Monday, May 16, 2011

Seriously! Just when will these people EVER learn?

"This much for charity, and the rest for me!"

While the totals are not complete, supporters of the Exceptional Foundation said they were pleased with the results of last week’s fundraiser featuring former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin.

The foundation sold about 200 tickets for the event at the Marriott Grand Hotel in Point Clear, Bob Callahan Sr., organization president, said. He said the total should be enough to turn a profit and the event helped publicize the group’s efforts to help special needs residents and their families.

"I think we’re going to end up in the black, not in the red," Callahan said. "I’m not concerned, but we need to get in all the bills before we know what the final totals are."

Tickets were sold at $600 each. Foundation officials have not released the speaking fee charged by Palin. During the speech, Palin described her own experiences when her youngest child, Trig, was born with Down syndrome.

"I think it was just great we had the turnout that we did," Callahan said. "We would have loved to have more and would have hated to have had less."

Callahan said some participants have said they planned to make additional donations to the foundation, but those funds have not yet been received. He said the response by evening’s audience members and group supporters was very positive.

"We were delighted with the way things turned out," he said. "We’ve heard from a number of people who attended and they were all just very, very high in their praise of the whole evening."

200 tickets at $600 a ticket equals $120,000.00.  If Mr, Callahan is not positive they are going to make any profit on this "fundraiser" than I think we can pretty much assume that Palin demanded her usual $100,000 to speak at this charity event.

If you bring in $120,000, and barely break even, how is THAT considered successful?

I cannot for the life of me figure out WHY these people keep paying these huge speaker's fees, that come out of the money they are supposedly raising to help children with special needs, to this absolute fraud!

If she really gave two shits about helping these children she would DONATE her fee to this foundation.  By taking this money she is simply ripping off children just like her son Trig, that desperately need the services that could have been provided by this facility, if Palin were not an egotistical, self serving, grifter.

She is using Trig to steal money from children with Down Syndrome, and it is time that people started to call her out on that.

Jesus, why can't people see through her bullshit!


  1. Anonymous2:22 AM

    Should it be they truly got $120,000 - don't forget, on top of her $100,000 will be her expenses i.e. travel, hotel, etc.

    After that amount is deducted, then there is the cost of the event which is deducted before any monies paid to what is advertised as the reason it's held. Therefore, the reason for the supposed additional donations coming in. It ain't making it into the 'black'.

    I hesitate to believe the tickets were sold for $600 each as it's becoming clear from a number of events - ticket prices have been discounted 'down' because of lack of sales.

    Only 200 - LOL - for a room probably set to hold 1,000!!! ROFL. The lack of interest is showing!! The last number of events were not sell outs and ticket prices tanked!! Palin dreams of the days when she held back-to-back events and sold out. Now - every few weeks or once a month and 200.

    The fat lady is warming up her vocal chords!!

    What a wonderful thought to start the early Monday morning off!!

    Watching NASA looks even better now!!

  2. Anonymous2:31 AM

    For some unknown reason, the Palins feel protected. They lie, and still people cover for them. Once the "birth of Trig" truth is exposed (soon, please) these charities will feel used and abused. Palin's "servant's heart" is only good for herself. I think she plans a future as an evangelical preacher, after all look how THAT works out for the Grahams!!

  3. Anonymous2:53 AM

    Her "followers" are more about hating "the other" than loving her.

  4. Anonymous2:59 AM

    Juxta pose this against a fundraiser my family attended over the weekend for a family in crisis. The winnner of the 50/50 drawing, herself a single mom, gave the money right back to the person for whom the fundriaser was being held. (555$).
    Palin is a freak. But I also too blame the asshoes who attend the events or host the events without doing any serious investigating into this bitch. And of course, I hold the media also accountable for not exposing her. How fing hard it is to write about Tri-G life, her lack of involvement in his life and the amount of $$$ she has gained from special needs groups?

  5. Anonymous3:06 AM

    Most folks GIVE to charities ...

    Sarah TAKES millions from charities...

    Yes, it is about time someone called her on this!

  6. This is just another event where the expenses were far more than what was taken in, these people are idiots and Palin walks away with another big payday just like she has done before.

    A total of 200 people is just a piss, Sarah does not draw a crowd.

  7. Anonymous3:12 AM

    No. And after all the damned things wasn't done for the kids. It was done to funnel more cash to the grifter, get her name in the news cycle, and give the promoter a woodie in his pants.
    Callahan should have taken the cash he said he was going to pay her if it was in the red and flat out donated it. After all, that would have been a free and clear EASY $100K. This whole thing stinks just like every other "fundraiser" she spews her lying crap at.

  8. Anonymous3:48 AM

    Why can't that Pay-me Paylin bitch donate her speaking fee for a cause that has "deeply" affected her family after all? Because Momma has special needs too and those are more important than the special needs of a child that will never reach his potential anyway; $arah said so herself in her birth announcement posing as God almighty.

  9. Anonymous3:58 AM

    Well said. Your post will hopefully be helpful in opening more eyes. She is an example of what can be bad in people, only do things for your own benefit.

    You can be sure that her trips to Haiti and the South did not cost her anything, even if she donated her time (in hopes of being paid with positive PR in order to increase future dividends, of course). I bet all her expenses were paid from the "relief" organization's purse, hence, other people's donations meant to go to the victims with the rational that she brings recognition to their efforts and will bring in more $ (to cover their salaries in addition to helping their cause). Yet another example of using other people's misfortune for her own gain.

  10. angela4:01 AM

    Gryphen, you know all this is smoke and mirrors.

    Does anyone notice how these people ALWAYS just sell enough tickets to cover Palin's expenses? And they always have a perfectly round number in attendance? I have never in my life seen so many absolutely brand new charities able to afford to pay anyone as much money as the Shrilla from Wasilla asks. It does not happen in real life. The other funny thing is how some of the charities seem to disappear the day after Sarah speaks to them.

    I know she always brings disaster wherever she goes. But to make whole charities disappear?!

    Its all because the charities per se are not paying the grifter. Some corporate shell is paying her by shelling the money out to buy the tickets for the attendees. This is all about getting her more face recognition (I damn well think she's had way too much) and to pimp her lies about caring for special needs children.

  11. I wonder if she allowed these parents to ask her questions?
    I wonder if these people really really learned something new or just were taken in by her celebrity status?

  12. Anonymous4:15 AM

    She is using Trig to steal money from children with Down Syndrome, and it is time that people started to call her out on that.
    I really hope that this fraud is exposed for the fake pregnancy. What she is doing is criminal. She needs to be behind bars.

  13. Anonymous4:32 AM

    I don't get it either, Gryphen!

    A savvy charity could send out a fundraising letter and without naming any names, disclose what percentage of the money raised at a typical fundraiser goes to pay for expenses. Remind the donors about the good work XYZ charity does, talk about how XYZ charity doesn't need gimmicks to raise money, and then ask donors to please consider adding a small amount to their usual donation.

  14. Anonymous4:42 AM

    Of all that you have commented on concerning this woman and her family, this last paragraph is the statement which shines light on the worst of her actions.

  15. She has so much money now I just cannot understand how she charges these fledgling groups that allegedly want to help kids like Trig.

    I could not charge groups I cared about! Sure, charge the Logging convention, but not Special Needs charities.

  16. Anonymous4:49 AM

    It is amazing, isn't it? They also sold $10,000 tickets and 'up to 90% is tax dedcutible." Good Lord. People can take a tax deduction for a fancy dinner and listening to the Grifter tell what a wonderful special gift her son is? That son who needs all kinds of government-paid services that he may or may not be getting? For the rest of his life? I know, she is setting up an account so he'll be taken care of. o over to Palingates and read about real Downs people and their accomplishments. Read about teh real sacrifices made by their parents so they could excel in art, music, and acting. Then someone tell me why Palin is lauded by the right as this amazing, wonderful mother. Please.

  17. Anonymous4:51 AM

    Gryphen, Regina from Palingates had mentioned that a special needs center in Wasilla had to close down recently through lack of funds. I don't remember the name of the place, but apparently, it was the only close by facility for special needs families. Why don't we ever hear about Palin donating her money and yes, her actual time volunteering, at one of these places in her own backyard???

  18. Anonymous4:54 AM

    Gryphen: "She is using Trig to steal money from children with Down Syndrome, and it is time that people started to call her out on that."

    I agree, but I also wonder about the legitimacy of some of these groups, too. Why does she do so many of these speeches for "new" non-profits?

    At any rate, I have never heard of anyone who supposedly has a cause near and dear to their hearts charging people to hear them talk about it. It's just not done.

  19. Anonymous5:03 AM

    So here is the link to an article about that special needs center in Wasilla closing. It happened in 2009, before Sarah Palin was "officially" rich. But I wonder why we don't see her getting involved with building a new one in the area, as there are apparently few facilities for special needs children in the Mat-Su Valley.

  20. Anonymous5:12 AM

    This is a new charity. Seems to me that I read that Palin has received fees from "speaking" to other groups, and right after she was paid, they folded. Maybe this is a way for the Koch brothers to fill Palin's bank account. These so-called charities shgould be investigated. "Candies" pay Bristol more than they donate to "charity" Franklin Graham takes a hefty chunk of the donations for himself from "Samaritan's Purse" These family values repubs. are really something.

  21. The reason they probably won't make a profit is they have to also cover the cost of food, any other entertainment (music), table decorations, salaries for non-hotel personnel, etc. For 200 people, that can easily eat up 20K. My guess is they thought there would be more enthusiasm. Someone on the planning committee loves the grifter.

    This used to happen with Ollie North until he lost his Senate race.


    Just watch and listen.
    Then think about someone we all know about.

  23. Anonymous5:18 AM

    Now this is just funny!

  24. Virginia Voter5:26 AM

    I would suspect that if you did a little digging, you'll find that these screeches are nothing more than fundie right wing welfare for the queen. They are nothing but shady front groups for the various oil and corporate interests who pay Sarah to keep their rabid base pacified .

    O/T Jon Stewart debating O'Reilly on Fox tonight '

  25. But Gryph, her mere presence bestows blessings and grace on her minions.

    Would that she could convince the masses not to pay her so grandly. She really wishes they would stop it, but she understands their need to pay her.


  26. Anonymous5:59 AM

    This foundation or charity or whatever it calls itself, was newly created I believe and as of a few weeks ago, didn't have tax exemption. Therefore those believing they could get a tax deduction are screwed.

    Many of her speaking engagements have been held by newly created groups and immediately thereafter -- disappeared off the face of the earth. They were created for the sole purpose of her appearance.

    I'd say -- follow the money trail as it's sounds like corruption once more. Palin and her snatch sniffers have had a hand in creation of these groups - you can pretty much bet on it!!!

  27. Anonymous6:04 AM

    "I think we’re going to end up in the black, not in the red,"

    Simply amazing Sarah, simply amazing!

    This is an organization that is doing something for children, something you say is near and dear to your heart and they are hoping to break even after paying you!

    This kind of shows me that Trig may not be yours because you are taking money away from people who would otherwise give it to their kids or use it for their organization. There was a time when your income was not great and you probably worried and struggled about Trig's care. Now you just pay for nannies and colored helium balloons to keep Trig's attention all day when he is by himself.... without family.

    Trig is the man you hired to stand on a street corner dressed like a clown waving a sign to get peoples attention to come into the store.

    Trig is your little clown advertising for you!

    Hate to say it, but you use Trig like a carnival or sideshow uses a two headed cow to get money from the stupid people.

    Trig is your meal ticket and Tripp is Bristol's meal ticket!

    Without Tripp, Bristol would be doing the same thing your pretend combat vet Track is doing, NOTHING!

  28. Anonymous6:06 AM

    Sarah you are a sorry poor excuse for a human being.
    You low life self centered piece of caribou turd has Trig as a prop and as a money maker and Bristol has Tripp as hers. Then you turn around and give the money this group struggled to pay you with and you turn around and give it to Todd and he pays for his prostitutes and Bristol takes her money and buys a new face with it and claims she just fixed her overbite and lost 5 lbs.

    Bristol, that piece of shit, tried to con us and said it was a medical procedure. Bristol does not even have the decency to say what it really is. She can’t tell people I have low self esteem problems brought on by my family and instead of seeing a counselor I got my face rearranged.

  29. Anonymous6:07 AM

    If Trig is a special needs child isn't it possible she is getting government support for him? I don't know how that works but if there's money out there I'm guessing she's after it

  30. Anonymous6:10 AM

    SameOld said...
    The reason they probably won't make a profit is they have to also cover the cost of food, any other entertainment (music), table decorations, salaries for non-hotel personnel, etc. For 200 people, that can easily eat up 20K. My guess is they thought there would be more enthusiasm. Someone on the planning committee loves the grifter.

    This used to happen with Ollie North until he lost his Senate race.

    5:13 AM

    "Someone on the planning committee loves the grifter."

    You are so right on this one. As Sarah would say,
    "You hit the hammer on the head with the nail"

  31. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Don't forget on top of her fee they had to pay for luxury hotels, security, big black cars and first class or private air fair.

  32. Anonymous6:37 AM

    What is going to happen to granny quitter when gabby Gifford starts making public appearances? I think that will cause a lot of damage to the palins. She has had to gi e up her favorite saying "don't retreat reload" and I am sure after reading Geoffrey Dunn's book, she is blaming gabby for the whole thing.

  33. A few weeks ago I asked the question on a Fox news comment section re: $Palin's charity work.

    After being flamed, called a butcher, told that I had aborted my special needs child, etc., etc., and three hours, Palinbots finally came up with two instances of charity promotions by $arah Palin, one in 2008 and one in 2009, as well as referencing the one to come in May 2011.

    It didn't surprise me at all that a couple weeks later it was announced Bristol Palin would be in a reality show living with black guys supposedly all for a children's charity - it's a given that the $Palin's often pimp out Bristle for her mother.

    Exceptional Foundation my ass. It's just a front for $arah PayMe to take in money from the easily suckered - this one just didn't get caught like the Colorado one, which surprisingly, was scheduled for the beginning of May.

    Let's see, May 21st, the Rupture: My bet is $arah Palin et al will still be here on May 22nd.

  34. Anonymous6:45 AM

    This is the exact reason that peop0le need to investigate the "charities" they donate to. Please please, do it for whatever grup you are trying to help. So many charities are more about money exchanges between rich people than giving to those in need. I personally, find it disgusting that any special needs parent would charge more than travel expenses to speak at a special needs charity.

  35. Anonymous7:03 AM

    What do you think all of these organizations are going to do when they find out that the Trig story was completely made up? I am betting there will be alot of lawsuits alleging fraud and demanding their 100K back. They would have a good chance of winning, especially those organizations like this one where the whole reason she was invited and paid was because of her difficult, soul-searching "decision" to give birth to Trig.

  36. Gasman7:06 AM

    Palin is having trouble attracting 200 paying "guests." Soon, she will have trouble attracting dozens. The fees that she can demand, let alone actually get will be dropping soon.

    If I were connected with any charity that was willing to spend nearly 85% if funds raised to pay a speaker I would be raising bloody hell. This is NOT a charity fund raising event, it is a for profit scheme for Palin in which a token amount is given to a charity. This is a scam and one which Palin has been running for almost 2 full years.

    Palin is a loathsome miscreant buffoon.

  37. Anonymous7:13 AM

    Last year, Sarah gave a high paid speech every other day. This year, her bookings (along with her ratings) seem to be down. When organizations see numbers like this, they ought to consider just donating the money that they would have spent on tickets and eliminating all of those expenses.

    Last year, the speech in California was supposed to cost the organization $100,000. + $18,000. for first class travel, hotel, security and more. This year, Sarah announced that her fee went up to $115,000. That would leave $5,000. to cover all of the expenses of renting the venue, the cost of the dinner, printing, publicity, and more. Sarah's events seem to be underwritten by some loyal conservative donors. She is not a fund raising magnet for charitable organizations. She is an overpriced expense.

  38. Anonymous7:14 AM

    The conspiracy talk about these "charitable foundations" rising up out of nowhere, just long enough to give $arah a payday are very interesting. But...

    If that were true, wouldn't they try to make it all seem more impressive? How does it help Palin's image to publicly announce only 200 people showed up? Wouldn't you bus in a ton of people and make a big deal out of it?

    This has been the consistent storyline with these events: discounted tickets and underwhelming turnout. If it's a conspiracy, it's the most weaksauce conspiracy in conspiracy history... ;))

    I'd be more inclined to believe these new foundations go bankrupt after pinning all their hopes and their war chest on the grifter.

  39. Anonymous7:30 AM

    Anon 7:14

    The organizations are created for a one time use only - a Failin' Palin speech - and then they fall off the radar into a black hole.

    If the media was serious, someone would dig in and realize, that it's the Palin Klan that probably creates the organization - paying off some moron to be he 'frontman'.
    You get the drift -- the Grifter swoops in, screws everybody and the organization is gone as the info to trace these organizations by various bloggers and those of us interested has not been easy. It has been very time consuming.

  40. Anonymous8:43 AM

    Does anyone know if $arah ever donates any money to any special needs groups, or Down Syndrome programs? Or does $he just pocket the cash????

  41. Anonymous8:57 AM

    Money makes her world go around; her world go around; her world go around. It makes Sarah's world go 'round. Money, money, money,, money, money,, money, money,, money, money, money...

  42. Anonymous11:02 AM

    This is the very carefully worded spin of someone who just got their ass handed to him by Sarah Palin. The face that he "hopes" they won't be in the red says volumes. They lost money and they're fishing around for more donations to make it up. An event for 200 can easily cost $20,000. Don't forget marketing the event, mail, advertising. And my guess is that, if this was a REAL charitable organization, at least half the attendees were board members or ex-board members. How many people unconnected to the organization showed up? Couldn't have been many. It's the difference between people who are obligated to attend (and spend $600) and those who choose to attend.

  43. Anonymous11:47 AM

    All of these fledgling "charities" having $arah as their speaker, and just breaking even begs the question of who is really setting up these "charities" to funnel money to the paylins. Franklin Graham comes to mind...

  44. What kind of piece of shit would take money from non-profits like this? She sickens me.

  45. Anonymous3:30 PM

    Caption: "It's about that big."

  46. Beldar "Wonky" Conehead6:21 PM

    GAR! She's looking over here AND she's looking over there.... She's the Marty Feldman of American politics! (with apologies to the friends, fans and family of the late Mr. Feldman...)

    Seriously, Gryphen, when do you apply the coup de grace to this harpy? We need to move on to more important subjects and she's just a horrible, greedy distraction. It's time for the people who have the goods on her to come forward already.

  47. Anonymous8:15 PM

    This is how the grifter rolls, run in, make your money, and forget everyone else. I used to feel empathy for groups like this and people like Mr Callahan, but it happens over and over and over again. This poor fool is counting on people who "Said" they'll be sending more money.

    Don't hold your breath, Mr Callahan, and don't count your eggs before they're hatched- she got hers and you'll be left breaking even or more in the red after covering expenses.
    Blind Faith, False Prophets and Dashed Hopes are dangerous things.

    This is people's lives she's taking advantage of, how does she sleep at night?


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It just goes directly to their thighs.