This is how they describe themselves in the About Us section: was created in August of 2010 in the hopes of becoming a hub for information specific to the United States political and Presidential elections 2012 and beyond. Our content is non-partisan, and includes a wide range of topics featuring all parties, world news, US news, media commentary and much more.
There were a number of questions asked, with the results posted. Such as:
04/18/11 Which 2012 Primary Is Most Important?
37% Florida (Jan 31st, 2012 or later)
26% Iowa (Feb 6th, 2012)
20% New Hampshire (Feb 14th, 2012)
15% South Carolina (Feb 28th, 2012)
2% Nevada (Feb 18th, 2010)
As well as:
04/10/11 Are You Worried About Iran’s Nuclear Capabilities?
43% Yes, I fear they will use the technology for weapons.
29% No, they say it’s for nuclear power only, and I believe them.
28% I don’t know
But then some of the responses seemed to indicate that those answering the questions might have a more, let's just say, "conservative" frame of mind than might be expected.
04/13/11 How Do You Feel About 2012?
43% Excited! At least one GOP candidate already has my vote.
29% Ready. I’ve got my “Obama 2012″ bumper stickers pre-ordered.
8% Bored. The GOP candidates are all the same.
8% Annoyed. Isn’t it early to be thinking about 2012?
7% Anxious. Is it 2012 yet?
5% Undecided. Have to wait and see how Obama’s term plays out before I vote left or right.
04/16/11 Do You Believe Obama Was Born In The US?
51% No. I agree with Trump, Obama hasn’t shown enough proof.
28% Yes. I agree with Romney, if he wasn’t born here someone would have found out already!
11% I’m not sure.
8% I don’t care.
This last one was closed after April 27, after Obama showed his long form birth certificate, but still you kin of get the idea that perhaps these polls are attracting, not only a right wing element, but rather a rabid right wing element.
But there was one poll which flushed them out completely.
4/16/11 Do You Think Sarah Palin Will Run in 2012?
85% Yep, she’s already got my vote!
9% No, she shouldn’t be allowed anywhere NEAR the White House
2% Yes, but I’m voting for another GOP candidate.
2% No, she prefers her celebrity status over the Presidency.
2% I don’t know.
I know right? I mean obviously this is not your usual group of Republicans weighing in on these questions. And clearly that occurred to the gentlemen running this site as well:
Please note this poll was closed early and the results are largely due to an overwhelming response from a certain group, who posted a link to our poll on their forum, Thank you to everyone who voted.
One of the most interesting revelations gleaned from the leaked manuscript for Blind Allegiance
Apaprenlty for the Grizzled Mama and her crazy ass supporters, cheating never gets old. Only now that they are so panic stricken about how badly Palin's poll numbers have dropped they have completely lost whatever ability they once had to be subtle.
That is a scary picture. What has happened to her face?
ReplyDeleteOh my, that picture of Sarah - talk about TransAmerica, she's a Man, man!
ReplyDeleteDon't trust no polls, none of them, all of them. Most employ a much too small group in their poll and those that poll more populace often poll towards the desired outcome. Polling is a dead science.
ReplyDeleteDWTS redux... nothing to see here...
ReplyDeleteIs it just me or does she look kind of ohhhh, masculine, like she could possibly grow a mustache if her face was left unattended?
ReplyDeleteDoes it look like she has hidden snake-like incisors? Like she could kill you if you turned your back on her or eat a rat in one gulp? (BTW, where is Trig?--Bristol: "My Mother ate me baby!!")
I always thought female vampires or snake women were supposed to be pretty: that was part of the allure. God, beauty aint skin deep here.
oh, and they photoshopped her ears because they usually stand away from her head.
ReplyDeleteEvil, fugly woman.
She has the mouth of an old woman, not some hot MILF.
ReplyDeleteYikes! Love ya, Gryph, but please warn us about the photo content, first! ;-)
ReplyDeleteWhere did you get that god-awful picture of Sarah? Is there a date for it?
ReplyDeleteI don't think I've ever seen her look worse.
That's why on-line polls are pointless and unreliable.
ReplyDeletePathetic, Lou Sarah. Just pathetic.
ReplyDeleteFirst the acolytes freep any poll that Palin appears in, then they trumpet how well she did. They don't live in a bubble, they live in a right-wing Biosphere.
ReplyDeleteThe most interesting poll result comes from the sidebar on the right: 58 percent of those surveyed said they would NEVER vote for Palin. (Same exact number for Trump.) That's why I hope she does run. Because I will so enjoy the teeth-gnashing and lamentation of the C4P-ers.
Her head looks squeezed in that photo. Normally it is wider.
ReplyDeleteIt didn't help.
Seriously, Mr. G, where did that photo come from? Is it real? Cause that is reeeealy scary. Like if that mouth opened, there would be bloody fangs showing.
ReplyDeleteit gets better - earlier today the who benefits most from Huck's announcement "poll" had to be pulled because it showed Palin with like 80%, but the blogger discovered that all but 12% of the votes came directly from C4P, where the link to the poll (like every other meaningless poll on the net) was linked and plugged and discussed and everyone was encouraged to vote early and often.
ReplyDeleteThen they all got mad that she was being ignored, started some sort of email campaign, and the guy put her back on the list, where they proceeded to swamp the results again.
What's really funny is that they think these polls "matter" in some way. Many of them will spend literally the entire day or evening voting, refreshing, clearing cache and cookies and voting over and over; intermittently reporting back to the flying monkey cave what the results are at that moment and urging others to GO VOTE!! Meanwhile, they accuse the "romulans" and the "paulbots" of, wait for it, .. CHEATING and spamming the poll.
The thing is there are only about 100 regular posters there, and far more than half of them are just plain stupid, and i'd be surprised if more than 10 of them have a job.
It's worth checking out for comic relief and for recon of the "enemy."
You can determine that the poll was was very easy to see/determine.
ReplyDeleteThe GOP establishment will likely allow one of the 3 un-electable crazy asses to run on the ticket knowing that they can completely discredit the fringe and force themselves back to some sort of middle for 2016. Huntsman is the one to watch for the next cycle. The GOP is already throwing in the towel for '12.
ReplyDeleteHoly crap, where did that creepy picture come from? Is it really Sarah Palin? Was it photoshopped in some weird way?
ReplyDeleteSarah Coulter?
ReplyDeleteI'm actually kind of sad for them--I went to C for Pee and saw an article where they summarize all the activities her volunteers are doing--they have been hanging over a thousand door hangers, going to public events wearing stickers and badges--what will these people do if she doesn't run? Isn't it cruel to keep them guessing like this? And if for some reason swmnbn does NOT run, they'll need psychiatric care.
ReplyDeleteI'm actually kind of sad for them--I went to C for Pee and saw an article where they summarize all the activities her volunteers are doing--they have been hanging over a thousand door hangers, going to public events wearing stickers and badges--what will these people do if she doesn't run? Isn't it cruel to keep them guessing like this? And if for some reason swmnbn does NOT run, they'll need psychiatric care.
ReplyDeleteDear 'Bots,
ReplyDeleteIf you can read this, you aren't donating enough to SarahPAC.
Sell your 'puter and buy Bri$tol Palin's new book, Please God, Let My Mama Be POTUS So We Can Get Moar Surgeries & Be On The Tee-Vee 24/7
Palin is a pathological liar and so are the batshit crazy loons that make up her posse.
ReplyDeleteIt is telling that Palin's modus operandi is to lie right from the start on every issue. The only arrow in her quiver is to lie.
If someone truly believes in their position, they don't need to lie, they argue an issue on what they believe are superior merits. That Palin lies as her primary strategy, essentially about everything, seems a very clear indication that she is painfully aware that she has been in WAY over her head since she was elected mayor of the birthplace of presidents, Wasilla.
She knows that she is stupid and utterly incapable of learning. She knows that she is not well read - the REAL reason for the lingering burn of the Couric question. She knows that she is a verbal stumblebum and easily bested in a debate.
She knows how inadequate she is, yet she yearns for the adoration she would get as POTUS. I believe that she IS aware that she is fucking dumber than dirt, yet somehow she thinks that it is STILL possible to lie and cheat, flirt, wink, and fancy pageant walk her way into the White House.
Of course it is a notion so ridiculously beyond insane that only a brainless moronic clod could possibly ever entertain such a "thought," but Palin is just such a brainless moronic clod, as are her sycophants.
I still say that she has some hazy, vague, ill formed, half baked, half assed scenario rattling around her empty skull that she believes will allow her to bypass debates, bypass the press, hell even bypass the primaries and STILL allow her to win the presidency.
It doesn't have to make a fucking bit of sense, because we are talking about Sarah Palin. The only ideas the woman has are bad ones. She is an idiot. She is semi-illiterate. She is narcissistic beyond measure.
I STILL say that she is running. Why? Because it makes no sense whatsoever, just like Palin. If it is a stupid ass idea with no hope of success, you can bet that Palin will get behind it 100%.
I think the only thing that could deter her from her quest for the presidency is if she gets blown out of the water over revelations in the coming books or if some damning evidence emerges over Trig's birth. I admit that those are very real possibilities.
Gryphen, Palin has to LOATHE that picture. It makes her look like the pathetic, sad, jowly, wrinkled old former sex kitten has been that can no longer get a rise out of the dirty old men in the GOP. That picture makes her look like what she most fears: someone whose looks can no longer open doors. Palin is thicker than shit and her only asset has been her looks. Take that away from Narcissus of the North and she has literally nothing left. She is utterly helpless without her fading sex appeal.
Ooooh, it sucks to be Palin! But it sure is fun to watch the Wicked Bitch of the West melting before our eyes!
Oh those poor flying monkeys! Whatever will they do?
"Please note this poll was closed early and the results are largely due to an overwhelming response from a certain group, who posted a link to our poll on their forum, Thank you to everyone who voted."
ReplyDeleteOh, that is funny! Poor Rammy, she is really working her butt off, isn't she? Remember last month when she Tweeted all the TV news channels & pestered them because they didn't bow down to the Queen & give her the attention she deserved for her priceless wisdom?
I have scoured the Internet news sites and NO ONE, I mean NOT ONE SITE evens mentions Scarah's name. Stick her with a fork 'cuz she's done!
ReplyDeleteOh my! I think Sarah looks just GREAT in that photo!
ReplyDeleteHer looks could only be improved with a slight enhancement of, say, about three quarters of an inch extension to her chin. Maybe bringing the ears forward, away from her head a little, the easier to hold onto.
Then she'd be perfect for tea-baggin'. Just like Bristle also, too.
I've got to say, I usually skim the comments just to see if Gasman posts something. Every time I read his/her posts, it's exactly what's been rattling around in my noodle, and I'm amazed that someone out there is thinking just what I am.
ReplyDeleteI'd also like to mention that I stopped in to our local brick and mortar book retailer, you know, the only one we have left here in Anchorage. It was 2 days after the release of Dunn's book on SP. I was told there were none available. Seems they'd originally ordered 6 copies, sold those and have ordered 10 more. Yes, in total they ordered 16 copies of a book about Alaska's former half term Governor, a woman as polarizing as any in this last century. Because they thought only 6 people in Alaska cared to read it?
6:31 I thought the same thing! She's taking beauty tips from Ann Coulter. She's a man baby!
ReplyDeleteSeriously Sea of Pee has maybe 75 posters and they are mostly retired and spend their days on polls like this. I would not be surprised if RAM and Lou Sarah were half of the posts.
Gryph, I had an interesting conversation with one of Psycho's followers on Twitter a few days ago. The person I spoke to seemed genuinely nice, but is very delusional and brainwashed. I won't go into details about the conversation, but I will say she truly believes the Government is trying to take away her freedom; because psycho told her so. I felt sorry for her because of her personal situation, lack of knowledge and her belief that Psycho from Wasilla will save her from the rapture of the Government.
ReplyDeleteIt's very disgusting how psycho and her staff prey on some of her vulnerable followers.
OMG! The first comment is spot on, that is one scary picture.
ReplyDeleteThose eyes ... they remind me of those Jesus painting hanging in dark hallways that gives the impression that they're following you.
Oooo shivers-chills
The Scarah Snatch Sniffers are working overtime!!!
ReplyDeleteIt's great to have their comic relief on the weekend since Jon Stewart isn't available!!
In an earlier post, commenters mentioned that Barnes & Noble and Borders in many (most?) cases aren't carrying Geoffrey Dunn's book. Out of curiosity I checked online to see what some of my favorite libraries are doing. Juneau has one on order. Kitsap County has one on order. Snohomish County (north of Seattle) has five already, but all are checked out, and there is a waiting list of seven readers. I e-mailed Kitsap and suggested that they order more copies. I may do that here in Juneau too.
ReplyDeleteBristol looking pretty pregnant
Lynne 8:33
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, I think there may not be many books ordered and on the shelves in that they don't know Dunn's name as an author. They see Palin in the title, but Dunn isn't on the radar of being recognized.
We know who Geoffrey is and want to see shelves of the books in the stores but the buyers/managers don't.
Sarah lied and deceived her way into an office that is nowhere close to what one needs to go through in order to be in the white house. Her self view is so inflated. Petty tactics like this and those she used in Alaska don't apply here. It's levels beyond anything she could even begin to comprehend. But her ego and narcissism won't allow it.
ReplyDeleteContinuing to openly support sarah requires flat out lying. The palinbots know it, sarah knows it, and America knows it.
ReplyDeleteLike GW Bush, Sarah speaks the language of the Fundies. They think she is one of them, therefore, forgive her her trespasses.
ReplyDeleteWe speak the language also, too. Therefore, Sarah thinks we are safe and trustworthy.
The deception is working both ways.
Hi, Sarah!
Exactly. They swamp the poll that is an opinion poll of "who most benefits" from Huck's announcement, which means . . . exactly nothing. Way to waste your time peebots.
ReplyDeleteThis never looks good for Sarah and her followers. I wonder who gave them the idea?
Lynne - curious why your favorite libraries are in alaska, kitsap and snohomish counties in WA. seemingly unrelated, but there are navy bases in kitsap (bremerton and bangor) and snohomish (everett) that it?
ReplyDeleteThat creepy picture looks like a morph.
ReplyDeletePalin and her slaves Bailey, Frye, Perry Leighow et al were shown to be cheaters in "The Lies of Sarah Palin" by Geoffrey Dunn as they stacked computer polls in favor of Palin- a technique they later used with Bristol Palin on DWTS>
ReplyDeleteSo now we have the lyin' hypocrite petty vindictive CHEATER QUITTER.
There is another Palin fan club site (not c4p) and I forget which one right now, but they have daily directives of what web sites to go to & vote in polls. I notice they vote a lot on people mag. lol. Also they have email lists with daily tasks on the internet. They've been doing this for a couple of years at least everywhere they can.
ReplyDeleteCommenters in many many places have caught on a long time ago. They have a big reputation for cheating, multiple avatars, etc. and are obsessed with thumbs up/down. That's why they go around claiming everyone anti-Palin works for George Soros, is paid by Obama & using some Salinsky or something or other tactics - they accuse because that's exactly the things they do.
It's pretty funny though & they are very very obvious & easily spotted as rabid Palinites. They really think that polls & thumbs are going to change other peoples' minds. That's their fatal and transparent flaw. Nope, they don't have a good reputation at all.
The flying monkeys in their caves probably have carpal tunnel related syndromes from clicking in polls and voting on comments all day long - then they have to go to their medicaid/medicare doctors while living off social security.
ReplyDeleteWhy they thinks she 's running is beyond me.
ReplyDeleteThe palinbots want to be fooled. So does Sarah. Both were expecting tens of thousands of supporters at the Wisconsin rally. Did Sarah get a big surprise!
ReplyDeleteAll the support on her fan sites have never materialized into actual warm bodies. I remember long age when thousands upon thousands of Sarah supporters commented they would show up for a ¨March for Life¨ event in DC. T-shirts were made, signs were prepared, etc.... About twelve people showed up.
We had nothing to do with either one.
actually, unemployment.
ReplyDeleteNew article up on Newsweek - interview with Jim Palin about Todd Palin. Intersting that Todd's dad does NOT believe she is running.
ReplyDelete"The Model Political Spouse"
"What Jim doesn’t much want to discuss is Sarah’s political career. He says that he will, of course, support Sarah if she runs. But I got the distinct impression he believes she won’t. Todd’s close friends are hoping, for his sake, that she doesn’t."
“Does Todd help Sarah prepare her speeches and critique her performances?” I asked Jim later in an email. “He helps her prepare,” he replied, “but he doesn’t critique.”
Yep. You're right. That's not a fat girl - that's a pregnant girl in great shape. Notice the oversized tank top isn't draping down. There's a fold over a rounded protruding abdomen.
To me, this Bristol is in much better shape and thinner than she is now. Toned legs. Smaller hips and arms. Just with a typical pregnant-looking belly.
If I didn't know this person and saw her somewhere, I would think she was pregnant. The normal appearance, completely unremarkable is what makes me think she was. Unlike her mother. If Sarah Palin had had a pregnant tummy, big floofy scarves would have made it more obvious, not less. Scarves don't hide that.
Polls deliver an observation of the people who answer and respond.
ReplyDeletePolls offer nothing, no interpretation, no assumptions, about the people who DID NOT answer them.
Cheating got Bristol kept on dwts even though she couldn't move her body.
ReplyDeleteMy Barnes and Noble in MIchigan is about to get their first copy of Dunn's book. I accidently ordered two, so the extra one is being returned to the store...they'll HAVE to put it out.
ReplyDeleteMy fear is that should Obama score one more important victory, the GOP will realize that he is going to get a second term no matter who they throw at him, so big ego Sarah will be thrust forward because she's too dumb to know that they are throwing her under the bus. I not sure they would take the risk that she would ruin the GOP brand forever, but they might. My question has always been, though, which huge ego white male would run as her #3 (we all know Tawd would be the acting VP?)
These P-bots need to get a job and get a life. Ram seems to be the instigator behind all this getting the Bots to vote over and over again.
ReplyDeleteSarah is not electable no matter how many times they vote in polls for her; these people are uneducated and plain stupid.
"The triumvirate of Trump, Gingrich and Palin have very, very high negatives," Jensen said. "All of them would lose to Obama by the greatest margin of any Republican presidential candidate since Barry Goldwater, based on our polling right now."
ReplyDeleteRead more:
Expect nothing less from the unscrupulous, unskilled, unemployed Palinbots that have nothing better to do in their sad, empty lives than await the rapture and the anointing of their queen.
ReplyDeleteAs far as being concerned that bookstores may not seem to be stocking Dunn's book, I wonder if it's possible that the main concern of the sellers is that Palin is just not marketable any more.
ReplyDeleteWhether a book is by or about Palin, whether it is pro- or anti- Palin may not matter if the seller is primarily concerned with being stuck with unsold inventory.
I would be more concerned if buyers asking for the book were told that the seller refused to stock it.
I second Gasman. As always, it is a pleasure to read his posts.
ReplyDeleteSP is crazy. Of course she will run. And then quit. And run and quit, every four years.
P.S. I bought two copies of "Lies of SP" and one is going to my local library.
Palinbots, you can only vote once in US elections. No really, it's truly only one vote per eligible citizen. Yes, it IS very bad news. Please, please, don't cry. I'm so sorry to burst your bubble. You know, in life, we don't always get want we want. But buck up, folks. You know the Rapture is coming up soon. So there's that.
pictures gone already - usually happens when the picture shows too much.
Will Sarah Palin do the right thing and join Trump and Huckabee on the sidelines?
ReplyDeleteMike Huckabee supporter backs Jon Huntsman
That Palin family has had a lot of facial work.