Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Reporter Laura Novak's third installment of her interview with Professor Scharlott.

Courtesy of Laura Novak's blog:

LN: But you also said that the McCain camp felt the need to respond to the rumor that Mrs. Palin did not give birth to Trig Palin, even though none of the mainstream press in the Lower 48 picked up the story. The campaign did this by saying Bristol Palin was pregnant. You then write: “It seemed strange and needless. A birth certificate would have settled the matter, as would a statement from the hospital or from the doctor who delivered the child.” Had that happened, you and I would likely not be discussing this today. So, what’s your theory on why that didn’t happen?

BS: Why didn’t Sarah Palin offer documentary proof she’s the mother? There would seem to be two possible answers, and they are not mutually exclusive: 1) she’s not the birth mother; and 2) she’s mentally unbalanced.

In a story with so many bizarre twists and turns, THIS one has always really bothered me.

Here was Sarah's chance to grab the brass ring, from what we know about Palin one would think she would do ANYTHING to make the McCain campaign think she was a team player. In other words that she was an asset, NOT a potential time bomb just waiting to explode and embarrass them in front of the American voters.

My working theory is that the McCain campaign had NO idea that Palin pulled off this pregnancy hoax when they tapped her for the VP slot.  So either they found out about it later and helped cover for her, the possibility of which would make this scandal the biggest political story since Watergate, or she simply did not cooperate when they asked for documentation, and for some reason they did not feel comfortable pursuing it.

The latter theory might mean she told them she was unable to produce it, and then gave them some crazy story as to why, or she flatly refused and essentially rolled the dice that they would be too uncomfortable with the idea of pursuing such a personal line of questioning that they would drop it, and simply promote the revelation of her daughter's pregnancy as all the evidence necessary to put the matter to rest.

Personally I have a hard time not believing that some McCain staff members either knew, or had strong suspicions, that Palin was pulling a fast one on the American people.

I have heard rumors that there were McCain staff members who knew, as well as that there are also a number of RNC people who have no doubt Palin faked the pregnancy. Sadly those are still only in the rumor category.

My guess is if Palin DOES decide to run that we will quickly learn if these are just rumors, or if they are important pieces of information carefully protected just for that eventuality.


  1. Anonymous11:47 AM

    The mental health issues are front and center, finally. She's a sociopath.

  2. Anonymous11:47 AM


    This is pretty funny Gryphen!!

  3. Olivia11:52 AM

    I don't think it would ever occur to her that she should be or should want to be or would want to show someone that she is a team player. After all, God chose her, not McCain and Sarah is all about Sarah and no one else.
    Which brings me to the conclusion that 1) she’s not the birth mother; and 2) she’s mentally unbalanced.
    Of course there are so many other things that bring me to the same conclusion.

  4. Anonymous11:54 AM

    Is this a strange picture? It looks like her head is far too big for her neck - like it's been photoshopped or she's sticking her head waaaay out there.

  5. Anonymous11:56 AM

    I maintain she WANTS everyone to think she
    isn't Trig's birth mother. That looks better
    than what appears to have been an attempt
    on his life. Better to look like a grandma
    covering for a lusty teen, than be a neglectful
    pregnant woman. If he'd landed in the
    toilet--would he have stayed in the toilet?
    She did not seem concerned. Trig's birth
    looks like a late-term, home-made abortion.
    She admitted she debated having an abortion
    after she found out he was retarded. She
    said no one in that town (New Orleans?)
    knew her.

  6. Anonymous12:03 PM

    I think it was too late for the McCain campaign when they found out about the pregnancy hoax and they were forced to follow along over lose McCain any chance of the presidency.
    At this point a birth certificate is not enough, SP's FULL medical records would have to be released. As a mother I can't imagine ANY woman not clearing up this rumor when it would have been covered in her releasing her FULL medical records that she promised to do and didn't. The only reason SP hasn't is that there are no ultrasounds, no prenatal appts, no meeting with a specialist to diagnose Trig in utero, because Trig was NEVER in Sarah's uterus.

  7. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Most adults know when they ask a Yes or No question and get something else as a response, that the person is probably lying. They asked her if she gave birth to Trig, and instead of just saying "Yes", she said "Bristol's pregnant." Of course the McCain campaign knew. Steve Schmidt is a very smart guy. Whether they have the real story is hard to know, but certainly they knew she was evading their question. What's odd is she could perpetrate such a hoax, but is reluctant to look someone in the eye and say "Yes, I gave birth to Trig." Someone knows who has told her if she ever out and out lies about it, they'll come forward, otherwise, you'd think the lie would just roll off her tongue like nothing. "Of course I gave birth to Trig."

  8. Anonymous12:05 PM

    She responds to every slight - every single ridiculous slight and NEVER let's things go (a la Katie Couric or SNL mocking her) so the fact that she is mum on this blows my mind. What is her game here? Does this make her sympathetic figure?

    If she let's herself get "Tree'd by Chihuahua's" like her failed-to-be-confirmed Attorney General appointee Wayne Anthony Ross aptly stated, why is she not disputing this?

    Cause the mentally insane bitch get's off on letting us get all wee-wee'd up. I have to laugh at myself here also too.

  9. Anonymous12:10 PM

    Can we also get back to the fucked up way she informed family, friends and constituents about his birth? In the 'voice' of God?

    The woman just can't be a normal housewife from Wasilla, she just had to have "abs of still" and not show during her seventh pregnancy and have a "cervix of still" to get back to the Last Frontier to birth her latest fish picker AND birth God's second child. . .

    Fucked up family. Period.

  10. lilly lily12:12 PM

    Read Goeffrey Dunn and his analysis in Business Insider.

  11. Anonymous12:13 PM

    The entire McCain campaign should be pilloried regardless if they suspected a pregnancy hoax. She was a dangerous idiot, they all knew it, and none of them stepped forward to warn America until after the election was over. Can you imagine if McCain had won? They would have been responsible for putting that evil shrew second in command. I will never forget McCain and his staffers put this country in so much danger.

  12. Anonymous12:14 PM

    Look directly into the pre-most-recent-plastic-surgery face of Sarah Palin as she holds that baby. I do not see an attractive woman there--I see full-on crazy.

  13. The two theories are definitely not mutually exclusive! LOL

  14. This is not a picture of a 45-year-old postpartum mom. Sorry it's just not...

  15. Anonymous12:24 PM

    I have always thought that part of what has protected Palin is that people just cannot fathom that a sitting Governor would fake a pregnancy.

    She FAKED her pregnancy?! Come on! Who would do that?

    Why, she'd have to be insane!

    Ding ding ding!

    She was and she is.

  16. Anonymous12:27 PM

    11:54 - it's the perspective of the camera, plus she's sticking her neck out, plus she does have a rather large head for her body.

  17. Anonymous12:28 PM

    Thanks for sharing the picture of Ruffles. I have sent many people to your "Tale of Two Babies" post lately as I think the fact that Sarah represented several babies to the public as Trig is very weird. Who is this baby? What happened to him? Do you know?

  18. Anonymous12:29 PM

    You know this picture has always bugged me for some reason. It does look photo shopped.

    I am assuming this picture was taken on the day she brought him to the office three days after birth. I don't know but how could she be in such a form fitting suit? Her milk had to be coming in and I think most of us would not be wearing anything that tight.

    The other thing about the form fitting outfit. I remember touring the childbirth floor as part of our pregnancy class. I couldn't believe that everyone still looked pregnant. I thought they were all there to give birth. Boy how naive I was. But it still does beg the question as to how she got in such tight clothes so soon after birth.

    There is another picture floating around that shows her postpartem I think after the last girl. She definately didn't look slim then. She looked like a normal postpartem woman. Why was this pregnancy so good to her body?

  19. Exactly, Olivia!

    It is ALL about her. Remember when she was asked in India why they didn't win and she answered "Because I was not on top of the ticket" (or something like that.) What a smug (deluded) B*tch!

    Yes, Anon 11:47
    Mental health issues are definitely front and center AND she is a sociopath.

    And now I'll be catty. That photo was waaayyyy before the McCain campaign magicians worked their magic. Meow.

  20. Anonymous12:32 PM

    Don't forget the part where the ultrasound technician told her there was something wrong his neck was thick. It is totally unethical and probably a firing offense for a technician to make any type of comment or diagnosis like that.

  21. Somewhat OT, but there is one question that I have about the Trig pregnancy:

    SP said she decided to conceal her pregnancy with scarves and coats. Why would she feel the need to hide a pregnancy?

    Usually pregnant women cannot stop talking about their pregnancy. She was governor, she was/is married, so between the two of them they had a pretty good, stable income (even though Todd was not always around). Has she ever stated why she hid her pregnancy? It seems odd in general, but especially since she had no problem displaying the same kid after he was born.

  22. Keep up the good work team! The cee of pee is whining about all the recent media about the faked pregnancy. Funny thing...they don't see is as a faked pregnancy hoax, they see us as attacking Trig, which couldn't be further from the truth.

  23. Anonymous12:52 PM

    @11:54 - that's just her old face, pre-surgery. I guess she didn't like it either.

  24. Anonymous1:10 PM

    It has always bothered me that she took a child with several birth problems to work with her at 3 days old (or was it 2?) That, combined with putting him at risk during the "wild ride" seems irresponsible at best, or at worst,seeming to want something to go wrong. THAT IS,is Trig is really hers.

  25. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Sarah is mentally ill and the McCain people just ignored the truth and wanted to win at all costs. John McCain is not an honorable man, and this proves it beneath a shadow of a doubt.

  26. Anonymous1:22 PM

    Sarah was not pregnant, it was a family baby and if she hadn't been tapped for VP then Sarah would say she has 4 children. She would never made up this story if she hadn't been the VP pick.

  27. Anonymous1:25 PM

    Geoffrey Dunn has weighed-in:


  28. Anonymous1:25 PM

    The face of Sarah before all the facial surgery.

  29. Anonymous1:33 PM

    It is time to crank up the heat on Dr. Cathy Baldwin-Johnson.

    The time to keep her dignity is slipping away.

    I know you read this blog Dr.

    This issue is not going away.

    Your time is now!

  30. Nicolle Wallace later triumphantly noted that she'd silenced a male reporter by challenging, "Do you want me to say that amniotic fluid came out of $P's vagina?"

    Instead of saying, "Yes, and then...," the reporter got all flustered. This is understandable, but not excusable: If you can't ask hard and possibly embarrassing questions, being a reporter is not for you. A stenographer, a repeater, but not a reporter.

    My husband once had an employee who frequently managed to eel out of the office by leaving off her usual dramatic make-up, and alluding to a non-existent female complaint. Mr. B blushed and let her go. However: She had to make up the work, the women in the office called me to complain and I clued him in, and she wasn't running for Vice Pretender to the Throne.

    One reason why LBJ infamously showed the scar from his gall-bladder surgery was to deflect rumors that he actually had cancer. The reaction was, as I recall, "Ecch, pull down your shirt!", but surgeons agreed that the incision was consistent with LBJ's claim.

  31. Anonymous1:42 PM

    Sarah's head does not proportionally fit with the other parts of the photo. Looks almost like one of those joke photoshopped deals.

  32. Anonymous1:46 PM

    I am betting that the babygate storyline will one day be a blockbuster movie. Those who stuck their heads in the sand will be very embarassed because when you stick you head in the sand a certain part of the body becomes more prominent and that is why you end up being called an _ _ s.

  33. Anonymous1:46 PM

    While I understand that Game Change is not a legitimately researched or factual book, someone told Heileman and the other guy that they thought
    Sarahs distressed behavior (which would be normal behavior for someone never having experienced national spotlight) on postpartem. They describe her in AZ cradling Trig much of the time and feeling more at ease whjen family is near her.

    We all know sarahs not mental or anymore incapable of being President than anyone who's in contention. She's a woman in a mans world. The symptoms look different on her than, say, trump.

    Think about it. How many non-egotists are in the political field? Huckabee and christie come to mind. No others do. Do you really rhink BClinton, HClinton, GWB, Obama, and many localized politicos were so selfish and narcissistic as children? Obviously we will never know what they were like then but anyone can see the after effect power has on a person. That is what you will see in Dunn, McG, and Baileys books- a woman drunk with power. A woman who is no different from the others I just mentioned, except that's she has a vagina and the world doesn't trust woman in positions of power.

    Unless CBJ desires to lose her license to come clean, we will never know the truth. And the trurh is none of our business. Deception is which is why I don't think sarah will run in the end. She's got a pretty sweet life, on her own terms now. She sees her family whenever she wants. She doesn't need permission to bring them to functions. They, like all alaskans, love the freedom is traveling whenever.

    To digress a bit, I find it interesting that alaskans travel down here quite frequently. teens seem to have been to many states despite the distance. Vegas is popular among the high schoolers up there, as is ny , fl, hawaii and az.

    Just an observation. Are there money trees that randomly sprout upon command? Lol.

  34. Anonymous1:47 PM

    It's not a mental health issue, not when she's perfectly normal in her daily activities with family. See SPA for how sarah really is.

  35. Anonymoose1:47 PM

    Geoffrey Dunn wrote an article about the paper and Trig if you haven't seen it. Sounds promising...

  36. Anonymous1:54 PM

    I bet the RNC covered for her, believing that she would dance to their tune in gratitude/fear that they would not reveal her lies.

    Unfortunately, they found out that Mrs. Todd Palin is mentally unstable, and unable to make long term commitments to anyone or anything.

    They haven't "outed" her, because it would just revel how corrupt the system that put her in place is.

  37. Anonymous1:55 PM

    Palin couldn't release her medical records because they documented the pro-life mother's "abortion" while her husband was away.

  38. foreveralaskan1:55 PM

    I don't think McCain and team are that stupid. Sarah, like a good politician, knows how to beat around the bush. Remember a week past without a statement abt trig. I think they were going to announce the bristol pregnancy no matter what. If they hid her, people would have discovered it. Always do. It was so much better to address it as the family wasn't shamed by it as most parents would have been. They've always stood by her, despite her poor choice in boyfriends. I sincerely doubt there was a previous pregnancy. I believe the family felt the ultimate betrayal from levi. They took him in when his dad left. He once called sarah a second mother and said todd helped him a lot. This is why I think every action on the palins part since 08 warrants sympathy. Look at all the money hungry lackeys cashing in many alaskans (teens and adults alike) don't respect these people). One day ill make a flickr account with proof of this.

    Sarah is very right not to trust people handily. Easy money is addicting. But no matter what gets said or made up, nothing will tear them apart.

  39. Anonymous2:00 PM

    I CAN NOT WAIT for this WHOLE story to finally break into the mainstream!! People are going to eat this stuff up and beg for more. This is exactly the kind of JUICY information people LOVE to find out about. There is a lot of money to be made and once it becomes acceptable to start telling it, there will be a scramble to get Sarah Palin scandal stories printed. They won't be able to write them fast enough but there certainly seem to be enough avenues to keep stories breaking for a while. This is starting to get interesting. Nice job, people. Feet to the fire.

  40. Anonymous2:02 PM

    @1:46-I read Game Change and I thought that they gave $carah a total pass. They dished a little on her but not nearly the way they tore Hillary apart. Actually, there was very little about $carah in the book.

  41. Anonymous2:07 PM

    Sarah is a people pleaser because of her father. It's that simple. She will always be for the little guy. She for one understands how they think, what they detest about government... Her hearts in the right place. She's taught her kids well and has raised them to depend not on others. Everyone they meet loves them. They are fearless and will defend their family. Bristol wasn't kidding when she told cameras "haters fuel her fire". This is why wasilla kids came to their defense during that facebook brawl. And those who didn't voiced jealousy. That's how small towns work. Kidsof affluent parents are trashed by their peers. We've seen it with most presidents kids and governors kids.
    The palin kids were quite popular before Gov race and still accrue support from their peers.
    I first met sarah and bristol when they were campaigning during 06. My impression was positive.

    Don't believe everything you hear just because its what you wish to hear. It only helps prove lefties as vindictive and petty. And it helped keep blogs from reaching MSM status.

    Think about this. There are some pretty outrageous stories about rahm emanuel that are now jokes amongst friends. If those were ever published, people would treat it as just humor and move on, not questioning his ability to remain in politics. What about sarah is different? She hasn't committed near as many outrageous acts as others have. What's the threat?

  42. Anonymous2:19 PM

    The Sarah photo is before she had her teeth redone and her multiple plastic surgeries.

    Laura... keep on this story... it is about to get much larger.

    Sarah... I think all these articles are telling you it is GAME ON!

  43. Anonymous2:27 PM

    Sarah Slash-and-burn is so miserable to anyone that crosses her that people will be lining up to have their turn to toss an egg at her. Take a number, folks, the dunking machine is ready.

  44. I love that Mr. Dunn has spoken up in a very thorough article (and preview) of what is in his book. It is time ... this needs to go into the mainstream now, especially after Gryphen's wonderful post today on Mansour's pathetic tweets about attention: here RAM, here is some attention for your girlfriend! There are so many comments here that I agree with: McCain is not honorable at all; Sarah's mental health issues will be surely exposed now; there would be no reason to hide Bristol after announcing she was pregnant, but they did (why?); she did not appear on the campaign trail again; the RNC paid all that money for clothes for Sarah (AND FAMILY) why? To keep her quiet and doing their bidding? On and on - once it starts unraveling, I think it will go on for a long time! Gryphen, can I open my champagne soon?

  45. Anonymous2:36 PM

    11:54 - it's the perspective of the camera, plus she's sticking her neck out, plus she does have a rather large head for her body.

    28" versus the normal 23"-24"

  46. Anonymous2:37 PM

    She was pretty certain ion the BBC video "that trg is not my child". I truly don't think this question will be answered.

    And btw. You all are so far off base on bristol-related matters.

  47. Palin Fairy Tale Troll Alert2:37 PM

    @2:07. Hiya! "And they all lived happily ever after. The End."

  48. Anonymous2:37 PM

    Palin couldn't release her medical records because they documented the pro-life mother's "abortion" while her husband was away.

    also, too, the tubal ligation AND the multiple nervous breakdowns that required hospitalization and meds.

  49. Oh and if the cee of pee (which I don't go to at all) is whining, so much the better. I love that! I hope they all drown in their own pee! Keep it up people!

  50. Anonymous2:38 PM

    1:55 If you want to be taken seriously please check your grammar and your spelling.

    And if you wanted to prove they are so happy why would you wait until someday to post pictures on flicker. Wouldn't sooner rather than later help her more?

    And also, too - the people making the most money off of the Palin family is Sarah herself. Like I am going to feel sorry for her. I'm still wondering how she managed a half a million dollar house along with the rest of the things they own. Something seems really really off.

  51. Anonymous2:39 PM

    The palin kids were quite popular before Gov race and still accrue support from their peers.

    everybody loves to party where there's booze and drugs all the time, plus sex.

  52. Anonymous2:40 PM

    Yes. Game change mostly concerned the Dems which is why I question the motives of the movie. Sarah was only on trail for 2 mos and much of the book was debunked by visual proof or common sense. I think there were threats about a obama/hillary movie. Like how there are threats when someone goes after the bushes. See there are far more dangerous people than Sarah "hockey mom" palin. Ie everyone in DC right now.

  53. Anonymous2:44 PM

    Anonymous 2:07 PM. OMG, I laughed so hard I fell out of my chair. She's for the little guy? Like how she wants the little guy's family not to have unions that stand up for his rights? Of how she wants to take medical benefits from him? That Palin? The same one who gets free medical care because she is MARRIED to a Native American (the same people she bashes), and the one who has a husband who was in a UNION that fought for his salary, safety and benefits? Yea, this is how she feels about the little guy, "F*CK YOU!"

    Taught her kids well? Track -vandalist. Bristol - Teen Mother. Willow - criminal, house trasher. All three older Palin kids - drunks and druggies. Piper - Uneducated diva. Trig - we know she is not his mother because he actually seems normal compared to his siblings.

    Anonymous 2:07 PM. Look, I am sure your "heart is in the right place" too. But face it, she is just not into you.

  54. Anonymous2:45 PM

    I'm glad to hear that they're talking about it at c4p. That means that the fake pregnancy story has become a concern. Perfect.

  55. Anonymous2:47 PM

    I should have added to my c4p comment that the more this story is talked about, the more people it will reach. Keep spreading the news.

  56. Anonymous2:51 PM

    That is the face of a grandmother holding her first, if "defective", grandchild: all babies are sweet, including this one, now who's going to take him next, I've got things to do

  57. Anonymous3:01 PM

    The McCain 2008 campaign did not make the selection of Sarah Palin. They did agree under pressure at the last minute to go along with her as the V.P. nominee. John McCain and his loyal insiders intended Joe Lieberman to be the nominee. Party switcher bipartisan Joe Lieberman.

    There were others in the Republican party that did not support this idea. The religious right wing of the Republican Party. They were the ones that picked Sarah Palin for John McCain. The Republican Party was told: "If you pick Lieberman then we will go to our churches and tell our followers to stay home on election day. No grassroots turn out the vote effort, no volunteers, no campaign donations; all down the ticket nationwide." It would have been a Democratic victory of FDR proportions nationwide. That is how Sarah was the V.P. nominee in 2008.

    The question is: Which of those responsible for telling McCain that Sarah Palin was the V.P. nominee knew about this pregnancy? The campaign to put Sarah Palin on the McCain 2008 ticket was already underway before the conception date of a hypothetical full term pregnancy ending on April 18, 2008.

    That's one possible explanation for the silence from the McCain insiders.

  58. KatieAnnieOakley3:07 PM

    That's the position I'm pushing and I'm sticking to it! They found out AFTER she had been tapped, and so became part of the cover-up. I said as much over at BusinessInsider.com a few days ago:


    And, I did another side-by-side for you: A Tale of Two Babies? You decide...


  59. At anon 3:01


    This was hatched way before the supposed conception date. And this is why it has not been exposed ... too many others (powerful others) would be exposed. That has been my theory for a very long time. Thank you!

  60. Anonymous3:21 PM

    1:46 pm

    Clueless in Seattle, as they say???

  61. Anonymous3:23 PM

    1:47 pm

    SPA was a bunch of shit, everyone said so!

  62. Anonymous3:26 PM

    1:55 pm

    You mean like Todd visiting hookers and the "divorce".

  63. Anonymous3:29 PM

    2:07 pm

    Lover of all things Palin, hello Rebecca Mansour.

  64. Anonymous3:40 PM

    Well, I see Bristol or paid bot is back posting again. Check out the spelling and word use. Someone is not very educated and it really shows. Pathetic!!!

    Gryphen is really getting to the bots and the Palins. Someone was even taking up for old dirty Chuckles. Now he is really a creep, he reminds me of a peeping Tom.

  65. DetroitSam4:10 PM

    Anonymous @ 1:46 PM
    "She sees her family whenever she wants"

    Anonymous @1:47 PM
    " ... not when she's perfectly normal in her daily activities with family"

    "See SPA for how sarah really is"

    Anonymous @2:07 PM
    "She will always be for the little guy"

    This stuff is just too funny to even comment on, so I"ll let these stupid statements speak for themselves.

  66. Anonymous4:25 PM

    1st anon @ 1:47pm

    hey dipshit your queen $carah's a fraud. That SPAK ($carah sees AK for the 1st time) was complete and utter bullshit. I've been playing to the extreme in the Alaska outdoors for years, and what little promo I saw of that so called documentary you could see that the bitch was scared shitless, especially in the Alaska Range footage, fuk, $he doesn't even know how to properly handle a firearm let alone kill and skin a critter.
    Yep, yer wet dream $carah is full of $hit and you are totally brain dead

  67. Anonymous5:17 PM

    Anonymous said...
    The palin kids were quite popular before Gov race and still accrue support from their peers.

    everybody loves to party where there's booze and drugs all the time, plus sex.

    2:39 PM

    If there is a Palin girl there, there is sex. Am I correct Sally Heath, Sarah, Bristol and Willow.

  68. Anonymous5:42 PM

    Palin doesn't hold Trig closely or with loving care...he is just a stage prop to be used at whim by this mentally unbalanced/ill thing.

  69. Ripley in CT6:11 PM

    Heels, strong coffee, hills, thrashing guts talk, and a mouthful of chocolate... all while carrying a fetus with DS, who is born after the wild ride a few months later.


    'Splain this, Palinbots. RAM? Anyone?

  70. Anonymous6:28 PM

    Those don't look like her hands either. They have in our faces so often I would never mistake them.

  71. Anonymous7:04 PM

    He then turned his focus on Donald Trump, Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, all of whom he referred to as flamboyant, attention-grabbing “grenades” who could do “great damage” in the primaries should they in fact decide to run


  72. Anonymous7:37 PM

    anon @2:07

    ya know, you're pretty articulate for being a full blown retard.

    $carah preys on fools like you..

  73. Anonymous10:40 PM

    The Palin supporters can't come up with anything now other than "they're awesome and everyone that knows them loves them"! So much for that.

    I find it amusing that there are only about 20 people in the inner Palin circle here in Alaska that still take up for them and everyone else repeats their commentary that the Palin family is just wonderful and perfect and farts in pleasant colors and smells. The supportive missives from the few that still cover for the Palins here in Wasilla and the rest of AK, will post supportive paragraphs on the pro-Palin websites and the bots take that and run with it and spread it far and wide to the blogs that are critical of Palin and her political potential.

    Sweet smell of success. Finally Alaska is done with her and soon she will work herself out of a job at Fox and then she will just be a crazy evangelizing nutter that cheerleads for whatever far-right cause will pay her bills. Oh, wait, that happened a few months ago.

  74. There is no way even a 6lb baby will not protrude from a women's body...if the developing fetus did not protrude from the women all her internal organs would be smooshed or strangled to give a more descriptive word, along with the developing fetus is fluid, a placenta, and weight gain in the breats(which didn't appear to happen to Sarah....if our uterus expanded internally instead of externally it would be "game over" in Sarah's terms...tight abs are a no go here, because internal organs would have difficulty functioning, kidneys, lungs, heart, intestines, instead of the easy pregnancy Sarah claimed, it would have been dreadfully uncomfortable and or excuse me deadly.....or she may simply chosen not to nurture the developing fetus which I have known of some women who fear the loss of their figure so they don't eat and then cause harm to their developing child...their belly still protrudes externally not internally. . .this is how a woman's body is designed so as to be safe for mom and the developing child. . .


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