of money involved someone would have come forward by now to collect. Too many people would have to be involved for this type of thing to be covered up this long. You also have to admit that Julia O'Malley is not your typical right wing whacko. I would have to say from her editorials that she definitely leans to the left. I also don't understand how many of you on this blog think Palin is mentally unstable but at the same time do not think she would run on a treadmill while 7 months pregnant. I THINK you have answered your own qestion!!!!

  107. Anonymous5:29 PM

    She did win the liar of the year award. When one lies, everything that person says should be questioned.

  108. Anonymous5:34 PM

    Just look at the "child" that sarah is dangling in disdain in that photo ... a child who is allegedly 4-5 months old ~ said to be birth a month prematurely?

    The "BIG LIE" has been hiding in plain view for all who will, to see . . . and still fighting to remain uncovered.

  109. Anonymous5:39 PM

    Also remember Julia O'malley's mother is Sheila Selkreg, a former very liberal Anchorage assembly member. Julia O'malley is not your typical right winger as why this claim by her will do a lot of damage to Gryphens and many others theories. I would love to see Palin go down in flames but I think she is using this faked pregnacey to her advantage and will become even more of a victim.

  110. Anonymous5:45 PM

    What is very striking to me is the fact that the Mac cain/palin ticket would have been greatly served if "THESE REPORTERS" had come forward then.What exactly is Elliot's role in this, as suddenly at Easter time, we have a resurection of truth bearers,some one is pulling the chain,Palin cannot win, but yet there is a lot of efforts to kill has to surmise that Palin has no proof.Think of all the escapades that Bierebart has pulled.Does Elliot know him? This is smelling to high heavens.

  111. Anonymous6:19 PM

    Anon @ 3:31 PM:
    "So if Bristol had only recently given birth it would be unlikely, but not impossible for her to have again become pregnant withing just a few months."

    Although some of the events surrounding Bristol's absence from school makes me wonder, I sincerely do not believe that Bristol is Trig's birth mother.

    However, having said that...

    The sister of a man I dated years ago gave birth, got pregnant almost immediately and had twins the second time around. Because the twins were early, they were born slightly more than 8 months after her first. She ended up with three babies under 9 months of age. Not common but it can happen.

  112. Anonymous6:26 PM

    "know the Palins personally"

    degrades your believability rating.

  113. Anonymous6:27 PM

    You always get the best pictures capturing revealing images of the person that Sarah really is. This one says to me that she doesn't want to deal with having a baby spitting up, carrying a burp cloth, interacting, or comforting. She's holding him like a handbag.

  114. Anonymous6:36 PM

    Not only am I convinced that we should continue pursuing the truth about this story, but I'll go one step further and say that I believe that it is actually a matter of national security.

    Either she committed a horrific fraud on the people of this country OR she demonstrated a frightening lack of judgement with her Wild Ride. Either one is completely unacceptable in someone who could have easily become the President of the United States.

    1. Either she was not vetted appropriately or the Republican party knew the truth and recklessly chose her for purely political purposes and, in doing so, put the safety and security of this country in tremendous jeopardy.

    2. The media allowed someone with such a questionable history to become candidate for VP without thoroughly investigating and exposing the truth.

    3. People still support her regardless of the lies that have been proven and the hate and anger she has generated that have irreparably damaged this country.

    The medical history of her running mate made her qualifications for President even more critical because the chance that she could have been called to replace McCain was much greater than any previous VP candidate. That someone with her history of lies, manipulation, incompetence, poor judgement and questionable mental health could have been put in that position is truly frightening and totally unacceptable.

  115. emrysa6:46 PM

    anon @ 2:31 pm sez:

    "Sarah Palin is a sociopath attempting to influence/control the political outcome in the USA. She is mentally unstable. It's not a "birth" issue, it's a "sanity" issue."

    THANK YOU! that's really what it's all about.

  116. Anonymous6:52 PM

    Anon @5:39PM

    Julia O'Malley's "argument" isn't an argument. It's "I want you to believe" and "Make. It. Stop." nonsense. Palin does that. The fact that her mom is "very liberal" is irrelevant. I used to like O'Malley but now I'm inclined to think of her as a chump.

  117. emrysa7:12 PM

    ak1953 @ 5:23 pm sez:

    "Don't you think with the amount of money involved someone would have come forward by now to collect."

    no, I don't. only 4 people would have to know the truth, and I don't see any of them coming forward for money.

    todd, sarah, the doctor, and the mother. which one of those is going to cash in? none of them.

  118. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Anonymous, I can assure you reporters do not work in placed that provide pensions. But I love your post!

  119. Anonymous7:28 PM

    ak1953 5:23 PM said...
    I have lived in Alaska for 40 years and know the Palins personally along with many people in the valley.

    Welcome, ak1953. Please share more of your personal experience with the Palins. Any photos you have of Sarah's previous pregnancies and this Trig "pregnancy" would be good starters. Can you recall Sarah Palin mentioning her tube job? Were Trig's therapies a big time consumer for everyone in the Palin household? Did Sarah give more details about her amniotic fluid leak to her personal friends?

    It's really GREAT to have a Palin personal aquaintance give exact details.

  120. Anonymous7:30 PM

    Anon 12:19. Ditto for me. I will add I learned the gas pipeline did not exist. I learned it was congress (and or the Senate) that said NO to building the bridge to no where. Not what Palin blatantly lied about smearing others with her Behavior or her making things up. Worse, no matter how times she was called out on her lies she continued to lie about her self and everyone else. Then she bluffed her way and spew BS due to her fundamental ignorance.

    I think it is okay if the wife and mother has a career or a demanding one. Regardless which spouse has the demanding career someone needs to be there to provide the needs of the children and care for them.

    The Palin's also lie about care and the children's needs. Twitter does not count. The Palin's including her parents blow smoke wanting people to believe Sarah does it all and they never had a sitter. Same lies ooze from Bristol's lips.

    Heck, they did not care if Piper did no schooling on the trail either. Poor Bristol, a habitual liar like her mother deluded they impress people lying through their teeth playing the victim.

  121. Anonymous7:52 PM

    Anon 12:54
    I see the Palin family in the big pictur: she lived in Juneau. Later we learned she billed people for time in Wasilla. A big deal was made to shore Todd up as Mr. Rugged "dude" iron man. He worked far away from Wasilla much of the year. Then their fishing business was inflated to the summers. I thought (having raised four children primarily myself for my husband traveled frequently) WTF? Who the hell is with the Palin kids? How can she be a hockey mom when both parents are MIA?

    Like how can Bristol be slaving 9 to 5, going to college burdened yet boast of being out of town more often then not? Wash wash the nanny did not do something so they lie they do it all. No moral compass....
    When we don't swallow the lies, grandiose exaggerations or pretend the kid is the best dancer in the world they call us "haters".

    PS Palin did not look pregnant and Bristol looked preggers or bizarre sudden obesity. Get over it. The public has a right to question and object to pathological liars in power.

  122. Anonymous8:06 PM

    Great post anon @6:36PM

    The only thing I would change is:

    "...they put the safety and security of THE WORLD in tremendous jeopardy."

    How fragile it all is. I still shake my head is disbelief.

  123. Anonymous8:07 PM

    emrysa @7:12
    "only 4 people would have to know the truth...
    todd, sarah, the doctor, and the mother."

    Actually, you're correct that it could be just four people who know the truth, but that might not necessarily include the mother.

    Palin's doctor founded The Children’s Place which helps victims of sexual abuse and molestation, including pregnant teens. If there was a teen who gave her baby up for adoption and that baby ended up being Trig, the biological mother might not even be aware that her baby ended up with the Palins. The fourth person could be an attorney who helped with the adoption. The doctor and lawyer would be bound by privilege and the Palins certainly aren't talking so there might not BE anyone who could provide proof, or to collect money as ak1953 suggested.

  124. Anonymous8:12 PM

    Anon 2:33 bravo to to re: Palin was so lacking compilation.

    Palin was so lacking in experience they presented her in a sexist way as a PTA and hockey mom.

    Palin is so lacking she postured as a frontier Annie Oakley boasting she kills for good so they can eat.

    I won't ever forget something Meghan McCain said. She had to meet with an Image Consultant. Meanwhile the unwed 17 year old pregnant girl was there.

  125. Anonymous10:37 PM

    I have known Wesley Loy for many years.
    He is a top notch reporter - but he knows next to nothing about women, let alone the expertise to determine if a pregnancy is real or not. No one should accept his opinion about $arah's condition as valid.
    Wesley writes for Petroleum News now.

  126. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Thanks for posting, Gryphen: ANOTHER Sarah / Trig photo in which Mrs.Palin wears HER leather jacket, the person to the right in the photo is wearing a coat AND scarf and how about baby Trig?

    As usual, the poor kid has no shoes, no jacket and yet again, Sarah carries him like a sack of potatos.

    Even worse, imo, is the fact that Trig is dressed in pants that look as if they are cutting into his waist most unmercifully.

    I guess we should all feel better that at least this time the kid isn't also barefoot? vhtg

  127. Anonymous5:51 AM


    That woman doesn't care about babies.

    I have never held my child like he was a sack of apples balanced as if I was about to drop the kid.

    Palin is not motherly...she doesn't appear affectionate unless it is a posed picture.

  128. rmclement5:59 AM

    Gryphen: Ironically, I've felt for a long time that the real "nail in the coffin" photo is the "Gusty" photo. Mothers can argue until the end of time over the: I was huge/I didn't show either issue, but to juxtapose this photo with SP's statements about never showing very much & the comments made by airline staff that her pregnancy wasn't apparent would surely open some eyes. Or keep posting that photo next to the April 8 photo with no comment. Of all the stupid mistakes SP made, I think that staged photo is the stupidest.

  129. Anonymous7:45 AM

    She holds that child like she's holding a shield or an amluet.
    Her body language speaks volumes.
    I highly doubt that's her biological child.


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