Saturday, May 21, 2011

Hey, do you know how you have always thought that the Sea O'Pee were the craziest Sarah Palin supporters out there? Boy were YOU wrong!

Somebody sent me this link to a group calling themselves Prayer Warriors for Sarah Palin.

Here is a portion of the prayer they have posted for Queen Esther of the North.

EL ELYON, Most High God, I Plead the blood of the Lamb over these prayers, over all Prayer Warriors interceding for Sarah Palin, over Sarah Palin her husband Todd and their children in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. I thank you Father for raising up Prayer Warriors from all walks of life for Sarah, Todd and their precious family. I thank you for your living Word that is sharper than any two-edged sword. Your Word goes forth with Power to accomplish what it says it will do.

Father you lead Sarah in the path of righteousness for Your Name sake. Not a hair on her head shall perish. As You count the number of the stars and call them all by name you shall call up all Prayer Warriors for Sarah to lift her up in prayer everyday. She will know in her heart that You are with her as You were with Your servant David. Sarah seeks to do Your will and has placed her trust in You.

These are the people responsible for the "Prayer Shield" that Sister Sarah mentioned to Greta the other day and that she believes protects her from criticism.  (Joe McGinniss has more on this at his blog.)

Palin has believed that she has had this protection since way back when she was the Mayor of Wasilla, and it is one of the fundamental reasons why she does not believe that human criticisms, or any earthly methods, can affect her destiny.

Look I am not out to shame anybody over their religious beliefs, but could they even find a less "Christian" person to dedicate their prayers to? 

Unless of course they were praying for her soul. Now THAT I could understand.


  1. Anonymous6:35 AM

    "Not a hair on her head shall perish."

    That doesn't seem to be working out so well as she's wearing wigs more often. The Prayer Warriors better start praying harder.

  2. Anonymous6:38 AM

    Just when I was beginning to think C4P was truly a parody site, this comes up?


  3. Anonymous6:39 AM

    You could use a prayer warrior right about now. But at least you admit your heresy.

  4. Anonymous6:48 AM

    I've been following the prayer warriors on Facebook for a long time. These people are insane. Sometimes amusing, sometimes depressing, always batshit crazy.

    There is also a prayer warriors for Glenn Beck page, which would make sense if they were praying for his sanity.

  5. Anonymous6:49 AM

    Wow. That'll make an atheist out of you in a hurry.

  6. Anonymous6:58 AM

    Esther 4:15: “When this is done, I will go to the king, even though it is against the law. And if I perish, I perish."

    Sarah: "I said before I stood in front of the mic the other day, you know, politically speaking -- if I die, I die. So be it," Palin said.

  7. Anonymous7:02 AM

    Sad, scared people. Maybe they were never taught about their own self worth.

  8. Anonymous7:04 AM

    How is this any different from other extremists praying for their Ayatollah or their suicide bomber?

    Are people blind to the similarities?

  9. Anonymous7:14 AM

    Is it true that Greta, BFF to Miss Ignorance (MI), is a Scientologist?

    And, someplace, someone wrote that MI had her tubes tied and complained how uncomfortable she felt after the procedure???


  10. Anonymous7:17 AM

    I would just love it if one of these people could point to one positive thing Palin has done since quitting her term as governor.

  11. johnie2xs7:18 AM

    Just another point of proof that religion is a sham,and populated by the most pathologically damaged, amomgst us.

    Also,socially stunted.

  12. So what time today is the Rapture?

  13. Anonymous7:21 AM

    Magical thinking. Scary.

  14. Anonymous7:21 AM

    @6:35 LMAO...unanswered prayers

  15. Anonymous7:29 AM

    Sanity, thy name ain't religion.


  16. The good thing is...the group is very small (754 members) as compared to siginficant anti Palin FB groups. I consider my group...
    1,000,000 Strong Against Sarah Palin as significant.

    We have 219,147 members.

    All the prayers in the world won’t stop us our members from spreading the truth about the lying quitter. Please join us in spreading the truth via Facebook.

  17. Anne In DC7:35 AM

    People like these are a good reason why others either turn away from organized religion or become atheists altogether. They are foolishly praying that someone who would be a destructive force if elected to power actually gains that power. The sad part is that there are plenty of religiously devout people who don't leave their common sense at home. But folks like these get all the attention, and they are too foolish to realize that the Koch brothers and their ilk are using their faith against them. They are superficial enough to take Palin's word that she is a devout Christian without examining her actual behavior which is anything but. She is one of the tools the Koch brothers use in order to fool people who are sincere in their beliefs, but who have failed to heed the warning about false prophets and wolves in sheeps' clothing.

  18. Saree does not have a religious bone in her botox body. She hasn't attended church services for years, she is just a liar, a hater and a racist.

    Her sheep followers are ignorant.

  19. 6:39 am

    Translation, Bristol or Willow or Sarah?

  20. Anonymous7:40 AM

    As a scientific atheist I often feel like I live in a world of deluded people. These kinds of things just reinforce that. I'm happy for them that religion gives them such comfort, but I also feel like I'm living in an insane asylum and you have to be careful not to upset the patients.

  21. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Saree be grifting for dollars again to keep living like the rich and famous.

  22. Anonymous7:48 AM

    anon @ 6:58
    c4p use her line "if I die, I die..." all the time, saying it was a signal from her re the Ester quote.

    In fact, that is why we will never get through to them with facts. To them, the world is filled with the devil's workers around every corner. Of course what they see reported about her is false- it's the work of the devil. So they live for these little signals that she supposedly gives them. They are to believe no one but her.
    They truly live in a fantasy world (think Star Wars, Lord of the Rings, and take the Bible literally)

  23. Anonymous7:53 AM

    Why did Track get married in a hurry without his siblings or grandparents present?

    Why not let Britta finish her nursing degree before getting married?

    Why did Track get married and announce he is going to college?

    Did he want to beat the rapture?

    Did he want to beat the baby's arrival?

    You can probably bet the baby will be here in about 8 to 8 1/2 months and they'll claim it is a preemie.

    It runs in the family.

  24. Anonymous7:54 AM

    people like this

    Sarah's prayer warriors seem to be a bit "dispirited".

  25. johnie2xs7:54 AM

    This comment was posted
    on a HuffPo blog;

    ["05:19 AM on 5/19/2011
    Sarah Palin is bright, brilliant, beautiful-­-and pro-life. That last part is why she attracts so much hatred from the Left. "]

    My response, though yet to be posted,as it it will make it.

    Let me clear it up for you, as to why Ms Palin gets so much flack.
    Though you don't seem capable to comprehend this, it is simply
    that she is a functional illiterate, with narcissistic and megalomaniacal
    tendencies. She's petty, she's venal, and she's the proverbial misunderstood victim.
    Those that share her views, like yourself, either share her attributes, and/or look up to those who possess them. As a group, you are very dangerous people, and deserve to be watched and guarded against. We will be vigilant,and as a group, you will NOT prevail.

    And you can take that to the bank.

  26. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Anonymous said...
    I would just love it if one of these people could point to one positive thing Palin has done since quitting her term as governor.

    7:17 AM

    Well Sarah ahhh....
    Then there's ummmm....
    What about the....

    Okay you got me... Todd can you help me?

  27. Anonymous7:59 AM

    Please join me in congratulating Track and Britta Palin and baby Curt.

  28. Anonymous8:00 AM

    Maybe Frank Bailey's book will shed some more light on her prayer shield.

    Palin Calls Her Political Career a ‘Divine Calling'

    Bailey writes Palin often compared herself to the biblical heroine Queen Esther and that she believed her campaign and life in politics was a "divine calling." In June 2006, Palin wrote an email to Bailey describing the calling, and in the exchange she used a line close to her 2008 campaign mantra, "I know what I know what I know."

    "i was at Wasilla Bible Church…and the service was awesome b.c. he talked about just knowing that you know that you know…you know when you're called for something…there's no guarantee of the outcome but you just know, with a confidence that can only comes (sic) from God, that you're doing what you're supposed to be doing, even though there's no crystal ball to tell you how it will all end. Our pastor…talked about Solomon having to build the temple when he was young & inexperienced & there were political tensions and struggles all over the place…my mom looked at me and said: do you think he's talking to you?!"

    Bailey writes that Palin reached out to her "prayer warriors" to pray for everything from victory to an end to the "unfair treatment" from her campaign rivals. This is something she would return to in the 2008 presidential campaign.

  29. Anonymous8:09 AM

    What is wrong with these people that they cannot see what a lying sack of shit she is?

  30. Well, her followers can no longer say she is beautiful and sexy; Sarah has aged so fast in the last 3 years and she looks horrible.

    She needs to be admitted to a mental health facility before she hurts herself or one of her family members. She is asking for campaign dollars from everybody in order to live in the mansion in Arizona and jetset all over the USA while shopping at Neiman Marcus and paying thousands for plastic surgery for herself and Bristol.

    Sarah ain't fooling no one except the poor uneducated fools that pretend she is a God. She is like a cult leader, think Jim Jones.

  31. Anonymous8:10 AM

    Good grief. And it looks like you better hide all the lambs, they're after 'em.

  32. So she gets prayer warriors, and instead of acting in a 'christian' manner, she targets Liberals with gun sights and people are killed.

    And then has the nerve to blame others.

  33. Anonymous8:15 AM

    The good news is that they bind (?) Satan and his evil doers, the bad news is that there is no clear way to send them money. Is this a hoax?

  34. Anonymous8:16 AM

    I love it. The nuttier her following and the more they rant, the better it is.

    Save it all up to dump on her head in a few months time.

    THIS is Sarah Palins following. And they haven't been raptured up, and neither has Sarah Palin.

  35. Anonymous8:22 AM

    Typical Protestant prayers... prayers that are not for God, but that are actually just self gratification, or... masturbation for B-leevRs.

  36. Anonymous8:24 AM

    That web page is really creepy and it's all based on lies.
    If you click on prayers, there are more prayers and some of them are really kooky. Sarah is an extremist in every way.
    Those prayers are nutty and nothing like prayers I hear in church. She wasn't vetted properly and the MSM hasn't reported on how kooky her religion is. And she has the gall to attack Rev Wright?
    Why hasnt the MSM covered her beliefs. And what sad blind morons these people are. It's pathetic.
    Everyone take screenshots !

    Nobody has commented on the comments about Sarah being divorced. There must be a way to get ahold of any court records. Gryphen? Please? If it's true it will be a huge blow to her. She won't be able to run for president. I personally wouldn't care about a divorce but her lemming will.

  37. Anonymous8:40 AM

    I'm not sure who is more dangerous, Sarah with her Fox platform, or these pitiful people who can't see that she is not of God, but of the devil himself.

  38. Anonymous8:42 AM

    For those of you who have never seen a "PRAYER WARRIER", you don't know what you have missed!

    Watch this pathetic woman's wild eyes as she goes into a religeous meltdown, scared to death of anything she is too ignorant to understand. This nutcase is the classic example of Palin's cult followers. They may never be able to "win" the Whitehouse but that doesn't stop them from destroying anything in their way as history will show.

  39. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Anon 7:59

    Baby Curt ?? What do you know that we don't or are you making it up?

  40. Anonymous8:47 AM

    Crazy mofos, can you please rapture already? Time's up! You gotta go!
    Happy Atheist

  41. Anonymous8:49 AM


    Sarah Palin just proudly announced that according to Dr. CBJ,the Palin family doctor, Sarah Palin's new daughter-in-law of 20 hours is now 2 1/2 hrs pregnant and they have a letter from the good doctor to prove it.

  42. Anonymous8:52 AM

    What is with the wigs? Stress hair loss?

  43. Anonymous8:54 AM

    The wording in the prayer is the most weird I've ever read - 'hair on her head' - and 'sword'?

    Remember, she wears, the hair portion obviously isn't working.

    Everyone keeps saying she is part of a 'cult'....a bunch of nasty 'christians' come to her aid when someone says something unkind about her. I hope there are large numbers in her 'cult' because many will be required to cover her ass should she run for national office (or any other office for that matter). They should be prepared to be mighty busy. Sarah has done many bad things!!!

  44. Anonymous9:03 AM

    You are not alone! I'm here! Most of us here are sane!
    (I know exactly how you feel)

  45. Anonymous9:31 AM

    6:35 hilarious comment

    Lynne, the rapture is scheduled for 6 pm

  46. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Have the Prayer Warriors for Sarah Palin read this passage in James?

    "My dear brothers and sisters, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry because human anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Therefore, get rid of all moral filth and the evil that is so prevalent and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you.

    Do not merely listen to the word and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like someone who looks at his face in a mirror and after looking at himself, immediately goes away and forgets what he looks like. But whoever looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues in it, not forgetting what they have heard, but doing it -- they will be blessed in what they do.

    Those who consider themselves religious and yet do not keep a tight reign on their tongues deceive themselves and their religion is worthless. Religion that God our father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself being polluted by the world."

    They pray, "Father you lead Sarah in the path of righteousness for Your Name sake.

    And finally, and I also as a believer carefully have to take these verses to heart, Hebrews 10:29 - "Think how much worse will be the punishment deserved by someone who has trampled underfoot the Son of God; who has treated as something common the blood of the covenant which made him holy, and who has insulted the Spirit, giver of God's grace!"

    No, nothing wrong with praying at all for Sarah Palin, yes, pray for her soul, her protection, but not in the vein that she has been lead INTO THE PATH OF RIGHTEOUSNESS FOR HIS NAME'S SAKE. That would be like saying to God's face in prayer that she has already arrived as a sinless anointed one, and there is only ONE sinless One, who the prayer warriors should know his name. Why don't they get together every week and pray for coverings over the many homeless children and pray for the sick, the dying, and post it on their web?

  47. Anonymous9:33 AM

    7:40 & 9:03

    Count me in too!!

  48. Gasman9:35 AM

    If Palin believes that the "prayer shield" does indeed protect her from criticism, then why does she get her panties in such a twist each and every single time that something is said about her that is less than fawning?

    Has there EVER been anyone with a thinner skin than Palin? Palin bristles if people don't genuflect to her. When has she EVER ignored criticism? What is the evidence of her "protection" from this vaunted "prayer shield?"

  49. Anonymous9:40 AM

    bumper sticker:

    Pray for every person on earth, no exceptions.

    potential bumper sticker:

    Pray for every being in the universe sentient and non-sentient, or else.

  50. If they ever got what they prayed for, they'd be frightened. If they actually thought this was all real.

    Reminds me of the father I saw at the grocery store in October, telling his kid they weren't buying a pumpkin because they weren't Satanists. I mean, some of these people are so far out in the field they're not even on the same planet.

  51. Gasman9:49 AM

    To these sanctimonious asshats, Christianity is a clique, merely a club that the cool kids get to join, and of course, THEY ARE the cool kids. Jesus is their celestial bouncer and will smite any of the uncool kids who mock their status. And you better watch out for the Holy Ghost, because he will REALLY fuck you up.

    As if the omnipotent creator of the universe was merely sitting around waiting to do the bidding of these petulant, vindictive, middle aged toddlers.

    What a bunch of assholes.

  52. Anonymous11:04 AM

    Anonymous said...

    Please join me in congratulating Track and Britta Palin and baby Curt.
    7:59 AM
    I strongly feel that we should leave Track and Britta alone.

  53. Anonymous11:10 AM

    Then why does she need a protection order for that kid from PA?

  54. Anonymous11:24 AM

    Dear Lord,
    May she rot in Hell.

  55. Anonymous11:35 AM

    She's cuckoo. I believe these "prayer warriora" do send her positive energy and that is good for her and empowers her and makes her feel like teh queen of the universe. But, she has alot of bad vibes to counter from all of us who are on to her sick shit. And more bad vibes will be coming her way as more and more people see the elan Frank tight abs video, and hear about the wild ride and see all the shspeshfting "pregnancy" pictures. Yep ,she will need a whole lot more than prayer warriors to protect her then. But, as long as these idiots want to waste their productive time praying for Sarah, I say knock themselves out. Keeps them occupied anyways.

  56. Anonymous11:36 AM

    “prayer shield”, “wish sandwich”, n/t

  57. Anonymous1:28 PM

    LOOK AT THIS !!!!

    PALIN's Prayer Warrior channel!!!

  58. Anonymous1:30 PM

    OH MY GOD! There are even more!!

    Check out Palin Promotions.

    They are NUTS, NUTS, NUTS!!!!!!!

  59. Anonymous1:53 PM

    Did Sarah Palin buy a Scottsdale,Arizona home?

  60. Anonymous2:07 PM

    The sad thing is I know crazy people like these so called prayer warriors from my days in the fundie churches. They think they can control earthly events through their prayers and that everyone that doesn't agree with them is of the devil. I have no problem with God or Christ, but have major problems with these types of people. Just today I got an email blaming Obama for destroying Israel, so God would in effect destroy us. That is how they think. Blame Obama for everything they don't like just like Palin does. They think she's righteous and will tolerate no criticism of her or look at the truth of who she really is. They'd never read Dunn's book or Bailey's becaue they are all "lies" from
    Satan himself. Its a sick way of thinking and that is why I like Frank Schaeffer so much. I can see through the fraud now, but there was a time I was blinded by their blight. Sad, really sad. People need to think for themselves, open their eyes and grow a brain. They are dangerous just like Palin.

  61. Anonymous3:01 PM

    Dear God,when the rapture happens please take Sarah so America will be a nicer and better place to live.

  62. TruthSeeker3:08 PM

    Interesting thing about that prayer shield that is around Palin: every time Palin opens her mouth and spews her vociferous, vitriolic venom - WHAM, it hits that prayer shield and bounces right back at her.

    No wonder Palin looks so acerbic, haggard and vacuous.

  63. Anonymous7:19 PM

    The truly sad thing is that people actually believe this. I doubt true followers of Christ (of which I am not included) would dare force the hand of God to bend to their will.
    The terms "Shield" and "warrior" souldn't be associated with "prayer" of any kind, these people are the radical fringe, just as dangerous as any other religion's radical fringe. If I were a true Christian, I'd be upset at what they're doing with the teachings of a man of peace, but instead they stand aside, keep quiet, don't speaak up, and let these people abuse their religion.

    Does Sarah need prayers? Most Certainly, people should pray she faces the truth about herself and seeks professional help.

  64. Anonymous7:31 PM

    As much contempt as I have for this woman, I have never wished her harm.

    I want the FULL truth to be told. My belief is if the full catalog of her deeds is revealed in the light of day, she will soon be wearing a lovely one-piece orange jumpsuit and a pair of metal bracelets.

    My truth be told, and justice be done. Amen.

    P.S. If the "hair of her head" is any indication of the effectiveness of their "prayer shield" then it is pretty thin and kind of a dull brown color.

  65. Anonymous12:11 AM

    With her affinity for wearing scarlet and purple, you would think the 'prayer warriors' would see her for who she might be - Mystery, the Whore of Babylon.

    Mystery is certainly what comes out of her mouth.

  66. Anonymous8:04 AM

    When is Palin going to realize that her God has been trying to teach her about humility?

    She's the queen of coming in second place. In beauty pageants and politics, she has consistently been set up to be humbled, yet she refuses to learn the lesson!

    She foolishly believes that wealth proves God's favor, but as the Bible says "it is easier to drive a camel through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven", she should recognise that she is being sorely tested and failing every step of the way.

    Her own hubris and ego will be her spectacular downfall and she'll STILL blame someone else.

    This is why God invented popcorn!

  67. Anonymous8:33 AM

    "Father you lead Sarah in the path of righteousness for Your Name sake. Not a hair on her head shall perish. As You count the number of the stars and call them all by name you shall call up all Prayer Warriors for Sarah to lift her up in prayer everyday. She will know in her heart that You are with her as You were with Your servant David."

    Just read those sentences slowly and analytically.

    To quoted Cindy McCain.


    I do like the comparison of Sarah et al with David though. He is one of the great anti-heroes of Western Civilization.
    Not a nice man at all.


Don't feed the trolls!
It just goes directly to their thighs.