From the AP:
A former member of Sarah Palin's inner circle has written a scathing tell-all, saying Palin was ready to quit as governor months before she actually resigned and was eager to leave office when more lucrative opportunities came around.
"In 2009 I had the sense if she made it to the White House and I had stayed silent, I could never forgive myself," Frank Bailey told The Associated Press.
Palin's attorney did not respond to multiple requests for comment for this story.
"Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years" is due out Tuesday and based on tens of thousands of emails that Bailey said he kept during his time with Palin. It began with working on her 2006 gubernatorial campaign and continued through her failed run for vice president in 2008 and her brief stint as governor.
The Alaska attorney general's office has said it's investigating Bailey's use of the emails. Executive ethics laws bar former public officials from using information acquired during their work for personal gain if the information hasn't been publicly disseminated.
The state has yet to release thousands of emails that Palin sent and received during her 2 ½ years as governor. Bailey's attorney has said Bailey took "great care" to ensure his writings were consistent with legal requirements.
Billed as the first Palin book by a former aide, "Blind Allegiance" bolsters the perception of Palin as self-serving, while casting Bailey as her enforcer — willing to do the dirty work, no questions asked.
The interesting thing about this book is that Bailey does NOT attempt to sugarcoat his blind obedience to Sarah Palin, nor his often unethical behavior on her behalf. In fact Bailey uses his very real, and personal religious convictions to guide him through some very painful confessions, and seems more concerned with receiving forgiveness from his God then worrying about how Sarah Palin or the public judge him based on the information that he reveals.
I can certainly attest that Frank earned his nickname "The Enforcer" as I had my own run in with him back in 2009. However since that time, from everything that I have heard, Frank has been trying to turn his life around and make amends for the part he played in further the Grizzled Mama's political career.
Which is why I have "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin
How could this NOT be good?
(And of course since I have already read the leaked manuscript, I am more than a little confident that this book is worth the purchase price.)
Just ordered my copy of Frank's book this a.m, can't wait to see in SARAH PALIN'S OWN EMAIL what she really said behind the scenes.
ReplyDeleteAnd what the dirt is on TrooperGate, and all the rest.
"I HATE THIS JOB" should be brought up by every candidate running against her, and should be printed on large protestor signs at her every campaign stop, assuming she is delusional enough to run for President.
Frank, if you read these comments, bravo to you for being brave enough to stand up to truth.
Maybe some christian folks are actually walking the talk. Ms Grifter Paylin certainly isn't.
Hahaha... Here's a review from a poster over at the Sea of Pee:-
"Frank Bailey's load of lies is out today. A very unique book because it's printed on toilet paper, so you must resist the urge to use the first edition because there won't be another one..AP and Yahoo are giving it a big splash of course but they and Bailey are taking it on the chin from commenters. Even people claiming to not like Palin feel it's a bunch of garbage fiction, and they are noting Bailey's character as a cheat and parasite. Palin has wisely declined to comment to the Obama stenographers at the AP. Why bother? When excrement is that thick, it sinks to the bottom of the cesspool and stays there.."
I bet Sarah is being careful about the use of her email these days. Wonder, if others will be sharing their personal email exchanges that they have had with her? She really is stoopid; even with my personal emails I am careful what I write. Our emails are not private in cyber-space and anyone can have access to them!
ReplyDeleteHere we go, this book will invigorate the pressure to release the rest of the emails, add in Dunn and then Joe and it should make for an interesting summer. Wonder if the grifter has an canned goods left to throw.
ReplyDeleteWell Gryphen, I have to disagree about it being unusual that the child didn't jump at the buzzer. Babies (usually under six months) can sleep ANYWHERE, no matter the noise - we have a family photograph of me sleeping in front of the band (with horn section) at a wedding my parents attended. And my hearing is fine (well it used to be!)
ReplyDeleteWhat I found funny in that tape from 2008-2009 is how she claims Wasilla is such a great place to live, yet the first chance she gets, she's OUTTA there. Hypocrite much, $carah?
@ 8:08 AM- yup, probably a lot of politicians are checking their emails.
ReplyDeleteSarah Palin accused Frank Bailey of being "disloyal" the other day on Fox because he is releasing emails she sent and putting them in context.
ReplyDeleteI thought she- and through her- her employees swore an oath to uphold the Alaska constitution and Alaska laws- including release of emails that are public documents.
I guess Palin thought she was Queen of Wasilla, and state employees had to be loyal only to her no matter how petty, dishonest, vindictive, and unethical she became.
Kudos to the brave and thick skinned who actually go read the tripe on Sea of Pee. Can't manage it myself. Wonder how many of the Palin clan are being dragged in today to write snark on numerous websites. Of course the most ironic part is that they decry the book as filled with lies when it's based on HER emails. Tells me something for sure
ReplyDeleteIf it is full of lies why hasn't palin sued to prevent it from being released? She certainly didn't waste time having van flea threaten gryphen.
ReplyDeleteContinuing her Q and A with VanSusteren, Sarah suggested that she will not respond to “…little petty stupid things” that are a “waste of time” which, she noted, is our most precious commodity. Without spoiling for readers the suspense of Frank Bailey’s amazing journey from Palinbot to eyes-wide-open critic, let me just suggest that as a wasting-time-on-petty-things-person, Sarah Palin is exhibit one, two, and three.
ReplyDeleteShe won’t, she said, “take the bait” by dignifying the book with a response and suggested, as if she were the only adult in the political/media room, that Greta and her colleagues do the same. In other words, since there is no rebuttal to documented truth, the way to discredit is to simply ignore.
In a fit of honesty that is ironic for its lack of self-awareness, Sarah claimed she wanted “voters…to do their own homework.” She, personally, also wanted to “make sacrifices in order to help mankind…” If, as she suggested, voters do their homework, and realize as we did what sacrifices Sarah made as a quitting-half-term-governor and mega-millionaire, she won’t have a political leg to stand on. In other words, she really doesn’t mean what she says.
By proclaiming, “My problem is I do have the fire in my belly,” she once again demonstrates a monumental tin-ear. Truly, stomach-flames are the least of her “problems.”
The Brits nail it!
I'm curious why so many people are using ANONYMOUS to post? Are you people afraid of SP, her Flying Monkeys and her cultists revenge?
ReplyDeleteI survived five whole -- reasonable -- anti-Palin rebuttal posts on her website before I was banned.
Maybe I was lucky.
Barbara Carlson @8:44 am. I am anonymous by choice. Gryph gives us the option and it is appreciated. No need to register at every blog on the web. I sign my alias at the end of the post, no big deal. JMO
@8:44 am: I use Anonymous because I'm too lazy to sign up for real... one less username/password to keep track of... :)
ReplyDeleteIf Bailey's emails are "full of lies" it's because they were written and sent by SARAH PALIN. She lies about everything.
ReplyDeleteSeriously though - disloyal? Who does Palin think she is? The Queen? Oh right - she DOES think that!
Does anyone ever say to Palin - "Shut up! The more you yammer on, the more you confirm EVERY negative thing people think of you!"
Yeah, pigs will fly before Palin WON'T be petty, vindictive, reactionary, stupid, close-minded and willfully ignorant.
He's gonna make a great interview if he makes the rounds. Sincere, smart, sorry about what he's done, sexy in an odd, very odd, kind of way. Go Frank, and thank you!!
ReplyDeleteAnons: You can click on Name/URL and plug in a name (and no URL) without having to log in with a password.
ReplyDeleteI'm not afraid of the bitch and her insane clown posse. Just like 8:58, I am too damned lazy to sign up. I have hundreds of other passwords and user names to remember (cheat sheets are good) and can't be bothered to sign up for one here. In fact if blogs don't offer me Anon, I don't bother to read them.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 8:58 said...
ReplyDelete@8:44 am: I use Anonymous because I'm too lazy to sign up for real... one less username/password to keep track of... :)
Me too. Plus I just cut and paste. Melly
I believe the state of Alaska did not release Sarah's email because they are waiting to see what emails will be in Bailey's book.
ReplyDeleteIt would be awfully embarassing to the state to release one of Sarah's emails that is blacked out and when we read that same email in Bailey's book we will be able to see what the state is hiding and who they are trying to protect.
Start watching for Letters to editors. Organize4palin has a project set up asking people to write letters to editors in favor of Palin. I wonder where they get their money for flyers, doorknockers, other handouts? Hmmm--I bet Palin has much to do with (in money and direction) in a roundabout way. They palin related blogs have been sprucing up their look lately.
ReplyDeleteThis explosive info is probably the reason for the "leaked" info of the new palin compound . . . to stir up a little dust (smoke screen).
ReplyDeletesarah should be very afraid of snakes more venomous than herself.
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteBarbara Carlson @8:44 am. I am anonymous by choice. Gryph gives us the option and it is appreciated. No need to register at every blog on the web. I sign my alias at the end of the post, no big deal. JMO
8:56 AM
I don't use my name because my mom told me not to use my real name on this site.
Willow P.
It looks like Bailey is making the publicity circuit already.
ReplyDeletehe will be on the View tomorrow:
I'm halfway through The Lies of Sarah Palin and looking forward to receiving Bailey's book soon from Amazon. Here's hoping that these books begin to reveal the true Palin and blow the lid off her future political aspirations. Just really hoping babygate comes into the full light. The media should be really quite ashamed for not going after babygate and the other scandals.
ReplyDelete"She won’t, she said, “take the bait” by dignifying the book with a response and suggested, as if she were the only adult in the political/media room, that Greta and her colleagues do the same. In other words, since there is no rebuttal to documented truth, the way to discredit is to simply ignore."
You do know what Sarah did... don't you?
It is like a little immature girl who refuses to answer questions. These questions the media and America has for her is how we determine her character and to see if she worthy to be in an elected position.
Sarah can take this "Na Na Na I can't hear you" bullshit back to Wasilla.
Thank you Gryphen
Thank you Malia Litman
Thank you Frank Bailey
FU Sarah Palin
Frank... shove it all down her throat.
ReplyDeleteImpressed with his AP video... did not think he would interview as well as he did.
Sarah... bend over, Frank has something he wants to give you.
Anonymous said...Sincere, smart, sorry about what he's done, sexy in an odd, very odd, kind of way...9:13 AM
A person who I can respect for their values is "sexy"... :-)
Something Sarah Palin surely doesn't have. Most people gag when they see her.
Thanks for the reminder, I just ordered it from Amazon. Here's hoping it arrives before the weekend for three days of har har reading! I'm sure Gramma Lou's emails will be great reading.
ReplyDeleteThe bots can pretend this book doesn't matter, but they know it does. Because it's yet more evidence that people who get to know Sarah Palin end up loathing her. Take the hint, when your own neighbor despises you so much that she rents out her house to a journalist who wants to do an expose on you...when a former employee spills the goods...when your almost son-in-law pens a tell all...and when your own mother-in-law refuses to say if she would vote for've probably got some serious personality flaws!
ReplyDeleteI have an account, but I use it for my craft blog. Don't really want to mix the two. I used to be strictly anonymous, but lately I've started using my Disqus name to be consistent.
It's sad in a way, to see people be so jaded regarding Frank's eye-opening regarding Palin. I'm sure many of us have had people we trusted lead us down the primrose path, many of us have thought we were doing the right thing at the time, only to later say "what was I thinking?"
I have a feeling Palin is very good at sucking you into her world. While you're there, I imagine there's this Dali-esque feeling that the rational part of your brain simply can't overcome. I have no doubt Frank would characterize his time in Palin's world as "surreal."
I love the great books that have cropped up lately. We're getting some real juicy reading about the real Juicy.
ReplyDeletespeaking of toilet can order some with palin's face and famous quotes online. kind of expensive but it's the thought that counts! keep those books coming.
ReplyDeleteTo the Gryphen family, after reading the post below it looks like Sarah Palin made a comment about your family, your son in particular. I don’t know if the comment about your son is true or not and the only thing I can tell you is that it does not matter to anybody except to homophobes like Willow Palin and Sarah Palin. What Sarah did was reconfirm to America where Willow and Bristol gets their values from and that all the Palins are not worthy to hold any public office or speak to the public.
ReplyDeleteI would like to tell you that the statement made by Sarah Palin about your son was uncalled for and it bothers me that she said it and only it enforces the claims that she is not a Christian. I am not apologizing for Sarah or Willow because I feel they owe you an apology, I am apologizing that your family had to hear rhetoric like that from a racist homophobic trailer park piece of shit.
Correct me if I'm wrong, Sarah concerns about Frank Bailey is that he is disloyal to her Highny Sarah Palin!
ReplyDeleteSarah never said Frank Bailey was a liar.
How funny.
Some Places' I Post fundraise for me! I use my rill name there! Places with h8TRS! and hateful Bloggers!!! Which do not PAYME to talkabout my famliy don't diserv to have the monies from my rill name!.
ReplyDeleteSo give back those emails ALL OF THEM THAT WHICH HAVE BEEN SENT AND ALSO RECEVED TOO! HORDEING is so RONG!!! There was a reason Y we said make no copies and be sure to delet- This s%it can get us in trubble!! What disloyalty and conspiracy!! From a goovernment servant too!
In the meentime I'm waiting for Joe M. to come and masure for drapes and blackout curtans in the new Bunker. The kids are lookin up names of nasty posters to out later when I'm annoited the permanant PresiDUNCE!!! My DIPartmaent of Law will GET EVEN RILL SOON!
Anonymous said...
ReplyDeleteFrank... shove it all down her throat.
Impressed with his AP video... did not think he would interview as well as he did.
Sarah... bend over, Frank has something he wants to give you.
9:33 AM
Sarah can really feel the fire in her belly now. Frank just shoved a red hot poker up Sarah's arse.
Well at least the msm is at least covering This book they practically ignored geoffrey dunns.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous @9:19. The Willow thing made me laugh out loud. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteHope Bailey's book brings more attention to Dunn's excellent book.
ReplyDeleteI haven't been able to convince myself to order Bailey's book yet. May wait for a used copy. My feelings are still hurt by author Jeanne's insults to Babygaters.
I can't wait for McGinniss's book. Even people who haven't followed Palin closely will read it just because Joe wrote it. He will enlighten everyone.
I also plan to buy Levi's book--even if he doesn't tell all--in hopes he'll use the profits to resume school where he left off after getting mixed up with the Palins.
@8:44 it's just easier like anybody would know Pam in iowa
ReplyDeletePalin's new AZ mansion is listed under "Safari Investements LLC", which is a Delaware company. Safari Investments LLC was first incorporated in 1996, which is the year Palin became Mayor of Wasilla. What was the purpose of incorporating this entity back in 1996? How much money was invested and where did the money come from? Has Safari Investments LLC been included on Palin's financial disclosure forms? If not, why not?
ReplyDeleteI use anonymous most of the time because this darn laptop has a weird keyboard,clicking one box is easier than typing my name
I use anon by choice. No real good reason except I like being anon. I don't think it makes a difference to me and can't imagine how it would matter to anyone else if I attached some moniker that means nothing to anyone but myself. I multi-post on few stories and am not so much into the establishing a dialog thing. I just throw my stuff out there and hope it sticks - unlike other sites where you get moderated and deleted. I have pretty thick skin having dealt with the paid trollers at the HP site so I'm not the least bit concerned about being called names. Most of the time that tends to affirm you've struck a nerve. This site is amusing because you can tell it's being monitored by the inner circle of the wasilla thugs. Esp interesting is that on most stories there is a poster usually between 4:00 - 4:30 a.m. Must be someone who either stays up late and gets tanked or rises early and is more incoherent - or it could be saree herself, laying in bed by herself chewing and snarling about something written here, she bolts from bed and runs to the computer where she flails away at a post talking about how marvelous and beautiful she is. As if that's going to make us all go - "Wow. I never thought of that!"
ReplyDeleteFrank Bailey comes off very sincere. It makes me wonder if RAM is writing a book in her spare time. There will come a time when Gramma Lou Sarah gives RAM the mean girl kick out. Will RAM follow that up with a book that picks up where Frank's book stops?
ReplyDeleteI ordered my copy and noticed it's moving fast toward Amazon's No. 1 spot. Because Bailey is a Christian and this is his redemption story, I'll be able to pass the book on to my Evangelical mother with a great big 'I told you so!'.
ReplyDeleteI hope the book will settle the question of whether Palin committed perjury in her Troopergate testimony. Or are those the emails the AK AG wouldn't allow them to include? Perhaps the book will at least stir up Alaskans to demand the legislature re-opens Troopergate. A perjury finding would pretty much finish her politically.
Also, public sentiment turns against Palin, how 'bout if other brave Alaskans come forward? May Frank Bailey be the first of many!
10:08- in Sarahland disloyalty is bad and lying is an acceptable version of the "truth."
ReplyDeleteGryphen, why isn't Dunn making the rounds also, too?
ReplyDeleteOn the one hand, I think it virtually criminal that Bailey can make a fortune on his lack of ethics. On the other, it is way past time those emails were released. Now the state has some big time 'splainin to do.
ReplyDeleteHopefully this will also take down the Turd's hand puppet, parnell.
Were Bailey to donate every penny he makes off this book to charity (not the one that begins at home or his fundy church), then and only then would I be willing to give him a pass.
This comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteRandom Thoughts:
ReplyDeleteIt seems to me that there has been a great deal of action lately from saree in the run up to the release - perhaps trying to get her cheery face in front of the revelations? If so, her face is looking awfully shrill and pained.
More important is the work of the gypsy moths who troll the web striving to attack any and all who would tarnish the queen's glitter. What to make of that? Turn a blind eye? No, instead they call even more attention to her, hence my thinking most of the posters here from a negative perspective (toward you and the commentary that follows)can only be internal Palinista's and perhaps even the wicked witch herself - certainly the children come to mind as I've read enough of Brisket and Willful's rants to know the old evil apple did not fall far from mama's tree.
But the bigger issue is I wonder if saree is starting to freak a little. Frank's book is going to contain a number of very unflattering comments made by her highness and it leads me to wonder if there aren't things in there that are clues to other greater and still secret issues? I suspect too, she is probably afraid that if Frank gets press then are there others who know other, and potentially even more damaging facts, that might now get the light of day. It's like all secrets, getting the first one out often leads to a flood of others. Let's all hope that's the case. Time for this grifter to meet her lies face on
Bailey's book is now #69 in top sellers. Looks like lots of people will be reading this book.
ReplyDeleteMy Dunn book took about 5 days to arrive (pre ordered, single item). I have also pre ordered Bailey's book from Amazon, but I'm tempted to go to B&N and buy a NookColor!
ReplyDeleteSee 4 Pee avoided this topic like the plague.
ReplyDeleteCan it be true that Lou Sarah is moving to Arizona? Ha Ha. John McCain, smile through your gritted teeth. You deserve La Quitta and her whole immoral family.
ReplyDeleteThe difference between "anonymous" and a fictious name doesn't matter to me one bit. I'm quite content to reply to "anonymous hh:mm".
ReplyDeleteIf some one prefers to select a name to comment under, fine with me. But I wouldn't rely on the consistent use of one name by one person. That's just the facts of life on the web.
Bailey: What a MAVERICK!
ReplyDeleteBackpedaling anyone?
ReplyDeleteThe most intriguing charge in the piece was that Ailes believed one of his star employees, Sarah Palin, is truly “an idiot.” Yet Bill Shine, executive vice president of programming for Fox News Channel adamantly denied the accusation and today told The New York Times:
“I know for a fact that Roger Ailes admires and respects Sarah Palin and thinks she is smart. He also believes many members of the left wing media are extremely terrified and threatened by her. Despite a massive effort to destroy Sarah Palin, she is still on her feet and making a difference in the political world. As for the ‘Republican close to Ailes’ for which the incorrect Palin quote is attributed, when Roger figures out who that is, I guarantee you he or she will no longer be ‘close to Ailes.’”
Mine will arrive on my Kindle sometime during the night and I cannot wait. Finished the wonderful"Lies of Sarah Palin" just in time.
ReplyDeleteProtecting the Golden Chicken...
After 2.5 years of sarah's smug mug, I don't care who said who was whoring or who has been unethical. I just gotta know the truth, so I'm buyin' any of 'em and all of 'em.
ReplyDeleteGot his quote from the WaPo-review:
ReplyDelete'As she once e-mailed him, “Remember: amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.”' Yeah sure, just as your Ark is turning into a Titanic.
@ Anonymous 12:07 PM
ReplyDeleteI read the same thing, but according to Joe McGinniss who happens to be a friend of Ailes he alluded that the thought of Palin an idiot and stupid were correct.
This other guy is talking out of his arse.
Anon @ 11:10 AM: Do it! I got a Nook Color right before Mother's Day and they can take it from me when they...well, you know the rest.
ReplyDeleteBlind Allegiance Author On Sarah Palin: ‘Her Priorities And Personality…Would Lead To Disaster Of Biblical Proportions’
ReplyDelete...But it’s chock-full of tales that will spark debate, and a portrayal of the former Alaska governor and Republican vice presidential candidate as “an erratic, vindictive, unethical politician. Palin emerges as a woman far more interested in power, fame and fortune than in the day-to-day grind of governing. ‘I am convinced,’ Bailey writes, ‘that her priorities and personality are not only ill suited to head a political party or occupy national office, but would lead to a disaster of, well, biblical proportions.’”
Armed with insider emails and years of experience at Palin’s side, Levingston says Bailey’s “claims are hard to dismiss.” A leaked draft of the book emerged earlier this year, but this marks the beginning of what may be a wave of publicity for the book–and its unflattering description of Palin as someone who “routinely set out to destroy those who criticized her or her loved ones. Bailey’s blind devotion allowed him to rationalize her bad behavior and carry out her bidding — no matter how objectionable her demands were. ‘Behaviors I had previously considered myself incapable of condoning would become acceptable and commonplace,’ he writes.”
“Behaviors I had previously considered myself incapable of condoning would become acceptable and commonplace,” he writes. Although Palin promised to take the high road in politics, Bailey was forced into “an ethical limbo dance” that included making up letters to newspaper editors and signing them with the names of supporters. On another occasion, Bailey and other staffers spent hours voting repeatedly to manipulate a television opinion poll on Palin’s decision to reject part of the federal government’s economic stimulus funding. Bailey also helped smear a neighbor who complained about excessive tourist traffic around the governor’s mansion. After hearing of the gripe, Palin sent her daughter Piper out to sell lemonade and then derided her neighbor for protesting children at play. Soon, the neighbor was portrayed on conservative blogs as “sick,” “unhinged” and “drug-addicted.” “By the time we finished with our politics of destruction, he surely regretted ever mentioning the governor’s name,” Bailey writes. “He learned firsthand why so few people were willing to speak out against Sarah Palin.”
...Although the governor repeatedly denied she ever pressured the commissioner, an independent counsel concluded that she “knowingly permitted” efforts to “advance a personal agenda” in getting the trooper fired. “This saga, unfortunately, epitomized the worst of Sarah’s dysfunctional psyche and administration,” Bailey writes, “including the compulsion to attack enemies, deny truth, play victim, and employ outright deception.”
ReplyDeleteBailey was also dismayed by the chasm between Palin’s professed Christian ideals and her treatment of others, including supporters. During her race for governor, a highly decorated 86-year-old veteran who saw Palin as the state’s savior assembled more than 200 signs and walked house to house planting them in supporters’ yards. Bailey repeatedly asked Palin to pay the old gent a quick visit at his home, but she couldn’t be bothered. According to Bailey, she was dismissive of those who helped catapult her to success. Several other elderly volunteers donated 10-hour days and earned Palin’s belittling characterization as the “crazy old men’s club.” One of the men, thrilled by her victory, presented her with his lucky fedora festooned with campaign buttons. “Rather than being touched by the gesture,” Bailey writes, “Sarah quickly tossed the beloved hat in the trash, explaining to me that it was ‘icky.’ ”
“Blind Allegiance” is so full of Palin’s pettiness and incompetence that it defines her as little more than a small-town politician at a loss on the larger stage. Bailey realized she was ill-prepared for political superstardom soon after she was tapped for a spot on the Republican presidential ticket with John McCain. “Incredibly, I mostly still believed in the myth of Sarah and her ultimate mission,” he writes. “However, a piece of me could see she was in over her head.”
ReplyDeleteAs her soaring popularity proved, her skills lay in firing up a crowd. And, Bailey asserts, she was happy to leave knowledge of the issues to others. As governor she created an editorial team to write op-eds on her behalf then remained detached from the process, refusing to study the issues or even familiarize herself with what her advisers turned out in her name. “She wanted credit without caring about even a fundamental understanding,” Bailey writes.
In his fervor, Bailey at first didn’t care that Palin lacked expertise — she had common sense. As she once e-mailed him, “Remember: amateurs built the ark. Professionals built the Titanic.” But Bailey came to doubt his devotion, particularly after the presidential election defeat when Palin seemed to care little for governing Alaska and far more about cashing in on her celebrity. “Sarah hadn’t ever really been a full-time governor before being nabbed by McCain,” he writes, recalling that before the vote she wrote to him: “Pray that we win so we can all get out of that place.”
per Bill Shine, Fox News exec., in rebuttal to the New York Mag article about Fox News: "(Roger Ailes) also believes many members of the left wing media are extremely terrified and threatened by her. Despite a massive effort to destroy Sarah Palin, she is still on her feet and making a difference in the political world."
ReplyDeletePLEASE. The media has fucking created Sarah Palin. John McCain will always be the asshat who introduced her to the American public, but the media made her the monster that she is. They are not terrified of her, they love her because she's the braying harpy that people in our reality TV world can't look away from. If the media ever stopped propping her up, they'd make mincemeat of her without even trying. But they won't do that.
As for Sarah Palin making a difference in the political world, I have to agree with that. She's making it stupider.
Sorry Gryph, about the earlier comment: I have to be specific: not your (Blog) Ark (the work of a gifted writer), but that of Mrs. Ahab, the Mistress of Disaster.
ReplyDeleteSince the push back by Palin team on Bailey's book, it has move up to #43 on Amazon's top books list.
ReplyDeleteBrilliant move by team Palin. LOL. Roger Ailes is right, Palin is stupid.
Rush Limbaugh Invents Abortion Straw Man To Rehab Sarah Palin
ReplyDelete“Sarah Palin is attacked as if she were a baby killer. Of course, the fact that she isn’t a baby killer is one of the things that drives them crazy about her.” They wanted her to kill her baby, but she didn’t. She had it, and that makes her an enemy.”
There are several things wrong with Limbaugh’s statements. First, most of the left outside of Alaska had absolutely no idea who Sarah Palin even was before John McCain made the worst mistake of his life since getting shot down in North Vietnam in 1967.
No one on the left ever wanted Sarah Palin to kill her baby. This is yet another victimization myth that is designed to rally anti-abortion support to Palin. There are a million reasons for all Americans to have acquired a strong distaste for Sarah Palin. Death panels, bad reality television shows where she exposed herself as a hunting fraud, and the blood libel video are only three. Palin has also demonstrated a petty, bitter, vindictive streak that suits someone of her obvious emotional instability very well.
The left dislikes Sarah Palin because she is fraud. She is a grifter extraordinaire who makes George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar, and Richard Nixon a bastion of ethics.
Contrary to what Rush Limbaugh may believe, the left loves children just as much as the right. That’s why we keep pushing for all of those social programs for kids that Republicans never stop trying to cut.
The difference between the left and right is simple. The Republican concern for children stops as soon as the fetus leaves the womb. Once a baby takes its first breath, the right leaves every innocent child out there to fend for themselves. In contrast, the left understands that being born is just the beginning. Life may begin at conception, but society’s role starts at birth.
**There can be no bigger sign of Sarah Palin’s 2012 revival than the fact that Rush Limbaugh has started carrying water for her again.**
Oh, how I wish it was illustrated with daily photos of then Gov. Sarah prancing along 8 months pregnant.
ReplyDeleteDoes Frank Bailey even discuss the disapperance of photos from the state web-sites and other public/private web-sites?
Or is Bailey (et al) just too afeared of the taint of babygate that has the journalists of the world quivering wrecks before their very keyboards? (Gryphen being the notable exception).
Unless Bailey adds a sub-title "mentally unstable and proud of it" to Sarah Palin's name, he's only done half his job.
Good news. Now Geoffrey Dunn's book is moving up Amazon's top seller list. It's been rated 3000-4000, but current position is #945.
ReplyDeleteMore push back please, Team Palin. Let's drive these books to #1!
Sarah has responded to the book. Crawford gave a statement to Politico. It sounds like he gave them a statement and then RAM called them to add some bs about Bailey approaching her to write a book but she turned him down.
I think he's humble and human and I agree with the poster who said she finds him to be sexy in an odd way. He is VERY sexy to me. I like a person who can admit they were wrong, and not make excuses.
ReplyDeleteTo me, it doesn't matter that it took years for him to come clean - we all come to our internal realizations in our own time - and he DID, even if it's not on the time schedule we wish it had been. I wish him well, and I will be buying his book!
Hete's your chance to ask Mr. Bailey a question...
Former Sarah Palin staffer Frank Bailey, the author of "Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin: A Memoir of Our Tumultuous Years," will take your questions at noon ET on Tuesday.
12:34, Rush Limbaugh forgot the part where NOBODY KNEW SARAH WAS PREGNANT.
ReplyDeleteI suspect most people spent the 6 weeks of that "pregnancy" doubting she was even pregnant, much less wishing that she'd destroy the square pillow.
OH. MY. GOD. The snippets of the book put out by the WaPo are infreakingcredible!!!!
ReplyDeleteI see the magic of Devon's silver pen at work. Someone get me a lemonade 'cause I'm feeling faint.
Off to B&N to get my Nook!
Thanks Gryphen - I'm hoping to get it tomorrow unless my book store has some delay.
ReplyDeleteI think this author, Frank B. really has turned his life around. I know how some church people are taught to be devoted to their pastors and to "not touch the anointed" which is an OT warning to be submissive to the prophet. Many tight-fisted cultish churches put a guilt trip on people and members are afraid to speak out against their church elders and think it's not God's will that they squeal on them. They expect other clergy will correct that pastor who needs correction.
This same cultish devotion sometimes happens when someone is lifted up through the church as "gifted" or "has a mission from God". Devotees feel that God placed them in their path and they need to comply with whatever the chosen asks. Now, this isn't all fundamentalist churches who behave this way. But, lately, with this new fire prophetic movement that clearly is taking over some churches, it's happening.
So I understand Frank Bailey, having been at one time in my life so submissive to leaders in the church, and blindly lifting some up on a pedestal(in my mind) and taking a long time to process the inconsistency of their walk).
For those who think Frank was stupid, well, I think he's learned his lesson, and his spiritual discernment was no doubt off. But when someone believes that their master could be a great divinely chosen leader to lead a nation, it's compelling and exciting to believe and want to follow. But I thank Jesus that he chose to follow his heart and despite the consequences he told the truth.
Sarah forgets that those "amateurs" who built the ark had a little help from the Big Guy in the Sky.
ReplyDeleteYou guys will all read the books and let us know what they have to say. I had the pleasure of perusing the leaked Bailey manuscript. It told me much of what many of us already know, just like Dunn's book did and just as McGinness's book will. If you folks need these books to somehow "cement" in your head what you already know about Palin and her inadequacies and her poor judgement, then you've been living under a rock. If only the people that NEED to learn about the dark side of Palin would purchase these books then the country could be saved her candidacy. But alas, only those that are already in the know are purchasing the books and reading the same old same old that we already know.
ReplyDeleteSarah hated being governor and hated Alaska. According to Bailey, she said, "Pray that we win so we can all get out of that place.” She didn't win so she quit.
ReplyDeleteHey, Arizona! Good luck. You'll need it.
Palin announced her pregnancy very close to the supposed due date. An abortion that late would be very unusual, probably only in an attempt to save a mother's life. It's inconceivable that anyone ever told Sarah Palin to have an abortion that late.
ReplyDeleteRush L. is using the code words to sexually excite his audience. It's a tactic often used by Palin herself.
Safeway in Kenai has copies of the book!
ReplyDeleteI bought mine an hour ago.
To the Sea of Pee: Yahoo has the most right-wing nut job commenters than any other site. They would be the least likely to be happy with Bailey's book. Try another tack.
ReplyDeleteRE: Using "Anonymous"
ReplyDeleteI often wish people would pick an alias and use it because many people post more than once on a thread. It makes it easier to follow the conversation instead of guessing if a comment is a follow-up to a previous comment.
B I am so glad I'm not standing alone in my refusal to purchase the book based on Ms. Devon's extremely belittling remarks toward people less afraid to speak the obvious truth. If she doesn't believe babygate (which I don't buy for a nanosec) then fine...let her believe that women can be in labor during speeches and multiple flights and nobody notices. Let her believe that a tiny 5lb babe on Levi's birthday turned into the hulking moosebaby seen at the RNC just fourteen weeks later. Let her believe or SAY she believes whatever the eff she wants. But don't dare tell me what *I* can believe or choose to say about it.
ReplyDeleteIf there is one single person who has contributed more than anyone else to the "spiral of silence", I would say it's Ms. Devon. She knows her readership and appeal is wider every day. Yet she keeps "unpleasantness" swept under the rug in the name of keeping her commercial viability intact.
And that is just sad...because who else do we know that behaves in such a manner? Exactly.
So here's a possible doozie/possible nothing:
ReplyDeleteDoes anyone know why Sarah Palin checked into day surgery at the medical center in anchorage on June 22, 2001?
I used to think it didn't really matter but due to recent rumblings I'm wondering if the place and date might perhaps jog the memory of someone who may have more information.
Caveat: please do not ask how I know this small bit of info- can't rat out the person who told me. Also, too, for all I know she could have been getting a nasty foot wart removed. I am not implying anything, only hoping that putting a shade of specificity on a broad stroked rumor may help jog someone's memory. I should say once more: I do not know ANYTHING which would dictate that the reason Sarah Palin had an outpatient surgical procedure is the reason we all hope it is. ALL I know is date/location.
For anyone wanting to lecture me about how this should have been kept private: when Sarah Palin stops putting a reality tv camera everywhere but up her skirt, and when she stops inviting media outlets to "look at her stretch marks"...I will then believe she is entitled to the same level of privacy as everyone else.
anon post is a must for Alaskans her relationship with
ReplyDeletethe malitia up north she tried to appoint wayne anthony ross as attorney general his association and support of the KKK it is in the best interest of our familys those people are nazi's lets be real...look what she did to Gryphen..And so many others, Walt Monegan
mike wooten. the threats to judge's and Troopers.
you must not live here?
ReplyDeleteI wholeheartedly concur . . . and believe that when the "Truth about Trig" is finally revealed, it will be particularly painful for those who willing choose to "see no evil."
Frank comes across as very sincere and, dare I say it, normal. Surprising for anyone coming out of the inner circle.
ReplyDeleteIt's a good thing Sarah hasn't moved to her new mansion in AZ yet...I think she'd be throwing things into her Ceement Pond. She makes the Beverly Hillbillies look civilized.
ReplyDeleteAmazon has Frank's book @ #40.
ReplyDeleteWhat everybody has to realize is that SarahPac bought palates of Sarah's book at a big discount and gave it away for free to people who donated money to SarahPac and that helped her overall sales.
Magazine companies bought palates of Sarah's book at a discount and gave it away for free if you bought a new subscription.
Bottom line is Sarah bought her way to #1 and Frank is doing it the legit way.
Levi had a chance to be a number 1 best seller.
ReplyDeleteNow that he is writing a book about Sarah, he needs to come out with new and better info that no one knows about if he wants big sales.
I suspect one reason Palin is moving to Arizona is that she's probably feeling mighty unwelcome in Alaska lately. I'd wager a bet the running for the senate seat came afterward.