Saturday, April 16, 2011

Tina Fey discusses her Sarah Palin impersonation during her book tour.

tinIt is a little hard to hear at times (You may have to turn up your speakers.), but there are some very funny parts. 

Personally I am a big fan of Tina's now, and in some ways I may have Sarah Palin to thank for that.

What a horrible thought.


  1. Anonymous6:05 AM

    We are indebted to her as a nation. I am not kidding. In the same manner that we owe Stewart & Colbert as national truth-tellers, we owe T. Fey doubly--as through simple repetition of what $P said in actual interviews, Fey shone light on absurdities & enlightened voters in a crucial national election.

  2. Hey G -

    Something happened to the link to Tina - -I got some racist asshole asking for "Teahad" and going on and on about not being racist...not funny at all.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.