Monday, May 16, 2011

Ed Harris as John McCain for the movie "Game Change."

Jesus, that is just eerie.

I wonder if Harris had to start using horrible judgment, and allow himself to be bullied into making self destructive choices by Evangelicals, just to get a feel for the role?

(H/T to


  1. Dinty9:37 PM

    Eerie is right! It's like those websites that let you mix a pic of one person's face with that of another person. I can clearly see Ed Harris there, but if he was walking down the street in makeup I'd swear it was McCain.

  2. Anonymous9:49 PM

    Harris is a terrific actor and I make sure I see everything movie he makes...

    I won't miss him in this!

  3. Anonymous9:51 PM

    It'd be funny if they show him ogling Julianne Moore's backside the way the real McCain did Palin's.

    That's what that shot reminds me of.

  4. Anonymous12:07 AM

    Harris will never do. He doesn't look near angry, disheveled and disoriented enough.

  5. He'll have to play the role somewhere between how he did Jackson Pollock in Pollock and how he did Major König in Enemy at the Gates. McCain thought he was getting into experimental art, but ended up dealing with a sniper behind his lines in a siege.

  6. A J. BIllings1:43 AM

    I hope they represent what Granny Paylin really stand for this movie:

    The conflation of ultra right christo-fascism, with political victimhood grifting.

    And speaking of Paylin, check out the incisive and damning article by Francis Schaeffer over on

    "In the first decade of the twenty-first century the Evangelical and conservative Roman Catholic (and Mormon) outsider victim “approach” to public policy was perfected on a heretofore-undreamed of scale by Sarah Palin."

    "She presented herself as called by God and thus cast in the Old Testament mold of Queen Esther, one chosen by God to save her people. Palin perfected the Jesus Victim “art” of Evangelical self banishment and then took victimhood to new levels of success by cashing in on white lower-middle-class resentment of America’s elites. She might as well have run under the slogan “I’m as dumb as you are!”

  7. Anonymous2:08 AM

    Ed Harris is a greater success in his acting career than McCain has been at his own.

  8. Anonymous3:18 AM

    Does he have the lump in his left cheek? (I always assumed it was the penis of military-industrial complex that he was sucking on)

  9. Anonymous3:20 AM

    Oh gosh. I love Ed Harris, ever since the Right Stuff snd The Hours.He is a great actor. Seeing him as McCain is freaky. He looks like he will do an excellent job....crush over....although he is way too short for me anyway lol.

  10. Anonymous5:00 AM

    John McCain had two dignified moments during the 2008 campaign: when he confronted the "he's an.. an.. A-rab" woman and his concession speech.

    Other than that, I remember him as an angry, overwhelmed man wandering around the stage, making a silly gesture at Obama after a debate, FAILING to dismiss his VP after it was more than clear that she was not only massively ignorant, but possibly had mental problems.

  11. Anonymous5:02 AM

    @9:51, yes, and twisting his wedding ring.

    Any word on who they've cast as Hillary? I'm crossing my fingers for Hope Davis again - she played Hillary in the other HBO movie, "The Special Relationship", and was great. Funny thing is that she took over for Julianne Moore in that role!

  12. Anonymous5:06 AM

    Anon 9:51 not only did McCain ogle SP, but there was a photo or two of odd looks at Levi. (No, I don't think McCain is gay, but.. not sure what to make of it..)

    And as beautifully groomed as Cindy McCain was, there was never a warm moment between John and Cindy.

    (One of the things that impressed me about the Obama's is their warmth and respect for one another.)

  13. Anonymous7:13 AM

    No chance they'll show the real reason for picking the wasilla grifter. I keep waiting for the tapes to come forward

  14. emrysa7:43 AM

    wow I had to do a double take on that pic!

  15. @12:07 ~

    But, Ed Harris DOES look properly constipated.

    I hope he can pull out of character when filming is over.

  16. 7:52 am

    Great comment!

  17. Anonymous8:56 AM

    It will be interesting to see how they portray the relationship between John and Cindy McCain.
    I met a woman in Indiana (the red state that went blue for Obama) while canvassing for Obama during the campaign who told me that her ex-husband was a prescription drug abuser and she knew McCain was lying when he said that he was not aware of his wife's prescription drug addition and abuse. She said there was no way he did'nt know, even if he was just home on weekends.

    Mr. McCain sold his soul to try to win a shot at the presidency. It was Bush that stole his chance by tainting him in the South Carolina primary with the lie that "he has a black love child" dirty politics in 2000.

    He thought he keep his hands clean by not doing what was done to him (and Kerry) with the swiftboat type orchestrated attacks. So he let Palin do the dirty work for him. Instead of being blamed for the dirty attacks, he is now blamed for unleashing the queen of political hatespeech.

  18. Anonymous9:32 AM


    Now if they ever need someone to portray Newt Gingrich, I recommend Terry O'Quinn.

    If they also need someone to portray Mitt Romney, I humbly recommend Matthew Fox.

    I'd love to see these two in those roles.

  19. Anonymous8:27 PM

    Hollywood special effects make-up is truly an artform in it's own right. The resemblence is uncanny, but it'll take Ed Harris's excellent talent to flesh out the true character of John McCain.

    Whoever plays Cindy will have to endure painful torture while being made up, unless it's Joan Rivers or Kenny Rodgers.

  20. Anonymous5:28 AM

    McCain's first choice was that Zionist/AIPAC shill ole dual loyalty Lieberman. With Palin her he got a twofer, a Christian Zionist.

    "Bomb, Bomb, Bomb Iran"


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