Tuesday, May 03, 2011

Democrats soft on defense? President Obama not up to the job as President? Lawrence O'Donnell would like to set the record straight.

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  1. Anonymous4:31 AM

    I'd much rather see a photo of a room full of adults including our President and his National Security Staff than an updated photo of the Sarah Palin playing Battleship and believing she knows about National Security and the military

  2. Nancy in New York4:37 AM

    That actually gave me chills! Awesome and so true!

    All republicans have are lies and they have a propaganda network (fox) peddling, pushing and promoting their lies 24 hours a day.

    That's why they are thanking everyone from Bush to the Tooth Fairy for getting Bin Laden. Anyone but Obama. Because they and their brainwashed drones WANT to believe it. And they figure if they lie enough that the lie will become the truth.

    Hopefully there are enough rational people in the world to see through the lies. President Obama could have used many military strategies to get Bin Laden. He could have ordered the bombing of the compound he was in, which would have cost many people their lives. Instead, he as Commander In Chief, chose a strategic precise plan of attack. And it succeeded!!! He did what Bush couldn't do (and could care less about doing according to his own words!) in two years time. But he will never get anything but the slightest praise from the right wing fanatics on the other side of the aisle.

    But they will continue to lie, hurl accusations and disrespect the President because that's all the have left. That's what the republicans have become. Bitter, fearful, angry, resentful and deceitful. And anyone who votes republican is encouraging them to continue down that destructive path to the detriment of America.

  3. Anonymous4:59 AM

    Obama made a gutsy call to use troops ... versus just bombing.

    by doing this computers, CD's, thumb drives and other intel was able to be collected...along with Bin Laden body.

    CIA may now have records on other terrorist, bank records and operational plans.

    20 to 1 odds, chickenshit McCain would have just used bombs.

  4. Anonymous5:00 AM

    As I look at the photos of President Obama and Vice President Biden, and the others in the photos watching their plan unfold, I can't help feeling sick at the idea of Palin sitting in a position of this magnitude. The seriousness of the jobs and the lives put at risk. How could anyone even fathom the idea of putting Palin in charge of our troops safety and lives. I think she thinks the Presidency is a spectators sport. I really, really do. Good job Mr. President, those Navy Seals and our military are safer today because you are their leader!

  5. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Sarah operates and conducts herself like politics is just a beauty pageant where the folks are paid better.

    Show up, look pretty, wave,

  6. LoveAndKnishesFromBrooklyn5:12 AM

    One big diff between the adult in the WH and the Grampy/Barbie combo. Instead of a well-planned, surgical strike against OBL, they simply would have nuked the entire country. Their mouth-breathing, yahoo, goody-good Xtain base would have loved it, until the reprisal came. Guess what that would have been?

  7. Anonymous5:33 AM

    Anon 5:00 am
    My blood ran cold at the thought of Palin in the situation room. Shouting out "do ya love your freedom" does not go far. Refusing to answer questions, rambling speeches of word salad full court presses, dead fish, aiming, reloading, haters, and more nonsensical missives grandiose delusions would bring dire consequences.

  8. Anonymous5:36 AM

    Again, unless something drastic happens and makes Obama the new Hoover, he will win. He will still verbally prove he's inept, but he will win. He won as a newbie in 08, one with ZERO experience, and because not tragedies have occurred yet, he will win again.

    Look at 2000 and 2004. The only reason Gore and Kerry lost was reason they are Gore and Kerry, two idiots. Bush is a good man, no more corrupt than the average president and far more likeable.

  9. Anonymous5:44 AM

    Bumper sticker!


  10. Anonymous5:45 AM

    From now on Obama will be viewed slightly differently at home and abroad, his coolness understood to be unflappable and poker-faced, rather than chilly and professorial. One former foreign minister who has seen the president up close believes that Bin Laden's scalp will lead other world leaders to conclude that, to paraphrase Teddy Roosevelt, "Obama may speak softly – but he carries a big stick".


  11. So Dems are weak on defense, President Obama isn't up to the job huh?

    This was tweeted Sunday night by Bob Cesca

    A liberal saved the Union and freed the slaves. A liberal defeated Nazi Germany. A liberal defeated Imperial Japan. And a liberal killed Osama Bin Laden. Liberals Fuck Yeah!

    That says it all right there.

  12. Anonymous5:53 AM

    I pray every night that Palin will NEVER come ANYWHERE CLOSE to being given a FRACTION of the power that President Obama has, and wields with such dignity and intelligence.

  13. Anonymous5:58 AM

    This illustrates nicely how the conservative mind works on foreign policy: what matters is not objective success at defeating America's enemies. Nor is it freedom that has actually advanced throughout the Middle East this spring, because both of these events happened during Obama's tenure rather than Bush's. What matters is rhetoric and attitude. What makes conservatives feel secure is seeing their president prance around in an Air Force flight suit, bragging that America has won. A sober address that expresses sorrow over what the War on Terror has cost us, by contrast, doesn't make them want to pound their chests and shout "U.S.A!" That is the partisan divide on national security and it isn't going away.


  14. Anonymous6:00 AM

    Had I not seen it with my own eyes, I would have never believed it. FOX found a way to turn even this into a negative for Obama. I tuned in after you called and watched Sean Hannity make a fool of himself like you were saying. Honesty, that is exactly what I would have expected from FOX – complaining because the US military took the time to follow Muslim traditions before eventually ditching the son-of-a-bitch at sea. Sean, of course, wanted something a bit more flashy. Had we done it Hannity’s way, the body would have been photographed wearing Princess Beatrice’s hat. Honestly FOX, why don’t we just hang him on a cross and see if his followers retaliate? Sean is an idiot.

    Of course Greta and Glenn were vying for stupidest person on FOX as well, but a race to the bottom on that network is over before it begins. Was I the only one who noticed all three of them kept accidentally saying Obama rather than Usama? I bet not. But I bet I am the only one who points it out.

    It’s called honor Mr. Hannity, Mr. Beck and Mr. Van Susteren… you jackasses. Obama understands it. The US military has it. FOX needs it. It makes us better than them. But I guess the morons over at FOX are more worried that 72 Virgins really were waiting for him. And yes, I know I typed Mister Van Susteren… plastic surgery can only get you so far.

    Ten years were a long time to wait for the end of Bin Laden. I ask you, how long before we see an end to FOX?

    Change the channel America. I mean it. Really.


  15. No democrats are NOT soft on defense, that's just another talking points lie parrotted out by the rethugs in their quest for power.

  16. 5:36 am

    Bekki, Sarah, that you two idiots?

  17. Anonymous6:33 AM

    And it's more than even that, too. Because comparison can't be avoided. Under George W. Bush, America allowed the worst attack on its soil ever, beyond even Pearl Harbor, and for seven years these self-professed "defense experts" couldn't find its mastermind. And yet after only 2-1/2 years, Barack Obama - a man actually tough on terrorism and national security - had the leadership to find, plan and kill that very man, Osama bin Laden.

    That's quite a streak of days. Yet none were the worst, all mere prelude to the most devastating blow Republicans faced in this Obama Flurry the very next day:

    Because following all that, on Monday, Barack Obama appeared with his wife Michelle, on Oprah.

    After releasing his birth certificate, after demonstrating the blessing of federal assistance, after warming the nation with his humor, after announcing the end of Osama bin Laden, the President and First Lady topped off this remarkable six days by showing the personal grace of a man, a husband, a father and a leader, anointed by the Queen of America.

    You almost wonder why he took Thursday off.

    Meanwhile, Republicans are still trying to figure out who wants to run. This week, that question became "in which direction?".


  18. Anonymous6:42 AM



  19. Anonymous6:46 AM

    Flashback: Obama's Vow To Seek Bin Laden In Pakistan Was Once Controversial


  20. Hey Anonymous @ 5:36 am.

    you are WRONG on many counts

    Obama had some years in state senate, and then 2 years as a US Senator. He also happens to know more about the constitution, history, and politics than Mr C student Shrub ever will.
    Obama is a much better speaker, more articulate, if a little too wordy at times.

    Bush was an idiot on so many levels. He had the stupidity to LOWER taxes at a time when we were fighting a war. He just threw it all on the credit card, instead of appealing to Americans after 9/11 to sacrifice 3% of their income to help the budget.

    Andy Cheney, Mr Puppetmaster is famous for saying "reagan proved that deficits don't matter"

    His final idiocy was attacking a sovereign nation that was NEVER a qualified threat to the US. We had all of Iraq as a no-fly zone, and 24/7 recon via Awacs aircraft
    Saddam couldn't brush his teeth without our intel knowing everything he was doing.
    GW Bush started that war to prove what a real man he was, and to satisfy the neocon madness, and to avenge the threat to his father.

    If IRaq was still intact today, it would buffer the stupidity in Iran, and we would be 2 Trillion dollars richer, and many brave Americans would not have lost their life.

    You are ignorant to think that Bush was anything but a fool, and an ideological fool at that.

  21. That was beautiful! Lawrence O'Donnell...wow, I don't even know what to say about his presentation. I feel so fortunate to have Barack Obama for our president.

  22. Anonymous9:53 AM

    You are right Mr. O'Donell, he is "too cool". You are pretty cool, yourself. You make points forcefully without being in your viewers' faces.

    It is time that we, the people, require honesty in our media and not trivia and theater.

  23. Anne In DC10:37 PM

    The idea that Republicans are "tough on defense" in contrast to Democrats is just as much of a myth as the one that Republicans are the fiscally responsible party. It's mind-boggling to observe those on the right who can't wrap their unimaginative minds around the fact that a calm, deliberative Democratic president brought Bin Laden down. It shatters that narrative, along with discrediting their idea of a swaggering, shoot-from-the-hip caricature as an effective leader.
    I love watching Lawrence O'Donnell, because of his ability to put things in proper perspective.


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