Saturday, April 23, 2011

So did this huge push to discredit those asking the Palin pregnancy questions finally shut Andrew Sullivan up? Yeah right!

From the Daily Beast:

I'm going to respond to Justin Elliott's alleged "definitive debunking" of the questions surrounding Sarah Palin's maternity of Trig in due course. It deserves more than an instant reaction - and adds two new sources to the dozens that have now emerged to shed partial light on the story. In the end, there are two stories here: the actual story and the meta-media-story. I'm interested in both equally. And the visceral contempt and dimissal for me personally is sadly a part of the latter.

One aspect of the meta-media-story is media intimidation - from within and without. MSM reporters tackling anything to do with the Palin pregnancy have to overcome what they know will be the spin from the Palinite right: that they are just liberal maniacs bent on destroying this real and talented hope for conservatism, precisely because she is such a hope for conservatism. This dynamic is one MSM reporters have internalized, making what would be routine questions and investigations of a public figure in, say, reality TV or national politics into exceptional and career-risking gambles.

And yes, before you ask, I am helping Sullivan as much as I can.

And Andrew may need as much support as he can get from all of you, because according to Wonkette he is about to become the target du jour of the "scary in their  own minds"Twitter cult called #TrigsCrew.

America’s surly unemployed white mouse-clickers need a little direction here. What website needs to be boycotted next? It appears it is Andrew Sullivan’s “Daily Dish,” because he has committed the Crime of repeatedly writing in a Disrespectful Way about Saint Sarah Palin and her baby. Do these people realize Andrew’s site isn’t just a couple of bloggers, but is actually part of the Daily Beast and Newsweek? Do they have enough twitterers and mouse-clickers on the ‘puters to click every ad on a hundred years of Newsweek archives and send illiterate twats to every banner advertiser? Is Sarah Palin’s army of deluded fools ready to go to bat? It’s one thing to get a Democratic congresswoman shot — that just takes one lunatic — but it’s an entirely different thing to ask people to wear out their clickin’ fingers before their programs come on the teevee.

Somehow I doubt this will be terribly successful since the Daily Beast certainly knew that they would suffer the airborne poop droppings of the Flying Monkeys when they hired Sullivan in the first place. Still I think he might like to hear that he has the support from those of us who are ALSO interested in seeing Sarah Palin's big lie revealed to the world.


  1. Anonymous5:56 PM

    I hope Andrew is being very careful. His writings range from infuriating to inspirational but agree or disagree everything he writes shows an intelligent thoughtfulness that the bot crowd just wouldn't understand.

  2. Anonymous6:10 PM

    Refreshing Rationality from New Yorker’s Amy Davidson

    April 24, 2011

    Finally, someone who personally believes that Sarah Palin gave birth to Trig respects the right of Andrew Sullivan and others to ask legitimate questions. Amy Davidson, a senior editor at The New Yorker posts on her Close Read blog.

    This is like a breath of pure oxygen after choking on the aggressive contempt spewed by Salon, HuffPo, etc. over the past few days.

    I can understand skepticism. But what’s fueling the anger of MSM toward those like Andrew Sullivan, who simply keep asking questions because no one is giving answers? You would think journalists would applaud Sullivan for doing his job. Instead, so many try to marginalize and demean him. I would expect this from hack polemicists like Breitbart, but I’d really like to know what’s behind the defensiveness at MSM sites such as Salon, Slate, and HuffPo.

    They laugh at and scorn Sarah for everything else she says, but on this one issue she’s declared beyond reproach and taken at her word? And the thoughtful and diligent Sullivan is ridiculed for saying it does matter if Sarah’s whole bit of performance art with Trig was only that?

    What could matter more? This woman almost became vice president of the United States, and still harbors hopes (because God will open the doors for her) of becoming president.

    I suspect, and certainly hope, that we’ve not heard the last from Andrew Sullivan on this question. I know we haven’t heard the last from me.

  3. WakeUpAmerica6:23 PM

    As the Tundra Turd said, "Game on!!" I call my twitter tag #FreeTrig. Please feel free to join in.

  4. Anonymous6:24 PM

    "because she is such a hope for conservatism?" HAHAHAHAHA (deep breath) HAHAHAHAHA

  5. Anonymous6:30 PM

    "Still I think he might like to hear that he has the support from those of us who are ALSO interested in seeing Sarah Palin's big lie revealed to the world."

    How's the best way to do that, since his blog doesn't take comments? Email him? Email Tina Brown? (DON'T SULLY SULLY bumper stickers?)

  6. Anonymous6:33 PM

    He's got my support.

    Go, Andrew!

  7. Janbj6:42 PM

    Just sent an email to Andrew Sullivan thanks for keeping the MSM and Sarah Palin acountable.
    And thank you, Gryph!

  8. Anonymous6:43 PM

    Andrew and Tina Brown rock, they will prevail. What is wonderful is the media attention the "Wild Ride" will get finally!

  9. Are they the same Palinites who staged the get off the road to ruin and the quitter anniversary march across a bridge?

    I will support Sullivan. My daughter became upset and cried when she learned about the Wild Ride. Newly pregnant she knew enough and saw birthing programs depicting good judgment putting a fetus' well being first especially a high risk fetus. If people have not heard Palin telling the shocking tale then they probably believe people made it up to "destroy" her.

    When Palin rants everyone wanted Trig to Not be her I strongly believe she is projecting. Todd Palin is equally guilty. IMO a hoax is preferable to the wild ride being true.
    McCain spun it Palin is one tough lady. She is closer to a depraved indifferent person.

  10. Anonymous6:50 PM

    I'm so glad to hear this. This is great news. This story is gaining momentum, that's why Sarah is arranging for these new flying monkeys. She will not address this personally but it's obvious that she's behind countering attempts and she really can't be happy that she is very close to everyone calling her bluff. Eventually she will run out of cards to play.

  11. Miss Demeanor6:50 PM

    We ALL need to stand up to this attack on our First Amendment rights by these big companies, and the flying monkeys that seem to direct them.
    I spent my Saturday sending letters to Vanguard, Nordstrom, Betty Crocker, Ford, HP, Adope, Toyota, Kodak, Coca Cola, Hyatt, AT&T, Fed Ex, GM, Pottery Barn, Kraft Foods, Microsoft and Simon & Schuster telling them that 1) I will pull my stocks and retirement accounts from them, and that I am one of many who will NOT tolerate the big business take-over of free speech. Yes, what Wonkette published about Trig was disgusting, but as with Malkin, Breitbart et al, I will defend to the death their right to do so. This is the USA, right?
    As I tell Andrew Sullivan - thanks for all you do. You too, Gryphen,
    are a person of courage!
    We will not let you be silenced!

  12. Anonymous6:50 PM


    President Obama is virtually begging Fox News, the birthers, and Donald Trump to continue raising this “issue.” In fact, the Obama 2012 campaign is openly rooting for Donald Trump to win the Republican nomination. The birth certificate conspiracy theorists are helping him get reelected every time they raise the subject.

    Obama is so concerned that he has turned ridiculing the birthers into his opening joke on the road. Obama isn’t afraid of the birthers. He is laughing at them. They are the butt of his jokes.

    At this rate President Obama’s birther humor is going to keep audiences in stitches all the way through his reelection in 2012.

  13. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I hope the truth comes out soon. Sarah is not Trig's biological mother. I think he was born earlier than she claims and he is Bristol's.

  14. Anonymous6:53 PM

    So... what do we need to do?

  15. Anonymous6:56 PM

    Andrew is the anti-spiral of silence.

  16. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Andrew is a true intellectual and gives not a shit what the palintards throw. He's got balls of fucking titanium, as most gay men I know do. They earned them the hard way. Go try to intimidate the bastard. Just try. He won't budge unless you prove him wrong with evidence. She can basically forget getting him to back down. Griff. You're of the mold. Keep up.

  17. Anonymous7:04 PM

    Did Wonkette actually use the word "twats"??? LOL

  18. Anonymous7:05 PM

    Sarah Palin has tarnished her brand, however, it still is a brand and the people that are invested in it are gonna fight for it.

    What I find most satisfying is that the more they try to shut it down, the more suspicious it becomes. The more suspicious it becomes, the more it whets the appetite of REAL investigative journalists, bloggers and authors, and everyday people who 'smell somethin' fishy' and fishy it is, to the max.

    People don't like being tricked. It pisses them off. It makes them feel foolish and gullible. So when they smell a whiff of 'something's not right here', they want to know more to clarify things in their own minds.

    This Palin saga is a stench of 'something's way wrong here' and that is why it isn't going to go away.

    It will be interesting how vicious and backstabbing this becomes, a DIRECT reflection of the degree of secrecy that is to be maintained.

    The more desperate the cornered animal, the bigger the snarl.

    Mama Grizzly, you are goin' DOWN!

  19. Anonymous7:07 PM

    My thoughts? At this point leave the paternity alone, focus and repeat and re-tell the wild ride. That's enough. It leads to the paternity question without going where no one wants to tread.

    THE FREAKING WILD RIDE. She either lacks judgement in a big way or is lying. Win/Win.


  20. Miss Demeanor7:10 PM

    "What should we do?"
    Wonkette is basically being shut down because all the advertisers are pulling their ad monies.
    We need to let The Daily Beast know not to bend to that pressure. We critical thinkers have power too! None of the companies that pulled their ads from Wonkette will get my business.
    P.S. I need to hit the donate button for IM, too. Thanks again, Gryphen, for keeping this story alive. WGE is not going to get away with her serial lies forever.

  21. Anonymous7:11 PM

    What can we do to make our voices heard? There are clearly many of us who question the validity of Sarah Palin's absurd wild ride story. And if most are like me and don't want to be marginalized like the Birthers, we really need to organize and get this out there and keep it out there and demand the media do their job and hold Sarah Palin accountable. So, what do we do?

  22. Andrew if you're reading this you do have the support of quite a few of us. I have always applauded you and your efforts to bring the truth to light. Keep on my friend.

    PS: Why isn't there a way to email him from his blog?

  23. Anonymous7:21 PM!/dailydish

    is Andrew's Twitter account if you want to Tweet him.

  24. Anonymous7:36 PM

    what I find most revealing is the frantic usage of words like 'definitive debunking' and 'putting this to rest' these are words that are really saying 'back off', 'don't come any closer'. It really is desperate and anxiety ridden and screams of Sarah Palin's hand on every level.

    There is no 'final debunking' unless DNA is examined. Period. There is no other way to put this to rest. And that isn't likely to happen, unless we get some sleuthy, go-getter investigative journalist who harvests both Sarah's and Trig's DNA surrepticiously and has it analyzed by an independent agent.

    From where I sit, this is just getting started, and is far from being shut down or swept under the rug. This is gonna get into heretofore unknown territory, and it's just going to take one little slip up to blow it all wide open.

    Who will it be Sarah herself? Creepy Chuckie? Bristol? Levy? A previously silenced employee finally coming clean? A friend who got thrown under the bus? It will be fascinating to see who finally brings Sarah down.

    My money is on Sarah.

  25. Anonymous7:52 PM

    How's the best way to do that, since his blog doesn't take comments? Email him? Email Tina Brown? (DON'T SULLY SULLY bumper stickers?)"

    email him:

    Scroll down his site, on the right column is a place to click Email Andrew.

  26. Anonymous7:56 PM

    Andrew Sullivan has my support.

    @7:36 PM "'definitive debunking' and 'putting this to rest' these are words that are really saying 'back off', 'don't come any closer'."

    I agree.
    Just using those words doesnt mean a thing.
    Like SP stamping her feets.

  27. Anonymous8:09 PM

    6:58--Andrew is a true intellectual and gives not a shit what the palintards throw. He's got balls of fucking titanium, as most gay men I know do. They earned them the hard way. Go try to intimidate the bastard. Just try. He won't budge unless you prove him wrong with evidence. She can basically forget getting him to back down. Griff. You're of the mold. Keep up.

    Right fucking on. There was a sudden altercation at my grocery store the other day, inside and then out in the parking lot. Two guys, one big, the other compact and incredibly fit looking. At some poing the big one called the other one a faggot. The "faggot" seemed to grow to twice his size and got right up in the big guy's face shouting, "You're fucking right I'm a faggot. I AM a faggot, and this faggot's gonna KICK YOUR ASS!" It was a great moment. Everybody knew he could and would do that. Then the big guy's girlfriend got between them, and the gay guy walked away, disgusted, furious, and very powerful and sexy.

  28. Anonymous8:10 PM

    I really appreciate how Andrew Sullivan has stated the two prongs of this truly weird story. The media angle fascinates me, particularly how easy words like "Sarah Palin is one tough lady" were uttered by newscasters (I'm talking to you, David Gregory) back in 2008 when her reckless story made national headlines. Most women I know didn't consider her a frontier hero - we saw her as a foolish, ignorant fool for endangering the life of that baby. Only I looked further - and I don't believe she was pregnant at all. I hope some can grow up and move past their hurt feelings about being tricked by Palin, and start objectively reporting the inconsistencies & improbabilities in her story.

  29. Anonymous8:10 PM

    This story is MUCH bigger than the "wild ride" currently being discussed. It also includes a state governor at official functions that can be pinned down to the date and hour. A governor with a flat stomach at 4, 5, 6 and 7 months of supposed pregnancy. Anyone who has had children knows that you can't cross your legs much less lean forward at 7 months - but there she is sitting next to Janet Napolitano in that video from March 2008. If she were anyone else she could claim that the pictures were from an earlier date. These pictures include people who were only at these official events once.

    Also remember that there was a daughter out of school for five months of the school year.

    What about the intense scrubbing of the state websites, the removal of the 2 babies actually born on April 18th, 2008 from the MatSu hospital birth announcement website, and the erasing (or hard drive swap) of the contents of the Johnston's home computer? I watched the first two happen in real time on August 29-31, 2008. What were they hiding?

    I think her incredible defensiveness from the beginning of her VP campaign speaks volumes.

    This would have been just a small scandal if she had stayed in Alaska. I do not believe she did this to boost her pro-life status. I think she did this to protect her and her family's reputation. If she had expected to face national scrutiny she would have done a better job. Imagine how difficult this would be for the narcissist. "Should I add the pillow today? I look soo much better without it. I don't want to look fat in this outfit! Nobody will notice. I'll just add the scarf. Everyone knows I've got iron abs"

    I will never trust American news media again. Watching news anchors talk about someone they knew so little about really opened my eyes. If they can't get the story right about something at home, can we believe a story about Libya?

    Thank you Gryphen for staying on the story.

  30. Ratfish8:15 PM

    Sarah Palin getting on a plane in Dallas after her water breaks (instead of using nearby high level medical facilities), flying to Seattle (same), flying to Anchorage (same) and then driving 40 miles- never telling flight attendants anything and definitely putting other passenger at risk is reckless.

    It gets worse, however. When rumors started swirling- prior to her selection as McCain's running mate, that Bristol, and not Sarah Palin, was Trig's birth mother, all Sarah Palin had to do was ask her doctor- who had already issued a written statement on the subject confirming that Sarah Palin had indeed given birth to Trig- to join her at a press availability and/or produce the birth certificate. She didn't. Baffling behavior.

    Later, as the rumors were heard by the McCain campaign, Sarah Palin felt compelled to do something and- again instead of doing the above- announced to the world that her 17 year old daughter was pregnant, was getting married to her fiance Levi, etc. Why on earth would a parent deliberately embarrass and mortify a teenage daughter when there was a simple alternative? More baffling behavior.

    And then lately- despite the Trig issue coming up again after the Kentucky journalism's professor's paper, she commends Trump for his efforts regarding Obama's birth certificate. This is not baffling- Sarah Palin is a master of hypocrisy and deceit.

    There is nothing too small for Sarah Palin to lie about.

    One example: In her early myth building Palin frequently told a story about her and Todd "eloping" to save her parents the expense of a wedding. Now, as you know, her parents have as much dough as most Alaskans, and of course she could have had a small, inexpensive with a potluck dinner or whatever.

    Then, on August 29, 2008, when McCain trotted her out in Dayton, he announced it was his 72nd birthday. (Without thinking?) Palin announced it was her 20th anniversary as well.

    If you go to Alaska Court Records and check out Track Palin's date of birth, you will find out that Track was born on April 20, 1989, or about 6 weeks "early."

    Palin has always claimed that her first pregnancy was normal and full term, plus a 6 week preemie would be put into a neonatal ICU.

    The NY Times did a story, a small one about the elopment lie and then this one.

    "The Palins eloped on Aug. 29, 1988, and their first son, Track, was born eight months later, a fact that Maria Comella of the McCain campaign, declined to elaborate on. “They were high school sweethearts who got married and ended up having five beautiful children together,” Ms. Comella said."

    And then there are her lies regarding :

    1. earmarks and the bridge to nowhere.

    Great story on the Palin administration building a road to the bridge- with a federal earmark!

    2. low taxes and small government- she raised corporate taxes on oil companies by the greatest amount in state history- which the current R governor and some legislators are trying to undo. High taxes are her legacy.

  31. Anonymous8:20 PM

    6:50--"We ALL need to stand up to this attack on our First Amendment rights by these big companies, and the flying monkeys that seem to direct them.I spent my Saturday sending letters to Vanguard, Nordstrom, Betty Crocker," Ford, HP, Adope, Toyota, Kodak, Coca Cola, Hyatt, AT&T, Fed Ex, GM, Pottery Barn, Kraft Foods, Microsoft and Simon & Schuster telling them "

    Hey, don't knock it, it's how we got rid of Glenn Beck. If there really is an effort to shut down writers of the stature and independence of Andrew, then I'll believe that there's a political attack on free speech going on rather than advertisers responding to customers and economics. It's not an attack on free speech to remove your remove your advertising. Wonkette fucked up but they're handling it with balls. The advertisers will probably come back but it they don't I think new ones will--again for $$ ather than political reasons. Meanwhile, having Andrew's back, by doing things like you suggested (eg contacting advertisers) is the most important thing for now.

  32. GA Peach8:21 PM

    I'm always amazed when anybody thinks that the truth stays silent.

    From Shakespeare's The Merchant of Venice, 1596:

    LAUNCELOT: Nay, indeed, if you had your eyes, you might fail of
    the knowing me: it is a wise father that knows his
    own child. Well, old man, I will tell you news of
    your son: give me your blessing: truth will come
    to light; murder cannot be hid long; a man's son
    may, but at the length truth will out.

  33. Anonymous8:23 PM

    I join in supporting Andrew Sullivan.

    Going after Palin's "wild ride" might be a better idea to get out there - it shows another negative side of her as to decision making - obvious no regard for her (supposed) baby and it is documented by her own words and that of her Dad. She could not wiggle out of the story.

    Ideas on how we can show Sullivan support as a group?

  34. Lynn in Ann Arbor8:35 PM

    Per Daily Kos Andrew Sullivan will be guesting on The Chris Matthews Show Sunday morning. Feedback and support to Sully on Twitter @dailydish

  35. Anonymous8:40 PM

    I'm noticing that it is predominantly men who are speaking on this issue. Where are the women journalists who are taking an objective view on this and speaking about it?

    If one reviews the 'evidence', the images, the videos, the discrepancies in Sarah's stories, the timeline, the state of Trig's health, the size of the babies, etc. how can they NOT come away at least doubtful of the 'official' story. It boggles.

  36. Anonymous8:44 PM

    @ 8:23 and Gryphen
    Their doing their best to squash this story, which means it's true. Who would go to this length and WHY? Why do they want to protect Palin to this extreme. Not because she can win POTUS, never happen. So who are they really trying to protect? McCain and his 2008 campaigh? Someone is afraid of something.
    How to help Sullivan. Boycott all ads on fox and friends and Hannity for a start.They talk their bither junk all the time. Then go after Rush. Lets start Fox feel the pinch and pinch them good. Glenn is gone we can do it again. Thats how we can help. We can go after
    Breitbart too. Thinking won't do it action will and we'll win.

  37. Anonymous8:57 PM

    With all the noise all over the net, I find it curious that RAM hasn't posted a facebook screed addressing it. It's absolutely quiet. Van Flein hasn't threatened any lawsuits. Just behind the scenes manipulation of journalists is what appears to be the order of the day.

    And where is Todd? Why isn't he defending his wife, his son? Why nothing from the 'father' of the child? Where is that 'family sticks together' mantra they claim? It's odd and disturbing that he doesn't speak on behalf of his family, whatever the story is. He doesn't represent much of a protective male entity, does he?

  38. Anonymous9:29 PM

    Everybody's an expert on this subject is seems! This guy seems to be parroting 'talking points'. Why anyone would trust anything that Sarah Palin says is beyond my comprehension.

  39. Anonymous9:33 PM

    Next time they will use someone not as ignorant as Palin. Exposing the truth behind Palin exposes them. They are determined to squash this. Powerful folks and a lot of money are behind this. Think theocracy.

  40. Anonymous9:42 PM

    I said this in the other thread:
    "I think Andrew is also receiving enormous pressure to cease and desist talking about it after what happened with Wonkette advertisers, many are trying to tie the Dish and Daily Beast to that by offering false analogies."

    And now Gryph is highlighting the fact that he is in contact with Andrew:
    "And yes, before you ask, I am helping Sullivan as much as I can."

    There is a reason other prominent and influential AK bloggers have backed off this whole pregnancy hoax story. I commend Andrew for his persistence and keeping it clear that he just thinks Palin should be asked reasonable questions on this, and someone should hold her accountable for example for saying she released the birth certificate when she hasn't.

    I agree with SJP anon@7:07 who said:
    "At this point leave the paternity alone, focus and repeat and re-tell the wild ride. That's enough. It leads to the paternity question without going where no one wants to tread."

    And I believe that there are so many real issues to bring up about Mrs Palin if she should ever again run for office (she isn't running for president though because of reasons that should have been obvious all along, she is only in it for the money in my opinion, and Gryph it would make a good post and thread on why she likely won't run for president).

    Not saying to drop this. But there comes a point where it isn't helping anyone but Sarah and hurting other good people and hurting their reputations. That has been the deal all along, it's why it wasn't covered. Wasn't done right. Should have been focused primarily on the wild ride story.

    And geez, some are so quick to attack those who don't agree, like Julia, or HuffPo, or Salon...there comes a point where it just isn't beneficial to attack "one's own."

    What's next, Andrew says he won't cover it any longer and everyone demeans him?

  41. Anonymous10:20 PM

    The problem that I have with the diatribe: " some are so quick to attack those who don't agree, like Julia, or HuffPo, or Salon...there comes a point where it just isn't beneficial to attack "one's own." . . . is that their stance is self-serving, and along with simple sarah & McCain, they're complicit in the spiraling silence.

    To each, his/her own ~ and we've come too far to let them off the hook now.

    Keep beating the drums, for TRUTH will prevail.

  42. Anonymous10:33 PM

    Anon @9:42PM

    Why are you trying to deflect?
    The search for truth in this case should never be dropped. This women was on the ticket to be second in line to the most powerful position in the world. How does revealing the truth hurt "other good people." What have these "other good people" done? Would we still consider them good people if we knew? I want to know the truth not a fairy tale. Calling out people who put forth fairy tales is part of what must be done to get to the truth in this case. They shouldn't have told the fairy tales in the first place. I want to tread there. I am not alone.

  43. Anonymous10:34 PM

    I have known Wesley Loy (the latest 'source' to write about Pay-lin's 'pregnancy') for many years.
    He is a top notch reporter - but he knows next to nothing about women, let alone the expertise to determine if a pregnancy is real or not. No one should accept his opinion about $arah's condition as valid.

  44. Anjaak10:44 PM

    Sarah is milking all of this attention. She is obsolete at this point & she'll take what she can get. For a narcissus, any news is good news. I am convinced that she doesn't end the birth controversy because it makes her courageous motherhood odyssey relevant.

    as far as i can tell, the Palins have high-tailed it out of Alaska & all moved to Arizona. (Wait until it is 110 degrees, they will all be back)

    We haven't seen Piper or Willow or Trig for months. Todd is in the dog house, running his tail between his legs.(Ms.Tripp)

    Track is in flight school? Just what I wanted, an ex/addict flying my plane... (can we ask airlines who are pilots are before we pay for an expensive ticket???)

    Bristol wants to show off her new chin & body. Good work, the next Joan Rivers who is not even old enough to drink. (What does it mean when you ruin your body with surgery, when you looked fine before?)

    Anyway...they continue to live lives of luxury/agony as we continue to wonder what they will do next.

    When will it end?

  45. I don't get these comments about how we should only focus on the Wild Ride. They seem to be urging us all to pursue a united strategy based not on what we believe, but on what might be most successful. Sorry, but we are not bots. If you honestly believe Sarah is Trig's birth mother and the Wild Ride really happened, fine. I don't and I won't pretend otherwise.

  46. Anonymous11:22 PM

    Andrew Sullivan has my support.

  47. Anonymous11:40 PM

    Trigscrew? GMAFB

    If these fools are really for the little tyke they would had condemned palin's "Wild Ride" where the insufferable bitch put a known sickly child in grave danger over and over again.

    trigscrew see nothing wrong with palin endangering the little guys life or her unmotherly ways with this child of special needs.

    These asshole can kiss my round, shiny ass.

  48. Anonymous12:25 AM

    The insufferable bitch can end all doubt by providing proof that trig wasn't really put in all her silly, lameass wanton mess. She placed her unborn child in many dangerous situations before, during and after his birth.

    It obvious she can't supply proof to any of her dumbass antics because she's a fucking liar. She wants us to take her at her word altho she is totally irresponsible and a pathological liar.

    She is the one who bragged about putting trig in harms way...laughing and appearing to be unconcerned about trig's health.

  49. Anonymous12:28 AM

    Hope Andrew lets the FBI have a list of the Palin hit squad, and charges are brought on EACH and EVERY one of them.

  50. Anonymous1:10 AM

    Thank you, 7:07. Yes, and Amen.

  51. The disdain for Sullivan from the MSM is coming from the same place as Sarah's disdain: fear.

    In Sarah's case she is terrified she'll be exposed for perpetuating the biggest public hoax ever. In the MSM's case, they are terrified that they'll be exposed for missing the biggest public hoax ever.

    Both Sarah and the mainstream media (and lackey bloggers like HuffPo) are sadly lacking in ethics. That they've joined her in the screeching meanness masquerading as a defense proves how much alike they are really are.

    That's bad for the nation, especially for the thinking public.

  52. Anonymous3:31 AM

    Andrew is a great American who stands for truth? It is time to put the quitter back in the box cause this country doesn't need anymore Sarah Palin moose shit and lies. Sarah and her blood libel is the scum of the earth, take her down. She is a lying fraud.

  53. Anonymous3:33 AM

    Wasn't it reported somewhere (or was it rumours?) that she had had a tubal before her "pregnancy" with Trig? I'd like to hear more about that.

  54. FloridaDem3:57 AM

    It's really obvious there is a concerted effort to quash the story because they're all coming out at the same exact time, it's not genuine, and there are zero explanations to accompany each tale, in terms of addressing the reason behind the individual's previous withholding of information. It's just all vomited out at once, hoping to have an impact with quantity, not quality. But immediately none of it stood up to scrutiny, as the primary source was exposed yesterday as a palin operative (from bailey's book) and the others were too vague to matter.

    Personally, I don't know if she's the biological mother or not, but if these mouthpieces think that THIS is the way to debunk the theory, then they have done a very poor job indeed. And besides, if it is true she's the mother then that leaves us with the wild ride, which is inexcusable.

    So the bottom line here is that Sarah's lying, like she always does, and uses more lies to cover up the previous lies, as liars must do. She can't even get the hospital name straight, she switched that up herself and the truthers had nothing to do with that at all.

    I don't know what the real truth is. Did she cover for Bristol's pregnancy then Bristol purposely got pregnant again (out of spite or anger or depression?). Did she cover for a different family member? Did she really get pregnant with Trig then go through the wild ride without much concern for the fetus? Did she lie about her water breaking and it actually didn't and she went to the hospital to have labor induced so she could get the baby out as soon as possible and start using it as a campaign tool? Did she get pregnant, abort or miscarry, then start faking a pregnancy so she could adopt a baby out of guilt? These are all just thoughts in my head and I don't know what is true or false because she's a liar, period. But the wild ride as it stands is indefensible and if that's the behavior Sarah Palin wants us to believe she engaged in, then she still has a problem even if all the truthers went away right now.

  55. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Don't give up, don't be intimidated by the flying monkeys. It is time to quit accepting everything that Sarah Palin says. She is a liar of the first degree and must be held accountable for her many lies.

    If you give up now and go silent then you will be silenced forever. Trig must be the child of Bristol, Willow, or Track because there is no way in hell that Sarah would have pretended to be pregnant otherwise.

    Either the child belongs to one of her kids or Sarah obtained the child to pretend she was a saint in order to get elected. If Sarah hadn't pulled the biggest scam in politics, then we wouldn't be after the truth.

    The truth is what we strive for and we shouldn't take anything less than the truth. Be persistant, my friends and you will be richly rewarded with blessings of the truth.

    Gryphen, stay true and keep digging for the truth.

  56. Anonymous4:28 AM

    6:58... did you read that Mr. Sullivan just now (after 18 something years) received his permanent Green Card?
    This man is an "out and proud lit brit" who has courageously lived with the fear of being separated from all he has built in this country. He has been open about being HIV positive, in spite of societal pressures to demonize that illness.

    He has not permitted his immigration status to be a hindrance in voicing his opinions both politically and sociologically.

    Explanation for anyone who is not familiar with basic immigration laws: he was NOT an Illegal Alien! The process of obtaining the Green Card can be long and arduous unless one is Australian-born, internationally powerful Media Mogul, now American Rupert Murdoch and others like him, who can "lobby", (bribe) their way into the system.

    Heroes are not fearless, they live with fears and go on regardless to live their Truth to its highest potential. To paraphrase Keith Olbermann:
    That man is a hero!

    Gryph, if given the chance, please convey my gratitude to Mr. Sullivan for his courage and honesty.


  57. Anonymous4:29 AM

    6:58 did you read that Mr. Sullivan just now (after 18 something years) got his permanent Green Card?
    Yes, this man is an "out and proud lit brit" who has lived with the fear of being separated from all he has built in this country.
    He has been open about being HIV positive, in spite of societal pressures to demonize that illness.

    Heroes are not fearless, they live with fears and go on regardless. To paraphrase Keith Olbermann:
    That man is a hero!

    Gryph, if given the chance, please convey my gratitude to Mr. Sullivan for his courage and honesty.

  58. Anonymous4:44 AM

    I will defend to the death their right to do so.


    Really? What if Wonkette made that same article mocking a gay person? a black person? What if they accused Obama, Clinton, Bush is incest? You'd do EXACTLY what people are doing and boycott them and their sponsors.

    The first amendment was not meant to defend depravity and hate crimes. So fuck you!

  59. Anonymous5:15 AM - is Fox News Quitting Sarah Palin?

  60. Anonymous5:16 AM

    Someone in the family is going to blow it all one day, they will get so sick of all this deceit and they will tell all.

    I really believe the truth will come out of nowhere, but that will only happen because of the pressure we keep on this issue.

  61. Anonymous5:29 AM

    Does anyone know of sponsors who advertise on nottoobrightbarf site and not on the Daily Beast?

    I don't know why he this dirty creep should have advertisers and the Daily Beast shouldn't.

  62. ManxMamma5:29 AM

    I, too, support Andrew. I'm also impressed by the quality of the comments posted on this thread. Very articulate and polished.

  63. Actually, Wonkette hasn't been discouraged in the least by the attacks.

    They've obviously backed off from the not-at-all-funny Trig angle, but they haven't backed off from mocking Palin and her Flying Monkeys, including Breitbart.

    This is their current lead story -- "KOCH INDUSTRIES Breitbart-Palin Mob’s Next Target: Andrew Sullivan" By KEN LAYNE
    8:41 PM APRIL 23, 2011

  64. Anonymous6:53 AM

    Ultimately, what HuffPo won't touch (because let's face it, it's Brietbart 2.0 these days) Tina Brown will. You think Tina's afraid of Paylin? Hell no she aint'! This "story" is just simmering up and he's right about it being about two stories: The hoax itself AND the media's complicity in it.

  65. Laura Novak7:03 AM

    @anon 8:40. I am a woman journalist and a mother who gave birth to a medically fragile child after a high risk pregnancy and complicated delivery. And I am hard at work on this story.

    I am wide open to all sides and possibilities, which any good reporter should be.

    Prof. Brad Scharlott and I continue to dissect the media angle, and in fact are reworking our Part 4 because that angle just keeps getting weirder.

    This most recent interview with I did with a pediatric specialist offered a different perspective:

    And I am working on an interview with another neonatologist who will likely offer different views.

    Any tips or leads are welcome. My contact page is private to my email.

    And Gryphen, that goes for the women who say they know about the tubal ligation. Please ask them to contact me. Many thanks ,Laura

  66. Anonymous7:39 AM

    Pregnant women evacuate the bowels when labor commences. 100% of the time, unless there is a case I missed in research somewhere.

    My question to all of you "How large is that opening in the airline toilets?"

    Think about it.

  67. The terrible thing about being journalism/punditry in America today is that being right is meaningless, if not detrimental to careers. Just look at the Iraq war. People like Robert Scheer and (a very few) others who dared publicly question the wisdom of attacking iraq, have seen their careers stall. Scheer was fired from his Los Angeles Times column and Phil Donahue was fired by MSNBC. While those who were wrong -- the Tom Freidmans and Think Tank hacks -- have seen their careers flourish. Nobody ever brings up how completely wrong they were about everything and why anyone should listen to anything they have to say on any subject.

    As such, I think it's too late to help Andrew Sullivan. Even if he is proven right in the end, he has apparently crossed the megacorporations that own the media in America and his career will likely never recover.

  68. Anonymous8:00 AM

    With no punctuation or capitalization, that hash tag could be #TrigsCrew or #TrigScrew. I'm thinking the latter is more fitting, because the poor kid has been screwed his whole life by the actions and attitudes of Mommie Dearest.

    Tripp's mom publicly said he was a mistake. Trig's mom is still, three years later, talking about how not aborting him was such a sacrificial and noble decision. What about celebrating the life he has now, the person he is? Sarah, stop implying that his life is less worthy than your other children, whom you never considered aborting (not that I really believe you faced that decision with Trig, since I don't think you were actually PG).

  69. emrysa8:22 AM

    this entire episode has been fascinating to watch. who would have thought that scharlott's paper going public would have produced such interesting results? we are watching his spiral of silence theory play out right before our eyes. and the lessons learned about reporters, the media, and the manipulation of the public - so very valuable. I appreciate the efforts of all the people who have refused to sweep this hoax under the rug!

  70. Anonymous8:26 AM

    Andrew Sullivan, I love you. You made polysyllabicity sexy again!

  71. Anonymoust at 2:45: I agree with what you said about Palin and the MSM reacting out of fear ... but I disagree that the MSM is fearful of being exposed at missing the biggest hoax of all time: they had to know it was a hoax, no they are implicit in the coverup; someone, some faction of the MSM have had plenty of opportunities to step up to the plate and ask the pertinent questions and do some investigative research with money and sources that we bloggers just do not have, but no ... they have not done that! They did not just miss something ... they helped to hide it! And I hate them for that. Who can trust the media? Not me.

  72. Anonymous9:10 AM

    Isn't the Stud Boy Todd still in Alaska? Isn't Willow in hiding and living with another family? What happened to Gino, the Italian Stallion? Is he still living with Bristol the Pistol and getting her done?

    Which one of the Heath's has Tri-G?


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