Friday, May 06, 2011

Jon Stewart discusses Donald Trump and Sarah Palin, or as he labels them: "The Tom Arnold and Roseanne Barr of the Republican field."

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Indecision 2012 - Indecision Edition - Donald Trump & Sarah Palin
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  1. George Lopez offers advice to Sarah Palin over the dead bin Laden photo.

  2. Anonymous12:19 PM

    Satirists will not get their wish: Palin will never be President. Her high ceiling of support isn’t enough to be a serious White House contender: too many will never vote for her. Barring a political reinvention that seems utterly incompatible with her beliefs, this problem won’t go away. I’m not even sure she’ll run, knowing she can make more money, avoid intense levels of scrutiny and retain her ‘brand’ image – which would be so damaged by a humiliating defeat – not doing so.

  3. Did you see the skewering Palin got from Hollywood Life? Chuck Heath and his house full of dead things even got a mention.

  4. Anonymous1:18 PM

    The easiest and most appropriate retort to Sarah will always be to call her a quitter. She will never, never live that down, nor has it been adequately explained. I'm hoping that the three books coming out soon (four, if you count Levi's) will shed light on this.

  5. Anonymous1:21 PM

    The only credentials the woman has are two jobs she quit.

  6. Anonymous2:03 PM

    The slap at Roseanne Barr is beneath Stewart; she is a progressive and a strong union supporter.

  7. ...except of course combined, Trump and Palin aren't half as smart as Arnold and Barr.

  8. Anonymous2:30 PM

    She even quit her job as a mother. Has anyone seen any recent pictures of Trig with Sarah Palin doing motherly things? I haven't...wonder who is the primary caretaker of Trig, making sure he is getting the therapy he needs.

  9. Anonymous2:33 PM

    Roseanne Barr is a comedian and I think that's how John Stewart meant it because Roseanne is a progressive and strongly dislikes the Grifter.

  10. Anonymous2:43 PM

    Haven't seen Roseanne Barr in a long time but Sarah is surely as nasty as I remember Roseanne was many years ago.

  11. Anonymous3:05 PM

    ahh, the rose is no longer smelling as sweet, eh? Isn't it beautiful.

  12. Anonymous3:55 PM

    It's a funny line, but not really fair. Rosanne is a solid liberal and she's spoken out time and time again on social justice causes, regardless of what it's done to her career.

  13. Anonymous4:03 PM

    Roseanne is way smarter thabn Palin and a beter mother also too

  14. Anonymous4:19 PM

    I did not even listen to/watch this. The combover sold me.

  15. Anonymous4:48 PM

    NEW YORK (The Borowitz Report) – A new survey of likely voters indicates that in a hypothetical match-up between former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin and billionaire Donald Trump, a majority would choose suicide over either candidate.

    The poll, conducted by the University of Minnesota’s Opinion Research Institute, shows Mr. Trump drawing 21%, Gov. Palin 18%, and various forms of suicide 61%.

    “Throwing yourself in front of a speeding city bus” was the most popular means of suicide at 22%, with “jumping off the roof of a really tall building or bridge” coming in second at 17%.

    According to pollster Davis Logsdon, the surging popularity of suicide bodes ill for both Gov. Palin and Mr. Trump as potential presidential candidates in 2012.


  16. Anonymous4:48 PM

    Roseanne may be whacky but she is very liberal and I hope she didn't take the comparison as an insult. Roseanne has more class than the quitter/grifter has AND she is more honest.

  17. A J BIllings4:48 PM

    And for a view of the sad folks who are members of the Paylin cult,
    we have this exchange between geniuses.

    This is verbatim, taken from the article on C4P extolling the great, magnificent virtues of Snowy Snooki.
    She's mugging for the cam, along with the Franklin Graham folks in Alabama, cleaning up a few pine trees.

    And for that, she gets tagged with
    The "Servant's heart.

    Here's what her cult followers have to say about her, VERBATIM:
    How can anyone not love and admire Sarah Palin?

    Anno76 Yesterday 04:40 PM in reply to Burke2
    My sediments exactly!!! The whole Palin family exubs such love for "everyone"

    There you have it folks, it's all about the SEDIMENTS


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