Monday, May 16, 2011

60 Minutes reports on the "Sovereign Citizens" movement in this country. This should chill the blood of EVERY law abiding American!

These are VERY dangerous people, and it seems there are more of them coming out of the shadows every day. Like Alaska's own Schaeffer Cox.

(CBS inserted two commercials into this embed which I have no control over. However it is a story important enough to patiently sit through them in my opinion.)


  1. Dinty9:11 AM

    It's official - The Donald is out!

  2. I'm only 4 minutes in, and tearing up at the death of the cops.

    This is very scary. I'm glad 60 Minutes has brought attention to this.

    How many of these people are uneducated, highly religious, and have very low IQ's. I'd bet most.

  3. Anonymous9:33 AM

    The FBI also put out a story on 4/13/10 about the Sovereign Citizen Movement:

    A search at their site also produces 9 other stories on the subject that tell of specific actions of some of their members. I wonder how many of them are also Palinbots?


  4. Anonymous9:37 AM

    GREAT article on how Huckabee has paved the way for the Queen of Mean to run:

    Has anyone heard this before: "Sarah Palin said she wanted to be President so that the 'Department of Law' could go after her enemies" ?

  5. Anonymous9:41 AM

    That made my blood run cold...seriously.

  6. Anonymous9:42 AM

    I wonder what the statistics would show for the rate of mental illness in this group. Losers with anger. I am so sick and tired of the 2nd Amendment rights--the idea he was talking about is out dated. Most of us have evolved to understand that we don't need guns to find solutions, but these nut cases want to stay in the dark ages.

  7. California Dreamin'9:42 AM

    After the OKC bombing, there was quite a bit about sovereign citizens in the news. I'm really surprised that the West Memphis police cheif had never heard of them before. However, since then they haven't been given much press since we are all being programmed to fear Muslims.

    Sovereigns beleive that they are sovereign because they answer to no one else but god. Therefore, the laws of man (the evil government) don't apply to them. Some of them are racists, too, which surprised me to hear that Wesley Snipes could possibly be one.

    They truly are the tin foil hat wearers!

  8. Okay, that was seriously scary. Those people are insane. The right to bear arms gives them the right to shoot people?!?!?!? And they're not even talking about someone threatening their lives, they are talking about law enforcement and politicians.

    If I were the author of the book regarding the whackaloons, I would be scared. I hope she also sleeps with a gun under her mattress.

  9. At the other end of the spectrum, Pres. Obama inspired the graduating class of Booker T. Washington HS in Memphis to succeed. I think this may be one of his best speeches.

  10. Anonymous10:37 AM

    Sarah Palin, with her incendiary gun rhetoric, and the so-called sovereign citizens like Shaeffer Cox weaken our right to bear arms. It's plain wrong to own guns for the purpose of maintaining a threat against our own government. Owning guns is a right to keep America safe from other governments. There are extra benefits like protecting your family from lowlifes, hunting, sport shooting, etc.

    Crawl back under your rocks, "sovereign citizens" and quit messing around with my gun rights. If you hate the USA so much but don't try to change it through peaceful means, then get the hell outta Dodge! You sound like a bunch of dysfunctional cowards who only get courage by commiserating with other gutless, gun-toting tax cheats. Then you turn into a group of delusional bullies.

    The NRA should take a firm stand against this crap if they want to retain any credibility with me.

  11. Anonymous10:50 AM

    Chilling. I wonder how many of these "sovereign" citizens are mentally stable.

    Their arguments are thinly veiled excuses for their own fascist beliefs: violence is the ultimate answer to any civil rights problem.

  12. Doesn't surprise me one bit... Looks, sounds and smells like the pee-party with a little flying monkey from Swag-ville tossed in.. BUT, the real gotcha in this segment is the trailer for CBS.. Go back and listen again if you missed it..

    60 minutes overtime to learn more about the Sovereign Citizens movement sponsored by Viagra !! Nothing like getting your pecker hard with Viagra while listening to nut-bags a go-go on the web... This whole thing is disgusting...

  13. Anonymous10:55 AM

    Selfish, idiotic dumb f*cks. They take and take and take what the government provides, but are unwilling to give anything back. What an arrogant bunch of morons.

  14. Anonymous10:58 AM

    So, why don't they just go start their own country if they don't like ours?

    I simply have no patience for people like this. If you don't like it CHANGE IT! It's hard work but it's worthwhile and nobody gets killed.

    Which definition for "Sovereign" do you think pertains?
    Noun or Adjective? I vote adjective.

    1. a monarch; a king, queen, or other supreme ruler.
    2. a person who has sovereign power or authority.
    3. a group or body of persons or a state having sovereign authority.

    5. belonging to or characteristic of a sovereign or sovereignty; royal.
    6. having supreme rank, power, or authority.
    7. supreme; preeminent; indisputable: a sovereign right.

  15. How were Todd and Sarah palin involved with this group?
    And Joe Miller?
    Is the Alaska Independence Party the same?

    And if, God forbid, palin got elected POTUS, could Todd get security clearance due to his membership in this party?
    They have both state and it has been documented how much he was involved with the day to day governing of Alaska.
    I am curious. And how is Rep. Young involved?

  16. Anonymous11:17 AM

    Honestly, these people are nuts. I am sure if you asked every one of these people that Palin is one of their favorites.

    These are the people that listen to Beck, Rush, Coulter, Palin and Faux news, etc. These people THRIVE on scaring people and when you are one fry short of a happy meal to begin with it does not help one bit.

    It is disgusting that the loudest people out there are the biggest liars and influence so many people who are too old or just not too smart.

  17. Anonymous11:39 AM

    OK, get me a red crayon! LOL

    And they state that they are not keeping arms to go duck hunting. . . but to shoot to kill politicians and police officers? Hmmmm. The NRA just lost a few points in credibility. Get semi-automatic weapons off the street NOW.

    Oh-- I love the end-- "To learn more about the sovereign citizen movement, go to 60 Sponsored by Viagra."

  18. OT....recently as I recall, on the Bill Press radio show, reports of the Bush machine have been in gear and the whisper campaign now has begau to put Jeb in as the 2012 GOP POTUS candidate. Now, with the Huckster not going for it, all those P-bots may be celebrating too soon. If they think that his departure created a shoo-in for their girl.

    It also may explain MH's decision...shades of Elizabeth Dole I am guessing.

  19. Anonymous11:53 AM

    Isn't that what the Alaska Independent Party is and didn't granny quitter give a opening welcome to their convention when she was governor and tried to lie about Todd being a member during the campaign. Why was this not part of the story?

  20. Anonymous11:55 AM

    What did it say at the end about another site where we can learn more about the Sovereign Citizen Movement, sponsored by Viagra? Whoa! Coincidence?!

  21. Anonymous12:05 PM

    Sarah and Todd Palin and the AIP?

  22. Anonymous12:23 PM

    From what I can see, it's about money. They are are trying to put it into multiple contexts, but really, they don't want to pay for anything.

  23. Anonymous1:14 PM

    I continue to see that Gryphen seriously does read his blog comments as this is certainly not the first comment I've posted on a subject that may or may not be about Palin, but is of interest or should be a subject we are aware of.

    Thanks for paying attention to suggestions made by your blog readers.

    Thanks too Gryphen for putting the name of the person in AK, Schaeffer Cox, in your post as it totally escaped me. My computer was taking too long to search back in your old posts.


  24. CorningNY1:26 PM

    Wow, that is some scary s**t. Shooting police officers in cold blood is too awful for words. I'm not a "eye-for-an-eye" kind of person, or even for the death penalty, but I was kind of glad to see how their run-in with the police ended. He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.

  25. Anonymous3:38 PM

    I used to serve on the city tax appeal board for many years. We got appeals from nut jobs like this from time to time. They'd come in with just what 60 minutes described--reams of legal looking documents that was nothing more than gibberish. I wish I could recall then names, as a couple you would probably recognize. I'm thinking one of them has served on a local utility board if memory serves.

  26. I thought I saw Larry, Moe and Curly at one point in this video. What a cavalcade of unhealthy looking people. The more the government makes policies that demoralize, incarcerate, decreases income, allows torturers and Wall Street crooks to go un-prosecuted the more radicalized people will become. Imagine loosing your job and then your home because of a scam by some bank. That may cause your family to be destroyed and you are now destitute. You would be confused and angry. When you add the lack of education, poor news media and lazy intellectual atmosphere in this country you can expect this kind of phenomenon. I have learned after coming to Alaska that a huge part of the population are self centered, ignorant and just plain mean (not just in AK, it's just my experiences here forced me to see this) those people are looking for ideologies that match their own personalities.

  27. Anonymous7:00 PM

    This is exactly why the Republicans want to cut social programs, so people like this will join their ranks. I suspect mental illness plays a huge role in these movements. They bought into the idea that "for a few bucks more a month, you can get a bigger house", overextended themselves and realized when the bubble popped, they would lose everything, and after losing everything, they simply don't care about laws, society, and paying your share of taxes.

    Why is 60 minutes giving them airtime, while ignoring the AIP, Palin's lies, and the palinbot movement? They're equally unhinged, and equally dangerous.

  28. Gasman7:19 PM

    Nothing scarier than arrogant, mean, imbeciles who are armed to the teeth. The GOP, and Palin in particular, are guilty of inciting this lot of Rambo wannabe cousin fucks with their anti-government hyperbole. The last time the GOP ratcheted up this kind of anti-government demagoguery, we had McVeigh blow up the Murrah Building in Oklahoma City. We've already had Rep. Giffords and many others either killed or wounded by a deranged armed thug. How real does the threat to our country need to be from these domestic terrorists before the GOP realizes that these assholes are not political foot soldiers but assassins?

  29. emrysa7:54 PM

    thanks for posting this gryphen.

    I understand the sentiment about not trusting the government. however, I absolutely cannot understand killing people who are in government and law enforcement.

    we live in a nation of laws, like them or not. to think that you can just kill cops when you get pulled over is flat-out insane. work to change the laws instead of just killing people who are enforcing them. seriously I find it very disturbing that there are people out there like this. one word:


  30. Anonymous9:46 PM Son of neo-nazi shoots his dad. This is kind of part of the fringe group, right? Scary.

  31. Anonymous10:17 AM

    And where else but in the prisons will Soverien Citizens get to recruit more members? Get them in with a disenfranchised population-- talk about a perfect storm brewing...


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